PAGE FOUR. ~ ' : . "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, ri EDNESDAY AUGUST 14, 1912, FR -- |THE WHIG, BEVENTYNINTH FEAR [nu to the sore-snd the = an So mn cacy patrons r3 7 OF 'S DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publiahed at i; 10. King Street, Kingston, a Raa i Ontario, at $6 per year. 'Editions at 2.30 and 4 pm. A Ne 0 ys ai sw York woman has dea EK TIS WHIG, 16 pages. published in parts on Monday and | oe = as ey TORRE imi e Thursday E $i ¥ To Ui te tes charge ior postage had to that! Hf women wold ex yit he | be added, mak 1 We y 1.5 er Year. food | ' same diligence in shopping for ttached ne of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, styl. | a Bhatia ian he 3 a} al od choaD we rk; nine beat Jon | pe - that they Ho "in shopping for "1 THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHD G C.2TINY, LIMITED | keine in dry good J of Living nh be mater #4 ta, bib gt Uresidest, Leman A. Guild, See. Treas... 7 . .{ Ite practice' would add a new 2 to] : a a rn, Jin 1 oe : . 4 - i § 1 Yl TORONTO OFFICE~Sulte 19 aid 20 Queen Clty Phambers, 32 Church the femining life. fet the butch O vance treet. Toronto H. E. Smallpiece, J.P. representative and bakers offer barg 8 ! : rain day | and make it $1.98. HAVE UNION SERVICES Y t1Re on mm ns sa ur PENI WS A sil ~~ Boots and Shoes. union church services in the suth-!se'm to prefer the ust and" gl HdITORGAN SERVES FURPOSE In| { They believe that it is better to} the crowded roads 'to the quiet sone. | THE UNBORN CHILD. | Al have a church full of singing and re | ary. The fact of the matter is that i .o oi | At 50¢ to $1.00 each sponsive attendants, their ears follow jo. church shit up during he week 1 New Yofk Expert Has Aivived at al every phrase of the Broncher, than {+ n about asx comlortabl a place 4 on New: Conclusion With Regard - 15] ' hd : . : Eis y . i i half dozen scattered hos& despond Feonld find on a hot Sunday. It i This Human Organ. oo : 1 YS i 1Imni e i S at 15¢ to $5.00 Hent by their own MEAL LONess Phere held that. much 'of this non-attendance } . New York, Aug: 1 Dr. Isnae | There sectns something in that : 1} {hus been a great change in the mal-|is merely contagious, If people knew | Feinberg, president of the Board of a ter of church atiendance during the} : ad 3 : sof vari. Bew. conclusion with regard to thi summer It would seem that the old-| eq top, and hence the union of vari-i } . . : " History of the vermiform appendix ' ! ! : | : ether ravafuli whintilv § . wio fashioned congregations were proof fous churches would give an attractive: |p" yp por WE vermiforn appendix of the best leather, carctully and thoroughly tantiod, "1t fits perfectly, retumed at t. Foinberf® heif neighbors were going, they would | Coroncrs, says 'he has arrived at The Hartt Shoe combines the flexibility of the glove With 'the dur: ability against heat, but the great spread of fness to the services that should be has spent fifteen years drawing. ; ii study of the appendix, seek- | "supports the foot, and makes life's walk: comfortable, © In' no other man's i - ing a cure of appendicitis and to . . 3 9 ! dizeover the purpose of the organ in | fore can the Hartt shoe he beught. We are-the sole and ¢ elusive se :1l- X 5 the human structure... The conclu- CORB THAT PUBLIC BATHING PLACE. | on3 which he has reached' 'are vrs of jar : { 'jee 1 ers of the Bartt Shoe and the price is a -- novel in medical annals : . 4 A Briefly, Dr. Feinberg believes that Anothiel summer is passing, and of this park se very strange | {| the appéndix is of vital importance : y Kingston still kas no public sa immin [ thing. For year + public bathing : unboric~g¢hild After the - 3 aritat ml | Di thé child, Dr, Feinberg de- | : place has heen agitated. The matier ! , £ place, notw thstanding that : it ha his board bei, pe - | clap 8, the utility of the appendix ® ifd palm leaf fans has given vay to the the city council. and i ; : over thiee miles of waterfront 1 Ae + 11s at ah end and the organ gradual So Refreshing 1 = . Witeriron efor veral oF ite committees, but bly atpophies, until in mature life it | These Warm Days equalicd in the mninion. The youth | (je has" been no real "effort made nulates a rudimentary mass of of the city continues to plead for altring the matter to a head. Perhaps | issue. J % 'The apie ndix is found in an en ] : / 9 plices nearby to wim © at not toi the council and its commit lees di | larged state in the. chi id befare ; bean danger ol being aabbed by the fews the bach tineh question {oi birth," Dr. Féinberg sald "yesterday. vance in Price ol poli for Lathing at prohibited | unother ten vears, the eit may get| "As is commonly known, "the child | laces. Twenty five *Vears ago, thelone, Nothing will be done this sung] ®t at dil hussesses . sevemal (i 4 ¢ | Orgai a Brod p 158 | hore of Macdonald Park, which «was | mer, for the council is ou vacation; at | Or€ans that differ greatly from the 8 | which are found immediately after p - , ¢ ! hin a-pasture, provided a swimming | a time when it, or a portion of ito} birth, When he begin to breatha x place for men and boys, aud from the { number, with authority to act for the { and take nourighment--{for instance, 00 S an oes : ¢ x 4 - | ) va a 18 ' The Bmpire's Favorite begining of May till the end of Oc-{ whole, is most heeded. When will | Lhe Jan, the 5 and the inter . A tna ract, I pli ¥ tober, it was freely used. Why the | Kingston have a public bathing oplaion the $ : . | appendix has gome particula¥ action city equncil did not long ago make a | place ? What loeal prophet will { In relation to the intesainal canal bathing beach out of the western end! the answer ? until the time of birth - : A | : From various opportunfties for | observation' and. experiment I - have | discovered that the appendix has 8 CHEAP LUMBER . GooD AND BAD ROADS. ; | valve-like action upon the intestines LJ * * - a ---- hich 'prevents the- antrance of « > > Im . " | Ww : ntrance ) . f e l . : foreign substances into the Prof. R. W. Neil, a celebrated Am "Total ~ cost of hauling= 250,000,000 the unborn child, er ro T 1 $ 1 Ii ? 3 i ig J r the birth In clearing up our eran economist, estimates that in) ns, ¥517,500,000 . [of the child the : appendix gradually Cost per ton per mile on mproy | Brows smaller ol a it nd yards, we have gathered the ruts and mud holes of the United | od roads, S¢y; total aust per ton per | tracts so that only a small opening Q en ury 00 S an oes States over which the farm produce | Bine-mile haul, 2a 5 | is left, in place of the wide mouth togethera few thousand of u veur is hauled. Tie ; "Saving om cost of haul per. - ton; which- formerly opened into the ; go feet of old lumber and Every vear, he sive. a Tike a 11 foc me males over jmproved rouds, betinal tes, dl i 3 Besides good leather and expert workmanship, a nan wants style S ; : » ve, A 4 * appendix is a rudi- ! . 'rushed - beneath the wheels of ) en a . entary o y fae . . . ' y timber which we will || cruhid benea a the 'Wheels Total saving on, 260,000,000 tons, thoniary organ. due to the fact thet in his shoes, He gets all three in the 20th Century Shoe. We have the 11 t h its value tn farm wagon and cart. $337,500,000 there is no usé for it after the child . > . sell at half i The le ele {Ea ,| "For every mile of unimproved |is born, and that it, therefore, be : : : ae C2 re : the farmer whe sells the produce I le and 1] y riod sell the 20th Ce Shoe, Kim ost In the. first buyers. voad which he 'must haul his produce | comes atrophied, I admit, but that Soleand exclusive right to sell the th Century Shoes in myston. ¢ over the farmer must pay an excess (tHe 8Dpendix of the unborn child is ' s : : ceives it supply the money thus used transportatio gn 8 Tay " pe a rudimentary organ I deny. . After no other man's store can they be bought and the price is fd I n 10st f 15 Fon b s o * We have no place to in place of broken stone, @nerete | every mile of unimproved road over | the birth of a child, when the ap : : peiMix ceases to function another 3 3 and other paving materials. . while the prcdues that he tuys has|® NX woea308 a store it and it must go. : valve e Heo-ceaca a . Here are the figures drawn fh OL 0 hoes moved (he cob! hy the eon - its rhe Jeo Sata) takes $4 00 report by Judge J. T. Ronald, of "At £5000 a mile for building are achibved by nature, through an- . - . Seattlé, upon the value of good | 67,300 miles of improved road could ole: organ. i S. Anglin & Co. i} | roads : : be built each year with the $337 » "Tons of freight hauled annually pv | 700.000 that represents the difference |THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS WELLINGTON ST, NORTH | farmers over earth roads, $250,000. |'n transportation cost between good | ---- 000. and bad roads--ten improved "high | 3 One Thing We Lack. | mm "Average length of haul nine miles | WaVS across the continent and back. Toronto Star os : > 2d : Cast per ton per mile of haul, ec. Is it cheaper to build" good roads \s far as self-government goes, Can 1 mi e total cost of haul per ton, £2.07. or to haul to market over money ? ads will not have it wntil our courts : CLOTHING y mterpret our own laws | 2 in- and the consumer who ultimately re HOLIDAY " - . . -- Fro now til! the end of HITTING NATIONAL HONOR. And. Therefore Dearer. Men' ~ St Joha Te } i August the hig time for -- i Women are an sear wn-| summélE WMation. Before von 4 wal : / , 9 + : and Boys' Departmental Store o The New York Herald, without any' and ratified by the senate which voted | ada in proportion to v popu & " EO se us your summer cloth- , ! Os ; cy ¢ NODC y 7 E " Ing to be cleaned and pressed ado, admits that the United States? 8 black Friday to break its faith lution. . 78, 80, 82 PRIN CESS S TR E 1 . and put in good shape for the to . rovides that "no change of territorial --- . i I | senate, in voting to exempt Amerigan |; Outing. | vessels from Panama canal tolls, has lations of ' the country or countries Vancouver Daily Province -- R. PARKER & 00. plainly violated the terms of the Hay j traversed by the canal shall afiect 'the \ cruel blow has been struck Dyers and Clenmers, i: obligations 'of the high contracting | "omen sufirage in an eastern , cits Pauncefote treaty, and remarks that ore Li 3 [shat requires that the a al moes-- -- - - " . -- iv 8 Princess St. Kingston, Out, 5 . 3a . ries powers Aanguage could not be more . i = : Kes i . 3 . y - . the country 1 now journeying in by | lear. : : 5 voter g all be published in the: + THE WESTERN FAIR ASSL AASRAMSEAMMMMM AA, TEA! TEA! TEA! paths away from the clear road « ' | a Supposing this outrageous measure national honor, It notices the storm ais passed and s-ned----what next ? en {At London, Se ptember 6th to Hih-- IME FOR SALE From. hy [Finan = . Si dens Fi y of ptotest abroad and its natural con [a reat" Britiain would have an ex | a Hoth an the Rocks. ge Better Than Ever. flavor, Green and Black at 30¢ per dlent case to earry to: The Hague in 4 ' eiegran s : ihe W overeignty or of the international re Checkmate, |S pound, at ! Jueno $ * Western fair as a live stock R ; pound, se juences--a demand for reprisale.! Soe nal court. Our jingo legisla An American battleship is on t 'hibition i2 in a class by itself DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Paris suggests a tarilf war and Lin { tors have looked as far ahead as that. | Focks, and in. this position it i hititors always report goo . 8 i Qutacie Street, BICYCLE SUNDRIES don asks for arbitration. It is likely } We will not arbitrate, We SHY, a gues hos ;#oml io. American nati wal from showing at Teton. Fon ae {4 "Phome 443. 235 Wellington St. {At Out BICYCLE MUNSON | thd British government will be strong je n fo vitally afiecting the nation : win the Panama question y such an excellent farming counts a . Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, {ly supported in a protest to Washing.» Jonor. "Strip off the lofty words Practie for Pint there is always a good denrand bubonic : ed » © ay © . 0 7 \ . . TORONTO i" . They mean Fhe only way we could actice for the osts first-cliss stock of all kinds. The Send for Cut Price Catalogue. ton. As to a tariff be & SMPIY 14,01" 'so bud "a case would be to |? re. Examine - | r ] I "2 todate farmer waits for the exhibi means that it. could BH wked both tay out of comrt.' Shyster practice i a ail team persistently fail to} tion when he ean see the best ane . * ol ways wad it seems to ratfer favor ar again; advising the defendant to run |5¥at the ball, what's the matte with}, ke, his ice The r | h B bby G g i > ays wad i ¥ a " o l away ' ! : ? : nving the members a ch eg. to prac na . : " P a, : 1 5 ara c . p-- -- : er bitration, though it believes it will rej #0 ; : yo. ben made very liberal, t only in} i | "To break re eall of [Vee on the pestiferous house fly . : 3 REDUCED PRICES i} quire more than a formal demand hi I'o break this tr aly at the "eall i i i _ 100 5 | cla sification but in cn hi Fh Prize | AGENTS FOR Ee private greed must "eventually mean er - : { mongy tH all be paid if the animals . Balance of Season [pf secre that object. It is not at all} turning our backs upon the nghle re Our Beautiful Trees. : bh ! ; i ; are worthy, even.ii thers whould be no 33 M Ye lne of Antiave | tenamorcd with the deviation front the | jeardiof fhe {ited States ds a leaden Pt Boron igh Review competition in cert goelions ox McLaughlin Motor Cars Purtjture will be sold at re- [Bl tenor of tr. aty obligations made infin the dl the - Intentional gol nt ord re h Shut rakine fhe {Boitars ate, the 3 BFS sven and Supplies, Pure i ' atv bina . tron and the peace of the people ho 1 20 nalerial aspect of ety comdi | being well treated at this old bore BUted riots ducing the hot good faith Let ween nations. Hear the- World has gladly praised Pregiden: | tions, and so greatly contributes tolfinble exhibition. Prize Fist oe Gasolen?, Best Come ae and 'see the bar- i New York World : Taft's 'services to this cause. Has) not the comfort and pride of home of | ims and all information . : : ains. { "The excuse that the asuexation of! Washington report slandered him "in as [C1lizens as an abindapt distribution | promptly on application" to the . Engine Oil HOUSEHOLD GOODS Panama territory ends our treaty ob ming. that he will sign a bill go in. [of trees What Ontario people who tary, 'A M. . ant, general off : $3,000 1. buy a fine bought and sold on best ters. ligations is worlly the ethics of a po (famous that it is incapable even of [£9 west sniss most, is the plentitude | Richmond stro . dan, Ont BROCK STREET. od: Brick Hous Consult me. . lice-court shyster. The present treaty plausible defense in the peace court of [Of trees" thew leave behind them in| ! walk from Fe iL. L E S S F negotiated by Mr. Tait's predecesson ! the nations !" -- + * - \ - tid - at aVVWGNe Ta Princess and Fhsitham Sta, Cannot Fool the Assessor, Baht cg Fata toa EDITORIAL NOTES. Monten Guphicn FRESH CAUGHT : H has been decided in an Ontari SALMON, : a : county eourt that members of pariin Nir R. L. Borden is in trouble over an take up. This, in the mind of {ment must pay isvome tax on the in- HALIBUT, WHITE FISH, i ; ) the naval policy. He wants to pleas «he Saskaloon Phoenix, seems to be g (demnity they recelve for their atten Motor Boat and too many. He should dedare hic wod reason for reducing the . duty dance at Ottawa in the discharge of : policy and let the others come. J their legislative duties. The worst TROUT and LIVE LOBSTERS wm farm implemgnts to a revenue |; : .j 1 tha - . : part of the situation; also, id that Yacht Supplies his views or quit. sis. they 'will' Yave to pay un the hdl DOMINION FISH CO. The French government is determin aan they receive, like sichoolmas- 63 BROCK ST. ~ 'PHONE 250 . : ; The msj ity of people will be in- [Mrs and public servants, ,and eannot led to get rid of the billboard wnuis aor peoy " " rans assatase Wcities and towns is Ontario » brirk vensersd pons wath: bh &% celiar newly nied. now In fir paying 19 part of ely, tear Barri® Strget Pr ---------- R. Chas. Bell { i ia etested to know that a New . York ded : arb wl the ealiector, a8 Snpital eo ta (han Purpose is Pos | pregalist has fond -that--that ua. |i, 6; US Preiending to' receive less 4 tax on 5 wha wi " ol ths bod % {than they collect. , » : o% : wpular organ tl ly, the ver. ---------------------- PADDLES be, practionlly prohibitory. Good iden uniform appendix, serves some good 1,000 Isiands--florhester. "OARS The appointment of W. S. Ding | 'urpose, and that after birth it gra- | Steamers Caspian «nd North King y [nan of the Stratford Herald, to » dually atrophies and becomes & yu. |I8VF 8 1015 wm. daily fof 1.000 Ls. . ; $ ; s land Fonte, and at 5 p.m. for Roches Plies a All boats must have lights senatorship would gratify every Ca limentary mass of tissue. The same ior. N .Y:, via Bay of Quinte. J. P.} { " 1 te on after dark. We have the nadian except some stifinecked tor: | 'Pinion remains that the organ is Harley, agent. Asthma | | Lost Vitatity Asch hills | Lost Vieality : P, ; "AIS E 5 lilicions, whe: think journalists ar. | weless after Wirth. © : Boe $4 Hectic regulation kind both in Brass bolt er : whe A i a s al - -- | Hitherto thousands of "down-and Axiiiood. } Nerve and hata fe 8 RAW FOR D'S and Galvanized kind from useful only: to Wipe NE . on To meet the mood of the a outs" have siept on the Thames om. d history for free Mics. $1.50 to $4.50. Even this old-time Siivilege Te Sis | ho demand Tower intend of io: | hankment 'and . on scatw in. public a ursisied fh fabiet. appearing as the i noe of th. 0 lower instead of 0 | marke. Now the commisgjoner of Hours--6 am. tol pm and 2 to | BATTERIES and DRY CRLLS. Jl] subliciete grows, ; | asd prices, the merchant must bef the London police ie introducing o } Sh. Seodsys am wip . a Consultation 5 wsured of a worth-while volume |, of | new syetem, to provide for the hore ELECTRIC TORCHES. or. SLOT : : less, by which policemen on. night| § DRS. SOPER & WHITE, Cenada exported over $ ales when he cuts 'a price to near ae \ po ~.* Toronto St, Toronto, Oot. ® worth of farm machinelty to Aus | ost. Impressive advertising gives aty will be given dekets which thew CL ------ ----------- a A ------ 4 y WE can hand to all persons in need of : tralia last year. Yet the Canadiar | vim that assurance and permits him | Jhelter. Loy PRESERVING SEALERS. farmers = are taxed from fifteen tc | to condense, into a souple of * days, For rash printing try the Whig. A Lot of Preserving ters. for twenty per cent. for the benefit 1 month's normal and usial sales of pPrices right. Sale; aise Now and § hitad Bed Jt pometimes happen shui ¢ Shasta csstseestasassessaans [Seessstss sess I ee £5 i