PAGE TWO. THE DAILY "BRITI SH Wha, Wiow mY SEPTEMBER 11. 1912 HOME FURNISHING 'We can help you, Btocks of Furniture, Cdfpets and Curtains was never better. Big line of Hall Seats and- Racks, $5, $7.50, $11. up to $50. i s PR TNT EL a Pa -/ Parlor Cabinets, all styles '$4.50, $7, 810, up to $60. A fine line of Music Cabinets. Ba ' Tables for Parlor, Dining-room Hall, Kitchen. ete., 75¢ to $85.00, Parlor Bultes, over 50 styles. um- equalled variety, $20, $27 up. Carpets, Rugs. Curtains, Draper- fes, Linbleum, Oilcloth, Shades, ete, 'Phone 990. yoe- etter: S-------- The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden Wood, simple to op- erate, can be put up in five minntes, . 2 New Cars in Use This Week LIME FOR SALE DRURY'S (ul & Wood Yard ~~ We have a choice selection. Here are a few: -- © | 208. Albert Street--Brick, 8 rooms. ~~ hardwood floors, hot water furnace; lot 50 x | 153; $4,000. Our large New L ia or it Wise Fur Buyers Why Not You? oe vigations to bry. JOHN McKAY 18157 wet, i Kigstan, Oat THE FIRST GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE Ensy Preserve Natural Color of the Hair and Make it Grow. A Harmless remedy, made from com haw garden . sage, quickly rndlores gilay "hair a 0, datural Solo. The cary prevent w losing and lustre, is just as im: portant as to care for teeth to keep them from discoloring. Why spend money for cosmetics and creams to improve. the complexion, and yet ne glect your hair, when gray hair is even more conspicuous and suggestive of age than wiknkles poor complexion ? Of the two, is easier "to preserve the na- tural color and beauty of the hair than it is to have a good complex- |( ion, All that is necessary , is the occa sional use of Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy, a preparation ol c on garden Sage and Sulphur, vombined with other valuable reme dies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dan drufl, itching scalp and falling hair After a few applications of this sim- ple, harmless remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to its natural color, in a short time the dandrufl will be removed, and your hair will no longer come out but will start vo grow as Nature intended it should. Don't neglect your hair, for it goes further than anything else 'to make or mar your good looks. You can buy this refuedy at any drag store fom || fifty cents a boftle, and your gg gist will give yous money back you mre not satisfied after using. Por chase a bottle to-day. You will ne ver regret it when you realizé the dif forenice it will in your appear: ance. Agent, G. W. Mahood. ately, or al i tion with last 3 IN SPORTING ' CIRCLES ; PONIES DEFEATED WOLFE LAND BY 6 RUNS TO 4. 15 At the Kingston Township Falr-- Queen's Rugby Prospects--Capt. Erskine Has Been Getting His Men Together. : The Ponies baseball team defeated Wolle Island team by a score of \to 4, on Tuesday afternoon, at the Kingston township fair. The day | waa fine for the game, but, unfortun- | the field did not correspond with the weather. In spots, on the diamond, there were pools of water. the local boys pulled out a victory the boys from across the bar- bor kept them hustling. . Wolfe Island won the tous and took the field, J. Stewart was the firs man Ww dome up for the Ponies. He flow out and was followed 'ty Ryan, who hit safe, but was caught on one of the basess Derry followed but met the same doom. the first man to bat for the Islanders, went down, but ouly to be followed by Davis, and W. Cummins, who met the same fate. Potter. the first man up * for Ponies, walked, and McKay struck out. C. Stewart got first on a wild theaw. With two men on bases Ken- nedy came up and got first and on a hit by Evans both men scored, bui Evans was later caught on a base. Wolfe lsland' veveated their perform- ance by going down in oney two, three order. Berry got a base on balls for the [slanders in the same innings but the three who followed him went anwn very fast. JVonies rallied a- gam in the fourth, when Mchay, C. Stewart, Kennedy and Evans each got bits, but 'Stewart was the only one who was able to score. This same Innings was another blank for the idand boys, all three gong déwn : Told in Fwilight Mrs. William Lesslie, King street asked a few friends to tea on Tues- day afternon te meet her daughter, Mrs. N. W. Brigstocke of Cobalt, and Mrs. Arthur Evaogs, India. The! guests included Misses Lillian and | Constance Norton-Taylor, Miss Ger- trude Strange, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Sarah Willis, Halifax; Mrs. H. Dyckman, Westfield, Mass.;' and Miss Marion Lesslie. Mrs. Lesslie will entertain informally at tea again on Friday afternoon, - - - - A very enjoyable dinner w giv. en at the Country Club on Myniay night. The guests includ Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Han- gord Hora, Mr. and Mrs. W. " Craig, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Emma Pense, Miss Irene Swift and Mr. G. JH. Smythe. . . - - A bright and jolly high tea was given at the County Club on Satur- day évening. The guests included Mrs. P. G. C, Campbell, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Misses Elsie and Em- ma Pense, Miss Lillian Kent and Miss Nan Paterson. ; ow ee Mr. .and Mrs, Willam MeCam- mony of 329 Queen street, announce the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, the fourteen th of September, and will be at home to their friends from 3 to 6 and from 8 to 10 p.m. on that'day. ee uw A jotly pienic party of younger girls and boys went to Kingston great order. The fifth seemed to be a hard one for both teams, Cos-' grove beng the only tan who .- was | atde to get over the home plate, and | he got his base on balls. { The sixth was a very close one! Potter being the only one that scored tor Ponies, while the islanders fniled 'a tally. At the commencement : of sha seventh the islanders commenced | wo Get careless, especially the pitcher, | and before the team recovered the Ponies nad hammered out four hits 'wo men scoring. With a score of 6. ro 1 the boys from across the water | shen pulled together. Whitmarsh got | Some hut the next thrice men wont | down. The eighth innings was a lank innings for bolh teams, Rou. \ ses, with the score of 6 to 2, ent down in the ninth, but the \ Worle | Tgland team had their last. innings, | and Whitmarsh and Cosgrove tallied. | The loses were very much annoyed about the game as they claimed ig they were given some poor decisions ft will certainly be a lesson to some | 'of the members of the team lo know they, eannot play ball and do 'so, much ' talking ta the umpfre. - During the seventh period Evans, she catcher for Ponies, hurt his fine wer and 0. Stewart, who was holding own third suck, took his place. He played a great game. Ponies. J. Stewart LE ae ae Ryan, 88. oo Derry, p. ... Potter, Meltny. Stewart, 3b. " Kennedy, rd. Evans, ¢ .... Sh fs Toland: Fh cis sirens omivigas DOWD wD? | | a wo ------ Wolfe Island. alwvwososwdow' Card, ¢ Davis, 8.8. iis Cumming, 3h .. Whitmarsh, If. : Cosgrove, rf... B. Cummins, p. . Berry, 1b. Taggart, cl. . ¥, -- Umpire William Debancy, Score by innings : Ponies ...... ...... .020101200-6 Wolle Island 0000101024 City League Standing. The standing of the senior Baseball League is as follows : . Web Teast, To Play: : 3 3 City Victorias ..... ..a Queen's Rugby Outlook. Capt. Erskine, of Queen's senior rugby team, ig reported to have done 4 ocnsiderable amount of "mission ary work" among the wearers of the Srroolor team i the smnmer been - in conimunics- ear's men. They are 15th and will, in be RMR Se - Ye : 1 Re. § , Mills, this afternon and had a most enjoyable time. | Sir Richard anid Lady Cartwright and the Misses Cartwright are re- maining at their summer home, | "The Maples," until the . beginning of October. Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, University avenue, have left for Mt. Clemens, Mich., to spend the next seven months with their daughter, Mrs. T. Moore. Miss O'Brian of 1.'Orignal, ar. rived to-day on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Adam Cochrane, 157 Alfred street. Mrs. T. R, Carnovsky, Princess street, leaves on Thursday for Rock Island, IlL. to spend the balance of the month with her sister, Mrs. Dr.) A. Stocker. A She is accom- panied by her mother. Mrs. F. B. Stratton, and. niece, Miss Frances Conger. Mrs. M. S. Sutherland, Earl St., and' Jer daughter, Mrs. Mellis. a Guelph, who have been visiting in Toronto, have returned to town. Miss Barclay of Vermont is a est in town. for, the Young-Wil- llamson wedding. Dr. G. R. Parkin. Going-on- Thames, is the guest of his dangh- ter, Mrs. W. F. Brant, Wellington street. . Miss Muriel Ardale, Ireland, is the guest of Mrs. W. F. Nickle at her summer home at the point. . - - * Mrs. Reginald Brock and four sons will return to Ottawa on Thurs- day after spending the summigr in town. ; Mrs. William Harty and little 4aughier. N Nadine, Stuart street, re- turped "hom on Monday after spending a few days in Toronto with Mrs. Harty's mother, Mrs. J. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. | p | K -- id KE A 3 <-1R ib 5 p BA ary, Webster's in other dictionaries. i -- as Re Ne Aeneas afar yar bx hog ug -------------- iE A $4. 00 Dictionary for 78c 2 No Coupons Necessary WEBSTER'S RELIABLE DICTIONARY FOR HOME, SCHOOL AND OFFICE USE. EDITED BY" THOMAS H. RUSSELL, LLB, LLD. M.A. Editor-in-Chief of Webster's Imperial Dictionary, Webster's Universal Diction- Inter-Collegiate Dictionary and Webster's Bound -in Full Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and rounded corners, 700 pages including over 150 pages of special information not generally found ssi 4 #1 ¥ Sterling Dictionary. Containing over A PP AP Bl PA A A SAA il i By Mail 22¢ extra for postage. A THE COLLE 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. GE BOOK STORE tiie ee 'Phone 919, mr ANNAN NAAN Pr AN si -- K. Kerr and in Bronte with Nr. EB F. Osler. Miss Etta Kirkpatrick arrived in town from Montreal on Saturday and 'shecand "her sister, Miss Kath- leen Kirkpatrick are in pension at Mrs. George Briden's, Barrie street. Mr, E. V. Lesslie, King street, will leave on Friday for Ottawa to be an usher at the Anderson-Powell wedding which takes place on Sat- urday afternoon. Mrs. John Webster and two chil- dren of Hamilton, who have beeen spending some time in town, will leave on Saturday to visit, Col. and Mrs. Ponton, Sidney Cottage, Belle- ville, before returning home. Major LewiseShannon returned to London on Tuesday after visiting his mother, Mrs. James Shannon, George Street. Mr. R. R. Carr-Harvis returned to Toronto on Tuesday, after spending 8 few days in town. Mrs. George Richardson and Wiss Agues Richardson, University avenue who have spent the summer abroad sailed for home last Friday and are expected in town the beginning next week. Mrs. Montague Strange, Earl street who has been visiting her sister, Mya (George Yarker, in Toronto, returned home on Tuesdav. Mr. W. €C., Kent, King street, left. on Tuesday, for Petrolea, to be best man at the Skinner-Rowe wedding. which takes place to-day. Mry. George Fullerton, King street, who is visiting in Rochester, will re turn home-the end of the week, companied by her mother, Mrs. ol ac Tun timo with her. Mr. and Mrs. trea]. ave the guests of Mr. J. €, Smith, Johnson street - - - - Mm. W. A. Belinouse, Earl who spent the summer at Lake, have returned home. Miss Kathleen Jenkins returned Petrolea on Saturday, afver spending a few days with Ms. R. W. Samy, Joins gtreet. Me. J. McKelvey and son, Jack left on Seni day to take » ecanoc trip to Val Morin, Miss Margery Browniield, Wellington street. who was visiting Mrs, Fis hin in Toronto. rerurned home on Sa J. L. Gurd, of Mon, and Mrs street of Bantam, and Mrs. J. 8 turdaw . Miss Nellie, M. Scott, Conn., 18 visiting Mr. Melntyre, Brodk street. Miss Nora Gordon, who is spend ing a fow weeks with Mrs. P. D Crerar, at Muskoka, is expected hons on Thursday. Mrs. Frank Sacket, Mrs. De Mra. J. D. Cfajg and Me. J. came over fre Cape Vincent spent the day mm town. - - - . Valen Cornies and Miss Nan Skinner, who has Ioen pending the summer gf her summer home, near Gananoque, arrived in f gw ana da, town on Tuesday aud is the guest of Mrs. Henry Skinner. Eas] steeet, Miss Mamie Waters, of Belleville, i a. guest of Dx. and Mis. Jame Third, Maliington sien nd Mrs, G. Noble left on Fri a Tor Petrolea alter spending som time en pension at "Avonmore." Rev. J. S. Moore Compion, Si Andrew's mange, reigned on Monda fro Lansdowne, where he spent the week-end. Master Kenneth Bb! House," left on hi jg 2 Col School, Port pe. oh Gordon Cunningham, On: left, today for Brock ville, to attend St. Albans school, Mrs. Arthur Evans, India. who i visiting Mrs. William, lowshic, King wiroet, will go ower tp Carden Ts ii lund at the end of the week, to visil Miss Eita Cal lise Jessie Smith, "who in mow fi rest Carson, '"Reomill; for Trinits of Mes. K. E. Jones, street, will save on ; wa, and afl pg ay there will go te Blue Hr Lake to visit Miss Cle- ay. Ross Livingston, Barrie Neil Hud, King street, attend St. An. Macdonnell, University 1, on Jaculay, for Toronto. Dawson, William street, ur Monday. from Téronta, here she 5 the past ten days. : Pense nd spending two daugh- atiet, of Montreal, wha his aunt, Mre. Heori street, left, joday, for , Hamil and family, the summer in town, on Monday mext, to. New ton. Earl streets nis, of Lacrosse, who will spend some. Stony! DISTINCTIVE STYLES IN POPULAR PRICED COATS -------- We sell only nice Coats for In- fants, Misses and Ladies. Allare novyihia season, designed by Artist Tailors, built by Master Workmen, and priced at our well known reason- able figures. -~ To see is to admire and buy. NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Fresh Sweet Peas Asters Gladioli each day at PURDY'S lowers in all arrange- ment for all occasions promptly. From our own garden | | {09 BROCK STREET | SCHOOL CHILDREN With hours of study dally should wnnt be handicapped with poor eyesight! It takes but a few moments for us in examining a child's eyes to KNOW whether or not F their eves focus properly. Why not make sure br this point to-day? 1. §. Asseitioe 0.0.5. 'Registered Optometrint & Optician : Phone ! a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Cae. STANDARD PRICES We stock all points in these Pens, andl all shapes, Safetiva Selt-Fillers. Bowl sigs to drop salely in the purse or shopping' bug. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET, Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high: est quality, perfect { in fit and right | up-to-date. :-: | ddhhdiogh ¥ GOURDIER'S EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS | Phone :- - 700 Tew eve REAL ESTATE SPECIALS $1.000-« Markland Street. dwelling, stable and two lots. $1500 Patrick Street, rough-cast dwelling and lot. $1.600---Ridead Street, dwelling; lot, 66 x 125, $1.900-- Barrie Street, brick; all improvements $4,000 Barrack Street, "frame double stone near Earl, stone pling and stables; loty 66 x 150. $4.100. Ridean Street. double fbrick, furnace and all Improvements. _ $7.000. Bagot Street. near Earl brick row, 4 houses; all rented. Fire Insurance. Money Invesled in y First Mortgages. MULLIN (JOHNSON and DIVISION STREETS. The Busy Heal Estate Corner, 'Phone 5389. pV 1V 2A ae] SANITARY WAHL