Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1912, p. 8

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[20 PER CENT. OFF. THE SALE that an army of Clothing buyers always wait for, is billed to com- mence on Tuesday, July 2nd. Every article of Men's, Boys, and Children's .Clothing, in fact everything in our Ready- to-Wear Department will be offered at one-fifth less than regul.r value. The eyes of huadreds of buyers are watch- ing for this announcement, all eager to save a fifth of their Clothes Money. Remember this and act quickly. -- -- Sale lasts 15 days only. Goods marked in plain fig- ures. All Sales for Cash. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET TO-NIGHT 7.30 O'CLOCK fT se Black Silk Stockings A remarkable offering of Ladies' Black Silk : Stockings, Lisle Thread Tops and Lisle Thread Feet (strength and durability where it is needed most). Regular price 50¢, 60c, SALE 39c Pair. Sizes 8%, 9, 93, 10 inch. » i Men's Balbriggan Underwear .- Worth 45¢, 50c. ON SALE 35¢ Each. Shirts and Drawers, Sizes 34 to 44 inches, Lo mh Price 75¢, 0c, 8 00. ON.SALE 39c Yard. + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, THRE MAGNO FREEDOM OVER THE TRANSFER OF CATA. BAQUI BRIDGE. Howd F. D. Monk, Minister of Public Works, is in Kingston---Govern- ment Thinks it Has Assumed a "Gold Brick." 3 1 Hon. F. D. Monk, mimster of public works, arrived in the city about eleven o'clock, Saturday morning, «on. Toe steamer Lady Grey, and was driven to the Frontenac hotel, The minister is on a tour of inspection of works of his department; accompanied by his 'son and daughter. He was met hee by Mr. Sug, engineer of the de- partment at tawa. Mr. Monk, in the parlor at the ho- tel, talked freely with a Whig repre. sentative, of the harbor improvements to be made, and came to this city, for the first time to look over the proposed harbor improvements, fand chiefly the bridge. He had a fine view when coming into the harbor on the Lady Grey, from Frescott, in the morning. Mr. Monk said that a point had "eropped" up which would handicap gpsrationy in the government building e new bridge. . He hid understood until lately, from Sut delegations that had waited on the government at Ot 'J tawa, that the Cataragui bridge was {used almost exclusively for military purposes, for the accommodation of the Royal Military College, the R.C. H.A., and the afinual eamp. That 'it is used as a public highway places the department in a very difficult posi tion With regard to bearing the ex pense of the new structure, Mr. Monk said that, of vourse, some one would have to help bear the expense. Mr. Monk 'was driven to the fort hill, Saturday afternoon, where he had a good view of the harbor, and the improvements outlined. At neon he had a conference with leading con- servatives, and leit at four o'clock up the Rideau river. DUNCAN SAID NESBITY ~~ HAD BEEN WARNED It Took Quite a Time Before, the . the Necessary Warrant Was Issued. Toronto, June 29.-~At the Farmers' Bank investigation, Inspector oi De- tectives Duncan told of the long de- ny fn the issunnce of the warram for Dr. Beattie Nesbitd. He had applied for the warrant two weeks before th escape of Nesbitt and been refused it by Crows Attorney Corley. Finally he took the matter up with. Chief of Poliee Grassett and he laid it before the police board. According to Dun- can, Mr. Corley declared that he, and he alone, was ghe one to decide when the warrants should be issued. Fin- afly. the inspector consulted Mr. Cait- wright, deputy-attorney-general, and secured a warrant and started after Neshitt, When he arrived at the is land in Muskoka all he could se: was the doctor's footprints in the snow. It was after he returned from this trip that he remarked to the reporters that he had been sent on a wild goose chase, as Nesbitt had been warned. 'DISTRICY DASHES. News Ciipped From Uur Many Ex- changes. The cement foundation C.N.R. station at Smith's commenced last week. . The Orangemen of Renfrew county will hold their 12th of July culebra- tion at Eganville this year Mis. Richard Jenkins, South Bay, died June 11th. She had been il for some time. She leaves a husband and six children. Un Wednesday Mr. W. McMullen, Picton, fourtieth wedding anniversary family reunion. The death occurred June 15th, of Johu Noble, at. his home on Prospeel avenue, Picton. Deceased had been gia- dually failing since last summer. Thrown from a rig in which he was driving {rom the Sand Ranks to Pic ton, Sunday evening, feu Smidor | fell into the ditch and broke his lez William KE. Jones has sold his farm in the second concession of the town- hip of Richmond, east hali lot 15, one hundred acres, to Eimore Miller. Eprice, £3.000 : The wedding of Harris Way, "To- tronto, son of Mr. and Mrs George "Way, of Tweed, and Mise Jessi Brac "whaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G. "Rradshaw, also of Tweedy took place (at the family residence on Wednes- 'day. " for the new Falls was and Mrs, George celebrated then witha Khaki Uniform for 14th. It has been proposed to provide a khaki uniiorm for the 14th Regiment, next year, for drill purposes. The one _ now worn by the 48rd, of Ottawa, is looked upon with favor by the officers. Of course, the present rifle uniform wiil be reserved for dress. The matter will he taken up at an early meeting of the ofticers of the regiment, so that, if anything is done the pew dress will be issued to the men early next spring, which will be the semi- centennial anniversary of the. regi: pent. 5 Smpum---------------------- -~ i Received. There was a meeting of 'the man- t ttee of the board of education, Friday night, when the re- signation of A. A. Jordan, Victoria OR school, and G. R. Dolan, of the Col- legiate Institute staff, were received and scoepted, The necessary steps will be taken to have the vacancies filled, as! soon as possible. asm ------ ) Dominion Day Celebration. EE balk game; 8.30 a.m, returning, leaves mien {ay 7 pm. Soe. Notice. | WH. Finkle & Co's sight-seei car, Ustaranui cemotery, at 1. | every aftecunon. boo "Buy tale pore" motor pom, Gibson's. tin cleared from Coa mani +) "ay i : + ut Gi wi, He : | f JUNE To BN EXTENDED Subp oF KINGSTON For the Next Two Dors--q Record Trip Made by the Schooner Horace Taber. : i Gananoque, June 29.--From all indications 'at present races at the Driving Park on Men< day afternoon will ve quite & draw- ing card. The entries includes the following: 2.15 class--Minnie Point- er, Isabel, Syka Direct, Miss Barney, Roy Aicovie, Jim R. 2.40 ¢lass-- Corncracker Jr., Guinette Jr., Car- dinal Pointer, Brad McKinney, Min- nic H., Laribes, and Hod Stevens. A matched walking match between M. C. Gerard, John Henderson, and H. Davis, who feel free to be able to do ten miles in forty minutes, will take place at the Driving Park Mou- day afternoon. he" Gananoque Yacht Club held the second of its series of dances at the club house last evening. ' The G. Y. C. will also hold another dance on Monday cveming. Capt. Frank Barnhart, of the coal scaooner Horace 'laner, made a record trip to Oswego and return with a cargo of coal for Taylor and Green. Leaving here a little before noon on Wednegday, he was back here at six o'clock Friday morning, and aad quite a large amount of hus cargo unloaded by iast evening. : The annual picnic of the Maple Grove Sunday school was held yes- terday afternoon and attracted quita a number of Gananoqnue frienus. The annual cruise of the Kingston Yacht Club will be made to Ganan- oque to-aay. They will have the freedom of the Gananoque Yacht Club club-house during their three days' stay, and will put up at Gan- | anoque inn, where they will hold a dance tials evening, with Lee's orchestra. in attendance. The or-; chestra will attend them at the Inn on Monday evening from 6.30 to 8 p.m. The Kingston yachtsmen will therefore enjoy the big Dominion day doings here. ; Tha local public schools closed | yesterday for the midsummer vaca- | tion. Messrs. William Rees, T. R. Wil- | 1s and Richard Johuson have been secured by the Ogdensburg city band | fo assist at their big 4th of July cel- | ebration. | Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis and] daughter left yesterday for a visit with velatives in London | Mrs. F. J. Miller and son Ken-| neth, spending the past week boas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.| H. Hurd, left for her home in Brock- ville on the Britannic last evening. Mrs. C. U. Skinner ielt on the ue- ronia last evening to enjoy the Que- bec trip. Miss Susie Tompkins, Toronto, is spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tomp- kins. A. W. Taylor has returned from a business trip west. TWO TRAINS COLLIDED THE CREWS, HAPPILY, NOT INJURED. WERE The Damage to Rolling Stock Will be Considerable--The Track One Side Clear and Traffic Stopped. Cornwall, June 20.--About one o'- clock this' morning two freight trains cOllided on the Grand Trunk, a short distance west of here. The trains were being drawn hy engines 418 and 1, 235. No. §,235's train was wai Tog orders to enter the station, having been stalled «east of the semaphore. She was in charge of Conductor ¥. Browning, of Montreal, and Engineer C. Bull, of Brockville. Another train also east-bound, drawn by engine 41%, in eharge of Conductor T. Clark and Engineer (ioodyear, saw the train a head, and had pleaty of time ro stop, and the brakes were applied. The immense weight of the tram re fused to submit to the brakes, and she glided along the rails and Crashed into the cab, completely telescoping it. The impact derailed four cars and damaged two others, as well as caus ing considerable damage to engine 418, and one dead engine on the front train. Fireman Charles McAwen was in charge of two dead engines, which were going to Montreal, and had 4 narrow escape. He was on the teles- cab and had to jump 'o save himself. Both érews escaped uninjured. ore tunately, the passing track was ciear and it was used until aiter the wreck- ing train arrived from Montreal. Tral- fic was delayed but very little. The damage to rolling stock will be eon siderable. Childhood Dangers. No symptoms that indicate any of the ailments of childhood should: be allowed to pass without prompt at- tention. The little ailment may soon become a serious one and . perhaps a little life passes out. If Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the house minor troubles can be promptly cured and serious ones averted. The Tablets are guatanteed absolutely safe and ean be given to the newborn babe as well as the growing child. Mrs. Arthur Dra- peau, Mont Carmel, Que., says : "I can give Baby's Own Tablets to my little one without fear, well knowing the beneficial results that will follow their use." The Tablets are sald by medi cine dealers or by wail at 256. a box from The Dr. Nitin Co., Brockville, On -------------------------- Real Estate Transfers. The - following real estate trans- fers have boar put through by E. W, Mullins real estate office during the past few days: A frame dwelling on Lausdo owned by Mrs. on Not M. Johnsor¥ to Charles Quick; brick |, dwelling on University avenue, own- ed by W. Medley, to Byron Derby- shire: a dwelling on Wellington, street, to George Mahood: two dwell- | ings on Clergy street west, owned by Miss M. Richardson, to Byron Der-' byshire; double dwelling on the cor-| ner of Charles and Montreal streets, owned by D. a estate, to 0. Derbyshire. Watertown, "NY, the horse | Fa) with us To-Night, 480 Pairs Ladies' Very Fine Black Lisle Stockings Size 9, 94, 10 inch. Lh This quality of Stocking is good value regularly at 40c pair. Very Special To:Night 25¢ Pair. Store Closed Monday, All Day. To-NIGHT, 7.30 to 10 This is the wind up of a very busy week and we ask you to share some particularly good things : 80 Ladies' \ Summer Waists These are a traveller's set of samples, all different styles and materials. Lonisine Silks and other Silks. These range in value from $2.50 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. : Your Pick To-Night 98c¢. When you see these you will say as we did, "This is the best bargain in Waists we ever had." Positively no tdle Some netts, some lace effects, some. 50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 3.75, ephone orders accepted for these. Just Received To-Day Pretty Lace Collars New Shapes, 35¢, 49¢, 75c and on up to $2.50 each White Silk Gloves, White Lisle Gloves, Stockings in White Lisle, Stockings in Fine White Cotton, Many makes, all sizes. LADS STOLE | TROUSERS. In_Broad Daylight From Forrest's King Street Store. Two lads of about fifteen years of age made a daring haul when they walked up to the store of J. P. For- rest, King street, at 10.15 ofelock on Saturday morning apd made off with two pairs of trousers, = They got away down King street foward the Hay Market, and were out of sight when a lady, who had witness ed the theft, notified the proprietor. As the store was full of customers and the culprits had made their ss- cape, Mr. Forrest did not try to fol- low them up.. The police were notl- fied, however, and it is understood that they have a clue and are fol lowing wp the sneak thieves. The value of the stolen goods was about five dollars. Str. America for Gananoque. ------------ » Miss Elin Dav. is visiting friends in Ogilvie, the lawyer she trusted cantped, 'Dominion day, 8.30 am. returning, instves Gananoque, 7 p.m. Sle. Mr. and Mrs. Erpegt Hough, of Chi- Su with Mrs. Hough's Later Miss Turnbull, of Lapeer, Mich., made - & 'short stay in the city eh Friday. A vrellef fund has been started in Hamilton for Mrs. Johnson, a widow, who lost $18,000 when James 4 Attractive White Summer Dresses * For Ladies and Young Girls. L JOHN LAIDLAW &jSON. See these To-Night. FOR THE HOLIDAY Price 85¢ Good style and quality. Misses' and Boys' Tan Baefoot Sandals - Sizes 11 to z Children's sizes ing the same shoe, 5 to 10§ - Tbe | Infants' sizes insthe same shoe. 5 Babies' sizes in the same shbe, COOL AND COMFORTABLE. : 65¢ / 50c to 2toh

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