G. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEF 19, 1912 THE DAILY BRITISH WHT PAGE TWELVE FLOWER OF ence. He was a charcoal buruer o Kaga--Kagads the vale of i There ws hardly a rin to buy hut beck there in the © daughter, alas, even as the hownora | fore--a year before him. was hardly a rin to buy rice in . \ 1. Tamesan," she murmured. Hugging TF id IRIS : ; ; . oe rice bowl und the teapot closer in her 3 - arn, she followed the dim red line of the ; : ? mB R b W 11 R h Co arntens down to the black pillar of th y Oo ert € S ite 1 { great ine, One oF Whe lanterns of I~ He Is--becnuse He is] lieve in idols It I ever hear youli-- rod a au to = Little girls eleven) "Bue Mrs. Kipp could not finish. Alp. whom the treetodd bad invoked at these whistwibd of Jassion had geized the little! goon was there &¥ bis pine, waiting. girl in the flowered kipono. She stamped | The child dropped on her knees before the pine and eased her burden to the a her straw sandalled feet and she shook ror fi i she d enti ht blac i constraioedly. For five migute r head until sli the straight black hair oo C0 hae pushed up through the b soil. She set the vice bowl in a mossy n with ber hesa still bent; Was whipping her scarlet cheeks, Sobs' "Oka~ choked ber as she shrilled broken sei! cranny Detween the root and the trunk, ipot one of the saké cups beshle it and tences, Ty { "Tm not bdad--P'm not a heathen. | gue rit with tea. At that instant came, er of all the Amida B---Batsu an' B--Binsuro--they| , and vibrant, the Yolee of the tree . is 1 1 i) i ¥ . i Uuseetn. Ones?" - ---- 4s. too, alive, 1 Pve seen Shes al sold toad off in the odorens dark--"Namu--- her embroidery 20d beautiful--I never see GodFathera|y ,, Anda Butsu!™ ; § Mighty SWR¥ off in the sky. He don you The devatee at the pine felt a tingling {don't love little girls [He can't see. An'-- She cast a glance. half . oh=-3g3 ho!™ jof delicionmawe. Amida} 30 oh hehehe. f fear, Buddha' : 2 lamesan whirled about snd raced 0 € up nto the Buddha's lsmtern. It {stairs 10 her room. Mrs. Kipp, who had Seed cheertly. Iamesap softly cn 5 . ber hands aswhe had seén' worshippers in rion i Wi baking | 4 » Mrs. Kir | witnessed before such a sudden | thes temple doy then sb athe P of this little vessel of mixed clay, knew Pp a Jumg op, gath {better than to follow. Thé poor chia, red the penning are <u 1 2 she was pot-she was--different. Fuh roughn the dazkness to the arbor of the ther analysis was baffling to the Massa-| aria. Thess Binsin win-4 bland chusetts 'woman, little stone god, with scales of green |" ed lowed seve on hbo ui fee. Once Fagases hd i . . {found Binzuru, quite forlorn, in a de- {sobbed till tears slackeBed, them oncel ; oyile in Biwm-ken and had i more the little voices of the dark began to brought him- to the sweet communion of jeall. Shch little voices that first they! eo garden. y j were drowned by the sobs, but persistently, Binsuru wore u single purple butterfly soothingly. they Yipoke, all in whispered | the wistaria cocked OWT one ear, where trebles and sighing half speech. Tamesan | it had lodged in dropping. Like a playful {grew attentive. The night wind touched! ifacher he suffered this prank of the [her hot cheeks. She watched the Hoy! ower children. Eves In the dark | fashings of the fireflies, the lanterns of: amessn could see his mossy smile. She jthe Heavenly ones to light their way to koelt before the little Stone: god and first fearth, High, high and far Were white! ie whisked the irreverent wistaria blos- stars, where God-Father-a'Mighty lives, | on off Binsunfs ear, then from her (but near, so near, these lanterns of thei , 00 ieeve she brought out her treas- » $4 TN 3 . iGelden Good, who come at dark to walk ures. "The silver chain snapped ' com: : v HX | 1 : - among the azaleas and to sit in the yellow = around: Biusure's neck, the little gold of the lotus cyps. Down, down from! dent cross glinting from the god's stony the far heaven, over the paths of the winds, | The Chinese cash fitted Into bis flickered the wavering lights in the hands ed palm, where 3 lay across his iof Kishi Bojin, Heavenly Loving Mother, | cos. Jamesan stood tiptoe and broks and of her five hundred children I from the bower of sweetness above her two Jamesan fiptoed In] avy sprays of purple; she laid them the dark to her reverently in the lap of the god. A cup of treasure box and she tea she popred for him and then the took from it to tuck cherry ribbons she tied in streamers from child, heaven cannot ' "Becadse, far off io years (pale cup of a dragom Hly, wid tossed. . nodded to her thraigh the wecnriained sace of the window. The dragea lly was railing'; Binzurn and Iwa-Zaru wante i, her out there in the ga but be "Now, lame" said Okas there nér was "to-morrow was t a , a id understane all 8 resan per ceadingc She had wed r Bid it did it , when din is; Sunday out your lessins." she fidgeted And now b cver her leaflet she shid) very over, winter low, a 10 ex ool day, so get gah, deign "But, Okasama" "Tame, I said get oul" your lessons." There was no comprpaise; famesan knew that. She a on a basseck at Mrs. Kipp's feet and contfed the pages of her leaflet, illustr 'ed with pictures of f the Sliepherd and His sheep. lamesan suddenly jooked up from her text "Okasama, why am I a child of God?" There was guileless ifonocence in ber "Then, Why De No se, 1 Sco God? She 9 Asked. n the charcoal 3 burned 1 'his straw raincoat with as odd humping of his shoniders and bowed low so that the head of a sleeping child, noosed into the slack of his coarse kimono, almost touched Mr. Kipp's trembiing hands, She was | three years oid, parred the clirrcoal burner, Her name was lame-uo-Hana (Flower of voice. the Iris), for she had come in the month "Because, Houoralle Mrs. Kipp » in her lap quickly. "Whom db youn mean, lame "I mean, is God the Father of Butsu and of Binzeru sad I'wa-Zara 100s ". "Child, stop this minute, eried, and there was a note akin to terror -r my aear"™ Mrs Kipp The child at the window lifted her] chin from the pillow of her arms and' drew in her breath sharply. Ob-h! the, heaven people, the Honorable Unseen Ones, were abroad. Did not the tree toad talk as Amahsan had spoken that day in| the temple, standing before the Amida) Butsu? There had been a gold light! about the head of Amida Butsu: on his lips a smile. How could the tree toad know %--. "Why, Tame. don't yon know dinner is reddy? And you my here alone in the AMBSAN pillowed her chin on her oy Come now, this minute, child." two plump arms, crossed on (he TE wigdowsill, and watched the falling \ 0spyvight. 1012, by the New York Femid Co. All righty reserved.) was Mrs. Kipp who spoke. She 1 in the door of Inmesan's room, a amp in her hand. As the child came' ofthe night. Over the hills of Ne-[slowly toward the light, one band tidy-, glshi, purpled like the flag, floated the; iDg the folds of the gay Aowered kimono night robes of Fiji- marsh mists and; hat flapped about the tops of her white Mrs. Kipp looked down into her | socks. cottony vapors. High above these, Ul: aves, still wide with wonder Instantly bosom, {A Gift to the Goa | of Fatheriess 4 Children. supported by earth or heaven and glowing, rostly with a light new gone from earth,' the Holy Mountain. Rose and cherry | and shell tint burnsd this evening lan- "tern of the Heavenly Ones then--the stars, and the sudden dark. Lights pricked out, in the streets of Yokohama down below, the Bluff. JTamesan beard the wailtog minor flute note of the blind mwasscur who senses the coming of nivLt and is early on, his rounds, rood Below Iamesan's window lay the long, garden in shadow. There vere the faint scarlet lines of the azatea hedges passing , down and down under 'the blotting the eyes were veiled and the oval face, the tint of on old ivory, was smoothed of all expression Iamesan made a little gennflexion of respect and pattered down stairs to the dining room There Papasan (Mr. Kipp), leaned over in his chair and kissed the cheek that Iamesan turned up to him. Okasama (Honorable Mrs. Mother Kipp) took her seat and gave Iamesan a monitory glance The child bobbed her head =o that all the short cut black hair fell aver her round cheeks and Mr. Kipp asked a lengthy! blessing. rose that ahont the table. Yokohama--foreign Yokohama--elevated eyebrows when, it spoke of the Kipps.' Mr. Kipp, once in the early days of the An odd eompany into her kimono sléeve some scraps Of he gnarled stem of the wistaria at Hine cherry ribbou, an old Chinese copper eashi © back : with a hole in its middle and a silver chain} "Honorable Kind Ong who ioves fathers with a little pendent cross. Then down the teas children." ey Die whispered. baek stairs in bare feet and softly to the tplease ateept™ servants' rooms in the back of the house. | All the thousands of the pale butterflies There Amahsan, the old nurse, was taking! above her nodded: approval and the god a bit of a smoke alone: that Amabsan, fatheriess clilliten: sm.ded. his: mossy who, in the years of her mothering, had} Ce over. ba Tittle: erols 'biuenth bis secretly instructed Jamesan in the love} in - of all the gods of the land. The withered, The soul of Iamoann was weighted grandma listened to the whispered con "1 with the pain of much imagining. The dences, then "Hai," she assented and bus-| or presence of all the Honorable Un tled to a closet. She returned with 8 eh Ones, speaking out of the darkness bowl, heaped with boiled rice, two sakéi od of the acetitel: Dlosoms, was: overs cups, fashioned in the shape of MOrDIng, o helming. She thought fearfully of her glory trumpets, and a pot of cold tea.} in that night when she had denied God-- Iamesan took these things io her arms. | Father-a'Mights; who lives behind the | "Do not forget Amida Butsu, my little| eo, cpio stars. He is not close--in the flower," Amahsan whispered: "He loves; 0, 00g gnder the wistaris--but Oka- the pine tree: there you will find him.i ooo 0g aid that he is a'Mighty. His And," she added hastily, "old Binzuru, are the stars, anyway. There before who has care for ihe fatheriess." | Rinzuru and the heaped up blossoms The camphor tree, which stood sentinel; Dimedan felt guilt. As she brooded she jot the garden, said, "'Sh-h-h-h I to thei and the plop-plop of the little cascade little shadow that hurried under his over the Jotus pond. boughs. "Sh-h-h-h-1" echoed the stiff yoo {¢ old Binzuru whe whispered the i japonica across the path. Then Amahsan suggestion to ber--old Binzuru whe {quietly ¢losed the door behind and lame-|y,.. 0 (hat sinners in the land of the . isan was alone with the Honorable Un | pods wash away guilt under falling vin ber voice, "Whatever in Lhe 'world-- geen Ones and the night, © water? Who can say? But there at the It was thus a flower of the iris came to {why chi thote "are Pagan geds--| The pebbles of the paths were cool to her| ge. of the lotus pond, where the long, the home of the Kipps ( Wicked, false gods! Thare's no siich per-ibare feet as she passed scrutiny of the! groan swords of her own name flower Iamesan sat through her dinner on this HM 8 r 4 : son as Binzuru and----and all those heathen! four dead ewes of the stome lantern and!pent beneath her feet, Iamesan doffed Bit of the treetoads Mvocation, silent. i : d (ihe WIREWIT God (NGk or you I™==1gp down (0 (he mirks shadows In We her kimono, ~ For & minuie she stood. ia "Yes, they is, Okasama." lamesan's yale below, "Excuse, if I intrude my un: [the starlight, a wonderful littlp pagan of voice was grave and her eyes very bright. { worthy self," lamesan whispered as she!ihe tint of rose on old ivory, 'then boldly n the tera temple down | paused and bowed before the soldiers of she waded through the pads of the lotus all gold and with lights the bamboo patch. The captain of the!i, the cascade and crouched where the smelly smoke And Amida soldiers ~he who was the tallest and who lip of the fall would spout fair on her in the garden with the flowers stood in advance--bent his tasseled spear hent shoulders. As 'the water chuckled 1 knew he's there be lin gracious ~ salutation and Tamesan|and splashed Iamesan prayed to God- "| passed. "Che-sai--Che-sai" (Little One--! Father-a'Mighty, to Amida Butsu and to "Not another word, Jame!" Mrs, Kipp Little Qne), the bamboo soldiers sli Binzuru that hee sin be washed away, i had arisen in her alarm. "Yoft're achorused in sibillant whispers. A firefly] There, under the cascade, Okasama and "Then why don't 1 'ee Him?" Ismesan's| Wicked, wicked child to say such things. {glowed right before Iamesan's eyes. She! Papasan found her when they came with Nobody {bobbed her head with a little gasp. "Onlyia lantern, calling through the garden. branches of the pines, Over by the lotus gettiement a missionary, now mn his re- pond the soldiers of the bamboo patel tirement an antiguary and studen® of the stood all in mass keeping their tasselled lore of sword blades: Mrs. Kipp, who had spears rigidly erect, faithfully on guard. |Sternly purtured the transplanted Puri The thread of the gravelled paths were | PHNAI of hee 30 5 «oll many yea coliwebs, The little cataiact over the| : There had been an son oncesa lotus pond. plop-plopped with -a lisping and a dreamer, who alternated his period insistence. Qut of the bamboo grasses of dilettantism with savage weeks of soli- and the azalea hedges came the noises of {tary dissipation. His bad been the grace small stirrings and sudden rustlings-- |*/WVars » bury himself far off in some obscure village when he yielded to the the night people awakening. A tree toad call of the courteous devil that owned on a branch of the camphogtree cleared him; his goings were sudden and his his throat and then began to chant. returnings pitiful. Once the son did not "Namu, Nami," the tree toad sang [come back. Came instead a formally "Namy--Namu Amis Buti!" worded telegeamn from the policeSf Kags. Iamesau listened then, "Namu ~Awida)in the gorge of Mivanoshita, requesting Butsu" (Behold Amida the Buddha), shel to know what should done with repeated. Ske whispered it first, ther, as|body of the angustly departed Kippsan the tree 'oad continued to hail the Buddha! A week afterward a little old man in the of Boundless Light, she answered in|®raw raincoat of the rustic uncovered stronger antiphonal. Just then the beli|his bald head, wrinkled like the head of 'of the temple down on the canal side{a land tortoise, before the servants at beneath the bluff spoke once. The siiver|the Kipp home in Yokohama and begged 'mote erisped in a swift crescendo andlto inflict his unworthy presence thinned to silence, "Namu!" croaked |their master. The master came out to the voice in the camphor tree, then|him. Thereupon the little old man stopped abruptly. sssachusetts ia an alien these two and Tamesan of the purple flag. 1 night The glowing lamp in the middle of the tick-tiek of the forks on the blet from her the dark out As she be droning speech of Fa; setting forth tl of Nara . Iawmisan white abi risons. "Naman"--down and Inmesan's toes: "Namu Amida her straw zor creaked under fhe the thongs. She shivered a little wi ve the rable nor the plates card "I've seen b the sweet, sense Wy: by ind Butsu's this min the peoplad de canal Taguely te beaulles fous a pre izgled he r loeg 11 . 5 . > in time to the treetoad's cause " bhed ber upon 1 5 pe mp4 is Father of us Be answered "God but a little heathen would be spoke rapidly, though with great rever B 150] syes narrowed jist preceptibly KEEPING UP WITH TRENTON ---What a. Year of Commission Government Has Done He was onejand encumbrances handed over to us when less has been done than in almost any city; "Another reform that the commission Street signa have been put up, and all Now we have has iustituted is the abolition of one po-|parts of tiie city are being better lighted. "How can there be opportunities for NEw Yok, Saturday (are everywhere apparent, and there is water front at Trenton. ~HAT'S typical of Trenton," said als remarkable dearth of persons "hanging of the Grst and foremost supporters of | we cawe inte wan of that city, pointing out to a | #round who have no definite business or | municipfl govermuent by commis : { who have just come to see an-official on! waged au. energetic stranger the paintings on the walli\ ir of a friend. Yet there is no red | nomination. (The result was that he ws of tha Council chamber, in the fine marble tape, If a man has business to transact | fr ahead of any other eandidate when the of its size in the country. campaign to mibimize this lice court, it being found that one police p scourge. We fitted wp a hospital that justice with the aid of a clerk can do!graft when everything is being e in an {| will not be able to show the public what had been closed since the days when small- what two justices and two assistants{open and above boned fashion? Besides, we are doing until March 1, 1913. How- | pox was common and equipped it with) were formerly required for. Indeed, the!the initiative, referendum snd recall are Municipal Building, he is referred to the proper departmedt {votes were counted. | ever, we are gotting a report ready that|modern colivenignces, put in a corps of lone police justice is not at all overcrowded | great safeguards. I admit thet I have "Yes, 1 see," replied the stranger, "the and can see the chief without delay. . Au effort was made to defeat him for will show what we baye done up to date, [doctors and nurses and are taking care of now, the imposition of heavy fines and! the recall in mind whenever I take an im. potuicies 'on. dhe aide and iron. watkicis The head of the government is F = gle presidency the commission and} whion are going to wake a bercalosis cans and are especially 100k- {long terms of imprisonment having tended portant step. 1 think it is 8 good thing oh the other: its splendid." erick 'W. Donnelly, "who received the ihe Maroralty, but he was tinally elected Prenton? Well is one thing INE after methods of prevention, I greatly to diminish the number of cases|io have hanging over the head of suy e other; its splendid, 2 most votes of any of the Commissioners, by' his fellow members and started Hint Will give ue a cool start. The Penn "We inized a bureau for the formerly brought into this court. Hence oficial. 1ts more that that," safil the Tren-jaud was clebted president snd Mayor by [ote to take the city goverment out of Railroad: had 4 bill which wolidation of public charities, which 1, wicssness and crime are on the decling] "Yes, I am more firmly convinced than tenian. "Don't your see the suidke?" the Commission. or {the hands of the politi sgh the Ssante and all but t in its scope, and jy Trenton, and we aré saving money 88 ever that government by commission is "Certainly, It looks teal, too." That election woke up Trenton as ing contractors, as be liad pro wer house of Congress that hy thousands of dollars. | wel). | the only way out for the modern city. "Well, that typifies what has bappened| 10thing had in recent years. It was thejin his pre-election' speeches ntal to the inter. Boman Catholic and He-|. "we have put a collector to work to try|Just think what it would have meant te 10 giaft in thi v It bh first city to adopt the commission form c®utenton that the able orgs NEATions are to €o- ito get soine of the million dollars due the| New York to have had an administration & U this town. It has gove up| . government under the new law, and Mission should be heid in the open possible he city am will be extended | pip in back taxes. He has already turned conducted ou business principles during in smoke. li made niore of a fire than!ihere was a free Geld With about eighty] "Graft Is impossible," be said, "when prevented its passage, but | had a speedy nts for help are passed upon iin more than fifty thousand dollars and is] the Inst fifty years! Can you estimate "all the factories combined, 1 can tell you." {candidates before the primaries, Which ehery, une can seb. what is going on and lel consultation with mygassociates, took a organizations. = There going after the rest ol it. r what the saving would have been 7" " "What started the five ¥" eliminated all but ten of them. Five of | ea on. any subject that affects the mx: train to Washington and got the most of Yigurouy checking system to} "Trenton is going to have water that is 3, Donnelly's distinctive provinces is "Commission government. See all those that number were elected after a bitter, Payer. the concessions thar 1 femanded. --sprevent duplication of help and the ex- fit to drink. We have adopted as & sio-| Public Affairs, and be is a kind of sd. 1 fine desks arranged jn a semicircle? They were built for Councilmen, but there are office. Although we have Nie year our fiscal year be- begun a sion and | been in ofc campaign after his! gan ouly the first of last March, and we £ of we about new here org i in at ' have : sylvania R ar reaching tig 'roléstant, as and the graft th heen: put ufised to dv through t was his would have been dett stings Of the coli pets of Trenton. It would have undér the old conditions to. have "Perales, unt app by {will be will save i The been im-{UTEW © one of these i campaign, aud they were inducted into This nas flying jo the face of precedent,| "The bridge that was to have been built) tensidu of aid to the undeserving.' {gan, 'Pure drinking water within a year'| visor to each of the other Commissioners, office on August 22 of last year. {bug be had his way, aud be bad his way in by the raliroad & mile below the city, thus! "ln. the "basement of the Municipaliand we are pledged to carry it out. We The other four depariments of the city' Although the members of the commis-| 30 Many things that a great bowl went up bottling up our fine hapbor, is to be placed | Building We' have established a well were seriously threatened with a typhoid | government are those of Revenue and sion had been elected on the pledge tha: | that he was a dictator and should be re- 'at least a wile further away, and the coii-| equipped dispensary and we are improv | epidemic last winter because of the impure. Finance, Public Safety, Streets and Pub- ealled. There is no tore talk of that kind, pany agnes to its ofd bridges { the hospitals and thei water supply od only escaped through i. Improvements, and Parks and Public they woald 'conduct the affairs of the mg the service of appl, h gh | government purely on a business basis although be still hay critics and enemies atross the canal with orocamental steeliglmshouses. In the latter we have been! the application of hypochlorite of lime to Property, The heads of each of these and ix still pushing - his. strdetures; to pn the machine leaders clung tenaciously to - ve. congestion une able through businesslike administration | the water. Since then ye have continued] dopa rtments Bad bad experfence slong the their determination to retain their prof- policies. diately by the erection of a bridge at Pros to effect a saviog of several thousand 0 treat the water chefnieaily. Now We fines thet he is working on now before itablesrprivileges and perquisites, and, Mayor Donnelly is a forceful, aggres. pect street, 30 as to do away with 'thegdollace and. at the same time to give Are to haye the must approved filtration he waa elected a Commissioner. The in- when they were denied them, they sought *¥¢ man. He loves tae be is doing dangec and inconvesience there: not. ta the inmates better fod than they ever) plant that can be obtlined at a cost ofieyiiable friction of the early mouths of to hamipet the new gov ut in every and weleotes even the ligleing as part of ¢ppose the vondemnation proceedings. that { bad before. -- ui ¥200,000 under the estiatate that had beet | (he commission has disappeared and the pr gO They oi to harass! the. work. . A the city has started 1s acquire land Bang! py these dags of high eost of living made before the commission took charge menibers are now working harmoniously, "We are making Trenton over," he said the Delaware River for harbor develop-| oo (ooo been able to afford a direct" the city government. We Are also 10} each striving to wake a record in his de to the teporter for the Hemarn "in ment; to sell the city variows tracts ofl coos boy proper regulation of Weights! D278 8 system of sewage disposal at aipartment. zr a four-years, if we aren't recalled mean land along the Assapink Creek for park! oo ne The man who was for "Ving of thousands of dollars. | There was at one time 8 movement to while, the town won't know itself. Here PUTPOSes, J0d ta give to the city its ANS | erly at fhe head ofthis departosent' bad | Now that the Delaware River channel | rocal} three of the Commissioners, this it is with every natural advantage, and jt iv the bed of this creek. other oeenpations snd besjowed only 8 approaching completion, Trenton willl arising among the Gérmans, who thonght has been sleeping away without taking, "Moreover, the Pemnsylvania company.'.seual sour sow and then upon his agi be a seaport town. Modern munici-| that the commission was not sufciently advantage of its eppoftunities. We have now that thesd matters have been settled, job. . As a result, outrageous cinatiog 2 ducks. ate he constrocied, and in aifibersl. The lenders of the movement, paid too mneh for everthing and not hal is showing a disposition to co-operate With! ons oq in mung quarters. Some of short time She ty will be equipped with however, dropped it without formuleting the things that are worth paying for. Now the city in improvements that will be of yyiy was invocently done, Hat it more. op ane cilities. .. ..|Osir objestions, having been sdvised that the mapayer is goihg to get value for every mutun! advantage. We already have 8, joi was esrried ou at the expense, ar . ete 10 mais a fine city wetheir grievanes Would not constitute & dolar be pays. Ee {tie park, and we Are going 10 Lates great os (hy consimer. We have in the Upper pr, ydlanieer is siance of able en-!iegal charge against the Gomiiisionsrs in "If you ask wheiher we are going fo park system. ww sory of 'this Wilding A Museum of 10eih nnn Sos hen th ems hae been | question. ; 7 Teduce the tak rate 1 cannot promise that) "Here is another thing the commission adequate and imperfeit weights 49d. enitst the aid of etpeet civil and. tang 12 nee Treaton started its experiment ¥e. will. But we shall sot increase it is doing for Trenton It has Bad one of ipeasures that have been confiscated in in» 0d (pevers! other New Jersey towns and meh, if at all; w ibly ke ow , Betas 3 : (scape engineers in workio; it out. We leities hefve adopted the systema, but the an oi; 'S Way sosiily heh 44 the worst yeoords in Pie country for taber- ihe last faw weeks, sinew our energetic Lave already taken stepn towsrd remove capital city is still the one that the Fam nn ed tients, owing chicfly to the namber of inspect'. Began to devote all bis time; i sphone om 1 we had a legacy of debt und of obligations persons smalond in the potieries, and) te the work. ay wices and telegraph is Matching 10 see if commission govern omler ground. ment work, - : replace euergetically {