Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1912, p. 8

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NEW GOODS FOR FALL Are arriving daily and you'll surely énjoy see- ing the latest arrivals, ° A more splendid showing than we ever had for your inspection now awaits your approval here. \ Come and look the newest things over whe- ther you want to by or not. An inspection will prove very interesting, Ta Day is a good + Lime, SUITS, $10.00 to $20.00. COATS, $12.00 to $18.00. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET Everything Jor Men and Boys to Wear. | Special | Sale THURSDAY MORNING 8.30 o'clock a A AN A At st 126 only English Eiderdown Quilts Worth $6.00, $6.50,,$7.00 On Sale $4.98 each Filled with fine quality Fiderdown, coverings of extra fine English Sateen in handsome floral, designs, contrasting color combinations, ughly quilted andvehtilated, colors iW. Skionsr, Paisley and plain ; Sawyer, KARA ARAL, S88. *- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1912. (HIGH SCORING ~ DONE)": x hice. mo = fBusrett, Sih Hussars, 0 : Team scores First price, 14th Regi Major. HH. J. Campheli, 2; Stall Color-Sergt. iment, P.W.0. ASSOC. Dawson, 94. Cape 8 Lida W. I Sergt Skinger, Fraser, 87: total, Recent prize, RR Rifles PP. SHA ne, ud; ix9, AT CIVILIAN RIVLE : © OTHON ANNUAR MEET. StatoSergt.-- KE. WW. Skinner to Lieut. W. 162 in the and civilian team Vil-Comers' Match. Saketine, 3 » MN sare, 3. J. J) The annual prize meet of the cit Rp a , 93: total, 166. ilian Trifle assodiation teok place on Third prize, stall Saturday commencing at 8.30 in the (0 lege © QM. -Nergt. WX, morning and continwing. until dark. ov 4 nega prevented further shooting. The scores made throughout the day wire very high, many possibles being recorded. the weather cordis: vps, while more or less unfavor: able, did pot seem to bother the marksmen very much as the high | scores given below indicate. { Btaff-Sergt. W. A. Johnston was {the winner of the grand aggregate. | They Are Doing and Saying. 'A team from the 14th Regiment Dean Bidwell left at noon to-day, {P.W.0. Rifles, won the first four for Toronto. {places in 'the al-comers match! W. Hazett is iStaff-SBergt. E. W. Skinner and for a fow days. Eleut. W. E. Swaine attained 102, Dr. William Thompson and wife, of roin's. tho highest! reached on the New York, are visiting in the city, Barriefield ranges. Sergt. Skinner Arthur Bick, of Ottawa, is m Kiog made this same score a few weekd ston to resume his studies at Queen's ago jumiversity. The 14th Regiment won the foam! Mics . Hattie Ardagh, Arch street, mateh, the civilian members of the left f6r Hartford, Conn., on Monday, K.R.A. second; RM.C. staff third. to visit friends. and the second team of the KR.A. yp. and Mrs. Frank McCue and Pa tose 4 akh trick McCue, Kingston, were in West- 500° yards on mach : port last week. ; ih The Bishop of Ontario preached har rs vest thanksgiving services at Morris burg on Sunday. Mrs. J. McQuade, Alfred streét arrive ed home to-day after a three weeks' visit with friends in Chicago Andrew Smith, aged seventy years, died, in Toronto, of heart failure, on Friday. Ie was horn in Kingston. R. McMillan, who has been emplay- ed on the steamer Toronto, all sum: ner, has returned to his home in thus eity, | ~=Wev. Henry Trvine, Winnipeg, forme: Iv of Ningeton, has accepted an in Wesley church, Fort Wil : fc Nergt. Howdle, 94; Stafi-Sergt. Manus, 86; Pte. Parks, 93; total, 461. Stafi- Ve; Dade 121 Points, PERSONAL MENTION. home from Ottawa rounds a WwW. A Johnston, 35; vation to liam Richard Clarke, Kingston Box factory, a trip abroad, He visited his home in London, lng. Pr. Panl J. Maloney. head of health department of Kingston trict, hae heen in attendance at National Hygiene association im Wash ington. RW. Bro. Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, of this city, D.D.G.N th Masonic district, will, on evening, pay his first official going to Odessa lodge. the from old formerly of is home tha dis Mondn, SKINNER, visit, Tox STAFPF-SERGT. EB. W vepealed his score of x burrietield Rifle lunges Rev. 3. E. Harrington and his bride, AE ---- we married last week, in Smith's ' McMunus, 34; A. Atking, 34; J. wore in the city over Sunday. A re Barret, 43; J. Howdiy, \'. ception will be tendered them at Mr Laune, 35, KR. A. pang, 64; J. Harrington's parish at Pittsburg this + Blarett, dz; U. HW. Blow, $1; k. week. bar:ett, Iyro prize of $i, Ke 8, glountt, 24 Subec: ivers' mate, ten rounds GUu yards--J. J. Barrett, 46: W. Joanstou, 45; KR. A. Bailie, 43; A Atkins, 43; W. A. Sawyer, 43: Howdle, 41; T. M. Asseltine, 39; . £. Bott, 3%; KE. C. Barrett, 3%; has i, W. Cuthbertson, 37; Tyro prize, inserintions . H. Biobitt, 34. ten 4860 BL. One com Grand aggregate, combined scores plains of the high cost of i aches 1, 2 and 8: { living in Babylon. Shield (presented by Lt. Col. A. B. Cunningham) WW, A. JONUs0H, | bbb bedPbdedidbbdbbbddidbd bs 177 points. i rn et Shield (presented by W. F.7 DEATHS AND BURIALS, Nickie, K.C., M.P.)%-J. J. Barret 173 points. Shield, (presented Rifle Association) --A. points. Silver medal (presented by King- ston. Rifle Association)--R. A. Bail- He, 169 points. } Silver medal, (presented by King ston Rifle Associatioin)-el. Howdle 168 points. Kilver medal, (presented dy King- #ton Rifle Association)---T. M. As- selstine, 163. Spoon--W. M. Baillie, 162 points Spoon--J. H. Barrett, 160 points. Spoon<-W. A, Sawyer, 160 points. Spoon D. T. MeManus, 158% points. Silver medal for tiost score made by a Tyro, presented by W. M. Bail- lie won by Capt. E. C. Barrett, 4th ™ . i Hussars Silver medal, for second The wervioo was conducted by he best Tyro score, presented by J. J. 'eRov Rice. of First Congregationa Barrett, won by R. S. Sibbitt. . vhurch. Extra series at 200 vards, possible twenty-live peoints--J. H, Barrett, 20; W. E. Swains, 25; W. A. Johnson, 3 . Dawson, 24; T. M. Asdelstin., . M. Baithie, 24: D. T. MeManu . Died in Hotel Dieu. E.-W. Skinner, 21; E. C. Barvett, 2: W. 5. Milton, 25, : Extra series at 50 yards, possible twenty-five portite-~J. H. Barvvety, 2 K. A. Baillie, 35; W. M. Baillie, H.3. Dawson, 25: F. W. Skinner, . E. Bwatne, 35; W. A. Jolinston. & W. A. Milton, 2%; J. J, Darvett, ¢ iT. McManus, 24 Extra series at 600 vards, possible J iwentyaiive points-T. M Assalstins, | vB. W. Skinser, 28; J. 1 Barrett, | 13; 0H. 4 Dawson, 24: W. 1 Swaine, 25 PL GL EL Campbell, . Ho Bae ratt, 23; R. A, DBadbie, "WwW. A Johaston, 21; W. A. Sawyer, 21 Extra series aggregate, possible enty-five points w E. Swany, 4; KE. $3; i gr; | | $ 3 3 HIGH COST OF LIVING. Chicago. Sept. 30---Dr. F. Islen, Chicago University, sueceeded in travslating on bricks writ- The Passing of an Aged Resident of Pittsburg. k The death oceurved, on Sunday, at | Whitmout P.O. Pittsburg, of "Mrs, Jane English. The deceased was cighty-seven years of age. Ihe funeral of the late James Campbell, of Portsmouth, took plac, on Sunday afternoon. two St. cemetery. The death oceurred in Picton, on Friday evening, of Fdith Lois Gould, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GG. Gould, formerly of this city. The funeral took place on Monday, to Cataraqui cemetery. The funeral of the late Jonas by Atkins, Kingston 170 Lun on Saturday afternoon, mains were placed in the family plot which! thd deceased was a member, at .' tended the funesal in a. body. removed to the Hotel Dien a short time ago, ill of typhoid fever, died, on Mcnday morning at three o'clock. 'Ihe deceased hgd been employed in * the Montreal Transportation com pany's yards amd was evidently not very leng in the city. The remains will be buried Tuesday afternoon, m Catavagui cemetery. Here on Their Honeymoon, Mr. and Nr." Carl F. Eply, of Mount Cléinins, Mich., are in Kiugs ton on (heir homeymoon, and are the Elliott, 372 Brock street. They were married last Tada wv: he rida is the -t - daughter of . and Mrs, oma I. Dawsun ih + ne Barrett, 78; a Moore, formerly of this city. R. A. Baillie, 78; J.J, Barret, 7107 Last nll for Plums. A. Jebnston, TW; W Baillie, 63: | " a e Bus Mog Hi. Baill pi For Tuesday we will have our last Winner of medal presented by 1. M. lot of ombarte: Jranes, Duman. Asselstin: for highest seore made by a 8. Peac every Ly i thro in this match, Capt. Fo C. Bar week, at Carnoveky's. Soo rett, 4th Hussars, sisty-five points. i. : Ly ih Albeomers' match, von rounds at Suy hot water bottles at Gib 200, 50 and 600 yards. W. Skin. SOB 8 : ' mer, 14th, 102, W. E. Swaine, 1th, The Light _ Fterngl 102; 1". G. {. Campiell, Ith, 9%: NH. san J; Dawson, ifth, 9 W. A. Joluston, Orand Opera House on Satirdiy RRA. 97. 4. J. Barrett, K.R.A", 95: night and left ou Sunday fo J. Howdle, K.R:A.y 4; TM. Assely- Ye 5 : tine, NRA, 8 W. N. Baillie, KR. | Hi. Convinghain, piano tuner, B31 A, 9% R.A. Baillie, KR.\., 93; W_ King _ street. Leave orders fs RAM. 83: A. Atkins, KRALL] Raley » book "Pinel Cough Queen street ist church in the hands of decorators. will be ready for re-opening on , October 20th. st 11 "Buy hot water bottle at Gib kJ. Ho Baceit, K.RA, 2: GO Aithhertson, KR A, 91: W. A, |: DT, MeManus, Fraser, thik, 55; OC. W. | For In'ants and Chiidren. Smith's Falls say that {The-Kiad You Have Always Bonght : . from H. Swaine Each Made Kinkstoa Rifle Association: T. M. As lafllie, 93; R. A. Barrett, 95; J. H. of Royal Military. Johnston, Me- Next in order, K. R.A. second team, | Movements of the People--Wha the | of the fourteen | Falls | SP SBOP PEY 3 Mary's din took place to Cataragui cemetory | where the re | The officers of the Home Circle, oli John Burke, aged nineteen, who was' guests of the beide"s aunt, Mrs. J. W | ® Gibson's. i stiow fell in these places on Sunday or Women's Suits Above the Average To raise the quality without raising the price that is what our aim is. To provide for women and "young girls Winter Suits and' oats that will make them feel a little better dressed than the average when the wear them. : bt Working for years with this aim in view, it is not sur- prising that we should get in-_ teresting results. i And so we invite you to | come To-Morrow and pick out your Fall or Winter Suit or Coat from a stock that is" | not only larger but better than we have ever shown, i { i And so on through a long list to $30. New Coats In Smart, New Styles | $10 to $30. > a 3 You are at liberty to choose any Suit, Coat or Skirt, and if not ready to buy have it placed de until required - | | | stn am a -- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Ne CELEBRATED HIS RELEASE. | Frederick Verne, Onat., of Central Prison, Arrested Here. Frederick Verne, who claims Mon treal as his home, was released from the Centenl prison on Saturday, afte wrving a short term. He celebrated { i 1 Boots for Fall Wear. his in strong drink sod while coming down on the train became so disorderly that We have High Cut Waterproof Tan Boots for Ladies. We have, The » Regular height Heavy Sole Tan Boots for Ladi We have Cloth Top Tan Button Boot for Ladi a. (ler Pitas ofthe hou , We have Tan Boots for Dress Boot. The Cate Wong slow Morrisburg We have a very nice stock of Fall Boots. work Neihing Srmquny vi | Taps are very prominent. | D'S Very Pleased to show Our Assortment. > Cre The magistrate gave the accused "of vance. and asked to try sud keep 4 from drinking liquor. h Apother drunk was fined $1 aud costs. 2 *"Pinol Cough * Gibson's. Another effort to be made to puli A ------ >

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