Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1912, p. 3

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RAILWAY Laan 1 FINE LOW ONE WAY SECOND CLASS RATES TO PACIFIC COAST 25th to Oct, /$50.10 SAN FRANCISCO, CALF. LOS ANGELES, CALF BAN DIEGO, CALF. MEXICO CITY, MEX. On sale daily Sept VANCOUVER, B.C. VICTORIA, B.C. SEA iE, W TACOMA, W E- These tickets permit liberal overs, and will be accepted for commodation In tourist cars. For beth: reservations and full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY. C.P. & TA, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets - KINGSTON T LE SR cURL IN CONNECTION WITH OANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. COLONIST RATES 26th to Oct. $50.10 SAN FRANC 18C0, @ AL. "1652. 50 Full particulars at K. & P, and C, P. R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingétor daily, except Sun- day, at 3 p.m, for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports, call- ing at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays. and. Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at reasonable rates. On sale dally, Sept. 10. VANCOUVER, B.C VICTORIA, B.C. SEATTLE, WASH. TACOMA, WASH, SAN DIEGO, C AL. MEXICO. CITY, MEX. { ] | | 1 | Gen. Pass. Agent. | * JAS. SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, Sy Ficket Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC] EMPREGIES Leagth, 870 frat Reeadih, 671% font Te annfe, 14 Wireless and a A00 Stdanals oth a1 ALL RECORDS BETWEEN ANADA AND; LIVERPOOL » Empress of Ireland y+ O0t, 4 Lake Champlain . Lake Manitoba ' Empress of Britain .. Fmpress-of Ireland. 12 15 ] wet, Oct, Nov Nov Nav Lake Champlain Lake Manitoba 9 Tickets rnd all information trom any steamship agent, or F. CON- WAY, GPA, K. & PR, Kingston, Ont # "WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. } Mines, the best Auntaracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO North End Cntariv Street. 'Phone 155. - and hunt up that plumber who did this poer job and charged $0 outrageously! Johnny will not hunt for or shoot at us, because he knows that what we do--we do well." We are modern Kea Plumbers, who know our in all its varied | | | | 10th. } 152.05 stop- ac-| sleeping | | Ea FOR MAKING SOAP FOR WASHING DISHES FOR SOFTENING WATER FOR DISINFECTING SINKS CLOSETS. DRAINS ETC. MADE IN CANADA EW.GILLETTCO LID TORONTO-ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL Kingston Business College tIdmited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-vixth year, Fall term begins. August 20th, Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway core porations in Canada, Enter a time. write for informa- tion. . Metcalfe, Principal. Kingston, Canad -------------- WAS A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC | Now Finds It a Pleasure to Enjoy Meals Hereis a case which seemed as bad | and as hopeless as yours can possibly be. Thisisthe experience of Mr. H. J. Brown, 384 Bathurst St., Toronto, in his own words : "'Gentlemen--1I have much pleasure in mentionin irom oar Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and on cheerfully recommend them. simply had confirmed dyspepsia with ol) its wretched symptoms, and all the advertised cures with no success. You have ig Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets the Best curative agent I could find. It is now such a pleasure to enjoy meals with their conséquent nourish. ment that [ want to mention this for the benefit of others.' The fact that a lot of prescriptions or so-called "cures" have failed to help you is no sign that you have got to go on suffering. Try Na-Dm-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and see-how guickly this sterling remedy will give you relief and start your stomach working properly. 1fit doesn't tielp you, you get your money back. soc a box at your druggist's. Compounded by the National Drug and Chemical Co. A aneda, Limited, Montreal, \ 141 LL Men's Fall Coats nmin | Something Distinctive Something " firaphy, Civil Bervice and Eng- | to you the benefits received~./ Me tried about ! THE D. AILY COOKE'S GUILD DINNER AN E NJOYA ABLE [was © MONDAY EVENING. EVENT Cooke's Junior "Basehall Team Pre- sented With 'Newman Those Who Contributed Toast List and Prégramme, The Presbyterian g of Cooke's reh held a dinner in the lecture of the church on Monday | ing After an enjoyable repast {thé president, Donald Parkhill, eall- ed the gathering to order for the | toast list After The King,' | He #thro Percy rendered a solo. The Guild" was proposed by | Walter Francis, who spoke. of the | great oppatiunity that was before lan orsy*aization of this . kind. iA". Newman in responding, review Ted the great work done by the or- | ganization and he looked forward {to - bigger and greater things | future. He made special reference ito the men that the church has {turned out,; that were making Inames for themselves. This toast | was followed by to the { hall py. J. Wa. éhurch, spoke {things that the ting this coming winter. It done great things in. the past, | still bigger and greater | look: d forward to. i iss IL. { which was greatly appreciated. | The toast to "The Ladies" { proposed by Grant Smith and. re lsponded to by Andrew Dunlop | This toast was followed by a vocal {solo by Miss Flora Falr. | Frank Newman, donor of the jun-' tior 8.8.A.A.A. Dbasket-ball tropn, {vas called upon to present the cup | to tae Cooke's juniors, as winners in presenting the trophy, Mr {man gave the boys some ivice. Messrs. E. Pound od H W ! Vewman favored with a duet } | "The Press,' { neth Kiell, and replies were mac {by Frederick Sproule and Frederi {B. Pense. At the close a vote of thanks was | | tendered the ladies for {cellent dinner they provided. Mcintosh, of pastor of the great has but to 1 | THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE, ' Marriage of Miss 'Norene Wiley and | Philip L. Convey. { Oct. 1.--<Miss Norene ! lagdalene Wiley, daughter of Mr Mrs. Robert Wiley, North strect jam 284 an ante-nuptial reception to | hew friends at her home last evening, fat which a large number were in at tendanae. After her marnag Tuesday she. with her husband, leo Convey, a former Itawn, will . locate at Saskatoon, | Bak. where Mr. Convey has been lo | vmred for some time past. Convey was for Owe time on the office stafi of the T. 1. RR. Co., {and was prominent in all out-oi-door Laporte. Many handsome and useful westimoninls have been received hy the young couple. The marriage was sol emnized mm St. John's church at nine {o'clock this morning. The hous | was handsomely decorated for the re ception The Misses Kate Mol arney and Helen O'Connor presided the tables, and the Misscs Laura Chad wick and Mollie Smith served th cream. I Miss Hazel Wilson, {ate David Wilson, for Fatueies Varsity | panied by her brother, a 1912 graduate will ewer Gann anodque, Ly on Philip resident of the Lt ie th left hes daughter of Brock Toronto, She was b street | ysstorday, to resum n Gordon Wil of the high Varsity for at nm | #0n, school, jcoiirse in arts Mr. and Mrs. H. W who Lytle, of Fal BRITISH "W BiG, mgm------ oyen. BIN H.| in the | a solo by William | guild purposed do-' was | New- | good ad- | was toasted by Ken | Phosphonul | restores every neryeindhe body rn ok | NH ESDAY, CITY IS IN NEED Gpen Churclies Every Week: al, pastor THE Of Day of thw wiiwt Trophy-- i rife lower ut ona] ' h Ww prougnt the Y. MA there aro I han w rangers letter AT Neal made 1 remarks the conyers: Ha gO 1 Write Mr lines from ls slong these Sunday eveaing. Sick Headaches are not caused by anything wrbng in thé head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian, Root Pills dre purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure, When you feet the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills | | things are | Toland gave a recitation! Standard iemedy for Glo t, Gonorrhers and Runnings iN 43 HOURS. Cures Kid. ney ang Bland der Trnuties TEA! TEA! TEA | From the Finést Tea Guardens of Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest flavor, Greep and Black at 30¢ per oound. at ALN ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Owinrin Street | | | Lg | Electric Restorer for Men 8 proper tension ; réstores ¥ remature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Ari tn wil make you a new mah, Price Fa two for Mailed to any sddress he Saban Drug we Bt. Catharines, vim and vitality the ex For sale a$ Mahood's drug store. Ee | . GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has been thoroughly renovated aud refurnished, Meunl¥ a Specialty tocked with d cigars 4 and stables In oity JOHN COUSINEAU, Proprietor, ® choleest "Dr. Martel's Female Pills "Nineteen Years the Standard, men's aliments, a séientifically wnred remedy of proven warth, result from thelr use permanent. For sale nt all drag stores. pres The We test your eyes heen guests Oliver, spending low Field; who have {Rey. and Mugs. A. anoque Fast parsonage, |of their honeymoon, left vesterday {Toronto and Niagara Falls, hich they will locate at Fallow Field There not being, the requisite er of eight entried. for the match on Saturday's programme of the Gananoque Rifle association th event was, in consequence, { Messrs. Douglas Peck and lzzie {have left for Toronto to vesum fst aclies at Toronto university Jrene floole and the Messrs. Rogers and H. Hinton have | Kingston to resume their studies Queen's. Mrs. Alexander of t tan | part | for aftr | nin novice called off Zivian | Alig H ter | - MAY AVOID + PERIODIC PAINS | The Experience of Two Girls ® Here Related For The Benefit of Others. b gone 0 Bamford and Mrs IM. R. Hunt are spending a short time twith friends in Kingston. Miss Berths {Aikens, Thornloe, returned vesterda {to resume her studies at Gananoque | thigh school. Mrs. Oscar W. Henne i= | spending a short time with frierds af | Port { 'olborne, JOINT MEETING HEL D. | Classy | Something | of Merit | The most distinctive feature of our Fall Coats | | ha Shat which makes em ¢ assy and a | of merit is their hie lass sailor} 7 Nomat- e goods | used areif the Samet pe as soon loses it's '9 By Epworth Leaguers m Sydenham | | Street Hall. ' An enthusiastic joint meeting of the [Epworth Lofivues of Sydenham and {Quern Street Methodist churches was held in the lecture hall of the former {on Monday evening. A number of the { wiombers of the intermediate league of {Sydenham church were also present. bi The singing was, most hearty. | Rev. Gi; wb -Eampbell, the new pastor jof Queen ifreet church, gave a thougnt- {ful hats on the Epworth Leacue, its name, motto, colors and pledge Mr. Campbell, in dealing with it in its | mage" phases of activity, set high > andar and ideals belbre the young - | Since: the avrival of their new pas- itor, thy young folk at Queen street pb have reorganized their society, and over twenty-five visited the Sydenham- many do, they are cast ES Daiote half worn side The Brands of our Coats are a sufficient gurantee of their merit | nce you oF thins n- 3 ites on Monday. Sydenham will re {turn the compliment in the hear fu rove Vo i For Skins Aflame. | aw Many of the itching and burning oi tbe skin cause as acute ing, hohe skin was ac remedies give no relief but burning, {money KEELEY, Jr., - | i { | s their | WE GRIKD YOUR LENSES We fit them to your face Satisfacticn. guaranteed refunded. Optometrist "Phone 927. | 230 Princess Street HOW GIRLS Rochester, N. Y.--*'1 have a daugh- ter 13 years oid who has always been "very healthy until recently when she somplained of dizziness and crainps every month, 80 bed that I would have to keep her home from school and put her to bed to get relief. "After giving her only two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- | pound she is now enjoying the best of health. I cannot praise your Compound too highly. I want every good mother to read what your Snedicing has done for 311 Exchange St. OC TOBE R 1, i the 1912. 1 QUEEN'S MAN'S SUCCESS R A Maelean See ures Degree Ph.D). at Chicago: a ention of ti A. Maclea: id i | i | uf | | has n laude be. Ma anguished acaden radust ot Clues posi University pursued has ars ago he in classic cluter n to his interest bir Ma Lean has bw and during the las t mn H Joined | viel in Bos 'and along of went ton ar aeologist hief party. w ion work with a party to Grecee and visit of in there to Crete which is being supervision es terest fhe eX due bir tion In elected university tr aval un steed there undetothe Arthur Evan Ma Lean has Manitoba . a dire resigned his po wollege Je has been r of the bureau of vel for Canada has to tecture aboad en th reek He « afl a vea Smith's Falls. nud wen mvited subg literature pet 8 to: retura to (reese He formerly lived in Died at Brewer's -Mills. «Un thi clanned ghter of De of Brewers Is, Sept. 28 evaning of Sep Mrs. Joseph Helfen y, the late W. H. Nelson , od as born iin Pitts hare sixty-four though ; death _camé as friends. lemth only Barriefield township 23rd « dau the Al ha o her was a het others to the on Wedne followed by testified ta de remaining members of held.» After the funiwd services was conductsd by Re Mi Lyndhurst, the procession wen to Lan years ago ling jor Sgme time past n severe shock Mrs. Helferty noble character, beng 1aany. womar of rhiuphits The Fanaius Anglican church, day, 25th, at one o lengthy nhwavs for mveyed Favior, clogk, 'which which the were of cortege, eased and she family Lhe Lr ars m in w hia v Smith, ded ite where Ltery the way me the Besides she leaves Brewer's nog ue of remains were placed in her sorrowing two Mills, one vault sons, Fdw daughter, band Ww of ananogue, Eva, ard ( Miss and ang at home | Prescribed and recommended for we. Is gulek nod , surance . policy or Carters Want Pay by Load. ome disggieement regardumy between the company the new roadwa siveel, and th the gras ALeLiue pev wage that Clar are has arisn 1s having «noe CcArting un arters whe to the Kensin ondway, and the latte vere noteat work an Monday morning. The carters have beci-getting paid by the day, snd they now want to paid by the load However, the soar fying of the str has reached sueh a point that the services of these men at this time are, not jeams and wa earth romuisin rs v } be wt novded ving the urgently gon mi 2 are re A Good Reputation, Any firm's business ia largely buh up on ite reputation for Yair dealing This is partienlarly frie of sn in company, You don't want a in a company that when your fire loss urs is going to sguoese vou and hold off as long as possible You want vour loss settled fairly and promptly paid. The company that has earned in' the last threw quarters of a centuwy perhaps the greatest re putation for liberal and prompt fase saiglemonts is the Liverpool & Lon re don & Globe. See that you have ils protection. . Agents, Jtrange & Strange. Bemoving Parham Church. The church of the Anglican parich af, Parham ha¢ lven removed about an dghth of a mile nearer the village, where & site has been puorchased for it. The buildieg of the railway line through the old property necessitated - the removal. of abe_pla of of worship. Day the Lg Bak | Wheat shipments trim the vet terested | and saw the! & ot hus | Herbert { | hair, PAGE THRE®. 19 som Of. Lawrence Torenta, Out, Oct. ist, tawa Valley and Upper Si. Moderate fresh morth-west te north winds: fine and con! to-day and en Wednesdngy: Hght local frosts to-night || Weather Probabilities : [LADIESH FE Don' t Forget the = i A \ Y B § Demonstration or "Finch Fashens" BY MRS. J. H. HOAR, OF NEW YORK, n Wed, Thursday! and F riday, Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th, AT THE &} i Eo A 5 Y 1t | | I Sieney Store. VTSINERSES) [FISIWEASERE [INES] (EES) --- TTI, ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Wholesale Retail THE NEW COMPANY NEW IDEAS LARGER BUSINESS S---- ns a Owing to our extensive purchases abroad; we are now able to offer you a large and varied assortment of the very latest and up to-date productions from the teading manufacturers of Europe, Come and see ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED CHINA HALL A WOMAN NEVER LOOKS BETTER THAN HER HAIR HERPICIDE 1 as good," bat Herpicids he genuine { oiginal dandruff germ desirover | Newhbro's Herp Me, and $1 sold by all dealers who guar to do is claimed. 11 t satisfied your money will of women o thei Newt Her " TRousands youthful appearance is to \ ' de in sicide \o mater what ma ¢ i | M1488 In man, with a nice head of that J always looks youuger Me aw ntee it all that hair soll, glossy ou mre no be refunded Recommendod and applications made the best barbers and hair dives fufiy, than beautifal {Dy ers. makes the hair sheen and shimmer which is | «0 attrsctive and always indicates * a | Send 10 healthy. nataral growth It keeps | booklet to the scalp free from dandruff and the [R., Detroit, Mich i hair froth falling out | Jas. B. Mcleod and I There are remedies said to be coin] agents. Women's Fall Boots Special for this week at $2.00 Women's Dongola Boots, .good weight of sole, short vamp, 'medium heel solid insole. A regular Fall Boot for $2.00. is. Herpicide with that in postage for sample and the Herpicide Co.' Dept, 1 Best, spe "just

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