a THLSIP TL ay X 5 2 ee hs #3 1 \ ' oa 3 " y ; . ; . INE DATLY WITHIN WHIG. THURSDAY. JUIvV 25 1e12 0 tor i Ga : SEVEN. a ~~ [|THE DAY'S EPISODES (TawuisEmENs) |; Save When You Can | lc wns ss muse » OF LIVING 3 S You Lan fle ms ip ma ome oncT OF LIVING Save.in these good times when money is abundant. fl Occurrences 'in the City dnd Vielaity 18 GOING UF. SPEXD | Saving does not consist of waking speculative investments ~~Other Brief Items 'of Interest: PPT VOTO PPIP POPPI Pi . in.land or fluctuating shores. Savings means pi g money 1 Rei > oe: . : In a good Bank, where, though' it may not earn so much as if Egsily Read and cmembered. A, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES placed elsewhere, it is absolutely safe, and_is always at your 'Pay faca powders." "Gibson's." 3 i rT ht - . » : William Swaine, piano tuner. Order x . Fivnt 1 tion 1c a word. Each con- , . command. . ! y Pi er. . First insertion . - : . ' received 'at MeAuley's. Phone B64. § secutive insertion thereafter half] AT a. oylino a co | RIGHT LARGE, SQUARE FANTERNS, '. Start a savings account. however modest. Choose for the Ladies" up-to-date dressmaking. |. A ornt 8a word, Minimum charge for Ameythest ne. Return to : thing for a summer 7 » ' . : > a splendid x y \ \ ok i 5 > . 5 tion and get reward cottage, §1 each, at Tark's "Phony purpose, : . Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 ADMISSION FREE. one lusertion, Shc; three lusertioas, . t rel : fos. 8 ¢ ti £ C1 4 . 3 e th, . Princess street, FREE MATINEE AT 3.30. 50¢; six, $1: one mon $2. : * 3 ° : The annual meeting and bane uet of 5 -- : PRA VES | . H the Anglers' Association of the. St Bring the Children, STRAYED. THE PROPERTY' KXOWN AS | ' {apts river, will be held on Au- --r . HELP WANTED. WHIT ie ti nC Army Situd ohituar {guest ith. i, ' 3 ? « p lees of DD. Gre 8 Sireets. Apply on premises ¥ ) HB. Cuscingham, piano tuner, ' 921 B U L L E T I N o FIRST-CLASS 'GROOM: APPLY T6 Hurrawunity ame Js photte 788° SETS : £57.000,000 King steeet. Leave orders at Me : : ' KH. J. Reid; Princess Street, wher may hoo ASSETS ... .. .. .. .. En ry a armsp Auley's hook store. ; Tr Fame bY Paying [300 LOADS OF EARTH: ALSO FIGRT ESTABLISHED . 537 YEANS. I : I ih ? g : . Sxpennes, 5 s horse powar- motor (dirset cut. 3 SE Gragai lr *¥ ws ihadnaasy tutes da ved bei lay Jee eream bricks." "Gibson's '« July 26; 8 am., AM- TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE. 110 BRANCHES, Baseball match, races snd other | o FRIDAY, July 26, Hoy, Yu : rent), a new frame house Just i ce I completed, on Victoria Street. Ape ERICA for Gananoque, Brockville, Appi. Whig office : BUSINESS CHANCES. By E, Wathen, 47 Muck Streety and Ogdensburg, 30¢ return. Phone' $84 5 | sports, at the Orangemen's picnie : ssn duly 29th, at the fair grounds. ; . : . . PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS : - It is expected that appraisers will SATURDAY, July 27, 2.30 p.nt.f'f AMNTHR! T. McMahon & Co, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START Pec pp pi hig ; KINGSTON BRANCH-107 PRINCESS ST. Ue in the city next week to value | THOUSAND ISEANDER tours the camiassrder business at home: no| AWNINGS AND PORCR CURTAINS the. Kingwton skating rink for the | Islands, SOc. GIRLS FOR STEADY. POSITIONS AT - eanvassing: t Your awn Capt Joseph Dix, satimaker, J Cie Send for Tree hooklet: tells how the best awning maker ' 2 x the Kingston Paper Box Co, King. anne : . eity, It ve © {Quran's authorities, ~ . treet : > i - Heacock, 2.863 Lo kport, N.Y : GEORGE B. McKAY, : : dhere was a very short session of { SUNDAY, July 28, 7.30 am. and Hires! Yan - ne that wil the longest, 4 . ] card to 211 Nelson Street the police court, on Thursday mormn- | 2 pim., AMERICA, regular trips to A MAID FOR GENERAL HOU sg | ing. 4 non-paymént of wages case Cape Vincent, 50¢ return. work; small family. Apply to Zia FINANCE AND INSURANCE. . p PRTC « p « pure | : Wiitlam Street FOUR GROCERY "STORES, WITH jar hoges, and 2 Sout ed i Hocule MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. dwellings attached: good lucas Jurthér avidents for the defence. \ GOOD GENERAL SERVAXT FOR GENFRAL INSURANCE. -- ¥. v tions' in city! also general store Buy faes povders" "Gibson's." a family of (wo. Apply, Mrs BOON, Agent, 15% Wellington at: and dwelling in thrivia vilage . Cl . AAA : : : se ; 8. Sutberland, 151 Ear Feet Fira, Lifa. Accident nd ealth nearby. Apply te T, J. 4 oeRhans : 0 . ; 4 | ome Searing tals at Prevost's, K TON 8 PEMBROKE her Pd An a nh Ahly to Siti skhart, HOWARD S. FOLG pq Sireel. iF Dection : In price IL" proor READER AND Kingston, Ont. in the order ang ready-made clothing ' ts i "hi "AR read Faurial- roms, . BATHMAN ; 5 INVESTMENT BROKER Re Tan, en ere Furnun WAY COMPANY Wine SIRS ne | AT Read, EARIENC pa. THO FINE LARGE RRICK HOUSES, ter importations. SLE " toms Broker; Real patnats and good location a 3 ; . - x . # . EX PSM ASR EE. A oney' to An: = shar 0 containing seventeen rooms 44 CLARENCE STREET § | an ieciv lads. named Me Siew. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS |*+/ESMA~. witn rxrimimnce, val Monro kann: 3 snare farteeal fils : a eanvenier handle western real estate i Street, Kin, ton. 'Phone 80 FOOmSs. respectively : T § arf. visiting in the state of Yer retin > Deer Land, Co . dom 410, Lun S| i . ~ arg * » SL . * 3 > oronta, Z REAL ESTATE : mont. was taking from the steamer THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEE: deni Bidg., Tor nt. -- en y/ 3 : . oO odie » arehol ) - 1 -- i , y » HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS ip [Kinuston. Wednesday afternoon, "tn [ani Pembroke Railway Company TWO SMART GIRLS FOR DINING. || RONTE Rooteiyr estanianes" ' Tor | j the hospital, where Dr C O'Connor the Bleation ai reutol rand " room, a good pouman Sok a Were] President, Sir Richard Cartwright; pr BL: 4 po : ! n or kiteh 0 ritish- . : INSURANCE 8 [werformed o slight operation en her be held at the Head, Offive of the Ce American Hotel. | properties, munieipel and" bodarm PLA a AE Le ' nose. ' pany in: the City of Kings 1 > $ebentures: mortgages purchased. 2 : 7 ackle, : . Magis bu ¥ Wed t r © HEust Nn » e : marine supplies, i s MONEY TO LOAN i "Everything in taleum Gibson's" | W ednesday, 1 41h day 1 August : HEAD SALESMAN, WITH EXPERI eposits received and interest al. English i et aakety, There was another very large erowd | @t the hour of 11 o'cl i}. Lhe 1 ence and references, for local and owed, 8. C. McGill, Managing ganvas, kit bags, silk tents. spray g sara th Pp 2 3 Roon it A western real estate thbs | Director, $7 Clarence Street. hoods moto at + EI a NN esos ossss " nt Lake Ontario Park last evening The meeting will be. madé spreial v Lanne fubla x motu 3 supplies, ve abhi Vonight the programme will he ene | for the following purposes, namei Powell, Lumsden t's.. wron Frank W_ Cooke, 29 Clarence Bt. } » ' : x To consider whether it is-exped . 'Phone 891 or 323 tirely changed, both vaudeville AM 1,0 ta lence this Company's LAN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Li aNuN, AND GLOBE 'f iC \ qvie to th 'anadia Pacific R oO far 100 menthly corresponding urance Com ny. v a ne i ure. i the die bai; p fhe Car bY ah fr APPL e : on. fara Any Sou no a Poaatr buses. SELIG a Addition LTO 1 be ay admigston to tiie park will In terms, conditions and form of. the Send for particulars, Press Syndi- ¥lilch the policyholders have tor RT --e fre«. with matinee at 3.30 pm. leage . a cate, 3.968 Lockport, N.Y. . Arunily he unlimited Nabiity of h colt not acting nice- -- ap 2. To consider and decide upon the | . 1e stock-holders. arm an : ; I you have a co itory Fo retire ho facpted for raising funds | oon, STRONG, ACTIVE Youti| Sify property insured at .owess | AUTO « AR TO } y a ly. send Wn to Kingston Repos! ior) STOCK MARV.ETS. to retire outstanding rhartgage de-| Tor retail. hardware: mood chani® Possible rates. Before renewing ol day. "Phose 7 Soptnid. Hold In thred % {and put him in charge of R. W. bentyres, and for other Burposes of Fie ore BOE Prof ne New business get rates]. BE nro stronger 3 Smith, who will give him persona! F. B. McCurdy Co Clarence Chamh ihe ompany. 3 hy if an issue son, | befo am. >to Corbett'af . ay 336 ge ge, Ag FURNISRED RBS IDEN OF lal o > ; « B. 4 Be 4 , ¢_decided upon, Hard wore, rinvessT 8Yrest 3 'DRE i for special cases, attention, . the Laspactice aro ho f | at McCann's Real fnfat ly all a tof p R. W. SMITH] Mgr. ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager a or err and Be , T WANTS Dn, EITHER "iv © Brock Street, n ad. 9 : 2 oar Sob e . . Fa ; : y TED, .B 5 IX | ~ g ros rnghiel, Adios og | Yhosing Fries, July. guB,- | ubub which thes shall he issued, an WL you Wh Lake mney 1A MEDICAL. Mentone Oo. Toronto, 'ormerly x 2 are . 80 te a ¥) to he given to secure tedayine x : 3 I Write r.{ y e 4 3 : « 5 Pape Avenue To- | LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, wirn : An ELECTRIC IRON = Montreal, Orie. Scie, Trarsrir Books wil 'vies ronto; Ont. "No outlay and' good MR. A. R. B, WILLIAMSON HAS Rr or w board! ail modern ou . " L : on ran : ; ' moved his office and residence hs 1€ t Park 28 Cs Pa 7 i 662 1in New Yor n Saturday, 3rd Augass, 1h . 0 25 < 8 v fellin x Saves you from drudgery on BRERS coi... ae oe | 1912 be' Te-opanc -- - 35 m 35 Jrock Street to corner £ f Cement, pid, wb . . 92 4a ray : of Au T 1812 ng an illiam Streets, "ml Ironing Day, real Powe 233 i. Seerétar CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS by working in overheated Bos an Carriers. excellent salaries; com : IDE A, CAYS, SPECIAL- v - me lucatio sufficient: parti #t, Nose, Thro#t and Ear, 121 rooms, where It 1s necessary to | Toronto Rails y « a : PErankiin Institure, Wellington Street, corner Johnson have a coal or gas stove going Fh i : : setusovs ATTENTION Dept. 512 R.. Rochester, N.Y. Hdurs. ' to 1, 2 to 6. 1 to 8 Sun- y A ron an rE. Hite Pistia a SS day, 2 to 4, an y appointment. FOR HIRE I fii he retin 3 . the D YOU Kk h Fhone Wid, BRIGHT, IBY, Ft RNISH nous : 4 a Ww... 'i 0" ow that CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. -- can "be had at 1) versity cket. Nothing hot but the 0 1 a y oy Avenue; convenient (0 oars, gu) socket. Ni g h 1 Irish, ARCHITECTS. and all' modern cor : Mex. Nor. ... i 4 2 tics, Scotch, English Ane a ; T » RR fron. es KE: . party arrives about Aug. 5th, Sept veniences By Hour, DAY oR WEEK. { Tuckets ............ wei Win aki 8B be F h " and weekly after. The Guile - . : LET Mi PLACE ONE IN { San Paclo ........ "deh aves " ro: 18 il Drummond Street, Montreal, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT. ETC, . . . . and 47 Pembroke Street. Toronto, | 258 King Street. 'Phone 245, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Night or Day. |} youn HOME ON TRIAL Kippered Herring | Brose Fou own "Lora sk hui ! oof; Pur own lock ahd © : « . WM NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- Frost's Clty Storage, 109 Queen Bt. Phone 8156 Witheut obligating 'you in any OPper WANTED---GENERAL, " Phone 526b. op} . heiiie sai senses . . . tects, ete Offices, 258 Bagot St way. 'Phone or cail. [Smulters ...... conor 858 is the dish you are o Angie we MOORE'S GARAGE J N SCO ke ] yh a 0 : ti IO AEA, wit} pay good Delve for POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER 7 for ar or we . . I T. eading .......... : i i 10c r in ; kt SON, ¥ 3 - corner of Princess snd = Ontario : G1 9 same. ritish Whig Publishing chants' Bank Bulldings, corner + Btreets The Up-to-Date Electrician. J inion 0 0 pe . Steel = Company. Broek and 2" ington treets, thie emaibly to D J, Milan, oa Stee dani : sites aanreveenRE s---- rop a car Agents for 116 BROOK STREET. Eo an At all good Grocers . ; MeLaugh! "Phone 13. eat Norther g . WANTED 70 RENT BY TEACHER Oafiillan;. Hudson: 4 a re Ap Surin » Appointed to Kingeton schooty PERSONALS, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAY Motor Cars, alton BORN. fair-sized honse or flat; with mod and dry: algo. Dwellings, furnish. {ictobery ......... ......... . 383 | MoLEAN-In Picton, Taty '13th. te gn i converien es Nha: Address a and unfurnished: Offices Recember .......... i... . 1267 wife of the late P.-§ MoLean, & # : | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. ftores, ete. J B, R MeCunn, 61 ® General Electric declared a honus daughter, marks and all growths and skin Brock Street. ' dividend of 30 per 'cent. new stock, PURDY---At Napanee. aor July 1710, | SIIOR REPAIRING OF EVERY DI. Ano sont or ye dn manantly . 0 e ron enac a ea ha Mp WR fw wget er only "yaad: ome" tig) wiiy| ghee Dr Eimer Taker fye COMFORTARLE SEVEN-RoOM © oy is - : : : Ear, N Throat brick Awallir . & ¢ gas for CAN'T PASS BRITAIN: TAYLOR--AL Napanee, on July 131 suffice, Bring your repairs t+ Bara Sia and Zen _~ g Ra ' 1812 Mr and Mrs Garr Beott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. of ty new EARLY BREAKFAST Naval Programme Amply Sufficient| 7 Yiar, 1 pan i ah al? 110 Clergy West, i Co papered. App BRACELET . to Insure Supremacy. Mr. Mrs. Charles Poly MANICURING. HIRE BY BHoUn on LM : Street. « and iighti: Charl Tur p : us i , Flew Tuer TAKE NOTICE, THAT { WILL BUY 9 to 6 am ORO ye She, sirbste op ah kinds of sccond-hand furniture OFFICE, CONVENIENT AND MOD. eh] the naval estimates in the House of i - ang stoves: will pay highsat MISS DOYLE. FORMERLY TRUM ern, with use "of var > ; | S dDEROR a > . tices: see me before anyone e we, King and Clarence Streets, has ro FURNISHED HOUSES, x CVE » i WATCHES For accommodation of people {| !{ ommons, Winston Spencer Churchill, MARRIED. . Thompson, 333 Princess Street. BD OUsES, sevenar av { 0 pe a CL in » ) in oen ar F taking early boats [the lieat lord of the admiralty, reply: | oappurow RESHZ On faly 15th, at the next St. Andrew's Church. over Mo cananl Tewelory Brore WANTED, TO RENT, STORAGE ron @ AEing early : {to the griticiam that he "had made home of the bride's father, Picton Princess Street... Entrance, 238 Car Load 8 3 | inadequate provision to meet the men- Miss Martha Elen Wels daugn Bagot Stre BATEMAN & GARDINER, or CLAR. * p ; p By : ter 'of George slsh, Daniel | GENTLEMEN TO WBRING THEIR : ence. 'Phone 296, Kingston, Ont a | ace he had described, said : Franklin Smith, Mont rea) a) Cloth and have it made up Into wp. | --s oo . : THERE IS NO. BETTER REGULAR BREAKFAST "We are spending £15,000,000 this ee tte tte ee to-date suits. Prize 4nd" Work 3 8 NO. rag year and we are going to spend more DIED manship ° guaranteed to please. | MISS REYNOLDS, OF NEW YORK, > FAY *. CARRYING.. A " : 4 a - Pressing and repairing done on | has opened mariicuring parlors at WAY. OF E ' . rHE 1 to 9.30 am hext year. We are raising the PEE OUTWATER---At Adulpustown, ont the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo. 159 Wellington Stree dig DENTAL. WATCH THAN ON HE . lo sonnel of the navy to 11,160 by July 13th, Bara R, Outwater, aged way, 131 Brock Street, near noveky's fruit store Yftice hours WRIST { 1913, and to 146,000 in- 1911. As re- : wy Yedrs. Bibby's Livery. am. to 5 pm. 'Phone 788 AE, KNAPP PAs LD Db. i ards construction, Oermany' this year PATTERSON--In Pleton, July . 111) "Thoved to' 288 Pris B.DS, RE. . n a a WING A g ! aa Charles Patterson, son of W. i . - oved to 268 Princoss Street. WE ARE SHOWING wy LUNCHEON : i laying down two new battleships Patterson, aged 37 years. WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT and we four. Next year Germany is WELBANKS--At South Maryshurg a dwelling house suitable 'for MECHANO-THERAPY. " "FROM THR LEATHER laying' down one extra, and we two July 14th, Palen Welbanks, aged creche where children may he ? SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 12t0 2 p.m. Ieee | n A 38 ye ared for during the absence of | 230 1.3 Princess Street, Kingston r 1 Sp This year Germany is laying down tw. rn ears ne ar a ' OnRioRue) 'Phone 246 STRAP KIND TO GOLD SET ar a We are ang dows Ww RIGHT At Bloomfield, ruly sin ih Ry ware on Ar | MASSAGE, MEDICAL GYMNASTI( s ne ' I PRICES a ' J David Wright, aged §1 years ly to J. B. Walkem. 93 Cl; ; Galvanie Ilectricity Elect ric WITH . DIAMONDS. PRICES eight. Germany in the course of the g Bly 1a Ln IA Kom, {ilarence Vibraiion. Spinal Re Afunt ea ih DR. . £: NASH, DENTIN: DR. Cob RANGE FROM $6.75 TO next eighteen months, is laying down Morse Got the Mone - Toronio : a : all Chronic Ailments Treated; "Weicker, assistant, 13% Princews SAC NNER twenty-one destroyers; we forty-three. y. hours. 6 to 7.30 p.m. G. A. Palmer Street. 'Phone 735 $180.00 EACH, Avent) : ! A Now York broker wae sevaioi MTD. 32 Frontenac Street Phere is no emuse jor panic or ew York broker was praising, i mm alarm." apropos of his probable seturn (ou TEACHERS WANTED. i . p.m. -- Rall street, Charles W. Morse's abil- an common OSTEOPATHY. NR rorner: fa. DDS, DENT. ~~ |ilv 48 a money raiser. TEACHER NVANTED FOR SCHOOY Entrance on Bagot Street. Toje. R. J Rodger : HENRI FABRE STARVING. "They tell a story about Morse," a oe Boks Reet ater); Phone 626 . he chuckled. "Morse went to a mil in Sept. 1st. Apply to Samuel Victor Hago Described Him as "The lionaire one da d : arker, Arden "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R. G, TAM: ERCHANT > * day and said : Ashcroft, D.O,, 136 Wellington St. OTELS AND RESTAURANTS. D OND M : Insects' Homer." "lend me three million. I must i opposite the 'Post Office . Office H D A Formerly Spangenberg's Alteration Sale Paris, July 25.--Heari: Fabre, the [have three million for that new deal TEACHER FOR B.C. 3%. No, 2| Bours: 1010 idan ar 7 King Street ) : poet and scientist, whom Victor Ilugo [of mine." Township of Loughhora, Normal. | pointm "on 9naullatie ""lrar onimason 842-244 . ; ' . ; ps €8 to commence Sept. Sri y ' We intend to take over rooms |dcscribed as "the insects' Homer,' .* Borry, Morse," said the million 1912; salary. $300. Appis ors pg oa "Ske Mr B. y im charge now occupied by Sparks & Sparks, |Who has given his life to enrich the aire, 'but I've only got two million McAuley, Bec.-Treasurer, Rafiton, Wines, Liguors "ho ¥ o re and in order to make these improve. | ¥orld's knowledge of the humblest of |m ready mone to-day." « ot : UPHOLSTERER. or ante velar, Meuis 25c' ach, ¥ : : 3 3 wr - he Wee y : "1 ments we must reduce our stock. |(0d'S creatures, is dying of hunger. le that all 7' said Morse, 'Well QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8.5. No and stable accommodation. Mores Buy your Fyrniture during this Sale| A few days ago Frederic Mistrar, the | bawd it over, then--you can owe me 5, Hinchinbrooke:; duties to corn. reasonable. Mulviile & Driscsil and save money. great Provencal poet, addressed an | the other millon." "' Bence afar summer ' vacation FR (SAVINE, UPHOSTERING, RE. : appeal to The Matin, calling the at- ---------- hy onl a: an jhale praferre Ap. Pa Tr Be a0 Carpe Son e RF at ISINESS N¢ tention of 'the 5 hiis to the lament- Indian Found Dead in Woods. iia" to Eo Lane uaitfles ail 216 Bagot Street." . BUSH NOTICE. able condition of M. Fabre, 'to whom Cornwall, July 25.--Dr. W % t. | , July ~Ur. W. A. Mun- : point of view, and memtionny "1h [2% €Oroner, of Cormwall. was not : COA ncn Soh soar pH THY FAY ia .. nen % | fed, vasterday, of the fitMling of the| OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. LEGAL. use gar for cooking? Deon a pooh REAL ESTATE SNAPS , Wx a - net that Fabre is eighty-four years remains' of a man in the woods, . j= revia Marana! in Overy h hy old. : < » et, for prices an ar Installs As three miles east of St. Andrew's. On - tio gas House to Let on Colborne : ; fads Sorrespundent of The Matin visit- investigating he found the scanty re | PRANSATLANTIO Li ALL CLAgY. | OVNNINGHAM & WUDIE, nimmIsy , ou : sd At 'fed M. Fabre home in Provence, ha fak : the clothi es. C. B Kirkpatrick, Agent, 41 u and Soliitore, Law Offiee, -- Street, near Sydenham, 1st at where it- was ascertained, in spite of [™*08 of a human being, othing larence Street, Kingston. Phone larsnce Street, Xingston. J Avast. hl, the seitathe ud denials, that he |"" Which would indicate that he had 8. CATERER. Double Frame House, bring- Pi ; was literally ring starved to death, [P®P lyiog there during at least a uble ie, , : 2 » 4 portion of last winter. No sign of : DRESSMAKING. ing in a rental of $304 per ERT foul play was discernible WE EATER To FARTIES PALLY, . Fh 2 - . ; n "a ein, » ARLYN, oaly $1,778. oy CHECKS FOR GUNPLAY. It was learned that am old Indian 244 arin Banduats House to Rent below Alfred. LADIES TAUGHT CUTTING BY ete; also Rent Dishes, Table : : -- basket maker, who lived in a shack, measure. designing, etc. at Mme Linens and Silverware Reid & 28 Octonse, $50. Pp ng tn shriec eait With Twenty: lhad disappmssed during the "winter, Princess Strept. 5 no Al Hamblok, oper Jalen, aud' bi: DOUBLE FRAME (new), all . a \ 3 © five Shootings Last Year. and ti Yidy that it is his body modern improvements, Raglan Fa ETT Montreal, July 25.--The Montreal . : Road, $2,250, - AFA city council and police oflicers are Weatod = Foe SSTABLISHED 1800 V A J UABI E : La trying to forumlate a plan which 3 > : : : ! : wa LE FRAME HOUSE, \ » SSE ¢ hii chose use of on be| London, July 25.~Lord Hamilton, 7 . . Large Brick House, suitabla Ta led. During the past yenr twen. [of -- ol Pa \ rge © ouse, & ? \ \ ty-five shooiin Airs were brought | were m : on, - y : . for boarding house, three win- up. in the polite courts. OF th twen: tday. ~ Mrs. Lawson is the dic Will greatly oblige Is good advice----some take utes' walk from Qteen's, four : ty-five affairs, seven resulted in deaths | vorced wife of Lieut.-Col. Wil A. : 3 . h ' thousand dollars ($4.000). ; and the bafance in more or less|W. Lawson, D.S.0., and the ~ the Whig by handing it; others won t. - Let us quote you rates for 12.001 Sent. 10 20 per cont. off sarious injuries. In addition thee wo |oF divorce, which was granted on . : N ? : Firé Insurance. It may pay aN. Suiniee Purnicure, Verandah, many cases of shooting among for. |Jan. 15th, was made absohate yes: in the day previous Ours to you 18----order e. brought into court, the police being |x monthe. all advertising eopy - es re, Swings, |eigners, in which no person was [terday after thie Japse of the legal his your winter's coal now from Norman& Webb 35 per cent. off Baby Carriagos.|nable to fosats te guilly puttiss, In St. Paul's church, Brockville, on intended for insertion Ty mi i (ont Off this season's lat-| Of course, you feebtbad when the|Wednesduy, Rural Desn Dobbs, waited Every woaa~ US. 171 1.2 Wellington Street est styles.' other icilow gels what you want, but|in marriage Miss Pearl Edna, on FRIDAY or : hink how it makes him feel. | est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Eden, . 9 Mtv nd Bencrat rivathaar R. J. Reid. nm Te death enurbe Ta ton, bie of Me. and Mra J. Felon, SATURDAY. : So "Pheme T8. « IN dd, phone 577/10 denn, John MeCarthy, aged| Your filma developed by an expert if , Y -- - THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. seventy years. He left at "Gibson's." ; cn ; 9 : :