eee | THE NEW ARM. { GARDENING Ai SeHOOL The Aeroplane Ts Quickly ed | To the resourcefulness of the Brit ish naval officer there is no end. The band of four unassuming, fearless, . anid keen officers who recently show- od how the British Navy is #tudyi the seienee of aerial flight all Ta att to locate the King's yacht as has been told in recent 'press despatches and all of them found it after thrust-. ing their craft through dark masses oF fog. [Each machine was in the sir for an hour or more; not one of them had a mishap. This, in sam-| mary form, is the story of the work of the airmen, but the performances, were 50 exceptional, and the merit of them so high, that no bald summary' should be sufficient reading for pa: Pleasant: Manners 'Frequently Accom.' pany the Most Crooked of Minds, That the. modern burglar is "by no JR SVIDNOoa Nr means the amwecuth, ill-annered ps of person that Dickens pictured Bill Sykes to be is evidenced by the extra ordi acts of pd John Galsworthy Discusses Our Work In Penal Reform. toes fr 193 that "Elizabeth Fry began her work among prisons and prisoners, and in 1812 large nembers of women, for congiderations into the merits of which one éannot at the moment ener. are experiencing the treatment which society metes out to those who challenge its mandates. Though conditions to-day are in- finitely better than hundred years 0, 8 growing opinion exists that Xion methods do nol tend to the transformation of an anti-social into a social being. This is not a critic. ism of prison officials, nor indeed of adininighsatiop, 14. goes deeper than that. : Newgate a century ago compared unfavorably with the Black Hole of Calcutta. Three hundred. women,' wi their children, wer: huddled into two wards and two cells. Guilty .| and those a¥ailing trial were penned together; idle, half or wholly naked, eating. and sleeping in the same { "HT PROMISES TO REVOLUTIONIZE | EDUCATIONAL WORK. : Advocates of Horticultural Training { -Fof Children Are Making Great | Headway Throughout Canada--S8ir | William Macdonald 1s One of the Pioneers of the Newer Education For Boys and Girls. In Ontaric during the last four or five years a remarkable development | alonig educational lines has taken | place 'that has -been little heard of | outside the centres aflected, It has | consisted'dn & broadening of the pub- | lie school curriculum to a wider utili- triotic people. i | zation of that greatest education-- | Commander Samson was rst on the | Nature. The new influence has done move, * He piloted the Short hydro-| more than expand the curricolug; it aeroplane, and very few people in has burst open the walls of the the crowd on the Nothe and ey. | schoolhouse to permit of &n outer mouth front knew that he had # classroom: and, accomplishing its ~ od on his business. . purpose, it has widened the outlook ' They might well be excused for be- of the pupils and broadened the vis- lieving that even an intrepid naval! jon of the entire community. In cop. officer would have - hesitated before vErting the school grounds into a launching his craft into the misty et | laboratory for scientific but simple mosphere, when a wind which at | experiments, the utility of the aver- limes had a velocity of from tw . age schools as an educational means Hve to thirty-five miles an hour might nas been doubled, the usefulnéss of have carried him out of his eotirse; the teacher made twofold," and the and there were no landmarks to guide final product sent into the world him. But the naval aviator is made "twice earned." Withi the blackboard of stern stuff, and long experience and slate as factors to unield, apd of battling with fogs afloat makes him the garden and hob as implements for willing to accept risks which would developmient, the schubl fescher in alarm airmen without sea service. Ontario meg now lsh more | Commander Samson gave the order) than wis 1 merly done for a class. lo "Let go" to his assistants on the The ides of school gardens is as old juay at the edge of Portland Roads. as © Ration but ie development Ihe hydro-seroplane slid down the as a force in education has been with. Slipway into seme broken wales, |4 in the last half decadd in Ontario. which tested the stability of the floats About nine years ago & department 88 wéll as the skill of the navigator. of mature study was established at Over the ruffied surface the craft ran thé Ontario Agricultural College, with lor a couple of hundred yards, the a view te imptoving aesibigtic side 'Host on the teil deeper in the water of rugal . life in Onterig. Shortly than the buoyant skimmers beneath afferwhrds Mr. 87 B. MeCready, pro- Mie biplanes; and then, at the will] sor of nature study; was appointed of the commander, the strange ma- take charge of the department, and chine was lifted into space. I he wae made director of ele. | The aviator did not steer a direct mentary agricultural education. The course for the position in which he Provineisl. Departments of Agricul. assamed the royal yacht to he. He sure and Edication had awakened 1» Wenk io the seaward side of the fleet) the possibilities' of introducing prac. passing through thick patches of fog' tical pature'study into the sc dala on the way. For some eight or nine fof '& fuller education of the rising miles only momentary glimpses of the eneration and the exertion of a land were secured, and, while the up- featihy influenice on the surrounding per reaches of the air were clear-- farming community. Prol. McCready Commander Samson rose from 1,000 1s ;a man of untiring energy, and feet in Portland Roads to 1,800 feet since he was placed charge of this in Weymouth Bay--the sea was fre- new work much progress has been quently shut out from view. } made, He stirred tp interest. among |> From the moment of rising from educationists in the province and the the water till' the 'royal yacht was geachers and rupils in' the schools sighted through a break in the fog, and gradually they have taken hold the hydro-aeroplane had attained a of the work. 'pace of fifty-five miles an hour, the For a period reaching back scarce- 'wind, strong and unreliable at times, ly five years the movement for school being of assis! . The fleet knew gardens and the adoption of practical that Commander Samson intended to nature study in the schools has pro- get aloft, and, as there are many, ressed by leaps and bounds. In the things to learn in the new science, a J three years upwards of three fast destroyer was detailed to follow EE TE REE (2) (S=TRTA NESE RY Jliteness that some 1 TEL y | criminals perform in the course of | their nefarious work. The other day, for instance, a notorious pickpocket in Paris robbed a music hall singer of hér handbag. and sent her a neat Iv.worded letter of apology the next 3) O03 BpEURD) JO PUI UO WO} IIE EIS E! SEAR J Ust aay |. 'pels ry FR idYJO Aue Ubi) aes Js 4 (L348 ond Bug V Really delicious Vegetable Soup. You put in the flavor-- Edward's has made the stock for you. Make it an Onion Soup, Pea Soup, Potato Soup, as you will--and use [EPWARDS ro SOUPS a as the stock--the body--the real-food part. re T.dward's BROWN Soup is a thick, 'nourishing soup stock--prepared of prime beef and the finest vegetables--in dry, granular form, ready to boil. * EDWARD'S SOUPSsaye all the trouble of making stock ~--save money -- save time-- save no end of disagreeable work in hot weather. Se. a package And cheaper still in _15c. and 25¢, tins, : 3 Edwards deiccated Sokp is made in thres Saricties--Brown, Toman, Whin, Th Brown Yariety is a thick, wourishing wap repared from best beef and fresh Wy tables, he uiher wee ard purely apis y. A gentleman' whose pocket was pick- ed of a purse containing money and two railway tickets: in Blackpool not long 'ago. was astonished a few days afterwards to receive the purse and the railway tickets back by t. In. side the packet containing them was scnote to the effect that the writer only required 'the money that been in the purse, and advising the owner of the latter article to be more careful of his valuables in future. Some burglars who stole several hundreds of dollars' worth of jewel- lery from a jeweller's shop, situated in a large country town, left behind them a ten-cent piece," and a note which ren as follows: "We are sorry we had to damage your window in getting in. Here is the money to pay or the repair." Needless to say, it cost much more {han ten cents fo re- psir the broken window, and the loss of even one ring would have been more 0 the jeweller than a smashed window; but the criminal kink in the burglars' nature did not enable them to pealizse this, and their one thought on departing was how they could: be polite to their victim, The innate chivalry of one burglar once induced him to leave a wealth man's lonse without stealing as a as a cent. One pight, during the absence of the master of the house, his wife was awakened by hearing footsteps in the hall. ' On going out to see who it was, she was confronted by a desperate-looking man, who held | a revolver painted towaArds her, and said: "Make no noise, or you will mest with harm. Are you alone?" The frightened lady replied that she was along, with the exception of her two little children, who were then fast asleep, and she gave the burglar Plrminim to walk with whatever pleased, provided that he would not wake the little Ones and thus fri ben 3 them. mething, perhaps the remem- brance of Tia own c¢hildhood's days, seemed to touch the man's heart. "All right," he replied, "1 wouldn't frighten the kiddies for the world." nd to the amazement of the trem- bling mother, he turned round, walk- ed slowly down the stairs, and a mo- ment later she heard the front door close upon him. A 'thief who visited a hen roost at Dartford on dne ooca- sion was evidently gifted with a love of poetry as well M2 vein of polite. pea , for although stole no fewer an 'Joie ui [ER 3 FIZECTE ER (HBT) i CREEL | dunjuup ae noA Nk 21D Je IS SLE i BE i ia ii i a a a We Are 'Headquarters for INGOT METALS--Large Stock, Prompt De- liveries. ot Copper, Pig Iron, Pig Lead, eet Lead, Aluminum, , Zinc Spelter. room. This hall-desperate crowd of bape less, angry: this gaming and fighting crew unfortunate and dissolute folk might well have appalled Mrs. Fry. But she stuck % her guns; supplied clothes, established a school, and trangfo. med haphazard vengeance into something approsching decency. Later her efforts were turned towards the conditions under which criminals were transported fo New South Wales. They were shipped withont proper supervision, and dum upon Aan ol coritinent without any pro- vision for employment, This, too, was remedied. To-day the use 'of the overseas inipns for this dumping process would bé unthinkable, but the unain | theoriés of crimes and punishment hang rusty upon their hinges. We do not realide as yet that the object of punishment should not be mere de- terrence. from further crime. But first and foremost the object should be to transform the "basé individual oe sions of the criminal into powers that ean serve sociely. Beciety. to-day is like a séhoolmas- ter beating a naughty boy "lor his éwn good," rather than arousing his instincts in some more interestin digection. The tendency to regar crime as a disease is dangeroms. It may be rather a profitable disease to Hat sola watches, But it seems un- likely that te lock a man up, to with. hold from him the pleasures of his kind, to brand him as an offender, will bring him back to daily lifé an honester man. .. On the contrary, prison often turns an amateur eriminal into a profes sional, What, indeed, would be your own attitude fo a man who asked you for employment, - admitting that he was a convict? you employ him? The answer is a sufficient con- demnaticn of accepted views of prison ife. Not until a pourse of imprisonment When you want to cléar your house of flies, see that you get WILSON'S FLY PADS ® ' Imitations' are always unsatisfactory. Ie eaver 2000 W. G. PATRICK & COMPANY, Toronto Representatives for the Province of Outario.' - WE BELL Scranton Coal Co's Cozl Belected from the - Celebrated Richmond' No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antaracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. | North End Ontaric Street. "Phone 155. foodred teachers have taken a course n elementary agricultural education during' the 'sugimer vacation, and ss a direct result as many schools bave gardens and inclade a reasonable number of hours per week for out- the amphibious craft, to keep her in sight it possible, and to put the navi gator to the test of proving his pow- ers of elusiveness. & was a hopeless task for the destroyer. | "Although commander and crew did comes to be regarded as a positive recommendation have we as.a nation the right to fake pride in our system, Mr. Galsworlhy. in "The Spirit of | Punishment", (Penal Reform League Pamplilet), points out that we have hens vou, fowl "I've robbed the rich, but not the twenty-six fowls, he left two behind him snd the following et pinned on the door of the BE © lour not lost the old instinct of revenge-- itself a criminal instinet. . We have a right fo protect our selves from those 'who would live by violence or 'stealth rather than by labor. But we have no right to tor- ture them. Mr. Galsworthy talked with sixty criminals undergoing "dlosed-cell confinement," shut away from books, from conversation, from healthy labor. 'I eame to the con. clusion," ssid he, "that these men were neither reformed nor deterred." With the best will in the world one cannot work with the outworn tools. Here is the truth: Our prison methods are the same to-day as before education became general. ' Prison clothes are degrading. The labor is not interesting, side woth on the time-table of stu. their best there never was the slight~ dies. In 1000 the schools' division of est chance of tracking the hydro-aero- the Agricultural and Experimental plane, which bad the wings of the pion commenced sending. seeds and , water-carried ship, and rapi i eecap- material for experimental plots. This ved. when the aerial craft went move was appreciated by the teach- round the royal yacht, her throbbi er:; and after two summers more than engines attracti the attention 8,000 children had received seed pac. everyone -on deck, she was alone. kets, 58 schools had received collec Commander Samson encircled the "| tions of forest tree seedlings, 10 [royal yacht and ber escort, and then schools had written for collections of steered west, his duty well and truly fall wheat, 45 were seut collections |done. of agricultural ceeds, 17 received col. How. he got ashore no one on the ¥lections of tree seeds, 11 sent orders [land can say, for, strain their eyes for tulip bulbs, 23 purchased weed |8s they would, the fog defeated them. od coléetions, and 87 secured col. |The fact is, the hydro-aeroplane went Jections of hardy climbers, up its slipway just after balf-past Besides this impetus, the movement |€ight, at the moment Ww the Vie. has the advantage of having such |toria and Albert was being moored enthusiasts as Prof. James W. Rob. [three miles away. She and the offi poor, And left two old hens to hatch some more." IS A Pastry Flour Beaver Flour miakes the lightest, flakiest, tastiest A houseowner was recently much gpset one morning when he came 'lownatairs and found that his house tad been burgled in the night of a wumber of valuables. But he was ev- An more uj when he went into the warden discovered that the crim- inal, or criminals, had poisoned his favorite dog, which liad been in the habit of guarding his premises. The next day, however, he was amazed to find that another dog of the same size and breed was occupying the kennel. A letter was tied round its neck, which tated that: "~----are very sor- ry that they killed your dog. They Pies, Puddings, Sauces and Toe Croauna doy Shirifi's True Vazilla. Tho real extract of Mezicnn Vans Beans. Sur- passes gil others in flavor, houquetand strength, 20 SLI TrueVanilla HM / /, Pie Crusts you ever tasted. 4 Beaver Flour makes the most delicious Cakes, Buns and other Fancy Pastry. And Beaver Flour makes the whitest, most nutritious Bread. but | know how "MY STOMACH IS FINE Since Taking Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets" Mrs, J. Merkhuger, Waterloo, Ont., enthusiastically recommends Na-Dru-Co erteonr and 'Prof. H. L. Hut of Guelph enrolled in the cause, In 1904 a small number of school gardens went into operation in each of the pro. vinces. of Ontario, Quebec, New Brupswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island as part of Bir William cers- who directed her proved that if the new arm of the naval service is weak in numbers, thesé who eom- pose it'have no leeway to make up. Danger: of Strawberry Fumes. | 'A stra puailive. There is too much time for solitary brooding. A ctiminal is an unsocial being. Therefore the object of prison should bé to make a man work, to make him think, and, above all, to prevent him nd one can get of a pet animal, so they take the liberty of replacing the one with by the animal of which you see before you." "made away same breed To Quit the Stage. Beaver Flour is the family flour for all kinds of baking, as good for Pastry as for Bread, and best for bath. Yonr grocer has it, or will get it for you. stary about the danger of straw! s when in large quantities comes from Brittany. Recently there have been several demands by local ir le and tourists to be grant od a passage to Plymouth on the lit steamers which esrry the supply the channel case the the re. Dyspepsia-Tablets, Her experience with them, as she outlines it, exp! why. "1 was Arouly troubled with my stomach", rites. *'I had taken so much medicine that I might say to take uy more 3 only Dt oakion it worse, Nr stomach just felt faw, 1 of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia' Tablets, a lady friend told me they were very easy to take, so I thought I would give them a trial and really they worked y g wonders. Anyone havin fe thing oh the ox} dhe in a: with his stomach sh ive Ors. utt has go wrong BiVe o pric Ne-Dru-Co , Tablets a trial, | 0 / they will do . My stomach 1b | College to hundreds of saboals, vol fine now and Loan eat say food." ufesring assistanch in the way of x. & the pert advice, in drawing plans for more Oh of the many ged features of SSiinane opt ion. sammend- | keep on deck for the greater part of * take, | ing designs for flowe aa voyage, and no passenger co they are abd easy to take, | 118 oN rn the. #4 chil | be at & risk fo health. ' relief ba, : he Asness an psia is | dren'of our schol ve now, | =Lendon 8 Prompt and ent, Try one after | in a nutnber of counties, am -------------- each Bal teyil 3 make you feel like | prises calculated to promote The Mosquito Plant. oo Mr. Forbes Robertson is about to set out on farewell tours in England and America. He is now approaching sulking and planning further crimes. The period of detention should aim at counteracting the evild of a bad home and. auti-social surroundings. A. men wid be better, not worse, for. .a sentence in gaol. Instead of honsless disgrace it should bring dis cipline C. Macdonald's plan for the improve. ment of Caradian schools... Prof. Robertson, who was chosen director of the Macdonald educational move- arleton county for hi tk fn Ontario, y These still Lin in a flourishing state, and have a local i ceeding DEALERS---Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals, his sixtieth birthday, and after THE T. EB. TAYLOR CO. LIMITED, . spending forty years on the stage he feels that he has well earned a per- -- iod of leisure. Both in England and America the public are loth to part with an actor i {ne 8 distinction 3 Mr. Robertson. 8 ul whether thers has ever In She Sarly. pay of the eighteenth been such a fine Hamlet, and the century, ay author of "Social | public' will ever remember his por. Jand," a fashionable gentleman trayal of the character of Dick, the narily wore a toupee of curls rais- [Light War corres nt, in "The CHATHAM, Ont. GASTORIA For Infants and AT LH STI RO. | The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the a 2CT08S froth Plougsstel, but in and self-respect. request has been refused. fusal was ill received in some cases, the shipowners have now given their expli . The fumes given out by such 1 quantities of strawberries,' they say, Wre quite as overpowering and dangerous as those of strong alcoholic li The crew have fo Mow Horace Walpole Dressed. ad. For . | Light That Failed," or his association with Mrs. Patrick Campbell in "Ro- meo and Juliet." During the past few years he has scored a phenomenal success with Jerome's play, "The Passing of the Third Floor Back." It is natural that he shodld seek a well-earned rest, but it is certain that the stage wan ill spare him, for at the ot time there is no one to his suit, embroidered with a little silver or of white silk embroidered in the tambour frame, ilk een C cation. 'To the | In Northern Nigeria there is o tree, coi | oe heieutitl angusge Ocimum rans v elemen a x hoa ah. ytid fo Sig ° Higoc., & : £2 it © od i the. new | g 1 fhe N and | As:lstant Deptiy of Aout: | Siride, which mowuiios eaancl , gold buckles, *%. of Canada, Limjted, | tire, ma cit well in | ate. --. prof pu oe ne Jaler. at ioe oo Mea nie aent position an & week oll pe slong the veran- | Shirls was in Holland, 56 eobugh 10 shut out trespass. | from 10 to 14 the Eogiish ail ingects. A uite gently in. ' in p leaf of the plant will lose India's Moving. in a few seconds.- The ire ng rapid. A 186 removal the winter oapi- tal of India from Calcite to Delhi, the announcement Moo An Explanation. in one year the aurora borealis was seen ope night as far south as Wilt shire. The inhabitants of a certain i assembled to witness the un- won spectacle. Many were the inquiries ap 0 Bhat 8 EN hn w exclaimed: "Do thee send for out Jock. He's a scholard. I'll be bousd He'll gie un a neame!" When ness and Rest.Contalns neler Opin Morphine nor Mineral. Not NARCOTIC. i, while the fin- : Is de Two Indian Armies, Comprising the northern army and the army England's forces southern ar Rawal Pindi, of the latier at Poons. - ena ----i on Ea Boma Diaries Worms Lonve i ness and LOSS OF Stee FocSimie Signature of ost Sin First Thames Steamboats. The first steamer on the Thames was the , in 1814. The Rich. mond followed » year later. : The pessimist is one that does not forget his troubles or remember his Sometimes | think there is not much the | religion displayed in religious con- always trouble when t flatters and the girl the ¥e y a . ' 1 that THE Cuma COMPANY, NEw