TRAVELLING. (EIN TEIT CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION. SYSTEM "Toronto, A ig. 24th to Sept King { | lows:-- || i gust mth i Sept mbeF 4th 43, 5). August 24th to Sept 9th | inclusive, except Aug. 28th 15190 aud Sept. 4the Tick be good on except Nos 2, 3 and 4, to ret pt. 10th. HARVESTERS EXCURSIONS August 16th. and 28th. WINNIPEG, $10.00. One-half Cant pet Mile beyond Mice wlgary ;and' Edmonton, all trains | and good | to od, For full particulars. apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PAC F110 RAILWAY. EXHIBITION 'TORONTO ROUND TRIP FROM KINGSTON, August and September . 33 August to Sept $4 Return limit, 1912 Oi 5l 890 Te : FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION Aug. 16th and 28th, at 11.30 a.m. TO WINNIPEG. 1-2¢ 'per. mile to Calgary, Edmonton or Intermediate Points, K, & P. and Ontario Street Pass. Agent, He ptember r Full particulars at CPR Ticket Office F. CONWAY, Gen LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM + BOAT CO. LIMITED sS. North King & SS. Caspian S--=HOCHESTER, 1,000 ISLE Commencing July. 2nd steamers leave at 10.15 am. « for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Is'ands and Gananoque jeave at 5 pm, for Ro. via By of Quinte, enli- Deseronte and Belle. . Returning, chester, N.Y, jug at Pleton, viile Freight handled with despatch at reasonable ! rates: JP JAS EE HANLEY, Ticket agent, SWIFT & Ca, Freight Agents HORBEY, General Manager. STEAMFERS " E ingston, and Hai i i "Toronto" | Leave gf bound 1 ve Kingston T 1 Montreal, Ques iy, 6 a.m. daily LORONTO EXHIBITION ROUND TRIP FARE, Be Sept 24th pt 9th Ing 10th apply Agent, nd Ontario Sts R CHAFFEE, GRA Toronto. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Leadth; 570 feet Resadih, @ 34 feet Yunaage, 14.800 Signals Wireless sand HOLD ALL RECORDS BETWEEN CANADA AND LIVERPOOL Maniti lusive.! l rmatior HANLEY Lake ha it of Ire! toba ritalin and aln Jhome for their d lav ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE tion, Gymnasium, all but DgoR dry, period entire sche tions. "( for the ex I'sti tute of Ch i ntar Matri¢ Elocution, Vo Music, Physical | OZCON™ > Ottawa | Ladies' College Ideally situated in the Capital, one of the most bedutiful cities 'in the world. Academic and its pupils from Offers Matriculation, Seléctive courses. Acce] . 12 years of age and upwazds. a good educational ghters should write for Calendar and particulars. Parents seeking 1% Rev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, MA, PhD., BS. PRESIDENT. BUSINESS "SCHOOL Board, 14 use Room, of Baths and laun elve weeks at r ed prices 600 p $63.00 pays Electric for $5 vear Graduates 1 prepared ns held by the In- I Accountants of ercial Specialists attenti given tc i Courses andidates sand for Con Spechul on lation, Teacher's al and Art. Domes Science Hure For las } C PILING w AL address M.A, DD lendar, DYER, Cheer Up! You be bothered by blues if you keep your liver active, your and yc stomach by timely beneficent, won't the bowels regular, ur in good tone use of the time-tested, and always effective family remedy BEECHAMS PILLS Sold varywhatn, . + In boxes, 25c. TWO CRUISES ~ON THE CLEVELAND 0 | From New York Oct. 19, 1912 From San Francisco Feb. 6, 1913 Will visit Madeira, Spain, Italy, Es dia, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java, China, Japan, Hawaii, Ovedand Amedican Tour INLAND EXCURSIONS ND SIDE TRIP OPTRA 18 Days in India TOURS | 13 Days in Japan Duration 110 Days Each essary expenses $650" aboard and ashore, railway, hotel, shore excursions, carn. ages, guides, fees, etc "Ask gnne who has made. the Write for Booklet. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE with ad { including all nec- w / 41-45 BROADWAY, | N.Y. or local agents Starts to-mor- row and lasts one week only. All Man ia of Brit Lake mp in Tickets and all Information from agent, or F. CON- GPA, K & PR, Kingston, auy steamship WAY, Ont i rremim--------------------1 QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMATED, River and Gif of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. HS. "Cascanedia," 1,900 tons, with all} modirn mien SAILS SHOM MONTREAL THU RSDA st 4 pam. 20th Awm September, and Ir g day at moon at Gaspe, PEL, 5 oR | : i tor} i . Mal Perce, Summerside, and] Charlottetown, PE New York From Quebec. {Last trip to New York this season? Vin the Far.famed River Saguenay, calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown und Halifax, S§ inida ju, sail from Quebec at § pm. 23rd New York to Berm Summer Excursions by the T Serew S35 "Bermudian. displacement. aL 2 pom, Mth August £6th Seprember, and every thereafter Temperatore voted gen breeses reldom rises dhove 8 de Brees, The 'flucst sige of Whe Semaun fuy health snd com For tickets rao staterooms, adie "8 Rt Agents. SH alhgnron Ras 3 VENEQ NTEAMS a COMPAN » GUEBEC, 3 - Men's and Boys' Suits reduced éex- travagantly. rn Summer goods 'at prices to tempt the fast dollar. 25doz, Stiffand Soft Hats on sale Saturday at $1 00 Theearly buyer 1s always the best ------------------ Ont Tui -longer Tuition alone tor the holding the best posi. yearly rental I THE B4ILY BRITISH WHIG. SATL RDAY, where she Birch, was at her st he 10 i ldron | re- Wa have rls the Mudie, "lergy n visiting her PMecMure hie, Gan ard Ww atson, Mrs , for ) , 18 expecte 'Brock Graham, Mrs. Jock Murray t . Mrs. Buxton sith, Qitawa, Mr% John Goldwyre 'Lewis, Ottawa, Mrs. Hal- 7 8 mwoy Waddell, Mrs. W. 8. Leslie. Mrs. Driver, Miss Grange, Napanee, home $ : | Miss Mabel Dalton, Mrs. W.Lesslie i Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Miss Mrs. T. H. J. Reid and children, Alice King, M H. Pense, Ot-¢ and. MIss Inez Hooker, R.N., of tawa, Miss Pe Worcester, Mass, left®for Brantford + ger, after spending the summe Oldrie 1s with Mrs. F. R. Rebi Jessie street k. X y and are Edw Lesslie, the of Westmount, guest of Mrs, D. | 5 : lime, returned | been on nson, | family, '¢ Mrs. Ely rs. George Mil Ottawa, parents, A } motored to G and spent a picnid and girls s on Thursday day. Misses Aileen Rogers Elsie Peunse chaperoned the party, which _ in- clnded Miss Marjorie Campbell, M Annie Minnes, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Rose Rogers, "Miss Louise Maclennan, Toronto, Miss treal, spent the week-end the guest | Margaret Cunningham, Miss Isabel | iss. Hilda tobinson Queen | Waldron, Messrs. - Herbert Bteacy, | ~ ig re Sherman Hill, Harold Brownfield, 0. V. Gollette, of Gananoque, Rogi swart, Ross Livingston, Les- has returned to her home after visit i sliie Smith, Jeremy Taylor, . Willie | 118 her daughter,.Mrs. Z. Prevost, Garrett, R, Elmer, and Neil Black," | Fall street, > » Mr Mrs. U. Jesmere treal, have been ' Prevost, * on Mingay, days with of Warden Platt, . 'with Mrs. Plat days 'with Mr, m King, Lowell, Mass., | on Friday to be the | R..E. Sparks, Johnson | some thine | Chisholm, daughter | John Chisholm, Mon- | here Mrs for Miss Florence the Rev. aerived suest of et. of Ste and of Mon who visiting Mr Earl street - high Country Club on The g Campbell, Mrs. - - . A most enjoyable given the day evening. Mr P..G: C. Pense, Ottawa, 1 Mrs. A. Snell, Miss Elsie Nora don, Mrs dell, Miss Madge Dawson, Ww tet Pict ma Pense, Miss Dorothy 1d, »+In_Micton. JOY » Hawley i a 1 . and Miss Jes Salina, awl Napanee, in Kir * x % & and Mrs. P C St wel ¢ Irs. C. evenson, Mis id Master ATan Stevenson, have ah LL ned an £ Kat, | Lor camp at Deser aw- | A 'rai *] ro Mrs. H . R. Craig, of Windsor J 2s 3 who has been visiting Rev. R. J oh : Craig, at' South River, arrived MISS town to-day to visit her Mrs. George Fenwick, a . avenue Smythe, West street, Mr. Thomas to join a camp- | vig ting Mr ¢ the Lawrence, | returned to campers include and Mrs. | Miss L. © Y an 8 inel g Mrs. | Miss LL unnifigham, Karl sfree White, 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank | accompanied 'her nieces 4 hin Mr. and Mrs. W Gilchriese, Mary, 'Hilda, and Nora Maclennar George and Heury Scobeill, 1 to their home in Toronto, on Fri Vincent, N.¥:, and Mrs: day - : Uraig, of Ottawa Mt. and H. Marvin . x » » 'Q , Re t Syracuse, been Miss* Nan Skinner, at "Cataraqui Lodge," came to town on 'Friday tea was Tues- included Mis EH. B:. Cunning- {sina v Miss Aileen | Mingay. Penge Miss Hallawoy Wad Miss E Brownfiel at 1 | 1 i Friday | Montreal, ut | son, Merchants Bank. Kingston peni | | | | ! | | ti! | | i} | spent his Mr. the am, . Rogers, of spend and Mrs and Mis: sie , visiting are m igston There was : luncheon at Wednesday E. L.>Fort ton, " Mis Miss 'Irene gon, Miss Amy and Mallog, of Dorothy Hill. a very enjoyable Dutch the Country Club on The guests were Miss Regan of "Hi and Do Swift, Miss Madge Marjorie Merrick, Helen Campbell, Pittsburg, and - from their 868 in | motker,, v University | . { Bessie town on Friday party, down Miss left ing The Neil Sackett, Messrs of Cape J.P. Tandy, who has been and Mrs. H. Tandy, has his home in Spokane Mr Mrs. E of who have Another very delightful luncheon visiting the Country Club this week was riven on Thursday in honor of Miss and are the guests of Mrs. Willi And sts of Mrs. illiax Skinner. i Miss Jean Duff, Princess street. | Is v ing Mrs. Hamilton, at her | { summer home on Wolfe Island Willa Winnett, London. The guests incl ss Susan Anglin, | Marjori Miss Mabel | ardson, and 8 Amy ant - - 'mar N p man Cochrane, of Westmount Visiting Mrs. Adam Cochrane, Alfred street. { Mr. Louis "Shorey; Merchants | | Bank of Canada, Renfre w, is 8b nd- ing his holic i | on Friday |} Aunt Sally's Advice : to Beauty-Seekers dance Yacht Club Wednesday, Charles Living t, entertained ston, 3 on Wednesday afternoon at a delightful verandah tea honer of her sister, Mrs. J Kirk, of Brooklyn, N.X - lle . Mrs. W. Cochrane and Mr at 157 in Mrs. Charles t, entertained afternoon in Polson. Taylor, at honor Johnson i Stree tea of The usual given Tuesday next ~, Miss Nora host Fri day a. will on fortnightly at the instead week, WwW. Db so thick mudds 1 How COI be SAVES kinned, can't "My elbows Ke pimply wear short ol of . . - can thiz condit Don't us un Gordon, Bagot street, at an informal little tea tment rec or afternoon. nie vill m glbows wdend elbow was on AKC ir . Dr. and Mrs. of New York, guests of Mr. Bermingham, Friday for their home Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and little. Mis§ Gwendolyn King street, are spending -a week'| ¢ in Toronto and later will to Ot- | tawa | w or} Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett are | ; a . mix and spending the week-end at the A. C.| : A. Camp on Sugar Island Mrs Adam Cochrane, . Bermingham, sien who have been the | and Mrs. Cornelius Barrie street, left on | al wrink " a Frank asks : "What deep lines unde ACTOSS Nn should 4 do lor forehead lines are best "oblitemited bathing affected portic vingent. and ton gthens and dra i Here's A relial powdered Dawsan Dawson, £0 I'he and her} two children, who have ng the symmer at home at L'Orignal have arrived in town and are at 157 Alfred street. Migses Shaw, William street, who have been the guests of Miss Nan | Skinner, "Cataraqul Lodg re. turned home on Wednesda { Miss Edith Macphe of Otta- t Kenneth | been spend- | their summer rson, f Mrs. st of street Ru l.and, who have been town, have returned} in Brooklyn, N.Y. Brigstock, and her | ¢ Frances, arrived in | on Friday, and visiting W. Lesslid, King street Miss Wilia Winnett who has been ing Dr. and Mrs. A. WW. Winnett, | Bagot street, for some time, left on Friday Tor her home in London. - - * Charles Powers, in home and Miss sey 'ow Miss Reifenstien, who has been in ffl buyer. we E. P. JENKINS Napanee visiting her nephew, Mr. + Reifenstien, of the Dominion Bank, is new the guest of Mrs. Fenwick, King street. Miss Nellie Caséy, who has bees visiting her mother, Mrs. Casey, Napanee, is spending a few days a "Romiily House," on her way to her | home in Troy N.Y. Col. Vawdrey, of the Imperiar| Army Service, 13 on pension at Mrs. get Kavanagh's, King street. ein mang ¢ CORB To EG. © Campbell expects Siasses It you consul to go to Toronto on Sunday to | KEELEY Jr ' 3 > - spend the week. Mr. Cox. of the Cauadisn Bank | The Optometrist. Satisfaction anteed or money relunded. { of Commerce, Tillsonburg, arrived | 226 Princess Street, 'Phone 927. Je go to 2 a You will comfort wig jo guar- in town of Thursday, and is en pen- | sion at Mrs. C. G. brooks. i Mrs. Hemming and Miss Grace | ilemming arrived in town on Satur- | day and is en pension at Mrs. Ka-| vanagh's, King street. | Miss Gretchen Powers is visiting | friends in Cobourg. 1 Mr. D. McCosh, of the Bauk of | Moutreal, is spending his hghdays | at his hole it pasta, of repair rs 3nd of an Kinds Miss Mild MacMorine, Clergy | C00 receive prompt sitention street; hy returned from Thousand Sin a Street. ; Thomas Copley, , Telephone 987 i a eard. Pp 2 Rios Street when | ing anything done es Cu oF ine. Fatimates given on all Kinds | of re new work: siso APGUST = THE SPORT 1 staff | dian le | hag ciub, i a nt I al golf title { of the above: league taxed | | Examination, 1 . Lear (kets are av {town patrons, {in advance on {Grand Trunk agent or to J. 17, 1912. A BASEBALL BEA LF LEAGL FE FOR PROVINCE Ql | Latest Scheme of "Knotty" Lee--The is 1 Intercollegiate Union reparing for the Game Catcher Graham is Gentge Gould pion walker ention 10 retire smmodore Yache bu alu ¢ Th HUDSON Club. ann i a challenge lias lost "BiR" Phyle, cage will report ronto. M ay. in his first er ment on the nyse, al feagud The wilt I to of just IIE ian for ga Ir i club is after. "Ta Iph left-fidllder Fr recogds for Jong r hits ball fie Ids/ in 'the ooklvn Eyver. the-Gue | holds the most 2 the 1 gue Isaac, the thre Guelph purchased by vlosen i' on Cana ( ah 5 savcker of Popular Maple Leaf th as the best in the Canadian leag Saturday's matoh Toronto and Nati cide the who been Forontor is third» er ne. bet wween nal teams may championship of the Four. If Toronto wins it over but the shouting. Baseball lias changdd of la ers are 'being promoted to mar and direct the play. A few ago they wouldn't "let a pitcher the couching lines of the major gues. It is esti Hated by the officials at the Veet ide baseball grounds, Chi that 90,000 persons will witness st i of three gam York and Chicago, od for thi e they qe pay £70,000 A In rosse commission to national game throuvhout patierged after the nati an which governs haseball order, fs a certainty President Con Van 'ouver Province Mack's Phil slow squirming top .of the 1ahble be will bee ¢ on lea- | cag -- \ between ow privileg . gover the da, nal mi across next lared Jones adelphia world be rater nr tl th nant 'have tain the them t wr A league pun and the k wd Sox will their best to . wm marin Hols or claim the American st at slender o lav to loft perch. The United ontemplates States golf a changing the for deerding the Instead of having fay each d start at daybre to have two or the competitors pelling some is planned tions At dian whom io th PE ee the close of the present longue ss "Rnotty' all th of the is dhe, the province with a to organizing clags "DD" baseball leagué in "the Jow- | er province He figures thati surh places as Hull, Sherbrooke Stanstead, Richmond wold be the - ted rganized baseball, { thrive, assured of big and he mear Cana Lee 1800 credit 1 to | on a trip through Quebec view Chpeediie. and Quebe ™ towns toget ere (iy wi ter Where { the be ian in game Worl as crow dse undays 'of ev of dave Journal ud fo pl ot shaping en Awa CHARI OF TE H AR BOR. With a View of proving it, is to be Made. Rochester, N.Y Yug department hae ordered Col Im | Warren r P engi ed by trair Limited, the night in cars = fondon at RB pm, sud until they arrive in Chicago, the following day. Becopd-ciass ailable for passage ai for convenitave ot oul spate may be i application to any} Quinlan, | Bonaventure 1 and have WM thes 5 ar tie aotdpY cars and district passenger agent, station, Montreal. "10E THRE® 2 Ae |. | ie = | Weather Probabilities tat, Amgust 1Tth, i - ' ix: filme whd ow | ba Bacus ds. lng 12 ame Sunday she ey and Epner St Lawrcuve mery New Materials A AAA AAA NN STEACY' S The S | FREER Or TEI RET PORE ein Ud) TXIe TART COREE TE 5, " The ~ 5 Hughy v » i T ng he - Fall 2 . § Y br ! scouting for Toronto in the New York Stat vi all league. ¢ a FIC irst Showing of Fall Materials d a large shipment of Smart Autumn Suitings receive We have just Beautiful Quality Silks. Je West shadi \ In all the Trimmings. I nt rodu ine 7 Velvets. atl Win ; See Our Display tore CLE > ol 3 IY: wre: Success The introduction o© Blend (Gre a long-felt w to-day. Buy a Tin of ant. LiIPT Goes farthest for the money. of our new 40c¢ ey Label) has answered it AA A NAAN ANN NINN f Satisfaction TOMA o > New Colors 3 x] | | cont Cool and tive--is this shart, jaunty EE flounces which 2 slip on A TAFFETA SUIT FOR Aust shvesd ) in traveling « sr f dark ATI Pos ¥ § MN TRAV altogether chic taffeta, » and gIny x skirt, having of the cont is amt « Fite sewy trim liv sleeve | FLING. { ami atirac- rade with a ungathered and easy 0 Fhe long {set Sat relay Porth. had the pis hands severed helow the jaunt. while © pied in any gles in Allan's saw will at F . Renjusmi a index finger of ome this wing shin Smith's of | . { Anderson, | Mi d! Hollow, their thoy daughter Falward mArTiage Lo lasv and Mos ann Heun mad, piace Sif ; Sept in Sepig