Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jul 1912, p. 6

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3 i PAGE 51>. Aa-- < Norman Poole, Montreal, at Spencer's, Hay Bay. " A Willetshome Presentation. Willetsholme, June 28.0 Thursday evening, June 13th, the regular meei- : Irr---- ing. of the Woodburs Women's 1 The Tidings From Various Pointe fn! #onsry Auxiliary was held at & JKastern Ontario----What home of Mrs: William Cam i. d meeting was well attended and < Are Deing : What They Are', od programme was given bv several ving, . 8 loi the. members. The active members : iousm--y | lot this auxiliary number but eleven Yeo Fray Jad Nopes [and vet during the year, which was a Prom ond, June 27-Mr, s Sper oy i P thay left _ the os Zodden 880 § PE . Hy Fain Much to visit: the eamp prs: | OE SS Rgwnreingten n- o vist { > Swnp at Petawa- jf the credit was due not only th the r. apd Mri. Walker have return- tiring efiorits of the officers but 10 wl from Verona, were they were at. J ver ite of the ed amied Doar tending the funeral df Mr. . Walker's tor, Rev. J. H. McConnell. B.D. As ch, Ihe old Reveille homestend ad- {this was the first appearance of Mz. JSining Lake Outario Park, has been 'and Mrs. McConnell before their de thnied by summer tourists. Miss | parture for Lachute. as a token of Cire Bas of Kingston, was the guest | appreciation of their services the of Mrs. Reese recently. * Four pupils . Ii ary den ted fram Crystal Spring school en membre of the Aunt ry d the recent entr ADC examn sions har with a Teautiful = amb We : 4 X AMIN 18, Lori ; ed} : ; Behool closis toni tow or th oe iwished her {iod-speed in her futdre ier vacation Mis. Walk um: fwork. Mrs. McConnell modestly ~~ but Visiting: hor sister in Perth, "W Pr eamnestly replied, thankisy the Aux. Nickle, M.P., is occupying hits SUmmer iliary for the gilt and ge shat eottage on the'lake shore what she had done was with an eye Sw : AOE single to the Mapter's glory. : mbna ¥ NEWS OF | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS : TELL US, gh oo SE ° Jem Macdonald Matters. Wolte: aland. ui cdonald, June 28, Miss I Mil olfe isian ngs, itd over Sunday a - Db. Wolfs Island, Juve 29--William Faw Clark's, near Picton, Mr. Dean is at 'c6tt had a valuable horse cut in toe iL daughiter's, Mrs. M. A, Miller's. wire fends. A game of baseball was " Mre. "Lusch and two children, and piayed recently between the sporung Miss Foate, of Peterhoro, were guests j¢iub and the Pastimes; the game Te "Tast week of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph suited in a win fdr the Pastimes ly Adark, They also visited other 10°t0 0 Joseph Griffin, Wateriows. friéuds in this vidinity. Mrs,~ John ls visiting friends here. br, Nacior "Mambly visited her daughter, Mrs. [Kingsley Boston. is Visiting gis pe- A. Parks, Napanee, recently. Miss (rents here. James Dawson, who has Gertie Dean, Richmond, at her broth- [heen visiting his friends here for the e's, 'Arthur Dean's. Alfred Kent, of st month, has retuthed to Britian « Napanee, at his daughter's, Mrs. G. [Dolimbia. 0. Hawking has en Hawley's. Mrs. Woodcock, Hay Bay, {Ris ias{ pacing mare, Svka Direct, mn Fin improving slowly. Mrs. E. Sharp [the Cananoaue races on Dominion spent a few days last week with her {Pay. Alderman Michael Healey, Buf Fister, Mrs. F. Parks, Sand Hill. Malo. who has been visiting his broth M: Jor A NEW PANNIER MODEL FOR SUMMER WEAR. There are several modish featu res in this Mitle Paris frock designed for summer restaurant wear. The material is washable silk in pale Milne and white stripe, and delicate hand embroideries in dilac add to the ~ daintiness. The skirt has a very nioderate pannler drapary at the sides and at the front there is an inverted pleat which gives extra width, The quilling of lilae ribbon at the foot is a pretty and practical notion. ely imely Aid wh ~- a ! plain old experience--is able to carry 'When one's digestion a big load yet without getting sway- ta " Backed. i 'out of fix a good A Seo. Dak. woman Straightforward test of things about food from Old - Exper. fool is worth much. ience, a good, reliable teacher. ERE % She writes : THE BEST TEACHER. Experience Still Hol's the Palm. For real practisal reliability and something to swear by, experience-- found some "I was greatly bothered wlth weak stomach and indigestion, with forma tion of gas after cating, and Thuan : . "I think I have used almost every -* Many who have suf- breskfast food manuinctured, but from stomach Sone equal Grape-Nuts in my estima- ble have discovered t a dish of om any ramedics for it but did not -- Ly - "Thon 1 decided T must diet and Grape-Nuts she HC : «> ma if I could overcome the diflicult Tat Hi that wave My choice of foo pr § 'dow could not digest starchy food. "It has been a great benefit 10 me for 1 feel like a different person si I beeun to use it. Tt is wi dor 3 hive ITS 100% P DECLINE SUBSTITUTES er, William, for the past week, has returned homa. : . James Russell has returged home from Toronto, after attending the A' O.U.W. convention. William Cumming will manage a baseball team from to play on Domiston Day in Gananoque. Louis Yott has gone to Trenton om a visit. - William Davis, cheesamaker at Wilstead factory, near Gananoque, made a flying visit here vecently. Mrs. Wilham McAdoo, who has been visiting friends in Watertown for the past two weeks. has returned home. John Gray and wife, Toronto, are visiting at R. Mosier's. James Abbott, a former Wolie Islander, died Fifday morning at Pierrepont Manor, N.Y. John Boyd, Pittshurg, is visii- ing relatives here. John lacey. who had his nose broken bv being hit with a baseball, is doing nicely. Miss Ada McRae, of Watertown. is the guest of Mrs. William McAdoo. Thomas Green wood has a fine dwelling house about completed, SEARCH FOR BODIES. { (Continued from Page 8.) W. Ballock. : Dummy Lobsinger, last } Lake. W. McDougall, Lorne street north, and five children. 7 Mrs. Havers, of the eity clerk's de partment, seen at ---- | Seenes of Horror. | ihe rescue work was éarried under tha greatest diflieulty, city was in davkness, telephone, tele graph 'and street "¢urs wires were tangled 'in the wreckage and throaten- ed wore lives; incipient lives broke aout, and above all was the confusion and uncertamty regarding the killed {and wounded. - All through the long, {dreary night lanterns flashed to and | fro over 'the mass of wreckage, + it was a mght of horrors, and strong, rough men used to facing und dealing with big problems broke down under the strpin and sobbed as little children, and beautiful women were carried from the wreckage to their last earthly resting place. Soung, old; rich and poof united in the work of rescue. Premier Scott, chose home was wrecked, Joined vith the humblest citizen mn trying to bring order out of chaos. . Yetweon five and six hundred" fumil- ars homeless. Between two and three thousand people wandered about the city all night. The city is without . telephone ser vice, as the telephone building ol: lapsed burying a dozen! girls in the vreckpge, one of whom will die from her injuries. In addition, all electric dnd telephone whres are down, street wiry aro at a standstill and basi- wuss of every nature has been sus. pended, on . The Ottawa Awaits Particulars. Ottawa, July 2.--~The Dominion gov- e.nment is ready and willing wo do all in its power to come to relief of suf ferers by the) Regina cyclone, but it cannot get apy data upon which to act. The acting premier has been deluged with ecablograms from Eng land, Seotland and Ireland, asking for details and the names of any "KI country victims, The executive of the St. John's Am- hulauce Association met this mornin, and decided to Bend Major frie & whistle to "Regina to supervise the work of relief, PITH OF THE NEWS. Latest Culled From All Oter the World. The empress of Germany is © seri- pously ill. She is to emit all public functions. At Hamilton the T, Paton company will erect a sixetorev factory which will employ about 1,000 people. Harriet Quins woman aviator, and W. A. P. Willaxd, passenger, were killed when heir machive jell one thousand feet, at Boston. Ugtawa aty council will vote, of two thousand dollars to the Regina cyclone sufferers. . The do- minion government will also make = substantial vote Solomon FEoldsweig died, Sunday ot Zaharacz, Poland, ai the age of 112. Goldzweig was in excellent health until he was attacked with | paralysis, Saturday. Cheese saled : Brockville, 124c.; 3 Cornwall. 12 tville, 123c; to 12§e; Troquois. + Picton, 12 1)-16e. to Wey; Na- panee, 12§e. The te Canada, = of the White Star Dominion Live, sailed from Mon-. trea) with nearly 400 cabin passen-. gers from all parts of the dominion Lam he ot. 1 ate I at well. t. Lawrence cis ate ne ai this acationists is line alone has carried nearly 1,300 cabin passengers sisbe Jume lst. hy Keep Cool on the Water. Wednesday, Americs makes a com- plete tour of the Islands, 50a. a ---------------- proekville lawn bowlers will hold a res on duly 15th, It is ex. pected that two rinks will attend frofn Queen's club. The Very one A STANZA BEGINS: POETS AND PUGILISTS. A Boxing Contest Behalf of Charity. P The poet Maeteriink and the Frencn pugilistic champion Charpentier are announced for a boxing contest, the roceeds to be given to charity. As Xing seems to have been one of the ashletic pastimes in which the physi. Sal. powerful author of "The Blue Bird' hes indulged, and as the sport is commented upon seriously in so dependable a paper as The Journal des Debats of Paris, it apparently is no mere yarn. But it is recalled that the contest will not be the first be- tween a poet and a pugilist, since Lord Byron on numerous occasions ave exhibitions of his skill with one ackson, who was the English cham. 'pion from 1705 to 1800, and who, after yielding the title, seems to have main. tained a boxing school which was fre- quentédd by the London fashionables. mn A Mechanical Marvel. We are not so far ahead of our fore- foun in mechanics as many think. n 1578, Swing Queen Elasbeit's reign, so story is told, ogo Mark Scaliot, a blacksmith, made a, lock consisting of 8 pieces of steel, iron, and brass, with a hollow key to it, i rain . He also made a gold chain, posed of 43 links, which he fas- the lock and key. In * talcam powders." Gibson's. uy alo H. Crozier and little daughter, Tlelen, are visiting ' There the brave men stood as heroes should With their hearts in faith sublime, And their names shall be fond memory, {3 Ul the end of time." Cuorus--"And the band was bravely playing, The song of the- Cross and Crown : ' Nearer, my God, to Thee," As the ship went down." TO BE PRESENTED TO READERS OF ! The Daily British Whig The Coupon appears every day. © Bring the Coupon one copy of sheet music and words of this beautiful song. IN MEMORY OF THE HEROES of the ILL- FATED \[/% Words 2y MARK BEAM JOE MORRIS MVSIC CQ 130 WEST 377 ST, NEw YORK.. This Song with a quaintly beautiful poetic setting--the Music is of a subdued and harmonious character, makes the work an enduring memento. »"" Down. Bring This Coupon 3 To the Whig Office with 10c for words and music of the beautiful song entitled, * The Band Played 'Nearer My God to Thee' As the Ship Went Tuesday, July 2, 1912. FARM FOR SALE ~ (110 ACRES), Bituated near the Village of INVERARY, convenlent to Schod! ® and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, tnolul ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orchard. : For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, ' OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARR, | 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago, | Cleveland, Detroit, St Louis and every other : large American City are | | having an unheard of run on WHITE SHOES. We are in live with the most up-to-date line of White Nu- Buck and White Canvas ever shown in the city. ] WHITE NUBUCK BUTTONED BOOTS. WHITE NU-BUCK PUMPS, WHITE NU-BUOK COLONIALS. WHITE CANVAS in all the smart styles. | Have your White Shoes for Dominfon Day, and have us' sup- i ply them and you will be correet J. 0. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes and 10 cents to the office of The Whig, and. receive If wanted sent by mail add 3 cents for 'postage, HALL FURNITURE Hall Mirrors, uoiden to $16.50. Hall Seats, $5.50 te. $18.00. Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.60 to $30.00 | All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma bogany. Oak, $4.59 ° Pedestals in Fumed, Goiden, | Barly English or Malogany, !| Special Prices this week fn Go- ° Carts and Carriages, R. J. Reid, rm 517 LEADING UNDERTAKERY. Kingston Business College Limited) . Nighest Education af Lowest Cost 5 x -of 1 begins. Aughst J0h Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. raphy, Citll Services snd Eng- graduntes get ish Our the best positions. Within a short time over sity secured positions with ane of ithe Ia railway tor. pordtions ia © time. Call or write tor informa- . ¥. Metcalfe, Principel. Kingston, Can

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