¥ 2. THE_ Esm 1873 TANDARD Bank , JEsD OFFicy , .. TORONTO AVINGS deposited in this bask <) draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. : os KINGSTON H. E. Richardson, BRANCH, - A ~ " We Pull a Good Stroke with men who underitand what good tailoring means because Wwe are practical ta'lors and know how io build clothes that are stylish, per- fect fitting and permanent shapely. We Have a large assortment of fah- rics in the latest designe and eolor tones. Blues, Browas and light Greys are the proper colors. We have a special Blue Worsted Indigo Dye, a splendid wearing material, which we can make up for $22. THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor 157 PRINCESS STREET. ---- --wrsst MONTREAL CITY --vemn INSIDE BUILDI . The safest and most profitable Investment' in Canada to-day. Our faith in Montreal's 'vture is based upon facts about them. Ask us * THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE. EE A a ---------- ABUNDANT FLUFFY HAIR IS IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE DANDRUFF flow often do we hear or see this expression used in desaribing a beauti- ful woman. Denude that head of its hafr and in- stend of a queenly, royal bearing wo ve a fright. The hair makes" all t difference. 'To have that glor- jous abundance of radiant hair which alwava crowns "'a regal head," one should use Newbro's HWerpicide. Herpicide veprésents the Inst word in seientific hair culture. It destroys the dandruff germ, checks falling hair and corrects generally diseases of the hair and scalp. The positive results and its delicate FOR SALE berta, Welland, -------------------- REAL __(CARBOLL __ Lots in Regina and Saskatoon Sask. Wainwright, Bassano and Mirror, Al: but refreshing odor recommends New- bro's llerpicide to ladies of refinement everywhere. Send 10e, in postage for sample bot- {le of Ierpicide and booklet to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. - Newbro's IHlerpicide in 50c. and $l sizes is sold by all dealers who guar- antee it to do all that is claimed. Ii Vou dre mot satisfied your money will be refunded. Applications may be good barber shops and hair James B. McLeod and L. special agents. obtained at dressers T. Best, ESTATE Ont. 'PHONE 68. 14 MARKET ST, ' FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE. PLATE-GLASS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Studebaker-E-M-F "30" or Stude- * sutomobile you get more dollar, than in any other for car Built, good cars---but what is their worth, GRE he we Re his inaugural sermon. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1912. HE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY. © t'here Will be Interesting Theses Considered in the Pulpits--The Gospel Message to All People. St. Andrew's--Rev. 8. J. M, Camp- ton," B.D. Services, 11 am, and 7 pm: Strangers welcome. \ 2 Chalmers church, corner of Barrie and Earl streets--Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prol. Alexander Laird, at both servieds. Queen Street Methodist church--Rev, Gi. I. Campbell, B.D., pastor. 11 a.m, Flower Sunday, children's service; i p.m. Rev. Mr. Campbell 'will preach ~ Calvary Congregational church, cor- ner Bagot and Charles streets--Spe- cial flower service. 11 a.m., children's service: 7 o'clock, evening _pervice, iood music. Come. You gre heartily welcome. » Seats free, First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pestor, at both services. 1] am. "The Joys Of Salvation; 7 pan, "The Unwisdgm Of Indecision." Bible school at, 2.45 p.m.; Strangers cordially invited to all the services. st. George's cathedrai--Fourth Sun- day after Trinity. 8 am. holy com- munion. Servite in commemoration of Dominion day; 11 am. mating. Preacher, Rev. Canon Starr. 4 p.m, baptisms; T p.m., evensong. Preacher, Dean Bidwell, St. Paul's--Holy communion; 8 a.m; morning . prayer,. 11 o'clock; Sunday school and vicar's Bible class, 3 pon; evening prayer, 7 o'clock; Sunday school, pigpnic, Staley's grove, July rd. Preacher at hoth services, Rev. Ww. F. FitzGerald, M.A. Sydenham Street Methodist chureh-- The pastor will conduct Both services, Bible school, 2.45 p.m. Strangers al- ways welcome. Music: Anthems, "0 How Amisble," "0 Come Immanuel, "To Vietory;" solo, *'His Blessed Faith," Miss lrene Hoag. First Church of Christ, Scientist; Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m., subject. "Christian "Science » Wednesday evening, testimonial meet- ing. Free public reading-room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cor dially invited to the services and the reading room. First Congregational, corner John- son and Wellington streets--Rev. FE. leroy Rice, B.A., pastor. Morning warship at 11° o'clock; subject, "Pure and Undefiled Religion:" evening wor- ship; at 7 e'clock, subject, "I'he Com- pensations of = Life." Sunday school and Bible 'class at 3 p.m. Strangers and those seeking a church home ave cordially 'invited to attend. Cooke's church, Presbyterian-- Rev J. W. McIntosh, M.A., minister. Resi dence, 90 Frontenac street. The pas tor will conduct the services. 11 am. patriotic service, attended by the members of the Sunday scheol in 8 body. 7 p.m. "Heresy in the Church." Sunday school service at 3 o'clock will be withdrawn for the day. Prayer meeting. Wednéaday, = ,.m. Strangers cordially welcomed, Bethel Congregational, eorner Barri and Johnson streets--A central church. Nev. A. P. Mershon, minis ter. 11 amn, Sunday school. Flower day service. Mothers and babies of the eradle roll especially invited. All scholars of 8. 8. expected to be pre- sent, 3 p.m., Sunday school omit ted; 7 p.m., sérmon y pastor, "The Utility Of Jesus." "Ihe choir has prac- ticed special music for the day, and will strongly support the morning ser- vice, Seats free. The doors are open to all people. Brock Street Methodist church, cor- ner of Montreal and Brock--Pastor, Rev. John Webster, residence, 242 Johuson street. Flower Sunday. 10.45 a.m., children and teachers will meet in S. S. rooms, 11 a.m. In the church a very interesting programme will be given. Parents and friends will please be present. Visitors and strangers wel come, 17 p.m., a special sermon for the laboring men. Strangers coming to the city will find a church home in Brock street and a hearty welcome. Good music, Toesday, annual 8. S. picnic to Brophy's Point. Boat leaves at | pm. Princess Street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert. streets-- Rev. Frederick (. Robinson, parson age, 620 Princess street, minister. Flower Sunday. 11 a.m., children's flower service. Addresses by Rev. VF. (;. Robinson, and Mr. Meserve, of Y. M.C.A.; 7 p.m., choral service, and special sermon by minister. Music : | Morning anthem, "Arise, He Calleth Thee; evening, choral service by choir. Anthem, "King Of Love;" Solo and puartette, "lead Me Home;" duett, "Hark ! Hark, My Soul;" solo, W. Mack; soloists, Miss Grace Mit chell, Miss A. Timmerman, Miss A. Brebner and W. Mack. A cordial wel- com to all, Rink Arbitratior. The arbitration which was decided upon - during 'the winter between Quecwds 'university and the Kingston skating rink company. will likely take piace the first week in July. The price asked for the rink by the - com- ny fs considered rather high by Rasi's and jt is expecied that the {board of arbitrators will settle the difference. The company asks $20,000 for the rink. e---------- Fell and Sprained Ankle. A young men, John Marsh, re ceived a ankle on Friday on a a Hope w compay, Ww 8 ona a which he was | working, and jumped to the deck to save himsell, The sprain will lay him off his work for some time. Spend Sunday in Watertown. Good going Saturday 5 am. or 2.50 pm., Sunday 730 am. and 2 p.m., returning up to Monday night. $1.65 return. Fs ------------------ New York's Latest. In straw hats at Campbell Bros.- "There is said to be a prokesior of es who "has mastered all the 4 his weife" '| been doing good work in the railway THE CHURCH SERVICES|LABORERS ARE _ FEW QUESTION OF SECURING HELP BECOMING QUITE SERIOUS: These Days--Work as Result. "That the question of 'securing help of the laboring class is becoming more serious every day, is the ianfar- mation given to the Whig, by leading men, who have laborers in their employ. The _average person, no doubt, has no idea just how hard ' it is to get men for work, but those who age engaged in the task of endeavor- ing to get men, state that it is "no easy matter. "It is becoming harder every day to' get men," said one man to oh Whig, to-day, who employs a grea many men in his business. "There are men going around' the city who have no employment, and who refuse point blank to work, It is giving business a great setback. : And thus all employers of labor have the same story to tell. The Whig has heard many complaints, from tine to time, about the matter. "ihe situation 1s Just as Berious as hes been stated," remarked = an- other man to the Whig. The gredtest trouple 1 have during a week, is Keep- ing men oy the job," he said. "We have all kinds of work to do, by we simply can't get the men to do df." Ome loeal industry has heen adver tising for laberers every day or so, but cannot get the number of - men required. Perhaps at no other place has the great scarcity of help been felt than along the water front, Where men are. required to help unloading grain amd coal vessels, more so, in the unloading of coal vessels. Vessels have been held 1p for days at a time, sim- ply because men could not be secured to do the work. One of the steamers, in the local fleet of vessels, overcame the diflicalty this summer, 16 some extent, by hav- ing a toal hoist built for the vessel, and in this way, managed to get along with less men. The hoist has filled the bill well, and everyone has been well pleased with it, _ The scarcity of men will likely re- sult in a number of foreigners being brought to the city. The men have Given Setback construction camps, and it is felt that they with a little experience, would be able to do work in the city, just as well, During the past few. weeks, have been known to go all over the city scouring for workers, and they tell some very amusing stories about their experiences. . It is known for a fact that on Fri- day morning, one man, who was sad- ly in need of help, went to the homa of g mmn, got him out of bed secur- ed hin jwo drinks , of beer and his breakfast, at an hotel, betore the nan would consent: to go to .work: Surely matters have come to a sad state, when a person has to do all this, in order to get a» man to work. However the information was secured from a reliable source, and there is no rea- son 40 doubt it. It is also known for a fact that an- other man went to a certain house, a dozen or more times, Friday morning ! to get the "man of the house" to go to work. He could not get anyone else to fill the bill, so Simply had to keep on the job, hammering on the door antil he aroused the workman from his deep slumber, but ii was late in the morning before' he got the man out, and 'at his work. men MAY HAVE NEW TRAIN, And it Will Run Through Kingston in Afternoon. There is every prospect that within a very short time another through train will be placed, on the Grand Trunk railway, from Montreal to Chicago. This train, it is hoped, will make ad good time, if not better, than is made by the International Limited. 1t will likely leave Montreal in the neighborhood of noon, passing here between four and five o'clock, and will be a source of added strength to the Grand Trunk railway system. The railway men are talking of it as a growing necvssity. A Company Incorporated. The, Rothert Steel and lron com- pany, which has been incorporated in the state of Colorado, and which, a shor: time ago, purchased properties in the counties of Frontenag and Has tings, has issued a pamphlet petting forth its project. I). E. Rowe,. vice president, and secretary of the com- pany, was in the city regarding the acquiring of the properties. he company has been. incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing ivon and steel from titaniferous magnetic ares of iron by the Rothert process; having aoguired that right, Make Your Will To-day. HI you have mot already made your will you should lose no time in doing it. The usually happens, The Truss Guarantee Co., limit: od, 43 and 45'King street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor ui all circumstances, and at small ex- pense to your estate. Appoiot the executor, and let them bold our wil In Amir security vault, free of charge untd) required. At Lake Ontario Park. Next week's attractions at Lake On- tario park will be a high-class enter. tainment, consisting of Liliputians, in a novelty revolving globe act; also a very clever si , damcing and cal dct, and 3 feet of mov pie- tures will make a complete ing vie ance during the week. The street car intend to have the park free! to the public en all holidays. For the Holiday. Big values in all kinds of duting hats at Campbell Bros", ° ithe thusi- | gna [ied © PAGE FIVE. OR THE HOLIDAY Barefoot Sandals for Children. Ros Patent Shoes for Boys. oman Sandals for Canvas Pumps. Colonials an $1.00 SMALL SIZED REGIMENT WILL GO. TO PETERBORO FOR DOMINION "DAY. -- Probably Only 200 tith Men Will Take the Trip--Bugle Band Pre. sentation to Sergt. Bert Simpson. At parade, Friday evening, prepara tory to leaving for Peterboro, on Sunday morning, the number of men present at the 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles, 'was surprisingly small 16 what was expected two weeks ago, Lieut. Col. A. B. Cunningham, officer com- manding, and the officers accepted the invitation of Lieut.-Col, Clegg, officer commanding, on behalf of the officers of the 57th Regiment, of Paterboro, because the men of the 14th were, ap parently, as a body, enthusiastic over going to the "Electric City" for Do minion day. Dut instead of 275, as expected, there will not likely be over 200 leave here, via C.P.R., to-morrow morning at eight o'clock: An excellent time is promised those who go on the trip, as well as see ing the "sights" of Peterboro. There will be a church parade on Sunday, at which the visiting regiments, the: 41st, of Brockville, and the 14th, as' well as the 57th, will attend. On Monday morning a military parade and re view i billed, and sports, in the ai ternoen, and a band concert and tat too in the" evening. The officers will be guests at motor rides, a dinner, on Monday night, as well as other fume tions. It is hoped that as many men as possible of the Kingston regiment will go and enjoy the trip, as well as hold ing up the reputation of the Hth, which is, at this time, considerably at stake. The 'regiment will arrive back in city during Monday night. Major C. A. Low has returned = from Peter boro, where he was making the ar rangements. Sst Gift to Sergt. Simpson. After parade, Friday evening, the | members ohthe bugle band of the 14th athered in \ their room, where a pleasant afiair took place, in the form of a presentation. Sergt. Bert Simp son, who has had charge of the band for some years, was made the recipi ent of a purse of $25 hy the boys of the band. Matthew Donnelly read the address and Percy Reeves made the presentation. It as likely thdt Sergt Simpson will conclude his connection with the band this season, after thir teen years' service, during which his work in every capacity, has been in valuable. "Bert" made a neat reply to friends. ------------ RECORD AMOUNT OF FREIGHY Has Been Coming Jato Kingston This Season. it has been stated by railway men that never in the . past twenty-fiv( years has She amount of freight com ing into Kingston exceeded or com Jared with the amount this spring. 1 act the local branch has had a goo deal of dificulty in handling it. Wit) the new G.1T.R. sheds, the extension at the K. & P., and the gradual tak ing hold of the UC.N.R., the prospects for . Kingston are bright for the fu ture, and those who say that the city has taken a new lease on life are happily, not far stray. Brought to' Kingston. Three children of Charles Badour, of Bathurst township, have been brought by the Children's "Aid Society and- placed in the House of Providence. 'Fhe children have been living on ber ries and woodchucks. They are aged twos 'six and eight respectively, and the boy of eight is only the mize of a four-year-old, through improper and insufficient nourishment. -------------- White Swan Yeast Cakes. Arve always in great demand for bread-making, as they are fresh and active until used. Your grocer sup plies them in Sc. packages containing cakes. Send for free samvle. White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limited, To: ronto, Can. AC : Bought the ePractice, Pr. M. J. 0. Walker, M.D, a gra- duate of Queen's, hus bought the practice and real estate of the late Dr. W. 4. Johnston, Merrickville. Dr. Walker has been practising. very sue cessfully at Toledo. ---------- ist and 4th July Excursion. Per 88. North. King and SS, Cag pian, to Rochester, N.Y. Tickets good i Juse 30th, or July 20d and valid for; return till July 5th, Fare, $3. J. I. Hanley, agent. Keep Cool on the Water, y, America makes a com Wednesda plete tour of the Islands, 50s. . Sweaters in great vaviety for all Girls. s. Nu-bucks for Women. 4 See Our Special Fibre Suit Case, just the thing for carrying your picnic lunch. A - GENEROUS PLATEFUL of the most delicious, refresh- ing Ice Cream ever manu- factured is offered dally at this store----phirest ingredients, freshest creams, best flavor- ing, put together in spotiess- ly clean surroungshgs. Visit our parlors whew you want to crowd an hour of delight Into half that time. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 64g third air Drop into BENNETT & 191 PRINCESS ST. po THE BAPTIST PIC-NIC On Friday Afternoon Was a Pleas. ant Event. All that goes to make up a good pie-nic was enjoyed yesterday after. noon, when the Bible schools of the two Baptist churches of the city joined In their annual outing at Long Island Park. The weather wig superb, the boat service excellen: the sail across the river delightful. There was a good and happy crowd, composed of both old and young The sports committee put on a good programme for the young people ol the First church. The following were the prize winners: --- Girls, 5 to 7 yearg--Helon Bals- bury, Kathleen Musselwhite. Boys, 6 to 7 years--Johnle Ler- onge George Pickering. Girls, & to 10 years-- Beatrice Kemp, Eva McCullough. Boys, 8 to 10 years--Vincent Mo Cullough, Nathan Leronge. Girls, 11 to 13 years---Mildred Campbell, Ida Leronge. Boys, 11. te 13 years--Grafton Cruse, Fred Martin Girls, 14 to 16 years-- Ethel Loke, Florence Holsgrove, Boys, 14 'to 16 years--Grafton ruse, Fred Martin. Three-legged race - Pickering, Roy Dale. Young ladies' - race---Miss Mabel maliridge. ng men's race--Horace Lock- © Married women's raré --Mrs. Warwick. Married Pickering. Needle rnd thread race--Miss Alice Friendship and N. Pickering. Ladies' ball throwing---Ethel "ampbell, Special prize for iadies' "ace--Ethel Campbell. Baseball match between boys of the First and Union street schools was won by Union street. A jolly 'andy-candy scramble, fu!' of merri- nent, closed the enterta'nment of this splendid outlng. \ Norman H men's race---W. J young GANANOQUE, JULY 1ST. A Big Celebration Programme Pre- pared. __Bpend the holiday on Monday in Gananoque, where a full day of sport will be provided. Professional marathon, with the following entries: --Fred Meadows. Fred Sim "the Ojibway thunderbolt; [Sellen / Jack Baseball Gananoque LOOF. ve. Lyndburst. : Tug-of-war, running and jumping contests. Music everywhere and all time. Shugle fare on all railways. Don't miss it Ret. Vather Quinn, Tweed, has left he and enquire about them. mates cheerfully. given. DO YOU COOK WITH GAS, IF NOT, WHY NOT? When you can get a Gas Range RO Plate with the only perfect Burner on thieiatarket, : guaranteed to burn two-thirds gag and one-1 - e HALLIGAN"S Phone 1033. Fsti- + Adviee free. Hall Furniture HALL MIRRORS AND BOX HALL SEATS, AND COMBINATION HALL RACKS. | REID'S HIGH QUALITY, . REID'S LOW PRICES. JAMES REID'S from neuralgia in the head shoulders. "Phone 147 THAT TOBACCO With the "Rosster" on It is crowing louder as ne goes along Only 48c per pound. For chewing and smoking. . AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, Indians Given Chance, Frank Cumstock and hits Wile, ar- rested a week ago, on a charge of being drunk, sad remanded, were before Magistrate Farrell in police court, Saturday morning, afl were given a chancé returfi home Cumstock when asked how he had secured his liquor, said that not Yer Indian named Mitchell had Riven I: to him, but the police have! so ar been unable to find Mitchell io The watering carts buve book dump- : ing water on the crossings, much to the discomfort of many pedeslirians. Pains Have Vanis Neuralgia Completely The cure of Mrs. H. IL. Barrett, Guthrie, P. Q. is another yY by Hood's Barsapariiia. This medi- cine Bas succeeded In cares where others have utterly Mrs. Barrett says: "1 suffered iy and medi. 1 heard ood's Sarsapariila and decided to and 1 bless the day 1 did. months 1 bad used var cines without relief. fo enjoy s holidsy at his old howe in