Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Aug 1912, p. 3

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1 \ o£ ; THE BAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, AUGUST 2. 1042. Li J : : . Saar RRM a ------------------ -- ---- - -- --- --- i -~ - 4 : LAL HOUNEED FROM LT eb 'JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY, I es i : Ss : : : . i fhe very Latest Called From Al span Toraute, Ont, August 12th, 16 8mm co i . » Cttpua Valier add | pper St, Lanrens } Weather Probabilities LS ~=Easterly "winds, el Tuesdnr, ' ' i Oger the World. = Jeo TAL VET ACHE Ox LIBERALS i : OF CHBIST AN he AN CHURCH cleaving, : : fair aud muderaty I¥ marm, CANADIAN NATIONAL BET REL bead I E OF GAYANOQUE, Ang. 1 to Sept : 4 i he Belfast Shipyards--11, ; ; ; | Gospel of Hate Preached hy Boy a ? Fares | 1 KRinggtor follows: --- . sw Has Fallen on Fruitfal soi vost: Lloyd, of Triaity College, i Angst & i . 3 i Hast TRL . . 4 3 f { ronto, Preacked---Si. Indy bh Sentember fh v 19355 SPEC 1A fast l i es vox 75h | : [and Grace Held Union Service I Celebrated an Sunday----Vice-Vro- rxermEm FRGERETD REE PRT POSER Ma Yak iam LINENS m--m---- ------------ i © August 24th to Sept Git a oh for os EXTRA j= i 5 t and ge | / £5 ara, 1.200 mn had a th ae pt. 10th, 4 ; i . terative afd steady cnployvment SE FOAL SEASIDE EXCURSION | a at an in Lk a About 300 Calbolic Natiosali Aug ust 11th, 12th, 131th and 14th, | ! 200 Protestant radicals and so d to return until August 21st. | | vere expelled by brute force f : hreat violence from Messes. Worl Ihr the' } At HARVESTERS EXCURSIONS | : en ad Clark shipgars dane tos ost sndiy-arrgr Tor Sd August 16th and 28th, { . retsrend s¥8 Of July. A dav ori i ; : Sits more an Wiki ¥, i, £10.00, { ialer 20 mcluding 200 or sk One-half Ce i Mil beyond to | tumt 4 ¢ driven out of tha | MacLeod, Calgary sdmonton, : . jane establishment ow For full particak apply to i : : N Harland and oll. 4 5 ail + ide J. P.. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., | : otiing 1,40 others wer thrown oy ) Ye PACER sanicts , f5land i Corner Johnson and Qutario Sis. | ¥" the latter firm in or Tod VeBES do faily, hy rol notice published on Sa eins A . ART Tw nL ld iy rail Bnd i may happen that 10 CIT "ot : ! ied ie Litizens band render 3 A 8 e-enrners will find! themsely : JE {olen ? town park just -even wirkless before the end of the we k Dud herland The sroubles have sprung direct {from the political teaching of the Fnglish and Irish ugionist party | IN' CONNECTION WITH They copy our B Sreute the People jute hed pence alhily th i it we seeds of fi CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. | § bottles and our tl oT hes put Yu woud, i Thi : labels -- but Craigavon, and Balmoral. by Si EX H I B T 1 1 0 N they can't ward Catwon "and Ponar Law fell on T 0 R 0 N T 0 Cl , f copy our Ale, fruitful seit; The bitter crop - hag al i » 1) See that every ady sprung into existence ROUND TRIP FROM KINGSTON, | i 8 he bottles bears mg June unionist club 28 and September 4 Co gy approgched every Prot \igcust 24 to Sept. 9 Fae in the shiovards and smal pre : { I Return Hmit, September 10, 1912, 7, Stoppershown centres of emplovment, Several work. |Y . : " g . nt ank, here, Get your supply of Linens at the * Steacy Store sole agents for three of: the world's most fanfous manufac turers -- " Old Bleach " Brown's Liddels OY DMA 3 ML J Yardage Linen ' Beautiful quality table Linen from . 50c to $2. 50 Towelling of every make from : 8c to $1 25 Dress Linens of eve ry description from 365c up § rds the Crown 1, of 4 above -- ard men who kpew the conscuuencé of re 4 : : } t ¢ anc insdowne during th ' 31 you will be fusal joined the clubs * agamst their Mi i MP, t j rence r. Hungerford, FARM LABORERS EXCURSION I i word, sure to get vil and cobsciénee, Itundreds i z : eH ; ; ! : Boba 0 Messrs, : h thur . I - Kntght, Jesse Ani, 1600 and 28th. at 11.30 am. | B12 ei the genuing lined te inviteld dh, and these men tls pes v i : oi [Smith and Henry Parker are represent Bo were yarked. Hitig . 825 A ing Cananogue lodge, No. 114, 14 $10 00 be i \\"SPLCiA O"Keefe"s Ou Jxly Zod several hundreds of NL 3 : © pb Messrs, MateSln Harding E -\ : a Special Extra men and boys formed themselves into k t : I : war "1 KR m spuanogue knca ¥ TO WINNIPEG. |B AA Mild Ale. "oquads" at Workman = and Clark wrath " A ei, ham Ie anton 1.2¢ per mile (of atgary; Edmonton 8 267 yard; and raicsd with mathemati or Intermediate Points, G val precision the auarters in which Piece-Linens A beautiful showing of sideboard covers,* Doylies, guest and large Towels, Napkins, Tablec Joths with n: ipkins to match, In fact anything one can suggest in great array at prices that are bonnd to attract, i Full, particulars at 'K_ & P. and a LE REE ; abionalist and radical workers were | PR, Ticket Office; Ontario Street. | 7 pursuing their peeupations. CONWAY, Gen. Paus. Agent. . . a . | he woxions" workmen had been % BEAUPRE,- Local Distributor. "spotted," and were vendily phoged ) i - ne ent ee a "Phone 313. worn from thar benches, Kickad, od, strick with stidks, rivets, and UAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: bo \ Woct's Phosplioding, |v hacer reer bist Creat Fin nglish Hemertyh oled for the most part through BOAT C0. LIMITED. i PERTETRIEET Dement alot Nog | Hon { . Cures Ne appearing, A few harbor police Tn : ! . adhe Te { 1eher, *lelt vox fav fo ree y |B ---- oe Debitity, Ment il and I wn Worry, De within the yard were powerless Twi 5 : : ! al i Belnois" | y Halifax. } | Batorrne Seruad Wea sy imibeiong, Sper | hundred and ity nationalists and | 100 {1EGEC Js ay L. off Miss tira erly, h, is 'S 55. North Hing 55. Caspian Bic hd aii i LE TE Sn \ CY at at Pt gi, ER ---------------- See our shewing first it means a saving, emp -- ssmi----_-- -- ure. Ooid by 11 droggists or majled in | of" (hint day : i : ~1 ; | ain phe. on pecoipt of price, New pamphicd | ed . of 8 exetlidd nd Par i ter of | Clariant. who hit fn co 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER. | mailed free, 'ood. Medicine Ca The ne aay some of these explo 3 i Rehert y det lin { : e t Yr | Uormer'y y Windsor) Toronto, Ont | workers rewirncd in defiance of the F hia the ! ' a fa bg : 0 a 1s ac ion Sammeneing. F019 nd steamers ooo. oo ---- thival th Were Epoliel® mpi 4 mol oe, 4% Bhi, Span ? lenve af TO 15 a.m, dany fof Alexandria] A ¥ J It 4 ¢ 3h. t} q 3 7 &i lh i res Bay, 1,000 is'and§ snd Gananogne, f and, in camparv with fifty othara s Y ; . o r ® i nearly all the Protestants who had teturn? og a nn. fo 1o- : 3 aha Ny ve a, of Bilnte T nil estapnd - molestation on July 2nd, Ing at Picton, Deservnto and Belle. | were violently hurled out. The doe all. has hee 8 : tors of Mater Infirnoram hoapital { (1 tinited Ctas ; tap t i ---------------- vilie { Freii nndied b Julv 2nd and 3nd th wl dre wis: hs Bonito Riesutie Ca : ecispiht titint wen domsich xt REL a LOT LTD TLOL WAR | ihe: ciccing a simu brigude of 111 tite ME i | Teint Sleeping Cars. E. BLAKE THOMPSON . J.P. HANLRY, Ticket ayent | [ERIS SNL ISIN RTI | ¥oriman and Clarkia employes void |Ntional committee, asking support 0rd ing pues with the appreciation shown ; 4 ' JAS. SWIFT & Co. Freight Agents. | adjoming establishment clas: of accommodation. 1. 1. HOWSEY, General Manager. | MONTREAL--QUEBEC ' ES 28 one . oa pion ' t ' ge re tw cs five , [Gra : Prank railway stot ha he Real Estate, loans and F ire Insurance LIVERPOOL . shed wildly through the works of . : : : : od a x the 1 ure on of ; - +} SAILINGeverySATURDAYS by the the latter, suigling out the national w i Ww. after a Rn pt A : teen se : Agent FOT ee | ' -- 8! - a "ANI 46 . ity: and radicals who w not mem- |, rk at 3 I hehted pnolstered "in Mk . 1 y be ' ||, CLAURENTIC" AND "MEGANTIC™ 1. | (0. "Gi" ub "or toda, amd 1 wg ed, upmolstored in leather wad Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance Co'y. i ed ith every Wheto date d Ac foe comfort and peating the.brutal behavior practised urd " had he # 8 are of mo B t am da ? {| "TEUTONIC" & "CANADA" we the lessor yards Jed, th he oe Mia 8 ry lvls and eo = OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, wat . | One Class Cabin (10) $50 and 385 Before the tnd of that weck, Catho- mn cache tw 4 odate two ond, : 'Phone 286, KINGSTON, ONT. STREAMERS ied class passengers berthed ia closed rooms only lia tionalists and Ree te Lan ¢ dial { A LITT ( { 2 Montreal , . "Kingston" and "Toronto'| a Sills or socialist workmun dad bear willis dally : THE SE ST AW REN E18 ROPE "cleared out™"at Wor man and Ularl pont ' 3 ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA and only thos liberals and Catholic who were not recog 1 Nenad in | p the greater atphlishment. hide, Montrel ' : in Messrs: Harland and Wolfi posted a enay, 6 a.m daily. Company's Office "roroNTs EXHIBITION | Pp ane Tl evan Gc ln han eed uted eid Bui) § 1 af Your Feet Breathe rae timo foal Le Ve Ses tls oo Sil hagds are allowed to follow their oe {through ton rt | tray y : Na. 1 inte a i The por¢ ipations peacefully, withdut interig CS in your feet arc the largest and most : Pa oui nee, the firm will he reluctantly com : ; ' re p the n i ht jon at | active in your body-- But if you wear im opey y ; Agent, { pelled 1 ase until further noti ¢ T f r, Lohto at m., A eeu mi 3 ode Py MANLEY, A | I a A] 4 anti RET IVE i am. | shoes they become c¢ wered with dead skin an H. FOSTER CHAFE 3 wit during the week following the resident Tith fected 6 amrel tl win Se Liss vie. | § callous places and cannot bfeathe as i. if the "Fwelfth," and yards|of State Ka S DoT 1 ts ¢ Lv al » 8 ge iu the nature intended. ! a ---------- 0 F ap-------------- yer ot reopened until Monday, Ji tt ] > oy any 3 you wear a 3 . | a general resumption of work 4 ng fixed for Tuesday. Yerv few na 1 + oR ; | oh aD n to an 1 ; SUMMER GOODS fc: imate Et | 875 "ts fu Si Ei Butlin |] Dee em oy OD ment of returning to Work an #nd] naval vesset 1 fr Ea {jd wt nger agent. Bopaventare 1 d rk's. Indeed, ma of the radi Tol t 12 (station, N oh | Hee ; ---- aid act ios Ha 1 § ' g . and practically alls of them - 3 {ry i - IN ac liy allyl hem Tool a remem memp-- : , =o Shoe a og ; . ' . : 3 : ' ¥ | iE asilecd 1: cro sed the channel seeking f he b in cushion sole absolute! ; " - rw - - _-- a ite! Uy CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM. Children S Pajamas plovinent. on th he lo: RB . : . y prevents SHIPS, LIMITED, : eral hut dred , Loh : : : drawing and hugging of the uppers-- and Phe Finest: and IFantolt Steanmvhips made. of Flannelette sal bindeed nationalists snd sonely | «Hi the fcion that forms callouses and or the Candin Route, all t] { radi went be HOLDING ALY RECORDS from 6 to 12 years to Harland and Wol i > lpi ww *Veniualy corns is entirely elimi- . Ney MONTHEAL. QUEBEC, RRISTOL. Fe « was resumed with-] 3 : $4 x nate Try on a pair and prove 3 : x Montreal 15¢ fations were Rn : these facts to your own satisfact works cease immediately and all aur fers nt 15 shoe class © leeping Toronto This condition is impossible if Ey won. & CER Pos WH Md rp f # | 8 - - pandoned » 2 ¢ 2 For Mea and Women. Bold only tivelihoc Youths' Pajamas sree i (EE SR a fi SEL | Yous PoE ee Jr EL 2 i) || REID & CHARLES : a ih meant nn oraman ang | 4 & il Wee hl ay rane in young men's shape Last ti iy ata | the pend TEE % A ; MONTREAL STOWK 5 = is C. S. Krsgrareick, 32 Clarence St. : $i 00 seyeriten hundred men who souzht| HB fais 30 iy ; : SAAR STOCK YIELDS, USEFUL AS EXAMPLE, I. 1 Haxies, Giaad Trunk Ry. : , o Harland and Wolll's] EF. Conway, Ko & Ry. or, formed that, their services | lA ANA AANA NN 1 Valuable Iles form Factor, ' - ite nol. reauired as the plant. of the: Sie : 5 ; fF ; | Kingston, Ont. CANADIAN NORTHERN S. . {ITED ; Fo erat seid an the iba of hel BS EY ae _---- 326 St. Jdnmew Street, Mensrest, Men's Scotch Leniyr whid most remain wWlle owing to : % 3 ! : & i 3 AR RR Ra , palsion by violence and threats of : : Pri i wh Bb . sd Pajamas | th skiiled amen who had charge of it. CRE ia od A a & Bell lephone : . 5 {rival found the . Ad of iv all Quebec Steamship Cos ay During he ant the. Cathie snd] REE Se 8 consda ca : 4 could be desired with the sxivp mp in plain and stripes, Protestant aadieal workmen displ aved | hb i » % 3 4 tanads Laitons pl jis f old Bill John Bill + Wd I to a small | Compiled by F. B. McCurdy & oo foun Brankard Was i | on Vas : LIMITED. | trimmed with Pure Ber- the most ree 1: an pati on : Huge ¢ x f : : 4 : s hh haa y, Cemenit id . "silvery n ' ctod to looking ie : { dreds of them and ax any families | ¥ t 7 i ' - 4 5 * ¥ Gil was red, awd the new River aud Cuff of St. Lawrence Jf toms and Silk Frogs. AML 114%, win nL ER TT {Den + he wine whem 1. wan ed, he new Sumiper Crutves li Cool Latitudes, sizes fr and 44 ergeat. appeal for funds ta relieve : . «Pe . 3 : ; Don Hee] x . a an ging him 10 soe Lin : "ror Sin of ches tic + 'Boing % . Pom onion 88, "Cascajedia" 1.900 A4n® with ai) profsing cyses of destitution is being fe ¥° ! 3 ; ¥ ¥ ' gra Hon Sail. 8 w oe m MONTREAL aN ior $1.50 the continuance of the work or oth a 3 A , o Pominion on pid i parson" one wa sand HIT ' 4 pm Bah aed craw ae dog upon the men. Rowdy ' i 5 y 2 Halifax St. Raileny * 151 ! avrg his whit ¢ batik 5 Bk fig - © her Lhe ful : » % s : 5 Po iat Bin au ay , and from Cuehe Hg a , i will not be tolerated under any! P , » a] | oronio Si Sailing al Guspe oo Ma) Bay. Perce : creams tanec. Probably the nations Eo Fn XH EE] I aurentide q i } i i oki 131 i to quit drink EN nmaryie, Ful, ald Chariot stewn, Sock Sale alisis and radicals will make another ; . + ) x Y i 3 ntreal Power { i t ¢ "ale X 1 stiempt 10 resume work, If they are $ # A { Montreal Cost 7 "Rhy: nba to volt tecan. brothas 7° New York From Quebec: i Lisle I and Sil¥ not nletfercd with the vast premises | ; : 3 : ot Nova Sealia steel. 6 2 5 t he puaizked minister asked g rg Lisle in Fancy Stripes will resume fell work. 1 the brutal] ; Th Rie . Ottawa Power = Well, Parson, it's Like this." the Vie the Fur-famed River Sagwenay, policy' of the unionist clubmen is on | 3 ; Aaa, Ss a Spanish River pid Ww bd elds explained. "There ain'f a mor taniue ut aa nari and | | and Plaids. These are tinued the yroprietors will shut down! » & . SE ' Nova BSeotia Steel convincing speaker nowhere tl ae ll sHfax, x Anni 3 a3 A aed: + sah sir 3 ¥ 4 i ' 2 3A of } d Sas AN sail from Qoelise al 8 pm, Yara A all Bic Sox and wilt be the al abilichme i Sut Sande Shel ! 4 A : Rs Hog ) * - . > i are time he gets drunk nd golwrs o % Y 1 thi eoniracks and other work Lo vide ; B A Soo vi . i we down he gets somebody 1o sign the : New York to! p57 on 2 eek Ta or Southampton. : 2 - . -- " : " fichotion 4 5 i ipl Age ith oy, and the other ellow gg a ema ' nk NY : . : 5 re Bummer Bxcurs ns" 4, By oy ra EE t VE Rewps it, - i » RE Loco pid. 7 Bepew rina an . LATEST PARISIAN MILLINERY. . i ¥ 2 ils t. sail rom Naw York on = 2 : : Sherwin Williams pid 101 6.9 a ih th SS AnEu=t 3 ' CAS $ OR 1A The above illustrations showing a large hat of rice straw, trimmed | in yams - , . avery ten duvs thereafier. Tempera- . : with butterflies made of lace and rose velvet piping at the edge of the | Andrew Thompson, 8s mill hand Save: iy id breenes, seldom For Infants and Children. beim of string colored Valenclennos Jace: the large haw of iaffetas in a Cariiaey. 5 - x pleaded ois RE 2 i deeper shade pink is veiled with tole, and stands up on the crown {char f assaulting Evelyn Farr, an finest tripe ot the seamen for j The Kind You i Ava Bought with excellent effect. 3. A Jeghors Har Poe with mislines ace, alex. a girl, and was rentenced : ; < : : | powder blue veltet ribbon js laid o2i =f rood the brim, and there is a | to our months in jail. i Bears the ul ! pi shower of roses on the crown. 4. Ashady bat made of broderies Ang-l The estate of the late railway wig | f " a. of black taffetas. Two ®0 large red roses areinate, Edward H. Harriman, is valu

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