Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1912, p. 7

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Save When You Can -Save in these good times when money is abundant. Saving dees not consiét of in land or fluctuating shores. in a good Bank, where, placed elsewhere, command. Start a savings account. Yowever modest. purpose, making - Savings means putting money though it may not earn so much as if it is absclutely safe, and is always at youn speculative investments Choose for the THE BANK OF TORONTO ASSETS [.. .. ESTABLISHED . . 110 BRANCHES, 57.000, 000 . ; 4B7 YEARS, + i KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, HOWARD S. FOLGER INVESTMENT BROKER . | REAL ESYAYE 44 CLARENCE STREET £9 HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN The great Uterine Tonic, snd y safe. effectual Monthly lator on which won on can, depend. Sold in three d ogrees of strongth~%o0, 1, $1: fo. % 10 degrees stronger, for special cases Sold ao all drm, oo pamp Peo Memoine 00. Toronto, {formerly Wi AUTOMOBILES ~ FOR HIRE By Hour, Day or WEEK. Night or Day. Phone 815 MOORE'S GARAGE Agents for Undiline, Hudson & McLaughlin Motor Ours, BRACELET WATCHES IS NO BETTER CARRYING... A THAN ON THE THERE WAY. OF WATCH WRIST, WE ARE SHOWING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT FROM THE LEATHER STRAP KIND TO GOLD SET WITH DIAMONDS. PRICES - RANGE FROM $6.76 TO $180.00 EACH. R. J. Rodger DIAMOND MERCHANT Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. Mr. W. B. McKay in charge of our Watel repairs REAL ESTATE SNAPS Houge to Let on Colborne Street, near Sydenhagm, 1st August, Double Frame House, dbring- ing in a rental of $204 per annum, only $1,775. House to Rept below; Alfred, 1st October, DOUBLE FRAME ( ), all modern improvements, Road, $2,250. . v DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, Main Street, $2,260, " Large Brick House, suitable : for boarding house, three iuin« utes' walk from Queen's, Your thousand dollars ($4.000). Jat us qucts you vata for Fire Insurance. A: gg ay Training Horses 1f you have a colt not acting nice: |. ly. send him to Kingston Repository and put him in charge of R. W. Smith, who will 'give him personal attention, R. W. SMITH, Mgr. "An ELECTRIC IRON | Saves you from drudgery on Irdning Day. No more headaches caused by working In overheated rooms, where it is necessary to have a coal or gas stove going to heat ordinary irons. Iron wherever you have a lamp socket. Nothing hot but the iron. LET ME PLACE ONE IN YOUR HOME ON TRIAL Without obligating you in any way. 'Phone or call. J. N. SCOTT. The Up-to-Date Electrician. 116 BROOK STREET. "Phone 1215. Hotel Frontenac EARLY BREAKFAST 3 to bam For accommodation. taking early boats. of people REGULAR BREAKFAST 71t09.30 am. LUNCHEON 1210 2 p.m. DINNER 6toB pm Alteration Sale We intend to take over rooms now occupied by Sparks & Sparks, and in order to make these improve- ments we must reduce our stock. Buy your Furniture during this Sale and save money. 15 per cent. to 20 per cent. off all Summer Furniture, Verandah, ump Chairs, Boat Chaire, 'Swings, ete. - 25 per cent. off Baby Carriages. 18 per cent. off this season's Ist- Lo Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ME Dany THE DAY'S EPISODES] LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN "© GENERAL, «Other Brief Items of. Interest | Easily Read and Rémembered, "Buy faeces powders. »ougibson's.' William Swaine, plano tuper, Nites received: at McAuley" s. Phone 56 The fine steams and smiling Beluga, of Roefiester, NY. Swift's on Wednesday. a mineral waters." "'Cibson's." Cunningham, piano tumer, 21 King street." Leave Orliers st Mc Auley's hook store. Fhe steamer America fan an exeur- sion out of belleville, up the Bay of Quinte, on Toesday. hohe. was at left at "Gibson's. Remember the Orangemen's Mondav, July 2th, at the grounds on Civie holiday. The bugle band of St. Seouts had a Tine parade The musicians did finely. "Buy face powders.' 'Giibsgn's.' Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking, Terms moderate, Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess street. At Thousand Island park. the fur nishiiigs of the Hotel Columbian which .were saved will be sold at aue- tion. 'Bu picnic, fair George's last night. vanishing creams." "Gib- gon's." ' Five applieations' have been made for the position of principal of Vic tarin school, but -as vet, no appoint- ment kas been made, The eity engineer is begged to order 'the drivers of watering carts not to sprinkle the eromsings. In past years this obligement. has been granted. "Buy ice eream bricks."" "(ibson's." The members. of the Oddfellows' Re- lief Association, who are here attend ing the! annual meeting, were, photo graphed at the city". hall Wednesday morning. Baseball match; "nnd sports, at the Orangemen's July 29th, at the fair grounds, uy face polders.'" "Gibson's Great clearing sale at Prevost's, Brock strest. Big reduction in price in the order amd ready-made clothing] department; also in the gents' furnish- ings, to make room for fall and win- ter importations. "Every thing in talcum. "Gibson's As the steamer, Wolfe Islander putting ofit from the city ferry wharf, on Monday night, a puppy belonging to a lady fell into the water, The fair owner was comsiderably flustered, but was not long in this state, ~ us "Johmnie" Cane, the night clerk «ut Swift's, rescued, the pet PITH OF THE NE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Four valuable colts were killed hy lightning near Kendal. Ihreg Chinese lepers now in real are to be deported. Lioyd-George will introduce prevent labor disputes, A new transformer station will soon rovide wnple power on the Mimico Thomas Pearson was killed by fall- ing from a ladder in his barn near Kintore. Over one hundred liberals of the pro- vince will join in the. trip to North: ern Ontario. The floating dock for christened, on Monday, at Barrow, kng., by Mrs. Hazen, : Three million dolldrs of the new five t dollar Dominion notes have been is sued by the government so far. Mrs. Minnine Metice, Charlottetown, P.li.l., who poisoned her children, was sentenced to be hanged. Frank Morin, customs officer at Bridgeport, died gpuddenly on Monday evening, of heart fajlufes An old man, Wiliam Ford, lost in the woods for several davs, died in a London hospital as a result of his suf- ferings. William S. Dryvant, Jr., Plainfield, Nobowas accidentally choked to death at the Ardamurchen Club, Central Ar gyle, N.S. City Attorney J. R. Breen, Water- town, N.Y., announces himself a can- didate for county judge on the repub- lican ticket, At Vancouver, B.C. Vice-President Passcho, of the German reic hstag, says the German menace to Britain is only a myth. General Jose FPF. Hernandez and Cipriano Castro are, it is said, pre paring to' overthrow the Venezuela government. Crown Attorney €lary, Ont., has been found struck dumb and blueberries for days. Three of the four men arrested at Cobalt, on July 7th, for stealing high grade ore, were sentenced to fourteen months' imprisonment. steps an other' pienie, races was Mont- a bill to Montreal, was Sudbury, having been lost amd living on 185 YEARS OLD. Age Officially Established by Church Record, Manzanillo, Mexico," July: 24.--An of- ficial investigation into *the claim that Jose vario, who died a few days ago at Tuxpan, was 185 years has been made, and it is an- nounced that it was fully established by church records that he was horn in 1 During a period of more than seventy-vears before his death he was known to the people of the town_where he lived as the oldest man in the world, He was active in getting about the strepts until a few days before his death. CASTORIA LAKE ONTAR Ro PARK 3 TO-NIGHT BIG FREE SHOW Your films developed by an expert if " of Lawrence, Mass., also survive. AND EVERY NIGHT at 8.30 Matinee Wednesday at 3.30. VAUDEVILLE and PICTURES. Weédnesday---Children, 1¢ on Cars BULLETIN FRIDAY, July 26, 8 am, AM- ERICA for Gananoque, Brockville, and Ogdensburg, 30c¢ return. SATURDAY, July 27, 230 p.m. THOUSAND ISLANDER tours the Islands, 50c. SUNDAY, July 28, 7.30 a.m. and} 2 p.m., AMERICA, regular trips to Cape Vincent, 30¢ return. MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. TENDERS WANTED. ras of Btone fur quarrying 500 the Township of Welfe Island, Tenders ciose July tne 15th Tenders addressed to the Reeve, G. GRIMBHAW, Wolfe Island, 04 Ont EMERGENT MEETING. The Brethren of Catarsqui Lodg No, 92 AF and A M., are hereby sum moned to attend an Emergent Meécling if the Labdge to be held at the Masonic Hall: Wellingon Street, on Thursday » 26th inst at the hour of o'clock p.m. sharp, -for the purpose attending the funeral of our brother, "Wm. McCartney Brethren of. Ancient 8. John Minden Lodges are fraternally to attend y order of W.M ROBERT HENDRY, 8c ATTENTION Do YOU know that "Crossed Fish" Kippered Herring is the dish you are looking for ? 10c tin. At all 'good Grocers Auction Sale. Household Furniture and Effects. HANES BROW We have received instructions tee Bell at Congress Hall, 338-342 Kung Street, on Thursday, July 25th, all of the Household Effects contained therein, the contents. of fifteen hed rooms, consisting of Iron Beds, Oak and Ash Sets, Springs and Mattresses Side and Centre Tables, Toilet Sets Brussels and other Carpets, Bedding Linen, Curtains, Stair Carpets, Hanes ' Piano, Fancy Chairs, Picturcs gy Chairs, Extension Dining Table very large Lot of Fine Crockery and ass Ware, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Knives, Forks, Table and Desert Spoons, about 15 Tables, Large Lot of Dining Chairs, two Cash Registers, one Sllent Salesman, Showcase, Writ- ing Pesk quantity 'of Olleloth," Tih» Linen, large Kitchen Range. large fie. frigerator, also fine (las Range, per Urn, Kitchen Sundries of 1 kinds, with many other articles too numerous to mention Sale at 10 o'clock, J. EK PIANO, ETC, E1C, Terms cash HUTCHESON & CO, Auctionecrs MERCHANTS Will greatly oblige the Whig by handing in the day previous all advertising copy intended for insertion on FRIDAY or SATURDAY. THE LATE WILLIAM McCARTNEY A Retired Contractor Died on Wed- resday Morning. William McCartney, aged seventy cight years, a retired contractor of this city, died at his home on Univer- sity avenue, at one o'clock, Wednesday morning. after an illness of 'some ten weeks. The deceased was born in this city, and was one of its best known workmen for years, having retired about thirty years ago. He was a Congregationalist in religion, a mem- ber of Bethel church, and also a Free mason. Cataraqui lodge, No. 92, AF. & AM, will conduct the funeral, from his late residence, Thursday afternoon, to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. A. JP. Mershon, pastor of Bethel church, will officiate. The deceased is survived by his wife {formerly Miss Borsy, of this city), one son and five daughters : Alexan- der, of the city; Mrs. B. McCullagh, Mrs. W. Davidson, Mrs. W. (Brien. of the city: Mrs. W. Groves, of New York, ami Miss Gertrude, at home. BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, a FIRST LASS GROOM. KR AT , A A OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion l¢ a word. Each cob secutive cent one insertion, 2%5¢; three Insertions, Soe; TL rm y - BOY ---------------- PAINTERS ee ---------------------------- GIRLS FOR STEADY GENERAL A BOOKKEEPER, A MAN WITH EX. WAITRESS; MAID ---------------------------------------------------- -- 1912. fasertion thereafter half a word. Minimum charge for six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. - . APPLY TO Princess Street, J, Reid, T 2 TRADE. ened TO LEARN PRINTING Apply, Whig office, AND PAPER HANGERS T. McMahon & Co: Apply, Ono E, TWO SMART ROYS, ABOUT. i Years of age College Hook | Bois i POSITIONS vr) ihe Kingston Paper pox Lo, Street West NO WASH. to 391 SERVANT; Apply, in the evening; I ie Sireet perience Address, Box L Whig office GOOD WAGES "PAIN hours Apply, Can Cae easy I Bireet > Clarence GENERAL HOUSE. Apply to 215 FOR small family Strect. work; William SERVANT FOR Apply, Mrs Earl Street GENERAL twa 161 GOOD a family of 5. Sutherland, ASSISTANT, WITH L of houk keeping Ap : to 4. Gilbert, 194 Baie re TWO FOR cook, A wo British SMART GIRLS room, a4 good woman man for kitchen work Americart Hotel A AROUT SIXTEEN: sleep at Here n Mrs. .Z. Prevost YOUNG GIRL, one Who can 1 al once, to aril Street AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; . no Canvassing Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3.9 Lockport, GOOD, AG CA CA STRONG, ACTIVE YouTH retail hardware; good chance advancement Apply in per before 8 am. lo Corbett's 86 Princess Street. for for son Hardware, EITHER SEN: make money ina > if so, write Pape Avenue To - outlay and good ENTS: WANTED, do you wish to your spare time tO Ce 29 ronta, Ont No profits, ---- GOVERNMENT WANTS Mail Clerks, City Mail excellent salartes; com ication sufficient; "parti Franklin Institute, Rochester, NY NADIAN Railway Carriers mon culars "free Dépt. 612 R,, PAB E OLD COUNTRY DOMES. cs, Scoteh, English - and Irish, He v arrives about Aug. Sth, Hept 2nd and weekly after. The Gulla, 71 Drummond Street Montreal and 47 Pembroke Street. Toronto. WANTED--GENERAL. NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPING machinery; will pay good price for same. British Whig Publishing Company. SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- You WANT PAPER HANGING done or Ceilings Kalsomined, send a post-card to T. Beale, 112 PFar- rack Street, City. scription; leather only first class work; used; one 1irial suffice, Bring bl ur repairs 3 Scott's, 208 Par e Street, cor. of Clergy West, TA a4 KE NOTICE, THAT { WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and staves; will pay highest prices; see me before anyone else. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street, next St. Andrew's -Church. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Inte up- to-date suits Price and wor manship guarantsed to i A Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Callo- way, 131 Brock Street, near Bibby's Livery. WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE TEACHER WITH NORM AL CERTIFI. a dwelling house suitable for a creche where children may be cared for during the absence of their parenis at work; Froniensg or Cataraqui wards preferred. Aj ply to J. B. Walkem, $3 Clarence Street, or G. B. McKay, Bank of Toronto TEACHERS WANTED. cate dor x s Township: could board in city; Apply to A. E. Weller, Sec. Kings. ton Station, Ont. Kingston DINING. |- PAGE SEVEN 'aELT largo PARK, and AT LAKE ONTARIO Buck Y p EliGnr LARGE, sat ARE LANTERN a &plendid thing for -a summe cottage, $1 each, at Turk's. hon 705. § LOADS OF EARTI ALSO RIG horse power motor (dirset « ure rent), 'a new. frame house just completed, on Victoria Street. Ape piv. E, Wathen, 47 Mack Streag, STRAYED, A RED AND wHiTE MULLEY an to the premises of DD Harrowsmith in pound Ww Owner may hav expenses, COW raves same is i ad 1 harges of same hy pa 'Phorie 584 i AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS, Capt, - Joseph Dix, dalimaker, the best awning maker in thi city. If you want a well made on thay Tl he longest, drop . ard to elson St CAN _START e avn Silat. 13 at home: no ¥ a awn * tells NY BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANY WHE "RE 2 mail order 1 be. your free hooklet; 2.98% LL, ckport wiTn locas FOUR GROCERY STORES, dwellings attached good tions in eity; also general store and dwelling in thriving nearby. Apply to T, J ockhart, Ontario Chambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. FINANCE AND JNSURANCE. fe K Bot SER, i convenie: |eExERAL INSURA Tr, v . BOON, Agent. Ney Wellinetoh ®t: | TWO FINE, LARGE Life. 'Accident and Health good location, Policies Issued. . containing _seyeni thirteen rbhomi re able for a hoarding x privare BATEMAN, & GARDINER.--FIRE, Hse Life, Aédcldent, Insurance and Cus- toms Broker; Rear paatate 'and Money to shits 0 of your * businesy Sarence Street, 'Phone Loan; solicited. Kingston. FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS SANOES, camping outfits, fishing tack marine supplies, lunch baskets Engiigh rAINCoAts, everything in canvas, kit bags, silk tents. spray "hoods, motor boat supplies; Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence St 'Phone 881 or 23 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; established 1863 president, Sir Richard Cartwri ht; money { d on city and farm Biopesties municipal and county ebentures; mortgages purch {opoaits ceived and inistest a . 2 owe eG, a in, Director, 87 Sirens Stree guy ww. . TO Lew, MIYERROOL, LoxDoY, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable' assets, $61,187 In addition t which ths pol leyhoidara have for security the unlimited llabliity oy AUTS > BR TO Ring BY HOUR OR 'hone % FURNISHED RESIDENCE, APPL Y all the stock-holders. Farm an at McCanp's Real Estate Office, 82 city. property insured at mand Brock Street, near Wellingt. possible rat Before-renewing ott | ~e : EE or. ivingdew business get rates from range & Strange, Agents LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, win hone 326 Toor without board; all modern venlences: near Park o% Wellington Street -- MEDICAL. ' NPwW STH Rook BUNGALOW, FUR. MM, A. R. B. WILLIAMSON HAS RE- dy Park. five moved his office and residence from 256 Brock Street to coruer King and William Streets, K _i0 in Bo 0 Eri ---------------------- 10 BRIGHT, AIRY, DR FREDERICK A, CAYS, SPECIAL- can be fst, Nose, Throat and Kar, 121 Avenue; Wellington Street, corner Johnson and Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 6, 7 to 8. SBun- day, 2 to 4, and by appointment. "Ehone 814, FURNISHED ROOGUS had at 121 University convenier to cars 1 gus all modern conveniences 1oRAGH FOR FURNITURE, CL EAN, dry, airy rooms, aboslutely moth pur own ros 'Phone 626 lock and kev ARCHITECTS. ny Storage, 299 Queen Bt, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCRITECT ETC, 208 King Btreet 'Fhone 34h. LARGE YARD, SUITARLE FOR COAL wood or for storing purposes, corper of Princess and Ontarie Streets. Apply to D J, Milles ova the - premises. NEWLANDS & tects, ete Offices, 'Phone 608 SON, ARCHI- 258 Bagot St POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Buildin corner Brock and Wellington ot drop a card STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAY and dry; also Dwellings, fruraishe and unfurnished; Offices Stores, etc. J 8, . MeCann, of Brock Street. ¥ COMFORTABLE REVEN-ROOW brick dwelling, b, & « Bas for ¢ aid Hghting, near Queen's nawl painted nn Fart Hireet PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and an growths and akin blemishes removed permanently without i 27 years MOD. Elmer J. Lake, he Fa tar, Throat and Bkin HOUSES, SEVERAL IN Soecialist, 258 Barn Street. ations w---- ANTED, a2 RENT, STORAG E FOR JOR Oty cp OyY > GARDINER, "ar CLAR- MANICURIN 'Thone 186. Kingston, Ont CONVENIEN T. with use of OFFICE, A ND f MISS DOYLE, FORMERLY Xing and Clarence Streets, moved her man ring over Mr, Coates' Jewelery I'rincess Street Entrance, Bago! Street, FROM has re pariors to Biove 238 DENTAL. AE KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. RE. moved to 268 I'rincess Stree! - SPARKS AND SPARKS YORK, 230 1.2 ¥ ha Street, 'Phone 246 DENTISTS, MISS REYNOLDS, Kingston, 108 0 red manicuring parlors at 158 Wellington Street. over Uar novaky's fruit store Office hours Sam to 5 pm. Phone 756 OF NEW DR. C. ©, NASH, DENTIST: DR. Weicker, assistant, 133 -- - Btreet. "Phone 730 MECHANO-THERAPY, com, Princess S. H, SIMPSON, LDS, NDS fot, corner = Princess and Entrance on Bagot Street. phone 626. DENT. Bagot Tele. MASSAGE, Galvanie Vibration, MEDICAL GYMNASTICS Electricity, Elactric Hpinal Adjustments all Chronic Allments Treated hours, 8 to 7.20 pm. GO. A. Palmer MTP. 32 Frontenac Street ---- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE GRIMASON Princess Street, with the best of Wines, Liquors and cholcest brands of Cigars. Meals, 25c eadh or apecial rates by the week Yapd and stable accommodation. Raiss reasonable Mulviie & Driscoil HOTEL, Bar RA2-044 stocked Ales, Beeps, OSTEOPATHY, "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"---R. G. Asheroft, D.O,, 138 Wellington St, N opposite the Post Office. Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. polntment Consultation free 'Phone 447, BUSINESS NOTICE, -- TEACHER WwW ANID 1 FOR SCHOOL (enebec; salary service to be Apply to Samuel section No $25.00 per month gin Sept. 1st. Barker, Arden. ™™ A PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR SS, ACHER don; FOR $8. No. 3, CLAREN- 3rd EXe Bec. . stating jo Donald No. 6, Denbigh. nualifications, salary, to Theo, Treas, Slate Apply, experience Thompson, Falls, Ont stating and See, - TEACHER FOR RC. SS, Ne. 2, Township of Loughboro, Nofinais ite; duties to commence Sept. 3rd, 1812; salary, $400. Apply to F. 8 YeAuley, Sec.- Treasurer, Raliton, mnt. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR SN No. 8 Oso: duties (0 commences Sept, 3rd Apply, stating experi. ence and salary required. to Wm Crain, Sec.-Treas, Clarendon Sta. nt. Qu ALIFIED TEACHE 5. Hinchinbrooke: duties to Shih. QUALIFIED TEACHER R FOR $5. Na mence after summer vaca Protestant an ale preferred. ply. stating salary and aalitics: tions, to Geo, A. Smith, Par. ham, Ont. * -- (PROTEST. School Section No. 2 Palmerston; duties to commence Feptember 22nd, 1912 Apply, stating salary and experience, 1a Robert Eady, Sec.-Treas, Ompah, nt ant) for One brother, Alexander, contractor, of this eily, and one sister, Mrs. Smith, "Gib-1 X POSITION WANTED. a --------------. "Buy vanishing creams." ATION AS COMPANION OR LADIES COALS! such COALS! FOALS L-WHY PAY high coal bills whe rin nse ge for cooking? Iwop a. call to david Marsha 101 Queen Street, for prices on kas Instaile- tion UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovating, Drop a card or cali 216 Bagot Street. me CATERER. _---- -- LEGAL. WE CATER TO PARTIES, WALIN, Wedding Breakfaris. Rananets, ete; also Rent Dishes. Tahis linens and Bilverware Reid & Hambrook, corner Un'nh and Divie sion Streets. 'Phone §42 - --- OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, CUNNINGHAM & WUDIR, BARRIFV. ers and Solicitors. Law Offiee, 71 Clarence Street, Xingston. DRESSMAKING. TAUGHT measure, designing Elder's Dressmaking Princess Street CUTTING ete, at Parlors, ny TRANIA ANTIO LINENS, ALL fA Mme Kirkpatric Agent 253 Flarence 'Btreet, Kingston. Phons "am. VALUABLE. Is good advice-----some take it, others won't. Ours to you is---order Jour winter's coal now from Be ire é, 1 "Wale otce. Ap- Apply tes 2 nh a Sh CR

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