Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1912, p. 1

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~ NAPANEE MAN KIDNAPS "HIS SON FROM CONVENT J "YEAR "Scales Wall and Jumps Into Waiting Automobile. PARENTS SEPARATED AFTER BEING MARRIED FOR ' SEVEN YEARS. «They Visited Their Boy Regularly, ' Which the Mother Had Placed | With Nuns--Father Did Not Want Mother to Have the Lad. New York, July 24. The Herald 'prints the following : sBidnapping his son, Thomas, five years old, from under thd eves of the sisters of 'St. Vigeent's academy, In Willis Place, Newark, N.J., Irank O'Brien, a cletk for the W. H. Car roll. Drug company, of Passaic, Nd; 1 4 = last Batarday, disappeared with the JAMES American ial = representative States at the Olympic wim, Sweden 5. BULLIVAN, i the offi. United ah Stuck " and / ve . of the Mra. *Violst ('fy itn, mother of the games ate last spring, after seven years of Jtown of Rajano, and killed KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, { da-- CRAZED MAN'S CRIME, Relatives and Police. man" Before he Himself ds Killed, York, July 24.-A says Crazed « by Counts ol the Camorra bo, a young banker's Sabatino, 'ran amuck, Shoots Three New cable readin trial at clerk, to-day, irom tome & ac- Viter- named in the leiir per; sons before the gendarmes finally him down. : - Sabatino 'rushed into a room in, his home, where his 'wife. and . three chil: dren wire, and shrieking in rianiacal fury, Legan fifing at them with a re volve © His brother ray into the oom gad was immediately shot dead, Then the maniac's mother-indaw ruj, to the rescue .of her daughter, and grandchildren, and was ia turn shot down. The next viatim wus the father tof the demented man, who was killed | as soon 'as he eutered the room. The wife 'and chijdren' escaped injury. - Sabatino reloaded his. weapon rushed into the street, firing at person he saw. Four gendarme ly surrounded "him, and ordered him to surrender. Is ver ; to shoot one of them dead, and seriously wound "another. Thereupon the two fired and killed him. shot and ry final ans Wet other JOHN MITCHELL, SENTENCILD To Nine Months For Contempt. of 5 Court. Washington, July 24. .J6kn Mitch ell, vicopresident of the American Federation of Labor, vestordy was GERMANS FATE Would: Be, Starvation 1f Cut Off From Sea. A GERMAN * HISTORIAN OUT DANGER FATHERLAND, POINT TO HIS The Nation Must Fill its Granaries, as War Under Certain Conditions 'Would Mean Being Starved Into Submission. = 2 5 24. --~That a famine itable in 4 war that sulted in cutting her off from the sea and that be in grave danger «i into submis vd snatched from spectre of hunger, is Prof. Franz. Froh German. historian and in" an article just pub Frohlich, who has writ articles vould re- Germany would bei starved victory gaunt nave 1e declaration of ted writer Prof wend beh, a n military lished ten le wars of and books and th to side. and ih tf upon that de the pas 'alses brought vic one feat t man 0 the ot urges é Cer upon government -to sentenced in the district of Columbia supreme €ourt, to nine months -impr- fanmenl for contempt of court, grow- married in Toronto, Ont,, on December 23rd, 1905, and went to Passaiq soon after. Fol Jowing the separation the child tained 'in the custody of Mrs, (V Brien According to the story told by Mrs O'Vrion in a habeas corpus proceed ing, on June 10th, her husband drew up in an automobile and, farcibly tak ing the child from her arms, dashed back into the machine and drove away, The child was placed in St Vineont's academy in Newark the same dav. S . Mra, O'Brien sued for the custody of her child, The case went' before Viee- Chancellor Stevens, of Newark, on June 14th + At the last hearing on the vicechancellor decided that the child should femain in St. Vincent's Academy, until the final hearing on July 30th, He gave orders that neither the father nor the mother be permitted te take the hoy from the building, but allowed them to visit | their son as pwch As they pleasid. | of the ministers here. : Every duy the tather and mother want Th: Laurier government's plan a | to the convent, On Naturday last Mrs, | a Canadian navy was practically set O Brien eslled at six o'clock in the | tid the conference of Veurs evening and SobA after she left Mr. | ago with the admiralty within 'three O'Brien called, months after the unanimous resolu- tion of parlinment was passed declar eg for the creation of a Lanadian avy in co-operation with the imper- al fleet. The present government will married life. They were \ CABINET TO EVOLVE | (POLICY FOR A NAVY Ministers Asked by Premier to Be. in Ottawa Early in | September, , | Ottawa, "July 24. The cabinet mig isters have sll been asked hy Pr. mier Borden to so .nrrange their Bume fier itinerary fat they will all = he back in the capital early mn Septem ber, when a full cabinet couneil is | desired for the purpose of evolving the | government s naval policy first step towards preparing gislative programme for th: Session. " boy, 'and the father decided to separ I re L Wednesday, as a the le: next No definite announcement to what the will Hi, pen gard to the navy can be expected up til after the September deliberations 0s government do al two } his son into the. court back of the academy, but wo' one was sent to watch "them. It is supposed that the father scaled the wall in the rear of | soon have been in oflice 4 vear and a the court with the boy, and, jumping | further delay of several months is into a waiting automobile, was driven | certain before any definite action t AWAY. ward a permanent pokey is taken, Mrs. O'Brien did not know of the kidnapping until Sunday afternoon, wlien she called to, see her son and wan informed he had been spirited away by his father. Louis Cowley, of Passaic, who presented Mr, O'Brien in the habeas corpus proceedingdy said, yesterday, he had no iden where his client had gone, but was afraid he might have returned to Ms own home in Na- panee, Ont, He said Mr. O'Brien was probably: arivent to' kidnapping his sc., because hie feared tne court would give the boy to the mother. lhe traced the father and son as the y Cental railroad where they were seen boarding for New York. 0 The nuns allowed the father to 3 | 1 WHIPPED DAUGHTER. stized One Objects to ment From Mother, Philadelphia, July 24. Mrs. Marga iret Armstrong, eighty-four years old, pwas before Magistrate MackFarland, {charged with chastising Mrs, Maria : Dean, her daughter; sixty years old. According to Mrs. Dean, one of the (chief delights of her aged mother is to chase her around their home with a broom and insist that if Mrs. Dean Police doesn't like a spanking she should far as go and live elsewhere. Mrs. Dean Station; said the home had been left jointly ol a train |hersell and her mother. Mother and! daughter refused to leave the court! room together; : | FAVORS REPEAL OF THE RECIPROCITY LAW. ---- | Tait's Views Unchanged--Oppased| to a Law Net Endorsed by | | Punish. re SUFFRAGETTE A FIREBUC Ethel Smith, Leader in Cause, rested in London. London, July 24,~Dr. Ethel Smich, | a leader of the sulirage! te movement, wna arrested, yesterday, on go charge , of complicit in the "attempt to burp | down 'the historic residence of lewis Harcourt, 'secretary of state for the eolonies, at 'Nuneham park, on July Wh, . "Jn that date two women were found | Washington, fo the grounds of the residence by the : Taft has iu night watchman, and one of them, senators Helen Uragge, a danghter of Si ' Johb Craggs, wis arrested. She was found to be carrying a quantity ol inflammable material and spirits. sident has talked think he may send -------- - ja message to congress on the sub- On T Trosident Fallierss gave [ject or that he will state his position a luncheon at the palace of the lin his speech of acceptance when a Elysee, in = honor of the Prince of comuiitiee of the Chicago convention Wales, * who is about to return to [notifies him on Aug. Ist of his nom England after a sojourn of threo | ination. Senate leaders say that so months the Marquis and Mar [tar the president has had no® direct quite of Bretewil. M. Faldores pre- | eammunication with the LGnance com- sen ted prince with the . insignia [mitteo on the subject and bas not of the Grand Cross of the legion of {sent ant communication to the coms Honor mittee saying he favors a repeal of Hon. F. D, Monk visited Port Stan- | the law. lay on Tuesday. fle snid the trip | Mr. Taft will not withdraw his own up the lakes a. revelation pr Canadian reciprovity as a Lanada. July 2-Pusident | cated to several western | who were active opponents of Canadian reciprocity, that he | would favor a repeal of the act. | Some of those with whom the jro- to him, that fadilities ave inadequate | principle, it is understood, but will mn many tespeots. lighting ov | ake the position that the United the Canadian ports were inferior to [States #hould wot continue an offer those on the other side i that Canada refuses to accept. In an at to solve the ° saciyl |. The fecibrocity law continues jn els problem; Cleveland, O., will willfn a fect in the United States, notwith- week a fine municipal dance hall Fstanding Canada's refusal to endorse in which pairs will be permitted to tt, - dance for three cents. Benators MeCumber, Heyburn, Grons - The AGH. convention at Phila: Ina and others have urged a delphia will w lyme rule rosolu- | and an amendment was put on the "tion, the support 'of the or joa tarilf bill recently passed by der to the parliamentary Arty. teonoress and now in conlerencs pro. The Advances, from Camp-|yiding for such action. NB, for New York, long Over-§ ¥t i= asserted among western sena- areived safely at its destination {yoy that if any tari measure is a dems + + Dassdd in the Senate this week, an CGikwon's. dment will also be i far the reveal of the reciprocity law, in conse any one of these bills reach the. president "and 4s vetoed it is ex: pected he will make clewr in his Cheete Board, 1.30 pm, Thursday Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 5.3¢ gor ; voto massage thit he would approve a measure to repeal the' reciprovity See 3, right hand corer, tof "pestle ; George's mooniight. Ha to Clayton. rib | struction ing out of the Bucks Stove and Range Company ease. An appeal was taken | and 34,000 bail furnished to: abide by the decision of the upper court In the same ease Gompers recently wus sentence vear and Seeretary Frank honths, President Samuel Morrison to EN GERMAN SPY GUILTY Sentenced to Eight Months in English Jail. Edinburgh, July 24 Graves, And Xrmgaurd Wary a German, was fagund gwil vy, yesterday, by the Seottish high court of diciary of spying He was ht months' on a charge sentenced to ep | imprisonment Notes regarding guns urider in the British governmment arsenal and other meriming ting ments were found mn con doen his possession,' THE DIVISION MADE OF THE MURDER FUND And: the Names of Those Who Sub- scribed to Secure Death of Rosenthal. New York, July 24.<The. case of the police dopartment to prove gidlty the | men charged with the murder of Het man Rosenthal will include remarkable rovelations about the collection and distribution of a murder fund of £2, 000. Metectives nannies of the the mon of five payment for learned those who ev aud the names men who received it the assassination : The subscribers to the murder were : "Bridgev"' Weber, 81,000: Paul,- 8500; Jack Rose, Beckers" friend, 2500, 'The receivers of the wero : "Whitey" vesterday put up of four in fund Sam Lieutenant murder fund | $1,000; "Lefty" | Louis, $300; Harry Horrowitz, "Gib the Blood," 8300; one other, $300; Willie Shapiro, driver of the "murder car," 850 Ja wis, Dr. Danie! Muirhead, Carleton Place, Ont., killed when his turned turtle. auto ed £0 one | 1 jCannot | mint pricchase 1000, 000 tons "Taming ¢ store Prof of Wheat as a reserve Frohlich tion of ton poiats out that grains SO month ind that it i uddenly the particu evident if declared in matter o be be a wceessful would hefore operations would famine. which nation of the of the sea hysiological long other gravely would enems had He asserts aeons al substituted fnod stuffs be Tack of elements that are that on. land hy coniront gained that mas tery ne, be for grains v of the sential to and at best, th health, and i not - last but a few the a helping band \ustria, continues writer, can mt give mn the matter of food and provisions because it has it can do even in time of peace, to fod its own pe ple. Italy, the third member; of the Triple Alliance, does not prodace enough for own sub isleice Battle ie ti from the Balkans. must. look to itsen and prepare for such a contingency. "The inevitable consequences of such a condition," 'writes Wrol. "Frohlich, that Germany must not only is and hi to impeit, 0 expect od Henee, Germany is tries land granarvies. Just in the Julius tower af Spandau there lies a reserve war fund of ¥30, 000,000, so also should Gérmany always main tajn a great reserve store of food, above all, grains. For example, the government should purchase say 000,000 tons of wheat, which dried, should be anaes, As wheat will waunld be necessary ? small quantity every year As to the question of cost, a million tons wheat eguld be'bought for about 850, 000, Wo, would mean a vearly of interest of about t +f rrvAnaries and their about ¥ as real great well stored for renew keep to of which ss I'he would be 30,000 annually, a total yearly of approximately" $3,000,000," rilion After rearing a family of ten chil: dren, four of whom will be ordained priests in the Jesuit order, Mrs Sar- ah Scott, a widew, of Springfield. Mo., Tuesday mording, took her final vows a nun in the Order of the Visitation. Mrs. Seott will be known in her lide in the convent as Sister Mary Ignatia. as Tt Eom a] Brockville has signed a contract for reaches as high | supply of | JULY 4 strike Lord 24; 1912, PRAY FOR THE DEATH } Gem-- Lord Devonport, of English Fie ployers® Association. July M4. onport, deakl."' prayer . Is i ondon 'Oh | This strange went from the mass meeting fatriking dockers held, to-day, on Tow fer "Hill. 1t was addressed by Benjamin {Tilt and other leaders who referred [to 'Lord Devonport as "the eatest enirinal "of the ge. 'He is president of the Employers' Association and chief London doek hence the bitter of strikers against him, Ihe strike has now lasted several weeks and business which was paraly zed for un while, has partially recover ed with the help of strike-hreakers, In ihe meantime the strikers are still out. Their families are in a pitisble condi tion. Municipal and charitable institu tions are unable cope with and -- scores literally to death. ee La SANK FISHING ------ York Harbor--Passengers All Saved, July The steamer ran down a fishing vacht in the harbor here, to-day,. cutting her we a few minutes her ff teen passengers were straggling in the was up of ol tor situation, stary my ure YACHT In New New York, Old. Colony 94 =1 in and In | | | | | | | endangered | the jisters, homes and. children, have been for | potatoes | | arm itself financially, but also fill its pan- | IL-lp in arge | Ch { years, i only &2.000,000 during the past week it has been expenditure | | Carnovely's. idintely, | other ijmicy and full water. Heroic work of good swimmers ahoard the Ol Colony and the swift latching of liteboats resufied in sav img every life. The yaelit sank imme DRASTIC PUNISHMENT Promised Suffragettes Who More--Violenee: : 21.--Fearing 'an militant sultraget to the cabinet ry July by promised London, Eng. oulbreak tes, who have nothing to secure tives engaged stop au detec mi votes, protecting ubled farce, Drastic. pupishment 8 been promised suffragettes or suf fragette sympathizers who try violence, in more WW TWO MEN And Captured as He Tried to Kill Stenographer, York, July 24, over a real estate transaction, George Conway walked into the oflice of Jos eph Frettrech, realty broker, shot him fatally in the stomach and wounded a clerk. He was finally captured as ho tried to kill the stensprahiber. CONTEST OVER PIG DECIDED IN COURT Ogdensburg Justice Holds Ledou- coeur is Entitled to Greased Porker Prize. Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 24.--Justice H. McCarthy rendered a decision in the case of arles plamtiti, New Henry lLedoucoeur against Mashaw, in of the Fhe: action the out come of a contest over a greased Pig the Fourth of July, Kaeh- man claimed he was successful in the con test. ' Ledoueoeur replevined the porker and favor was on in McElh while amount defendant of Constable valued at $9, lawyers' fees I'he possession The pig costs and a far greater sum. may appeal the case. Infantile Paralysis in Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., July 24.--An epidemic of falantile paralysis is rampant here Neveral babies have died and many others are crippled for life. City health oflicers are using stringent regulatiqys to stop fatalities SHOT HER FATHER T0 SAVE MOTHER Man Broke Into Home After Be ing Refused Admit- tance. Kansas City, Mo., 24,-- Edith Gamble, twenty-four vears old, shot and Killed her fathor, Charles Gamble, here, early yesterday, when he broke into their residence. to which he had been denied admittance, and at tempted to attack his wife and daugh Ler. : Mrs. Gamble recently sued her hus band- for divorce. She and her daughter were alone in the house when Gamble demanded admittance. He entered the house through a cellar window he had broken, and when he started up the steps his daughter fired. Mrs. Gamble and her daughter were arrested and are being held ful July CRUSHED TO DEATH. Dr. Muirhead Killed When Machine Ditchexd. Carleton Place, Ont, Daniel Muirhead, ope kfown physicians ih Tey, was killed, 13 Gower, when a he was drivi July HM. of the best- the Ottawa Val ht, near North ile in which Noi Dr auton with side road. . The. machine went into a ditch, trashing Dr. Muirhead beneath it and injuring him so severely that he diad within hali an hour. "Mr. Cram was able to jump clear of the machine and escaped with wi vor injuries. DF Muirhead was about Bfty years of age and unmarried. ; Cultivated Pine Apples, From the Indian river, Florsda, very flavored, having n scientifienlly ferttlized, Thursdny, at cream hrieks. "Alikson » "Bay ice which thet Disgruntled | | WADSWORTH the Ne ve repub 1 FLOGGED BY FATHER OF BOY SHE LOVES Feld by Four Men While Dozier Lashes With Horse Whip--Young Victim Near Death. Macn, Ga., Jul ay white girl, sou, { of promwent death in a There i» that is not she caiino 2H i ¢ Carter, whipped at Daw nigh wh p men. is 1 1 hospita ely no, Sunday arty point. of inch of wed touch oi cur flesh and either and discal the dothing bandage Kssie "Carter was whipped W. 8S. Dosiers twenty-year-old infatuated with her and she refu that she would bear or cause | WM Wa ol to the awentr never, meet she said, | ke would « loved Vogt Dozier," and he loved nu Pos not give me up, though T urged ! father, the ter and his Ariends whipped me most to death. "Dozier wna nis friends aarrigd mn off in an aulowobile Sunday night to 4 grove near Dawson "When they got me there they sjrip. ped me, and while four men held Dozier lashed me with a buggy wh p A negro chautvar held the lantern that he could see' The Carter girl alleges that Jim Do zier did hig best to dissuade his fa ther from wielding the whip und pro tested against the beating the | start, "In the meantime, Vogt Dozier, the boy whom was whipped, was held a priso the house of another brother asserts that Her fiance was lured the house and kept there by force M*] she had been beat WwW. S in a étatement to-day, admits whipping the girl, but says he did it to save his so y ) { Dozier 1s so enraged ove whip- | iping of Miss that he ha | threatenca to father l : Le to-do so to pléase hi | al me from she tor Dozier, issued oung Carter shoot his FORMER PORTSMOUTH MAN Was Among the Killed in the Blast. ing Accident. 23 ver Ma ruction the wnadian Four all Perth mer killed vesterday berly in the railw iN eamp of Wheaton : Ce the July near rmoon me of eonilractors on new { Pacific line. which Tay to Belleville engaged 'n blasting, and had poured upout half a can of pe into | hole, which they proce i Without warning the powder {sailing the four men instantly throwing another who by, about thirty feet men killi«l were foreigners, the two being Patrick Ryan, of Porth, and Hugh Smith, of Kingston The whol gang of men employed by Wis. aton & Co. had a lucky es in the accident, as thers were can powder standing close bv which unset by the explosion Dut not ted. rosses from (len The men Wer one | sploded and wa tand fwo of p | other ape of werd Wn Lived at Portsmouth. In the list of those killed the name of one, Hugh Smith, and | message reseived by the police stated | that Smith was a Ringstonian Inquiries were made by the and it is believed that deceased a former resident of Portsmouth but shat he moved away some time ago it was stated that he had been ployed in Fork of this kind Another report states that a named J. Roertson, of Kisg<ton, al «0 met death in the accident, but - as Mar as can be learnd! he is pot a Kingstonian. Appears al Whig way en man FIFTY MIRACULOUS CURES Pf Afflictions at Shrine at Cote Pes I * Nieges, : Montreal, 24. Myraculous cares of lifty of. blindness and many other badily affections are re ported within the last few weeks at « little shrine at Cote Des Nieges, b bind the mountain, where Brother Andre, of the Hob Cross Order, hives in a humble dwelliog. 18 ix begin ning to rival the famous Ste. Ann de Peaupre. A big church will be built, there immediately. July cakes Peter Frazer died at his residmor in Brockville, on Tuesday, agel fifty yoars, Four dasghlers aml (wo sons BOURASSA ATTACKS BORDEN'S NAVA matical dar aterm | thab {elected youth ayain . y Fhe him lat i | | Ari | si 3 EAST EDITION, Criticizes Premier For Church. hills Statement STRANGE PROCEEDING WITH: EVIDENT AUTHORIZA- TION OF BORDEN, The Nationalist Leadey Says Tha: ' the Canadian Ministers Were Flected to Represent Canada and Not the Beitish Empire, Mant 4 Le refers priety British ng to define the ( Huestion turned redl, July Henri to the minster undertak ithtude of the manister on the naval Mr. Borden had re. and submitted lis policy to parliament and the people, This strange proceedings had evidently adopted wiih tion of Mr. Borden Mr Bourassa »NaVe information 18 Sreceiveds it May ba for granted that Me Borden is prepaging Lo return to his attitude-of 1H to reserve far a nebulous fu- ture the delinition of the terms of im perial partnership and the settlement ol cal of 1 he lonragsa, mn Devoir, mipro of a wnadian prime before to Canada been the authorizg SL further taken the condition on which the politi authority and the military burdens the will be apportioned In meanwhile he is prepared to run to arms on land and sea, and to take an anm™iate plunge info a poliey of preparation inst the still proble that Britain may en- \brth sea, or the empire inter nies Druspeoond-Ar- election medicine might at the present moment.' editorial proceeds to | point that the Canadian ministers were to represent Canada and British "Further," My out. "Mr, Bgrden that 'all participation "in val alfairs i= distasteful ti, didne, and if he has for gotten at we have only to remind him of the vote in Drummond-Arthabaska, where the bye-election was fought out om the innved (aeetidT, «ws 56 "A fresh dese of the whaska medicite might effect,'"' he concludes 'A fresH dose of the ek a do aod, . him I he out not empire. Bauinssa should Ky points Ww inperinl na French-Car Drummond, have a Jutm Scientifically. the Irrigated from Arizona, cantloupes fimous alley, at Care Wateh r mine r Jul frie to Saturday's for pieni holiday, paper pro- Mon All Orangemen 's 29th, Ulivi tau Have your filmy developed Wy ap #4 the grounds Gibson's MARRIED GORMAN 0) St Mar; Ne IEARDSELL t St. George's Or hy: Dea DIED. in resider Fuesda ite resider irsday presidence rie nn Wednes 112. William McC, 1 bis lat a fternoot nd aeq ited t lly inv ~ ROBERT J, REID, : The Leading Undertaker. Yuone 577. 230 Princess Street. The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 2568 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 147 for Ambulanes. TAKE NOTICE. A 2°2 Open Buffet, in oak, 17 new, for $12; also a $30 for 329, at Turk's. Summer Drinks Lemonade. Orangende. Lime Juice. Lime Juice Cordial. Lemon Squash, . Grape Juice, Sparkling Grape Juice. Naspberry Vinegar. Fruit Syrups. Gurd"s Ginger Ale. Imported" Ginger Ale. racticals rass Bed 'Phone 706, SUTVIve. Tas. Redden & Co. L PoLiCY

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