-- PAGE SIX. : : : THE! DAILY BRITISH HIG, © MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1912 1 'SONERVOUS, HE | THE TURN OF THE TIDE IN BRITAIN. es RESTS CARE COULD NOT SLEE! | eee 2 oman vigins vn oe SERVES ITS WOODLANDS, ngs Three Months Treatment ot 4 occ ae % a ? i gly % 3 , Dunfermii; » Bistrict Contain Ne a 4% 5 h il "Fruit-a-tives" Cured Hm " . 5 5 { eral Well Wooded 7 tse | Pe J My dr ESE ~ y. WW A KINCARDINE, ONT, SEPT. 121 ' 4 / ' A 4 : 2 | Contrins 3,600 Acnes--T i , . yo J Fy «5s #1} "The effects of * Fruit-a-ti 3 ¢ gm ' : , : ; 5 HEN] | Turce Feet ia Diameter. . 5d 3 Ca weshe d with: Sleeplessness, Nervousness an / : ; ik i : ¢ l Consul Disordered condition of the Body, i ; ; ? y ; 2 Saal oi ly marvellous ve taken "I'ruit-a-tives" for three ns am Jon Eien) well and have gained teri pounds in weight. '1 have found *Fruit-a-liv i. ** is the one medicine that will purify the blood quiét the nerves and restore the whole system to i's natural condition" S. G. SMITH. - . "Pruit-a-tives" cures nervousness and Sleeplessness because this fruit medicine keeps the blood pure, the stomac! sweet, the bowels regular and the skis active. : : g OH 1 ] . Be *¥ 3 : : § L r pe Se a Just boil {#2 wash in soc a box, 6 for $2.50--trial size, 25¢ Eo ' 2h Tf A H , elm ock, plane, h ' 4 A and water for half-ar At dealers or write to Fruita-tives . % ; : " 3 ¥ J cect, aburiam, chestnut, WwW, TOW4n| : 4 Let soak a further hal Limited, Ottawa. g i" Wi. ? ¥ 5 i A ' d E g ang the m ad a domestic trges| Ya Sch toy Fase and hang to everything spotiessly < i >, NEW SHOE KEPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has takes the business the late Davis at the old stand, 2 i FRING ESS STREET. Al kin of Shoe Repairing IbmpLey done / / A ; isi 4 : 4 ; ) en 3 eat h All Work guaranteed ¢ 4 ; ang 3 Je aay 2 3 : : ye . Cook's Colton Root i The great Uterine Tor mly WT effectual Months Sofulaue on which woin nos depe od in threo oe of Ron t 3 %: 0) Ge; i , sironies, ar Trade Repor No. Tr br Sod b Reel rou ats, or se: 8 on rece ph of of re A WRT 1. (jormerly W indie Thomas Copley, | Telephone 987 // SPL Yay Fol department' 18 Wo har, ; RE - wie regs forte In he CatEo: | KINGSTON TOWNSHIP COL * 4: : bday recommended the employment 'of ave. se guactities of The : METAL ¢ wanting anythindifio he £arpe NGSTO! NSHIP COUNCIL. : D2 Be : Jor every 1000 acres, with a apada ited: ; a - SHEET LEAD Ler line. Msiimates given on all kind of repairs and new work! als 5 A -- g A F { ) ¢ he -§ r $ n # Hardwood . Floors of all kinds A Business Transacted at Meeting on & ke 1 LY cres, t ri at R1IILA urders will receive prompt attentio Sug = y ' ry $ th latter at $3 : . 5 Shum, 40 Queen Street. , August Sth. Labi i 3 i house rent. free.' : siock. Aug. 5.-Council met for regular hu AlDess, Mamibers« vieseni. Min : | Y & x % i ! i Kingston Business College "iow of lust sieting adopred, piter | ay or LPS forestry school -most favor: cLimited) unendment by inserting Merville Ben J s : 3 > \ : ar Toten Highest Education at Lowest Gost | | <'o" netend of "ohn Ruey, | | RR Sl A | A i rabies ' Twenty sixth Jear, 2 lerm Motion, Hawkie-Clyde, that all jobs egine August 20th Jourses lo 3 bagging Augus Brorinany "oa on road divisions throughout the frapby, Civil Hervice and Kng- wownylp be advertised snd sold to p ] 4 fy owest bidder, i same is 8 ! i i : tia ( e. demos tio hool,t § wn AG 3 I Ernduntiy gat. the ast avout oo © providing MING 1s sa " ¢ 4 , 5 ; a pe ou SH : ? REVE positions. Within a short time WISlatMNY, ' 3 hee a - ! $1 i 3 x ators, Columbia Dry ' N ali over vixt secured positions with hokion, vite! lyde, that com RY cach pa i # one of the largest ratlway cor. slain indi § . Hi CF A a 4 . th from $250 to $750 a ve porations in Canada, Inter any | Lol W..J. Smyth be considered bith ta 3 A / i I fe 2 } : Je." G Call of Write or informa. at next meeting of council and , the 1 for these Metcalfe, Principal. clerk notify Inspector MeKeever to be ) Ee Canada proment { Motion, Coulter-Stover, that" G.. A So RH hy of Hy 3 ns of population" t ch mn 7 : . : | a sm lil" 3 | USHE TVET Sr ei i DAVIS BRY DOCK Co. wrnish bonds. ; i: . L parts ol 5c wi ( Phone 420, Motion, Swver-Hawkie, that we em J | ends 4 J ; ' ; eTve and 1 Tet, ane pre nme Jpower W. F. Nicide, M.P., to extend J : 4 © and o help hold a RE the ditch referred to as far ns nm 1 . . . td Tet I th ) Ip aa ait ; A --T---- cessary to provide good drainage. . : E - \ rati in part the obi this A i PACKET SOUPS & GRAVIES Motion. Stover-Hawkie, that the Government supporters are begining to feel alarmed at the pe Glin. 1s in pail » of this h ££ reeve and treasurer be authorized 1 sistency with which bye-elections are turning cut to he Unionist gains Foati. nore ¢ 00ITOW money for currenl expenses. Scarcely a week goes by without some former liberal constituency turn doy -- ' Get Them at Motion, Coulter-Hawkie, that th ing over to the tories. The antishome rule sentiment nd feos ding generated! BARBY E13 » tax rates for 1912 ba: For count: by Lloyd-George's radical changes are heginning to make tiemselyo BY EM} EROR Er ab ittre a mss D COUPER'S purposes, 12 mills; township pw heard at the polis. he jarge gure shows Jeater Bonar Law addres. |. BEING EDUCATED - 33 yi A ng the crowd at a big unionist really at Blenhein Palice. On his left a . Rea » 'Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. Pe aid alll, and general scho such prominent uniowsts as the Duke of Mariborgugh, Lin Jolt ar a 'hina's* Dethroned Ruler "Takes His Prompt Delivery. Motion. Hawkie-Stover, that th Carson, Me, F. Ve Sith and the Duke of Norfolk. he pictare in the Medicine." Etb------ i mai clerk notify township mgincer to di cle shows a section of the. samo. enthusiastic' crowd , cheering the ai de mm Dally Mail - - ro ww" | rect placing of tile at--outer statior news of the victory for the unionists at Crewe, nine days ago. w recording to plans given by A. W . a ig 2 tray. oe wrived home again "relieved of his [ril adjourned to meet in Verona. Me hina, Motion, Stover-Hawkie, that Thom rouble. © Uscar Chatsoa and Lis day, Septem nd,' af 1.30 pn of 'age, and who lives seclu > as" York be refunded $2.26 statute (nephew, Henry Chatson, who wer pathname . world, even his mother « : tabor for 1911. both in Brockville hospital, succes i 4 to pay occasional Mation. Stover-Hawkie, that the | fully operated on for appendicitis, a \ Plevna Personals. aS oe n as the. Emper , oftrk interview any ratepayers whose OMe again as well as can be expect fovna, Aug. 8.-A Bisiibes 4 Jed th ! by Pu Yi was | account for 1911 i i ed . Pla swoble attended other and. place } rt i mot fully set. t%L 0 hrs Melbourn Rose receiv: | A i ly aye piomic at [Chy in the band f the ni : } ALE -- STOUT -- LAGER resting details have public of the daily peror of China, who is near . Q : n » + Dowag t ag Bee th . Motion. Stover-Clydé, that a all wd Hie sad news that th Ty " | mre, Gordon have returned. bony Jog 4 Ren ale Em hen, forth I cases where the council requires "sno |» Who was away in the North-West, Yafter spending some time with My tl Ride bor] coor tor s mothe ve > PURE ~~ PALATABLE UTRITIOUS BEVER 3 2 er received: 1 pl op ' . } ¥ the hide-hount iquette of RE ALATABLE ---- TRITIOUS EVERAGES The Finest and Best wnces" erected they will furnish the |Teceived a very serious injury, He lo t s. t it their cottage feoy i { und, ctiqust N yor . ' Ahad control of -a span of horses he Wis y a ake > wa | ourt had to give way, how . ience staples, brace wires and labor i 3 8 as | 1 ake v. J. Lyens, Roslin, ¥imnemial baby's grief at be by the pint, quart, to siretch the fence, providing the Saving he oh the Fghawa got one | the guest Mr. and | Mrs. Gi. from his m sther and a Hen Ld ----------n : . ralevavers concerned furnish and |Y 18 legs broken, malung ampu- | a fe v8, has returned hon to he m Fo cds : rs 1 : i : font A : t below s "nos a cub} : ¢ ade for occas ; i LOCAL OPTION--Residen » Joe t 8 t or in bricks. Plas' in Position' all weeessmry: pore. tation, first bel w the knee and - ai . " Or: Smit Sine, i Wade 1 trot Visi ; C PTION--Residents in the local option districts Motion, Coulter-Stover, that by-law erwards above il, 'necessary, besides ter 18, J. Ubhlman, the gues palace as Wan-Sui-Y : ; can le gally order from this brey wery whatever they receiving other serious injuries Hix | ; ce 2s War ch No Ba eT or daught Mrs. '.). Brouse A TT nfs pa : F 11 a Sin » . ZA. J REES _ Wil te vad wx required and vign condition at last reports received was! Wats n or nD = oh t Surd i : at © In Asin Vears) lay poring Yequire for. perspnal oz family use. Write to . ' ; . very critical. | ithe ccs. Elicit 35 Rvakencd ats clock 1 ' . 5 lotion, Stover-Coulter, that the oy Te Bl ackobadh of Reuicills Hatton 8 : Little | ap C8 Likingion, ing of eight eun , and 'he h hree| 3 JOHN LABAT I, Livitep Lonpon C inveton general hospital receive hducied divine: ceric he Lathe, 1op mg her grand-parents, «anc Imeals a day, at ei mn | EN wa : ' 106 Prices 8. Phone 58 | [ouat'of Bau." "PU TT ® |oonduied divine service in, the Lathe: (Men. Sohn Card, Camonte. Nes. "R_| om, m The BE : - . . an church on Sunday tore last, | Greve anc { rhoxsr ni 1 Lot i . Payne $2755, F. W. Cook, oi HR \ Pr a ay » a as} tix 2 an Hh gh , Annie, & ; pany rstising tent for road construction work; $42. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary * t i. de upd, Wr aud ; 62. Charles Smith, bonus on 170} : : 'aness, Harlowe, are FOR SALE BY WINE xp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE | conduct fervice mn it next Sund 44 ti 1 : * rll: 9 A "© el i fay al {their daughter, Mrs. . Stalker: M « Al vards cement walk; $142.35, Charles {4 rpnoon. There are good prospects | tor. William Shults, has ret hid i} af : . i id a urtied hows me of tl Smith, work and material cement | that a resident minister will soon i ier ic : ; : 8 sy ending Wi ime visiting he reasor any ar Ie of food 1 ts Tahd ocured i ediat walk; $3.67, Robert, Smith, one sheep | obtained to fill the vacancy caused | friends at I} A i 1 s \ 1 i h Hie killed by dogs: $9.12, 8. Anglin & lithe removal of Rev. J. Reble to i Fie ils Bedford. M W the A Liver supposed to 5 Co.. material for townelripf roads; 86, | wood. James Yohnson, of Palme: | or nd -- 1 Wu pha hey 05s at d if o ' my Charles Purdy, sr., three {times at: | Rapids, took awiy a drove of about {Pari "oA mi from be Pris plortunate ofheial resy A - . : ' \ A arh uni ET tend Jsevere nunishn tendance at hall} $7.75, Dennis Lavel- forty head of beef cattle this morn goin ek rrun 1of Irom in old | vere punish i | ie. 7] toise stone; $6, Walter Brown, ling, which he bought in this vicinity n th rvest eleursion tin eartage of tile and laying it; 36, | He has another lot bought which i WANT 'T LONGE BR LEGS iobert Clancy, shoveling' snow on intends to take away next woek, | . pump ' hou road at outer station: a | Have Apte "hair $15, Jamas lee, cutting brush, road Portland Council, { Adapted Chair * Mak a } did. 51; $95.45, McKelvey" & Birch, | Harrowsmith, Aug. 5-4 oundil met |. Themselves Taller, | Ee: ued" 1 acc PE 15500¢ supplies. road-making; $3.50, John {and confirmed minutes of y i att : made t 1d Che Pans I ne ca ww him 1 Berry, cutting weeds road div. 12a; [me ting, Accounts paid W520 i t hoo 1306 Chen SIAR, A. A. Hav, vecuioning cul- | M. Yorke, 135 bis. of coment: 31.19 |¢ a t events : ature {iT perta tutors, Ti they ald ta vert on con. 4: 86.41, BR. Uglow & | Municipal World, supplics, $1, Ma f race equal 3 fhe Lan siteticier x ta.) supplies: 883.97, Standard Pub. | Revell, 'charity, June an ile y [Ea Rm AIEEE an atispicions da fore % Co., printing and adverfising; $7.98. | L Mids and wife, charity, Jun i je at the City Club 1 tly by H alent hr . Anglin & Co. 2.910 he. woit coal; i; July 96, Judge Pride, heaving n Shepard, ' : le eid 5 John Mills, road div. 5, bA order peal, Bille Telephone Co. agains i 1 just 1 , . ; A at Bathiaster AN. Watts; $65.75, W. | Sessment; $12.45, Hen McMullen, cipders Loads of Band and 7 loads of ston Woltborn, 'drawing 31 'toise a foreign t ney probab and _sureading 41 toise road div, 5. [1 Mrs. 8. Williams, 10 londs of sand; | "Children ia Jap: w mt uno doom 2 pare of the imperia Every we Goodyear "Council adjourned to meet Sept. $th 3,0, John Walroth, 33 loads of | Chairs ingicad ' 8° he de [loa port of the imperia Welted. at 10 a.m. Mone; $1, John Grant, fixing railin ¢ ie | dune 1 ) : \ LE " > ; eliroek bridge; 310.60, John Clair, jttmpt to make 3 is wrow longer A ibm } B St 3 imi sia a brid & w ake All 11 THE VILLAGE OF DENBIGH. |[o/esing winter roads: $835, M. knapp nese $s '3 tl t Ad -t n lake After Hat. NT : ar sizes and a riot aie Portland's share of opening 1.oug) r a Japanese is a i i} Su ly - a. steam euch thai tim . 5 . ! a . boro boundary during winter of [0 in ak ye an, that tl formers OWLS wharl had a overs alual . j leathers. Samuel Rose. Former Lesident, Very 2 T. R. MeRinley, repairing culvert: 3 2% are much ma) panama hat blown in thi harbor - mong Badly Injured. $4.50, A. Collins, Portland's shave of (°F Nippon app decidedly sma jij Saturday morning, and she o ' s Denbigh, A 3 8.--~Nearly all the opening portion of [oughboro bown {the legs 'of Severa aa . : reward of 87 for its return § Young eaple from ig village = dary; ¥10.90, Jos. Wilkiss, stone and jstretch d by using chairs, 1 io Samshun Co in the water after it, | Do you know that it takes seventeen times the effort vionity who ve n away rom | and purchased from W. Brooks of {the old t Wf starting. 1 and landed Ht wear Richardson's elev | im . e) 50 Wor going at home, some of them jor a ong time Sa Cra, for government Coto il be as tall 35 « f other nation. ~jtor, and he received his reward i '» clit stairs that it Me es to cover the same di stance have returned home, eithér on a visit | vation grant; ¥1¥, Jno. Walreth,* a op S-------- on the level? Have your telephone « calls brougt to "$3. 75 or to help their parents during haying | ing tile and unloading ear of coment; . Before and After, re She Knew, i you. > ant 'harvesting, and dances dud other | £15, Chas. Martin, 6 cords of w wl Harper's Baonar ¥ i Puck Knicke 3 : = y cords ¢ of na * "nwker--1 wex--- Mra nicker--Po vou munder > ~ - ¥ "gt 'Tap ix iy anttisements have been freouently in Hor crusher: $1.12, Jdge. Define, plank; | appose be promised 15 go throagh stand baseball # i) . { AN EXTENSION TELEER HON dulged in by them lately. Mrs. "Wil [$1.70, J. &. Gallughe A of fire ar vol? ? Mrs. B - Eo ES J0, J. 8. Gallagher, 1 bbl, of «p. | fire I water for von Mrs. Bocker--No, hat | usdersta d | nly Ween 08 $4.00 tors | Shantusens. of Montiel. paid a Yih 10 ment. On wotion, Watson Asselstind Mrs. Tihker Yes and now he won't William's remarks 10 the apie. Ha Costs a few cents a dav. 7. : J parents, «Mr. sud Mrs. William | eho reve was instrucied fo Sign pas [676n Waler the nianis whe n {the same thing he says at breakins a . chil Fried e hy R | Blackly, afier an ahionee of eleven | litts Wor work on = cement walks pe ; fren atm . i ni f "You may have one insalied i ais n at Ie Or oince. » Bedi - y 4 away, i -- fae. Masters Joseph Adams, 61 erona. Bylaw No. 388 was pased. ------------ é Her Choice, ingston, is. thé guest of his parents, { fiving (he rates of taxation for 1912] "Witch hazel cream" | Ehscn's: fudge Polly, Miss Yell, | Bl0r. and Mrs. J Adams. Mrs. 1, ; : Dr. Mrs. Ne aa |e follows: For county purposed, §| George X. Havre, Caster, has been [Ing to marry a struggl soley, Kenfrs and A . Arrie, {as » I wling voun 2 wy Wi Ro a ou mills; for towaship purposes, pil siabpoitited dork of the fownshin of Bolly--#t's no use for bo gas, thigm Te visiting re- | for general school purposes, 4 3- 10 Walford to suegesd David Lysch, who etruggle. 1 don't suppose be enn got | Call our Contract Department to-day, - io} viead = go | } latives and fricnds in this vicmity. | milks. motion, Walson, or, : je. 1 do : S ii Miss Ida John and William 3 Motiin nin H. Rutten was authorized 0 engngo i pocket kodak.' ar, Tn BELL " : Are gut of the parents, iearge Wright. engiorer, toe ming | Bad tracks nid old unsals cars eans- Sell Evident. : TELEPHONE COMPANY | Mr. and Mrs. Adolph John. Mad Creek bridge at Murvale: Yeroba fed the d ) Alfred dohn has for soipe fim? . aad Balloch ath of nine pemmons, on the Baltimore Amprican What ® a col - OF CANADA. mo evs. wend io lor Seiten sanding | Mann 204s ibeind ue |