Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1912, p. 1

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er YEAR 79-NO. 221 IF CARSON IS EXPELLED ~~ OTHERS WILL WITHDRAW TO BE TAKEN IN BEHALF OF ULSTER By Bonar Law, Walter Long and Others--Ulster Unionist Council Will on Monday Adopt a Plan ¥For Operation Should Home Rule be' Declared. London, Eng, Hept. 3.4 is op- n on apparently unimpeachable pe that, il. in the opton ot the law officers of the crown, Sir Fd. ward Larson oversteps the line, the ministry intend to ine the king to remove him from the privy council. Well informed ¢sons assert that Honar Law, F. kK. Smith, Walter 1.ong and others, though probably not Aus fen Chamberlain, on the front of the $vionile t" bench, will then sitaimationl: ly resign their privy councillorships. Carson Dimach dons vot disguise his hope that the ministry will be tempt" ed to te him aus Gladstone pro- oad Pare. ; "So far the leading 'ministerial jolr- nals talk "'of the pitiful pars; nalia Pagar aonortive attempt to make i "s creep a solemn league and covenant which carefully avoids words absolutely committing the signatories to criminal conduct® They esll it a document of collapse, fare remote from Carson's threats of a million armed ironsides marching 5 Belfast to Cork, intent on shake eh throfe and shattering the em- > i home rule is h Ulvter wen reply, "Wait till Mon. day."! The Ulster unionist council, ac of 463 members elected: hy 400,000 tlster. electors, will then 16 ceive adopt a draft constitution drafted by a Somilighion of a vigional govern- in > the model of revolution, to ile homme Pubs y J dssent. 'this, they ------------ BAN Postmaster Ri Will Retire oh the 1st of Octaber, : CREAT Po Rick ann, Rept. 3 tenure of offi aa postmaster here on Oct. 1st and w Shen move to his new residence. . Wolme poultry farm, made & shipment cof a strain of 8! UC. White Bermuda i to the barns of 0. Hoyle, Leeds town 3 a fs milos orth of Uanano struck ightning = and on Phuradss evening. J. Bulloch, propristor of try farm, judged the ne fair yesterday. was solemmized on of Haig, Wing when their youngest daughter, oa united mn mar e, som of Mr. arke, lLoods town racey, pastor ol , officiated, Glenholme at fin the od. is Toronto with Mr. from a Sytacase, profilietor of Glen | he. Dail 9 9 SENATOR THOMAS P. GORE, Of Oklahoma, viee-chalrman of the national democratic committee He has charge of the western campaign SUFFRAGE 1S NEAR, ~~ SAYS NOTED WOMAN Oaly a Guestion of 2 Short Time, Declares Wife of Philadelphia Mayor. Philadelphia, Sept. 21.-8rs. Ru dolph Blankenbwrg, wife of the mayo: of this city, in an address before a» special = women's service. declared that women would soon have the vote in this state "The greatst discovery of tu mitinkoenth century," said Mrs. Blank eaburg, 'wos woman's discovery of nergell. Filly years ago a woman's meeting presided over by 8 woman and addrissed by a woman would nave been considered indelicata [tis o v DUELISTS HIT WOMAN. Jealous Husband Fights Rival in Paris sireer. : Paris, Sept. 21.--A revolver duel be tween a jealous husband and his viv al was fought in the Place de I'Et- oile in the heart of the amstocratic quarter in Parse. M. Sémmonet. who lives ii Neuil Ty, was waiting-dor his wife ot the corner of the Avenue de Friedland, when ho saw her talking to another man. There was an altercation be- tween the two men and the hushand was challenged, Both pulled out re Solvers and ten shots were exvhang ed, sjuare. The husband was slightly wounded," and the last shot fired hit Simmonet, who had mterpased, did not hurt her seriously. As M. Bimmonet had a smoking re volver in his hand he was taken io an Apache and wos roughly by the crowd before he was We the police. WISH HE WAS IN IT. but rescued Roosevelt to See His Mother's Crib at' Adania, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Sept, 2). ~The cris which held the mother of Unl. Roos velt when she was a baby will' be shown the progressive presidential candidate when he visits the city the last of the present month. : The quaint bed, with & high railing of slender spindles, and four knobhbed posts, was found in Roswell, nédar here, where the colonel's mother was born. On the bottom of the' erib, outlined with a mail-point, are the word: "Made by Denny Gentery; for James Bulloch, March 15th, 18357 | C. W. MéChure, of Atlanta, progres. | sive national committeemsn from Georgia, recently obtained the hed. The colonel's mother's maiden names was Mittie Bulloch > VERY WATERS. Should! be Twelve ; Out. Washington, Sept. 21.---"Se much damage does sawage do to waters in the vicinity of large cities that lake Michigan i» more or less polluted 10 a distance of seven miles from shore; at timex heavily 80," was the asser- tion made before the American Health Amsociation, by Dr. M. I. Ravenel, in Intake Miles charge of the Wisconsin state hygen- only during the last hall century that it has come to be realized that a woman is human and bas a right" te think and ach for hers-if is & question of but a short vanis, But don't think the millen: nium will come the day aftom this happens. We aamnot begin to hud until we make lil wyual and just." PEPER EPPPPRPFR PEPER IPIIN MAN SILENT TWO YEARS Sacramento, Cal. Sept. 21 ~-Not a word was spoken by Charles Carsdn, sentenced to be hanged in Folson prison when he was told that he had been reprieved until No- . vember Sth. Carson had not spoken a word for two years. Even either failed to loosen his tongue. and although ex- perts have pronounced him sane after repeated examina tions, doubt remains as to his mental condition, A THE TOWN OF NAPAJEE. Checse Sold on the Board Friday at 3 13 3.8 Cents. Napance, Sept. 21 At 'the board meeting yesterday 1,015 of white and 610 of colored boarded. All sold at 3. Miss Jean Gibson leaves Monday for Hawkesbury, where she will take "charge of Dr, S. J. Pattee's private spital. Earl Vanalétine leit this for Winnipeg, where bo has a good position. : Charles Porter. Dominion bank, has EE PEPLOPPF RHPA AAR DBABDBEEP IEG op cheese 1 boxes were { Wright, of Conway, and Miss. Edith and been transfelred to Brampton and left for his new position this morning. | Wilivid Wilson lofi; this morning to resume his studies at Utien, NY. Miss "Hawley, of Hawley, returned this week to Hartford, Conn. e ha The death oven at Copper (Hi on Thursday of Mrs, W. G. Manin, formerly Miss Lena Collins, dawghiec of Mr. spd Mes. Colling, To- and Sail-hupwn in Napause. . Martin wpent 'winter recently ¥ Mis. EB. J. Boyle. he is ie labaratory. "The intake pipes that are supply: ing" water {or the towns alomg the lake shore," he declared, 'should ga carried out from twelve to filters - showa, and. sewage dispos- lanits should be provided in' cities disdhargiig sewage into the lake or rivers emptying nto it," GIRLS BLAMED FOR NUMBER OF MASHERS "Dress Modesty and You Will Net Chicago, Sept. 21,--~""No wonian wha dresses ma Uy and earries horse in os modest manner need fear being an. noyed hy mashers in the strect." Je clared the Rev. Norman B. Bary, pas tor of the Olivet Memorial church, before the Preshytsicn ministers' as' sociation "The average masher will' not ap proach' n woman unless encouraged, dither by ber extreme dressing or het actions. "Ii women could be induced t abandon preseat-day fashions 1 be lieve that the masher would become a thing of the past. . Nowadays women are bevoming active 1a everv line of endeavor ang are becoming Tess mo dest, No woman who wears a dress which exhibits every line of her figure oan be called a modest woman." : CANCELLED TRIPS. - The Steamer Olympic Will Undergo 3 Big Repairs, London, Sept. 21.--The White Star line has cancelled future sailings of of the Olympic from New York, early spondent of the Chronicle at Sduth- ampton. He adds that on the return of the Olymoic from Néw York, early in October, she will be sett to Belfast, where she will be fitted with an foner skin and additional bulkheads. This said, will 'oceupy six U KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1012, regardless of the crowds in the! Mme. | handled | ; ey Trunk oud Aarters ? . - PITH OF NEWS Despatches From Near And ei i. THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFES1 POSSIBLE FORM. i . i {The Whig's Daily Condensation o |. the News of the World From Tele graph Service amd Newspaper ka changes. > | "The Fediration "of Canadian Clubs {will meet at Hamilton next vear. | Quebee City's new jail wili be for- mally openedehy the hanging of three niurdérers under sentence of death. Mrs, Mary Leigh. the suffvagette hunger-striker, was transferred from 'her cell to the Dublin prispa hospital, lon Friday, dangerously il as the re- tsult of forcible feeding. | Samuel Larkin, grand auditor and deputy grand master of the Loyal Or ange Association in Winnipeg, states { that funds are being seni from there for the protection of | ister. ; Henry Pegace, a ledger-keeper in the Bank of Hochelaga, Montreal, was ar vested, "kpiday, on a charge of de- frauding the bank of $35,000. He ap- nyared betore Judge | afontaice and pleaded pot guilty, | In connection with ita terminal im { provements at Bay City, the Grand | Trunk is putting up an addition lo rate ---------------- lsaeepese PEEP EISEEE bbb NOT SO BAD, [Iondon, Sept 21.---A- cording to the Lancet, Eng- land's leading medical jour- nal. the cigarette is the least harmtal form of smoking. Exhaustive expériments as to the amount of nicotine In (o- bacen showed that the pine was easily the worst, cigars next and cigarettes third, or least harmful. : PEEP B ELIS PAPE its station costing in the neighbor- oad. of SI6000, as well as a *20,080 ight shed, 34x63 feet, 2 Word ma ays mm Vie torla, B.C. that the Duke of Suther land and party will arive in Mont real, an, Sunday, and will stey at the Windsor' hotel, previous to returning to_ England. W. 6, White, industrial commission er of Wolield, Allp:, a Grand Trunk Pacific junctiop péint, has just: re turned from a trip to Taronte, ay the result 'of which he has béen able to secure a foundry and machine shops for that centre. Canada is gow ninth ia tonnage list of the maritime states of the world, as published in a report for 191 just issued hy ihe department of marine and fisheries. The other eight, begin ning at the top, are Crest Hoitain, Germany, United States, Norway, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. Conviaged that the American Beef Trust is manoeuvring to secure eon jtrol of the markets of the entire jworld, and determined that Australia ishall not he included, the govern opened 'négetiations, on Friday, the administrations of the various states, with a view to the passage of laws to keep the trust out. lL i COL. SAM IS STUDYING Methods of Manufacture of Military Armament. london, Eng. Sept. 2. Col. See ley, socvstary of state for wir and army counce, entertained at dinner, Inst wight, the ofhceis of the oversess dominions, foreign mi itary wituches and tatives of foreign oun tries hi attended the recent manoow vies. Canada was represefited hy Uol. Sam Hughes. Farber in the day, Col. Hughes and other Canadinn officers visited the es- tablishments at Coventry ordfiance works. Col. llughes spent several hours inspecting the works and study- ing methods of. manufacture ¥ mod: 'ern navel and military armament, és | pecially aeroplanes, = PALI ABIBRB IAD 2 Yi British Whig THE TIME FOR STRIKING . HAS NOT YET ARRIVED Urging Men to Militant A FIRE IN GANANOQUE. The St. Lawrence Steel and Wire : Works Were Gutted. Special to the Whig Gananoque, Sept. 21.--Mai the works of the St. Law Steel ani Wire company were gutiad hy fire about six o'clock this morping The blaze was discovered by employ- ves of thie Water Power company while raising the gates. The firemen were promptly on hand and were ably as sisted by the mew fire fighting ap pliances of the Ontario Wheel com: pany, The fie was confined to. the rea of the building. There is in surance in several companies. The loss will probably be about $10,000 ELEPHANT ATTACKED STAGE. Killed Driver and Chased Passengers Under Culvert. Calcutta, India, Hept. 2--An at tack by a wild elephant on a ail coach in the northern provinee of CUey- lon is reported. Appearing unexpeet: edly from the jungle, the elephant killed the driver with ome blow of its runk, and then proceeded to smash the coach against a telegraph pole. The passengers, who were thrown out of the vehicle, hid themselves in a near-by culvert, from which the earag- ed beast tried in vain to dislodge them. When the animal disappearid the frightened travellers climbed & tree) and remained throughout the night. part of SENATOR Of Nevada irrigation Salt Lake : mi { GAYNOR GOES AFTER WHI!TMAN | y Feptembei CAN TELL WHAT COLOR BABY'S EVES WILL BE Says Docior, Who Mas Discovered Laws of New Science of Eugenics. Washington, Sept. 21.---"1t is now possible to tell the color of the hair -1and eyes a baby will have," was the statement of Vernon M. Cady of New York, of the American Feder- ation of" Sex Hygiene, before the Eugenics section of the American Health Association convention. "Under the laws discovered by the new selence of eugenics," said Cady, "the prophecy of the facial characteristics of any child may be made as soon as the future parents are married, only provided we know certain details about their ances. Says District 'Attorney Office Beer Revealing Secrets, New York, Sept. 21.--""For the last lwo yéars or more, evens what has purported to be the searets of the grand jury room, have been fed io the jpress by the district attorney's of- {fice," Mayor Gaynor writes J. Noble Hayes, former aqueduct commissioner, in a letter in which he claims to have effected eleven reforms in' the' New York police department during his ad- ministration, ! WANTS CHEAPER COAL, At Present is Chatged Double What it Should Be. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 2I.--Mayor Blankenburg has received from the experts on the anthracite coal freight rate case the preliminary plan to use in the case to reduce the present rates, These papers show "that veal which now_sells for ¥7 a ton should pot re {ail here at more than $325 a ton, LAST EDITION. Cease From Tactics 5 A STARTLING. STORY THAT ARMS HAVE BEEN SMUGGLED INTO IRELAND To Use on the Unionist Covenanters Premier Asquith Declares That the Government Will Not Retreat From lis Home Rule Position. Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 21. --To- morrow, all Ireland, Catholic and Protestant, Nationalist and Union. ist, will assemble in five thousand churches of all denominations, will . unite in prayer for the continued peace and brother kindliness throughout the Emerald Isle, but to-day warring elaments are busy- ing themselves with preparations for making next week ome of the most turbulent in all : Ireland's more or less bitter history. There was the startling story here to-day that a German firm had succeeded in smuggling a 1 quantity of arms and ammunition into Ulster, via the north coast dure ing the present week, presumably for use on the unionist conventory. It is significant that a large detach ment of special police was sent north this morning by government orders. The Marquis of Londonderry with §ir Edward Carson, were in Derry yesterday, and are expected to return to Belfast to-day. (Both! thes: leadefs spend hours among the shipyards' men and others of their more Irresponsible followers, urging them to cease from militant tactics for the present, as the time for striking is not yet. In the meantime, Hon. Winston Churchill and other leaders affétf to be. unconcerned. To friends here {o-day, Mr. Churchill telegraphs ed to be of good cheer, The Home Rule bill would be pushed through, despite all threatsnings. Local Nationalist organisations algo ré- and the smaller sized bal at $3.05 a ton, tol 5 TEN DAYS IN WORKHOUSE FOR LINEN MILLIONAIRE P.akus Tried to Kiss Dressmaker-- Gels Jab From Her and, on the other hand, we may Also forecast pretty safely whether it will turn out to be feeble-minded, an epileptic, or a deaf mutd, "Certain things in the human make-up are found to obey the same laws of heredity as in thdt of the] animal." | | New Youk, Sept. 21.--Frederick Pin kus, millionaire linen mansfacturer, will spend ten days in the workhouse on Blackwell's Island, because he tried stone age methods of kiduapping Mix: Klgie Hutter, a dressmaker, twenty two year old, right under the white! lights of Broadway. According to the girl, Pinkus, rid ing in an sutomobile, overtook her as« she was waiting for a car to go to the home of her brother at two t o%ock in the morning. He offered to take her home. Pinkus dropped {his cigarette case, «As she stopped to pick it up another man in the car seized her by the shoulders and drag ged her inside. Up Filth avenue they flew, and then into 5 side stivet, where her captor, according to Miss Hutter, tried Kiss her. She replied with a from her hat pin. . Sergeant Quinn and Policeman Ham- bt were ttanding on Seventh avenue when the Pinkus car bearing the . screaming girl bore down upon them. | Hiawa, Sept. 21. Some members of 4 They sprang 'in front of the automo-|the Ottawa separate school board hint bile, rescued the lady, who was about that seover than submit to the recent to leap from the xrms of hér admir- bi-lingualism regulations 3 announced er, and arrested Mr. Pinkus and a !by the Ontario department of educe a Mr. Winchester, jr., of New Ro- Hon, : they may mule an appeal to the hele." : privy dounci PRIEST MADE DEPUTY SHERIFF Will Wear Shield in Notorious Gotham Distriet, New York, Sept. 21.-For the first time in the history of New York city a Roman Catholic priest has been named a deputy sheriff He is Rev, Father James B. Curry, rector of St. James' church, in the polorious Cher: ry "Hill section of Lower Manhattan, "A "VY" Bottom Motor Baat. The Gansnogue Journal says that Messrs, Staebler & Baker, two Queen's students, launched, a jew days ago, wite an innovation in the boat ne, the outside sheathi nw tween SREP PLEPDFIE PEELE L PGP Iibe - QUEER SEA CREATURE," + *| * i g! | <! 3 v zl 2 "2 1: < Venice, Cal., Bept. 21 One of the queerest decp sea freajures ever "seen here is he lrg exhibited to-day by fishermen, "It is five feet in length, "black and gdeen mottled, with a tail lke a slark's. It has a dorsal fin and four feet. shaped lik: those of a parrot. Its mouth resembles . that of a glia monster, while its head Is a replica of x large scale of that of California horned toad PEE FIRB LILLE LEP IN PILE PABELLEPE AT 40 i & Sen to jah GO TO PRIVY COUNCIL, School Board May Prost ---- Regulation: . | ATTACK BY REBELS Has Been Received in Washington, Sept. 21. --- Severe fighting between American naval forces and Nicaraguan. revolution- ists is believed to have occurred in the past few days near Barranca. although reports from the scene are so meagre that officials hére have no definite idea of what haz happened. ~ Kear Admiral Boutherland is In the field,' bly with upwards of 2.000 men, and it plass have not cleared the route of the rajlway of opposing rebels and re lieved the famine-threatensd city of Graoada national Europesn attention to sffaies in at this time is believed rs. "The same assertion holds good guith, that the 3 y retyent ote any se child being a genius or jon on this measure possessing unusual musical talen db oi YIN ! » : - ON AMERICAN FORCES Repart of a Battle in Nicaragua! by this time he hag} ceived assurances from Premier overnment wou! AEN TrONT te PONE ' IN THE WEST. Little lope Now for 'the Expected Humper Crop, Toronto, Sept. 2A special de from Wingipeg, last night, gays: "There has been heavy rain at all points to-day, that the long: looked tor dey spell has been broken very guiekly I'he means that the threshing is delayed yet further, sad little hope is extended for the humper crop which was promised. With the return of dry weather, which is pro mised woomn, iL ie expected that thee will be frost, such heat Bs to enuse- the grain sprout and ruin the spatch ,y or to sron, KILLED IN THE FALL. Men Were Thiown into Wold of the Ship. Montreal, Sept. 3. Joseph Godin was killed and Joseph Richer and Ovide Legnuit, sll longeshoremen, wory seriously mured on hosrd the Canada lind steamer Pslianin, when the gangs way slipped and they fell into the hold of the ship y DIED. i House of Providence, on 1912, Catherine Coltine ; from the House oh Monday morning, A ary's Cathedral, where requis mass will be the repose of ker soul, ind ACQURINLANCSS dFe Te~ invited to attend the TLLING Bept uneral f(y is Pras £30, to wo welemin rung for Friends spectin M Zims aged rom his lale residence, Latis int to Latimer Chureh, morging, at 10.30 o'eloek, and aecgusintances are res I¥ invited to attend Cushendall, Ont. on Sept Thomas Green, aged #8 pn Sept Darling. iN uble ¥ DAR Kingston i Seatuy Tunsdny 1 GREEN years Funeral "witl takes glare Monday ¢ pom. from the residence Bof sister (Mrs. Catherine Connell) ta Friends sa ro- Catayaqul Cemetery. aequainiances ake respectfully quested to atiend. I 'Phone BIT. + JAMES The OM Flim of Undertakers, 54 awd 256 PRINCESS STREST, Phone 147 tor Ambulance. STOVES AND RANGES, had; a The best in we have Svar ad; Sloe end ed prices., At Turks. \. PURE WHOLE SPICES. PURE GROUND SPICES.¢ PURE WHITE WINE VINEGAR. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. PURE ENGUISW MALT oe » ol

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