bo a ; : THE pany RRITISH Ww IG, MONLY, AUGUST 12, 1942. pe ) : . PAGE FIVE BAGGAGE Bags | MORE ENGLISH" THAN FRENCH REVIEW JIN MARINE CIRCLES. 5 Lo Prof. Lanos Taught the New Bishop : foveurents of Véssels in and Out of §, of St. John. 2 p---- Port. . AT ST. JAMES (1 BCH ON SUN of J." BM. Lash = Ri PONIES DEFEATED TEC MSEHS | At Swift's wharf : Steamer Rideau : DAY MOURNING, : i Mijitary' College, cannot see why -BY 10 TO 2 { hing cleared for Ottawa; steamer Dun- s---- - | Irish of the d eof A i. Ris---- {darn called on way to Montreal: ' Flowers Offered by Childden Were Ba ould atest tot i DE ch Lin Junior cits League Baseball | Sieamer Bellevi called, on, tier . Afterwards "Taken fo Patients at | : # 8 net hat @ 1 ¢ Game--The Kingston 'Hockeyists or o wonto, down { an Siu y T k General Hospital--Rev, i 8 W.1 tion I {} the Ancient Order of Have Heturned-----Notes of Sports. | The s wockville earrioe an run, S a" Savary Gave Children a Timely Hi wna At that they wish an Pr Ponies i . hy a lexcursion from Alexandria Bay and el . Address, {Tnousand Island park on' Monday Suit Cases way steamer Not hing and steam | ban 1a - * ' . ere, Lond, we ofc Thee all hat in |Poy mersiug, and the: passengers sere See our Special Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases at $6.00 airest, . Irish then left for i n. Bloom from whe garden and flowers | ongs 1 ) I'he steamer Aletha, down from bay é Th th Best ] ff d t th Pri » from the field, twas 'here ™in 1890 points, 3 ey are the Va ue ever orrered a e' rice Gift for the stricken ones, kiowing | who had come to Canada from Fran At - Shipbuilding Co. : The' new \ 4 Thou gave the young n instractic Yan Ly re {st eater Bélichasse entered the _ dry- . 9) More ior ¢ "love than the wealth [languages ar ; ¢, Father RL OY oy. 1 Wine 'dock on Monday morning, to have S C - $2. 00, 3. 00, 4. 50, 00 20). 00 that vield. . blanc always lived among : glish peo 9 +4, her wheels put on. uit ases 3 up to Sunday was Flo®ir Sunday at St. | ple and had English parishes. I*'rof X Fhe steamer Jeska cleared for Os B 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 | 00 James' church, and the morning. ser- | Lanos says he is a clear thinker, a 'wego, to load coal for Rideau canal ags $ . ' . 5 . ' . ' . up to 5. vice took the form bf, a special ser. | god counsellor, and very poputar. Hel : ; . .' res iPOLLS . . vice for the children. who came' with | thinks he is the bist privet 1 Boas y rd I stru K 1 ¢ Se% it of Foe steamer: of Oitawa, passed || I'runks yu $2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00; 6.00 up to | 7.50 flowers, which wi afterwards taken | maritime pre : v could 18Y8 {the I h wn,' on Sun morning. : to the genoral howpal, by the child: | been secured to {ill the bishopric of tie Ponies is a whirlwis t steamer att passed up, on : . ' . . . ren. ud distributed among be pa |S1. Joba. - a oonies sade 8 whit Sunday. . Our Stock is the largest and most complete in Kingston tients During the service the child a rst A 3 i De ne. fi it 3 « . vale Ihe steamer | i ren, Iarge and small, walked to SUNDAY'S SEVERE STORM. But it was not until the § inning arrived from Fort Wil | allar and placed ti ~ flowers on RT : and 13 ¢ discharging a.cargo of i rn Bpecial hymns were. selected for the | The Lightning Was Vivid, and Di arley, oats and wheat; will dear for ¢ : children nnd Rev T. W. , Savary Some Damage. ¢ t " B Heville, to dd cement for Fort » % preached ° a gpecial sermon on The The electrie storm on Sunday a rossed t home i wi s art. Wi itliam; tug Emerson, from Oswego ' Three National Flowers," pointing ous | noon was very severe im the city he | Deores--and tter } posit the | with, two coal barges, cleared for . t . 4 v the lessons to be learned from them. | eleotric hight wires in front*of (Clark's |latter J feck s } : 1 Montreal, with two cos barges and A . His address was interesting and in grocery, Upper Princess street, g er lited with the last two jone grain barge; steamers Turret structive, struck and many people were fright ( n the eighth, - {! ourt and Tagona, grain-laden, from The speaker referred to the 'three led by the effevt of the lightning on ( in and J lark made the two Fort William, are due to atrive -- -- -- national flowers, the Rose, for Eng- {their house wiring. About 4.30 op|runs € cumsens in econc Morrow, to discharge land; "the Thistle, far Scotland, and | Sunday afternoon, the peo in the lan h mr h are aj I'he People's Wil and Fuel eQmpany the Shamrock, far Island, amd told} neighborhood of Ulark's store, heard ! wh o s th: : Ponies, | purchased the steamyacht, Captain the children the story of how .esch [a snap and , upon coming ont foun aye 1 "stu d wi e h ard lave Wagoner, of Alexandria Bay, and = si A GENEROUS PLATEFUL flower happened to he chosen by each |that four of the wires had been spap |irom next year 1e tea v { Will take the boat to Oswego, the . kei a Cots a team a country, ped by the lightning. The wires 3 rie i rely, 'otter, | home office, whiete she will be equipped iY WELLINGTON STREET HOUSE " Many useful lessons were brought [and were so low as to be within reach |1h; 1 d, 2b; fh, 88: Stewart, yas a supply boat. . SATURDAY AFTERNOON. of the most delicious, refresh- forth, the speaker appealing' to the {of the children, some of whom were |d J. Stewart, Kay, ci; Ker In The schooner hatie Fecles, - 19 af Na ing Ice Cream ever Wap childien to be good all the time, [soundly shocked when they took hold { ha nr dw Sin Shardsony Whar, loading feldspar, ihe Late Ir. Daniel Meagher, of factured is sisted ua J a und to help others to be good A of them. Reporis froan manv of the sens--\v a : vorris, p:flor Charlotte . this store--purest ingredients, great deal depended on the little | meighboring places show that the | Ni¢halsan, 1h; Clark, 2 x . 8834 the stormy weather on the lake has Montreal -- Went Charles freshest creams, best' flavor- things in life Children had an idea |Ftorm was pretiy gemerally felt, [he | H irk, 3b; Daly, ng been cuusing a great deal of delay to Brophy's ta Spend Night Alons-- : ing; put together in spotless- that 'some things were to6 small Lo [rain especially being heavy through rrp HAS ves els. Died on Raircape. Ix cjean surroundings, Visit pav attention to, but when they grow [out the country. ' - ok th 1denl i) Ba Et of dol ol A { - : A ¥ leg ¢ ery suddenly to a for Crow ho slight 0 older they found Gut different. The i -- [NETERINARY'S NARROW ESCAPE |, bh Shine very, succenly Nott th to of soley big things of the future depended al AT POLICE COURT. I xing mate! Saskatoon he ne ¥ wel a Dr Dan nan as a together on how the little things in . tween Burts and Ric) { § 1} Phe We. J. Morgan Was Kicked in ni agher, : » ¥ - T ) any vears a resident of Montreal life were attended to Every care | Member of "Prohibited List" Only {adian « 1 wi i very ! ; y ok Te Lr Next to Opera House : Phone 640 Face by a Colt M } i . ily r ' . eagher amived in the , city on » » Ive p ttle fg ' : . : Ponihle hould Dre given. to the little Offendgr Monday Morning. "1 a Anich hob h / Veterinary-Surgeon W. J, Morgan | doduesday last on a visit to lings. - A nu mber of "the "prohibited list, X x his to cara } had a narrdw escape on Satutdday af wr the Reverend Sister Rly of Ie sted for being under the influence noon at Kingston Mills from fu reita, of the House of Providen Ih At St. Paul's Church, of liguor, was the only ofiender, a injury. He had just finished an | «ised had also béin staviag at Long Rev. Frank Pratt, rector of the [police court, Monday morning, and Le amination of a colt and wa rising and Park, with Charles ophy. ' \ Church of the Good Shepherd, West. | was remanded for a week: " ic. hive) hs Luft ec THEO # stoaping position when thie riday he was in the city a a stay el i mount, preached at both services, in Asked: by the magistrate, as rouuds: wbtil 1 ha worn {animal kicked him in the face with go at the me of Mr. Du oh HA St. Paul's church on Sundav. At the {Where he had secured his liquor, he t < ) 3 return sits right forefoot. It was a grazing ington street, over night d ---- ! nda t . . } ' : L mornivy service he spoke from Rom stated that While he. v 8 on the 1 + free iP wd a fioht [blow that the doctor received, the | Brophy, on going to his home Liv i ans viii, 28: "All things work to. |market, on Saturday, he met a tramp } eoit's hod landing an the right sid, and five o'clock on Sat urtiny 3 \ | gether for good to them that love who WAS. vary hungry, 'and hat he hit' nose, causing a gevere hemor ' noon, was stamtled to find | God." He said some people may held | gave hit the price to go and get him Semmes Simple Remedy Beanitifies the Hair, Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair. Our Big idsummer Sale Red AR % 9 ? olv th OF - i rhe iis ey « ( the st these words are not. rue, but they | 8 bottle of whiskey. After that he did Boat Turned Somfersanit, Jom ; % Rortunst Iv the sly fe h i aga ying % 1 near the : » ore 5, t p T™ a twiitram i bo n ound sustained was a serat ti ad » 8 » hours, ind ng 4 a 1 vet {not know what occurred, as the whis Hamilton n r boat k tae * as a scratch wr. 1 ind been de ome hour are the words of God, and thay must x ; ' ri « marked bv a se nal ar an, although sufféring much pain | U A. E. Ross, coroner, whe be sb. It is very difiault for people Kev "went ta his head' as he stated, [WEE MAT ble } d being kened by the loss of led oth ud 80, 18 very Ml people The: magistrate said that he would emarkable incident that has | being weakened hy the loss @ led, stated that deat! ar wer who are stricken with poverty to he remand hits to jail for & wes, to tp sin this sport. Gedree G aod which gushed from his nove, re 1.e 40 'Weart fallure and that an in lieve these words, but the aposila give him time to réfresh his mind, as ham's Hele oise. on which were the vonled his nerve and administered ne inst would be unnecessary The. Te Paul, Who rote rts --- stficken to who the tramp was, but the accu and Johnsen, his mechar 1, while ssurys treatment to himself He w % ning were taken in charge by- John with persscution, and he knew what ' [ere with thinp'wispy hair, faded or \ he was writing about, What a pity it 15 to see 30 many ed declared that he did not know the |In& full speed struck a hoy and tur fortunate in not being 1%cked a \l:Auley, undertaker. treaked with gray, reaTize that man at all. f nplete somersanit throwing the wv inches higher u- 'n which case th Meagher was held in the highest on st of these people might have Bot ---------------- a Sa - 'upants into the water, She Tell righ { the injury might have been fatal steam' Dy his) many friends and pli lglossy, abundant hair oi beautifui Hard on the Lights. Marvied in the West. side up, and "ic speed {On Tuesday Df. Morgan goes to Co wirg very sorty' to hear of his sudden | color and lustre ii they would but use The electrical storm on Sunday af On August 5th, a quiet and pretty Her rudder was To travelled Hhwury lo spend the rest of the week toath, He wae about sixty-eight fhe pre Sp Treazment, Ther 18 po ne terioon was hard on the electric wedding was solemnized in the Aver n CIF cane 1 i thirty-five minute Sins nw judge at that téwn's big horse care ofc age and unmanved, He hoe Bity, \ or gray hair und r SINLy-Tive light system and auite-a number were | hloek, Saskatoon, 2ask ght Ow. ; aduated from Queen's Medical ( ol : it Of ug a phere LW od exeu deprived of their light and had to | {yy youngest daughter of Mr. and x a Xu wr -------- "ein 1867. He is survived by twh | for anyone, or oid, hav ng thin use lamps. The men wera out from Mrs, W. H. Church, Keregbert, Sask. ow NUwkey et MANY GOING WE + sters, Reverend Sister Mary, of Lo- |RUTARKINg hair, either full of dandrufl the light plant early Monday morning | was united in Marriage to Robert H.|, mt AL nvenied : Ww hsm vito; Margaret Amanda, and three [ or ws ivy 'and rank smelling with ex and soon had the system in good | Reede, manager of the Meeker-Swan Dchey nel Jor use t TK un the Harvesters' Excursions thers, Frederick, William and | "SSIve oil, shape. son company, and son of Rev. H, W. » a h1 SE --------_-------- Reade, of Kingston, Ont.; who per , when Ger \ bri hack the : | Leaving on Friday, inorge Deceasetl was a brother of | 19 Can Dring wack the natural Meagher Bros.. John and {color of your hair in a few davs and fall into one of t} -.1 Railway officmls stated, on Monday late forever rid yourself of an dandrutt | ave 'resent. rm + cere \ : oseph, wholesale wine metchants, of | ; Gave Him a Pr en formed the ceremony, aud this hes " 4 morning, that they expected a large | 95D . ole me .. |und loose hairs. and make your hair Some of the friends of ¥rank Van w-- et : of the net tf spunde o | number from this district to leave on Matra! 3 M i grow strong and beautiful by usi horn, Clergy street, called on him on "Tea cream bricks," Gibson's. xb | the harvesters' excursions to the west. fhe funeral of the late Dr eagher | ¥ Saturday night and made him a pre At the Prockville police court: Ma 3 | th Sage and Sulphur Hair |} 4 te eln ¥ ry f in a kéyv mat hlcn Friday. A lar number have been J t OX place, Monday moming, to St edly, '0 gener ul ous' common gar 1 sent of a beantiful gold-mounead um: {gristrate Patterson imposed a fine of |. \ finest of weallin the city, making arrangements for % | brella as a token of their good wishes | $50 and costs on a young man nam- |. it after ) onze - am | tise trip. on the event of his approaching mar {ed Larocque for supplying liquor te |p. ; i the fans. early It 12 reported that fc thousand riage, two Todians. scored a ooal : ba un are wanted in the we el in res -------------------- aren _--_ {the harvest, and Eastern On wil! | Prophy, acted as pall-hearers. hut, Mary's cathedral, where mass was Fath {den Sage 3 beer oo Sr restoring id hy Rev. Father McDonald. _ The |den Sage has been used restoring | : s 3 ang preserving the color of the hair ea brothers, Messrs. Frederick, Wil-{ WY {00 "a : . | and ulphur is recognized by Sealy lim s George Meagher, and Charles a m and Ge eaghe A Specialists as being exe nt for i treatment of hair and scalp troubl J z jbe a le to help some. Farmers in this -- If you are troubled with drufi Canadian Lacrosse League. {district .are in need of' men, but it No More Marathons. jor itching scalp, or if 0 TT 4 i Tecumsehs, 4 {#cems that when the call 'comes from Post-Standard sing 18 color ming out, get a | AT SALE PRICES. PACKED \ atic 12 Irish-( wad ans, 0 { the golden west there are 'many young l Mar: wthon killed the reel tv cent bottle Wyeth JAMES REID'S 1 3; Corriwalls, {min who cannot resist the call, and viy. who ran the first Marathon in | Sulphur f your drug JON nit 05 b } 4 have to respond. Ary. It killed the Portuguese f TW h of The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 - improvement - sr ro at Stockholm. It nearly killed [ance of your bair aiter a few ¢ 11 3 hk wh | . . { ' \ he POUND CANS o GInwads. 1 8 Campion. | To Manufacture Concrete. * Hungarian ranner: who fell - when | treatment Aen, G. W. Mahood the N.L.L Saturday | aro did. -- ONLY e-- TD iad tapianll. | of coffee by the cereal substi- Sports for Labor Day jrnce River Conercte company, has 3 Itenchinan ried hs teri ally Slang Has No Place in English: : : " ¢ . jLben formed by business men at Thou ASL wo mud n ME Wohbiing i p 1¢ 2 Pres | tute people, coffée is still the Ihe members of the trades and la whe swnand ' rurse. scarcely one of out better | ' EUNLE 18 1 : sand lsland Park. The demand fo d ' tied" halldcism.. ng breakfast favorite of millions of < bor cound! are hard at work making |, wroof buildings sinee the recent rained me but admitted hallucina n } SSR hint rior . & i 3 arrangements for the annual Labor | that swept aver Thousand Island" ions akin to delirium. Strobins, when ¢ < $n vilf ot « i # 2) sensible people. Day sports. Already poizes have Park, has lod te the organization of finished could not stop running L an, approaching the : ns es be The rumor that I have been wocured for about tw enty or | the new company i . hy . nr \y : 0 + p al Seal Brand One of the most interesting events | wi stone erushing machinery McArthur, th wane g 2-30 LeU eI Es Der gone og fhe Coal mora events. is the finest (coffee of the dav will be a race for the po- | Norihern New York, with a capacity *k. He was dropping ropes-of foam = youth of both sexes en 1 business is erroneous. livemen. postmen and firemen, and a jof 200 tons a day A large sale of m his mouth He scared me like I can supply you with that can be great race is being looked forward to. | sand, crushed stone, cement Scranton Coal as usual » Y ' 3 : 3 ito ds that there 8 o ne procured, Constables McCarey, Xrniel, Mullin- a bricks is expected All the manu on hold vi BfTe 2 oh P. WALSH ger, Filson and Armstrong, speedy | ving. will be done at Thousand yd .ohe man.. The man B3-57 BARRACK STREET. \ new . corporation, the St. Law had to pull him from th Fhe" equipment consists of the larg block v mad dog," sid Ryan. Athlétic tra fo 1 neve € same again wen of the police force. are now in {Is} i Park. fey *h i > 1 th lt 3 i 78 8 coliapse nc p ra Or training for the event, and an effort | Azato apse a a8 TI ; i i A terre of twenty other men in the is being made to secure the veteran ROCHA ae ---------- = AT Off for Pétawawa. Nid" Timmerman ia the race too tod Dhl will think of frat Yo Sto » I 1 O 5 An 1 = . "AY and "B" batteries, . RC.H.A 1 t for Petawawa on Saturday even they recall this great athletic festival, po ing, about 8.30 o'clock, and arrived | | hers should be no repetition of such | WRAL os a A ' Hockeyists Return. FINAL CLEAN-UP Of Men's Oxford Ties Aman, Our Rule is not to carry any stock over, are, thdvefore, placing' balance of our Men's Oxford Ties $4.90 and 35.00 all shapes, all styles at them now. Yowll need them next season, so don't pass this chance to get the best shoes in' town ajgthis unheard of price $2. 95 Harold Nichplson, ' Reginald Royer and Bouncer Nirouse, the Kingston boys who went to Hamilton, 'have returned to the city and intend to rémain, The boys went up to Mam ilton about thos weeks ago with: the intention of playing hockey for - the team to be formed in that eity. Four of the Kifgston boys were hil to vevweY left the city they were promised that they would be given good situations in that city if they would go up, but those who made these promises did not: live up to them and so the boys came home. Nicholson and Bover arrived home Sunday morning while PBrouse stay ed in Toronto," but will be home to day. : rades, all leathers, 95. You need ) Baseball Record. J National League--Saturday : New York, 6; St. Lows, 2. CUMieago, 11; Boston, 10. Brooklyn, 7; Pittsburgh, i5. Fhiladelphia, 10-5; Cincinnati, 2%. American league--Saturday © Dos tom, 4; Detroit, 1. Philadelfhia. = Chicago, 0. St. Louis, 3-2; Washing- ton, 1-1. Cleveland, 5; New York, 1 Sanday : Detroit, 4; Boston, 2 Cleveland, New York, 3 Phils. delphia, 92; Chicago, 6-1. Washing- ton, 3; St. "Louis, 2. International League Saturday : Ro- chester, 4; Newark, 3. Toronto, 4: Providence, 1. Montreal, 2; Jersey City, 1. Beffalo, 44; Baltimore, 1). Sunday : Rochester, 4-1; Newark, 3- 3. Montreal, 3-4; Jersey City, 240. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs, Walter C. Stratton, of liguve on the line-up. When the boys! {thers Sunday morning. The guns and baggage were loaded during the day, and the horses between six and eight o'clcek. The bear, belonging #to a number of the men of "B" battery, was taken along. The artillery band paraded 10 the station, and plaved several numbers. Lieut.-Col. H. E Pant, officer commanding, the bri D. J. V. Eaton, with their officers and the men, entrained about 8.15 o'clock, Another Lad Fined. Disorderly conduet on the street will not be tolerated by Magistrate Far rell. Another youngster, whe appear- ed before the court on Montlay morn- ify, charged with disorderly conduct ont Montreal street, was fined $1 and costs, the same, amount taxed a batch of boys who were in the police court just recently for disorderly conduct. At Lake Oatario Park. The Hardts, who will give comedy acrobatic and juggling acts ai Lake Ontario Park all this week, and "Joe" iDelane, in a musical act, arrived in | the Ry to-day, and will be at Lake Untario 'Park tonight. The bill for the week is a strong one. In addition to these two acts, there will be new moving pictures. 0, You Weather Man. People who were out on the water, in small boats, during the storm, on Sunday, had great stories to all, to- day, about their experience. A nmm- ber who went to Kingston Mills were caught in the Slorm, Many mbtor fate were business by the owners had pads stafl,' Majors J. 8. N. beslie and | party its legatee. He hopes to de velop the strength which shall. enable him to. take over the republican party and make it hid instrument. eart-breaking and man-killing exhibi Lions. Trespassers on Railroads. During the past ten years more ne O00 trespassers on the rail of the United States lost their and more than 58,000 were maim and - permanently crippled The ymber of passengers killed in the ame period was 4.340 and the train vr who lost: their lives: numbered Jes than two-thirds of those killed while walking on the track. Grade crossing accidents are not incloded in these statistics of the mterstate com- merce commission. Un an average, fourteen, trespassers are killxl and olsen injurest every twenty-four hours, Disobedience of the injunction to keep off the track is the cause of ¢ neiderably more than one-hall of the slaughter pn the rail sean nnn Mr. Roosevelt's Feats, se Post-Brandard "The personally conducted convention of Theodore Roosevelt has nominated Theodore Roosevelt for présidest of the United States. He cannot be elected. He does not expect to be elected. His avowed in tention is to destroy the republican party afid to make his progressive i A republican vote east jor Col Roosevelt is a vote for Woodrow wil "Lee ers cke," Gibson On solemnized in Toromtp, Yuude VPittsburgh and Mrs. Nrower) formerly of Ros B.1.1 Harry Everitt, WH sons earned holiday, He wili ln : away |' One thousand from his. office Tor a month ™ Accom- quake in Turkes panied by Mrs. Mather and Mise Ana Harvesting will be ft Tuesday afternoon for Ednion- | weet next week Politics (loses Big Store, rp differences lwoeen propriet pariment stor: ed in their closir iL may never iw propristors have t result president interests } July 31 8 quiet ing wo they decided 10 Dispat voungest daughter e Tate ( Legria, hoteles was united in marriage with lis dead. He leaves a "Buy sponges," at Gibson's A 250 Dr. Mather, Tweed, j« taking aw» Gibs son's people. killad general Alta. "Ice cream bricks," Gibson' Dua at the 5* Magis tor which the fk : Ahae, Ifyou're weary, tired and worried with the turmoil of the day, Try a great big dish of Toasties--that will drive your cares ¢ away; - For Post Toasties serve to strengthen, and please the palate as wel Food for both the mind and body---get the habit, time will tell. Written by T. ©. HELMICK. | - x Board of \ Trade Bldg, Monireal Que vol fgem hrs