Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1912, p. 5

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J DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, biz |THE REVIVAL OF CROCHETING | WORK FOR THE SUMMER VERANDAH THE HOME ART CROCHET BOOK CONTAINING: Bord- mn Entirely New Designs for Lingerie ers for Tray Cloths and D'Oijeys., and Valances, Motifs for Inlet Work and Irish Lace. Edited by Flora Kieckmann. {iditor of &of England. Should be on every lady's work table. Bound fn ¢tloth and fully lilustrated. Price 35 cents per copy. Edgings and Ipsertions, Deep Laces for Table R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 Princess Street TRASEBALL" "ND RUGBY Cloths | "The Woman's Magazine" ! COOK'S 'FRIEND "The Baking Powder With a Pedigree" contains no alum. It is made from pure grape cream of tartar, and guarantees sweeten lighter and whiter bread and delic- jous baking. All Grocers Sell It \ busy right from the stari. Biliousness is Bad Enough in itself with its headaches, sour stomach, unpleasant breath and nervous depression--but nervousness brings a bad train of worse ills if it is not soon corrected. But if you will clear your system of poisonous bile you will be rid of present troubles and be secure against others which may be worse. EECHAM'S. PILLS act quickly and surely--they- regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys--tone the stomach. Then your blood will be purer and richer and your nerves won't bother you. The whole world over Beecham's Pills are known as a most efficient family remedy, hatmless but sure in action, For 'all disorders of the digestive organs they are regarded as the Best Preventive and Corrective The directions with every boxsare valudble-- especially for women iy = PUT yo Falls'| $ 500 Round - Trip from CAPE VINCENT and CLAYTON Going S' Thursday. Aug. 29 ¥ Tickets will be extended to Sept. 4th on payment of 50 cents additional to ticket agent at Niagara Falls. { Obtain a Belt] t Line ticket for* atrip through the Gorge and o 28 around the Falls. Fare, $1.00, % For details see a. NEW YORK (ENTRAL LINES . Queen's University, who has just THE NEW FALL SHOES No advance in Prices Are Here $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 - $450 $5.00 $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 $5.00, 550, $600 flat, 4 Sauguter: of the late Jageph Mel.augh- ST. GEORGE'S WON 'F ROM BETHEL BY 8 RU Ns TO 8. Queen's New Campus Ready or the Rugby Teams--Hugh Macdonnel) Will be an Addition to the To- rowto Rugby Forces. Bethel and St. George's seniors played. a' three-innings baseball game at the aricket field on Tuesday ev: ening, which resulted in a score of 8 to 2 for St. George's. The latter had the better of the game from the start, when they scored two men in the first and six in the third. One of the features of the game was a mple play for St. George's when Bethel had the bases fall. "The teams : Mt. Goon e's--McCormack, e: Dun can, Ps ortison, 1b; Conley, 2b; Clarke, Robbs, 3h; Ludlow, 1.0; Kae, c. r chen Wi Bethel Veale, ¢.; Knapp, p; 1h.; Smith, 2b; Holland, nelius, 3b. Buck, LL; "Hunter, voases, 11. Bethel and Queen street seniors will play their postponed game at tl cricket field om Thursday evening, commencing at six o'clock Queen's New Campus. Qiigen's new campus is new in good 'shape. As soon a8 possible the me tor .the team will be put at prielice 1t 18 expected that there will be plen ty of good material for the, rugby team and the management will gel Wilson Cor- ed 8.8.5 W. P. Spalding's Team Won. The bowling team skipped by W. P. Spalding are the holders of the local bowling trophy for the season 1912, which they won by defeating J." M. Elliott's rink, on Tuesday evening, ai | the Queen's bowling green. The game was very interesting from the start. Much depended on the contest, as some of the other teams would have been in the ribning had it gone -the other way, After a very hard game the score stood 13 to 12 for W. I. Spalding's rink. The players were: T. Lambert, Dr, Boyce, E. 0. Sliter, W. P. Spaiding, skip--13. W. Moore, J. R. Forster, W. H. Montgomery, J. M. Elliott, skip--12. Another very interesting game was | played when D. Murray's rink, skipped by W. H. Wormwith, won from R. J McKelvey's rink, _kipped by W. Jack- son, by 20 to 8. The tesins were : H. Breathwaite, W. C.'Crozier, W. M. Campbell, W. H. Wormwith, skip 0, Rev. LeRoy Ried, A. B. Williams, R. J. McKelvey, W, Jackson, skip--&. A number . ofl the other teams are still in the running for second place, and it _ is games will be played to determine the winner, UIE Hugh Macdonnell May Play. expected that some hard | DAVIS-POLSON WEDDING SOLEMNIZED Tar O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY ELEVE x MORNING At the Residence of the Bride's Par. ents, University' 'Avenue-- The Bride's Uncle Performed the. Cere- mony. ' The marriage of Mise Tinbella Johns- ton Polson, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Polson, and Harold Wilkie Davis, son of Hon. E. J. and Mrs. Davis; of Newmarket, was sol emnized on Wetlnesday morning, at eleven o'clock, at the home of the britle's parents, University avenue. The bride, who is always very sweet and griedul, looked unusdally attrae tive, gowned in handsome satin char mense, with court train; finished at the shoulders with rose pointe lace. a spray of orange blossoms caught io the draping of the skirt on the left side, and also finished the panel of lace brought from thé bodice. Rose ponte lace, and folds of satin wer effectively arranged on the bodice. The Dateh neck * and long sleeves were of net, and the bridal veil of tulle was arranged on the pretty dark hair with sprays of orange blossoms. A shower bouquet of white roses, completed a very charming piciure. She wore the groom's gift, a dajpty diamond pen- dant, sét in plationd. Miss Una Polson, sister of the bride was maid-of-hodor, and was gowned in the palest of green satin, en traine, with paniers of pale green ninon, which were joined down the front with handsome . Limerick lace. The bodice was made with kimona sleeves, and t}~ train was finished at the waist line with a sash of green satin. was trimmed with ruchings tulle, with a huge tulle bow on left side. Miss Jean Duff was bridesmaid, and was gowned in pale pink satin, made on the same lines as that worn by the maid-of-honor." She wore a black hat with pale tulle trimmings. They carried huge bunches of pale pink roses. Little Miss Margaret Davis made a dear little flower girl, in her pretty white-embroidery frock, and carried a basket full of pink sweet peas. The groom's gilts to the brides ma'ds were pearl pendants in- the shape of tiny wedding bells, and to the flower girl, a baroque pearl daisy and chain. x > EK: J. Davis, Newmanket, the grooin, was best' man, Rev. James Rollins, of Peterboro, unele of the. bride, officiated, and Mrs, Aubrey Davis, of Newmarket, played the Wedding March. Mrs." Polson, the bride's {wore a very handsome gown of ' mauve brocade. Miss Jessie Polson was gowned in rose crepe de chine, veiled in pale grey crepe de chine. Mrs. J. Davisi mother of the groom, wore a gown of amyvethist sa- of green the of brother mother, pale Toronto rughy and hockey circles will be strengthened by lof Hugh Macdc naeli, of Tes Univergity, Eng- formerly turned, from Oxford land, and is going to the Queen City to begin the study of law. Hugh was | a tower of strength to Queen's raghy | and hockey teams for. some years, and | it he decides to .play these games for | a little exere jse in Toronto, the teams | of that city will be trying to gain favor in his eyes. | L.Y.R.A. Meet Next Year, That the races of the Lake Racing Association »will be held at this end of Lake Ontario next year is the "talk." Macdonald's Cove, in Prince Edward county, opposite Conway, is looked upon as an excellent place for the races. There is good harbor and anchorage in the cove, and good rac- ing outside. It is understood that the yachtsmem at the western end of the lake are "Turthering the suggestion. Baseball Tuesday. National League--Pittsburgh, 9; Bos- ton, 4. Cincionati, 2; Néw York, 0. Dhicago. 6; Brooklyn, U0. Philadelph- 7: Louis, 5 Ny. Los League Montreal, 4. Jersey City, 7-12; Ro chester, 6-1. Toronte, 5-1; Baltimore, 3-12. Providence, 16:8: Bufialo, 4-5. American Lemgue--New York, 8-6; Cleveland, 4-4. St. Louis, %; Washing- ton, 3. Philadelphia, 4; Detroit, © 2. Chicago, %; Boston, &, Newark, 13; International League Standing. S06 per cent; A540: Baltimore, 504: Newark, Jersey City, 473; Buffalo, 467; real,, 445; Providence, .421. CAB HORSE FELL Rochester, A92; Mont- Toronto, WRile Driving Lady to the G.T.R Station. A eab in which a lady was going to the Grand i runk depot on Wednesday morning was brought to a sudden halt when one of the horses shipped at the corner of Clarence and . Ontario streets and fell on its side as the cab was turning the corner. lhe other horse, before he could be stopped, had run over his mate. The harness ' was badly strained and pieces were pulled apart, 'hut it was not seriously dam- aged, The outhit was »~on pul to righis and proceed . ' way. $2.00--Rochester a and Return--2.00 Gong by steamers North King and Caspien. Tickets on: sale Aug. 30th, and Sept. Ist, and valid for re- turn till Sept. rd. Time to visit Bafialo and Xihgarn Fabs, J.P Hanley, agent. 7 ~ After months of patient sulioring. Mis. William Whaley died on Sunday at her residence in Brockville. Barn in Augusta forty-nine years ago, de ceased was M C. Mechaughlin, dine in'the west are delaying har the addition [+ tin, and black hat with plume. The out-of-town guests were and Mrs. EE. J. Davis, Miss Mabel Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis, Ur. and Mrs. Webb, and Mr. K. J. Davis, of New market; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dolson, of Bufinlo; Dr. Stuart Polson and Dr James Polson, of New York: Mr. and Mrs; Cyril Gladman, of Toronto; Rev. and Mrs, James Hollins, Miss :Jessic Rollins, Peterboro; Dr. and Mrs, J, Robertson, 'weed; Miss Curlette, of Toronto; Miss Laura Currie, of Brock ville, and John Alden, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Davis lett on the noon train for the east. The bride's travel ling costume was of saxe blue taffeta shot with silver grey. The. bodice had a dainty yoke ot shadow lace, and coat and skirt were fimshed with a linen sailor collar amd tiny ruchings of the silk, Her hat was of bronze togo straw, turned up on the - right side, and caught with a white wing, A wing on the broad brim of the hat also gave a very smaft effect, On their return 'Mr. and Mrs. will reside on Stuart street, Every yossible good wish will follow the Pride and Broom, from many friends, who congratulate. themselves that they are not going to lose these two very spular young people irom then circle. Hon. Davis -- oF NSYATISPACTION CONTIN ES With the Garbage Collection System ~--What Should be Dome. Lhe garbage collection service is still the subject of much' complaint among the housewives of the city. A citizen complained to the Whig on Tuesday that a neighbor with whom he shares his yard has become so disgusted try ing to get bage colléctors that he has given it up and now throws the garbage into the back yard where it makes a ter- tible mess. ihe the right that 1 cannot complain,' | said he, 'but 1 think something | might be done to improve this gas bage system, before iL was started." 'Lhe fault lies with the city by-law not giving one concern the sole right to wolleet the garbage. > THE PAINTERS' SITUATION. teen Outsiders Working. One more boss painter has put stall of non-union men to work. That . in the city now open. Affairs now stand about as fol- lows : There are about thirty men of the union still on sirike and the at- titude of these at present is that they intend to hold out for their demand, Thon there are seven men from the unicn gone back to work, and these are expelled by the othors. Besitles these there are about eighteen non. union men, mostly from other places, at work. There seems to be no ime 'med: 'ate, prospect of aby | settlement. - "The 'Bachelor's Baby." Unselfish love, ever'the theme of the playwright, is to have new ifi- cation the 'local «f hen Francis fi Toman -- York Her. picture hat of black straw | the attention of the gar | man 18 so much in! We were much better off ! namely, $2.75 for an eight-hour day. | New Fall Footwear, New Suit Cases, New Trunks. New Bags. Everything: that's 'new willl be found here. FINALLY WON HAND OF FORMER KINGSTON GIRL, The Wedding Will Take Place in Brooklyn on Wednesday Evening --Bride Would Like to Reside in Kingston. A despatch to the Whig from Brook- ilyn, N.X., bays : A pretty weddifig of {interest to Kingston, Ont.; West Phil- adelphia, Pa., as well as he re, will be | that, Wednesday evening, when Miss Grace Birmingham, twenty-two years | old, of No. 1136 Halsey street, former ly of Kingston, Ont., will become th bride of Charles Denton, twenty-si: years old, of No. 417 Preston" street | West Philadelphia, Pa., at the hom of the bride's pirents, by Rev. In Oakley. The front tfoom, where th ceremony will be performed, will | elaborately = decorated 'with pots palms, roses, smilax, ferns and * Am erican Beauties. The bride, who with her parents ha: hewn a resident of this ety for nin years, lived, prior to their moving here, at No. 315 Albert street, Kings ton, Ont., where ) Jirmingham wa born, egucated in the Vietoria school und where the family is well known been also related there to the variou Birmingham and the Rea families o that city. About seven years ago the young couple' first met and for the last twe Years Mr. Denton commenced to. pro pose. Eour times he was turned « dow by Miss Birmingham, and"at the fifth time, which was a month ago, he wa dccepted. "I would have proposed tc her not five times, but five hundred times if necessary, becauge-1 love hei and T am not ashamed to admit it,' said he, in speaking of the matter Just where they will take up house kecping at the conclusion of their hon eymoon trip, which will follow th ceremony, i8 as yet undecided. Mis Birmingham prefers Kingston, Ont while the groom prefers West Phila delphia, Pa., where he is in the ele srical business. In all probability Mis Birmingham will win out. Sixty families have been asked to attend th. ocremony. The bride her father. will be, given away bs With that will also go big cheque. She will be gowned it white crepe de chine, which will hb trimmed with rose point" lace, He tulle veil will be held in its place witl a wreath of natural blossoms, and she will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley, as well as a showe bouquet of bridal, roses of numerou colors. She will be attended by Miss P. H Bryan, who* will take the part of bridesmaid, while the groom will hb attended by his brother, Dr. Robert T. Denton, 'of West Philadelphin, Pa 'There will be two ushers, C. I. an James R. Birmingham, both brother of the bride. The groom is=a native of West Philadelphia, Pa. Last of the Season. For Thousand Island Tark, Alexan dria Bay and Ogdensburg, Thousant Islander, 8.30 a.m., Friday. 5be. ro turn. i It wouldn't take long for most peo Plo to tell what they think of you WELL: PEOPLE, Wise, Doctor_Gives Postum to Con valescents. A wise doctor tries to give naturn its best chance bv saving the htth strength of the already exhauéted pa tient, and building up wahed energ with simple but pov erful nourishment "Five years ago," writes a doctor 11 conimenced to use Postum in my j own family instead of cofiec."" It {a well-known tact that tea is just a TOO. {Thirty Men Out, | Seven Back, Bigh- injurious as eoltes becsuse it contaiss | caffeine, the same drug found in eof fee.) "1 was so well pleased with the resuits that 1 had iwo grocers plac it in stock, guaranteeing its sale. { "1 then commenced to refommend it to my patients in place of coffee, a: a nutritious beverage. The conse {quence is, every store in town is pos selling 3t, as it has become a house necessily in many' homes, Fm sure | ibe Postum as of ten as agy one remedy in the Matern Medica--in almost every case of indi gestion and nervousness | treat, and with the best results. "When 1 once introduce it into a» family, it is quite sure to in. | shall continue to use it and prescribe it in families where | practice. "In convalescence from pneumonia typhoid fever and other cases I give it as a hguid, easily absorbed et. You may use my ietier as a reference Sny way you sce fit." Name given by 's Canadian Postam (o., Windsor, Ont. relatives and friends of bot] °} olor gradually vsecs DELICIOUS 'PURE ICE CREAM \y By the Pint or Quart SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS THE HAIR Gives Color, Lustre to Faded and Gray Hair--Dandruff Quickly Removed, For #®nerations - Sage ave been used tor hair .and seal troubles. Almost evervone knows the alte of such a combination for keep ing the hair, a good even color, for curing dandrulf, itching scalp~ and falling hair, and for promoting . the srowth of the hair. Years ago the nly way to get a Hair Tome of this ind was to make it in. the home, vhich was troublesome and not al. vays satisfactory. Nowadays, almost wy up-to-date druggist can supply his ratrons with a ready-to-use product, salifully . prepared in perfectly equip wd laboratories, An ideal preparation of this sort s Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy; in which Sage and Sulphur ire combined with other valable re 'nedies for scalp troubles and thin, veak' hair that 1% lefang its color or wming out, After usfhg this remedy or a few days you will notice the coming back, your walp will feel better, the dandrufi will won be gone, and in less than a nonth's time there will be a wonder ul diierence in your hair, Don t neglect your hair if it f dandrull, lomng its color or mg out. Let a hity cent bottle Yyeth's Sage and Sulphur Iruggist, and see what a lew dayy' reatment' will do for you. All drug asts sell it, under guaranece that the noney will be refunded if the remedy & not exactly 'as represented. Agent, ww W. Mahood. and Sulphur is full com of from your A BRAKRESMAN INJURED Nhile Working Between K. Cars at Sharbot hake. " Charles N. Spooner, brakesman on the Kingston and Pembroke railway, recived severe injuries tg his hvad on Tuesday afternoon He was coming n from Sharbot Lake off the after won tram and was engaged in doing some work between the cars, when they came together, with the result shat they jammed hig head. His in mries were attonded to at the Lake, ind the train was held for a while mil he was able to come-to the city Although his hd was badly cut Mr Spooner was able to take a cab at the station and go home. This is about the first accident that My Spooner has met since he has haon on the milroad. His many friends hope he will be sround BAIN Soon. & P RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN Tc the New Physical Director of the X.M.CA, On Thursday evening, Sept. 5th, » reception yl be held at the Y.M.C A. for 6G, Galley, of Peterboro, who has ha appointed physical di seciof. J. J, Thompson, of the same oly, a former physical director of the local "Y," will accompany Me. Galley to the city and introduce him 1 the bovs om the evening mention The young men's cabinet will meet afterward- for the first time this au- wmn. It is the intention of the members of the cabinet to "get their noses down to the grindstone" at unos. A sipper ix billed for the night ol he reception, tn which all "YX" mem bers sre invited. "Motor Boats Plentiful. It was noticed at the beginning, of the boating season that motor boats wers more plentiful this year than ever before. It is mow a subject of commen! that there ix also a greater number fof safle as 'he season draws neay its close. Two gentlemen, one of whom is an sgent for motor hate, have remarked this to the Whig, and one man. who is a 'prospective huy- ér, save that be never saw =o many © dhanons for bly ng Our Big Mids immer 'Sale Now On The litest in Gum Wood and Solid | Mahogany DINING-ROOM FURNITURE; Also Kyonyr Gum Wood { BEDROOM SUTTS On exhibition on our floors. SPECIALS: : Thiee-piece. Raw Silk Sold Ma. hogany Parlor Setts only $43 JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker Phove 147 MOTOR CARS For Weddings 2 New Cars in Use This Week Bibby's Garage Girl Cured of Disfiguring Pimples By Cuticura Ointment, Broke Out on Face when Twelve or Thirteen, Were Most Embarrassing, Had Tried ried Everything, A Wova Seotls girl, girl, Miss Mabel Morash, of Dover West, writes: "When | was sbous twelve or thirteen yoars of see, my face broke out with pimples, and 1 (ried every hing to get rid of them, but failed. The - Pimples were the worst on my forehead snd chin, *They tame out in groups and developed later into sores. Peifig on my face they caused great disfigurement, sad were most embarrawing. "Alter Wyipe 80 many remedies withous sucoms, | saw the Ontigury Ointment sdvers Giscd, anid 1 pent for » box. 1 then applied . 18 15 the Dimples, and In a week | saw 8 grat change in my face piitipier, thanks to the Quticurs Ointment." (Signed) Miss Mabel Morash, Maz. 31, 1911, Baby's Face Like Raw Beef It burst and spread ail over his face which soon looked like 8 piece of raw beef, all reothered with bad It was suful to look at. The poor iit! thing used to scrauch ¥ and ery 1 took him to a doctor bul he worse until 1 was quite frightened would always be disfigured. Then 1 got two tins of Cuticura Ointment, : . Cuticura Boap, and in txo months had quite cured him, Now of eoitse T use Cutieurs Soap for all my chiddren (Figned) Mm E. Perry. 99, Waterloo Rd., Aldershot, Enge hand, Maz 21, 1910. | Cuticyre, Sosy and Gintmint throught the world, have sullived ach, Jot bape and sre withe out faith In any treasoent 3 liberal of encli with g 32.0 booklet <u the and scalp will be maiind free, oa application. Address Potter Prow & (Sen. Corp, OF ylubue Ave, Bost LU. Qa »

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