Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1912, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. Merchants ! Attention! We are agents for cele- brated Solar Arc Gas Lamp, 100 are in use in Kingston. Full supply of Mantles, Globes, etc. Consult us and we will improve your lighting, whether Gas or Electric. H. W. Newman Electric Co. ,. 79 Princess St. Phone 441 > ~| » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR | DAILY BRITISH WHIQG, published at 306-210 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year. Edifions at 2.20 and 4 p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts © | Thursday morning at $1 a year. To United States chargs for | be added, making price of Dally $2 and Weekly $1.50 jer year d Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Cauada; and cheap work; nine Improved presses. onday and tage had to rapid. styl. ish, 17 THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED J. Leman A. G. Elllett, President, Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE.~S8ulte 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H. E. S8mallplece, J.P, representative. TRADE FOLLOWS THE FLAG. in the matter of militar shun it The Citizen, a cordial sup. commands porter of the fedeyal government, Ottawa when it presents it Why purposefulness eri | ism, why iself in the guise of trade? more how the preference not of I anada's spirit of loyalty bv opening ticizes it because it does not give earnest atténtion to the British The matter was suggested by, the the trade doors to Great Britain with Guide addressed y out demanding that. she pay a fee to The [tax on Cynadian goods. they say, In<the spirit of | ilar speech." grain growers whose the manufacturers, only Rut-off says the mother couniry levies no Money too, to receive a (nter ? "At present," cheers of Can in their reply talks, {| (1 ti J { | "the jada are for the pavy imperial union, Canada will contribute | pointedly expressed. and practical Citizen, and patriotism, in sim I'he reproach is well and Our love for Bri should be as Fhe ther wealth and even her life to main- | tain, our loyalty, tain the integrity of the empire. Jt is as they are sentimental. A Great Bargain Good Market Garden of 30 acres, frame house, with all out- buildings and furnace within § mile of city limits, $5,000.00 Norman & Webb Real Estate. Life. Fire, Live Stock, and General Insurance, 171 1-2 Wellington Street. "Phone 730, , brave talk, 10 be followed a little lat- | irade question is not to he obscured jer by the concrete decd. But if duty'iy any other on any account A LESSON IN TAXATION. and the lively debate illegul, went through e Ih: that oth places Une alderman put "Thoare fixed assess the position led { i : | From the Woodstock Sentinel Review 10 cut assessment, pro Ihe it to a | one learns how manufacturers are fg cut was pronounced but i ' vourcd by certain towns. At a recent | | meeting of the Woo lstock Council the Justibeation was this dd it lip this way Finance committee reported in favour i of the fbulk sum, or about $600,000 jess than ly ithe | A change in the F, assessing the local industries at a cash is hard a city that has not assessor had entered them. ments fob munufactirers. In ga certain section of Hamilton. there is stan mills section the assessment seems Loe I'he town had years the a on the dollar, rate 13 {have been necessary. dard rate of nine | jenjoyed in previous inere- | hut outside of that yment from the electric plant, which is ihe full one." Another alderman said "owned and operated by the municipal- the this { rource no the {reason is not stated--it was decided to that Berlin fixed SERSmMEN(s and Guelph gave as Iifegal ? Yes, but the a terror to those who violat | ity, but as income from law was not ed it «ns was longer available Fhe revelation will have its le It how some and fo that £0, and effects. makes clear, The no raise the assessment, | 600 might be. raised. | Finance interviewed doubt by | al taxes ashy rate, hold the decided ployment (othe people. in places secure and committee, institutions that the give em manufacturers, | = . ROBERTS' FiLTZR SYSTEM. EB BEAVER BOARD The best substitute for lath, plaster and wall paper. Ask us for particu- lars. tpt mm S. Anglin & Co. Wellington St. North The Whig has examined the plans mach nery--the purity oi the ard without it the whole would be worthless, however ate. Then there is the rapid cleansing of the filter when no cessary. Automatically, and through Frossure guages, notice is given when the filter needs a wash, and the work, with filtered water, and by in the current of water and dntrodue tion of air, can be done effectively in a few minutes. There does to be anything lacking. will be ample, (eapable at of filtering 8,000,000 gallons of wate water system an I specifications which have been sub- elabor- miteed of the has by the Roberts company, Pennsylvania, respecting The . : A, proceeded with the understanding that 'the city means business, that it real- ly intends to construct a ®ilter, and it has prepared elaborate plans, and for the special needs of Kingston. On this account, because carefully they are deserving of special consider ( Darby, : i advantage of =n | siopaned filter. company a change prepared, not seem The the start ation. plant The company provides sketches of the building which will be necessary to house and accommodate the plant. This buildiog, to the south oi the pumping = plant, of brick and stode, corresponds with the pumping station, and will be a handsome and It will contain ten each one complete coloured a day), subject to indefinite expansion and such as must be satisfactory to the City of Health and Council before it can be taken over. Provincial and Joards The cost, as the Whig hus already announced, will be $54,000 The city wants a filter--the local loard of Health has demanded th substantial edifice. cylinders or units, and capable of operation apart from Tho shot on which wots n can h Sul in Arse 0 uckTods wth 1 8 Noo & | rome. sun, $5 per bow, for Soci 4 ironic r Bold ahi rae la on Pa pamp agg Mame 0c Tonowo, salt: atid Furniture. you want A bar gain. = a BIG STOCK OF STOVES. I have a big Stock of First- class Heaters and Stoves which can be bought very cheap. Now Is your time to buy and got, ready for cold weather, Also a fine line of Furnl ture. Household Goods, ete. Antique Furniture a specialty, L. LESSES © 807 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 1045, PREFERVING SEALERS, Lot of Preserving Sealers Crafers Wholesale -- or with the others. rtp st Cook's Cotton Koot Lompound. ing from the pump great. Utarine Tonle, und | through ule effectual Monthy aso, a and Second-hand Beds | Call and see m ® Jetter to thé-press. 242 Outarie Nireet, ecnstruction of one, on pain of penal ties to be dictated hy the Provincial gravel, and | ord of Health--and it tha being chemically i! tilities committee to decide upon the fare and whole rierits of the various the have been laid before it. The water, entor- i side, passes is for strainers, sand, treated, passes out' schemes that Jade pressure, and That the guarantee of is SIGNS oF TIE TIMES. -- Mitchell, * Ontario, interesting and instructive 'ire election, but was later go impress td with its necessity that he predicted n separation of the west from the rast unless it was granted He quotes a merchant of Holden, Alber ta,' as saying that the west protested against the east because it had refus vd; the former the belter kis grain. He qutes a merchant of Langdon as saying that he sold oats in Oregon, after paying 20¢ bushel duty, and realiced 9c. bushel than he had been offered in Canada. Lastly, he cites a Shoal Lake conservative as saying that hu Had been held up at Winnipeg where he took 500 bushels of barley, that grading and price were put down, and | that he sent the cars to Minneapolis and sold the grain for $900 more than he had been offered in Winnipeg. T. UH. Race, of writes an It has been su (1) The tour the | posted by two. things : jof Sir Wilfrid Laurier provinos, and (2) the Macdonald clec- Mr. Race" was in charge of the the through market foy tion. train which traversed Canada in early summer dad which furnished an exhibit of the pinuducts of the east Everywhere it was visited by the peo- ple, and everywhere it led to lively discussions. "The point was the im- portance of protecting the manufac ture so that his prospility might con- tinue. There . were stops @t one hundred and five places, and many of these were in the North-West. The farmers were still affected hy - the -election of his per | mote pei. These are sample experiences, and Mr. Race says the evidence of dissa- tisfaction 'with present tariff conditions ate such that the liberals will sweep the west in the next dection. | September. So were the busmess men. They were not in favour of ire trade in 'manufactures. The indus- tries of the east wollld not succead without a moderate protection against the * great concerns of the United {in Manitoba the people mre strong States. Reciprocity, advocated by the {for reciprocity, and Mr. Race will be west, meant the freedom of the Aw [greatly surprised if Macdonald erican market for the natural pro- {not return a ¥beral on Oct, 13th, ducts of Canada. which is the day of polling. In_other This the west demands, and as hot | words there is fikely to be a re ly--pevaaps more hotly--to-day than {petition of what happened in 1874 and in September. Mr. Race quotes a ISS. The reign of the present party | clergyman of Millstone, a conserva: will be a short ome. All the indioa- tive, who had opposed Feciprocity in tions point that way. Even EDITORIAL NOTES. -------------- A gesuerel so does Arthur Balfour--bu{ they take ho cares ? suo chands in the rioting: "ihn, and | the ly by law i i | tall fon @° Tengil lone | i rnd of lan_equal footing with the {man who will not { seat | % TUESDAY, against foresialling the correct idea. 3" vlad. ouple in Stratford were given six me to dear out, leaving tay the costs of the ened way, and a new undesirables to the unwritgen law.« The Montreal Herald berate give woman b Why wants to be. mn the The street, car. should he 7 sufiraget te on and In Bos wi prefers man disdains his courtesies alleged ton it i» said that wow h ans stand and refuses the seat whi {other sucrepders "DR. SOPER DR. WHITE SPECIALISTS In the following Diseases of Men: Plies Varicocele | Dyspepsia Eczema | kp! lepsy Rifenmatiem Asthma | Syphilis Lost Vitality Catarrh Stricture 'Skin Diseases Diabetes Emlsslons Kiduey A flecticas And Blood, Nérve and Bladder Diseases. oa ot nd' history for free, advice. Free on Insecases and Question Blank. Medicine form. Hours--i¢ a.m. tol pan. and 2 Ww €).m. Sundays--10 ain. to 1 pan Consultation free, ' DRS, SOPER & WHITE, ™.= Toronto St, Toronto, Ont, -- furnished in tablet | LIME FOR SALE | DRURY' 'S Coal & Wood Yard Phone 443, 238 Welllagton St RADWAY'S READY RELIEF FOR LA GRIPPE | | | | i four to en om Go to hedga he Sed. . fa ohetin Ask for RAI WAY Sand Take no Substitutes ee | SELECT OYSTERS SMOKED FILLETS {DOMINION FISH C0. { 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 502 SRT BUNT ACTER VOTTTEBRS Bilen oH She's on the warpath again She's always most active when the nipping winds set others shivering. They bring her out --busthng about to get ready that basin of warm, satisfying $65 soup which looks so geod, smells: so gaod, and tastes-- | well, just try a basin yourself and see, = It's made of prime beef and the choicest of Irishvegetables. And as there's no overs strong, added flavouring, it is the makin . does | of afiy other soup of made dish. DWARDS Sc. per packet. Fdwerds'.Desiccaled Soup is made in tree varieites -- Broth, Tomaio, While. The Brown variely is a thick, wouvishing soup prepared Jrom beef and froshwegetabies, The olker. ho are purely wapiane soups. Bil for half an hows Lois of 'dainly new dishes in our nel Cook Book. Write for a copy post ire "SOUPS OCTOBER 1, 1912. A The Seasons Best Suits If you've never been liere for your clothes, come to sce what you've been . missing. Every new style feature is worked out in the most beautiful wool CNS you ever saw. See Our Blue Suits : Hand Tilored, fast colors, $15, $18, $20. See Scotch, - Tweed Suits Patterns, New shades of Brown, Blue, Grey, ete | New Green, Bronze, Hand Tailored, $18.00 Classy Overcoats The man who. is considering an Overcoat can solve the question most casily here. Our Raglan Our Kenmore Come and See the New Styles ~~ BIBBYS Limited Men's and 78,80, 82 PRINCES $18.00 Cur Carlton $12.50 $15.00 dur Wooline $20.00 Departmental Store SS STREET. Boys' J COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. BEDROOM FURNITURE Iron Bed Special this week. $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and up. sSome special ones at $5.75 50. Springs, $2.50, $3.50, $6.50. Mattresses, $2.50 to $30.00. ang ' TT "THE QUEEN MILLINERY pst RE SR 1 | Attractive - for Tailored or Dresyy Waar. ' Hrovm, Velvet French Felis in Plain and Two-toned effects Pleatings and Mounts Carrot and Hats in all Plain Felis ~ Silk Beavers in_Black. Black and White, Black Mauve and Black and White Velours, Silk shades, with artistic bows eof Ribbon, STYLES FOR YOUTHFUL Roll Brim ------ ay = ---------- 3 i LITTLE FACES, yA smooth Engligh 81. 23 , $2.00 ntrimmed Child's or Misses Btreet Hat Wool at School Girls' Hats in soft On Wednesday Shapes will be Whether | 171 WELLINGTON, STREET pou vuns £1.75 of U close fitting shapes at large assortment another very on display looking or buying you are always weledihe Charming New Millinery) Models J A oe me EE E. BLAKE THOMPSON, | Real Estate, [Loans and Fire Insurance | ~ ----Agent for ---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manifoba Assurance Coy. | MARKET SQUAKE, lh OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANNK. KINGSTON, ONT, | B | 'Phone 286. "ATID 27 ISALLCOOD H i | FAL enn

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