i A i B 3 EA {00 Eee 3 pune | ¥ s oi i { - ¥ » . J 3 4 NOTICE. - On and after June 29th Store closes daily at § O'clock ~ John McKay THE FUR HOUSE 149157 BROCK ' STREET!) Mid - Summer Sale Lower prices and big vari- y predominate. Goods will held at our risk until want- et be ed. Curtains - Lace, 8ilk, Madras, Etc. Carpets and Rugs Some fine designs and qualities, latest color effects Yours, | : T. F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 90. VERANDAH SHADES The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden Wood, simple to op- erate, can be put up in five minntes, . Made in all widths . . . ---------- R MeFAUL'S Why invest your money ia lands that you cannot seo, when you can. secure a sale and profitable investment at home "KENSINGTON PLACE" Building Lots afford a good qQpportunity. Lots are sure to enhance in value when im- provements are completed. Lot us tell you how you can secure a Home or Lot on easy terms here. "SYDNEY HEIGHTS, Trenton, : Is worth Investigating. Here you can secure Building Lots near the new C.P.R. DIVISIONAL POINT that will double in value with- | in a year. 20 per cent. cash, $5.00 Call at office and see plans and arrange to spend a day to inspect this property. + McCANN Ri Bowling, SHE RAN ASHORE WHEN NEAR ' SALMON POINT. Steamer Byron Whitaker and' Not Steamer Collier in Mishap on Fri. day Morning--No Trouble pericnced in Releasing Her. Through & mistake in the message it was stated in Fitday's Whig that the steamer Collier 'went ashore at Salmon Point early Friday morning It was the steamer Byron Whitaker, Jaden with 8 catgo of corn for Prescott and Ogdensburg, N.Y., from Chicago, Ill. She was released about "ux o'clock Kriday evening and arrived Pat th€ Kingston Shipuiding com- pany' wharf ay four o'clock Satur ay morning. & The Whitaker wént ashore in a fog, but little dificulty was found by Capt. John 'Donnelly and his crew, who went to her assistance with the steamer Dongelly and barge Granth- am, in releasing her. About 5,000 bushels oi corp were taken out of ber, which was. put back when she arrived in the city. No' damage was done to the Whitaker. The steamer Dunelm, grain-laden, from Fort William, arrived in port Friday afternoon, lightered her cago [at Richardson's elevator, and cleared for Montreal. ' The steamer Geronia was in ri dast night on her way to eit The steamer Alexandria was in port from Montreal. The steambarge Waterlily was port from Montreal Saturday ng and discharged freight. 'the steamer Yennek came up Gananoque to-day to be The Yennek runs between and Gananoque. A-gasoline will be installed in the vessel. The schooner Maize clenred for wego, x The steamers Tarret Court, Gordon and Hamiltonian, are loading grain at Fort William for the Montreal Fransportation company's elevator in Kingston. The schooner Katie Eccles is at Richardson's wharf loading feldspar, for Charlotte. fhe schooner Major Perry Saturday for Oswego. The schooner Bertie Calkins "wily crear for Oswego. The steamer Holcolm left the Davis dry-dock, Saturday morming, and loaded corn at Richardsons tor Cag- dinal, M. T. Co's elevator Bartlett will clear for the Welland canal with the barge Dunmore, to load grain; the tug Emersan, from Montreal, with light barges, will clear for Mantreal, with - one grain barge and two coal barges; the eg DBron- son from Montréal, to-night, with two light barges, will clear for Mon- treal with three grain barges. Swift's wharf: Steamer 'l'oronto, dowr and up: North King, down and up; Rideau King, down from Ottawa; busta Vista, down from Smith's Falls. 4 CHALMERS CHURCH PIC.NIC. in morn- from inspected. Clayton engine Os- cleared The tug Fine Outing Held at Brophy's Point on Friday. The annual picnic of 'Chalmers Pres- byterian church Sunday school wag held at Brophy's Point on Friday, and the outing proved a most sue. cessful one. % programme of sports was carried out and all the events were keenly contested. Following is a list of the prize winners : Little boys' race--Jack McKay, Doy- ald .Ross, Donald McKay. Boys' race--Herbert Robertson, F. McMartin. i Boys over ten--Jack Renton, Donald Robertson. Girls, under twelve--Mary McLellwnd Katie Spaulding, Mary Thompson. Girls, over twelve--Ida Publow, Yel en Davidson. . Team race--Jack Renton, John Mur- ray. Bessie Stewart, Helen McKay. Throwing baseball---Kenneth Me- Kenzie, Frod. Medley. Three-legged race--Robson Ross Anderson, Victoria cross race--Kenneth Mac- Kenia, Bert. Robertson. « Wheelbarrow race--Sterling Gibson. Bert. Robertson. Jockey race-Jack Renton and Jack McKay, Kenneth McKenzie and Herb, Robertson. Potato Edith McMartin, IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Baseball and Sporting Items. The team skipped by W. P. ing; with KE. 0. dliter, Dr. Poyoe and GG. N. Deckert, defeated J. W. Corbett, skip, J. Leckie, E. R. Beckwith, A. Mortimer, by 16 to 11, at Queen's bowling green, Friday even- ing." Bowie, race--Ida Publow, General Spauld- B.A. Lacrosse Practice. The lopg-looked-for lacrosse sticks are here and everything is ready for o real lacrosse practice. The boys are requested to be out im Victoria Park on Monday evening, at 6.30 o'clock, weather permitting, and have a work- out, Every an who has " Aacases stick is rogues to be out. game is not dead with the bunch of "live wires" that have taken it up here. Everyone | take a hand in bring- ing baok the prettiest game over play- on a green. K VESSEL IN A Fog Ex. i ------ CITY ANP VICINITY. Christy's, Scott's and Buckley's 'Celebrated hats at Campbell Dios', ' Tonight at SIX O'UIok Starts the sale of preserving cher- ries, Lk'rices reduced every hour at Lar- moveky s. : Come Among 1,000 Islands Sang WED, Wine Monday - sfiernoon, vuly dul, '§ckels cat be had at J. Ww. Clarkes, 308 brincess street, for 35¢. Buy early, Dan a arnt sets ta 1 No Hopes of Recovery. The condition of Mrs. B. W. Folger, King street, remains about the same. She is in a very low condition, and no. hopes are held oul for her recov- ery. 1,000 Islands--Itachester. Steamers Caspian and North King leave at 10.16 a.m. daily for 1,000 Is- land points, and at 5 p.m. for Roches: ter, N.Y., via Bay of Quinte. J. P. Hauley, agent. on ea---- Special Ordination, John ¥. Kverson, Bath, was ordaiu: ed specially in the Methodist church, Port Hope, on July 4th, by Rev. G. H. Copeland, president of the Bay of Quinte conference, assisted by Rev, Dr. Reyuer, of Cobourg, and Rev. Dr. Laker, of the Fort Hope Methodist church. | Rain in North Frou{enac. The weather still remains at "fever heat." Reports from places along the K. & I'. say, however, that there is rain in these places and it is coming this way. It was raining on Saturday morning early at Parham and Hinchin. brook. The forecast at 8 a.m. was fair and verv warm. with scattered thunder storms. First Tuberculosis Patient. "The first patient entered the tuber. eulosis hospital this week. The patient is in a portable house on the grounds and reguires no constant nursing. The work of regoyation . and construction 18 going along nicely, and it 1s ex- pected the formal opening of the hos- pital will take place at the end of August, em savers Was Almost Suffocated. When the fire broke out, jn the home of W., H. Lemmon, Princess street, early Friday evening, one of the members of the lamily was asleep on a. couch, and bat for timely assistance that arrived might have been sultoca- ted with the smoke. 'I'he house was filled with .smoke, and a lively blaze Was on in one ol the clothes closets. Clayton, Kingston and Ottawa. Steamers Rideau King -and Queen, for Ottawa, every Monday, .Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. For Clayton, every Tuesaday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6.15. pau. Jones Falls and return, ble. every Wednesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m, James Swift & Co., Agents. mt retrain Painters Make No Convessions. The paiaters' strike is still unset. tld: A meeting was held on Satur day morning, but no conclusion was reached with regard to the situation. No concession has yet been made on the part of the men. The bosses are still holding to their first concession, granting the eight-hour day, but not the raise of twenty-five cents. Une boss, it is reported, has offered to give the painters their raise and the eight-hour day as well. A ------ Next Week at Park. An excellent attraction is booked for next week at Lake Ontario Park The programme includes Hillis and Lewis, eccentric acrobatie clowns. This act.is a continuous laugh from start to finish. Another good feature 1s J. M. Shipley in a novelty musical act, playing on several wind and string instruments, This, together with three thousand feet of new mov- ing pictures, will make a bright, clean entertainment for the patrons of this popular resort. Child Died of Diphtheria. Evelyn Dorothy Vackson, the four- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson, Barrie street, died, Friday afternoon, at 5.30 o'clock, in the general hospital. The child was one of three children, having one brother, Lorne, nine years old, who i also ill in the hospital, and Geor- in, three years of age. The iwo chil dren were taken with diphtheria about a week ago, and little Evelyn scemed to be getting better, when, taking a weak spell, she passed away very sud. denly, early Friday evening. The fup- eral will take place on Saturday, at 4 pm. - i -------------- Broke Her Wrist. Mrs. Gibson, just after getting off the G.I.R. train at the city station, Friday evening, after coming . from Calgary, fell on the station steps and broké her right wrist, As Mrs. fib son ascended the steps, it appears that she slipped on a piece of peeling or something, and went backward, fe- ceiving a shaking up. She afterward fainted. The injured lady was taken to Dr. J. W. C the wrist was set, bc from the west to visit her daughter, Mrs. Henry Wartman, on the 'Front road. From the surgery she was removed to the home of her sis. ter-inlaw, Mrs. W, H. Godwin, Pine DROVE COW TO POUND. Campbell's sur where The Judy | had' De . lvmm pany BRITISH WMG. sATUEDAY. JULY FOR THE OLD BOYS THE "PROGRAMME" ARTANGED FOR THEIR HOMECOMING. The Civic Finance Committee in Charge--A Flag-raising in Mae. donald Park z Feature of the Civic Holiday. : A spécial meeting of the civic finance committee was heid on Fiyday even ing, to arrange a programme for th, Uld Boys' homecoming on Saturdg evening, July 2th, and also for the followng Sunday and Monday, the latter being the civic holiday. Alds. Fair, Harty, McCarthy and hoss weie added to the committee. It was decided that the committee would meet the excursions on Satur- day, with a band, and that in the evening a coucert would be held on the market Square." On Sunday eVERing, a sacred band concert will he given in Macdonald Park. On Monday morning, a new flag will be raised in Macdonald Park, when patriotic and imperial speeches will be delivered by Mayor Hoag, Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., and W. F. Nickle, M.P. There will also be a flag wav ing display, as small flags wil be dis. tributed to the gathering. On Monday afternoon, a baseball game will be played on the ericket field. Two City League teams may contest. but this has not vet been ar ranged. In the evening, the usual weekly band concert will likely be ar ranged far the Old Boys by Ald. Kent chairman of the*parks committee, FELL FROM A TUG At Kingston Shipyard and Received Injuries. While working on the new govern- ment tug Uellechasse, at the yards of the Kingston Shipbuilding company, Friday night, about ten o'clock, one of the workmen, named Silver, fell a considerable distance. Corbett's am bulance took him to Dr. W, Gibson's surgery, where his bruises and numper of cuts were dressed. No bones were broken. He was afterwards moved to his street. re home at Ju3 Albert TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, What Happened a Quarter of 4 Century Ago, S. Oberndorfier and his son, Marcus, left for Germany to visit relatives, Jd, 8. R. Mct'unn installed 'N.G. Cataraqui lodge, No. 10, 1.0.0.F. Edward Perry, an army veterah, aged seventy-two years, died. J. Crictiord left for England. The country around Kingston liter ally as dry as a chip. Bush fires breaking out, Napanee cricket club defeated Kingston club by ten wickets. Camobell Bros' For nobby straw hats, from 2c. of the up. The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada will convene in Guelph, Ont., on September 9th, and will continue in session from day to day until the business of the convention has been completed. Sale middy blouses, 75¢. Dutton's. Nr. and Mrs. J. Ferniehough, of Hamilton, who bave been visiting Mrs. Ainslie Johnson street, returned home on Friday. See our suit case, $1.50. Dutton's. Kingsten's Famous Fur Store, Summer Sacrifice Sale Continues Next Week. OUR JULY REMOVA# SALE 25 to 50 per cent. Reductions s All our latest additions to the Reprint Line we offer at the very low order to start with a fresh stock in our new premises These books sell a few on your vacation for summer reading. * Much Ado About REGULAR PRICE, 30c. The Turn of the Balance, by Brand Whitlock. Myrtle Baldwin, by Chae. C. Munn Comrades, hy Thos. Dixon, Jr. The Viking's Skull. John R. Carl- ing Peter, by Jean Webster. ; The Steering Wheel, Robt. A. Wa- son. Tonoe Bungay, H. G. Welis. refularly at Soc. p OUR SPECIAL, 25¢. The Dissolving Circle,' Will } bridge. 4 Beau Brocade, Baroness Orczy The Tartuses Qf "Fifi, Molly E. Sea- well. i Lilli- The Story of Kellar. Rosmah, by Myra Kelly My Brother's Keeper, Chas. Jack- son. 3) The Lady of Big Shantv, Berkeley mith My Life, by Helen Her Infinite Variety, Brand Whil- lock. 3 'price of 25¢ a copy in of $70 for "THE COLLEGE B 2060 PRINCESS. OOK ------------------ STORE Ny Faune 915, a ---- DEATH OF FREDERICK BOYD, Young Kingstonian Passed Away on Friday Evening. A sad death occurred on Friday evening, when Frederick Charles Boyd, aged twenty-three years, son of Rich ard Boyd, No. 7 Colborne street, pass. ed away, after quite a lengthy illness. He" Was a very clever young man, ote who distinguished himself in the pub- Le schoal, Collegiate Institute, and Queen's University, and his untimely death caused 'widespread regret, for he was very popular with all classes. Deceased graduated from Queen's University, as a B.A. and M.D. He remained at home during the summer and later went to New York, where he entered Columbus hospital as house surgeon. He remained there until De cember 9th of that year, when, on ac- count of failing health, he was com- pelled to giye up his work. He returned' home and afterwards went to Saranac Lake, N.Y., for the winter months, it being thought that the change would do him good. He returned home again, last May, how- ever, as he could not fight off the ill- ness, . The late Mr. Boyd had a most dis tinguished college career. Attending the public school, he won a MecLeod scholarship, and matriculated at the age of sixteen. [le entered Queen's University and took the combination course of arts and medicine, graduat- ing in arte in 1909, winning the cash prize of $50, ofimed by Dean Fowler, in biology. He graduated in medicine in 1911, winning a medal in surgery and also Chancellor Fleming's prize the highest percentage in of work. Later he tried the Ontario council, "and passed, with honors, He had every promise of a very bright fuure, ~ Deceased was very popular with all the students at the university, and held the good will of all his acquaint- ances. To the father, mother, and members of the family, the deepest sympathy will be extended. While at the university, Mr. Boyd served as senior judge of the medical court. He is survived by his father, mother, one sister, Miss Agnes May, at home, and three brothers, George W. and William John, at home, and Donald M., of Toronto. his course ---------- AGED MAN TRAMPS ABOUT. John Wood Seeks Shelter of Home For Aged. John Wood, a man of ahout ninety years of age, arrived in the city, on Friday, from Toronto, apparently with the purpose of mdulging upon the hospitality of the Home For the Aged, where he was admitted on Sa turday morning. This is not the first time this old man, walking with the aid of a crutch and cape, hds visited Kingston. Last July he applied to ex-Mayor C. Graham, and was "shipped" at the City's expense to Montreal. Mr. Wood has lived for forty-three years in the county of Lanark, and has, it is said, nearly one dozen married children living. Yet he is tramping the coun Wy, imposing upon the different muni- cipalities, until he js "boosted" om. He was for some years in the old pea- ple's home in Lanark, but had some trouble with the superintendent, it appears, and is "shifting for him sell," in his feehie condition. No. per fon seems ta, and no persons has the right to keep him. He should be kept by the Lanark home. He put in the winter with a friend in Toronto, and was forced to shift, so he thought Kingston the, most likely. The old man will be detained at the Home For the Aged until his case is looked into, and the burden of his keep placed on the proper municipality, sa p----l ENJOYED THE OUTING Provided by the Officers of the Steamer Caspian. r------ 500 yards DRESS Bingtiams Including Checks, Stripes and Plaids. New Designs, Fast Colors. Regular 10c. and 12 1-2c. lines. To-Night Only 8c. yard NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Plenty of Salvia Petunias Snapdragons 8tock SIAll kinds of Bedding Plants at PURDY"S 109 BROCK STREET Everything in floral de- i sign work, St th et iar A SPECIAL CLOCK FOR $5.00 Made of Marbelized Wood Black, with Gut Trimmings, containing a first-class move- ment, fully guaranteed. This is not a large glock, but "neat, and without too much undesirable decoration. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 850 KING STREET, Stoles and Boas Marabeau and Ostrich Feather AT GOURDIER'S Phohe 700. 1 am offering to-day a fink Board ing House in good location, corner of Johnson and Frontenac Streets, conthining 12 rooms, 8 of which are bedrooms, with hot and cold water in every room, hot water furnace and gas, verandah at front; easily warth $5,000. Our price, $4,650. No. 506 Princess Street, near Al- fre@l} solid Brick Dwelling, With 17 rooms, and a frontage of 99 feet by depth 150 ft All new'y papered and decorated. Three marhlé fire- places, laundry In cellgr, good stables, all for $6,500. 1 cad place loans on firetstlass so curity at good rates of interest MULLIN Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. 'Phone 539. "The Man Who Sells the Earth," Wind, dust and germs of the air ali combine to ruin your Have you goggles? If aot, come herve of any size, Oo . make---Coggles at all prices, Also Machinist's Eye Shield. or Soxgies es of any aA 97.1130 SWEETER Will be your clothes if you'll , permit us