Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1912, p. 1

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# ; : oi vitish Whig | - : a . - ee -------------- dis = Bs ; > wr . : y : : : Te R Se ? Ca YEAR 79-NO. 195 pa ih .# KINGSTON, rONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1912. LAST EDITION, i. B= Ln Tr pabmar a GENERAL WILLIAM BOOTH { Cuts Off Brain During an we PITH } OF N : ! | 3 SERVED AFTER SIX YEARS, ; . EWS apers in Suits Handed to New «BECKER AND GANGMEN Man. | . : > Ae Clavel Aug. 21 es he § S-- gdensburg, N.\ Aug, 21. --After | ¥ 8 ] iworld's foremost u : : 1 i« IX years to serve papers | LAYS DOWN HIS ARMS eon be tenet! (4% Despatches From Near. And] s 75 xii SoA INDICTED FOR MURDER ® . 2 I . - vas al last sucess at Alex i {means to lessen th kK of a -Sur Distant Places andria_Bay, where ' Mr. Tavior has | ee ett meter %ical operation, ' ! | N brew sper summer Willis | that" Dr. Crile tion, the ------ - -------- | . ay s : fo The Hew contributio al nuor, 'a private detective, of New | ol : The N f . 's jm 0 Surge: 18 ' at a t r vio \ ares . Salvation Army Throughout or ey the fact thi ail ork, caught Mr. Tavior ummwares, | : ew Evidence Was Sur- the World Moums J %, [rag wt oot "nitrou THE LATEST TIDINGS fParate supreme cout' actions that | ha prise to Prosecutor. 3 lad been begun against | him The ide s, but b i fox le gas, but | main action was one commenced by | fe etn the . 1 i jeonneeting th Serafina" Pizarro. I'he actions grew ~ Z {field of injury i culting, PRESENTED: IN THE BRIEFEST!, ut: of. the collapse ¢ wiilding sev | \ | | 7 ' the brain itself, tha ' socla- | > SFE Ba eral vears ago Wall street d the 5 A IN FIRST EGREE 18 DEAD COMMANDER G tion, pamful or dear ei POSSIBLE FORM. iia ago Wal srt, and the Ea : «Hits oven the: narcotized A plamtifls are trying to recover dam | ; Luietid patient. : {The Whig's Daily Condensation of | 225 | P A WIKY DID 80. MUCH FOR THF Lg -- the News of the World ¥rom Tele-| sprripRS FROM TH ANSVAAL. | 3 : : SAM. SCHEPPS AND JACK ZELIG LOWLY. . ; ; . | OVERNMENT RENTS OFFICES. graph Service and New spaper Ex-| a So ' 4 ; TALK STARTLINGLY. i changes, Arranged for Largs Number for] } : Peace River. A------ Secures New Ottawa Suilding for : | 3 > With. His Life Ebbhing Away the Fo jo Departments, A ne he Ean, towel] Montreal. Aus HE. G. Hvkert ! nag Police Licutenant Deeper Into a . i , the country gs the ontreal, ug = «+ La. Rykert, : i General Said That His Work . | Ottawa, Aug. 21. Arrangements INVENLOF ol Cash-saities tor stores. is {the tqedt financier --who-- has just re | Plot, Showing Him as Instigator Must Go On--He Was Totally ET have been made by The government to dead Lowell tise, . : turned from a business trip tq Europe | ; ; of Crime--Two of Those Indicted Bitm! for Some Months Past. ! # > lease" the riew building on ue n street B. Elliott, the oldest | stated this morning that during his | Are Still at Large : . jm Ottawa, next to the Be Felephone w Yor ry ra trip he had made prelimmary arrange "Naw'V : a . London, Xug. 21.--"Our general has {oftice, which recently has beet erected : Pb K baie ity, was Inte Yor bEingiog a hry Srauge | ; New York, Aug. 21. 'On evidence laid d sword; God ith us?' ! lohest 1 4 eR dumb . while preaching x ' / ; unexpectedly strengthened by the atl down his sword; God is with 2 Hiram Robertson. It will be occu t vJefferson, I.1 Baer settlers from the Transvaal to | testi $ RN The shove was the official notification {pied by numergus branches of the Pub- 1 Fifteen or tw enty tramps ~ werg |take up land. in the Peace River dis | : a Ea A C eh ang ay of the death of General Booth issued ww amps verg { Lelig, e East. Side gang eader, from the Salvation Armv offices 10 the grind jury, Yesterday re-indictad day. Ii was cabled to divisional head ] Slice Lieutenant 4 harles Becker ; r \ der ar quarters of the 'army? ull over * the tor the murder of Herman Rosenthal Wily : . pe ' and handed down also the expected world, E ol two shops, which have heen: leased indictments st the foil A "brief meeting of the leading offi- -GEN. W. CROZIER already * The rent is 11.000 ve, KNOX SMITH Wi its against the following oeis was held with Bramwell Booth [1s made president of war college at! the owner taxes and = water { I the fw wn sufirg mteresded in the deal | iets 20M Red n a aE Shairo, I He . ey 0 u © om s age. ed ix al: . Pm aner of hh 8 te ra) « > 3 % - presiding The remains will, almost Washington i E f obile in whie he gang v faring of ted Slers went Yo the sl Me undoubtedly, be interred beside those a Ber o£ I f o Hotel Metropole . | s (raves, ce IR ' Ya of his laté beloved wile and fellow most eve ry country in Furope. | 4 [ Bank, ¢ tellinly the local post | CONSIDERED HE WAS a tn member | : cn and killed Rosenthal leader, Cytherine Mumford, at Abney > {TURKISH SULTAN NOW | master how w he was feeling, when | service pending the completion of burned to death in A' fire which de. trict of Canada x stroyed the old Vanorama building, Mr. Rykeet, during his visit, pul | South -Wigbash avenue, Uhicavo through the formation of a large sh ansas farmers. wives and daughters [syndicate for the buying of some SK), AT sell a chicken each, and devote [M0 meres of Peace Wiver lands.' Ay 3 "Year, ithe entire proceeds to the furtherance | large amount of Duluth capital was |. new departmental bu os . ntire huilding wilt be occupied + government with the exception jrates, Jacob Reich, better Known as Park, Stoke, Newington. It is known His Last Illness. { | | he suddenly dropped .down amd ox : that the leading voclesinstios of the For the past hfty years, on' prin iple i CONSIDERING ABDICATION" 5 | rv FAR 100 Fl TATIOUS oh Fr K © fic \ © Church of England desire that a place | the general tried to discipline him | the.Lell elephone company, al t -- | Far Neglecting to Comply With In. i a 'n also known as be- given General Booth in Westmins- | ef to do with little sleep In his ---- i : 8 = . . Law. ago : Le ' ter Abbey, and that King George has my days, it was very seldom that Advisers Discuss: the Transfer of lo! to Lhe principal streets A Mother-in-Law Not Pleased With | ral Frank Muller, known as Whitey rood . h ; London, Eng, Aug 21 The | Lewis expressed un wish that this be done had more than five or sx hours EH e hu | ye Yas H | first prosecution under the insur Yarry Horowitz know "Gyp OW the decease nlerston ep, even when he 8: conducting i i } u a Kin Aiphonso of : SHOWS u n rer aie Sectund Ju uedetsiout| Luby eon hen br in date years 1 | AbAON Hamid From Salonika to | "70k "iis wirencemen : ance act took place at Lambeth police | the Blood." expressed a wish to be in 2 . Wak a very rare thing when he 8 oo . a ¢ voi r taorinne ex . Spain. } fount, Yesterday, ' w hen Wiliam Louls * Rosenzweig, . known as terred boside his wife. more than one hour's sleep a day : 5 3 Escape Albanians. | r. wher Yo BY wit { Hurtock, venty years old, a "Lefty I ' { tif nr y "Jack" Sullivan, accused of having : given the signal for the murder int. ix commenced placiy | prom- Louie, gangman, alleged to Hundreds. of cables and telegtuinet londow, Aug. 21.--It has leaked | inent liberal draper, - who \ . : Ce oa emplovs | have been In the automobile from all over the world were re eived, Yet h:s brain and Hits heart were ! Constantinople, Aug 21 That | out that the reason King Alfonso, | about an hundred persons, T Was al ¢ The four lg g » are k V this morning, expressing sorrow and [811 of plans for the .aid of the poor | the sultan i3 considering abdication of Spain, suddenly left the Cowes | raigned He had openly sanotned as "'gunmer A. Tagied gre knowy sympathy. Among them was that of |# ever. He talked kindly, as he gl | immediately was per istently Unf etiras . racing regatta, and Queen Ena, and | his intention to disobey the act and The in lic Ballington Booth, -estranged fram his | WY did, about Canada, and r. ently | ored here to-day. His majesty is til fetms 3 ranma eT returned to Spain, last week. was | was fined § on each of three father for years. This eame vesterday vowed he would come to ( anada, and | not a strong man and it is said he | Ch : : een because he had a row with hisT monses for refusing to lick afternoon. hat. Conersl Saoth wis ug: he discussed the work tor the poor, | feels hopeless of averting a revolur | asa wother-in-law, Princess Henry of | and $25 Costs on the conscious nnd never had the comfort the prisoners, the children and the {tion and fears for his own life if he Battenburg, whg has long consider-| A number of 'other ca of knowing of his son's approaches for ay Thal: blind, of course, hat | 158s, 190 Joag fo pews Jnperial ad i Hirth) ious jor ia! Sug trial, Hroughuit the qunirys it bas vech soneilint ie : : hd, ol course, al ad- | nan. 1eir majesties were stopping | ee strongly intimated {hs . Tocant lintjan, deader was unconscious | B¢ had been practising writing Ii | visors are considering the 'transfer | VY & Es ; mi "1 at the Battenburg home plug Fell Into Scalding Water. in 908] umated Liat they are still for forty-eight hours previois te His Surgeon did hot wish to operate till | of Sx-Suitan Je Hamid to the a rr oy p a SCetomestetan" Smith's Ealls, Ont Aug. Do Sam Sthepps, before the jury two death. The medical bulletins had not the cu SEact hue sntirely removed the | capita % fom his prison at Salonika, 2 : MUMMY 18 INOHES TALL. car-old daughter of W. | hours, did even more toward impli- revealed the seciousness of the 'gone be oh Yas bind for two month wo r : 1a E ported he hanian 8 ; wiet death by ng into a | cating Becker in the murder plot ral's condition, which for week past wlore the operation. In this connect. are TA 1 hing 0 free the allen rulér i, ArT, . vik the ot tel it 12 now admiteed, was hopeless, lon there is. a pathetic incident of and proclaim him again as fH} ta h : v. : | ments charge murder in * BUM e first degreq stamps Rosenzwe ig and Horowitz are still first summons. | at large, but although they have 8 await- | been raoperted at various places Hamilton, Dwellers | | kel tt had 1 by 1 | hucke ol hot water | standing for 18 Dac een anticipated )Y s- - " : 3 t ; Were Mere Pi ies. | a nent ¢ tehen er hor trict-Attorne / 'Ww ax Twelve weeks ago General Booth ur Which he told himself, His son, Dram In northern Albania the Turkish | though common, practice of carrying y re Piguies g by I vid a Y Karey Do er hore pected kere, " human, LL x sive p 3 y $ e accident was { i n > pects 4 1 hy . i fore t n oper Kon for the remo j well Booth; popped into his father's | troops are simultaneously fighting | ht rom, market, live kt by Mbuguerque, XN 3, Avg 2 in) Bild y a the En roboration « {th Fons old NT a] pL * p t thei ' ' ' . ¥ } 1 C 5 4 we ' y ¢ TEN i a / y hr of . hens in his left eye. For rer jroom unexpectedly; ang noted that his | 5ceres of Montenegrin band which | 'he 1eel; and i" : rule jpnciont mummy, eighteen inches high, | PSE ayother, bu Ryfthes F Rose > tue story wid by Juck . y Y ye, J 7 A i i "™ 3 ENN Y 30 A . pH Ra de suthicient outer to 3 3. 3 Weiss after the op ration indications | abrupt entrance had caused the gene | have invaded Turkish territory tol any dong so mn tuts jin a go d state of preservation, has fund Oo; : [ he { } at Et hts Jack Zellg, whose " a be stiliodt the" he of the: general's 1a ral and Wis secretary to start | aid the rebels and plundering and | After being given; up as dead fon { heen found at the ehifi dwellings on the | ha # hy . . Sh ay lad : "the a : 0s appearance = justin " pe : y wi . "Mhat's up, gendral?' asked Brag. | burning native villages and but her- | eleven month tenri Jutien Podat] Upper Gila, near Silver City, and in fu s 16. water and managed « BE Be jury Fame as a sur- nO N ve 0 : ¢ : 2 . s a0 v yo l he O ¢ : Se, als 8 p a y Deva : on i Le poison twell Booth. { ing their: inhabitants. A vigorous | turned uv al bis home in Oka, Que. structions have been received to for if - i : . huey 8 another roy m, the . 0 Torte 4 one's sory, i pr "oa . 3 >. ~ . 3 $ - al an Ig 2" Lj Maes ® P a. RB rie ng . i of occasional rallies the I have just been blindiolded te: Protest has been sent from here It was thought he was drowned in|ward it fo the Smithsonian Institu- | CF " i oh Ro > ngng from her bon tailed Oh al i r no " hb ioaty health pad ily feclined. see how 1 will get along when | gy, | 88aI&t the Montenegrin invasion Two Mountaine lake" when five peo- | tion at' Washington. 1 et Re ours Jat yeithout of happenings 5 f ¥ rs pulienl's: hoa xX: Hy. declined, blind, and | have heen taking my first | but King Nicholas could not control | pM lost their lives fast fall Careful examination shows indispu- sing vonsciousness in the meantime tend : 1 18 ue pre StWe. murder Lhe Sunweal Hi pd Sha! the oi {lesson in writing without sight," re. | DiS. subjects even if hé wished to A aesperate knife duel took pipe in | table evidence and confirms the iden > eng to hon He allegpd deter. y : : : : pel < th a | . y Reicha: "ee ination of @ 5 pg id ar pose 4) war f turned the general, He was determined-| 40 80. Monticel, between two Italians, the|of many seientists that the old chfi- Occupied by Federal Troops. Rosenthal, the rib te ns 1 A i ; Rta : . 14 : f al, » (ain rho Thr . ut the « fer-in-chief's {to go right on with his work in spite i ---- | winner to gain the hand of » voung [men were ou dwarf race Jaurez, Mex Aug, 21 Mexican squealed" against him 18 hroughout the commander-in-chief's 1 3 £¢ TIERT on + He k | ANNIVERSARY OF KLONDIKE The t dtriking feature { Federals numbgring : tii vo st hims and Schepps illness his son, Bramwell Booth, chiet © S blindness, ¢ had had hik AN Y kL Hk, woman One of them, wounded i= most diriking feature' of their als numbering + under] 4, ling of events after the murder ' . ' handkérchief hound over his eves, and ------ { through the 1 8. lios critical Jdwellings was very small doorways | comnrand of General Jaqu Tellez i bapk i of the stall of "the army, and Mrs, | nell, > . through the lungs, in a crib | rived Inst night am which ®inted back "to the police Pramwell Booth gave their unremit. {had been foelingy 'his way about his | Upper Yukon Produces $169,000,000 "ondition in Notre Dame hospital. and extremely low ceilings arrived ast night and occupied this officer's alleged preparations to tin attentions to him both night and jroom, and he Rad forgotten to lack | in 16 Y¢ars. ? | Princess Kawana Whoa, of Hawaii, . - - I ay. Which was recently évacuated arry out his determination 5 . the p, 2 wh ancelle king . ; VO] ET ™ y. the rebels . : as day. X be door ms : hi i | who cancelled her boi king on the Ii WILL NOT VETO IT , fou, da Becker and his six co-defendants The aged evangelist died at his re a ug necessary after his operation jon Saturday celebrated the sixteenth | tanic, just before the liner sailed, has : . : SE, : | will be arraigned for pleading to sidehoe, the Rookstone Hadlevwood jo ected his stomach, and caused his anniversary of Georgh Carmack's dis. | b*gun a campaign in Honohilu to | What President Thinks Congress | RATEFUL PASSENGERS the. murder charge to-day and on some Bight miles from London, where collapse, {covery of gold on Bonanza Creek with | raise. fun is tor > monument to. he Should Make Known. | ay nN 1 ay the grand jury will recon- he had been éontined to his bed. ever Skete) rg bila {ieorge Parde, of Sour Doug and ~Yu: | rected in Washington COMMEMOr- | Washington, Aug. 21 While Presi GAVE MARKED SOUVENIR vene with instructions to take up since the operation. Present at the - etch, o s Life. {kon pioneers. Gov Black and Dir, | ate the disaster Vdent rate 1s not entirely in accord | the graft feature of the Rosenthal bedside when the end came were Mr i The Inte Rev. William Booth was | Thompson, member of padiament, \ sub-contractor of ordnance corps | with the principles of the Panama | " case, which is expected to Involve and Mrs. Bramwéll Booth and their | Porn at ottingham, kngland, on spoke. rofn * » Levis, Que, found a |canal bill, against which Britain js {Th " C i Several high police officials, includ- daughter and son, Adjt. Catherine | APFil 10th, 1829, and was thus in his, In sixteen vears the upper Yukon mtleman gket the forts, and |protesting, it was arned, to-day, ! e Steamer orsican Has Reached Ing four inspectors Booth and Sergt. Bernard Booth: the eighty-fourth vear He was educa®d has produced = ¥169,000,000 worth . of | had him arrested. The gentleman Jer- jthat he will not prejudice his posi. Liverpool---She Was Five . I'he jury will also take up a - general's - youngest daughter, Com. (2 8 private school in that town, aud gold. This year's output, chiefly from | sisted he. was an otlicer employed as { tion any more hy vetoing this mea | geparate case it is expected, t¥Fa mander Mrs, Booth-Helberd, and Com studied theology with the Rev, Wil { dredging, will be LUO, O00 Ive v the Uttawa government Asure. He said, to-day that' congress Days Overdue vircumstances surrounding -the al- mander Howard and Dr. Wardlaw | 11am Cooke, D.D., and became n-min- | | | . eRe Dawson, Alaska, ug. 21. Dawson f -------------- - everthel he was handed over 10'tshould make it quite plain that this "framing up" of Jack Zelig Miloe. ister of the Methodist New Connexion | Wolves are becoming a great menaee Robertson, at the brigade oflice t legislation is not intended to repeal Liverpool, Aug Fhe . ¥ wk § men, two of whom, it -- i'n 1850, being appointed mostly 10 | to settlers in Northern Queboe. Likely more may be heard of the case. |i ane "Way the Hay-Pauncefote| steamer Corsican w 2 struck an le evidence against them is stron : oe ama = " treaty, S berg, uear Belle ¥ ugy ) enough, are likely to be indicted. hold . special evangelistic services to which he felt so strongly drawn, that _-- - - -- 3 dv rant os . . ---- | : 00 HEAVY DEMAND FOR APPLES, | sides of (he co nrivid, today, The Statement. Denied. : L- WILLIAM B TH. SE five days overdue, but all w yf Toronto," Aug. H.-J. W. Flavelle, The Generad's Last Words. 1 am resolved to go on with my [when the conference of 1561 required | work, blind or not blind, it's A [him ta settle in the ordinary cirenit DEATH OF GENERA e, a bt going to moa k a» re Ay hora | ted ' ei he he ny mean Sock, he - eg ma began his Ja. | - ! : British Apple Prospects Not Good-- | if thew passeng. 8 were thro i presick ui 1 William Davie «Co, I must work, too. The Poor must not churches wherever rg ong op ) . American Prices Higher. their berths and mn 10g ter hia 3 i a patty de tind the be deprived of any help ni, brain and tunity, Coming in this capacity to -_ ' . \ i . Ottawa, Aug. 21.--A heavy demand | 'he were signs of pan i A had paral dT mt -l : ncago, heart can give nem, even though it | London, he observed that the - n y : zn for Canadian apples is predicted in a | quickly quieted by the qui action Ja | Ere 14 con Tolling interest in may be declining strength and declin majority of the people attended Fo BF He . 2 " report received from the department | (8p! ok and his ae : he by : Ty with Lue idea ol operung ing véars. If 1 have fo do a litile Jess, place of worship and he, eommenced |' i : " % N ; y of traded and commerce from Trade | heads wete closed immodiataly A chillin of Tets Stores. all over the you'll have to do a little more. i "The "Christian "Mission," in July; . : 3 Commissioner Litgow, located at | the boats made ready for | i i ARLIy "The work must not suffer." A865. To this mission, when it had be- fos No Mal . Glasgow. The prospects of the apple | seems the 8 nota : C va Phese were among (he last words feome a large organization, formed s $ frop in Great Britain are not good, | soy vhen ¥ Ch Pd tb n Ariovaky a I spoken by Gen. Booth. | upon military lines, he gave in 1878 J k % 3 and * will be pn steady and healthy | ¢ | passengers gas . a. . de all" toes 4 ny "Ask the people who love me to jthe name of "lhe Salvation Army, % g lemand\for Canadian apples, more | Cook a purse . of ge anc i . ro 3 5 wonmng steam. pray for me," was the touching mess {under which jt soon became very wide: R 2 i 4 1 Ald particularly as the price of apples for | watch ax a souvenir Age given out last "Tuesday as coming ly known and grew rapidly. In sue | oily : ] export is higher in the United States Fo from the venerable leader, and prayers | ceeding years it spread to the United i ] Stil a than in Canada. : KILLED AT WORK. were offered for the general wherever States, Canada, France, Australia, 5 Ry 4 ------ there was a Salvation Army home | India, the Cape of Gong Hope and ot Sal hg ah 7 oi a 5, May Halt Steamers. Friends Anxious to Secure Some and family. He was regarded by his | Sweden. Booth became the general 4 Prince Rupert, I. wu" Aug: WoAg . Trace of Them. people not only as a general, but as lof this great army, now "numbering § . Ul cording to advices from Northern Brit. Ottawa, Aug. 21.--As a result of a parent, some millions. 'The general published a Bel 3 3 | ish Columbia, the water on the u sper the burial, unknown and unident! ' ---- pumber of books. In 1880 he estab-| | 3 5 8 4 LSkeena river, which has remained high | fied of hundreds of foreign laborers His Career in Brief. lished the War Cry as a weekly maga- | | La since the spring floods. is now getting | killed on Canadian roads and other Rev. William Boeth, D.C.L., Oxon: |#ive ot the army, and it is published J i : Sr : very low and it is believed by nav; | construction, followed by pathetic general and commander-in-chief of the [In various countries . FT Gok : J [ction experts that steamboat traffic | aPPeals from loved ones in European : : 'y t 190% Salvation Army, formerly minister of | General Baoth first. visited Kingston 3 Bo : ae of 'any kind will be interfered with | countries for a trace of their mis tiie ' Avgant, 1909 the New Connexion church, . in IS886. His last visit here was _in 2 : al Ne Sah in less than one month. 1¢ is expect | Ing relatives, the department of lg- ro-- -- 1528--Born at Nottingham, the Bn of | IW7: Ed x an ed, however, that by the time the | POT now campels all employers of ROBERT J. REID, a builder. of a ------ . % Ro Fhe ai river has so far receded as tq - ter. {Such labor to keep a careful track The Leading Undertaker, ISit---Uonverted ut fifteen, and began TRIANG ~ k x 2 . td : minate the river service the Grand |©f the names and addresses, also the e ' p itiv LE OF HORSES ! ' ' 3 ran " i Sax at | ome B77. 230 Princess Stree preachiig in open. air of native ; : Prunk Pacitic line will have been com. | B€Xt of kin and addrdsse 8, .80 tha city. - . ' ww pleted as fay as Hazelton, thus pro they can always be traced Officials 1852 - kntered ministry and "becanw All STRUCK AT ONCE 4 be : viding a service to { of the department of labor will act oo io '" Gibson's. that point' : : J travelling evangelist, throughout the winter. An automobile | #8 Inspectors to see that this is done 18055-- Married Catherine Mumford 5 5 The Old Firm of Undertakers, - . . . 2 i , : Service has been established between Abt . 1 ie Dead 354 and 256 PRINCESS STRERT, | (deceased 1800.) (> Lightning Kills Equines Ranged on Ao Tg Bl (he owns of Haetion ond | Abbe Lorite Dread. | 2% PRINCESS STRE ING 1 Resigned from mjwistry when ia s i bu 4 ; Hazelton, thus providing for whas | Quebee, Aug. 2i.--Abbe BU ane, relegated to circuit! work to con- Prairie Near Okotoks in Open . ! was felt 10 be a serious want. On Jlortie, professor of theolo . . . tinue evangelistic labors, 3 : : this route three trips daily ate made [treasurer of the recent cong i TARR BoTicE. =i 186% Began Susial Hofts on behalf Order- : } . Sr -------- " = ! Freneh guage, died on Mon hae for 312. rid In Ba Bed a of Lo ns poo. & which Calgary, Alta., Aug. 21.---A curions 4 } Dr. Charles Nobld, of Philadelphia, | 14ttle Curent; Ont, his by for 330, at Turk's. 'Phone 795. 1578 Founded Falvation Any, » i story of the antics of lightning comes \ A the distinguished gynaecologist, has jhome. le was one of he Pra a eet has spread to all corners of the from Okotoks, where . Daniel Melon ] has appealed to' Justion Beaudin and [Ofganizers of the congress. and hag world, doing a religious and so- : voll kind ald, a ranchman of that place, was H ; He asked 10, be released" from the Verdun {Pen ill lor ma nog 0 cial Werk of a Jnarvel ous na. unfortunate enough to lose eight i 1% . Hospital for the Insane Montreal, | pe r---- J ' ieneral Booth had no orm OL T® |horses. valuéd at $1,600, where, he declares, he has been, kept 1005 Typhoid Cases. | Creation, unless it was in fravelling 'The horses were out off the open * f i : \ eontrary to his wishes, | Outawa, Aug. 2L--1p to todas although he worked as hard - en" prairie during the course of a recent This winter both the Laurentic and forty deaihe « officially reported at POLAND, \ hs of land. He fives Sigten VIRlled storm and were ringed -about so as Bs ; ; the Megantic. of Jthe White Star line, | the city hail having deen dug Tn Quart and 1-2 Gal. Bottjes. America, three tines Australia and to form a right angled triangle. While | \ ' \ ! will be put into commission for the | typhoid since beginning of ' . 2 South Africa, and India and Japan ithus standing, no ome of them being : > EON | West Indies service between New | epidemic. Th miber of case TALLY-HO, F once, amd several tinibs visited Jimore than fifty feet away from the . York and Central America. [is now givig In 1.2 Gal. and Gal. Bottles. 3 nearest, a severe electrical storm eame . . i / J The arrest of Arthur Richmond &nd | . Se ---------- EADNOR. DAILY MEMORANDA. up and one of the flashes of lightning : LER [ Roland Harris, bank clerks. is said to | Shot. Himself While Despondent. - - Yaz Cheese-board, Thursday, 1.50 p.m 80 encircles the horses as to strike \ have revealed losses of $50,080 at the | Bala, Muskoka, « Aug. 21 -Uharies. WHITE ROCK. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30|them all sunultaneousty. eek rnc SR Eh, L racetrack {Stanton, aged nineiven, son 'of & VICHY CELESTIN. pm - "Not ove of them survived the shock Eee : a ¢ Arthur B. Cliffine, for a mumber of {prominent ( bicago bus 28 man, shot See t 8, right hand corner [thus caused, and Mr. Mollonald is the : - - > \ years dy : for probastiition i loser of some good horse tiésh through , J aewn Social and sale in gid of tuber. this remarkable ocefrrence, . chlosix Dosps al, Portsmouth, pesipon. ed unt "morrow afternoon and evening. : ity registrar of East North: (nnd killed himsl! while despondent VICHY LEMONADE. 5 i Bi en a ec a =D ; umorland, died Sidderiy of apoplers. | I : mtr or - Gt R's CALEDONIA. . rank Walko, twenty-one years feat 5 . wi oi hers we 4 SL -- ----- The veteran leader of the Salvation Army passed: Tuesday ; age, contensed to shouting Matra Bel [dicted at nex so Bor the mere as. R dd & C "Be. liver pills for 0c. Gibsan's. night at ten o'clock. A | wiskin at Windsor on Monday, | Ros nihal, as. € €n Qs,

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