: SATLT DoW WHIG. SATURDAY. JUNE 29. 1012, Se ---- | THE DAY'S EPISOOES| (wus EmETs() : a NOTES AND THINGS I» ; - SAVING =n" "SPEND It oer ret lms ot mrt DOMINION Day tees hi Easily Read and Remembered. NAR 5 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LAKE ONTARIO PARK "Flgst tasertion le = work | Pach can- money, on Thursday Finder a splendid Wee fora kindly return to Whig office and dxe, $1 each, at Turk's, ' i . ; receive réward, 5 . Admission Free 2. : OF THURSDAY OR FRIDAY OF LAST "Fly poison pads." Gibson's. Wilnam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders TRE SRIBAY OF LAST FoR 41 en 2 ALE, THREE . . + ar 3 RN i pub Ald FREE SHOW EVERY NIGHT he rewarded hy Lion > Fr recived at MeAutey's. Phone 564. 1.700 turning 10° this office $ H TENDERS _ARE INVITED. Up On Dominion day there will be is sued the new live dollar Domigion bili. Son reet BUSINESS CHANCES. Tuesday, July Eaod, for ; dddition to, sche! house ANYO! " The matriculation examinations con ri) ANYWHERE, © ing present' school nouse & mall order business at home: no x . Prosperity comes from the exercise of thrift or of the habit of regular saving. + The Bink of Toromto welcomes Savings Accovnts from all classes of ipdividuals, Deposits of a dollar are wel- tome. Interest is credited hall-yearly. Begin®a savings accbunt this very week at ~ THE BANK OF TORONTO CAPITAL .... . sre tis au suse. $5,000,000 REST. ...... ces as eases. $96,000,000 : POR SALR. ENHT LARGE, SQUARE LANTERN oy tyke SUNT. POCKETBOOK, CONTAINING SUM oF Phoge HOUSES, sing! fog Godwin &§ "Rnd Apply $9 Brock Tow NURS WHO CAN SLEEF AT 3 Avra Abpiy, 115 Bagot jr Ey OMAN WASHING EVERY 3 Nes Yk Tor small family. - Box MB 8. Whig office 'ARFENTERS WANTED. APPL ANN fetter or in person, to J. SN Adamson. 126 Sparks Street, Ot- tawa, Ont, OMAN TO GO TO THI! COUNTRY, A hy of three. no exit mY gobi wages, Apply at Whig UP-TO-DATE RETAIL GROCERY Store, with dweliing attached; good location in eity; a first-cions fade. Apply to Box F, Whig of le v TO building an and repair- on rruday, They were held m ' Plans and specifications canvassing: be your ow Grant hall. be . n 2 geen at my store. for free b pt Np ROW. may KINGSTCN ERANCH-107 PRINCESS ST. [GEORGE B. McKAY, A NUMBER ov SKIFFS, various sizes and various Shicen Apply, W. H. Godwin & Son. Insurance Agents, over Northern Crown Bank. Brock Street Mm you're old you'll need a Verena, Oat. home. McCann ean help you get ome BULLETIN right now, Lot cream" at fi 's. : Miss Annie Nirah oor lleville, is visiting her aunt, Wa. ow, Livi: SUNDAY, June 30, 7.30 a.m. and 2 pm., AMERICA, regular trips to Cape Vincent, 50¢ return. - RAL MONDAY, July 1, 8.30 san, AM.|* 9000 GENERAL 3 "Huy talcum powders." Gibson's, Bena CLAYTON BROWN, Sec. Heacock, 1,969, sion street, ; ERICA for Monster Celebration at ing. Apply, 10 Mrs, Tw "Furnished for attractive snten- PI in all substantial Hnes of busi- ness. Rallroads, tions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining, Agricultural and Industrial, Bond, Debentures and Stock Issues Jnderwritten, Purhased or Sold. parties purchased for European exploitation and investment. Miscellaneous commissions and or. ders of all characters atcepted for ex- ecution in any Eurupean eountry, Correspondence enclos! full tals at wt writing invited. N estan -- aa 16-FOOT SAIL BO AT, FIVE »r BEAM, single cat rigged; eedy, in god condition; ufed three BOREONS] will be wold cheap Apply, In the evening. to 332 Johnsen Street. pm, of Regina, sister, Mrs. x work; office. Lime juice, large botlles, 256. Sar BT ro ng or i WOR . gra A. Cays, Wallace ist teceived his | Gananoque, 30¢. Barrie Street. igent's drug store. CRUSH STONE FOR © iN a TT MONDAY, July ¥, 230 pm. AN-| Tomo JIGH mane ragdes © No, 1 i Juin, cor. James and Patrick Streets Phone 1322 Residence, 380 Barrie Street. Phone 1191 Mere. Joseph Hobipspn, Sask.y is visiting her Walsh, Broek aicet : wie DL PZ night dresses, $1.25. Dut- ton's. . LM. Y. Williams, West Lake. a duate of Queen's, has {ERICA for Tour of Islands, SOc. proposition; make 0 six sales jyear welt boots, ®.05. buttons, 2vy; WEDNESDAY, July 8, 2.80 p.m. Addrens oD) Yuk Supply !rinoens street. = AMERICA for Tour of the islands, pany, P.O. Box 27%, Toronto, Dr. John Odlum, Woodstock, died un | 0c. : ANYWE AN TARY Thursday, aged mixty-lhre years. he! THURSDAY. July 4, 7 am. AM- ANYORE Sma Copy a naerer was a graduate of (een s. ERICA for monster celebration, SEINATS o Bon Mass. degree of Ph.ll, at Ya ! Dale ! Men's dp. patent Colt Good- | Toilet waters and perfumes at Sar- | Ogdensburg, #0c return. cam. $75 WILL PURCH ASK Goon ant. room house. corner Patrick Raglan Read; ready to move Rreat bargain for quick smile CASY terms. Aply, 14 Main St SiN. and inte; » DAVIS MOTOR BOATS" you. They guarantee ECONOMY, COMFORT and SAFETY. The supremacy of our Motor Boat is never questioned. de- N Our 1912 GABOLENE ENGINES are a great you ordered one for this season? success. Have If not DO IT NOW. All orders receive prompt attention. Buy your gasolene Engine Fittings and Supplies from us, and lat us do your repali work and save money for you. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. the ounty cis Frontenge, gent's Drug Store, | there wili be two band concerts in Macdonald Pack next week, on Mon- dey and Thursday evenings, "Bubber rings self sealers." Gib- son's. Michael Crowe, of Buffalo, a former resident of Amberst. Island, is visit- at the island and at Kiogston. in { very thing to catch the wary fly the Estate of Annle at Sargent's Drug Store. of Kings. oJ. h. Johnson, liberal candidate at Pelly, Sask., is a graduate of Queen's, MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. INBIBT on getting WAGSTAFFE'S A GOOD GENERA AN SERVANT; NO washing or ironing; references re. re AND, Mrs. A. HB. Willam- son, corner King and William Streets, TINTELIAGENT PERSON MAY fern $199 monthly SofTaspanding or newspapers; uo al g- Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. PURE OLD ENGLISH STRAWBERRY JAM SALESMEN WAN TED FOR AUTO. matic Hand Sprayer; handiest and best: specially adapted for pota. toes; big profits; secure territury . ANC 14-16-18 mm) ry Street, Loudon, Financial Undertaki of all sorts Tr bandied. ne FINANCE AND INSURANOR. GENERAL INSURANCE. -- 7T, vy, lee LAE Nectar ti eatin Policles issued. BATEMAN "* ARD RE, Life, Accident, AR IANE ry fur toms Broker: Real Bstate and 300 LOADS op EARTH; ALSO RIGwr horse power motor (Airset sup: rent). a new frame house Juss completed. on Victoria Street Ad PIV. E, Wathen, 47 Maok Streat, Phone 854 mp ert TWOSTOREY AME HoUsg, reoms wit good garder situated close to streat cars village. of Portsmouth ? the premises, to Mrs Payne. si lag in an omas FR h pity TH BRICK RESIDENCE, CHOICY 1.0¢ Al. ity, near Collegiate and line: on, the Widow, Decenned water Sq larga leaving Car immediately, Cavers Bros, Mauu- =. {He was member during last session. facturers, Galt ' Men and women's tam or chocolate NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, PUR-| b : duant to "The Trustee Act" that ail boots at cost prive. Dutfon's. creditors and others Raving elaims Thomas Keats, of the city, is at Beninat the setae ol the | 3 nis tenchog the Holiness Movement camp third day of December, 1911, are re meetings that are being held at Veg quired, on or before che eighth day of ona. fuly, 1912, to sdnd by post, prepaid, or Sale! Men's $6 "Doctor's" tiifver to ersra. Cunsingham % A Mudie, of the City of Khaton, Soll. tan or black, $4.85. Dutton's, citors for the Administrator, with th~ ; " : i : wiil annexed of the ldast will and Ji Jou bave faith in the ity of testament of the sald deceased. thelr Kingston why not imvest in some of Christian and Surnames, addresses and its renl 'estate * Come in and talk it descriptions, the u particulars o 4 ' their claims, the. statemept of their Over with McCann. accounts, and the nature of the se-; Dee our-special corset, Soe. ; sanitary curities, if any, held by them. al towels, skirt shields, sanitary belts, And urther take hHollee, ial after > . x a such last-mentioned date the sal a ete. Dutton §, 208 Princess Street. ministrator, with the will annexed: wit! Today is the festival of Saints proceed to distribute the Assets of the Peter and Paul, which is observed in the to the the Anglican dnd Roman Catholic claims of which they hall then nade churches. notice, apd that the said administrator C3 3 with the will annexed, will not be! MI Cungingham, plano tuner, liable for the sald assets or any par. King street. Leave orders at Me ihereot ja any patapn ar Persons of Auley's book. store. BM hose claims notice shail no ave The remains of Mrs. George Wil- eco : i : 3 "ied ¥ een received by them-at the time of liams, who died in Edmonton, Al Puch distribution : Dated the twenty-fifth day of June, berta, have been brought to Kingston 1912, for burial, . "Buy cold cream' at Gibson's. Mrs. F. Gallagher, Queén street, left, Saturday, for Ottawa, to visit her daughter, of the government civil ser- vice department. "All the music, all the time." Dut- ton's. Picton Yacht 'Club will join the Eastern Lake Yacht Racing Associa- tion and take part bi the regatta at every convenience hot healing electric light, gas verandah: deep lot; aW ner city. Apply, 212 Albert Money to loan: a share of your business solicited. 67 Clarence Street. Kingston. 'Phone 308. FRONTENAC LOAN AND N VEST. ent Boclety; "eataniished 1863 president, Bir Richafd Cartwright; money issued on city and rm Sroperties, municipal and countr ebentures; mortgages purcha: : deposits' received and interest al- lowed, . McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street AND MARMALADE At all good grocers. om ylon, vor, a, h n Tea Gardens ot ne ae Phat the finest Green And 4 at 30c per pound, at - RA CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS Ratlway Mall Clerks; Mall Car- riers: excellent salaries; common education sufficient; particulars free. Franklin Institute, Dept $13 P, Rochester, N.Y. OLD COUNTRY AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS, =' Capt, oseph Dix, Jdalimaker, 1 the best awning maker in e city. If you want a well msds nne that will last the longest, card to 211 Nelson Street boots, MESTICS, CAP- able Scotch, aglish and Irish maids; also Danish girls; parties arrlving weekly. ly now Guild, Drummon treet, Mont- real, or 227 Bank Street. Ottawa. Oddfellows' Excursion to OTTAWA Wednesday, August 7th FOUR GROCERY dwellings attached: goon tions in elty: also Reneral sie and dwelling In thrivin vilage nearby. Apply to T J. 4 ork Ontario Chambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont . STORES, WITH UIVERPOOL, LONDUN, AND GLOBR lve Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets, §61,187.215, In addition t which the" policyholders Wave for Security the unlimited llabliity of all the stock-holders Farm an eity groperty insured at jowest possible rates. Before renewing old E giving new business get rates rom Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 326 MEDICAL. MM, A. RB. B. WILLIAMSON FAS RP moved his office any residence from 255 Brock Street' to corner King and William Streets. $206 MONTHLY.--~1 WILL STARY ou In business; experience abs - dlely unnecessary; spare time st bhome; furnish averyih : 'gurantee success; proofs and Sworn statement free. Voorhies, Desk 813, Omaha, Nebr, , King Street boulevard, and x 200; fine , fruit trees, ete.; re sideance of late John Hewton. (3)---80lld Brick House on Bagot Street; (en rooms; (4)---Double Stone Johnson Street; rooms each; all modern con- veniences; a bargain. (8)~Modern « practically solid Brick House, six r King greet sna © price. o stone. House on Col. I od Stregt: two storey; extension; aes; modern bpacan MS hres Noy FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS CANORS, Samplng utilis, tehing tackls, marine supplies lunch baskets, Eagheh raincoats, averything in ganvas, kit bags, silk tents, TAY ood, wor oat « Bupplise, ran V. Cooke, "Clarence "Phone 891 or 33. © Clarence St. Aerceased among parties encitied thereto, having regard only AX A ELIABLE MAN WITH hades TR Of trees, 'shrubs, roses, ete, LO represent 'us as wn ornawiental salesman in ingston; permanent position the right man Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED. A QUALIFIED TEACH FOR 8S. No. 2, Clarendon, duties to com- mence on 3rd Sept. state salary and experience to J. F Card, Plevna, Ont. 21 The 31st Annual Excursion of Napanee Lodge. Through Special Train- both ways. Remember the date, or FARM OF 100 ACRES, wWeEsT of Lot 26, in the Sth Concession Township of Pittsburgh, ¢« near church, cheese factory, srhool, and within two miles of Finley siwn- tion: contains good frame house drive shed, PIR pen, twa barns or a stables; abundance of good water For further information, k Wm. Lucy, Joye evils Ont Pply 10 HALY - ; UR FREDERICK A, OAYS, SPROIAY.. t, Nose, Throat and ar, 121 ellington Street, corner Johnson Hours: § to 1, 2 to 6, 7 to 8. Sun- day. 3 to 4, and by appointmen: Fhone 874, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, Solicitors for the Administrator, «. ll FOURTH WF JULY in OGDENSBURG, | all modern well America's Natal Day to be Oelebpat- wd in Regal Style. Glen Island this season. berm 8.30 a.m., our sale of berries will $e BANDS OF MUSIC------ue8 start. Lackie's, ------ | Miss Daisy L. Duffey, of Chicago, THRILLING BALLOON ASCENSION who has been visiting her .aunt, Mrs, M. Claxton, Aberdeen street, for sev. WITH DOUBLE PARACHUTE, al weeks, has returned home. RACE BACK TO THE EARTH. Horse Races, Motor Cycle Races, Great variety of all the latest popu- lar musie: Dutton's. Athletic Carnival, Motor Boat Races ete. ant ew Bric! Houses on Albert edrooms each; conveniences; A TEACHER FOR SENIOR DEPART. ment if Heeley's Bay Public School; duties to begin after sum- mer holidays. Apply, J. F. Chap- man, Sec.-Treas CATERER. GRISY Mo MILL--MODERY ROLLER first-class condition RO paying proposition, for Quick sais $4,200 ANL STREET, STORK AND Awelling SLIM-2 LARGE LOTS drive house Gn Princess SLAN '41 ST. River, 2 §.% acres BATEMAN & ence Stree onds and large returns of above an many other attractive offerings, apply to por 0 4 CLA STRERT. WE _ CATER TO Wedding Breakfasts, Danquet ete.; . also Rent Dishes, Linens and Silverware. Beid & Hambrook, corner Union and Divi- sion Streets. 'Phone 543 PARTIES, BALLN, Don't Forget the 'SUNDAY DINNER a Hotel Frontenac from 6to730 AND GOOD Street LAWRENCE off Gananoque, (LARDINER, 87, CLAR. UVALIFIED TEACHER FOR SS vo. 4, Ernesttown; Protestant pre- duties to commence Sept ; salary, $600. Apply to C.F Nicholson, Sec.-Treas., Millhaven Ont, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY, TRANSATLANTIO LINES, ALL CLASS. NAY 8, Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 Clarence Street, Kingston. "Phone 0 =r. # TO HIRE BY HOUR on hone 748.) QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR §.8, No. 5, Hinchinbrooke: duties to ecom- ence after summer vacation Protestant and male preferred Ar. ply, stating ajar and qualifica- tions, to Geo, A. Bmith, Sec, Par- ham, Ont. AUTO Ca day. * Mra. (Rev.) 8. Shibley, Albert street, left on Friday for Rochester, N.Y. to visit her som, A. M. Shib ley, of Sibley, Lindsay, Curr Co. "los cream bricks," at Gibson's. Prof. Short, chairman of the civil service commission, has been offered a Plreworks at position in a Manitoba University, at Grand Display of " a salary of $5,000. He has refused the Night and Band Concert, offer : Corset, Railroads (.,;; pe 4 street. The remaibs of the late Mrs. Blanch Bradshaw, who died in the general hospital, on Friday, were shipped to {her home at Marlbank on Saturday morning. Men's socks, Mec. pair. Dutton's. The steamyacht formerly owned by OSTEOPATHY. SAARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, with ur without board, near City Park, 28 Welllngton Street. Some Girls Seem to Flutter Around Scared to Death For fear they are not going to got a chance to marry some fellow who couldn't support them if they did. I am almost as nervous as that wondeting if you are not going to send in an order for A QUALIFIED LADY (Protestant) for S8 N ship of Camden, County of Add- ington, situate in the village of Colebrook: school all, average attendance, 23; salary. $400 per annum; duties commence ard Sept i912, A. C. Warner, Bec. Cole- brook, Ont WANTED--GENERAL. A CART HORSE, AROIY 7 OR ~ years old, aud guaranteed sound, A. McCartney, 243 University Ave City TEACHER o. 8, Town. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. G. Asheroft, DO, 136 Wellington St. opposite the Post Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. ointment Consultation Phone 447, Baseball between Ogdensburg and Fi RNISHED RESIDENCE, at } i Gananoque. MeCanr's Real Estate Brock Street, near Welllr No. NT JOHNSON separatn yard; bis Pon on Appl at 113 Btre APPLY Office, 42 SIX-ROOW Bireet mediate Raglan HOUSE, bh & BUSINESS NOTICE. | shitable for stout figures. -- Excursion Rates on all see at Dutton's, 209 Princess and Steamboats. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, aboslutely moth Jrooty ar an Josk and kel ors ueen Mt, 'Phone 5265. 5 u COALS! COALS! COALSI-WHY PAY such high coal bills when you can Use gas for cooking? Iwop a card to. David Marshall, 101 Queen Street, for prices on gas installa tion Under the management of the Eka. | THOMAS DINNEEN, Chairman. CHARLES 8. HUBBARD, a retary. ee ---------------------- eet LARGE YARD, SUITABLE FOR COAL wood © of for storing pur; nen, corner of Princess snd Ontario Streets. Apply to D J. Millaa, on the premises. NICE OLEAN Baas WOR WIRING machinery: w good price for same. ritish PWhiE Publishing Company. UPHOLSTERER. « 4. GAVINE, UPHOSTERING, pairing and carpet work, hafr mat- tress renovating, Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street to Box LEGAL, FROM OUTUBER 19TH, POR MAR. " ried coupic and child, two or three CUNNINGHAM & M roams, furnished or SS Turnished ors and Solicitors with board. Apply, M Whig office Clarence Street. Xingst A |W. R. Travers, which has been lying at the waierworks wharf for some time, was taken to Midland on Satur ay morning. Rubber rings for sell sealers. son's. A well-known citizen has from Col. Sam. Hughes, that the Bunker Hil bee, will not be n Historical Society. ho umbrellas for $1. while they last. 8. Fe 3 | Dutton's. lergy West, Many 'a'. good. real estate deal has | : been mode on an exchange basis that That modern, attractive doyble TAKE Nowic THAT { WILL BUY | has proved 'satisfactory to both par. Brick Residence; 141 and 143 all k of second-hand furniture tins. What have you to trade? Tell King Street. owned by Mrs. K. Bo ing Tom yor Thos JO A ~ about i 3 N. Fenwick; one of the best J 4 ha n, 333 Princess Street, a witigs Yor bathers at ' Sar. located an bandspmest resid- - 2 ndrew's Church. 's Drug. Store. 2% ences of the city; large rooms; : Fa a all modern conveniences; @ Cloth and Ravi ged into up- Spacious = stone garage, etc, suits. Price and work. ate. For quick sale the above Fan ip Susrantasd to please: is offered at an attractive the ShoF(est notice Thomas Gallo- near figure; either the whole pro- way, 13} Brock Street, ty or Kher house te Bibby's Livery. y. . For further particulars, ARCHITECTS. apply to TET King im ARGITEGY, EC. ABOUT Jt LY House or small ABC, WANTED, TO RENT, 1st. Furnished family. . Reply Whig office, STORAGE FOR PURNIRURR, and an also Dwellings, furnish. an unfurnished; Offices Stores, ete 8, R McCann, of Brock Street. CLEAN Gib- NEW BUNGALOWS AT EASTYIEW Park, on Bt, Lawrence, five miles from Kingston, five or six roore and furnished; moderate rent and ood transportation Apply, Ree. D. Boyd, Pine Street DENTAL a letter intipeating gun, now at Que roed to a Boston SHOE NG OF EVERY DE. ret class work: best used: one trial win our repairs t» je Btreet, cor. of PERSONALS. ARE YoU HAPPY?! IP NOT, WHY Rot marry your ideal? Write me and fipd out new iden, free Denver" Bocisl Circle, Box 1391, Denver, Colo Phon 1 ¥ '1215 "Avil they will be attended to at the mi J cost and inconvénience to you. All work guaranteed. KNAPP, LA, DDS, ne oved to J Re 1 AE, BA [ 26% Princess Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, REVE- 20 1.2 §§ ince Street, Kingston mesteries of life made 'Phone 246. birthday and sc 11 Ball. 208° Gauthier ©; NASH, DENTIST DR. C. Ww Can ker, stant, 133 Princess "Phone 738, x WA BIRTH. all an and skis removed permanently SCAr: 27 years' experi. She » r. Elmer J. Lak oe far, Nose roat n Brecialist, $59 Baga: HOROSCOPEWONDBRFUL lations; &n clear; send stamps. Bt, Ed Montreal HAIR, Mobis, . marks an blemishes without ence, DR. C. Wel Street. 8. H, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS. DENT- i fet, corner Princess and Hawot | Eotran on Bagot Street. Tels ., "ee phona €240 Breet BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO table board at MFPs. Armstrong's : : : Aakrdach vende, between Wits WM NEWLANDS a A POSES THIS WEDDING SEA- "ony Ctticen eae] ¥ dh 1 Street 1 * AUTOMOBILES - a | SON.. EVER.. SHOWN. IN ol i FOR HIR EN eg a WITT TN F r KINGTON: iii FOR HIRE we nt Order For Coal : By Hot, Day or WeEs. cars take the 14th regt. ar , chants' Bank _ corner or The Standard of excellence in fuel is MANICURING. MISS REYNOLDS, OF SEW YORK, has opened manicuring parlors af 188 Wallington Street. uver Cors novaky's fruit or Office Bours fam tof pm one The SUITABLE FOR GIFT PUR. will be nh into the Drock and Wellingtca Streets. ans AND RESTA - - xan the, Dent of ©) g rafer by le. Wines, bra or snd st reason Su : Bar tt p i fo =" Bilton ~ on, ire i i ale Mrs. Mar ail Flores Ngo served tom Imon Alta. « avening, | ton's. ad were taken to oni y A (eats, aie os aries uivilie & Driscoll RESORTS, Friday es : : her late residence] Campers at Barker's Point, on Fri- ne ood {day night, were awakened and seared vion and Collinge ¥ hugh. wee aush to adall Taking orders for next Winter IFT: . eg te Cp came to the | " -- WMODS- i the Jalise thai the fanp | bats arHvS. Twenty Toaters, summer . ¥ 0 cottages, pleaie parties, shove a hon Ba 3 ingsion, Ont.