Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1912, p. 3

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TRAVELLING. IT Ei HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Western Canada and Return Tuesday, July 23rd, and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept, 17th. Tickets good for 60, days. The Grand Trunk Pactffe 18 the shortest 4nd quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, with smootlly road-bed, running through the newest, most plctures- que and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Trains now, in operation Wiphipeg--to kKe- gipa, Yorkton, and Canera Sask; / also to Camrose, Mirror, Edson, + Hinten, Jasper Park and Fitzhugh, ¥ Alta, For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P, and TA, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts - IRE . IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Civic Holiday, July 29th ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT ~. SINGLE FARE FROM KINGSTON. Good going Saturday: and Mon- day, July 27th and 29th. Good to return until July 30th, 1912 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Tuesday, July 9th, and every se- . cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. For particulars at K. & P. and © P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virgin T.8.8. 88, Tunisian and Corsican." Ballings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, 8. Grampian and Hesperian." 8. "Scandinavian 'and Preaoria. Sailings every Saturday, MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON. 8ervice of moderate priced ONB- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers, Ballings every Sunday. T.8. TBS AND Full information and tickets on application to J. P. Hanley, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, G.T.Ry. Agt. Clarence St. Agents In Kingston, THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM BOAT CO. LIMITED. SS. North King & SS. Caspian 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER. Commencing July nd steamers leave at 10.15 am. dally for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands and Gananoque. Returning, le%ve at § pm. for Ro. chester, N.Y, via Bay of Quinte, call- ing at Picton, Deseronto and Belle. ville. Freight handled reasonable rates, J. P. HANLEY, Tichet agent. JAS. SWIFT & Co, Freight Agents E. E. HORSEY, General Manager, Ril A STEAMERS "Toronto" and' " Kingston' DAILY SERVICE, leaves Kingston 6.00 am Westbound 3" "* 5.00 pm Between Toronto, Rochester, Kings. ton, 1,000 Islands, Running the Rapids Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay River. Steamer "Belleville" Eastbound leaves Kingston 6.00 pm. Wednesdays Westhound, leaves Kingston, Midnight, Baturdays. 5 Between Hamilton, Torontn, Kings. ton, Montreal and intermediate poris. For tickets, folders, elo, apply to JP. HANLEY, Ageut, Kingston, or write ronto. with despatch at REL |. LY 0) Eastbound " Parisian Sage Imitations of This Great. Hair In. vigorator are Abroad in the Land--Look for the Girl With the Auburn Haif oi. Every Carton and Bottle. ,PARISIAN SAGE ask for it by Dame when you want the real halr Brower, beautifier and dandruff cure This Is a picture of the carton in which each bottle of PARISIAN SAGE is packed. The gir) in the picture has Auburn hair---bear that fact in mind. PARISIAN SAGE will banish dand- druff, stop falling hair and _ itching scalp, and promote a new growth of hair if the hair root is not dead. It will . put . radiant beauty into dull, faded, lifeless hair, and ag a dainty hair dressing for womén Get a DO cent Bottle of PARISIAN SAGE to-day. If it doesn't give complete satisfaction, your money will be returned. 'Sold by J. B, McLeod awd dealers everywhere. CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM . SHIPS, LIMITED, The Finest and Fastest Steamship on the Canadian Itoute, HOLDING ALL RECORDS, MONTREAL: QUEBEC, BRISTOL Montreal Bristol) Wednesday nesday Le Aug, ol Sept. Sept Bteamer. Wed rH FEdward Oct. 16 0 al Edward y And Fortnightly Thereafter, Write or gall. C. S. KIRKPATRICK, 42 Clarence St. J. P. Hasiey, Grand Trunk Ry. F. Conway, K. & P. Ry. or CANADIAN NORTHERN S. S. LIMITED 226 St, James Street, Montreal. LA lhgo YN 5-2 /) DOMINION LUBY INET MONTREAL--QUEBEC LIVERPOOL SAILINGeverySATURDAYS by the "LAURENTIC' AND "MEGANTIC*' Fitted with every up-to. date device for comfort and safety. Elevators. Orchestra ca "TEUTONIC" & "CANADA" One Class Cabin (II) $50 and $83 Third class passeiigers berthed in closed rooms ealy THE ST. LAWRENCE IS THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO EUROPE ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA LOCAL AGENTS: . P. Hanley and ©. 8. Kirkpatrick, Company's Offiwe -- Toronto EE ---- i ---------------------------- SUMMER SALE OF PANTS $1.98 We have 48 pairs of Summer Pants secured from ome of the best American Houses, to clear at a that should tempt the pocket of the most ul buy- er. are worth H, FOSTER CHAFEE Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises la Cool Latitudes, 88. "Casce ia," 1,900 tons, with all modern eomforts. un SALLE FROM MONTREAL ON THURSDAY, at 4 pam, 1st, 15th and 29th August; and from Quebee the ful. lowing day at noon tor Pletou, N.S, exlling at Gaspe, al Bay, Perce, Pihmerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, New York From Quebec. Via the far-famed Hall rum Quebec at sali th snd 23rd August, ~ New York to Bermuda er he Twin Ex Serew 88 18 faplacement. pom Saguenay, atlotte Bn und a 2, tons, § pm, 26th July, amparsiure seldom rises above from $250 to $3.60, and theyywill go in Thursday : AT $1.98 per pair. We have all sizes from 30 to 40 waist tterns, and come in ha feel the qualitties. it cannot be match] jen on ~homs on Saturday. | turning home. . | oy 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHILWEDNESDAY, (Contintied from Page 2.) - - - . . A very enjoyablé high tea was giv- evening. The guests included and Mes. P. G. C. Campbell, Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Nota Gordon, Miss Aileen Rogers, Misses Emma and Elsie Pense, Mr. E. Van Lesslie, Capt. H, Boak and Capt. Ww. H. Pp. Elkins, Prof. A very bright and jolly high tea was given at the Country Club op Tuesday evening. The guests included: Professor and Mrs. 1. GC. Camphell, Miss Emma Pense, Miss Aileen. Rogers, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Bessie Smythe, Captitin' H. Boak, Captain W, H. p. Elkins, Mg. and Mrs. Russell Stuart, Lower Alfred street, took a jolly 'party of young people to Kingston Mills for Saturday afternoon, These present were :' Miss Mary Stuart, Miss Marjorie Gamséby, Miss Nan Saunders, Miss Elsbeth Shortt, Misses Hazel and Doris Browne. : . 9 a'p The singles in the oyuet tourna- ment being played in the city pack, opened this afternoon when Mrs, erbert Dawson played against Miss Martha Smith. . . Mrs. James Rigney, George street, will give a bridge on Thursday in honor of Mrs. J. R. Craig, Ottawa, and Mrs. Charles Crookall, New York, 'Miss Mary Smith, Unfon street, tertained anformally at bridge luesday evening. ' en- on . $< Mrs, OC. town 'and. a the guest en at thes Country Club on Saturday | |W. JULY 2f, 1912. THAT WOULD REVOLUTIONIZE NAVAL WARFARE, some 'time [n- Ottaws with Mrs: Shortt and Mrs. Charles Bate. F. 'Pokson hae returnegh to of ber daugh ter, Mrs. H. Co Navkle, karl street. Miss Rose Hogers, avenue, Misses Helen Campbell; Emily street, a few days with Mrs. Wolle Island, returned inrday. Adam University and. Marjorie, after spending E. T. Steaéy, home on Hudson Maxim: Has a-New Patent-- He Claims That the New 'Will Supply a Want. Detroit, Mich. July 24.-A high speed, lightly protected and heavily gunned -cruisey that will sink. be neath the waves until only a big [gun platform remains in sight, is the mvention that Hudson Maxim is just perfecting, "according io a state. ment he made here. . His idea is a further development ui a patent he has just obtained on a design for 4 new torpedo boat which dives beneath the waters from the deck, "taang on water momentum jus: like a railway locomotive on lund. "The water tank," said the invent er, "18 inclthed toward the stern, so that when the stern valves are open- ed the water is discharged 'as quickly as 1t 1s taken in. . "At the present time when the high-power gun - can penetrate almost anything on the horizon, a semi-sub- eh » Miss Doris' Mackay, Svdenham strect, who has been the girest of Mrs. KF. Nickle, at her returned "home to-day. * waiss Elizabeth Cunningham, On-gwa na-da; who hag been Vsiting Mrs; (3, Y. Chewn at her summer home, re turned home on Sunday. Mr. David Laidlaw, ~karl street, left last Friday for Montreal and sails from there on Saturday «for the old country. Miss hate summer home, ROW Earl street, left on Tuesday tor Gananoque to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. al four Mudie at their summer home, Craig, eee . THE RAILWAY COMMISSION, Finds~ Remarkable Growth 7 ; of Bausi- ness in the West. ! Uraft | Regina, Sask., July 24.--Thrée hours work saw the sitting of the railway commission here concluded. ' Fvidence was adduced by the board of trade officers to that #ready taken in other cities on the general question of freight rates in the west. It was shown that railway earnings here had increased two hundred and twenty per cemt. in the six years or more since Regina was incorporated as a city, and that business was increasing by leaps and bounds, the wholesale business last year being estimated at $30,000,000, while it was said that this year wholesale business here would be 850,000,000. At the same time freight rates: were the same for all practical. purposes as at the time the city was incorporated. The only defence offered by the so- licitors was in the form of the ques- mergible torpedo boat in place of the present highly vulnerable torpeds ) craft, be€omes very desirable, The cruise above the water umtil going into' action, taking in water fgr sub- mergence when it gets within gun range of, the enemy. "1 @ls0 have a new system for drive ing torpedoes, which 1 expect will soon be utilized in naval warfare," continued Mr. Maxim. "These torpe- does are seli-propelled and are of much greater speed and range than the present. "The expense of my submarine crait is nothing like that of the great Dreadnoughts. 1 do not by any means recommend «iat we shall stop building Dreadnoughts. | think we should build four a year from now on. With Rus- sta and 'Japan in fighting alhance the only way the United States can hold The usual weekly tea was held the yacht club this afternoon. 1 a at There will be a dance at the Yacht Club thig evening, « - Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, who were the guests of Rev. S. J. M. Comp- tan, left last week to spend a few days in Montreal en route to their home in Belfast, Ireland. Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Farl street, returned on Tuesday from Belleville, accompanied by Miss Yeo- mans, who will spend a few days vith her. Major and Mrs. lee, of Toronto, who have been visiting in Montreal and Ottawa, arrived in Kingston on Tuesday and ave the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Easton Burns, Frontenac street, Mrs. Philip Prideaux, William street, after spending a few weeks in Ottawa, returned "howe to-day. * ee Mics Molly" Cartwright, "The Maples," left on Monday to spend a few days in Toronto. Miss Rosalind Corbett," who has spent the past -three weeks "in Chica- 70 - and Flint, Michigan, returned Mr. Allairé Shortt, "Otterburn," re- turned to-day to New Yark.. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy and Miss Ai- leen Malloy will arrive from Stan- ford, Conn., on Saturday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, larrie. streef, Mrs. Aitkinson, after spendifg some time with Mrs. Allaire Shortt, "Ot- terburn," returned to Brockville on Tuesdav, taking wilh her Miss Els beth Shortt, who will be with her fer a few days. . - » - Mrs. Bernard Browne and Miss Doris Browne, Clergy street west, left, on Monday, for Quebec, where they will spend some time. Later, they expect to take the trip down the Saguenay. Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, re' turned home on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. James Third 'and their gon, Mr. Reginald Third, who have been abroad for the past three months, will sail for home from Liver- pool on August 3rd, arriving in town about the 13th. Mr. Frank McMartin, who is visit- ing the Misses Johnson, Earl street, will return to Chicago the end of the week. . 2 2 a Miss Lillian Murray, street, after spending a fow days with Mrs. G. XY. Chown, at her summer home, returned home on Tuesday. Mrs.. Joseph Swift and Miss Irene Swift, King street, who | have been spending some time in Toronto, Min- neapolis and Chicago, returned home on Saturday: Misses Lillian and Madge Taylor, King street, left, on Sunday, to spend a few days in Toronto. Mrs. George Stewart, Miss Beatrice Stewart, Belleville: Mise Paddy Grace, Toronto; Mrs. Thomas Bacon, Ottawa. and Mr. Robert Tannphill, Belleville, spent Sunday in town. i . - * 2 = The Rev. 8S. J. M. Compton, St. Andrew's mause, will leave on Motiday for Stella, to spend a few davs with Me. and Mes. Lawrence Lockett .- Miss Eva Richardson, King street, and Miss Mamie Anglin, Farl street expect to leave on Thursday for Gil lies" Depot, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Aus- ten Gillies. Mre. Patrick Grey, after spending a few days with Mrs. Frederick Welch, j returned, to-day, to Toramio. | Mr. Campbell, of Baltimore, Mary- land, js the guest of his daughter, Mrs. T. J. Rigner, King street. - - Miss = Lalonde and Miss D. Roaek + yeste s Quebec, and Pp ae . They will also visit Mre, Lalonde's sister, Pillotte, in Montreal, before re Frontenac Miss Madeline Saunders, Princess street, is visiting in Cape Vincent, ns De La and Hav tevens, d up Rideau from Benson's island og making record time, as they ade the trip at the rate of five y of in tows Ottawa Citizen its own against them is by building more warships than both of them com bined." ' ------ STOCK MARKFTS, . Tw The Prices Padd---at™ the Various "Points. Montreal, July 22.--About 600 head of butchers' cattle, 250 calves, 600 sheep and lambs, and 1,025 hogs were offered for .sale at the Point St. Charles stock yards to-day. The offer mgs of live stock gt this market dur- ing the week were: 1,450 cattle, 625 calves, 1.400 sheep and lambs, and 1,500 hogs. The market was rather dull, but good cattle were held at higher prices than on last Wedpes- day's market. Prime beeves sold at 7}¢. to The. per Ib.; pretty good ani: to Te., and the eommon to ojo. per lb. A few tion: "Do you consider the costly extensions the railways are making ip your ¢ity an explanation for 'this condition 7" Permission was granted to 're-open this charge of continued discrimina- tion in the Regine rate case, LIVE A Very Poor Apology. Fhe apologists of landlordism pre- dicted that the encroachments upon the so-called rights of the lasflords would 'drive out capital, demoralize trade and empty the public exchequer. Against the prophecies stand the fig ures showing expansion of business and an almost unheard of surplus in the treasury over all expenditure. It is no wonder that the people of Great Britain, and especially the radicals supporting the government, . mals, Sle. are strong for land reform. nd Ble. present stock, Calves sold at from 3c. to Ib. Sheep sold at about de. per lb., lambs at about Te. do. Good lots of hogs sold at about Sic. per Ib.; a few small lots at up to Yc. per lb, Sje. per How to Absorb an ; Unlovely Complexion (Phyllis Moore in Town Talk.) The. face which is admired for beauty must have a satin-smooth skin pink and white and youthful looking, The only thing | know of that .can make such a complexion out of an aged, faded, or discolored omne--1 mean a natural, not a painted, complexion 1s ordinary mereglized wax This remarkable substance literally absorbs its United States Markets. East Bufialo, N.Y., July Cattle -Receipts, 2,000 head; active, 15¢. to 25¢. haghe prize steers, $V to. $9.40; shipping, $2.90; bulichérs, 25.50 to SX.6 , $4.50 to $7.65; cows, $3 to 36.50; bulls, 34 to, $6.50 29 small bulls were sold at bout 3c. per stockers and feeders, $4.24 to ¥ stock heifers, to $4.25; cows amd springers, active, $ higher, $30 to 870. Venls- Re ceipts, 2, 200 head; active and 24c. lower, $4 to $9.75. Hogs--Receipts, 12,000 head: active and steady, maxed, the unsightly cuticle, a httle each day, the clear, healthy, girlish skin buneath gradually peeping out until within a week or so it is wholly . in evidence. Of course such blemishes as freckles, moth' patches, liver spots, blotches and pimples are discarded with the old skin, Hf you will procure an bunce of mercolized wax at the drug store, tse hke cold cream, every night, washing this off mornings, youll find il a veritable wonder-work er WL 4O heavy and 58.25 to $8.30; vorkers, $8.10 to 88 25; pigs, 3% to 3.10; _roughs, $36.85 to $7; stags; #5 to %6; dairies, 38 te $5.15. Sheep aud lambs-- Receipts, BK head; active, lambs and wethers, 25¢. lower, others steady; lambs, $1.50 t, $5.25; yearh , 36 to $6.50; wethers, 81.75 to $2 to $1.50; sheep, mixed, 3 Chieago, July 11,000; market higher; beeves, steers, $1.9 to ¥.80 to 3180; Another valuable natural treatment 13 a wash lotion to remove wrinkles, which can be-easily prepared. Dissolve 1 0z. powdered saxolite in 4 pt. witeh hazel. Bathe the face in thus yowll find it "works like magic." Canada Life Assurance Company The only Canadian Company whose Policies have doubled through' profits Figures how a policy will shape for you cheerfully given by J. 0, HUTTON, 44 ewes, 3 to $5. 29 : | 22. --Cattle--Receipts, | slow, steady to 10¢ 25.90 to RU50. Texes 87, western stockeyy and fueders, $2.00 to 87.65; calves, 35.50 to $5.65 Hogs--Receipts, 44,000; market ac tive at Je. to 10c. lower; light, $7.35 to $7.55; mixed, $7.30 to' 87.55; heavy, 80.10 to 87.55; rough, $7.10 to $7.30. pigs, 35.90 to $7.50; bulk of sales, $7.50 to B7.80. | Sheep-- Receipts, 27,000;" market to 16e. lower; native, £3.20 to | $5.25; western, 23.40 to $5; vearlings, $4.15 to 85.50; lambs, native, $4.25 to 87.50, western, $1.25 to 37.50, and sloers, Agent, Market Street. KEEP THE CLEAR HON. JACOB BAXTER DEAD, Was One Time Speaker of the On- tario Legislature. Cayaga, July. 24.--The Hon. Jacob Baxter, M.D., registrar oi Haldimand county, died yesterday morning. He was one of the best known residents of the Niagara peninsula: Dorn in the township of Bertie, Welland Gounty, on June 6th, i832, he gra- atiated as a doctor in 1550, and after taking a course of lectures in New York an the practice of medicine in Cayaga in 1864. In IRG7, he acoepted the hberal nomination of the county for the first parliament of Ontario ai- ter consideration and was elected. He was re-elected until his retirement, in 1898, except for 4 few months during which -a patron of industry held the petition. He was elected speaker of the Ontario legislature in 1557, which | office he held until 1591. Hon. Dr, Baxter voluntarily retired from parliamentary life in 1598 apd doods for the county of Haldimand, Washouts in Pennsylvannia and Ohio have destroyed much property, done serious 10 crops, interrupted railroad traffic and caused the drown- ing of several people. A cyclone in Delaware killed two. ud use passing cars was water nto a wllar, where he had rare wines stored, Salvador Lodice took a re and held up the New York trolley cars until overpowered and dr- Re Charles Bayard Mitchell, of St. churdh, James" M. BE. Chicago, prayed hat G would send another "Bob" and make eotinty until he vaeated the seat onl was afterwards appointed, registrar of |. PAGE THREW. Toronto, Ont, July S4ih, 10 sam-- Ottsiva Valley and Upper Si. Lawreuce ==Moderate winds: cos! and showers fp-nixhs and on Thursday, 'Fine White Lawn Dresses, trim- med with embroidery and Lace -- two sizes only 36 and 38---~§6.00, $7.60 and #800 'To clear at $3.50 Beautiful "Allover Embroidery Waists--set in sleeves--all sizes--$1.25 quality,' \ To clear at 75¢ . Come Early: ------ STEACY"S The Store of Satisfaction ISIVECSESY) DISEASES) (ITSMEASED SEAS -- DANDY ROLLER SKATES for GIRLS AND BOYS Say, and boys, here' hanc Posmenssor LLER SKATES while a i adie so Aes sath Sage, pomesur of ROLLER miniature edition of the Bible that is said to bring wood luck to its possessor ; Zippo, G the imp, w who will sell for us only 20 packages of Marvel Bluing at 10c. a packags. 4 want you to be our little Agent, and the Biuiog is s0 good and well-known that adi) a ackaipta--ad ju think for all the rest of your holidays you will have theses Besides, it will be wo much easier to sell the Blu ickly, when you tell a beautiful little jeweiry novelty for every a Those > You wil be so proud Of your handsome strong skates ; they Ou for quite along time. The "wee" Bible is a wonderful little book --{; + girl To whole Bible no Mgger than a postage stamp--just at yourfriends wanthe sand music is select rom Victor Kremer Company's publication of st d sells at 40c" a copy. But there is still another present ag the rudard soup ad Jump 16 fest --he is called *'a hopper" Sud bi ol es. pile hrheine a hopper" sud he's a regular Spriag Heeled fr you'll have no Now boys and girls you do your part aed sell the ¢ t: H Jovenphly do ours by sending you these four handsome aie Juinckagee of ad ud wed Send us your name and address for the Bluing and whea it, send $2.00, along will come your skates with the other presents. Youbiave seid it, he ad MARVEL BLUING CO. you have that we send you with the packages, are really dandy --they will serve . J Lager you will establish your hospitality with the best beer that can be produced. People of taste always recoge nize 2 as a superior product. Bottled at the brewery. Families supplied JOHN LABATT, LIMIT LONDON, CANADA. Age, 3990 Kg 1, Bon ED ©

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