3. ¥ : mt Feat Tre sy : Soe: : THE DAILY TRITISH WHI, MONDAY, JULY 15. 1012. . EL 3 : PAGR FHEEN. FeatimLing." worn sony nu wel (AN MARINE CIRCLES. WILL PA ; OFF : F Ie nT 1 i N ALUM 1 WARNED : HS PEOPLE The Steamer Alexandria Was Easy] Y D BI GRA TRUN RAILWAY il PURE at i . ! . Lele ased., ! : : 225413 | | FOOD. PURE FOOD | | | AGAINST SEVENTH DAY An. The schoober Maize, arrivid at Craw, | OF GRACE METHODIST *CHUBCH. || |. J ; ENT NE, : : | : sANANOQUE. / i L 0 w R A T k 8 \ INSURES GOOD HEALTH it | Yen CTE Hh at wer Turret Crown anived | : AV " i EISELE EISELE PACIFIC COAST AND RETURN| | | oJ] | ev. aon from Er with cont for wer AT Webster Preached - on Montreal Senator George Taylor's Gift in Christ's 8 . » at | y is Wife's Birthday-- VANCOUVER; B.C Bras Secund-«Cominig, | Which pl = oitt rotor For mOsm Hotloe. uf His Wite's rls + - -- TTT YT 9 x Pn 5 HP Teromta, Ont, ; ig 0 --- pepe - Ottawa Valley and 1 Lawrebhee Weather Prob --Warm, with scattered thunder | os . preva; fresh north-west winds You = KEL Tuesday, fair and cooler, Loomer or Fer: y is VICTORIA, B( Pa | y 0 3 ® Will' Not- Octur Till the Whole id Water in Gananoque River Unfit ( fil 3 4 i aa ® + 3 Sa rant a awe World is: Christianized, eo | steamer Navajo arrive at I for Drinking. SEATTLE, WASH, 995.8 : gy bi i s amer Navajo arrived s a . ; : 14 sha 1's elevator with era ik 2 PORTLAND, ORE., | On Sundéy evening Rev, John Webs hardsor elevalor with pruna fram tsananoque, July 15.--l he congrega a. : \ | ter, pastor of Brock Street Meth dis Bufiale {tion Of Grace Methodist church was SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 5 iid | church, preached a pointed sermon, he ram Buogla, wh 3 Th jireated to a very pleasant surprise at 3 LA Sa ? . | warning - his congregation ag 3 ie Ww the Ilachme ry i", = [the morning service; vesterd Bg LOB ANGELES, CAL. ' | : | teaching of Seventh Day Adv gs. Mdngston on Friday afternoon ¥ { i / cle ed " A XPOr:- ¢ se---- . He | He scored them as tenchers of hot ro Sons tatde att alty was Or- la conim slion from Senator George y iil |doxy. The main objection the speaker | Choed y: docking ih Sean barge Wil oF, oliering as a thank 'offering nn HOMESE 1 EW STYLE LABEY {found with the adventists was their 12% M gan, at the Kingston Ship |p r of Mrs. Taylor's birthday en Tq | trac hing of the coming of Christ in building, company dock. 'She leaked | the pastor, Rev. Mel Snturday next, July ith, to pay off g s E 4 il | the clouds to reign for a thousand bailly, an her nast was broken Western Canada and Return NAS LE LTR years. Oné place he had known them |. OWift's wharf, Sunday : Steamer accrued interest. The debt at present Tuesday, July 9th, and every se ] mi 116 fix a day for the great event and Kingston, down and up; steamer Nor- + somewhat over five thousand dol cong Tuenday, theredfier until Sopt. . ---- | they donned white robes and went up|th King. down and wpt Bundurs, i! Lhe A | 4 { b lars offer is, therefore, & very 17th. Tickets good for, 60 days. . on top of their houses to he handy dawn; of Ottawa, "down; Bell, ener ub one, and should be marked For full information. apply to en tte meet ge lheld that (3% i . down and up; Caspian, down and up: | { lo. Be f all there are 1. Pp. HANLEY, 1 h . C pl y | hel ial : hrist was relgning now, Sea * p hr ? lin sahanorie. est O ali here ar NL BY Agent. * omas 0 c {nnd would reign until he had suppress Rifleau- King Clenred fr Ottawa; | 1, restrictions connected with it. This Corner Jonnson and Ontario Sts Telephone 987 jed all the evil in the world, He took Jude ay 4 Er won Ottawa; vill place Grace church on a good . Drop u card to 18 Pine Street when [as his text, "For He must rei m till 1 own, from Smith's | solid financiss footing. p g g wanting any & done in the Carpen-| He hat but all things under His feet. ; Alethg, down and up. Dw Allan: Lemmon installed g er line Est # given on all kinds: : 3 i the entire debt on the arch, with Lhe vhe h ord. came . ebster VIE, up: Monday : steampr 'oronto, hy the dpprépiation of every Methodis : {when the Lord: car Mr. Webster 1 by the dpprépiation of every Methodist Wherever you go, the right ind of clothes and accessories arefieces- sary for your comfort and can be found in large assortments at the "Steacy Store." i | i "Ph gd : The last enemy that shall be destroved| 4 . Co.'s wharf: The tug Em- | these officers of Gananogue lodge, No e of repa ki ) HBL ¢ } ' A stroy e officers ¢ ananog , Ison Ey ELLE A ww The last On ri a he : ith : Oswego 1114, TLO.O.F., Igst woek: JPG. J > 5 orders will >. atténtion.| (hrigt reigns now, said. Mr. Webster, | With two Kght coal barges; and ar. {W. Anderson; N.G., George S. Masten; ATLWAY hop, 40 doen Sirent -- in & two-fold sense, first as Lord oi jive back with the barge Kingston i Gi., George A. Baker; R.S., A. L. { NW ra | the pre AC ia- (8nd cleared again for Montreal with | k nich pi F.8 N. R. Gardner CONNECTION WITH - the universe and sec ond as our. media- g f Wilh | Knight, es oa. NR ardper, ' i x on RAILWAY Pr. de Van s Female Pills |; As Lord, He has unlimited pow-|tWo barges; tug Thompson arrived bp Go treasurer; A. E. Meggs, P.G. « ANADIAN PAC 401 _-- Ph a es ty Siator tnover falls, Thota |, guarding the interests of the: from Montreal with three light bar- { wirden, Fredprick Lloyd, P.G.: conduc pa generative portion of the female system. Kefuse | church and extending its bounds on R®S: tug Glide arrived from Montreal [tar, James McRollar, P.G.: 0.G., Jos low Rates Pacific (Coast & Return Baie imitations Dr. de Van's are soid at | (), earth, and as Mediator, He inter (With oné light barge; tug Jartlett is feph -Munden; 1.G., Cecil Melntyre: RB La " The Soobell Drae Co., Bt. Catharines, Ont | coeds for us with His Father, due to arrive from Port Colborne, IN.G, D. Dyck, PG: L.SN Gs EAB Splendid values for men, women and ¢hil- Ri : 595 80 For sale at Mahood's drug store, | The end of the world cannot come, | With barge Quebec, loaded with grain, dew; RS.V.G,- R. Pickett; L.S.) | » dren. ' VICTORIA, B.C, said the preacher, until God's word jg [Steamer Regina arrived from Fort (i, William Young: R.8S.8., H. Key- SEATTLE, WASH. fulfilled." The gospel must circle the! William with 75.000 bushels of grain; worth; 1.8.8., Gordon Meggs; chap- PORTLAND, ORE, iy NT globe, and put down all the enemies (the schoonar Guido arrived from {l4in, Mi Harding, P.G.; organist, G SAN FRANCISOO, CAL, ) $101 80 ie i of Christ, such as idolatry, which is|Frenchman's Bay, with barley, [Urser, P.G. Following the ceremony a A ra . being uprooted in dark lan Is by the! -------- jhanguet was tendered to the visiting i \ $ % J} € # (1s \ { sang 4 E LOS ANGLE] S, { AL, ) Sy . & Nvfo (gospel of Christ. Anti-Christ. or what-| brethren y Return limit,' October 31st. . {ever opposes Christ, is another enemy | N. R. Gardner, D.D.G.P., installed , STREAMERS {which must be pit under Him. Nol i al the following - officers of Gananoque | : . | ¥ i h To.) | "Toronto " and " Kingston '|Eoirit, angel br virgin, said he, will Le ' 9 Lneampment,: No. 89, 1.0.0OF , al | | DAILY SERVIC allowed to take the place of the Lord| {. i i Tot | their session last week £.C.P., George 1 le ' ® See our fine quality Lisle at 25¢ and 35¢ and Silk Hose with Lisle foot at 45¢, Neckwear. "A beautiful display of dainty Neckwear. Our showing" iheludes the new Robes- pierre "and " Elizabeth " collars from 20¢ to $1.50 --which New York has stamped as being correct. Every department is teeming with wear- ables, at mere attractive prices--to make your ' eholidays more pleasant Ww | Easthont Kingst 6.00 am. {Jesus there is, sdys God's holy] : : : NS. Mastin; C.P.,, George A. Smith: estern Canada and Return Wosi hound . . 3 a i word, "one God and' one Mediator be- | ba . . | H.P., George A. Raker; S:W.,.. H.C. Tuesday, July Oth, and every se 1B 4 gante. Rog en s tween God and man, the Man Christ, §oo Melntyre; scribe, R.. P. Kemp, Jo Pa 1 Tuesday thereafter until Sept Miuhise q . Lith, Tickets good for 60 days con Al, QQuebee and CRAY ar | Jesus.' Alf other mediators must Steamer "Belleville" fil out of the way { i re Kh O Christ n i PA 9 vim hri Another enemy i reasurer, R. H. Allen: JW, W. J For particulars at 'K. & P. and ¢.| . P. IR Ticket Offices Ontario Street, | Vere i [lave waste. as much of what is fair | Fo CONWAY Geil. Pass. Agent | Westhound® leaves. King on, Midntght, | and goad and causes the *nending of | maine A mip | et a n Rovantos Kings. | "0 man lions that micht 1 ap- ! | , y i { ® | | ten Montrea diate ports |Plied to: the: work of f hristianizing | J ? 'ockett; 2nd G. of T... Russell Walker For th ors, ete, apply tol the world i > The T.I.LR. has received s fine new rite Se «. Kingston, id es mt ne | yr {locomotive for work on 'the line, of' ; HAFOSTER CHAFFEE, , PITH OF THE NEWS, ; Pd : | GPA 1 | : LP ; | 4 3 st V S. Mullins; 2ud W., D. Buck, Ld 1p Young; guide, N. R. Gardner, P.C.P 1 i 2. 3nd WW, Joseph J. Munden: 4th \ \ V., 'W. -G. Bates; 1.5., Robert Case. {0.8,, R. Anderson; 1st GG. of 1 , Roy pected will be able to handle the iflic satisfactorily, as the work of EGER ti " . , nibs | Li medium G.T.R. proportions, and it is Royal Mail Steamers | ---- | eX} The Very Tatest Cnlled From Al} ! Quebec Steamship Company Over the World. One thousand perished in floods in} on | Floated. | St. Lawrence Season TED One lphsted, | re 4 : | J. P. Sinclair, medical health of- | MONTREAL TO LIV REPO. River and Gulf of St "Lawrence Kh. K. McArthur, British South Afri- | i ficer, has had his bob ntion ey to} STE A CY'S THE STORE OF T.T.8 ""Vietorlan and Virginian." . aR, Wo Ya - . tho te] % > ? the conditic of the water Gang T88. BS. 1 afl fan phy Cont aR." » ¢ { on ! he ods Marathon at { i i & ; HE syle Ce on and : Oe car fn rh i SATISFACTION ballasting and re railing has been ¢ om ear Inte) Sailings every Friday, Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes. It is rumored in London tht Capi | water. is unfit for bathing purposes wn asa " y (3 a "Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, "with all {ada will give one endnoue Wav] PVR " {Nearly every morning at the upper . ' MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, nodern comforts. eM a the dy Paght ey | dams thera 1s & uns Ms of el Palo ala uo alo wa > volo waco nln To > om 8. Grampian and Hesperian." . FAILS FROM MONTREAL ON | Thirteen were kilied and many were | IDUARDO SUAREZ | powdery substance resembling Paris] sess rn ea e-- -- -- 8. "Seandinavian and Preaoria. pe shay t : a hth Xu ant 33th hurt in a wreck on the Chicago Bur- £ f the aml assador from Chile to green, caused from the action of the Sallings every Saturday 4 die the following day at noon | ington réad near hicago, Sunday, 8: "Niley) States j!ntense heat on decaying aquatic calling 'at Gaspe, Mall Governor Eberhart, of MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND i int ' TR A {tlants. As this is a f te resort merside, PEL," ana Minnesota, Centreville News, r 18 a lavorite resort : hs . refuses to have anything lo do i % t . | for the school Lovs for swunming, a y " / Charlottetown, P.E.I an) K do with Centreville, July 12.--The farmers } \ Eg LONDON. N b {the Roosevelt third Pasty movement. {are cutting hay. which Hig irl oars {Warning will probably be posted i - ew York From Quebec. | Industrial troubles are eausing greft g hay Y 800d | Tha ({anynoque "Water Power ja : k com Service of moderate priced QNE- . . : 4 ol 5 | TOP, bur ihe 'prospects ior grain is Cl A 3 CABIN (11) os Bishi Via the Tar-famed River Saguenay,|2nviety throughout New Zealand, and | Poor. Clancy Moore and j.esie ieilar 'Suilings ovety Sunday, fing at Gas harlottetown und | the impression is growing that.a gen | y Sailings every Sunday. Halifax 8s ad, 2690 : {eral strike 'will break out in Septem Ml from Que : pom. 26th . hawt Tr dnd Rv A 3 NIgston, have reiurned pome alter § At Atterclifie, Ont.. George Brady, | ho : application to . ' . nrg Tady, ta short vis i their brother's Fred J. P. Hanley, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, New York to Bermuda SIX years old, was shot and killed by leries Mill 1 1S abie to i ¢-ldone at Marble Rock. This will be pair of ] 0 De out again 8 r ] G.T Ry. Agt Clarence St Summer Excursions by his fourteen -vear-old brother, Rus- : pier riarted_carly in ta, ol x ly gt. MLD Dus 88. "Bermudian," 518 sdll. after a iliness, [he ( nippewa. pre- | : ¢ : b : - . ! here will be comme » y . cant al i ons ; The boys were fooling with apie held at varity Lake on Wednesday | 0 je on Mitckd after he Jom WHI E ANVAS SHOES Agents in Kingston, t m. 4rd, 14th and 24th Augnst, |¥98 in their parents' absence | was a success. ihe sports and enter |} the wl 8 ory EA 1s wi sk] I C THI ALLAN LINE, Ah July and every ten days there:| American college students, who in |tainments werp first-class. Miss Ruth |' Oo 'atier part ol August probably, | T t Riley Femperature enole @4 {other vears have helped harvest hum- | F ambairn is visiving at Mr duite a large encampment of gypsics | 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. breezes, seldom rises above r ina . Rn Rieiif 1 Be t eir usual yuo { horses, dogs 77 Yonge § * A pet grain crops in the west, are now |Btratheona. Peter Perre has returned 3 h their usual yuota of horses, fogs, seeking the places of strikers on [home irom iingston. ar. ang Mrs, o, |p lary of tl | board trans-Atlantic steamshius boundary of the town. Po okels and AbRROO . y 1 | bGenan, ieo ana Matthew iimch, aha i . Moo "a sonal Qu) . LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM-| , "" ses 2na_statero: TRINEAT| With the first Sunday baseball of Josepn Brivannid; Cafuen just, sp nt |, Half Moon Bay, the popular «Sal For Men, Women and Children : ? RICK, Ticket nts, - Kingston, Oat. | the season scheduled for Sunday Ma Sunday . gv rs, Mrs i pi} evemng resort for divine, wor pany have notified the local manufac "turers that they will require to lthe water shut off for two weeks; | hecoessary repairs to dams, canals, ete { Considerable work will also have to be have erected Wa spacious barns, w . . 'n Misses Annie and Steilu_ingoidsby, of There is no article of footwear so cool as a Full information and titkets on cturedd Try a pair and you will like t} The finest trips of the season for ry a4 pair anc you wi 1K¢ em. health and comiort, have located near the western | BOAT CO. LIMITED. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, |YO" Bacarach, of Atlanti City, [ship, drew a large number from town QUEBEC. New Jersey, on Saturday issued an | ana Ss. Shannon were recent nd the adjacent islands and resorts order prohibiting Sunday baseball visitors J Mary Cassi [ASL evening | . : . A bw western Canada pool tour. | Thomas Shannon, has Feturnog fom | io fa x Alen ahd fausily have REID & Cl I ARLES SS North Kin &SS Caspian {nament was inaugurated at Winnipeg | Parry Sound fopenes up their cottage dt Syivdn ls a : g - ! . i ---_-- on --_ -------- i and Miss Aunie Gieesop . ad. f A BCASO | Saturday with a series of games for nd. for th ason 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER, y (the Winterton oup. His royal high Leo j Lawrcnce Sheddy and Leonard {nese, the Duke of Connaught, was ndant 73 net ul 2 steamers { present | idan pleasant outing at Gananoqus Lak 1 " } of 1 { : { France spent the past few days in I o-- wdria lam anam . : 2 .. Yet. of hay hang harvested | aly. and Mrs. W. GG. Triest, New Yo | DISTRICT DASHES. { Many Roman Catholics at St. | throughout 118 d 'asture | snent th ant few d kh the lat. ------ John's, Que., are indignant over the land and late gram sugered § the (ees fain rip a 248 with ihe 27 News Clipped From Our Many Ex. om Leo Lake, Jt }.--An Po y 19. a i jter"s father, Charles Macdonald, HAIRS t Quinte, call action taken : bv Ar hbish p Bruchesi | drought. nx tends. of J. P. | "Blinkbonnis "where their Advan changes. and Bolle (against the College of Ste. Marie de j Bower regret to learn of his se ious | 1 ¢ # , . {Mannoir, and a meeting of protest | condition number tended' th ave been for the past few weeks, James Thomspson, Perth, ex sherifi . ' ho) tiot ingst x S---- Es 10 1 ane Mrs J oung o wrk count yes Kandted with dospiateh at {will be held, | Oringe. celeb jand x ed I Davie : y : ng of Lanark , was 100 years of Ralls Tes { Should any child of the late Wil- | terday, became | whi op. "hending the past ten da age on Frida, v li Adare, contractor, Toronto, m fright hp Frid with the former's parents, Mr. and! Whe w firemen are busy 'mak. | A Harmless Remedy, Made From J. I. HANLEY, Ticket sgent. jiam 4 » contractor, Toronto, mar- [frightened by Dassing auto, Friday Mrs, Thomas CG -Davia Londo have in ns tor their demonst : N TAB, SWIFT & Cos Prot rls {ry a person of any other religion than Emo I6 standing ai Gilt od yma avis, London, have ing r ir demonstra Garden Sage, Restores Color to i slurped, comp ' byot oclor s | tig 1 fnesdas Atigus . HORSEY, General Muhager. {the Protestant, he or she will receive | factory, o ea ; Mins = baci a i y: i --_ Tawar Tomes Aug r t Gray Hair, SEY, ! i ' : . a ht ; » | Hj8tler, 182 - Davis, who wil Pent OWRre nmins, Be orty-two 5 jonly #1 from : the Sather 8 estate, damaging vaggon and MENG | coma time here ' years, formerly of Br ile, died A feeling of sadness accompanies the [hich 18 Yalued t ig 62. T {oF Ai i pan : vf br, Acalan {° Dr. and Mrs Mabee and Miss suds nly in New York, om Sunday. Qiscovery of the first gray hairs which | It was e Montreal train to o- {0 vboro, was lea t at end. the | olen M ave returned . from al John FE. Campbel Belleville, «hed | unfortunately are looked upon Aas 50 will huy the best Jiionte which collided with a freight at |imyured animal. La ! rorrexta or L two weeks" holiday Arip west. Ti saddedy or lay from paraly- [heralds of advancing age. Grey hair, $4.50 wi muy the bes {- Newtonville. William Burges, of |esca nhart, Mis Forrester hai Douglas Ryan, of the stall of the To-|sis, aged sixty-one years He was a [however handsome, it may be, makes : tr | i » ssenger | Lone 10 Koek wl - hospital 1 win | = : nt entela : : : ore . Panama Hat in our store. Hamilton, Area To the Pusseng : JEOT. 3 ea to wing jronto bank at Lyndhurst, spent yes-|cattle dealer. a person look old. We all know the Soemotive, Jas NE ' Y Injured, anc Jive Ville, ol oF a i : an Phy, I terday here with his parents, Chiof of | David Yeman Sills, passed away in | 8dvantages of being young. Aside from $1.75 will buy the best Hi was taken to Coboarg hospital : , od. I hy TRON, Lp gy and Mis. } tyah. Mrs, A.{Foxboro, on Friday, atter. two days' [the good impression a Foktbtyl ap : | The United Sfates senate on Sat- [recently i at A. r. Donnell Vi § u sd ecighty-three ves H pearance makes on others, simp R A IRN STEAM- Masa bie an} Ry 2 Mir an .. J 3 ila oF pot Vliord and family, of Ihindas, are|illness, aged eighty e years, He is ' ¥ * ite Fg $3.00 Straw Hat. urday voted, forty to thirty-four, to | Mr. and a ; Mine bas retucn nding some time here with the for: | . i survin W iwc u rs three | knowing that you are "looking fit" ke the Panama canal unfinish- | ed from ther visit to Portland, pen, rvived by two da ers and three & B The Finest nnd Fastest Steamshi I d : mer Ves - : Thi . mers parenis, Mr. 'and Mrs. I. Byron. | brothers. Kives one courage to undertake and un the Canadian Route. £1.00 will buy the best business. This substantially re -- - They wore accompanied by Wiss Ger-1 J. Fox, Deseronto, the eflicient and | Accomplish things. Bo why suffer the HOLDING ALL RECORDS, " {fuses Great Britain's request that the Murvale. Matters, trude Byron, who had beer ting [courteous assistant sth n i handicap of looking old on secount of hm . . {fn ¥ h 3 ude Byron, whe ' een visiting |eourteo ssistant postmaster or ¥ g on a nt ol MONTREAL QUEBEC, $2.50 or Milan Straw or {hill be held up pending - diplomatic Murvale, July 13. -Haying is the or {there for the DAL iy en Yung jthe past seven years, has resigned to [838% bairs, when a simple remedy fontreal rene > | negotiations. der of the day and reports say an ------ laeoent more lucrative -position » {Will give your hair youthful color and Mon French 1 alm oR . ; i ttc ra seen ct accept a more lucrative position in the & ¥ y ! Wednesday. Steamer, Wednesday : | There has heen a total of thirteen het We erop. A number from here ati The Making of the "Hair Net. {Queen City. beauty in a few days' time? July 24 .. Royal George .. Aug, Or um .- hil. cases of bubonic plague on the Tsland tended. the lawn social at Me. More | } i . - at | John Hannah, Desmionid, has so far ost. people know that common gar Auk 7 Rayal fdward .. Aug. 2 4c will buy any Chil lof Trinidad since March 24th, when | land's last Frida, evening, Mr. and Po log i ave uy t simply bn » for {recovered fram the effects of ie acci: (den gage acts as a color restorer and a r+ HOYRLLICUrSe oof oh ans AWS 00 ! rst cas eared this year. Of | Mrs. Roberts and family. Watertown, [oF air, 8 mate ol bat, ane 4d t happens } Lan wing, | #0alp tonic as well. Our grandmothe: . Royal Rdward, Sept. aren s straws up to { the first case app 5 N the only cities where they are sold [dent that happened him last spring, d , : ¥ nd hers Royal Gearge '.. Ot, . that number rnc persons diéd, two NY.) are « Orie the gt AL 1.0, ORLY 4 ££ when one of his legs was broken, that (used a "Sage Tea" for eepng, thas al Edward ., Oct! each. 4 . + a 3 . {in important amounts oe Btrassbury x ¢ 8 broken, tha , ' feya) Rdward ++; Out. {recovered and two are now convales | Cowdy's ir, Swerbrick is visit lin a ere Sass arg ihe is able to be shout, : hair dark, soft and luxuriant. Be b 4 d ! the hospital ing « friends Tichborge. Visitors : RY, -- -- Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur d And Farthishily Therealer, 8oc buys our best Silk uot R nid "ot Springville, | Miss Franki Wilton, st W {It is estimated that Strassburg sells | The Equalized V 1 medy we have an idea pry Frits o ( Ve I St» 4 ny A S + [Rus ankle "y » : ye nda w Fqualized Value. nedy » 4h : Sulld 3 Clarence St Hat Band | while walking on the CPR. tracks, {dy's; Thomas Hicks, Harrtbwsmith, in asounly J2000.500 hai te a Jt The county neil of Prince 1d. | B8ge, combined with fo D+ MRRPAIRICR, 42 Cle Ri : hax i. je ail. . He hurried |B. Guess'; Miss Flora Hamilton and/®® the style has changed during the : 1) . . . "a {other valuable , N ticed d rail J. P. Hanigy, Gr Trunk Ry. | . moticed a spread r a re: | Thanhas 8 brick. + TickBomme at {last year, there bas been a falling [ward has fixed its assessment at 3 itching meal ain, weak hair ¥. Conway, K. & P. Ry. or Washable Ties 2 for 25¢ §] to notily a a e: Ro fe John Shillingts hs ty antl A El (of. The whole family makes the [3-10 milis, and equalized the town. ta 2 wie at #he ends or constant ; [pairs werg comple § . r ee L 5 3 A Can Thai t, the child ving the k ship's appropriations thus : f lieati { | : ! axcursi i i s came | mer Hughes, Harrowsmith, at A. Cow-ihair net, the children tying the knots thio . Iv coming outs. A few applications CANADIAN NORTHERN §.§. LIMITED i Boys Cotton Jerseys all BB excursion Sain a sight cuties Came RUE ighes, Harrowsmith, a I} atid thie older children, women and Municipalities, = ¥qualization, Total ioming of vomedy will bring back 226 St, James Street, Meuntreal, | Ic rs 98 } along on its way to id to bea steik.d men weaving the nets. A worker 3 Amount, the color, #nd in a short time it will . -- : Solos de. Josrh Mameyes: Sand L E Fo * The Duchess of ( omnaught will soon must tie about 12,000 knots to earn | Hallowell ~ 2,183,332 $6,574.98 every trace of dandruff and Be rs' Khaki P > ae ast was shot "dead "in Jvisig Germany aud Princess Patricia (Dibeteen cents. Gray hair nets are J Smtr gh Te SoS 4 5115.70 ¥ improve the growth. and ap- ys 1akl Pants 35c¢ jnett, a a: y" afternodn. Jos [the United States, the most expensive and those making | Sophiasburgh ... 1! 36,384 5,070.03 oe of the hair. * pai : Cincinnati, Sa ay A . 3 HE fight, Toronto {them are paid the most. A grant Hillier ... .. .. 1ATLB7 4,857 Get a filty cent bottle from your per pair. strike breaker, is | Mes. HP. Dwight, Toronto, Pp great MCT Fitzwater, na . Ty. . = ' 3 i of the hair for the net nO N. Marysburgh 545,712 druggist, to-day, and notices the ~ dif- in connection with {suddenly ten days after her hmaband. 1 of the hair for the néts comes . od Boys' Porous Underwear bo B We ior saidhe shot. In ss _ from China, atid is prepared in Pa |S. Maryshurgh K16,624 ference in your hair after a few days' A 2 ' crime. Fitewa / 850,151 ; J . « v is...8 is G " WI52 treatment. Al druggists sell it, under DOMINION [|EEEeN Ler ata ua. | Fascinating Hair for Women | Louie viowbomacrac" "| She) -- --- Mated 05 | vim "HH hos 7 Fs ae A 12 } v ais . A rival Engltsh gxiudition to hat - His First Move. . 5, ) 7 = Fanded if the remedy is not exactly gs FA BEE {/ | Boys Shirt waists, all x dri bya ichte to arch |, piiasy lu Mave, Natural Colored] s 1, way 5 shy young curate who was i represented. Agent, G. W. Mahood. " x | colors, all sizes, the per- Rh i Barri and 4 Ratan . once asked to take a class of girls | nL SI2,.000,000| $39,354.91 Cost Sir Henry $140,000. | fect fit at 50c and 75e. {Muss Till, two womes. whe took part |, aa iui aks: i and ays Siven Sows whi ad find, cma with jealousy. Jn 1536. Sandford Fleming, #inoe } i , is to : \ , Ry been C . aierin nd, , yusy | | bs . y | . {10 A. previous expe. p to sled 3 nin er a Dot Bl | The you clergyman consented, but gor named Wintele, killed himself |9ir Sanford, bought the 200 meres at T anized, asd an effort made ny clerg, hese are not bargains yey the goal before that organized | HE ANS HAR insisied wpon being properly introdu- {© wife, 2 [je HOTU want ou her ot Kee a for you nnless y omen. : "If your hair is wed to the class. The superintendent tis 'glinton avenue, two miles north o | dg them you come by the w - gray "or faded: it accordingly took him to the class foe | where Toronto extends to now, > sub Glendower Notes. 5" anirull; "lf]the purpose. and seid : m CASTORIA [mond soi some ot me me, "th Glendower. July 13.~Quite a num Four, wale lLichos| "Young ladies, I vill introdeés to | : 4° Last week Sir Henry Peliatt bought | uly v Pe . . { be Iber from this vicinity went fo King: HAYS "UH A15[700 Mr. Chirs, who will in future. be | Por Infants and Children. the property to sdd io his extensive n to the Orange celebr ation. Fate HEALTH at "Jas your teacher. I would Jie oy by holdings Weston way and in a . very have started to ent hay. William . 5 pt heed 4 ro.jhim what your for a pid | The Kind You Have Always Bought few years, say sixty years from the Fraser passed through this vieinily'on oF ww) rly wna your /8Q- that he could . : time Sir Mandiord Jaidh it-out in lots, a rip. JRateton Tiel. Dea the resulis i 0 _ SUIPYIS Sway i f fose and said : i Bos His He Hen? a ubdivide the "ht or erop if it stays dry. is very . 5 miss of z ; to | Si te) iy. The 200 acres cost the soldier i an, Senool bas closed: for vaca: hoot 30 a aT po Ney "The fig Juche id was lo | Siguarasy ; aint $140,000, (tion. Berries will be scarce. | ; -- oil aro kiss