FALL HATS "MEN WERE DISLOVAL Action Without Select your Hat with the greatest It holds the secret of a good appearance, COME, SEE THE SEASON'S CORRECT BLOCK. Stiff Hats inn variety of proportic smart or conservative blocks. Soft Hats in many shapes. Hats for Middle- aged Men or for the Chic Young I Very classy things in rough finis lours. . New colors for this season, Come and see them. nine wl sa ------------ Aro, ms. Yery Iresser, hand Ve: -~ in Teme mre LIVINGSTON'S ~ BROCK STR EET a Cn gl et 5 pecia « I Sale turday Morning 3.30 o'clock a--n AA gt Black Sateen Underskirts, - For : Washing Print Underskirts, worth 75¢, 90c, $1, | - Watered Moreen Under- skirts, © superior English make $1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Gloria Taffeta Underskirts, worth $1.75, 2.00, 225 Lined Black Sateen Under- skirts, lined with red flannek:. splendid skirt fcr winter worth §2, 2.50. hd 'Al on Sale a it. y tthat the commiltes had accepted 'resignations 'Slates Senator Nathan Scott. ~fthe winter, 1 "Here's something for the, othér wheels oiied with. ' itor 1 In men's hats the big bat dealers. - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THERSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912 {SEVEN COMMITTEEMEN READ OUT OF THE PARTY. Precedent----Never Before Has Committee Tried Any Member for Heresy----Vote to "Ex. pel Unanimous, i New York, Sept. 19.--Dy. unproce dented hut' unanimous action the re publican pational committee, sitting as a trial court in the Hotel Manhaty tan, yesterday, ousted seven of its members {or heresy and disloyalt¥ "to President Taft, Of the forty-eight members of the commitiee forty-one werd present - or were represented by proxigs. All voted to expel the actus ¢d members, The hearing was held behind closed doors, and Cbairman Hilles announced the of the members from Chin, Oklahoma and Minacsota and bad declared vacant the seats of four wihers. Those who were unseated ave : Borden D. Whiting; of New Jersey, who had refused to resign. He will be succeeded by Franklin Murphy, former governor, wy William J, Kdwasds, of West Virgin: in, who is working hard for Roosevelt and who had refused to resign. He will be succeeded by | former United | Richmond Pearson, of North Caro lia, recently declared disloyal by the North Uarolina republican 'state eon- vention. His successor is to be KE. C Duncan, a former senator, Russ Avery, of California. He has nol resigned but has said the repuhbli dan party' in California has quit the pational republican party. The na. tional committee will choose his suc CORSOr. | a Those who resigned are : Walter F. Brown, the Ohioan, whose place is to go to Sherman Granger; C. {. Priestly, a bull moose, of Okla: homa; J. A, Caswell, of Minnesota, Never before hus po national commit tee found il necessary to try any of its members for heresy ani disloyalty, EERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the Peoplo--What They are Doing and Saying. Dr. tioddes, of Verona, is in City. i o. E. Harris, of Dublin, Ireland, ai pived we one city cn Wednesday. fugene Denfiec hos returned from a hunting trip ét poms over (be Kh. & i. the FEW Rg - 4 isane Aden, wile Misstasipps, nave elt ou a dmonio. mr. and Mis. BR. J. Grant, of Cam priogy, eh. were Visitors in the city on Widnesgay. 3 W. Vatcau, Cataragui, will 20 Lu Judge and family, of tap Parham on Friday to act as ob the dairy proauce H. W. Richardscn is spending adeou- ple of weeks in the west on business. 11e is how at Wnpipeg. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Joh 8. un street, have felt to visit daughters at Passadena, Cal. Mrs. 1. Hendersoa, ih karl street, is lemving Kingston® to join her hus [band ana children in the Seif Miss Nellie Holland, Ridedu street) lett, last week, fur 'lorgnio, pnd betore return ng home will wasit Miss L. Grange, Prelerboro, CU. 8M. FP. riwher, a Royal Militar) | College graduate, bas ban made ea Juian., with rank of captain, in the New Brunswick Dragoons. Miss ida 'Thompson, Chicago, whe has spcnt the summer at Muskoka, is nuw the guest of Mrs. 1. W. L. Day, "Moreroft," while renewing old ue fuaintinees in the city' : Miss ida A. Barstow, daughter of Jesse (i. Barstow, Belidutle, died nongsioa, Tuesday, from lung trouble whe was twenty-awo years of age. Mire. J. Barrigar has returned to h#r home in Mountain, with her young sor Arnoki, who has boen ill we ihe geoeral hospital for some | weeks, - Charlis KE. Phenix, manager of the Hotel Frontonae, went tp montreal on Wodussday atternoon, to meet Jus other, who is coming to Kimgston fon Buapp, war Miss Mary Mobshall, Detroit, Mich, , spending the last two weeks with her cousin, Miss Maggie Goclliviend, Howe Lelan®, has returned to her home in Prower's Mills. The death of James C. Puhmer, son of Br. and Bre. James Paimer, 2500 Fulton streot, Chicago, took place on September th. Deceased's parents wére former resulents oi Kingston. Frederick Clarke, despatoncr at the Kangston & Pembroke railway sla tion, has returned to duty, after a few weeks' vacation. Frnést Walker, wno was religving Jd@¥ing his absence, in Must Serve 'Eleven in Jail--€redit- IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Would Liké Game Between Victorias "amd Ponies. v A number of baseball fans are very) anxious to see the Victorias, whe are | looked upon as winners of the City Baseball Ltague, meet the Ponies, who | war Will be Rendered ineffecte-- ave likely winners in the junior series, | Peace Advocates are Delighted s é 4 = in an exhibition gome. When the . : Ponies played against a sevior pitcher | This Paciiying Influence. . Paris, Sept. 19.--Depes the .in- at the Labor day picnic, they. batted him all over the field. = | creasing' efficiency -of the airship Ponies and Tecumsehs. will play on|mean that war on sea and land the junior diamond om Saturday. The | between the great powers will \be juniors are playing good ball. Ponies, | made so ineffective that neither side fresh from Wolle Island battles; will | oan hake progress, and therefore ve in for hard play A there is mo object in fighting. Soma . SHARE . {of the big 'mornin apers of Paris Collegiate Ragby Practice. | to-day assert this Tie case. They Kingston 4 ollegiate Institute boys | call attention to the fact that tha will have their first rughy practice military manoeuvres in both France thie afternoon. There are a Yarge [and England this year were com- number of boys anxious to turn out | pletely nullified of resulis because and' there should be no difficulty' in| rival aviator scouts made it so easy gelting a team that wiil do the insti | th. discover the enemy's movements tute credit. : { that nothing could be done. Peace | advocates here are delighted at this | unexpected pacifying influence | among nations. a WHIG'S JUMBLE, WILL BE NO OBJECT, IN FIGHTING WHEN AIRSHIP IS. EFFICIENT. - . Queen's Players Returaing: Some more of the members of Queen's rugby texfy arvived in the city = on Thursday, and are going to turn out | and praviice at omee. It. is expected | that the team will have a practice { A Lot of § this afternoon, on the campus. . i ------ "Bay Castori THE gether, " ; ' ~Raciig Called Of. a'! at Gibson's. Owing fo the fact that the track Hungarian lower house was very heavy, as a result of rin, ! Men's sweaters from there was no - racing, at Valleytield, | --_Dutton's. Que., on Wednesday, and as a Jesuit, | Five! additional Methodist W. H. Carson's May Wax.did not have | .o vianged for T ea a chance. The weather this fall for| "g1'5e" middy blouses $1.00, -- racing hiss been so poor that Mr. Cav- Dutton's . : Td son, has decided * to bring May Wax | "po 0 1 . home for the remainder of the season. | Toav 8 Bopu ation % The weather man has put "a biy ita data apsessed Value $4; kink" in the racing calendar this sea | | Children's stron son, all right. ig 85 eta church, 73 » in, 94 NU, : school boots {from $1.00.--Dutton's. Tha Canadian medical association | will bold its. next gathering at Re 'gma. 3 Baseball Record. National league=--St. Louis 7 > > % * Ehiladeiphia 3. Pittsburgh 9, 0 | "Buy tooth paste." at Gibson's. American league Detroit 1.4; {, David Ranger, Brockville,' died, New York 4, 2. Chicago ( 9, 4; Pandey. on Fous song and three daugh EPR EUrvive, Sal¢ blouses §50e.--Dutton's. Fall and winter millinery Wadn stay and following days. gan's. Tae. i "Plone Gibson's, ST K MAL TS, store v units. TOC aug | Wiliam Reddick, Trenton, convicted Clarence Cluun | of as ault, compensated the plaintifi, | paid all costs, aod was allowed his liberty. Pure spices, wax, rubber j corks, all sizes. McLeod's | Store. * ' | Belleville is expecting to be linked U jup with the proposed electric railway Lj eo through Prince Edward diy trict, > Fall and winter millinery opening 1US3 | Wednesday and following days. Corry 13 gan's. «~ ns { "Phone Gibson's, a 136 | store wants. 7 ve Tat The Duke of Connaaght and party reached Vancouver, completing tik tour across the 'continent. _ Sale! Men's all wool | vests 75c.-~Dutton's. i "Buy tooth paste," at Gibson's. 5 vou | A tierra. engagement was fought near Sno na ee =a] Benvhazi between Italians sud Tuiks Co em oe os . $1 The latter lost eight bundred Killed. Gl it sree» Rubbers for all.--Dutton's. er oat North Augusta council has bern ask tion a to remove or abolish tolls on thy ar P'resoctt and Kempiville road. Erie 3651 th Century bicycle covers, $2.50 Ate : : 143 | at H. Milnes, 272 Bagot sirost United Cigar Stores . 105" Tithone 543. American Can. pid. - 12444 Hilliam Parry, "Sydnoy Big rise today im American Can. died Pueaday, aged seventy-two. stocks and higher prices sre poedicted. | Wax a leading Methodist * "Yielet' glycerine soap,' Philadelphia 1, 12. Washington 2 St. Louis 0, 2. | International league--Buffalo 5, Toronto 1; Jersey City 2, Provi- dence 1. r opening Com 230," fos ding IR, McCurdy Co ers--ih W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, Sept. 19th. rings, Drug Montreal. Detroit i Ditawa Power Comment pid. Cement com . . Monica! Power thes avin . 2h | Twin City we Richelieu av. Toronto Rails Textile Soo, exdiv. 34 Western Canada Power Tram Power Mex. Nor. Spanish River | New York. 230," for drug 3 24 170% 743 | township He rs nanan ' 10e, Gib Violent scenes were Tenewed in "the | pants or | | SALARY ATEACHED FOR YEAHS, sono : . i Our $1.50 sult case is great value. -zDutton's. Rev. Neil Shaw, pastor vilie Presbyterian church of Egmond for - twent of fifty-thre ors' Outlook Blue, ~ i Dresden, Sept. 19.--Walter Snell who was at one = time Germany's 'Y&%™ died at the age vice-consul at Chicago and later a YT - provincial court counselor in Sax | Violet glyecrine soap, ony, was sentenced to eleyen years! SO0.° : ; and. six month's imprisonment for | *he steamers James Gilohrist obtaining money under [alse pre- | Nottingham are agronsd at the tences. ¢ of Stag island, in the St Snell's annual salary" was 4,800 river. i . marks, or about $1,200. He aceums Have your fall housecleaning ulated debts of fifty thousand |» our electric and vacuum marks, or $12,500. The defence to cleaning machings. I. Milne. the charge of obtaining loans which 542 he could' not possibly pay, as his Infand revenue of Canada {or Ay salary had been legally.attathed for gust totalled' $1,900,769, as agninit the coming sixteen years, was ' 3! 71.355 in tho corresponding month that he expscted to marry a rich last year y U.8. woman, who had' planned to. --Manlcure toilet sets, complate, Feet a' divoree, but her husband be- (price 16¢ and 25c. McLeod's Drug came bankrupt before the schome Store. could be carried out. © We ame sewing, cleaning and laying The woman's name was not div- carpets, rugs and matting by out uiged. | winctein cleaners. H. Milne: Phone 542 : 18a, ib and head Cla dons carpet Vhons Archhishop Spratt went to * Perth "Sweet castor oil," Gibson's on Werdn ye | Consumers may = expect another has returned to Ualabogie. Kaiser Wilhelm's Joke. The Paris Matin tells a good story of the kaiser. During the Gorman manoouvees recently a company ol Dragoons was told oli to represent a convoy of waggons." The kaser, riding over the field of battle, and seeing Bragoon ying oun the ground, sacl to im: #0. "Well, "what are you lying down thet for ** 2 : ; "i am representing a wi Bn, your majesty," replied the hl ¥ L "Are you?' said the kaiser. "Well, ip and go and join the others." "That is impoasible, your majesty,' said the soldier, "because I have lost uly of my wheels." burst out laughing, » iv the man two shillings, ob- or u to get) rh That's New ut Campbell Bros', en 'Vand did not thik drinking it -_-- © i ud == [#oost inthe price of beef coincident | with the record price for steers |, of | pe i $11 per hunderweight obtained at the Doctor Recommends Postum From | Chicago yards on Wednesday. Personal Test. Phoae 230 for drug, stgre wants No-one is heiter able to realize the Gibson's. " % mpribus action of eaficiné-the drug | Samuel Wilson, Perth, was appoint: in coffee--on . the heart, than = the i *d moderator of: the presbytery of Lan. doctor. Tea is just as harmiul . as ark and Reuirgw. Mr. Wilson, - repr: cofies 'because if; Moo. contains the sentitive elder of Si. Andrew's church, ding caffeine, . ; has heen longer in the presbytery of When the doctor himself has been hs > hk 5 : member; lay or ministerial. mg by wi Jenving of solles Faull and winter miltinery opening | ant using 1 0s can -reler With Wednesday and following days, ( i y RIGHT HOME, Lanark and Renfrew thap any other full conviction to his own case. > No. physicisn proscribes 1 Foutum | many of bis patients use he © pail corset covers, vests and was benefited by it. He says: drawers 35c each.--Dutton's. "I wish to add my testimony in're-; Ajfrd (i. Vanderbilt, New York, on gard to that excellent preparation Goigher ih, his thirty-hith birthday, Postum. I. have had functional or if} come intu absolute possession ol Laesvous heart trouble for over 13 years pis entire fortune, ball of which he fo and a part ol the time was unable 5 ouived at thé age of twenty, and the attend to mv business. ; « 'ofher ball, $25,000000 will be given "] was a moderate user of coffee (4, him nexi mouth, in accordance gan's. : "Buy tooth paste," ai Gibson's. ing it and using father. the late Corngling Vanderbilt. Water System Started. '- "Thousand Teland Park, N'Y., Sept. ~Actdal work om the tract ioh wn system at Thou. this hurt with the <olilitions of the will of his |. AIDL AW'S--, You'll Be Delighted Nh With These | / Clever il New Suits | For Women | At | $15 to $25. the kind of Suits you generally sec' at this price. - These styles are particularly inviting. The one, two and three Button effects on the Cotaway Coats, with the straight line designed. Models ure very pleasing.' High Class English Viyella Flannels A large assortment of new and dainty . * v .desions, ! It i5 absolutely unshrinkable and fast color and retains the same soft finish after repeated washings, Is suited for Ladies' Waists and Child- ren's Garments and for Men's Shirts, 7 A Large Lot of | New Sweater Coats For Women and Girls, $2.00 to $5.00 Hh Sole Agents © for Kingston for ¢ : : ' Butterick S 4 * Patterns h SENT AGA FOR LADIES ON SATURDAY. ~ We sell on Saturday a limited number of Ladies' Tan High Cut Leather Lined Blucher Shoes, splapdid Fall and - Winter Boots. Water Proof and eold Proof. Al sizes 2} to Price on Saturday » $365