Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1912, p. 2

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BE tm Sever ons ia Are re Ae RR os RY ji 3 . oR » ; | PAGE TWO. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY. SEPTEMAFH 30, (pes. GETTING TIME T0 THINK 1IHE SPORT REVIEWIN MARNE CIRCLES --_---- | GETTING THETO THK fr ws i reo oon cos oo Girl of My Dreams Music 'Women's Magazines for | ABOUT A FUR COAT } bi union Oy Leino Baseball Cleared for Kingston on Suntan) All the Popular numbers, Selections, : October ) Game--Ponies Still lead the and Had to Turn Back--First Waltzes; and Complete Vocal Score, HE Season is slippi lo and League--W. Nickle Won Hora' Colisignment of New Grain Has including. ' 2 ' 4 on 18 sh ng aon : Dim hy. Arrived--Movements of Vessels . : there is nothing to An oa pay Tro ak Nine on Sa. In and Out of Port. | Se > Ladies Home Journal 0&5 ing. You can only comprehend the iB jlurday in a splendid baseball game! Several schooners, loaded. with coal. ! ir y Dreams ictori ew . o y ny i | at the cricket field, Ponies are still stared out om, Sunday from Osweyw, i 4 A size abd completeness of our stock by ip }leading the city league by one game, but were compelled to turs back on Girl Who Wonlda't Spoon Harper's Bazaar -- a rsonal visit. Hundreds of FUR | but Park Nine have a fale chance to account of the rough weather. The | Maybe Itsa Robber Woman's Home Companion C ATS here in Race on, Beaver, ip Win out, as they have Wo mors steamer Sowards and the schooners! : mer a x ry . Persian Lamb also U'R-LINED 1} [82mes to play, and are in better con (Andrews, Merrill aud Maize were a- ' Quaker Talk October Number of Woman's es s A Fatal aN 1 {dition than ever. Purtell pitched for mong the [TN SEE } y Tas Ea ry » {Y Shi » ing ap Rrc (( 1ATS, Muskrat lined, with Per- {Park Nine and W. Evans played short! The steamer Samuel Marshall was! , Every Girlie Loves Me / Home ¢ ompanmon contains the firs sian and Otter trimming ete stop. Ponies allowed these twe men in port on Sunday on her way to : ; ; of the series of " Kewpie Kutouts, g, ete. to pldy, so they have no ground for Montreal, with coal, from Sandusky. Dearest Little Marionette designs and painted by Rose O'Neil. a protest. The game played by the' The steambarge 'John Randall was! a (lo g to-orde Ponies was not up to then Average, in port on her way from Oswego te | y . If you prefer a Coat made-to order, Derry's pitching being a little wild. Rideau ints with coal : € yoy may select your cloth, lining, and | The Ponies put Kyan in the box ip!' MT. Co.'s elevator N The tug Bart. | skins for Collar and Cuffs, if desired. the seventh, but no score was made lett arrived with the barges Lismihon | 5% hs . : : i 3 | by either lean in the last two in "and Selkirk, with grain from ors | ; We do the rest, and guarantee you nings. The score by innings was : | Colborne, andl towed theWarge King. | satisfaction in every way. Last and Park Nine--0 0401.0 1 0 0-8, ston 'over to Oswega to foad coal fou | MP TANT. YOU SAVE | Pomies--~1 6000190 0-2. | Montreal; tug Thomson, irom Mont- | \ g is most IMI ORTANT, ot SAV E i Ponies--Stewart, Li; Ryan, 'w.s.; real, with three light barges andl BS 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 919. 20 per cent. by buying here. Tailors Derry, p.; Potter, 1b; McKay, c.i.; cleared for Montreal with three grain | , 0 or ordinar stores cannot compete i Stewart, bh; hennedy, rf; Evans, 3 barges, 8 : aig ith & » : We B M: Holland, 2b. | The steamer Kinmount, which dig | with us. eason | © ay, vianu- Park Nipe--Smith, cf; Sargent, lb.; charged grain at the Montreal Trans | facture and trade direct. | Linaugh, LL; Fitzgerald, rf. Evans, portation company's elevator, had | ---- ; 8.58; Purtell, p; Sherbino, ¢.; Clark, (the first consignment of new gram | 3b.; Olsen, 2b. {from the west. Just hall of her car i a " | ---- [go was pew grain. In a few dave J : From Trapper to Wearer. { Rugby on Saturday. | now a great deal of new grain will We can show you the best did i The rugby season opened on Sdtur- be coming down the lakes. : . ouse eepers, $590 worth df Clock In Can- day in Toronto and Hamilton. At the! The steamer Rosedale, grain-laden, da latter place, the Tigers defeated Otts- from Fort William, is due to arnve 7 | -------- If you want a new shell on your Fur-lined Coat, or # [wa College by 16 tu 2 in an eal at Richardson's elevator to discharge. | - : p 3 3 : A gp 9 i cn game, while the erts won from on Tu ay. : 3 ' #, oa repairs of any kind, bring it here to secure promptness | thy Soronio Roping Chub hy 31 on 1 age. Brie Whittaker. Joni tten 101. It's a special and not-whiy and satisfaction, At Toronto, the Varsity old boys de- od with corn from Chicago, is expect x ' equal to other $5.00 clocks, iF - - feated the Intercollegiate Varsity tea of mths Nopteenl portation but better. It's for the 'man- Mail | hy 30 to 29. ! fo Co.'s elevator, to discharge . | Hiustra Catal gue ed on Request - -- The steamer Rhodes and the steam: | ~ . : . . \ tel, ' Rugby Notes. ~-~er Glenellah were in port on Sanday The store is crowded with all lines for Fall et Victoria may have its firsi taste of on their way west. and Winter use : JOHN McKA y Canadian football this year. Vancou-| The Aig dredge Macdonald No. 5. Fla 1 ie SE xy ~ in Yau be the judge and com. ver has already two teams playing the was in port, towed by three tugs, on ne otto Blankets, grey, white, with pink pare : - Canadian game, and as there are a her way fo Trenton. or blue bo rders, Lest quality, 3 sizes . 149-167 Brock St. THE FUR HOU number of former eastern players re- | The steamer Simla is due up tos -- { ali Y, 0 Bz 8, -- ' TPT TT OT ee ee siding in Vietoria, a team may be night 'from Quebec, on her way to $ P FULLY GUARANTEED. . oe formed. The English game has been Poet Colborne, to load grain. 1 alr and up . played on the const for years. ~-- The steambarge Jeska is at Swift's 3 ot . 1 . EE ------------ Rev. Father Stanton, coach of the with aun Oswego. White Wool Blankets, extra values in the Ottawa. College jogttan squad, - will | "apy foamer "Toronto was down to) different weights, 5 6, ' S, 9 lbs. SMITH BROS SRE a sensation! this seasops.in Priscott and up on her last trio off . . "Shorty" Higgins, a sixteen-year-old 1.0" : X . os will lav] A big rance f P tt Cc f 3 AVAL « - , a the season on Sunda She will 8 A Ng range o reity Comforters. in re ver h ¥ We can help you. Our large New [youth now working aut on the back When leaving Swift 4 sible designs. Priced at Jewelers, Qpticiana, ; ; . i up in Toronto. Stocks of Furniture, Carpets and! line a ditian io a. On grec J wharf at five o'clock the whistle on ent > hi . eral long Curtaing Was never better. ior football in Canada, Higgins is the the big steamer blew severa n $1.35 and Up Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ' 8 ie hi : ,' blasts as a "Fare ye well." smallest, weighing hut 116 pounds. He He ee City of Ottawa wen} will probably he one of the most | sat oa Sundav { Extra value in Whiie Bedspreads, beginning unique attractions the Intercolegiath wes i . a | : : Union has ever seen. % | The steamer Rideau King cleared fon In price at Re w - " : Ottawa on Monday. | ------ { ] ~ Won Hora Dinghy Trophy. ET : : $1 Each ! 1 a, With a light, "flukey" wind last | Dredge Was Raised. i Big line of Hall Seats and Racks | UTd8Y afternoon, W. Nickle won! 'Fhe Donnelly Salvage and Wreking See the Stri Flannelettes that we are 8 he. 0 a ats an Cks, | first place in the dinghy race of the company suceseded, on Saturdav, in selling The best shade 85. $7.50, $11, up to $50, Yacht Club, and by doing so claim. ryjsine and pumping out the Lauren selli 8 at, 10¢ ard, . : manufactured is the . od hia right to the Hora trophy. In & Leitch's dredge No. 4, sank in the 34 inches wide, good weightand fast colors. 3 ; y . : a the series Nickle took first Plate Boguharnois canal, in twenty-one fest 4 > YUDOR SHADE, . Fa e 5 twice, and second once. Douglas 'of water. We sell good warm Underwear for every 7 Anglin followed him closely with | erties a member of the home Enquire at the Under i hi | one first and two seconds. Archbishop's Patron Saint. . % + i 2 re. . made of Linden | The race on Saturday afternoon! a it. Michae wear counter and see how well we can fill be fo of the C Sunday was the feast of St. Michael. 4 - high est quality, perfect was very closely contested. The! ; KE : : the patron of Archbishop Spratt and your wants. I Wood, simple to op- Jes \ [han was made at four o'clock, the the rector of St. Mary's cathedral, J in fit and right course was about three miles. The y f to Rev. A. J. Hanley, in a few wall . ! erate, can be put up | omid ~-- A. W. Brown, chosen words, Songratulaied bis Ki. COATS, COAT S up-to-date. - | ! 5.06.05. D. Anglin, 5.06.07; W. upon this anniversary, wishing 7 him | o/ Sd . ld : : in five minutes, | wd 0 I Nickle, 5.06.00. Fin. B : {many more years of usefulness in" his For ladies who desire distinctly stylish gar | TE -- 3 e, 5.0 . 4 J i Bh { i Parlor Cabinets, all styles $4.50,] Finish- "Nickle, 530.05; Anglin, exalted office. : ments. Only this----seison's best styles Yo GOU R DIER'S 5.39.32; Brown, 5.39.42. nT i : Made in all | ji. 10.0 to $60. A fine line of Town, » Thelma, a Rig Feature. - show and at resonable prices. y a a Cup Goes to Victorias. As published in Saturday night's is ! widths SoA 8 0 The cup put up to the city base- sue, the 3,000 feet feature photo-play $5 and up to $25.00 EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS ball league by W. R. Givens was re! arrived this morning and will he re Phone . - 700 t turned to Mr. Givens last week by produced in motion pictures at the the C.L.C. manager. It wil be ing Edward, to-night and Tuesday. An, II, handed over to Victorias. a "Fixe corn plasters." Gibson's. g - Queen's Rugby Practices. ---- i e ; Tables for Parlor. Dining-room | Queen's football men held two prac- | Sa AhAssssssssna ranans ; tices Saturday, f- c oP > Q B) Hall, Kitchen. qte., 76¢ to $85:00. |termocr oun wins sud af Kingston's Famous Fur Store. [B| Parlor Suftes, over 50 styles un-|cal director, Mr. Whitmore, is ex- THE "BEST" FINE FURS i equalled variety, $20, $27 up. pected on Monday. A new football o y Carpets. Ruga. Curtains, Draper-|™an is expected from Mount Alli } THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. les. Limol Olleloth, Shad, son College, to be here on Monday. A, | i! oh um, Oth, Shades, ete. |p, is sald to be good om the 'Phone 90. Yours. gridiron. I. I. HARRISON COMPANY City League Standing, The standing of the junior city Oh bi eee. | A double and 1 single § . naan. dwelling, together wi FLAY DEAD TOGETHER tin or vi baseball league is as follows: a large lot op Alfred . : Won Lost To Play --m----h : QUEEN'S CAFE Poles nv se FF TY | acsasn DIED BEFORE His Bweet Peas Street for Lunches served om the ||DAk Nine .. .., : 3 : Bl WIFE'S FUNERAL. Asters | Tecumsehs .. ... 7 | f 3 Jak) : shortest notice. This sh Yo 3%. 7 i ig! ---------- te REGULAR DINNER, 88s. | [ioe Toonnecns Wore same be. | HABIT Bohn Roberts. of Forth Rosd. Pas. Gladioli [§ 1 800 | } | a PATRAS a ou, "| {a0d Ponies. The latter perhaps ed Away as the Undertaker Ar. From our own garden EE -------------------- i ought not to he considered as the Fife" .|ssme was che Protesed > "pibe rived to Bear His Wife's Body to 'Nine and the matter was submitted For Your H I'S to the president of the International A Oo €8 league who said the game belonged { to Ponies. : Bb Bl MULLIN 4 atm { for. burial, on Susd Joba Roberts ; | The Busy Real Estate Corner, | 3 . " nday, n berts ¥ » well looked after, put up at Kings-| ....; Baseball Results. i (§ . Our big Hat trade and |B expired in bis room, siter a lengihe |§ 10 9 BROCK STREET [} 506550 snd DIVISION STRERTS, ton Repository... ..Board reasonable National League-Saturddy : St. basi . : new de Lines, His passing away was a great [4 "Phone 529 by day, week or month. Louis, 4 Pittsburgh, 2. Boston, 2-6/4] business in our new de- § shock to* the friends, who were present : : RW. SMITH. Mgt. Soe ing 1; Philadelphia, | partment for Millinery file the | tei a So he. doten ud lowers in all arrange- r---- ; 1-5 and Ladies' Ready to- $300 proved too great for her aged (8 mont for all occasions fi One bali hour before the body of | ' his late wife was to have been taken P | J R D Y S from her late residence, at Perth Roed, | §1 i the Grave. : each day at | I If you want your Horse and Rig Sunday : Pittsburgh, 9; Chicago, 0. ¢l WM ear apparel, Kceps ihusband, who was confined to his hed St. Lonis, 5 Ciseimmati. 5 i | 3 Ar tse but at the time. He had suffered from in American |eague-Saturday : Wash- gown: every season, mn Hammatory rheumatism for neatly five Silom, 3: = Boston, 2 Detroit, §; we devote more Suc h fous, and of late had been confined to York, 4-2. St. Louis, 3-5: Chicag,' § OUr store to the sel Ng 08 1B) The funeral of his late wife was ta " a Cleveland Da |§| Furs then you will find in J have keh the howe at one clack and Sunday : evel lL 8: trait, 1. othe tore i Eastern J& Bung Tinds were gathered, to Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 0. | any other store in avtend the service. At 15.3 o'clock 129 King Street West fac " f x ago. & prism Ontario. Mr. Roberts os » bad tian a ne Ts i th | c Standing of i : agay in a few minutes. The ug Lake Ontario, the resid ; National Toaguel-New ¥ . undertaker was jusi driving up to the 3 leag ; ving up sce of the ie John Hewton, || KEPRIRING BUSINESS J vi Pilishurgh, as : \ ur i ac 8. dope. Shen the #eSblatga died. Detached Brick, eleven rooms, | ' 'incinaati, #7; i ia, | en a te Mes. Susan Leta her ROBERT PAYN ; Y p $ i hardwood floor, gut be bushes of ta, taken JISC Vouk, oun ore had over 30 [ Segh vitor he ive Joke Ho PRINCESS. STREET Anas i ag J per §i YOAIS €Xperience manu- Thursday, after an extended illness i for cleanliness, whiteness, at Bh Repairing pramptiy ent; Washington, | hi i facturing Fars. The \ born in (. - potieasuess and sanitary Sine. | Al Meo aml 2: Chicago, 0% Clev sl; We carry at all season's i a hin_tountry at Sl! Your, Wash- Detroit, 8 . is, New § TY at al . i ber of year _" : } ables, snd Yosg, 397. * ; | of the year a complete : iB tr-second year, : He ha best Fur BT eB re wa i he OOO 7 THIS LAUNDRY We have & perfectly England, and came to this country ally easily = corrected, bot if i - thirty-tw . : ; Squipped factory for mak- |B hist due Jory ev. He me J On clases ors, Mok exsetly Silt ater a ll sed ing Fine Fars, j The | : is survived by his som, with the delicate perves aud Bie you just what you } We repair, re-dye or Roberts, whe conducts 5 grmergl issue. : Want, just when you wast 'urs of all kinds. | Rnterpriee. I} stasses being rir natiid's fl and at « price that In re -------- : prepage them after an expert wil please you Case Was Dismissed. examingtion of the eyes. in the case of William Me . y ith havi hanged with having} J, { A KINGSTON LAUNDRY * Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 22.

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