"time and yet not NEWS OF NEIGHBORS i | EE | WHAT WHIG UOKKESPONDENTS | TELL US, i Irene | fhe Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People | Are Doing and What They Are ! Saving. Bar i -------- | Bell Rock Briefs. . Rock, Aug. 13.~The quarterly » was. held here last rane. » | from here for the North-West on Friz ith ost 4 8 spent by those at First . Brooks this Beli Sunday, by ery enjovable who attended Lake, on 'l fin 1g road divisic uesday up the this m n YN. Melcombe News. 13.--Miss Letitia in ' 'Kingston Melcombe, Aug. kandon is visiting s Lillian Fleming, Moutreal, is ting her aunt, Mrs. James P Lappan. Miss: Mary Gavin, Scran- ton, Pa. came down from Kingston | and spent a couple of days last week shouldn't a man be interested in an id | advertisement-- a vi Ig | ® . SunlightSoap? | He takes a pride in his linen and wants it washed .with the purest Soap--good Sunlight Soap which does not tear or wear linens or woollens, and Sunlight Soap makes the clothes wear longer. He likes his wife to have leisure neglect the children and house- hold duties. 'SUNLIGHT SOAP pays for itself by. the time it saves, the labor it saves and the clothes it preserves. Sc. a bar at all Grocers. THE NAME LEVER ON SOAP IS A GUARANTEE OF PURITY, AND EXCELLENCE. 29 To overcome heat-wepriness, there is ; no more satisfying beverage than 4 Regal Lager. Its tonic hops re-create appetite, and its perfect ripening ' prevents biliousness. - The regular use of Regal Lager brings the benefits of summer without its enervation and distress. Always use Regal regularly He i 3 Jas. McParland, Regal Agent "The Finest and Best, ¥ A 166 Princess St. Phone 58 SPELL iT BACKWARDS Satisfying At Dealers, Leading Hotels and Cafes s Have a Case Sent Home To-day, Hamilton Brewing Association, Limited HAMILTON, CANADA i inesd Coll Eagetos Saguesl Cuca, Highest Education at Lowest Cost E ty-sixth year: Fall term begins August 30th. Courses in BooKReehInG, Shorthand, Tele raphy, Civil Service and Eng- « Our graduates get the best positions Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the iargest rallway cor. Rporations in Canada, Enter any . Call or write for informa- ._ Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, | ada. by the pint, quart, or in bricks. A. J. REES Electric Restorer tor Men Phos to its Drones tension : restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all mak: a new oy race . or two for T 15 any sddress - Fhe Sesbell Drug | ger WwW, J friends Slack father's, the past Miss Margaret Gavin. Lappan spent Sunday with in Brockville. Mrs. Joseph Lansdowne, visited at her James Cochrine, during week, with I-------- x ; Wilton Briefs. Wilton, Aug. 13.-- Lemuel Storms is critically ui. -Mrs. Storms has also been sick but is much improved. They are at the home 'of their daughter, Mrs. R. N. Lepum. Mr | Lapum returned from Syracuse last week, to assist in caring for the.in- valid. Mrs. Torrance Babcock re- turned from Kingston with ' Mrs. Harvey Mills last Friday. Mrs. Babcock will remain with her parents until thoroughly recuper- ated. Robert Miller, Rev. W. D. P. Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Walker went on the "excursion .to the west last week, Mr, and Mrs. Walker's destination will be Cal- gary, where their two. sons are lo- cated. During Mr. Wilson's -ab- sence, his pulpit will be filled by Mr. Lovelace, of Yarker. i Westport Notes. Westport; Aug. 12.--Miss Frances McCann has returned from a visit. to Perth friends. B. Mendels made a) business trip Montreal this week D. L. Goodiellow made a business trip to "Gananoque this week, Miss Marion Thompson, of Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Bessie Kearns. Miss Mary Me- Cann, of Perth, is the guest of her father, John J. McCann. C. R. Watt, of Lanark, was a visitor in town Sun- day and Monday. 1. Watsen and son, Reggie, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I} Mendels, © Miss Beatrice Fraser, nurse- in-training at Brockville, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Speggle. Mrs, (Dr.) H. C. Graham and Master Gorden, Rochester, N.Y. are guests of Mrs. DD. McFadden. John H. Adam, Perth, was in town Tues- day. Miss May Brown, Perth, is the guest of Miss Frances McCann. to Junetown Notes. Junetown, Aug. 13.--The trusteas of the school are still looking for a qualified teacher for the coming year, the salary is $500. Mrs. M. Scott, Gananoque, is this week the guest of her sons here. Mrs. Wil- liam Lanigan, Winnipeg, spent the past two 'weeks with her brother, Egbert Avery. Miss Lulu Warren, Lansdowne, is visiting friends here. Leland Warren went to Brockville General hospital last night for treat- ment for appendicitis. | Born to Mr. and Mrs, Georde Scott, July 25th, a daughter. © W. H. Franklin at- tenided the merchants' picnic at Delta on Monday the 5th. Several from here took in the Sunday school picnie at Mallorytown Landing, on Friday last. Miss Hazel Brackel, Brockville, is visiting Mrs. John Herbison. ¥ Enterprise . Reports. Enterprise, Aug. 13.---Mp. and Mrs. Kimg, of Tray. N.Y., have been spend ing_a few days at Irvine Graham's. A deer is reported to have been seen in Cornelius Jackson's orchard. Ss; D. Wagar and W. Qovert spent a day recently. fishing at"Third Lake W. Covert was fortunate in landing a pike which weighed ten and a hali pounds. Mrs. Matilda Wagar, Coie brook, spent a few days refently visiting at A. Walker's. Mr. and Mra. Cyrus Wagar took dinner with Mr and Mrs. J. M.. Loucks, on Sunday A. Walker spent Tuesday camping at Third Lake Misa Lemon, of King stom, - is visitng - at J. D. Wagar's Stanley Wagar, New Ontario, was in town this week. Quite a number of cattle and hogs are being shippud froma here. Mm. Thomas Reid and daughters, of "Kingston, are visiting friends and relatives, .around here There is some talk of anothes * rail way rugning through this country. -- Tidings From: Athens. Athens, Aug. 10.--A. M. Eaton is moving to the Wiltse house, Victoma street. EK. 8. Clow, for vears mana- of the Mérchanis" bank here, has gone with his family to reside in Calgary, Man. . C. C Black has ac cepted a position, at, Orillia. A nom- ber of the young people spent last wetk™in camp at Point Iroquois and attended summer school. Rev. Fr. Ebert, London, Eng.. has been con: ducting services in the Roman, Ca- tholic church, On Monday evening he didivered a temperance address in the town hall. Two esteemedecitizens passed away receritly, Delbert Dobbs and Thomas Berney. Both were members of the Anglican church. The funerals were on Monday and Wednesday of this week, Uommunion services are to be monducted in the Methodist church on Sunday. The WMS. picnic at Delta Park last week was highly sue ooschill. The address . given by Mrs. Grierson. Brockville. formerly a mis sionary in China and in India, was particularly good. . S---- Echo Lake Echoes. Echo Lake, Aug. 5.--Farmers are nearly through haying and good crops are realized. Raspberries are quite plentiful but huckisberries are a failure. A business meeting was held at the school house on Satur. day evening, concerning church af- fairs. Mrs I. Gowdy will be For male sf Mahood's drug store. pastor for the next year. Mrs. Ja- | decided improvement | this vicinity are about to start their cob A. Wager Bowdy' at Meulla at P» Ruttan & nanville and Mr. . William A Hick's. Franklin G at: Chet Babcock's and Willi Bush at I. Switzer's. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Hayes haye returned to their | hotne in Watertowd, N.Y. | spending a few days with i parents here. Miss Oretia Wagar spent Sunday with Lillie Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. -Hamilton have to" New York state to. sop. Miss Viola Wagar a few. days at Wagarville -- Tidings From Glenvale. Glenvale, Aug. 13 cial held at Byron Gordon's, on Wednesday evening, August' 7th, was a decided success. Over $75 was realized. The programme, given entirely by local talent, was much appreciated. It!/counsisted of drills, tableaux, dialogues and songs. Miss Ratljlecn Orser, nurse-in-training, at Burlington, Vt, is gpénding her vacation at home. Mrs (Dr.) leonard and daughter, Mitchellville, Iowa, are visiting at B. Gordon's. A good 'many of the young men in- tend going to the west on the har- vesters' excursion. Mr 'and--Mrs: Westbrooke, Kingston, are visiting at - Edwin Clark's Miss Rose | Cramer, Watertown, N.Y., is spend- ing 'a few weeks with her parents bere. Mrs. Randolph 'Ellérbeck and children, who visited, relatives here for the past two weeks, return- ed to her father's at Cataraqui.' The children are looking forward to the Sunday school picnic. which will be held at Lake Ontario Park. Mrs: Richard Ellerbeck and Douglas are visiting friends on Simcoe Island. Master Gordon Pillar is seriously ill. --The. lawn so- | hy : Outlet Happenings. Outlet, Aug. 13.--The farmers are beginning to worry for fear the rain will rot the potatoes. There are a great many guests on the lake at present. Dr. W. Stacey, wife apd baby, of New York city, are spend- ing a few weeks with friends. in this vicinity. They are at present | enjoying a week at hisebrother Ro- bert's cottage on Stacey . Island Edward Vanderburg and L. O'Brady will start on Friday for the North- | west. Miss Evlyn Earl; Warburton, and Miss Lizzie Patience, Dulceman, were guests of Miss Faith Greer, for the past few days Michael Fodey, Sr., who underwent a severe operation, in the Hotel Dieu, Kings-' ton, is recovering very nicely and his many friends hope soos to see | him among them again. Glen Reid | returned home on Sund having | spent the last five weeks With his | grandparents in Athens. Mr. and | Mrs. John Fodey spent Friday and Saturday with their daughter, Mrs R. Milne, Brewers' Mills. Mrs. J Webster and her sons and mother | are spending some time at their is- land home. , John and Master Shir- ley visited friends in Athens on Saturday and Sunday. J { | Kepler Items. Kepler, Aug. 12.--Miss Evyline Donnell has returned after spend- | ing 4 month in Toronto. She has accompanied home by her brother, | John. Miles Orser, Sr., is still laid up with a broken leg. Mrs. Bell and Miss Redmond, who have been | spending some time in Detroit, | Mich., have returned. Miss Effie! Maud Townsend and Mrs. Smith! and children, Latimer, who have been visiting their brother, Herbert | Townsend, Wilton, have arrived home. Miss Dora Cranston has been | vigiting at Wilton. The meeting | of the W.M'S. was held at the home of ¢Mrs. A.- Townsend on Monday and a goodly number were present. | Visitors: --Miss Ina D. Powley, | Trafalgar, and Max Caldwell, denham, at Mrs. Ferguson's; Mr. | Redmond's wife and daughter, Hol. | leford, and Miss Redmond, Detroit, | at John Redmond's; W. Shales and wife, Perth Road, at John Don- | nell's; Leslie Clogg and Miss Mec- | Bride; Toronto, at Herbert E. Johnston's; Mrs. H. E. Johnston Sy- | and children at her father's, Elgin- burg; W. A. Beer, Wilton, Casstell, Forest, and Howard and Glen Smith, Latimer, at Tow ndend"s; Mrs. J. Fowler and ; visiting at Godfrey. and nd] | children are Sunbury Notes, | Sunbury, Aug. 12.--The frequent | showers of, the past week have fade a ! on all growing | crops, and much larger will ! now be had. The Presbyterian So- | ciety held its annual Sunk school | picnic on Wednesday afternoon and a fine time was enjoyed by all pro went, A. McCaBlum's grove was the piace selected for the gathering and | the ladies interested furnished a fine} tea at the close of the sports. Miss | Scott and Mis Salter, Gananoque, have been spending a few daye with Mrs, H. Lynn, near the village. A number of children are ailing with the whooping cough. * The Maccabees Society will hold its monthly meeting in the hall on Tuesday evening. A. McCallum is shinglihg his barn with Pedlar shingles. Messrs Lauds and Comodore are doing the job. The Methodists had no service in the vil- lage church on Sunday. The present pastor, Rev. Mr. Sheridan, being a: way on an eventful trip for some weeks. © Our village stores report'a fine trade along all lines. Some of our young men will go to the west this week. A.. Smith, Merrickpille, spent Sunday at B. Greenlee's. Our anglers report good fishing last week R. Shannon, who has been down from the went, for some weeks, leaves this! 'week for his home near Saskatoon. ! Farmers report the continued rain is causing a delay in the cutting grain, which is mow ripe. G. Me Donal® was married on Wednesday of last week, ---- Newsy Bits From Pittsferry. Pittsferry, Aug. 8.--Farfners in returns CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the : of | 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, 1912 An English Firm's Gift To In the past several months, about 100,000 beautiful cigarette cases have been given tothe English smokers 'of "Black Cat' Cigarettes. This, as a mark of esteem good tobacco judgment. ettes on the market today. The gift cigatette cases are masterpieces of British workmanship--each one carrying ~the portraits of their majesties, King George and Queen Mary, emblazoned in colours, and inset. Almost without price are these beautiful When purchasing "Black Cat" each packet is unbroken. Case Coupon. address below. For*'Black Cats" are pre-eminently the finest Virginia cigs Free. souvenws of a never-to-be-forgotten event in the lives of British subjects. : : Canadians One of these is yours in exchange for 50 coupons--an exchange which is demanded only as proof that you are a smoker of "Black Cat' Cigarettes. «In no sense is this an imducement offer. a tribute to And we, the firm of "Carreras,'" wish to make clear the. following: "Black Cat' Cigarettes, as well as our gift cigarette case 5 . are products of British labor, supported by British capital. | No foreign element is here to destroy sincerity. : Cigarettes, please sce that the sealing band around In every packet you wil find one Coronation Cigarette Save these, and when you have accumulated SO, mail them to the Your cigarette case will reach you by. return post. CARRERAS & MARCIANUS OF CANADA, Limited Address: 853 St. Lawrence Boulevard, Montreal, Que. Black Cat Medium Cigarettes--10 for 10 Cents Mud A "Dorit Fat Them ALL Crandpa" It's no wonder Maple Buds taste good, and it's no wonder mothers every. where are encouraging the litle folks to spend their pennies for them. Maple Buds are wothing more than the best of chocolate, pure milk and sugar--things the doctor would recommend to build up a sickly child. The most delicate child can digest them. The distinctive flavor of Maple Buds is entirely "due to the use of only the best chocolate. The fine velvety texture comes from grinding and grinding thiough- innumerable - steel rollers: Name and Design Registered. They're Not MAPLE BUDS Unless They're COWAN'S The Cowan Co., Limited Toronto Look for the Some have already mage a start Fhe redent showers have made everything look g again Quite a number disap- pointed in the dance which was to be held on Howe Island, Monday evening, which on account of th: rain was postponed until] next even- ing They didn't know. until they drove to the ferry.and received the news across the river. Some drove a distance of fifteen, miles provements are being made McMaster's residence, with cement verandah. shingling his house. The Rev. Mr Fairly, Kingston, is supplying pulpit "in St. John's church in the absence of Mr. Reede, who has gone on an extended visit to the wast Mrs. Alexander Grant, who was dangerously ill, is slowly recovering Mrs. Millions; of Napanee, aud niece, Miss Edna. Lake, Kings®#n, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Millions. Miss Grace' Percey, Toronto, is spending her holidays with her cogsin, Miss Lillie McClément, "Elm Hi Miss Bva Henderson, Wolfe , Is visiting her grandmother, Greenizan, 3. Wilson, Woodburn, spent a few days last Week, the guest of Willie Brash. A little baby girl has come to stay harvesting got on J a new at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie |, McFaddin. Visitors: --Gordon Brown, Wil- letsholme, - at C. Greenizan's Mrs. Henderson at J. Lane's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott at J. Rankin's; Mr. Stanley MeNinch spent Sunday at D. McClement's | Mr. and Mrs. H. McCormick at ¥ | McFaddin's. ------ cil What makes a woman look so of a hot dav ix she doesnt feel so. Being able to stay out of debt is commonplace: hetne shle to stay in is artiste, - cool Im-* D. McClement is | the | + Every telephone y distance ; Links up city, town and rural district in one business community, so that there isabsolutely no waste of time, Distance is no obstacle to the quick transaction of business that calls for prompt action--and what business does nol? _ There's a great satisfaction in geting your answer back ai ence. bo Don't overlook the Long Distance Tplephome avhen seeking ways of. speeding up * your rates. : : tie The Bell Telephone Compatty sz - SUSS------Y ~~ ar et Ie}