: : DAILY . "RSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12 1912 _ PAGE SIX, . ' : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THUR 3, \ -- - -- DISTRICT DASHES, MUNICIPAL ds NEW FASHION FOR WOMEN, srt from earnings of the railroad | ! MOTH AND CANDLE A or hat company had | News Clipped From Our Many ¥x SECURITY PURCHASE Bald Heads, the Stile 20 Year: 3 . ha a -arned. more than 10 per cent. on. | 2 changes. | ably a es, Sar Fro Wabi Bc: 55 To gnard against alim in DOVBLE LIABILITY ON. BANE So vapital I a tan - {. D- Re Wilkie, drinio: president 3 500 years théte will cchodly he a har = 3 Baking Powder see that all ingre. SHARES. fate control by the railway board | ed eral Dank he waxes Canada Paint Grey, Suburb of Vancouver, on &hy womaw's head," Heclared 'Prof. § dients are plainly printed on the hod Sells $1,200,000 One-Year ~ | I a emit Nal EYE od The words "No Alum® Some Talk: of Parliament Bein; Propose Big Cigar Merger. John Duly, drunk, in felleville, | a hy] 15 4 I a ; ii A i firs to the United States in twen- En at \ 4 4 Asked to - Remove ¥t--Woul Toronto, Sept. 10.--A merger of |hlamed people for st ealing his money. | Notes to Comat y. o a <4 nt: vithoas Te ing hrs do no his boot. The market for munivipal securities "Baldness will be the fashion for wo- 3 Boom Bank Stocks. ight cigar mapufacturing compan- | In jail i was found he had the bills £: y : D as tel having a total anmial output of - ny i men 'as well as meh" he continued & . sufficient. Magic Baking Powder Toronto, Sept. 10.--8ome time | ihing like 62,000,000 cigars, | Fire, from an unknown cause, | received an upepected impetus from [UGH 45 WES 88 Men, brain power of ti § di &go in our. investment latter, #ayh | now being planned, and the scheme | totally destroyed the house and [iL announcement that the Dominion <he AL i or he 1 v costs no more" than the ordinaty Thomas W. Forwood & (o.. we] i other be comsummated or | barn, owned by John Hyde. on the | flond company, limited, had purchased He hair ah to hav curly locks will X kinds. Full weight one und recommended the purchase of Do- | 4.0 qoned In the na future. The | state road, near Clayton, N.Y. 31.200,000 one-year notes of the muni he x reflection: on the int ov St the . nas. u cg po minfon Bank and Imperial Bank, 5 o% fmvolved . ~all Canad {he death occurred, Monday, of Mar- | ¢ipality of Point Grey, a sublfh of Noedrer some ht andred ¥ ass he $ ne cans 25¢. and although they have since had ; panies ith aetories in { saret Britton, at the residence of | Vancouver. This is the largest pury Jntired ence, 3 | ; 5 an advance of three or four points, § \ ..1 and elsewhere. 'Charles B. Moore, Belleville. The Je chase ever made by a Ussiadian, botul : wé still favor them very strongly 3 . eased lady was in her seveniy-eighth | hose on short-termed nfunieipal se Pittsburg Township Council, J) i} Job Investment. together a the Financial Notes. L wat Fo Wilks. Boioviih. 'shitving: waritics for distribution at Roe, Jul Sept. 2.--The council met at 11 Leh EW.GILLETT COMIANY LIMITED o e n oO oronto oy " y ant TOMAas . is, believe : 8 AVIRG, | Niawise Point irey nas the distine .m. > % . Which is selling in the neighbor. Righteen Bm £ Dhe Sep. on' Monday morning, during the storm, | (&, i being the fing Canadian mu tes of a Peat tnd es 0 TORONTO, ONT. hood of 208. - diary : I 'proposition to] was smitten to the floor, the lighiging picipulity to istpe such a large a Ifrmed. Dr. C.- A. Morrison appoint OT WINNIPEG MONTREAL | N ""There is a considerable amoun' et tt the parent company. {having iollowed along the. eloctrie | Ll oy of chort-termed. nots in the fod. Medical 'Health Officer for the QNTANS NO ALL AVN of talk at the prebent time, io the it is stated on good ~ authority [wires. i ki Ske lut of ¢ven mors in | township. The reeve and treasur- | effect bat at the next session o hat the Canadian Rubber company The Grand Trunk rail way is me MEY porest to the cverage investor is the ler authorized to borrow $1,000 for. - " ' parliament, removal of the double ontemplates erecting a large fac- arrangements to enter Deseronta - ahiouncement that the Dominion Bond ¢urrent expenses. Accounts passed: , cy a : Ravi from bank stocks will be ory for the exclusive manufacture | oid track formerly used by the Hay of company, lifnited, will offer the poles |' Hh Blackstock, 5 cords stone, $10; WEDDING BELLS, white felt haf trimmed with tan 44 3 nis proposal ug Ay fumnte failuay, ribning dirt!) north | the public at a price to yield 54 | BE. Braddon, bonus on 25 rods fence, | : Lo -- plumes. git a8 goaud Soule, here Twin City earnings for August |'© the Grand Trunk main line par cent. While this is 4 record | $385, and work, $4.50; John Me [One of Marysville's" Handsome Their many friends extend their . ry : A quiet welding took ~place, Mon ; SR hi : best: wishes fo a bright and hap for standard banking issues, which | ¥ere, 3708 371, Jeanne 493,901 ny, ut. Belleville, when Rev. Willign | Geld for a ficstcluss onnicipal w= | Mallen, , grading road, $20.00; R. Young. Ladies Weds. ¥ 8 ry are at ghe present time lower thay | "OF AUBUSL 3 in : : . future, : ; s Ee Lo | urdty it is 'apburvent, irom the sept | White, ditching $13.60 @.. Mat- The Church' of the 8 aH : in - tate | H. Peake united in marriage, lgrke | ) ' . thews, ditchin 18.40: W Gord | e urch of the Sacre eart 3 . ~ thoy. were ten years ago, in spite | 46.079: For the year 10 S00 | Gennis Lake, Toronto, and Wendi tation of the bondhouse and the i work, 34 Sy s $13 xi ' oo was the scene of a beautiful and |, EH 'aarnings have increased $192, . - ville. } rly i | narcial statement of Point Grey, that » D0; As" Franklin, Tas fo of the fact that the assets of thes: It is understood that Soo road Cha peli, Belleville, but formerly of hove fs riore than ample security het [Stone, $18, and team work $3.50; poy Wo on Tuesday morning, News From Enterprise institutions have been Increased eas y 'ngland, \ Pte ks mo} y Rp when a- large congregation assem- : ' nae fly 50 per cent. has purchased Wisconsin: & Mies. A government engineer suggests. {hat hind the notes. The assessed valw By Jarier, Sieburaed a ork) bled to witness the marriage, ofa Enterprise; Sept. 9 Threshing 4 gan railway, which runs rom the oulv place:for 'a. bridge: between | 0 taxation of Point Grey ix 5 : ? espie, sbursed or ular. and lished and plowing 'seem to be the prder fet hii piace "for. 2 AD : ot : work; $7:;. DB: Carpenter, disbursed | POP nd = accomplished young : ! in 'eshligo .to Iron Mountal Mich i 75.000, while the not, debt is . phly | Work; ; ' r. Miss f the a M May Kell M ' / Le, Prince Edward and Hastings counties SHR), while en, H 50: J ady, Miss Hattie A. McLaren, to |of the day. iss May Kelley, of oth and Candle. The International Steel Torpora- £2 423.000. si ent. of the assess | for work, $6.50; John Cahey, royal- F . United States. but: formerly of iH e : { at $20,000,000, wdjacent to Deseronto, is at the ght pred « MX per oe a * ty. on. 30 cords stone, 7.50; H. erguson J. Doyle, of Kingston, a nite ates, 0 erly « is Professional sbcculators have | tion, capitalized et ced oy Gebmap | House. Descronto and Prince Filward | ~d valuation. | The goreral debertury Davis, 8 cords stone, 316: R. Ben. student of Quéen's Medical College, | blace, spent a few days In our been selling Canadian Pacific short | and said to be ne e wd oration | people will stre ngly oppose its lauild | debt of 1,399,000 includes $1,350 000 Rett 'a0 cords dtone *§40; J 1 The ceremony was performed nidst tepewing acquaintarices. Mr. ever since the stock crossed pai { capitalists, has file incorpe ing there, ax it will be of no value to iteasury bonds, which have heen : au . ) 80- fu. Rev. Father Spratt. The bride, | and Mis Or rus Wagar took dinner for the first time in 1801, says the org at Tacoma, Wash. & : : c..yi.. Abrams, acct: stone, $20; I. Bar- y N k P Cr BaYY 2 | aber in Al6 JiroRress 'at the Deseronto 8s a market place. thotized but which the municipalify olay, disbursed, $16: Mrs. Hutton, WHO Was given away by her father with a Mrs. Albert Raymond, ew York Post. In nine cases ou Bo good is the proxress hat | Mrs. James Smith, Ross Corners, | dacided to hold rather than offer in, onl To Tag "lds et ve $2.50; J (Was charmingly attired in white | on Sunday last Miss Florenae of ten such transactions were closed | Kingston Locomotive Works tha YY MW eRe in n RB : YR " v ih fter at- loss: . le der the new man- north of Belleville, had a narrow es-{ the present uniavorable matket ' fea Barrett, 24 cords of stone, $48: H. embroidéved lace robe over ivory | Walker had returned home after & at a loss; but those losacs onl 8 being made un a miny pow Sipe when lightning struck the Fouse | tapgep term municipality securitids, Murray, work . $3: H. Macrow |Satin the skirt béing draped in | tending Toronto Lp and visiting at seemed to make traders more | agement that a on the common | She was knocked senseless and her The physical facts in connection crushing 175 cords stone, $619 50. | Paniere effect with pear! ornaments. | her pncle's, A. G. Davey, formesly anxious to sell B4 stock Atte} & ook for a div son was expected | clothing sét on fire. The lightning en- | with Point Grey are as sfrong as thé | w Custer, disbursed, $96: D. Mc. |She Wore a bridal yell caught back |of this place. 0. C. Jackson is a, od me aa a gh Ht uch oh anization occurred | {fred at her arm and passed out | Goepgial facts. The municipality im- | Lean, acct: of stome, $2.73. -, Ad. | With orange blossoms and carried a | improving his: property by pusting dbrin the panic; but fin 1910 it] a :t i Rus through her toe, ripping her shoe bad- |, dintely adjoins the present ¢ity | journed until called by the veeve. |Shower bouquet of Sean po and | in a new cement stoop. Miss Ger- ® p ast fall. ly. She had a miraculous escape and f Vancouver on the south and : » lilies of the valley. bride | trude Kellar is setting up her mil was again above 200, after whict The earnings of the Porto Rico ill EN mits © ancou A -------------- isted b M 9 1 i th tory of it gradually advanced to 283 or | railroad for the month of July are |%1 Fecover. west and is regarded as the choicest Toronto Street Market. ae a A y ing 14a "Shav hyd Hnery Par oT ny Sac var oon August 15 last. Araund 275 the | very disappointing. The gross earn- ' n 1] covidential section in "Greater Van | 'Toronto, Sept. 10.~Wheat, new, i pink rn Jhundsemely Poin er Tockwors is erecting a veran. present price, the stock still 'har | ings show a falling off of about 20 | é CASCARETS FOR Et a aationally denirabiy | Jushel, $6c to°98e: oats, new. bush- mings She wore a InrRe oe lah at his residence, which adds the same fascination to bears tha' Boor cent. and the net earnings eights Ww exceptionally desitable lel, "43¢ to 450; barley, bushel, 55¢ (ar of white sik Dinie with tone loreatty to Ita appearagee: Mr. A candle has fon a moth. There | show a falling off of 70 per cent. osudential section recently opened by {tg Gc; "rye, bushel, T0c to- 75¢c; and pink rose bud trimmings . . hr "Mrs Jrvthe Loucks snd son "ate hundreds of bears in Wal The Royal Bank of Canada ha SICK HEADACHE the Catndinn, Pacific railway and the [hay new. ton, : $15.00 to 317.00; carried a bouquet of pink roses ame % rdiner, spent a few days last Street, who dream of some day | 'isted on the Montreal Exchange nunicipality iv te be the home of the | straw, per ton, $16.00 to $17.00; Hites of the "valley : he oa a or renewing aéqualntances in catching "the top" on Canadiar | 33,600 shares,adidtional stock. This ree naw 'provincial university of Batish | dressed hogs, $12.00 to $12.50; young groom was ably a » Hinchinbrookes The potato crop . > <gne - © . 2 RP: 2.000 acres, 2 " J § y Assiste 3 Pacific. "before it starts on its lone | represents the stock issued In OX-| 0 0 oy ohbing Headaéhe dean: | Columbia. Its area is 12,000 acres, {butt flairy. 27¢ to 32c; eggs, doz- [},g "oousin; John Baker The { has all appearances of being first downward swing." Traders who are | change for that of the Traders : which 18 twice | the presewt size of en, 300'to 33¢; chickens, Ib, 17¢ to groom's gift to the bride w ) M Sowell has taken up continually predictifig a collapse in | Bank, which it took over at the be- Bowels are Clogged and Live: Vancouver, With » constantly and | 18¢: chickens, spring, 20e to 22¢; |}. acme near! on oh aa 31 Pad oH hn Reid's house Just Canadian Pacific could learn a g0o¢ | sinning of last week. Stagnant--You Need Cascarets. rapidly growing population, the an- jducklings, 17¢ to 18¢; potatoes, dant: im Ma A net ysl. Ban rE vu Alice Me- deal from studying that company's Some investors are taking the | vy... FGiious, you have a throb-| nexation of outlying municipalitiea®ic | new, bushel, 80c and 80e;" apples, | 1a carety sot in pdarls, and to the Ire AL Fg ding three weeks vis- annual reports for the past decade. | stand now that the fine business |... uation in your head, a bad | a seriogsly considerefl point in - Van bbi., $1.50 to $2.50; celery, dozen, groomsman a gold. signet pin rh nd nd acquaintances dt During the past ten years endine | wrogpects. indicate that the major. taste in your mouth, your eves burn, | souver , {o-day, and the probabilities ages Sbbage, dasen. a oe as During the nuptial mass the | Verona, *Sharhot Lake and Pem- June 30 last Canadian Pacific's | ity of railroads do not nee & your skin is yellow, with dark ring: | oro that Point Grey will be taken | Weel, Torequarters, y $1 i +@| choir, (of which the bride was &]broke Mrs. ©. J. Vincent has re- Kileage anly tnetadsad 43 per eeBi [raies, ua they have i Pane under your eyes; your lips ar | nite thy greater city in the near fu hoe, & miquarters, we 13.00 14 member), rendered some very | turned %egher home at Dayton, and its average freight rate per ton cessfully to weather the hard times | cori d. No wonder you feel ugly tade $11.25 t 11.20; vd 3 os, db sweet and appropriate solos. After §Ohio. 3 Rev. A. M. Gunter has re- per mile Sly incremed 920 Sents; on eurrent Agures. | Smelting. and} and ill tempered. Your 'Aysten i . awh. $3 2 to 39.50; boot ath the ceremony the bridal party drove turned ffom attending the Free nevertheless, Eng he ne pe The Interna Sma i have + spent | full of bile not properly passed of For Successful Baking owt. $7.00 to $8.00: mutton Nght, | © the residence of the bride's par- | Methoflist conference ut Peterboro. lod Ihe solpany's rg pe Ron aan pon ad what you need is a "eleanirg uj For Succ . cw. $8.00 to $10.00; veals, com. | D'S: Where a sumptuous repast | He' has been returned to Entefprise JiCrangts per tent. at is] over $6.0 or a as nside. Don't continue being a bilious | Don't waste "flour and other goes mon, cwt., $7.50 to $9.00: veals.|2Waited them and their many |and Fifth Lake circuit for another - raliroading. improvements han Over. $3.12 aane in yourself and those whe " prime, 'cwt., $11.00 to $13.00: |Suests. The high esteem in which | vear, "and Rev. W. H. Reynolds has ry RF . have been ig oN SABte A ral love you, and don't resort to' harsk | ath poor veast, but use White Swan spring \amba, $12.50 to $14.00 *Y¥% | the happy young couple are held | been:apy ted travelling elder in Sir Thomas and CPR. Financing. | 000,000 of this hus Lutes physics that irritate and "injure. Re | yea-t Cakes. Live grocers sell six Be ik _-- was shown by the many costly and place ef Rev. R. Burnham, who has Sir Thomas Shaughnessy in a | from uaraiags Miri member that most disorders of the cakes for Be. Free sample on request. Last Trip Str. Caspian, beautiful presents reecived, one be- | heen sent to the Toronto and Mus: Winnipeg interview said the pro. | date be capitalized. stomach, liver 'and intestines can be | White Swan Spices & Coreals, Limited, 3 . ing a substantial cheque from the fkoka districis. Services held at 10 posed new Canadian Pacific stock A quickly euwred by morning with gentle, | Toronto, Ont. To Thousand Island points on Sun | groom's mother. o'clock in Keech's Hall. Henry iasue is made necessary by the in- : thorough Cascarets- they work while . -------- day, 15th inst, at 10.15 a.m. Fare The "happy young «couple left by § navey has beoi very fortunate in crease of the scope of the com- In the open race, Wikia Tous- You skep. pe box from your A large barn, the property of the | 50a. ; the steamer Kingston for Buffalo, finding a .good gravel pit on his pany's undertakings, and is in nojey's boats, the Wasp and Syracuse ding sist will keep your liver and how- Thousand Islaid. park association, To _Ghatlotie, N.¥3 (part of Roch-| Toledo and Toronto, and upon their place and he is now supplying . way affected by the fact that large | II, carired off the honors at . a Fe ah Sbumach sweet and your{ was struck by lightning and des- ester), on Sunday, 15th, at Pm. | return will take up residence infgravel to the C.P.R., for construe. dividends have been paid. He | Clayton Yacht Club regatta. These had clear for months. Children love | troyed with fifty tons of hay. The |Home Tuesday morning. Fare for | Kingston. The bride's going away ftion wofk. O. E. Potter has gone said these were to a great extent|two boats alone entered, and the|(o take Casearets, because they teste | downpour of rain saved nearby [round trip, $1. J. P. Ianley, | suit was of tweed with tan broad- Bho Bloomfield to work in the can revenues from land . sales, quite Wasp was beaten. 6.4 and never gripe or sicken. . places. agent. | cloth and button trimmings, and a Laing factory. * TE _ PISIIIS 1p 00 III) whe nit:rials trying to make good bread a= : te -------------------- Kingston's only Exclusive Ready - to- Wear Establishment for Men, Women and Children Announce the Opening of their --_ MLNERY DEPARTHEN A Cordial Invitation Extended to All THE BLACK AND WHITE HAT BRIGHTENS A DARK COSTUME. : X : al . Zs C ONE OF THE JAUNTY MAT SHAPES FOR F i rr ign A By ries are TLL pr ppp a eg esas pics ie Call and See the Latest Creations in Ladies' Tailored Hats || ~~ Qur Men's and Boys' Department ° : Stylish Coats, Suits and Dresses Is stocked with the latest styles and newest patterns in Suits and- For Ladies, Girls and ion Be for Your a Overcoats---Prices the Lowest. * GE US A TRIAL AND LET US PROVE IT. © Soe. dois 5 in 1 5 | oi New) Neokwour, Hosiery, ( Hoves, Shirts, U nderwear, Sweater Coat fs, Haté, Caps, Etc, ¥e If its New we Have It. Come 'in nad Take a Look Apes imegghiedtiertimg eters eataremaetaracren ar ee -------------- Si mi Ba aa aes Sais Ln i ¢ Bd Rr cs ein A ane Ac ~ er --------------------------