Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1912, p. 7

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Es a DAY'S EPISODES) CRWSENENTS.) IHG CHIE oe YOANE Br ONET pon song =) ANE ONTARIO PARK HE DATLY reign WIIG, 'SATURDAY, Av -- 3.1912 : YL PAGE SEVEN. 4 the Yalu e r WOES, ro ¥ r or' a--fat ok ne | | Oveurrénces In the City and Victhity The People's as a form of thr : sely prepared for . th | AND EVERY| Somat 4 X J ~~Other Brief Items of . Interes TO-NIG NIGHT at a0) TTT TAT TT STAT TTR ed Srp bbabbe hd > cessssssing | % Easily Read and Remembered. Money d tod or daughter. in a Savings Bank i CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, LOST. : i is not lost or s| money i always money, A adi : | : r - -- . Inmegiatol} 2a 7 aad BA ns rout {t re ; g yu ie BIG F 1 HOW First insertion le a word. Each eus={ EO REX ARN pon THE ue aN EIGHT LARGE Ste hr ¥ TERS is Re Ameri Point o punchy stress inder plese : { Let your child open a Savings _Account with William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders A secutive iusertion thereafter balf A Toltaee $1 each, at Tudk's, Prone i T05 ved at McAuley's. Phone 564 VAUDEVILLE and PICTURES. | ccnp. 8 word. Mipimew charge for | | Auneral waters. Lhbson's : Programme Changed Thursday | . ose fusertion 3Se; three Insertions | The jumor and weniof matriculaiion and. Monday. i results will be out towards th nd : rm------ fof next week. 00 LOADS or EARTH) ALAS Ela#HT Ste; six, $1; one month, $2. horse A r mato Ee : tra : bi -- re STRAYED. Street BP S84 HELP WANTED. may Be the beginning of tHe 'formation of we cream bricks. Gibson's t of thrift. The experience will be a most use- | - Cunningbam, plano tuner, 2} RICHELIEU and ONTARIO LINES ermanept value {King 'Steeet. Leave otders | i f i oN Jo. THE ERE MISES OF ROLAND PARTY LEAVING FOR WEST ! a at Y \ rIRsT. CLASS PORTER. APPLY niena | i 1 i 21 ter tain Grove } s an Upright Grand § awed : ' i crwner oe g property I iucew---- HOY TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE.{ , DARK-COLORED JERSEY HEIFER " \pply, Whig office rom | TENTS, AWNINGS, PORCH tune | . Barrieti: 1d Comnior v . BOAT WS WAG v 1 } kf ; Ch i | { { Auley's book store. St. Lawrence River 8. Boat Co ii he Bank of Toronto has assefgs of § 300.01 a his- . Bax f Toronto has assets ; A Swede, from Parbaw, was tory extending over 57 years; and ches in Ontario ve . i . a y ig rested under the Broce i} I I Qube 'and the West. ie } i ie . fhe USA : : B U L IN e had = 1 hi / Bath requisites. " Ngaste: wes dase oe sam | - So [PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS {A Joad of brick tolen fiom | SUNDAY, Aug. 4, 7.30 am. and 2{ Apply. T- McMahon & Co le oF h : i KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS 3ST. Fone Ed ea "| p.m. AMERICA, regular trips to AN BXLERIENCE DA Ne in 8U NESS CHANCES. GEORGE B. McKAY, "Manager. | > tld Soi'y, white overalls, 45» | | Cape Vincent, 50¢ return, ? se ? . FOUR GROCERY STORES, wit A i . "Liiiletis, : the genuine safc Ww 1 MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. He] . I ADY Thon ear King avose iy REE an tome fou eter] a sists - *ibs 8 ae i 8 r husines ome: n i Yark: ; Mo thodist Sunday s hool Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. rh : EE ii edema Bond ry hear 8 i gvtarls oh ors Bohan excursion to Kingston and The BLS, FON, DIS ING ROOM, Heacock, 2.383 Lockport, N.¥ Kingston, Ont. Park 'on Thursday next. American Hotel s . Buy ice cream bricks. Gibson' F S 1 b T d - \ a1 : sithson's, 4 A Pp A L FLAGS, WNINGS, TENTS CANOE HOWARD S. FOLGER: 5 i Sams sixty-five ou seventy scouts or a e y eh er, "oe aakh be as my ANA, WITH Bi. EUROPEAN C IT as AW outfits, fishing yore, = " {will be Car at Bro ' ' ni 2 1 wv Mrs. . : FRET SEES marine suppiies, luneh- baskets, | i ' in amp at Hrophy's Paint, LOT : Ti 3 INE] 16 15 a Riree Furhished for attractive entey- English raincoats, everything in INVESTMENT BROKER Jeommencing ron Mouday, Aug. 12th Timber several ps ) me large ns prises in all substantial lines of busi- canvas, kit bags, silk tents, spray | Dutton's music store for great va edars of rent izes, an other ANYONE, ANYWHERE, C\ RN ness hoods, , mataor boat .. Bupplias, | Ly of popular, operatic music. 209 Timbers ders 4 | good" income copying fddre sses; Rallroads, Tractions, . Water and Frank W. Cooke, 33 Clarence St 44 CLARENCE STREET | Princess street = | August st eilrighest tender partioutar® dc stamps. i Il. mlectric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Phone 881 or 23, Ap | 3 BL, i 101 necessari pred al Rogers, Dept. GJ. Boston, Mass Mining, Agricultural and Industri REAL ESTATE 2 | Ses window display "Gillette ra THOMAS Mid i; Claren . Street, er i---- 5 == | Bond, Debenture . . ¢ 3 i avd Stock IsBues rors. Gibson's : > : i Jnderwrlitte Purhased or Sold } - remem JENERAL SERVANT FOR >urh I HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS i J Boauelly, Sharist Lake, is wuing - $3 Goon I E FEI ree. No washing & foshrperties or Based for European t . t Pembroke raily DTIC] | C E. ; ily to Mra itatlo 1d inves . INSURANCE pn . oo subs ke red ay N 0 | ur iy Fp} y "avg vdenham Street Miscellaneous commissions and or- ve ----b------------------ cow A. Special Meeting of the Boiler-| |ec ution in any Eurcpean eountry, unde ¥ balance "Hanson & Jenks" high-cl: tail "hi { L 1¥ SELLING Correspdiiflence enclosin full de- pa r s ar ver Riis i . 8 ass told | makers. Shipyard Riveters, Caulk-'\GE INTs -- BiG. MONEY CALLING 8 o k 1hH waters Gibson's. z ers and P rat will be held - on | best seller o the tatls at first writing invited. ¥ x it and \RT t rite us for articular TH V | » 4 p rio large 12. Although all the moneys are not | MONDAY, at 7.20 pm. at 351 Al a Tie Specialty POY Cai THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS Cor ne , barn, new i { [put in it is expected th © net | bert Street ! Bt, St. John Can ANCE, a wal, k pen. sheep tr i: | mu FARM, Y x mile "from - {ders of all characters accepted for ex- Gut offi church: $0 MONEY TO LOAN ; limit shed and go a na 1 rofits of St. Mary's en i ia ] .ip ! ------ ed and se: all | 14-16-18 Biles Street, London, good fences rice 2 Apply, Brophy's last Monday is ls -- ---- Fred Buri, Fellows, Ont {mount to $l.uun, ' . [DON'T WORK FoR ulema START Financial tngeiands of all sorts -- Training Horses |\™3, piscine now "i. | EB "Hh i i » nome; I handied. -- on" Renters ati phe", bigh-slam gail e Cus 1 epative, poukie J nme TO LET. Saves you from drudgery 'on hd $ ubson's nN § i : | eo Voorhies, 1 *is 813, Omaha 5 ' Ironing: Day. | Michnel Grady has taken.over the Neb i iat : | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. No more' headaches caused direction of the Ontario (Exploration INSIST : | AUTO CAR TO Hn BY HOUR OR by rork rerheated company, whose offices ave' iy ; | day 'Phone 1 by working 'in overheatec {Goldea Liou bl W Ty g ON HAVING [ LADY FOR POSITION OF SOPRANY | GENERAL INSURANCE. = T. rooms, where it Is necessary to gi" Me Oye osgton el soloist oir leader. Cooke's | BOON, Agent, 159 Wellington . FURNISHED RE soe NCE. APPLY have a coal or gas stove going Hudnut's" toilet waters, Gibson's, WwW A GST A FFE'S { Prebsyterian ch. Apply, stat. | Fire, Life, 'Accident and *ealth at MoCann's tate Offfce, b2 to heat ordinarx irons. Iren LA farmer volunteered to pay the fine Ing 2 salary, A. Shaw, Bessiun Policies issued. + Brock Street, ee Fa Ington Bt wherever you have a lamp of & man doing time in the Ounty PURE rr. , i etn t-- ---- iq IE OLD E . ------ ER socket, Nothing hot but the jail if ho would belp him in the har ENGLISH } BATEMAN & GARDINER--FIRE,| LARGE FURNISHED Rooms, WITH : iron. lids. The man accepted the of AGENTS WANTED FOR PRIVATE Life, Accident, Insurance and Cue: wih ut board; ull modern con. 4 iy 1 Christmas Cards, ladies' or geni | toms Broker; Real Estate: and venience near City Park HT 3 » . sample book free; large profits Money to loan; a share -of your Wellington Street . : creams bricks AND x uy ice Gibson's ( bipchase, "Cardex," Darlthmglo business solicited 67 Clarence y ! . i adies' upnto-dute fressmaking. I England 3 { Btrest, Kingston Phone 30% EARLY BREAKFAST || YOUR HOME ON TRIAL roiveiiviins 2s MARMALADE J RE > 2 i i Es / Ir ark, Without obligating you in any Princess street. { INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY FRONTENAC LOAN AND. INVEST : a Apply 5 t 6 way Phone or call Bome great citches of bass are be ! earn $100 monthly corresponding ment Society. established 1863 J. Ir. Boyd, Erie PO If-you have a colt not acting nice ly. send him to Kingston Repository and put "him in charge of R. W Smith, who will give him personal attention. R. W. SMITH, Mgr. [= {ing made at Kingston, Mills these - for. newspapers no canvassing president, Bir Richard Cartwright; ie Send for particulars, Press Syndi- money issued on city and farm BRIGH » { > 3 J N S( 0 I I {dave Local followers of lsaac Wal cate, 3.969 Lockport, NY | properties, municipal and country ane, AMY, FURNIHED Rooms + . . Es . . A LAL at 421 University For accommodation of people won ere telling some great stories as debentures; mortgages purchased: Avenue) convenient to cars; gas 8 deposits rocelved and Interest al- b . bo . taking early boats. The Up-to-Date Electrician. a Jresull ow E GOO STRONG, ACTIVE YOUTH | Jowed 8B. CO McGill, Managing and all modern conveniences : Bly © 116 BROCK STREET. Hudnu 8" toilet waters. Gibson' for retail hardware: good chance Director. &7 Clarence Street 'Phone 1215, A citizen, who, w hile under the in a ry wl . on sos ron FURNITURE, CLEAN, : fluence of liguor, refused to pay his Hardware, $5 Princess Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE ot' ry Jooms. abosiutely agi - ---- JOAY fBFe., HR A Bagot strovt ear, was ea-- > Fire lnsurance Company, Avallable & Li an / ant ear, wa SS ---------- ! assets, $41,187,215. In addition ti joska 1h Storage. 1990 Gusen 1 to i 30 a m A wie by Yagiaawe Yar. GENTS WANTED, EITHE | which ihe poticyholders have for "Phobe ne : rell, on Saturday. AGENTS TED, E =>.) suCurty ille uniumited Habliity of] = «U4 NLS o vs ¢ A wish 'to make ey mot 11 the. stock-bolders. Farm and The Bell Telephone Company ee our value. Nigh{dresses, from By Hour, Day or WEEK 2 Limes If so. City property insured at lowest | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ---- Sk Corset covers, 20¢. Dutton's Vv ' . €. ©n 29 Pape Avenue possible rates. Belore renewing old and dry; also Dwellings, [utah « ' ' ) t 5 tis ar oul | tT Workman tor ho avai is ito. Ont No outlay and ® or giving new business get rates od and unfurnished; Offices, : » aring a suite : profits, v ents Stores, te. oH > LUNCHEON of (anada, Limited oF rooms for Sparks & Sparks, den- Night or Day. cme . four ab & Bangs, Af Brock Street ' eB MeCauu, 3 { mts," in the Richardson building. 1 i a soraer ablingt. 3 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS 12 to 2 p.m. NOTICE 1S HEREBY ||: craer of Wellington and Brock Phone 815 reels, : allwa Mail Clerks, City Mail MEDICAL. Lo nec », CONVE NIE) NT AND MOD. the employ of the Bell Tel Dutton's for sanitary towels -- i , belts, y education Sufficient part! -- FURNISHED MOUSES. Nii VERAL IY h ' of Canad fet . E Dent" 510 Rt, Rochester, NY | yr AUR. B. WILLIAMSON HAS RE 333 invations phone Company o anada, | : . y 512 R., Rochester, TAR OB As $ "| WANTED, TO RENT, STORAGE DINNER Limited, is no longer in the | The Canadian Appraisal ¢ mpany, ---- moved his office and residence Car Load Lots, iE FOR 2g lov: of , valuing the covered and curling -rinks fram 25s Brock Sticul lo corner. BATEMAN A GARDINEN, #7 CLAR. employ of the Company. 4 * ing 'rink a / 218. | hing and William Streets, n 'Phone 3% : 6 to 8 P m bas not handed in its report. Both Agents flor CAPABLE. OLD sox 3) POMES. | s one 334. Kingston. Ont given that J. Eimer, lately ib Carriers; excellent salaribs; cor rom ' + 0 i tics, Seotch end Irish H. W. SNELLING, ipartiee have agread to abide by party arrives bis 5th, Sep - iL 2 ee. : ow Local Manager. "§ | their decision as to the value of the ai ae Auton 4 Relate ghd an 3 week) yn The Sutie DR PRED mA ic As. ar, 1a. DENTAL, | proper: Meter Care, n . ' 34 a. SeOnLPeat, . € TOs id rake Street. Toronto, Wellington Street, corner Bn. 2 See our R1.50 suit case. Jest value : -p-- liours: » 10 J, 2 tu 6, 7 to s sun- , -- ---------- -- ever offered. Dutton's. -- -- : ston i { Guy, 4 10 4, and by appointment. A. E, KNAPP, BA DDS, RE. | . NC LOC OMOTIVE ¥ r REMEN AND Fnone S14, moved to 25% phDA, Street {| Mineral waters CLivion 2. BUSINESS NOTICE. kemen ¢ raliroads Ir Cings- mm---- yh ---- | ~- On Thursday, a little ceremony took o or is 3 "$80 $100 monthly: | | SPARKS AND "EARNS, DENTISTS, { place at Rockwood hospital grounds, | coA® ®' rosie! rOALSI--WHY PAY Xperience MNNECEERATY ' SL ARCHITECTS, 1-2 Princess Streef, Kingston \ romotion engineer-co Pr, § Rn 248 {when the corner stone of the new op such high coal bi s when yoy car f to 200 og a » v $ £ A ign -- rr -- es -- fu the Matter ut : Conrad Haag, In. ting ampitheatre was laid by Mis to. David Mahal heap a card we gh oy er 1 v nosit # fo C. C. NASH, DENT DR. CB . sulvent. | ison. supervisor of the nursing Sod batves, wn gaz installa eon CA TmPInY | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCINTECY, ETC. 'Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess at "Reechbgrove." tion: . 2 ar A Dept CU | 268 King street, 'Prone 346, 8 'Phone 735 at q 1 { arnt hat. o (GIVEN, THAT] Qo window display "Gillette" ra EE A ue ; New | « M. SIMPSON, LOX, PDS. DENT ve 1 zors., Gibson's WANTHED--GENERAL. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- Ist, corner Princess and Bagot Great clearing sale at Prevost's, ------------ : : tects Otfices, 268 Bagot st Entrance on Bagot Street. Tele > ot Kinga: Jrock street. Big reduction in price | VICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPING ACHERS WANTED. "Phone 608 Dhana s ; Preferences | in the order and ready- made clothi ing machinery: will pay good price for . | - 5 oe (Ont ne ol same. British Whig Publishing . " an ), and | department; also in the gents' furnish. 3 POWER @ SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. of ' ings, 10 make room for fall aml win-} o_o ee ------ TEACHER FOR S.8 chants' Bank Buildings, = corner The most select stock : val jal pr ter importations : LASS MICA CLEANER. elerville, Township f | brock and Wellington Streets. TRANSA ANTICO LINES, ALL CLASS. of Sterling Silver in of all his estate, ahd effects to Buy toilet waters. Gibson's. / ercy C. Law son Aen . : ton APRIY, t on to 4 rop a& car 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 & { Kingston, for the genera At Alexandria Bav, on Friday afte Kingston, Ont i Bay : Rik > {larence Street, Kingston. one Kingston to thoose penefit « s creditors. i be | non. the Baby Reliance. owned hy | -------- tn from " a . : fe ET him '& | Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, of | SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- X | . -" : d ham Elthe Atantt: Yacht Club. won the se gc Bo i work; bem AN EXPERIE NOK ED TE AC HER on LEGAL. . i 2 Kingston y Monday, the {cond race of the Gold Challenge cup e, Bring your repairs t> tor ov eo Re owe a gay p ¥ to I oros Ore. -- WONDERF 1 te of August, I, to receive a : y g i . 4 ¢ Y appoint in. | series defeatine. by twenty seconds, z , 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Mrs. Jas. Mahon, Sec.-Treas a i en CUNNINGHAM 4 NUDIE, BANRIST fix ihe remunerations the P. D. Q. 1). Clergy est Lake, Or . made pin hy fod Hael oi Wd Clarence Nirest Xinest ordering of the estate --l. i amps h r ' _ = meme TAKE NOTICE, THAT { WILL BUY | I Bireet, Montreal. Can . auested to. Hie thes WEDDING AT GANANOQUE all kinds of second-hand furn A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S| : : 3 Oh A im cith the Assignee, with the -- and stoves: will pay highest 4 salary 125 per. year MADAM . OATERER. Prices; see Mme before anyone else. duty t& begin the Fis of school pre » r he iculars thereof requir-| Of Two New York State Partie 3 o >. . . ily Mf schoo tro Ger ad love, bus by ti ad ts, on or before. th . : ~ Thompson, 333 Princess Street, term Far particulars, WFile 4 : 8 } Ay It . n a { Rr J Rod er 3 oe reat Tr elong, the This Week. next St. Andrew's Church. Jacob Cobb Porat Or . y 1 " end birt} WE _CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, - . : g " nr » t Wedding Bre kia Banquets, ther given, tha te mt en : « | n te. i t Dishe Tah : ay of August, 1812, the | i8B8BOque, Aug. 3.--A\ wedding of [CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK.-- ny - I Linens an ware Rela 4 DIAMOND MERCHANT gnee will proceed 1 to distribute the {interest to many in this sections was Mave Andre's Antarctic Cement QUALIFIED SECOND CLASS MOL : Hamhrook sr TTnlon and Divi i ¢ ' HAIR WARTS BRIRTH. debtor amongst the | solemnized on und > Mixer ra ids of cement Teacher for Union School Section ' : ad tRerere. Sunday evening lasg aks" any CRORE Par marks and all growths and skin Formerly Spangenberg's " { oi ] having regard {,, (po home of Rev. A. I h walks and concrete work: 'mixe Bedford Apply, Stating | blemishes removed permanently { ie claims f which notice a" y eV. R. Urser. Me may be ted by the day Ap- eT oir Th ating | ithout scar gn! OSTEOPATHY. 347 King Street. hall th , i xiven, and that | thodixt ninister, Wellington street ply. Charles Andre, 72 Wiillam Nt Sec.-Treas., Westport, Ont » ut Wor mer Ske . . : W 1 * Hable for the assets orl when Miss Mabel Kell fs : -- as Throat and' any pa sof. 80 distributed to any » . elley, of Skaneat | ggnrrEMEN TO ®RING THEIR | * Ba an "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. G, Mr. W. B. McKay in charge | inisun. or persens to whom he shall les, N.Y.. was united in marriage to Cloth and have it made up into up- ; R FOR a Spec taiist "io Bago: Street Ashcroft, DO. 126 Wellington St, ve Ba Rice, {L.. A. Twining, M.D. a successful to-date suits. Price and work- 3 ; h Nolte sland: | opposite the Post Office Office of our Watoh repairs Adpond a Kingston this Id day of nctioner of Boroding. NY Afe manship guaranteed 10. please wm Gile 9. Frome. St. | MECHANO-THERAPY Bohl, 13.1 10 tL and by ap. x ea 12 ano. NJ After Pressing and repairing done on 8 reas." dit. | ALAS "he . pointment.. . Consultation free. i M. CHISHOLM, Assignee the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Twining the shortest notice. Thomas Calo A « Island, Or { Rane 41 registered at the Provincial and are 131 Brock Street, near by at " kine 2 5 Bibby's Livery * | SSAGY EDICAYL, . GYMNASTICS making a tour. of the Thousand Is -- = QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR $8. Yo MASAO TE Riectricity Elect r 0 lands prior. to locating at their new | WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE Hinchinbrooke: duties to com. Vibration. Spinal Adjustments UPHOLSTERER. ) home in Borodino. Miss Maud ( ° a dwelling house suitable 'or .a . mence after summer Facatisn nll Chronle Allments Treated; - Si \ Kelley, of Skaneateles. N.Y.. attended crechie where children may be rolestan Apply, stating salar hours, 6 10 7.30 pm. G A Palmer, W. J. GAVINE, UPNOSTERING, RE. House, ta 1 j cared for during the abs r to Bianiey J Jeffrey, Sec,-Treas, MTD. 82 Frontenar Street pairing and carpet work, hair mai. som © Golborne $.L2 her sister. their parents at work: Pt rian Reynoldston, Ont tress renovating Oop a8. card or Street, near "Sydenham, 1st The weekly dunce of the Gananoaue ue Cataraqul wards preferred Aj 2 call 218 Bagot Street ik a ) ply to J alkem, 93 Clarene 100 x August, - Yacht Club was held at their club \ Btreet, or G.-R i TR Finrence TEACHER FOR SS, Ne. 17, FRONT MANICURING. house lust evemn, Ww . T nto, P of leeds and Lansdowne, holding > AKIN Double Frame House, bring- : i tended. ing und us well. at -- wh Normal certificate: duties to] MISS DOYLE, FORMERLY FROM DRESSMAKING. ing in a rental of $204 per nn he gasoline yacht Y elcombe Matte: . BR #r summer vacatio King and Clarence Bireets, has ic annu 1 T i" MM h 2 commence aft am r tion * m, only: $1, 75. k ¥ ennek took an- rs Apply, stating salary, to MNichaci moved her manicuriug pariors to LADIES TALGHT CUTTING ny _ |other excursion parity to Alexandria Melcombe, Aug. 2.--Mrs. William Kelly, Tavier, Ont over Mr Coates' Jewelery Store, measure. designing. etc. at Mme House to Rent below Alfred, i Bay for thé races vesterdav afterncon | liter. Brockville, is: visiting her : Ch gr Emeance, 2) PR od on § Paria, 203 1st October, $8.50. 2 B in the surrogate court, before Judgy | SISter, Mrs. James McCormick. Mrs. | QUALIFIED| TEACHER FOR 8.5. Ne. Double House on Raglan 5 -|H. S. McDonald, probate of the late |; E. Ralph and daughter, Kathleen, 5. Hinehinbrooke: duties to ocorm- et Bia men fier summ vacatl Road, 4 bedrooms and in- : : Jobn Hell, of Leeds townshin, farmer, of Kingston, are visiting relatives | . Protastant and maie preferred. Ar- - bere. Richard Willams received iy, it 1 a titica- | ESTABLISHED 1866 provements. $2,500. % # Nos Hote to John and Thomsk word Bis. wack thar his a Daas us salarp 3nd guanfie)- oO A x DOUBLE FRAME 'HOUSE, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stocks. who have | J8USRter, Maggte, is serious! {ll at ham, Ont. i. an Street, $2,250. i Are Experts in Wir- been located here for several months Jigutville, hs. Mu. Margaret . aN ; Large Brick House, sultabla SS Raparis in past, leit on Thursday for Montreal, | For)" BOOT, (h0 Das Weck in Mon- 14 grauteien 1yov, rscuen| (8 1 b for boarding house, three min- ing Kingston Homes | hence thev take pamage Tor a visit | "mie wer ony Of, Foduore Sel AbD wf Camden Conniy' of Ad: t is not too soon to be utes' walk from Queen's, four Blectrle Light is the only (Bl > their old home in Fngland. Her. | pranisr,. Brockville, are visitin , at a Saar" ihe Village y thi ki f d f thousand dollars (§4.000), practical light for home. bert Moore, Kingston, a former resi- | yr "5" Gavin's. & SE hehe! a alu, salary, INKIing or or ering or next Let us quote you rates for - Estimatgs cheerfully given dent ot Hie town. renewed acquaint mente Sept Grd. Ahr Ark. A ") ir. winter Fite Insurance. It may pay Come and ree our 'beautiful (B23 yesterday Engineers from the department | === ee rr oN y - fixtures. Mrs. John W: McGalpin and won, | of public works, Ottawa, Janes are . én- v : Charles Hrodkville, pent the hast fw | ged taking Measnresients and SITUATION WANTED, Stove and Egg $7.50; Norman & Webb ||] WAM Aime, | aru me | Be BE 2 [we marie ap mE - view to ee 1 " ne 12 Wellton: Sor Sow. 79 PRINCESS STREET. i 5. Johnston, Brockville, spent | it, so that Be. A idening GROCERS AND STOREKEEPERS Every Load. ut $ per ton. s 'Phone 441. i jresterday with friends'in town. Dr. use Ray of Quinte ports. fn Ontario--Wanted. By setive, a fenced ; Our $4.75 Electric iron is a E,W. Delong and brother, A. ovis B. Towriss, Wiarton, is 'the new- ee ieaid of TRY por ME ' dai Delong, Calgary, are spending Yor inted manager of the Union store as clerk. capable of taking ay. he time with theie their unter Miss Eos be bank, Picton ' ddrens WH BL Coron : SY - . » : . ; . A a nie " Long Byy toilet waters. Gibson's, - Street, Kingston, Ont. . : .

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