Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1912, p. 11

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SCENE OF THE GREAT OLYMPIAD AT STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN => FHP DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JUNE 20. 1912 ------ SE -- 2 Xu el The big stadium at the Swedish capital, prepared for the games in whi ch athletes from all over the world Glorious Hair For Women. Your Money Back says J. B. McLeod if PARISIAN BAGE isn't the Most De- lightful Hair Dressing, Grower, Beautifier and Dan- druff Remover you ever saw Try It ladies on that fair and square basis." Surely you don't want to experiment with common com- mercidl tonies, when a large botile of PARISIAN SAGE costs but 50 cents, : There 15 a reason for -the pheno- menal- sale. of | PARISBIAN SAGE since it was first introduced into Amenjca, and the sales this year ar. breaking all records. x And the reasom is plain to all PARISIAN SAGE does just what #t is advertised to do. There is no reason whatever why any man or woman should fail to take advantage of the above gener- ous offer. But one thing that has made PARISIAN SAGE go famous is its peculiar power 16 turd the harsh, anaitrsviive hair that many wom « radiant Woihen of re- finement the country over are using possess into luxuriant and hair in a short time. it and it never disappoints. Sold by Leod for G0 The girl. with every. carton. FE ---- A "ENGLISH" PAINT SAID THE MAN WHO BUILDS. "Yes sir, 1 am going to use Urandram Henderson, TAited, *Buglish" Paint. home and then paint with cheap paint, 1 ghall use, None but the best {or mine, You don't suppose I w That wou I am building and painting for permanence--and Bb It wouldn't be fair to the house," ud put so much good money io a new ¢ absolutely wasteful, wouldn't it? il 'English' Paint is the only paint a ELLIOTT BROS. Kingston. FOU'LL know why pipes are so popular in England when you get acquainted with the delicious! of them smoke. cool, sweet fr agrance of the tobacco ALSO : » 4 Vv alee, i Ho of Tor ty cin ot a favorite here. Tryit. Your dealer has it. Mild in green label ting Medium. ln red 1) . er leading dealers every- where and in Kiugston by J. BH, Me- cents a large bottle, Aubtirn hair is on wmple the Kingston Scouts would NI A ---------------------- § WITH THE BOY SCOUTS rset ssscsserssrssenas Notice. of the 2nd (St. Geor ) Troop are requested to attend a Full All members ge meeting at St. George's Hall, in uniform. There is wome important news about camp to be given out Parado at 7 p.m. sharp, ou Wednés day, 3rd July, ti By the Scout Watchman, Wo aré pleased to hear that some Seouts Buve already commenced ° theix season's campitg. As bt is fine weath- they are énjoying it very muen We hear many encouraging reports. We have received letters from of our brother Scouts in Montreal. They are inquiring as to when the camp, is fo take place and promise to attend in larre numbers. All honor to the Newburg Scouts?! They rendered valuable aid to the Newburg fire brigade and polics in helping fo extinguish a serious fire. We are glad to see that Ontario Scouts. in common with Scouts the world over. are doing their best to carry out their oath and be of the greatest possible assistance to oth- ors. «A prominent Teaturw in the Chinese parade in Montreal recently was = a troop of twenty Chinese Bovs' Scouts, who called forth much: applause from the spectators. All Scouts who cannot swim should learn this summer. Of 300 odd me- dals won hy Scouts for saving life over half were awarded for rescue from drowning. Scouls "hou also learn how to track, ((N.B., This has no connection with the" track meet to be held this fall), learn it now, i.e. track. ing. some How to Tell Character. (Practice for Scouts.) When a hat is worn very much on one side it betokens that the wearer is an swaggerer. Steer clear of lending money to the man who wears his hat od the back of his head; if you do you may as well say good- ye to it, for there is very little chance of your ever seeitig it again. The person whé wears his hat straight on top of his Read is ro- bably hofiest 'but usually very dull; while .he who wears it slightly on one side is usually a good all-round sort. From "The Seout." During a game of loothall the oth- er day, Scout F. Williams, of the Raulislo Patrol, lst Lewes Troop, had the misfortune to hurt His foot sev evely. Second W. Topper, of the Stags, rendered first aif, and the injured Scout was conveyed home on the troop stretcher. } Some London Saouts do a weekly good turn by taking books and flow- ers ta the patients of the various London hospitals. This is an ex- do {well to follow regardihg city hospi- tals. DOINGS IN STAGELAND. Notes on Plays, Playerk and Play- houses, W. A. Tremayne is having a try- out of & new one-act play at Siar land theatre, St. Lawrencs Boulevard, It is upder his own direction and Ye plays one of the parts himself. The "King of Tramps", a mudieal 'com- edy by Mr. Tremayne and Irving I. Hall, is now being produced at Alex- andria Bay, N.Y. ! "The Garden of Allah" bas been translated into Russiam, and is to be produped at the Aty theatre, Moscow, shortly. Two of the dire¢tors of this famous playhouse visited New Yok last winter to sttdy the American jon of the play. pile Allen Safa Oh: het nua) ilgrimage to Europe this week. She tends Nt a brth cos, of Altica. af wll, A 'will take part. Jimmy. Valentine'. in. Boston last week. It is now three seasons since this popular detective-thiel play was fitsd produced, abd ils {ours have been #0 successful that Mr. Warner's sum- mer vacations have been of short duration, . 5 Walton' Tackaye has been engaged to play the part of Bill Sykes tn the Lictfer Cot Compenary Colsbration production: of "Oliver Twist," which with ils cast of stars, is to go om tour next sedson, The 'restilt 'of the cast remains practically the same as throughout 'the swetessfnl run of the revival of the New Amsterdam and Empire theatres, New York, Nat. C. Goodwin will dgain be seen as Fagin, Marie Poro as Oliver, and Con- stance Collier as Nancy. The death of her wealthy mothes-in- law has left Madame Simone, the actrass, one of the tem richest women in the world. Her great fortune, however, will not make any changin her attitude towards her profession. She will return to Ameria as soon as she has falfilled contracts to- produce two new plays in Paris. "The Herfords," the latest play from Beware of Ointments for Catarrh . That Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ana completely derange the whole systm wnaen enterin it through the mucous surfaces. uch articléa should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi. eluns, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly detive from them. Hall's - Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and i= taken internally, acting direct iy upon the blood and mucous sure faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure" vou get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohlo, by F. J. Cheney Testimonials free by Druggists. Price, 76c per bottle Take Hall's Famlly Pills for consti. pation, Scranton Coal Co's Ceal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antaracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania, Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontaric Street. 'Phone 158. THIS WOMAN'S "TROUBLES GONE Canada will be fairly well represented. the pen of Miss Rachel Crothers, who wrote "The Three of Us" and "A Man's World," is te be produced 'by the Liebler Co. at the Hudson theatre New York, on Labor Bay, Septem- ber 2nd. "The Herfords" was given a try-out geason on the road ° this spring. sft isa presenteday story of the conflict between a woman's ca- reer and her duty towards her child, and culminates 1 a moving scehs betwen mother and daughter. When Past McDonuld Hasting's, now London's latest fad; took the play that made him famous, "The New Sin," to his managers, he had a single hali-peany in hie pocket, the «im total of his fortune. ~ He is pow drawing 'royalties from two plays, anit two more are to be produced im the fall. "The Daughier of Heaven," the great Chinese play by Pierve Loti and Judith Gautier, is to be staged by Bernhardt in Patis next winter, buat not until it has had jts first perform- ance on any stage at the Century theatre, New York. 'Louis N. Parker, muthor of "'Dis- raeli," and '"Pommander Walk," was se- lected to drill a dozen duchesses and thirty peeresses in "A Hundred Years | Ago," a series of tableaux and dances } given for charity at Albert Hall, Lon don, retently: When "Within the Law" is present- od at the Julian Fltinge theatre, New York, in September, by Archibald Sel- wyn and the Shuberts, the cast of pinyvs will 'be an entirely new ome. The first selovtions wtidé include Jane Cowl, Florence Nash, Catherine Tower, Martha White, Orme Caldara, William B. Mack, Charles Abbott, Wilton Taylor, Kenneth Hill, John Willard, William: A. Norton, Meni fee Johnstone and Harry EKbitts. SIR RUFUS ISAACS. british Attorney-General Given Seat in Cabinet. Rufus Isaacs, who has recently been given a seat in the British cabi- net--the first attorneyv.general to be accorded such an honer--is a notable example of a man who exchanged one profession, in which he did not meet with much suceess, - for another in which his career has been a phemomen- al triumph. For »Rufus" as he is al fectionstely known, alike to his col leagues at the bar and to the men in the street, originally adopted stock broking as his calli in life, but, not doing much good at"it, transferred his affecticns to the law. Though called to the bar at a later age than the average barrister, he at once made » consilerable name for himself, and when, in 189%, he "took silk," he was recognized as one of the ablest law yers in the Country. Hgs emrly experi ence in business wag not thrown away on him, for it was largely in chees involving financial intricazies that he made his great reputation. Briltiant as he 18, us capaoity fer taking pains is no less remarkable than His beit- liancy. Unlike some other famous ad: voontes of wholn one has heard, he never goes into epwst only partially prepared. He esn grasp dhe salient points of a ease with lgbtning-hke facility, but he never allows his readis ness of perception and assimilation to do' duty dor sheer hard work. 'Rufus always gets up his ease," is the testi- mony which lawyers invariably bear to his thorougimess. When he aceept- ed the soliciior.generalehip two years 8gQ, his practice at' the bar was ener- mous. Smee then he has been preciud- ed from engaging in private practice, which perhaps is jist as well, for his health. For it was then his habit to be called at hnlf-pust five each morn- } ing, when he weuld start reading his briefs while he sipped an eazly motn- ing comp of tea, Breakfast was af eight-thirty, and then he would drive down to his chambers, where he would be engaged in comsultations till "it was time to go 't6 court. He would remain at the law courts till * "tour o clock, when he would repair to the House of Commons. With the excep. tion of the "interval for dinner, would remain in the house till wid: night, unless he chanced ' te be ade dressing & politienl 'meeting. He lived the life of an anchorite, and, exeept during the vacation -or somes setasion | of public importante; enchewed all so- cial functiond, develig himsell" entire. ly to his two professions of law and pol od 3 what » called the 'moderate' seeticn of the liberal party, but latterly he has drawn closer to Mr. Lloyd: with whotn he is on terms of close sonal friendship. He is » brother Ilo of Alfred SButro, the well-know: suthof ahd' playwright. = ' The man: who. insists. on being « slave (0 work is always a sirsuger to re. Thine is int Te age dg what ean an eva st for p i so choose. . Sir if wel If Ordinary Ales Don't Suit try WHITE LABEL ALE its {lave Is ifresistihie--produced from the chelcest barley grains and Kert hops, brewed bY experts in our sanitary wery, where the purest diviilled water §8 uw A bottling I done by men ie nur ewiploy right here on the premises Order 2 supply of White Label Lie asd eajoy the deliclots flavor in hie Sold lovely hy RHINEY & HICKEY, 134.798 Princess Street. Produced only by DOMINION BREWERY COMPANY, TORONTO, Limited, 8. Prouse, Druggist. A -- Weatherproof Paint : - -- i] You can readily appreciate the economy of painting exposed parts of your house with paint that protects and preserves the wood for the long- est time at the lowest cost. You ahould, therefore, be particular to get M=L PURE PAINTS AW h \ bY L! \ Paint the walls and durable, economical M.-L shades--just right for with the sanitary, w "LAT WALL COLORS artistic stencil decorative effects, Sold By | W. A. MITCHELL m never be satisfied with any other. Youll find that the sparkling, delicate flavor of "JOHN LABATT, LIMITED . © 1 LONDON, CANADA. © n James McParland » ne Agent, 330-341 King Bt, East

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