(GAVE ALL HOPE CARTWRIGHT'S USUUUCLUEEE! | OF EVER BEING WELL + or. ovis evan LOW ONE WAY SECOND CLASS "Fru a- tes" Cured Terrible KidyDisase tat 10 Overvoe Many Obmiacles--) RATES TO PACIFIC COAST | THRE DAMY RETIN WHI. MONDAY. SEPTEVEER 30 1019 v PAGE Prymbe ta, Ont, Sepi. 2h Iv am 1 at : ! | | aise i. ] % ------ : | {I Weather Probabilities : | Ee m------ vate | : fj a. i i showers, chiefly tonight / TESS WRT VESEGIRTE FEE IEE Tl) Er © 3 On sale daily Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th. | omc hp i . ny A writer in Toronto Star { ar 3 od ¢ y ANCOUVER, 8.C, 4 Y i "If asked to put Into a word Sis | a Lisa 4 SER ; : r : Te : Fo YAROOUYS R, 8.4 \ Sen pain was awful. oA Richart tn ght Da yor Fs il ; Ps . AE SEATTLE "WASH 50 10 j @ilferent doctors attended me and all characteristic, the: word = oped | 3 w. 5 . y 3 "A A, W. . | . + | said it was Kidney Trouble, and gave tharactel ' + € Aor, which | i ; ; & *y i : ; a TACOMA, WASH, | | vould best déseribe him is fore FA, r { 0 tten ' § ' b {pop six yea rom | Political Moralist. MOUNTAIN, ONT, Dee, 1478. 1010 fils Satirical Humor--A Stern | hs : 3 4 ; | me no hose of getting well 1 g er said one who Knew him well "His SAN FRANCISCO, CALF. : i "Fruit a. s"--and in a short time PHYS! « mentality and methods, | il 4 fi ; w i LOS ANGELES, CALF. -| | 'thie swelling went down, the pain was 2/! Suggested His bolts were ¢ : Ee i : J © SAN DIEGO, CALF. f | easier, and then "Pruit-a-tives" cured | rged with the strokes of a trig : i < 2. : MEXICO CITY, MEX. J . | me. (Miss) MAGGIE JANNACK hammer, and porjected with the | 3 i oon * Fruit - a - tives is the gremtest f0rce' of a seige gun He was! These tickets permit liberal stop-| Kidney Care in the world and will oduipbed -for publie life by an ap |' . ' AT THE STORE A kind neighbor told me to try ' . { always cure Pain in the Back, Swollen plication and study which few pub overs. and will be accepted fof ac- | Hands and Feet, Headaches and other 1 men on this side of the Atlantic . OM 1 (ERS commaedation in tourist sleeping! troubles due to poisoned condition of 'have been able to afford. With in TWO SOC ETY WALKERS, cars. For be'th reservations and the blood. clinations naturally running toward Mrs. Clarence Dolan and Mrs, Joh BR. Drexel. A dowen society wo urs a full particulars apply to |» 50c a box, § for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. financial questions he gave to econ- | men who spend a part of the year at Newport, organized a walking e nes a $ : ; At dealers or write Fruig-a-tives omic problems and principles © ex- | club this smmmer, and the fil bas become so popular that it is expect. : 3 . J. P. HANI 2 CP. & TA. | Limited, Ottawa, haustive considepgtion. He wa:| ed that the club will continue in existefice through the winter months. - : 3 no del, eet eee cota ret oue of the very féw examples of a! The members walk at least five: miles a day. Most of them carry walk. : Corner Johnson and Oitario Streets. | THAT TOBACCO man of weans making statecral his | ing sticks. The exercise is pronounced one of the best gids to ber uty an ) § | ay 1 i With the "Rooster" on It profession and devoting himself for | and health, " g 9 ee Is crowing louder as he goes along thirty years entirely to politics-- | aa 2m tne ae Only 48c per pound. For chewing and siving his time and means to gi." ey Bei TE Te ki! . f hich ¥ 1d b | : smoking. i" ause from w cf he cou not 10pe § AT A. MACLEANS, in case of snecess for anything more { 7 'DIED AT GANANOQUE Ontario Bireet. - B his i : ; | . than an opportunity to serve ! country." } o CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. . | An expression. of opinion. upon | 7 THE SUDDEN PASSING OF BY 2 i this subject by Sir Richard during | i . ROBERT RUNNETT. A ---------- one of the budgets debates is in- . . teresting: "I have no objection! . S-- a i rnin Sake hs = { A whatdver," he said, 'to any man ac {One Bose Pupe's Cold Compound Pe ath in " in peg of William Hews comulating as largs a fortune as he ) Gives Relief From Colds and a Former Gananoque. Residers-- i . » . / i by honest and jesitimate means. | Grippe--No (uiinine Used. Swing Bridge Unsafe for ~eaffic.] | . / do not mean to say that 1 regard | An & - " On sale dally. Sept. 25th to Oct-10, or) it 3s the highest aim and objet. In| y.. L.; qurinetly fos] your colt nS Anaya, Pent. 20. Raber Rua. REPRESENTING "FINCH FASHIONS" / : | § 1) eel 3 ' - grec ant buh wospecta : Tai " 1 3 § VANCOUVER, B.C life. and I may say this, that if that | the Urinps SYMD-Lrgsident-ol this tows for mane rp --the most exclusive Tailoring in. Canada, weaking and al | | a be regarded as the highest end a~d | HeAking Su a taking the very , " . SEATTLL Ws $30 10 / object of life we would not be en- | de a 2 OT {ame away very suddenly. at an caddy The styles are smart and attractive, being abso- J . SEATTLE, WASH. zed i Htics v erience | (ITSt dose = hour on Saturdey mor ng, at : a TE, WASH gaged in politics, for my exp rience | || a positive fact that Pape's| oF 7 Satur uy ery ' lutely correct and have those Metropolitan in polities is. this, that although | mpound, take wery twolo 1 pret : gs . many men have entered office rich | UES Aer ST ing stresk. in the sixtrapeth oooils] touches that are irresistibly -attractive to the y | 9 IC , unt i : re sonsad Wad i 7 3 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. i 7 284 teft it poor, Bo honest a honor { Xe , will end the Grippe and op ag ¥ Dre ee ag un employe ot best dressers. These garments will be made % LOS ANGEI ES, CAL. 4 able man ever entered office po ri a up the" 'most severe cold | Tel vompany "of Ca ie . a g 3 3 al vases ys S08 ANGELES. cAL : std loft it rich,' | in the " Head, chest, back |¥0t to his work Friday morming, bn to your measure and prompt delivery, gnar- MEXICO CITY, MEX, | a } Those who have hoard hi reads | stomach or limbs . {as taken il during the da anteed. ¥neech and forceful language mry | It promptly relieves the most mis- | *ased was sadly bereaved bh } find _it difficult to believe that when | rable headaciie dullness, head and|[of his vife a few months . wi i ' . : ilote Sir Richard began his publi: career | pee g 1 up, feverishness. sneez | "role up his hofue. since nd Don t Miss This ee consecutive doses { Full particulars at: K. & P. and © | P. R, Ticket Office; Ontario Street. | f | : F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent our' ---------------- ---- i . mannerism of pronunciation Later | % | with on, however, he he:amns ons 1) | i a 25 rent package of Pape's Te that Canadian | veld Comnound" from vonr Arueeisti oy U PTT) | most notable arv.ovg i | ! ville, survive } funcr took i Mg i sR | 9 ° parliaments have developed Hit | ana take it with the knowledge that i pike this afternoon 3 ON oh) ) Bau b i langmage was a model of strength ; will nositiveiv and "romntiy cure metery, Rev. Henry Gracey. past yg Nav [0 | and. polished shmplicity, vigoroit | your epld and end all the grippe mis- &: 85 Andrew's charoh condu, tire tl | | jand Mrmrinous, with a smack of old ory; Without any assistance or bad Vice a ve Service for balance of season. | Saxon in the turn of some pirases | fter-effects and that.it contains no] ® poop 3 Leave Kingston Sept. 22nd, 24th, | from which it got an Elizabethan | uimine--don't accept something Word was received here the end ul flavor. His periods were always | sige sald to be just as good. Tastes | he week by relatives of th deat | ; | he was a slow and hesitating speak | 1 re throat, running of the nose he wade his heme with his som, | "ler. Yet such was the fact. and | us eatarrhal, discharges, sore-, William, Pine street I ddes_ whom twa | Tm a e addition he was handicapped by a 1€ stiffness and rheumatic twin- {other sc ng, John... o " keard A 1 and James, of Pete ro + [ft arla rrie, Broel o i 26th and 20th, : : ' Willi: n } f STEAMER "TORONTO." y finished and his logic well woven. | afce--acts gently ham New whose wife and Al A | . : Where he gave preparation to 8 m---- r------------ ter have resided here for mar 3 DE My Decemscd went west a fow . removed without injuring the work | " MOOSE PLENTIFUL. and settled in Winnipeg . manship of the fabric. A wide ac-| « {Pews, of the office of the - . . quiintance with the humanities an- | Best Moose Country in Ontario | Bennett Hardware Co., is a brother, digestion--nomore abled him to embellish the ordinar- Reached In a Day. + jand Mise Margaret Bews, of the {anch : il threadbare topies of political The i ie Jl {ing stafi of the Gananoque ° publi i as be erage fe Hivairtnbyiud . i fe impression seems to prevail | 1 I ple he, b th Hinstrations drawn from many that moose hunting is synonymous schools, is Ae of Sects i welds o ter 3. l & ardshi ; is is' neces. ' roth nnstrel troupe | -- | with hardship and that it Is necas i ny ro minstr £ not ing etter | "Sir Richard's humor had > | sary to go a long distance from (held the boards at the Hou strongly satircal tinge when direct- civilizati : ler to shoot this on Saturday ctenine CP LEY, 4 or you. 8 3 ; iviization in order to hi r z Corner JonnLEY. Agent, Sta. | y 2 : 'd against his opponen's, although |menarch of the forest. While this © A government inspactor from | H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A.GPA Pure, sparkling, deli- bo fas never personally offensive.| may be the cage in: regard to Many partment of Inbor us Westbound, 5.00 p.m. ¢ ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL EXKIBITION | 9 g x Eastbound, 5.30 a.m. ' a speach, a word could scarcely he CHARLOTTE AND RETURN, Going Sopt. 24th. - Return limit, Sept. 28th. For full particulars, apply to | Opera ¥ * AOTOnLO, ' Relieve brai j He fought bad prineiples, and it io districts, the northarn tertitory tra: Hatter part of ithe w ~€I0US, ! CHCVES Drain shly when men were Standing M8 versed by the Canadian Nortaern! the regulation ' ow > "ko {the swing of his scythe that they {Ontario Railway forms the great ment of the requisite WE ergs 8 y ) isi LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM. | JF ©5%7 Bucks you up. gifts swings of bls scythe hac ine |exception. Hunters may now £0 |engage on wens por = I'he mildest of stimul- i "It bad become so customary to!to Ruel by rail and there transfor at vost office and armour BOAT co. LIMITED . . hear him spoken of as acrid-tem- | 14 Clemows launches whieh yun Rev. James Wallace of Lindsay | Jaung liquid food, i verad, that an injustice has been | from that point down the Opickin- was in charge of the evening ser | + y ; fone him in this direction Im- | imicka River and to Declene Lake. fee in 8 Andrew's church vester. | AY OF QUINTE ROUTE. - » dg y imicka i ar viee in St. Andrew's church ye BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. The light beer in | placable, his character certainjy | Hunters can make camp right, on | day I | s . | was, and inexorably opposed tol :he shore of these 'waters im the Road"SBuperiztendent Swoot hav- | tr. i the light bottle. 2708 | whatever was vicious in polit'eal | contre of tive best moose country ing notified the reads and bridge [ methods and party polities It has !in Ontario. Guides can bs secured committee of the town counell that | Jorn Ringsten daily. asespt Sus- ' | to be remembered too, by those jand all hunting supplies purchased the swing Eric was unsafe for | H - { Who think he used his talent of [at this point. traffic, orders: were at -onee is suad | i gy Br ie. ports, ai. EB. BEAVPRIL boca Discriusan, | invective amd sarcasm too freely | The service of the Canadiin Nor. | 15 close it Ih the meantime 'he Bellevill n Tuesdays, Thursda 8 { : that hig provocation was great If | thern Ontario Railway to 'these [pn officials have been noPfied a ad Sar uesdays, Be ole ga ; -- his language was strong his nature | hunting grounds jg almost too well | 1.1 acreement fo make revaira t oH i held strongly Wis canvietions. Train | known to require anv introduction, e substructure at once Freight handled with despatch 6 rT Abed in a hard school. Be was one of {to the SLOT Solid vestihulad fhe rn RE : planki and care at reasonable rates. i ? the sternest of political moralists." | trains are operated, exclusively. and | gone. and the bridge to JAS. SWIFT & CO, i 2, | special rates will be in effect, good | nuniie use as soon as poesibl Freight Agents. i ! : | going October 'Tth fo November 9th The I ANCE CON DALES vig | J.P, HANLREY, | Wintering the Sheep. | returning up to December 12th. Be | ore whi ve been adjusting thal ficket Agent. g { The foek should be strong and in| fore, making your annual pilgrim claim for darages by fire at thal I'#00d flesh when winter sets in. a mage to the woods this fall. inves. | s of the Si. Lawrenee Steel and they will be, if reasoneMe provision | ti ate the huntiig possibilities of cot have ome to a 4 : has been made for fall feed. If in| the territory along the lines of the settlement, $25.000 on stock and | WHITE ; | kood condition they will be more Canadian Northern Ontario Rail- | aontents ahd $2.7060 an building be- | | XA STAR= ig cheaply wintered. They can be Kept | way, and be assured of a good sea . am The company will \ DOMINION/ {3 each day and a lberal feed of pea| Canadian ftharn Ontario Rail The coal schooner, Bertie € i : »" fag ' p p A ip straw. If a little grain be fed for { way, Torontn, will bring You fold- | eared for Oswers light on Si sure | 66 » WY Ng 1) TY l 8 ay, x cleared for Oswes ight on 84 | ARLEST S30 RS | WL About four weeks before thew {ers and all information. dav. for another eirgo i 1g Vv ecommen e % . i ip lamb---one pound per head each The Leeds county V'.C.1 y o day of mixed oats and bran is good | Kingston and Cave Vincent Connee. vention will be held ; | | they will be in good conditiod tions. shurch, Gananoque, or bh "1 would certainly recommend that you get a Gurney- service diseSniinue Land 16th. ; teivs. to |} Oxford, Mary: }* 'ier had one, and when | furnished {pl doing well on clover hay, and a few | sons 'sport. A posteard ta R. L. 1." nce got bus on the qu roots--say three 'pounds per head | Fairbairn, General Passenger Agong 4 r | when lambing time comes. Tha {grain feed should be doubled aftey hen x Monday. Bent Bret steurh Gearge Fennell's mail y |§/ lambing and the quantity of roots | lanve pEsion. dail ekroh: | 'he ls. and re is in this se or . pi (mangels or turnips) increased to otday fens Jugs: hin } ton finished vilar ¢ ok | my house, 7 .. Every maid | ever had has i { nearly all they will eat. This witli tions with NYO & HRIL.R ater than usual been enthusia:i: youl the Gurney-Oxford. | Insure a good flow of milk, and it 18 for all New York state points Boat house owner ' - during the first two months 'a lamb TY kik is on tho propert . . : on | Js sout on the road to profit or be- | P. Augustine Haine was sicomadal 1s 1 TavIOF® 8 "Groen nate the: rot What are its goo! points ? , Cl {comes stunted and small. After that; I rr rh of io ay USL 1 | rides. Baive receiVad' orders th : TO BUROPR A8SY 3 age they can more easily be MEIDRE, | oer Foe. Por fund, hy Williass loon. | wove the buildings at on: "Well, the best is that it cooks and bakes like a dream. ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA 3 : iby other foods. p= Ao ant Mr. and Mrs. W. MH. Nicholls and ) . ' uch flak So thi : a. Musion for lot Neding the Ol batt, shi hE op AE. Worth Nicholls and I never tasted such golden brown biscuits or such flakey AL AGENTS: o | yw before | Wikis SLAY, ol huntia, aie | at ha ee y valntin y LOCAL AGENTS ome mg p ewes largely ith roots before fo. niclher and Ive dildo. were J3DERL the season at their halatis : as my Gurney-Oxford turns out, and r sts, 1. P. Hanley and C. 8 Kirkpatrick, 4 : & a bulky dl wife, 1 _ BB : RH Company's Oca Toronto ip! lambing is that they are bulk) NE | drowned while fishing leona canon at | SUMIGEF residence "Nokomis bodge b . . rr fg 'picold, being Yargely composed ont St. John's Tsland, haved closed to » of Merit | water and when eaten in _largs| Omemee. for he Tha laland, hve Tlased uj fowls and puddings are always a success 1 ; : i guantities seam to affect the foetus" aa A yestardiy Mr. and Mre. Charle dsl 8 fo ihe Tipba Ars ore wh nd W. Laring. whis have snent the past " 3 3 {8 Weak and, ver a 0.1 hv p season at lay Is i. have 4 . Bi : : The most distinctive Bi iiche: turnips or mangeis 'can be thefr home in Naw York Ct "My dear, it's simplici elf. The Gurney Econe- ip! fed to ewes with safety, &ithough | Mire. Hugh W. Lytle. mar oo ' : {fl very many prefer turnips before, : = L mks Faliowlicld 2, mizer, which you ¢ get on any other range, {lambing and mangels after. because | b 2 § . 2 of their Bonevin: hy . hs . i i {the latter are considered batter E 2 part of thei honeymes regulates the fire simply by putting one small lever up {milk producers. Bat mangels! A i ah mas 2 rs a . : i 5 : should never he fod to Fama. The | : Dat sarah or down. You never heard of anything so sifnple i have the affect of Noducing Mone, iated at the eermony And by a system of divided flues the oven is always iin the bladder, and sometimes cause | . : Lay . x £0, | sarious loss; Turnips do mot have | rin Adance of Taal uniformly heated. You know what tha: means-- biscuits, : i this effect and sheep should have | " Bi -- OLD MAN An Abundance wl. URBEC. BRISTOL: ga some. succulent tes' wher dor un] GETTING Shey 8 on i Jt yor have only a litte Jeg an bread, roasts, not one half overdone and the other half 1 oh i : " & oreyY nu utile uire, J : © Bristol BY are cast Brood 5 Cag ot. Sate | Looking. twenty yeir older than you Bo un - ° anderdone, but properly done all through. Yes, my ot 3 Horak hoard + 'before h: facta" ane win' snuse severe indiges. | a Ref the hut of theirjoker. | It you ira gn ah little excess of | | dear, you take my advice as [tock mother's, and get A, ., i ' 8 ip tion which will in turn causes = Of you Apr energy, ifs is a joy ood, rich, - get BR geal mi wd [nov 1S qui lossoning of the wool by feverish | (Old Age lant ut] a Srey red biood and an abundance of it| | a Gurney-Oxford Range. av. 13 ++ Royal Uvarge... Noi ! ? a (heat in the skin, and much of the | Bare a ho are and bald | ®1I give you the excess of energy. : fleace is often lost besides loweping | _ Jt very a Wade's Iron Tenie Pils (Laxative) { doesn't justify either --to be : the vitality of the shesp. Shes Po ee Been" a at dside by | Will provide the blood and witadiy | HERI young friends as 190 oid fog them--t0 required. They are 2 reat Resye MO OS 3 tat : gibi. 3 ica- Strengthener and blood maker. In x The Dominion Bridge company has be tured down pe ny chplics. | boxes, 25 eeuts, at McLeod's Dru G .y bern awarded the contract for extend | tion for that new po iB Br Drug | ing the goverhment grain elevator at INC N Seas WANTED, above King St. Money back if not} Port Colborne, «0 as to increase ita: Get the best of the grey hairs -- don't Ne Kine enpacity from 1,000,000 (o 2,000,000 | them get the best of you ROT a 3 18. 3 . HAYS i | TH | we. En lty : Ee br in pie | pa Horii mana ors be tan Mearns res hor an Cua an will be grat' Gnvcased in 91 y T Thers are larthime whol 'contd tions C8100 end roves incMesie's. Many districts are with- : i . | EE har i, SE | on. Me hl om 9: Whit, mite 8.6] The hack ie Rie Wikkesd Fairior started on his Josnce, will opel s ew bowpiial ou (pany, lusited, with A feprial } eB. ENT bonbaFo Bair 40 Corns alow Monday Moe 17th, xt Senih's Falls (HILO, Bas bee amcorporated balla co ll "a ¥ "Is it easy to operate 7" Kingsten. .