Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1912, p. 4

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s PAGE FOUR. . * ° HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. JULY 23, -- ITHE WIG, ny YEAR TOWN WF GANANOQUE DAILY. BRITA WHO, pdb ihe ~af "Dag: 310- King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per yéar Editions at 2.30 an« cams ese wl Coco | BIBBY'S Lid, [os we 'an a cheap work; nine Hnproved press The Late Patrick Shortell==A Lawa £4.50, £5.00 $3 3 50 Shoe WS THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY. LIMITED Social Held iim Aid of Christ Oxfords now | MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENTAL STORE He 2 $2. 501 - J. G. Elllett, President, : Churth Parish House Fund, Leman A. Guid, Sec. Treas... Gananoque, July 21. i a well known and TORONTO OFFICE. ~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church i resident, of St n Street, Toronto. H. BE. Smallplece, J.P, representative. v wed to rest at his home thére on 5 Monday, "'afler anil sof seveial monthé, in the sev third year ol his ade, leaving a wii four son : T m-- 0 Damer, Joseph, James and' Thomas, An' English writer whose fame resis cle ar, of taxicabs so * none should be land two daughfers, Mrs: John Clarke upon the vividness of the hallucina- | available for the parsuit of the mur- | 'Favanogue, ana Miss Nellie, at home The funeral took place 'this' morning . - ye .- . x ta St. Philomen's cianch, where i upon Murder as & Fine Art His | The murderers of Rasenthal laid very aulem . mass was sung and the 1 imagination led him far from' the firm carefully their pland to get him and to.{ mams were laid to rest m the Howe At a0 to $2. 00 wth land of probability, but it did not let | escape undetected, Their systim may | 'sland burvi round. r him dream of murder planned in so | itself prove thor undoing. There are Another octogenarian Fesident of 4 : 1 CLIc of away o Monday : " fime an. artistic spirit as that whick at least a dozen men, probably a this fection passed Ana n. Mond S$ 's at C to § k A i table NX . at bis home near Atkinson, mn the E A J . has excited unexcitable New York. 1s ore, 'who were in the conspiracy person 'of Patrick Shortill, fcll known ' Half an hour befare Rosepthal's | kill the gambler, A secret shared and highly estvemed, aged eighty-six Er te ed:or Mone! murder," says the World, "Forty-thirid | «5» many is not likely to remain a so- | ve#rs, leavdng a: grown-up family. The a U street, near the Metropole, was kept | eret, - ; funeral | was held this morning from f tiniial) the family residence to St. Barnabt's church, whe re libera was, sung by EXPOSURE OF FOODS. ; Rev. Fo, rasp, wud She yeiine ® co tions he put to paper, wrote an essay derers."" an SS a were laid 10 rest in the Brewer burying ground. adoyue left by "special traid about 5 poo, vesterday, to connect with if we drop the sidewalk. on the straw- AY Yording io the rule that what the GC. i R. special #t Thousand Island : j We have taken all our broken lines of Men' S Sine s i 4 won't hurt them, and], a lgri re berry we buy it and take-it home. to w t en and | Jugotion, ~ for the- annual pilgrimage the babies," This is the way. an "; so long as the dust from the streets | his digoese to the shrine of St mer Suits and placed them by themselves, and now and the, filth carried by the flies are Beaupre, (ue TE = = eg---- : iu : : ofl-at tend Ww octal was hdd AR IN . | teemed eomlemporary puts it in dis- [not suflic ently conspic q_to offend _-- Weltate nl 4 le . a a hw n : at offer them to first comers for IN ||| cussing the campaign against the ex- [either the eye or the nose they 10 not : of Mrs River Front. at the residence Pe : : . 2 posure of food to flies and dust at the | kaow themselves to wort y. Yet every {Beaumoni and Mr. and. Mrs . : HARDWOOD FLOORING store fronts. "§\ one' knows, or should know by this {Duvis, under the auspices of 3 ? : ~ : : % \ * The really astonishing thing is that | time, that the dust of the street is Young People's Club of Christ the sidewalk we would pot eat it; but { practice. But many people seem to "I we dropped a strawberry i w, and to pass laws against such a | Quite a large contingent from, Gan | A dancing platform, with Lee's' # it 1 » AOE rr », ~ " 0 i 7-8 in. thick, tongued and | n should be sosessary lo cotduct a laden with disease germs, and that the | cheatra in attendance, was well groo ved, Maple oor ing, campaign, sys the Woodstock »- | fly is a menace to public health, tronized during the svening. This : The Suits will sell on sight. No old stock----all } was the initial step of commend trim med and bundled. rable undert: aking of the Y.P.C to & gio durable Tibi lll © INTERNATIONAL HONOR. i new spring styles. - In this lot are Suits wehave been for rooms, Halls or shops, in ip Tred Mt gray TE un ey tia mtye nto i which wear is the chi ef con {}{ he Har-Poungote trealy has) States did not secure the-bangain that | WH IE 00 aa selling all season for sideration. conte in for a good deal of berating | 1t elt is should have had, namely, it | home of Mr Alre. W. ke ) # {lin the United States senate, especial did not secure every advantage ~ ob | son, ect ownship, Li y he 'an 00 Prite $30.00 per thousand (}} = = © CC Gor | tAinable and shoulder ypon the other | aple Grove church. fe at" | = Irom 1 141y ol Senator 1Or Over MH the di iy Lakerts bl [he indsome new h t built | } 5 a 1c disadvantages possible at Skinner's wharf for ti shanoque 3 i n and Lodge. The position taken . > : Call and seeit. : 1 ma I'he senators supporting the Panama | Yacht Club, .was suceessiully launch d, S - . by these Dthers is one that bill 12€8 34 to 48. men and would deliberately viokate the | yesterday afternoon, 1t is to be used 18 distmetly dishohourable to the Hay-Pauncetote treaty in order that |PY committee and jutiges jor n » purposes people whom they represent. In their | they may secure privil to them Fre 1 1 a gular dance of the Gananoque ; attempt to justify the Panama bill | selves and themselves alone. I is) Cunoo ant lotor Boat y xtion | y Bathi Sti M ' St H M ' f , H . they place themselves in a position of | very humiliating that ope branch of | Was postponed last evening, on a ; en § ing its ens aw als en's dncy oSiery FOOT OF BAY 8ST. extreme. selfishness by their total dis | the Anglo-Suxon race should be so Sou of the Christ church lawn a combination with skirt a & 0 nd %2 00 Recular Joo and 40¢ : tia : . $1.50; $2.00, x cs fu f the Galt Kef i i I. RB. Willis left, this morning, 1, effect. : (qualities ie opinion © ie La elormer, that it would without any hesitation | Mak ne, N.Y. to assis he Ugdens . | 50¢ N 00 h . I . It will be remembered that by the | cast aside a treaty made in good | "rg vity band. Mrs, (0. W. . Sheets, Id - - ow } ed( (ld - 25¢ per pair 1 OUTING SUITS. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, the United |faith with the other branch. Mrs. Thoma Povd and. Mrs. Hgttie * Boyd, spent yesterday with relatives regard of "international honour, is {lost to a sense of international henour Remember when your light in Kingston El ee 0h aw THE ENGLIGH SPARROW. Mr. and Mis. 'Vanier, of Monde, Peter Pan Collar Fancy Vests $1.00 Peter Pan Shirts ill 1ik . A ling. a low days ii town Witl fi ] Vi » stds 8 ww \ 5¢ t 8 Od Ba ay that Sou on Aoi Tuere is an epidemic of 'swatting' | fruit, such as cherries, gr Apes, pear | ray Sri suis. Nes. 3 sige Jas Jor, \ : wi ih se par ¢ £0 4 ol and be ready for your holi- going the rounds, {lies are being | and peaches. He gobbles up buds and Robert Kirke, of the staf 5 the To wit h tie to match, both for wa tterns . ls * irs, ans : ntes, # 2 A days. swatted right and left, and now flowers of cultivated shrubs, trees and i ronto Bank, Toronto neat patterns, some plan Some with Faney Trim . comes Deurhorn an expert th vines. He cduses havog in gardens by [toe wl branch, is spending a two weeks' mings : 'R. PARKER & 00. x : ' A ¢ I nibbling at the peas dnd le ttuce. He { vacation with hi : Mr i . » y= did Dyers and Cleaners, United States biological survey, - who lis destructive to wheat and other | More Jamis Kirke Nie ND Mn 25¢ white, sizes 30 to 44, S : | 1 69 Princess St. Kingston, Ont: urges a swatting campaign against. grams. Some idea of the extent of hig ett. of the staff of the Toronto ber . . pecia $ 25 devredations is gained by the, state. lic schools, formerly of ti I ' 3 ment that a flock of fifty of his fel i " » formerly of the thé English sparrow; which he say» 18 cunning, destructive and flihy. Lis ocal school stall, is holidayvin »W -_---- lows requires: daily the equivalent of ' with friend ai n / Or. de Van's Female Pills ten to Mr. Dearborn's bill of con-|a quart of grain. Hence the . annual Mr. and Mrs. Charlies MoN abe ecm) regulator never fala, These plaint : loss. throughout the country mounts |eey, are spending o few das wri | 8 * * uerative portion of he female sy: system. Ketuse "He feeds in winter on waste ma: = ee ul large total, relatives. The Misse leatries ; | cheap imital a's are sold at | oy 4 ot switche : "Furthermore, he is a pirate and a Aikens nd Cilov o n rill 3 box. of thide: era ia lsdjo any address. erinl and in summer switches his disturber in the Bich watnl ens, and Eva Glover e office . - . diet to weed, seeds and insects. d He prevs {stafi of the Parmenter willoch Co, a om at Ee Metaods drug stove. About the only extenuating ecircum- |" ome ol our most useful and. at- bare enjoying the pilgrimag stances advanced in his favor is that | Lr2cUYe birds, among the number be | Ann this week. wg bluebirds house wrens, purple B ICY( LES io SRARL ee UY YY Sebiom, - Sus Hwartiis. tres owallows. cliff avallows. Sutter or Fam ro nitions, Men's and Boys' Departmental Store falta grows and does a little good burn swallows, the wrens, cat birdy Toromto, . Jul 94. A preying on the alfalfa weevil But ; 204 mocking bicds. i 3 . ." y poundent of the Globe, in a letter from > v - - " - ren ' ho a most of the time he feeds o sects He is noisy and vituperative and! (ool we, § that beiore the an 4 S 80 82 Rr | ( KF SS S 1 R E E BICYCLE SUNDRIES which plays a uscitl Part i bical | dowsw't sing, hut on. the other hand trane, sa at Uelore the fran ' ' PRINC ! TI; Rr ig ares 3 g : contmental trains an running he At Cat RBcYoLs. MUNSON | ral service: Hence about ninety-nine |2uuually destroys many feathered | tween Cochrane and Quebec, in wat V) Prices 413 Spa hun Avenyes counts against him and only one 1p smgers, eighteen months time, every v -- -- his lavor, That's a terrible reputation for 'a [along the track will be taken u ¢ ----_ Send for Cut Price Catalogue. "Also he is guilty of destroying [bird to have. . tween. the Quebec boundary and the : Harricana river hy French ettle TEA! TEA! - TEA! from old Quehee, . THomnt te te ( UEEN'S CAFE THAT TORACCO From the Finest Tea Gardens of THIRD PARTIES IN UNITED STATES. north by the paternal Quebee go Why do you keep on Q With the "Rooster" om It Yevion, Sncolorad, and Vi the Tinest ------ SFRent, Thence from that sixty-eight ayin high rites: fot pr ached served om the 8icrowing louder as aver, Green -an Black at c per| es ol frontage, the settlers will | 1 ce Oo ortest notice. ily 4bc pe pound, at ' The, greatest split that ever hap- |( toveluad; but he did not get many en ¢ - and. i i ~ / P 3 I h ' REGULAR DINNER, 25c. i Bho PY Poul ANDREW MACLEAN'S, pened #0 the republican party. of the | Votes. On Bryan's first nomination | the iuter pro) meial boundary. impaortec JECTS, When you M, PAPPAS & OV, Alana "5 ANS, 4 '" I" re ----. tor president, on a free silver plat reenteges cah get a finer lager for Wi Princess Steel "*. Monster Pic-Nie. ne, goes along . For chewing aud RIN United States was in A872, when its i PRESERVING SEALERS. orm, the gold du ts : A Lot of Preserving Sealers for fgtrongest leaders and at least half ite go's. rEmOcra formed « Sale; also New and Second-hand Beds ' third party, nominating Palmer and and Furniture Call and see me {ygters split off and formed a third # you want a bargain. Spend Civic holiday at Loop leland i about halfs~by asking Park (Brophy's Point). Steamer Am | for Lackner, but this was a protest ra- |erica will leave hourly, commencing SUGARMAN, 24: Untarlo Street, | party under the name of the hberal 3 ther than a thaed pariy, for its ad. | at ? am. Dinnep and supper served : Opposite Craig's Wholesale, s I ¥. 1 at Fy ph party, and nominated Horace Greeley |horents, to, make the protest more for- oh the grunge. Fare: Adults, 5c; or Oo a 0€s childre Se eal: dults. 5 MA a aa oe. ! who was endorsed by the democrats, | ahle, generally voted for Maxinley. BS ren, Ihe. fea Adults; 2 a 8 ) children, R.C.IH.A. band after DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard : Nearly 'all of the lead epublica these d parties hac some (noon and evesing Being fe o : REDUCED PRICES i carly 'all of ho lead ing republican All th thrd parties had some (noon and evesing.. Danting Pi 443, 235 Wellington St. Land Plaster will rs endorsed the » ent, IL | principles behind the y lig ot Se -------- i papers endorsed le movem princig whind them but did =n ener fe start the plants in- Balance of Season looked pretty certain that the repub- { to vigorous growth - Se Vielding oatlive the campaign, says the Water N eat for Fielding. a 2d oy Halifax, July 2 @ erald sas LR WL W pave | lican party was hopelessly divided | town, N.Y., Times. A third party lulifax, July 21.--The Herald sa | i Ye aE rumors are beng circulated that ar " y in Bottle. 0 1 op duced prices during the kot and would never be of any influence [with only a personality and no | rangements are being made by which | Tho Liohi Banrin the Light o 8 T h ms: S Ce le ey weather Season. { again. The demoorats, however, Jo | Principles not embodied in the other Mr. Mh wlair will resign his seat for | E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. Telephone 987 J WA L S H a in and see the 'bare {p|fused to vote for Greeley and Presi: parties, would seem fo have _ less | F9¥sboro, and thus make it possible Phone 313. I y & card 10 19 Pine Street when] . . . ¥ a , [for Hon. W. 8. Fielding to contest ant thing done in the Care HOUSEHOLD GOODS dit Grant was rejected. After the [chance than these. Mr, Roosevelt's | ihat county. ig on i an mates given on all Kinds 55.37-BARRACK STREET. bought and sold on best terms. election the liberals mostly returned | third party seems to be ade up of --- is Reuwars Reror Revie of repairs pando Dew work: Consult me. . {§ito the republican ranks and instead lhimself and a few of the offic C..R. Announcement. srders will ve prompt attentiun L. L E SS E S : of being destroyed the republican par [holders of his administration who Montreal, July 21 <The C.I'R. has CHOLERA MORBUS Bop, 49 Queen Strest : 0 The first thing 10 be done 1= 10 check the diarre coe ------------------------ Cor Princess and Chatham Sts, ty grew in strength. Then there wis {wapt to get back into power, and [OMially avnounced that it will | ha. This can be effected, beyond ail perad- "Plone 1045, 13° ow - nals Toror ventare, by ad ministering frequent doses of the the grewsbock party, started as 8 {not many voters, It seems like an build its ask nu rminsle in Torento, Bally. with friction. aa vignrons as oy! Ne Kingston Business College y third party, which at first threatened 'army of officers with no privates, to rescind the order 16 co-operate | © bear to the whole surface of the abdomen tLimited) ~ : to sweep the country, but which dis: {and it can hardly accomplish much. with the th the Grand Trunk , | oriasatal postion, * FEA HASH be Rept 8 Highest Education at Lowest Cost appeared on election day. In 1884 Tt was stronger: at the Chicago con- 3 yo Twenty-sisth Bear, Fall term || PACKET SOUPS & GRAVIES [ Motor Boat and | Besamin Butler became the candidate | veation than it is to-day, and the TWELVE WOME N BURNF p, begine August ih. Courses fa 1) ? . < ec 3» : T - Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Teles , i an independent third party for [outlook is that there will not be. DR. SOPER A Terrible Tragedy in London, 1 graphy, Civil Service and Fug- : "Get Them at y Fng- ish president, made a tour and drew | much left of it by the time the vote 4 land Our graduates get the. bem Yacht Supplies || | larger crowds than either Blaine or {ia taken in November. ; DR. WHITE wp? uly 24. -Twelve' PUsitions, Solihin u short time D. C OUPER' S | EE ---- i men were burned to death and several one of the largest ra i - . da porations Jn Canada. Enter any 'Phone 76. SHE Princess st EDITORIAL NOTES others injured by fire, yesterdny af: | | EiRUens, 0, Gnade, Kier, soy ternoon, in Moor Lane, the centre of tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Prompt Delivery. Logden, Eng., - Wine LO¥er FiXly Secured pos | a mn } : : the danger zone of the oity of Lon Kingston, Canada Desirable social legislation svems [stead of protecting human life, is cor , don. i - OAR! to be instinctive with Lioyd-George. teinly a dangerous place in whic h to K "The fire occurred in. a building oe His insurance act bas met with fa- | live. : N Shaped by a nd of Slutbing Bist a GA acturers anc arstmas card makefs vor trom the' 'working class, -- ow ny X » ¥ ; i & resi Ra ded | N ' 1 The women tried to escape by the All boats must have Nights ---- Manitoba Free Press remarks UG : roof, whith. 'they tenched, Til the ; IS e_ on after dark. We have the Neporia indicate that Ontario farm. | just as nothing sucoeeds like success fame on the floor below cut off ans regulation kind both in Brass ers are going in for orchards largely | %0 nothing fails like failure » Every- possible way of assistance by th fire i [ RAW (XO D'S and Galvanized kind from because trees do not need to be! body can see now that it was the men. "$1.50 to $4.50. milked nor mpples to be churned. height of folly for Mr. Rogers to following ; = . Co CC " po $ ! wlentily himself with the conduct of Yariencele; Dyspepsia. Otyjuet to. Consumptives. . OO a Mg ; In France a law has been enacted [the Saskatchewan campaign, Asthma Dublin, July : Ho reste sarge Pp wriion of + wi providing that a report must he mad. 3 eo--. : lagers cof "Lucan, vesterdny, charged within twenty-four hours to the health A railroad report ciles; as evidence And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases. ' : A oe with helpmg to tear down a pearls department of births occurring in fly. of the need of a' practical and infal- Fre Bok' Diseases ag aes completed consumptive sanitarium be | d (o\'] ent 0 0 a : lible automatic stop for trains, fig- edieine furnished In tablet |... {hey objected to the presence of C : Pie 2 : ures showing thal 171 persons were Spm. Sunda Sindars Sam IRE consumptives among them. killad and W31 injured last year, be- _ Welsh tinplate manufacturers ask -- | SON A You? Cause engineers ran past danger sig-| BJ on ? |ihat Canada put on a five per cept. a RI : ram Ly 5% pj duty Antericgn plates.

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