- ry ------ | roffle has been omitted in part. The] other .is 'extremely becoming, with at "Incroyable" collar placed en a standing | band, and the double fucked] | ap under tiimsedges and dropping tearly | to the waist in a deep point. i Of the dresses here with which they are used the striped combined | with plaingmaterial has 'original trim-} ming lipes and is not too dificult for the } k ce fo ng of| It is a good model] i for striped voile or challis, as plain taf] lace frill model resembling dress from its resting place it! trimmed by a fret banding end design on be made tq the outside edges, like the lower part of the waist, which is arranged in sort of a 4 ; 3 ot mh ale wide girdle effect, At the back bolh sec apparently slight, is after sll very marked, |; are caught by a ldoped bow. The : for it 15 only once in a gredt while that a 3,0 pleats on the skirt, prettily spaced, i 3 4 h former style may be transformed into 8 five narrow in front and three wider at rw "is quickly seen that it cannot The ie dressmaker who has i nee. tl : ! h 4 difference, though'| . do renewed daty. work over the correct prep« the revers eff . om ; The Back View, no pT Dainty Waists | and Dresses for = Summer Wear. EFORE ihe sultry summer days are] ruffles up at one side of the front, shows really upou us it is hard to realize] coquettishly again beneath the lowest one, that real midsummer clothes should| 'Each of these ruffies is headed by be chosen with certain settings in view, |lace insertion. © The waist, cut in the stich as the green and blue of nature's!simple "baby™ fashion, shows under decorative background and the strong Neath in curved raised outline the}. light of. the August sun, thus admitting | colored under lining. The sleevea and of stronger coloring and allowing a more, neck are finished by a little gathered pleturesque quality to creep into the de-|double frill. The arm seam shows a signs thay would be permissible in town.! ladder beading. . Also a freshness and. daintiness Is ex-| Both of the lingerie blouses pictured _ tremely desirable in the materials used; here-have a particularly cool and sum- for rose, green wind blue tints silhouette 'mery look. Made of sheer material, one with pleasant effectiveness against) shows the clever use of guipure lace and patches of sup or shade of the village a becoming vest effect; the other has the street, the dusiy road or the dazzling new peplum finish, with striped ribbon sales of the shore. { prettily interwoven through the embroid- Two charming frocks Illustrated bere | ery on peplumn and cuffs, The fine tucks rr Pin SYS a a er \ A 6 Evening | | | An Ideal Summer Frock for a Young Girl. Maison Delly, feta or satin makes .a desirable contrast. | The other frock, delightfully up tol daté, mikes one of those desirable morn ing one piece dresses, advanced in fashion, | {with all the style marks of the season.| . } Equally good in », linen or the heavier cotton fabrics, the yoke should be of net, lace or chiffon, Glass butions | {im all colors are newest, but there is a re- se A Thesbox, pleats' ase, well placed "to givestho '; gcason's, (0ccessary, added L/ & dressifulness', | Maison' Lelong | Photos Copyright® 912, by 'Reutlingers A Baslusive. Copyright,h19izs Newa¥ ork, Herald. Company The arrangement of pleats on this« model is very interesting. Photo Copyright, 1912, by Reutlingero Baclusive. Copyright, 1913, New York Herald Company, A yery attractive ngriof using parrow box' pleats isishown hers Photo Copyright, 1 912, by Reutlinger walst Line at th'e back, tucked under the sash. The style voint of the skirt is the direction of the Vests, facing forward Plain and Striped Silk Are Combined in an Up-to-Date Manner. «Oppenheim, Collins & Co. are very different in design, and so are|ings are cleverly combined with the] suitable for different occasions. At any|original embroidery design. | one of the rural social occasions that take! The dress designs are interesting, apart | place at a moment's notice tfie gown of silk {from the general lines, in the two very) with a striped skirt is. most appropriate pew and ultra stylish ways of finishing the | for a matron, stout or thin, provided she neck by original frills, These two sketches | is not too short, especially from the waist} re on the top wave of fashionable popu- down. The smart little coat effect with|lgrity in New York at present and are ap- the overbound edges is of plain silk and) plied as a neck finish to coats, blouses! Is in part recovered by a lace fichu made! 4nd dresses or even as separate jabot| of straight edged bands used also for the aocessories. They are called the "bib} belt. This plain color is also used again effect" and the "Robespierre collar and in a box around the hem of the striped | juho" silk skirt, IY the bib is made as an accessory) The dotted net dancing frock, though! jabot it has usually an outlining ruffle vival of the ordinary flat white pearl bift-ihave a dress just like th ; girlishly pimple, is on very striking lines, 'abow the eentre edge: here, as it is used ton, sewn on with thread of the color of when a fashion like one of several seasons |. = _ Used ~<Oppenhelm, Collins & Co. [same combination as formerly. "Oh, 1} i The sash, apparently catching the lacy|ss 8 part of the dress and the yoke, the the gown. ot 4 wad pV N New York so many good There is one thing, though, that all of models are seen that are|them should realize, and that is the neces suitable for stout women sity of good corseting. Without it the that it is difficult to make stont woman is lost as far gs style goes a choice of a few among | and a corset really well made and fitted] i A are not all of the same exercises or remedies. shape or proportion, therefore thé same model is vot becoming to all. But acquiring a} corset after all, only a prefiminazs step, and while buying it care should be taken to have the saleswoman explain | and illustrate exactly how it should be put on and adjusted so that it will be com-| fortable, yet appearance slenderness, The linen tailored suit sketched, though siple in appearahee and construction, bas trimming lines well arranged for a stout woman. The length and shape of the rever is especially, appropriate with the present corset lines, for the silhonette' acquires loug and graceful lines in front, by the combination, while at the sides and! back the effect remains in proportion. The cuffs match the revers, a fine striped! silk being used, also in the inverted pleat} on the skirt, where the added fulness cones without destroying the trim out line. The length of line so desirable in front for one who i: not slim is preserved in & pretty embroidered linen dress here sketched by a' vertical row of seallops' starting from the yoke and Snishing in; is, f give an of height of the figure. goods, as sleeves and the trimwing {ives on the underskire very long tunic edges that do vet cut the, rial, | fective This design may be adapted to bordered or ovetho Loth Jer jend themselves the degige Benlions are mow eml tiny bins bi HRVES are nicely to the decorative edge of that ma. ar wrist vug teral. 17 ordisury plain Koes is: used, is uviore gif contrasting stitched bands of the mate wo kinds of face uuy U i' ¥ A ot in = wea fl Interlacing Ribbon is Cleverly | ago returns to vogue. But on taking the ap the back in the + FOR THE MODERATE INCOME--FA folk tered of dressmalil how rutile o showing them and having Paris the authoritative stamp of the best dress-| "| gure; but espeeialiygoncrof Mats i making houses are of great linterest, With pleats the necessary added {fulgess in the skirts this season is gained without the loss of the desirable slender loutline. Then, also, thin materials always {hang better when laid in long straight Alt g is not so difficult. | folds, and the fittin Fashions -never return in exactly the I user SHION H t or guipure for t for the ruffles. | bination --¢ {tions, with Valeuciennes The sash, removable and tying loosely Jat one side, is always most decorative { afle i {mat For ta dless of the d or satin, used. and pecessary while «8 of sheer mat i Ike the becom and han smart | : 1 jas it shows the funder the brim. The panier reduced to its lowest another ng sxetcn lines terms is ung model con g two trin cidedly geod for'a stout figu and falling loc ti "interesting if detail i pningia loug yest laway from the } line, thus conceal lit. The inner vest of lnee an skirt has a loose faved {power caught into the side seam tinned a« ross the back, > a rathe « Tl Islightly gathered in j but the fulness is not enough to be called ia puff. i Half Ljddea under jie the raised waist hue, ace of embroidery insertions are ef- a princess effect without t 2 The waist MO OUSTS WB on ' is often heard us f two deep ruff, | 'Exclusive. Copyright. 1943, New York Herald Compady. -- f gown of advanced-style. | The models here photographed are inter-| | esting from the variety and disposition o. | the pleats; they are all unstitched, caught i {down by hand only and pressed flat. | The little robe with the odd Greek fret {pattern {banded {ney striped material, the {ret design of | is 'made of si white {the latter, The top portion of the gown habit shaped application 4 an 16 Tevers, hand embroidery un- y dainty pattern pass + shoulders, the belt fashion, TS FOR T he Jovely new surah and ottoman I'he tukic may be placed over a the eal A able or same logit perhaps to panel taa castes A dressmaker | may i for the riped ma tones o ome make Lie revers dress * i { i k voile and youthfu with green and white and green [rock ali #8 « OVET [4 wais HE STOUT 1 i t o back, limit the hefbit at the: sides. This is a style of Aresssbecaming to AY aud backward, so 'bat a flat box pleat comes over each hip. 'A prgity little inner vest shows beyond thessurplice edges of } \ x | i i i : i oly pro the waist, and A delicate white embroid- portions, as there are many lengthening oo ve edges. of the waist and Hines; » sash ends, above the fringe. A The third dress; of which\only one view als , ig delightful in its) artistic sim- Like an unusual number of the the box\ pleats are lower part of the is of old rose INberty, the upper of e Obime. Delicate ligerie cufls Binh the peck and sleeves rose buttons are used on rat model ¢ waist and amd the smart one, Jor Jittle eravat and oddiy- folded belt agcent to the] fhe quaint charm of the gown. r dress of .which®two views are is, onthe contrary, gprettier for for thw the ordinary. sewho like a Like 5 pleated mods Ranso ' The white ast ed with a color color at! 5 cherry fsilk mat fr fr skirt ned with ¢ and Tiny nd sash of ilar Continuing the ont L coves bretelles i back, as inf} eo sleeves, im this jascends dese geen the pretty WO morniug i % A tl g rock rid AN. wear in si r. Ther: istbo beil, t . sd to the waist tehed seam T'h res, lapped an cut thy a e skirt may be in four or six go i hened by a+deep band} ( erbound amd sie net or terial A pre princess thodel, with a fichu {ransparency, and low the waist line jn the back Fa made of front it separates to show on tty dinner or exe pointed buckle the material ad, brought down to make a line in front, is kootd ends, the jeugthdning effect « The ficlm § fal the tunic edges {fective for an aflernoon gown if {chiffon the gown's volar, Hace trimmed... 1f { i | { { ax { Bot at 1 {has a certain ne embr of look: made wis gligee that sr wedr than eut correct for indo As I with i" , adds to the beauty of s princess wpying these models it is Xt to seams should be used in , socunpch, depends on the width t : Besides, it is the (Nauiag wos that « sunt the Mes iu becomingness aud as suey FdUvE onus, IW . .