Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1912, p. 7

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|| HOUSEKEEPING Accounts | "= 25. iy sxe oNTARIO PARK _ Are more satisfactorily dealt with when bills {Oceurrences in the City and Viclutty AND EVERY ] - are paid by cheque, Ve oa | Easily ef Joems ut Tota TO-NIGHT NIGHT at 830 YPYSYEPY Fe fF ; 2 Taloum powders: Gibeon's Matinee Wednesday at 3.30. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Cheques save tiifie and 'are a great convenisnce. ers. . ---- : Police © Constable Nicholas Timmer " .svord. Each ¢oi-| ONE " " ble : Rh R . They ¥ 201 § 5 $ g t y: First lusertion le a ord. ONE TAIL LIGH Li NL MBER AND | EIGHT LARGE SQUARE LANTERNS, They ars a protection Against mistaies asa Jost irétuth éa man is acting sergeant this week. secutive insertion theveafyer hatf| brackei license No 3516. Ont. 191% 8 splendid thing. for 8 symmer Lilli. A Bank Account Is an encoiuragémen : ! William Swaive, anc tuner. Orders cent un werd. Minimum eharge for Reward, Moore's Garage getiage, $1 each, at Turk's, Phote Every courtesy and assistance Is rendered to ladies . en at McAuloy's. Phone 564. one insertion, 3c; three fmmeriions, |... ,. who open accounts with , Frof. Doward, wife and daughter, | gAUDEVILLE and PICTURES. | . 59c; six, $1; one mouth, $2. Princess Streets. Pinder kindly | HOTEL AND LICENSE 8% COUNTRY Toronto, are in the ¢ity for the sum 3 return to 135 Montreal Street and «doing a good business; univ. hots Spm gn mer Wednesday---Children, 1c¢on Cars HELP WANTED. receive reward in place: [eanons for Sor a | Mrs. R. Graham, ¢ sthorne street RHI « 55 3 . health. For. particalszs, apply, | .- B, am, %« . ' 3 ~ te 5 Box' 21, Whig office THE BANK OF 10 eit fur Lloydmmster, Sask. Tuesduy B U L L E T I N # [TROUSER WAKER] APPLY, "CAR BUSINESS CHANCES. & offi ; ili : v Se ¢ roll. & Cn, Tailors. Princess St, . ais " ; ANYONE, ANYWHERE, OAN Ry | CRUSH STONE FOR CRMENT. WORM, H. Cunvingham, piano tuner, 2| K. WHERE, START ad 3 3 DOLLARS, ON KING, BARRIE & b : er , . - _-- a mall order bust : rades No, 1, JR Wall 100 Branches in Ontario, Quebec am} the West. King street, Leave drders at Me THURSDAY. 'July 11, 2.30 pu. WHTERS WANTED POR FROY canvassing: be er tae va: uarry, cor. James and Pair er. . ¥, x aenac Clob. Apply to Steward, 3 . 4 Streets. Phone 1322 Residefte, | Auley's book store. THOUSAND ISLANDER, Tours the me -- Heacoon: 1568, botkiet; hiphow 380 Barrie Street. "Phone 1181, * : wi y 30c. : . 2 HOUSEWORK em men : Rev. Father Men, B.A. will leave, | Foinnis, 3¢ : GIRL FOR GENERAL § . + 5 : : : Apply, between ; and 5 pom, '158 200 LOADS EARTH Fog . FINANCE AND INSURANCE. J2ADR OF EARTIL ALSO ENE 3 ye kl . Thursday, on his annual vacation trip FRIDAY, July 12, R30 -am., ' Bari Street. 2 KINGSTON BRANCH-107 PRINCESS ST wc vent buch AT IVER tor Oper. | : rents. Sinem "Frame 'uae Jub -- 4 tee cream bricks. Gibson's. burg, 30c return. \ COOK. APPLY, IN THE EWEN-| GENERAL INSURANCE. -- T. J, completed, on Victoria Street. 'Aj Y : ey , There was no session of the poli ing, te Mrs. Howard & ¥oiger, Nu BOON:--Agent, 169 Wellington St. Ri ol Wathen, 47 Mack Sirqet. ; r SATURDAY, July 13, 2.30 p.m., 1 Emily. Street Fire, Life, Accident Health Phone SEORGE B. IcKAY, - Manager. court on Tuesday! Since Suturday the ea An, Tors a. dO ip we Policies nag: a ? { police had not made an arrest. Islands, 30¢ : : STENOGRAPHER 'TO ASSIST IN OF- AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS = PN. Ss Corbett and bride have re . . y fice. State experience and saiary | BATEMAN & GARDINER FIRE, Sap Joseph limaker, » {turned home after spending = their SUNDAY, July 14,-7.30 am. and expected, Box E, C. Whig office. Lite. Accident, Insurance and Cus. the best Awning-inshet In "the 4 i . Ate toms Broker: Real Estate and city, If you want a well made one -------------- EERIE thuneymoon at Cambridge, Mass. 2 pam, AMERICA, regular trips 10 GUDD COB: MUST HAVE. REFER.) : Money lo AD, a. share of your that wiil last the longest, drop & Sm . t---- | Sponges, wash cloths. Gibson's, Cape Vincent, 30¢ return. ences, Apply. 'Mrs. H. W. Richard Braet keen 'Phone S06 eM Ji 2 re '* J. Robinson, of Tichboroe, was son, King Street Wes, . FOUR GROCERY STORES, wrt Vole . bin v a - MEALS ON ALL Ss. S < Every Eddy Match 18 3 Sure, Safe Match. brought to the Hotel Dien on Fues- MEALS OX ALL TRIPS, " . FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. dwellings atthched: good 4 1 4 ' day morning, suffering from pleuro- DINING-ROOM GIRL AND WOMAN ment _Soclety; . established 1863 tions in city; also general : . ' : : - TO CONTRACTORS for Kitchen work, - Apply, Ran. president, Sir Richard Cartwright; and dwelling in thriving age . li terials by skilled workmen peeumonia, ; doiph Hotel, Pridcess Street money issued on ofity and farm Rearby. Apply, to T, J. Lockhart, T is made of first quality materials by s { Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shaw, of - ; properties. municipal and countr: Ontario Chambers, Clarence Strest, and mechanically perfect machines, and' carries with { Brooklyn, are summering in 'Ningstog TENDERS WIL LBE RECEIVED AT| ' GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE. ased; ik Sebentures; Rorigages purch d: . A kk: good wages, Apply, in the eposits' received an nterest a)-§ - " , and are with Mrs. J. Sherman, Uni | the Office of the undersigned (wher Year fi aAgot Sire 8 C GIN anagin a it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. : versity avenue. : plans aid specifications may be Seen) YERINg, 10. 130 Bagot Sirest; Sd or. 31 Clare Brest S108] FLAGS, phe TENT CAN ' ' . Hand cleapers. Gibson's. 12th inst, for the several trades works| FOR FEW HOURS DAILY, A W "marine supplies, Junch baskets, 2 i. i y " p i p ' y oh amd. 4 . man to do. lght housewark LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE English ralgcoats, «averythi LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Eddy's | {iui OF woven cand Oates for commis. | required 'in the oreceing, snd. cumple | v. to Mra H.W. Brock 'Alfoe ra ON a oR Be I rng oy Kingston, Onl up te five o'clock pm, sa Friday, the camping outfiis, shing tackle, . 4 o the Jingston Gene- piy pi ' canvas, kit &s, slik tents. spray ' . . sions. in the permanent mila, six [tion of a wing ta tl le or Street. , $61,187.216. In additiop w« hoods, wmofor boat supp 'matches because "If you're sure they're Eddy's, fwilitia officers failed in the recent Tit | ha of am nomplial, Corer Gover is Jellcphoriied Reve hone $91 oF 3 sree BL Hen h ilmited Habit oF Fi e, 3% Clarence St. you're sure they're right." [ra examinations. Lowest or any tender not necessar-| SX SMART WOMEN . FOR § 7 sscutity the unlimited lability Phone 851 or 23 v 1] the stock-holders. Farm and} ._ -- - i : i Mihel | 11Y Becepted ing-room;: good. wages Apply 10 . ; RS Sia Miss R. M. Graham and Miss Fthel | WM. NEWLANDE & SON, the Kingston Hostery Co. Ltda isi fare ri wing oo MUTOR = HOAT, . DORY ROILD, IN : Architects, x King Street West or ging new business get rates ita Tanning oiter aR 2568 Rigot Stree from Strange & Btrange, Agents INE and a IL beam; 2 1.X horep. A 'GENERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL 'Phone 326. : X seen any time at. the ingston family. must be a good cook and Foundry, or apply at 212 Uni is hay referéne Apply, | th MI + x \ x ; | Miss Marion, Front Road, spent the Horsemen ne NT oro Bl. 1a the MEDICAL. rity A Jenue Will sell for 365 oh x P NY Li . d {week-end at the home of their . cou det ee ert RB. WILLIAMSON. HAS RE. -- : e De A » mite {sin, Mrs. Erwell Millar, Wilton. , DINING-ROON GIRL FOR SHEAMER ve i ie tl aire NTED TO BUY, A GOOD MODERN ' * a Mrs. E. D. Baker and little daugh r . a aE. APIIY 18 Purser an from 20§ Broek Street. to corner Dwelling, niee' location: aise ' ad ¥ Kingston Repository, foot of board, Wednesday evening: or to Ki nd William Streets 15 HOUSES 10 RENT, $3 TO $10 PER .| Makers of Paper, Paper Bags tur. Deis, of Boise, Idaho, are here |, RESIGN yh D. Noonkn, $6 Willlam Street. ng an . Selb » 8 ¥ Hull Canada. : 4 t seid the summer with her moth ¥incess Street. Newly lied up us a > MATEWAN «& GARDINER. o7 . : . 0 wg C ie £2 « - > Q ra} -- -------------- a x "AY " a LNT CLAR- , " Toilet Paper. Tissue Towels, etc. ¥. Gilles Vint: strbot: Boarding, Feed and Sale Stable. Wi GOOD. WOMAN OR GIRL TO HELLY FREDERICK A, ( AYS, SPECIAL. chee Str ARDILVER Rn er Mrs. JJ. Gi pie, Péncess a solicit your patronage: ; vd i ist, Nose, Throat an Bar, 21 < | emonade wders, Gibson's id mother care for four childrens io Wellington Street, corner Johnson m : Zmonade POWC EES. « No oD 8 1 R. W. SMITH, Prop. house Work} Bool wages. Mis. a Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Sun- TO LET. I Mr. and Mrs, nk Navin, en . . R. O'Neill, Morven, £0, Ont day, 2 to. 4. and by appointment tins t tors, am e---------------------------- pie | th tma---- a. ae 'Phone §14, : 8 | Mrs. Martin's two daughters ry lis A TI ee ee SAY 'one Avo CAR 10 iE BY. HOUR OR {and Charlie Shortt, sail from Mon ny. Phone 3 * . . arn 100 pnthly corresponding ov Tr . y 3 1e 743 AP ltweal for, England on the 5.8. Cor INSIST gare L100 amrIhly corrsspondin MECHANO-THERAPY. je i . Send for particulars, Press Syndi- wee § on IR % " UEEN'S CAFE sican on Friday. on getting cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY. TREATS DISEASE BY REMOVING THREE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS : getting ' isos, : 4 . sleasant localtty, 1 t ar } The letter carriers are going around De cause ind im SvIG Rleass it jorailty, or _Uliy Park A "We fou Tein Bg oa he Ww T IQ | UOK--sorBE mars ravrmv| vif funciions tol nomal weon| 220 RH -- 8 e in their 8 + LO0VES. a AGS AF E S must"be. well qualified; commerecia ) roved scle © an 0 " REGULAR DINNER, 25¢c. . blessing for the men to be allowed to | . ¥ 4 and tourist; no - boarders: niece and adjustments (without force): +ARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH position; also a Vegetable Cook re- spinal curative and ail 3 al , ur without board, pear Cliy- Park, © HM, PAPPAA & . go in this manner, quired ar once. Campbell House defects treated. Hours: 4 28 Wellington Streét, 184 Princess Streel. Sponges, paper towels. Gibson's. PURE OLD ENGLISH Napanee, Ont aul ror Pe oa A y Mer a . J hy : ey i . w------ onsults 8 e. OQ A. Palme URNISHED RESIDENCE. . May be Checked by Using Herpi-| Frank Fallon, an old Kingston boy, RAWB RR AM Yop free. GQ FUR SIDE! . APPLY i g P aud Drothor of ¥ Alon, his 'ST E Y J SALESMEN WANTED FOR, AUTO. M.T.D, ¥ Frontenac Street at Mo aan : foal mnie Office, 31 . | : » x matic an sprayer; handliest and . YK Bireet, ellington St. The above expression is one which ' P®D uppoibted district manager of the AND best; specially adapted for pola. CATERER. CE ---------- : { il Capital Life Insurance company, with toes; Lig profits; secure territory | SIX-ROOM HOUSE, No, 87 JO¥ is used frequently in connection with immediately, Cavers Bros, Manus . Street; b. & c.; separate one AUTOMOB | LES haig preparations. Just exactly what , Meathjuarters at London, me MARMALADE facturers, Galt. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLY, Mediate possession, : M. Graham, trained purses from New DDY'S matches are always full M.M. count -goo! York ety, are visiting * their sister, dealers everywhere keép them. { Mrs. J. KL Jones, Alfred street, Mise Beowington, Cataraqui, nod a power "Gray" engine 1 the ; . Apply ut ot : : : ! W. A. Marcellus, corner and Weddin Breakfasts, anquets Raglan Street pp, 1s meant by it in each instapce is a'. ] i A Poa i a Ss Inmet etc; also. Rent Dishes, able --r § question. Baldness. is not a disease Nd son strects, left the city on Tues: At all good grocers. CANABIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS Reld i. : ou . ; Linens and Silverware. & . | ¥ and hence, does not permit of a cure day for Chicago, Winnipeg, Saska Rallway Mall Clerks: Mall Car- Hambrook, corner Union and Divi-| A NEW SIX.ROOM BUNGALOW, FER. y iy i ; fers; cellent laries; common ' shed, | 13 lew 'ar fv is a result invariably to be traced toon, 'Wayburn and other western TT AAAI a TH iy Barticylars sion Streets. 'Phone $43 oy pes tm on Ta i to the, dandruff germ and if the con points, on business. Mr. Marcellus ree. Franklin Institute, ept fr Rev. J. D. Boyd, Eric PO dition has become chronic, that is, if Will be, nheent four wedks. Gibson's - . v * 313 P. RB ster, NY 2 . SMORAGE FOR FURNY unm oLmAm J LEK. there is complet « i] RI OO sin. A . . TRANSATLANTIO LINES, ALL ary, al hd By Hour, DAY OR WEEK. | ore "ar ePhy of the hair] spg¥eraus on the hh in Muconaid pecial Attention | |... co corns oo | "ETERS fon] gE, Toor (Sh SST Top y y 'Phone i possible Park is burnt dry, and if fain does tics, Scotch, English and Trish Clarence 'Street, Kingston. Froa's By Storage, Neen Night or Day. Approaching baldness, seen §n fall. POL soon did 1 She Swaine wine wil Ena and weekly after. The Guild, Ine " ing hair, may alwave be checked d4 happen as did last summer, when i. TE . 71 Drummond Street, Montreal OSTEOPATHY. LARGE YARD, SUITABLE POR COAL Phone 815 RE he liclee we a. topbd hill took fire and the fire brigade was Given and 47 Pembroke Street] Toronto, PA . wool Tor for anne Oto ly i i i : 3 corner of Princes the hair may be induced again fo | tied ¥0 ut oh le hiya: "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R. G, Btroets. Apply to D J ann grow. Lime juices. Gibson's. ' " ; Asheroft, DO, 138 Wellington St, the premis . | , y : A ok WANTED, A RELIABLE MAN WITH op y * 4 mises. PRs.» . A . ; . % posite the Post Office Office MOORE'S GARAGE Fis is accomplished by. regular ape) A, W. Gray, assistant provineial some knowledge of trees, shrubs pbposite ie Jbost O and ao ] 1 eR f ighway i ' . , ete. 10 pent US STORAG y S plications of Newbro's Herpicide which highway engineer, of Toronto, for Fara) AT Kingston: pointment, Consultftion free Rs TURE, CLEAN ined : age and dry; - cleanses the scalp wnd kills the dam-|merly of this city, is engaged at the permanent position for the right Phone 447. a Ar aise Pweliin ., Tuthish Agents for druff germ. The destruction of the | Present time doing some experimential man Stone & Wellington Stores, eto. J Oadilise, Hudson & MeLaughiia | [germ does away with the accumula- [Work on the (own roads at Winches 8 R Mec Nurserymen, Toronto UPHOLSTERER. Brock' Strest wan, Of tions of scarf skin and thus eliminates! ter. He is also laying several blocks J. GAVINE, UPHOSTERING, RE- Motor Oars, the most common enemy to beautiful , ©f DEW roadway. . ; NE, "RING, DENTAL. 2 IRL NOT UNDER 22 YEARS OF pairing and carpet work, hair mat- i hair Prevost, Brook street, has received age, or a woman Jot over 46. for tran ranavating Diop a card or A. BE, KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.D.S. RE- . : 3 ood: ne ousework, til October 4 : - BK, N +1. RAR Soft, glossy, flufiy hair cannot grow all Wa spring and umes 8 Joi or ic n fot, in a 'Bungalow of 8 OOM ol Sal} 316 Bagot Street moved-to' 268 Princess Btreel. {on a scalp infested with dandruff any (his order elothing department, and Indian Island, with a private SUMMER RESORTS : R SALE more than a delicate plant can grow Healivsmade Sotiing and wd as family ier Octoher % or Pa go retest -- AD 1.0 Princo PE TIATS, FO 3 on an ash heap. The scalp must bo vishing department. Well. sgsart.. | s perienced, clean and a good ¢ | wr ANDRA" WFLLINGTON ' "Phone 246 ? . 4 3 kept clean and free from dandruff. [ed with mew g . : ; wages no object Address, with : breezes: good table, Attractive Propositions The best remedy for doing this in] Temonade powders. Gibson's. Hhovar Tana ih Ki A Cushman, moderate rates: fishing and boai-] DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST DR, C, (1)--Double Brick House on Newhro's Herpicide, which receives the! Mr. and Mrs. G6. McClymont ' and te anor BEY an ing; send for folder. Alex, Me. Welcker, assistant, 133 Prindess Baxot Sireet; six bedrooms Newhro's erpicide, whi € 8 Lhe : J x : Adam, Manager Street, 'Phone 735 each: all modern convent- highest endorsements from profession- | daughter, of Ju ning se, Yttw ences; splendidly - ballt, } mn, s si a d the best people Are enjoying holidays as guests ol 2 Modern sola brick, first- fal men, the stage an People: rilatives "at. Cashientiall, Dittshurg y y tion for twenty boarders, summer ist, corner Princess an Bagot class condition, King Street everywhere. 2 : : SS ha ; cottages, pic-nic parties, shore Entrance ¢ | West, facing boulevard, and Applications obtained at all first- township: They will also spend a few WANTED dinners, bass fishing. batt. heats PEorante on Bagot Street. Tele rl AA i class barber shops and hair dressing; days in the city before returning to ene telephone, Apply to' Jos. Brophy it trees, etc; re- ¥ d 8 < i : : ny te John Hewton parlors. the Supital towards the end of the e enac 15 MORE WAITERS OR Kingston. Ont ; : MANICURING. (3) Solid Brick House on Bagot | Address The. Herpicide Co., Dept. R., month. o Waitresses for Friday. BOARD AND ROOMS mo A ia groan House un Detroit, Mich., enclosing 10c. in post- 3 Apply Reid & Ham i = : mss REY NOLok, OF NEW, YORK, Johnson Street; five bed- age or silver for sample and booklet. -- . 3 PURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO has Wen manjcuring pariors af rooms each; all modern con- Newbro's Ierpicide in 50c. and $1 caterers, at City Hall any table board at Mrs. Armstrong's 138 hy han Bliesl dves Cnre veniences; 3 | : le ba at Arms ' hogire: (5)--Modern practically new sizes is sold by all dealers who guar hte LIVE STOCK MARKETS. time between now and Aberdesn Barun. he ween Wi 9 am. to pm 'Phone 786 | solid Brick House, six bed. antee it to do all that is claimed. AL Thursday night. . ns King Street W.i'a you are nol satisfied your money will LN +30 The Prices Paid at the Various ---- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, , » refunded TE f h Centres. WANTED--GENERAL. (6)--Solld Btone House on Col. be rel i ¥ | . . ] 3 lingwood Street; two storey: James B. Meleod and 1. T. Best, } \\ 1 Montreal, July 8.--Cattle--Receipté - - THE, SRINASDY HOTEL, Mz. fron-clad extension; ° special agents. a £00: she ! TEACHERS WANTED. NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPING With the best of Ales, Bes bedrooms; modern fonveni. K RS shat yi] calves, a sheep and machinery; will pay good price for /Ines, ' Liquors and " sholosel ences; a great bargain. . lambs, 400; hogs, 908, The great heat : same. ritish big . Publishing brands of © y ' £0 ge, ACHE p ¢ Bars. Meals, 25c emch 5 Three' New Brick Venesred Thomas Co ley had a depressing effect on trade, and| * RUALIETED TRAC RR FOR Fv Company. OF special rates by the week Yard bedrooms each; all. modern the prices showed declines. Prime 'ferred; duties to commence Sept | © - and atdbie arommodation. Ratas niences; well rented; ; ' beev: " o "The. ti ? 2rd; salary, $600. Apply to C jp |SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. nab ilvilia & Driscgll. an tractive proposition Teléphone 987 a, HE 10 HG. medium, fe. to Nicholson, 'Sec.-Treas, Millhaven scription; first class work; best -- I Pr gonds and Drop 'a card To 19 Pine Street when : ] 7ic.; common, de. to Bo; calves, 2ie. Ont : aii leather only used: one trial will ks yielding large returns. wanting anything done in the aryens in, v y to Bic.; sheep, dc.; lambs, $f to $5.50 gultics, 20s BE He Ub Iupairs ta : LEGAL, For full part euldrs of above ar line Ketimates given on all kinds d ped 7 elich; hogh, Sic. to Hye. Clergy West, IF eet, cor. of . an many d Wf repairs an new work: sige § ol) : QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SS. Neo, UUNNINGHAN & MUDIR, BASRIDY offerings, apply to Hardwood Floe of all kinds All A 3 b #: dut t COM - -- ~ Office, wders will receive prompt attention. ; 5 HE Ra Buffalo Live Stock. I a a rer" vacation WANTED, JMMEDIATELY, A SK- XS, a8, Bratt Kina "n 'hon 40 Queen Street. : ¥ 4 Fast Buffalo, July 8. Cutie Ke- Protestant and male preferred Ay. ea antl Beier r hk =e od - i y mo a y, stat alar n uw a- h ho | out " " ceipts, 3.750 head; market active, lows, v0 Geo, A. Bumith, Nec. Pas. Soaus LS feet, long: rust be} BUSINESS NOTICE. . steady; prime steers, $9 to 89.35, ship- ham, Ont. . } Stelany condition andl cheap, Ap- - 4 hs : \ 9 3 ply, Y. Z. Whig office d OE : steers, X10 to $8.95 | COALS! COALS! COALSI--WHY PAY PRIDE IN DRESS. 3 Fes "to 8% heifers, $9.75 to §1. TAKE NOTICE, THAT | WILL mWUY Te EAR for COORInar" Torn SN Can hy ies, od y . : : ! J u s (OF co i? " The men whose clothes al- \ : + THR cows, _ to $6.95 bulls, $4 to ARCHITECTS. all kinds of second-hand furniture tor EavLor Lpoking? Lirop a ened \ : + ---- David Marshall, . 101 Queen oe ways. look cleat and wall IX 8.50; mileh and "springers, $20 to | gEwmy ¥. SMITH, ARCHITECT, RTC | and Stoves; . wii] pay highest Street, for prices -. y A pressed bak a right te take a I & 5 258 King Street. 'Phone 345, - ) 3 Princess tree Hon Fine Quality pride in his personal appear fr ¥ Calves--Receipts, 1,800 head: market | , ance. You. can look as well as 3 : E active, steady; cull to choice, $§ fo | WM NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH)-! BROMHYS POINT. -- ACCOMMODA-. |S, #, SIMPSON, L.D.S, hos, DENT. on gar Instalia- J. Thompson, 233 i next St. Andrew's Best, ot 68 Bag GENTLEMEN TO BMRING 1 os anyone and at small cost by J ; by tects, ete. fices, 268 ot St " A ING THEIR Wh ¢ " 'Phone $08 Cloth and have It made up int -| HAR 5 a Diamonds <4 pending your clothes here oc- Sheep and lambs-- Recei g pis, 5,000; to-date suits Price and work a OLE, Wan, a: casionally. i : market uotive, We. to 50. higher manship = guaranteed please. blemishes removed permanent | . o a ohaes . TI | POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, Pressing. and repairing done on without scar; 27 years' exper RE AND ALWAYS R. PARKER & 00, : o yg 88 to B36; cull to air, chants' Back Buldings, © corner the Shortest notice. Thomas Calio. ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake Eve » Cleaners, - a5: » © on reets, : ¥. Br i . ' 4 HAVE BEEN VERY PARTI. Princes Sia Ad Bog EN alt Birtley Suet. 'aswel Fan N rout and' Skin CULAR TO SELL FIRST ER "Hogs--Tiaceipts, 11.900; market ac QUALITY DIAMONDS ONLY. : . {tives oe. 3 Yorkers, 7. 1; 0 0 to Te ' or ------ A 8: pigs, ¥ wo wel Symington's " : " J ---- , : fieavy, W805 to SEIU. roughs, $6.50 : : [ nr a es | Ee Sons | The Thief of Time. | 1S WELL ESTABLISHED. § 2 a rac DOM] : hi | vou may DEPEND ON NUR Chiceg, Luly 8 and Gravies s putting things off. RIGHT PRICES, TOO. SR 3 Teeny lo a be, 7 w : ; : Get Them at 2) Have you ordered your gi | gies Tr AR ATE ' NL winter's coal yet? R. J. Rodger| ST D. COUPER'S wre Why not now? iP ose y Specialist, 258 Bago: Street | | | And they will be immediately 7 i §7. , % attended to at the minimum X =. to Phone 76. 841-8 PRINCESS ST. cost and inconvenience to you. J k frome, and thel pig a 4s Prompt Delivery. All work " Washington Siar, 40; "Rhy do you take such fiend ish def : : ; to $6.75; lainbs, native, [light in fiddling while Rome burns ¥*| The St. Thomas Times thinks Cana- [ing given conspicucis service to the 15 10 $5.10; western, $5 to $5.10. "Can't you see? responded Nero. [dian editors should be made senators. | party. - . -- . "During my performance | am roasting For Western Ontario vacancies it sug- . A wprd of ensoursgement may be. the music critics." : gests W. B. Burgoyne, of the St! James Bute snd family and hic tal in effect. : gy ---- Catharines Standard, and W. 5. Ding [teen other Texans will arrive here creams. Gibson's, fee om bricks. Gibson's. ; | mas, of the Stratiord Herald, as bav- | shortly from Houston, Texas. > 1

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