Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1912, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. JUNE 21. 1912. 7] z ; . : BRYAN MAY SULEEZE I, Th AWARD OF $3,000 LAI DLAW'S-- DENTIAL CANDIDATE, 2 PUR He Will Try and Prevent Judg: Parker From Being Chalrman-- Resolution to Colonize Negroes ir Africa or Philippines. . Baltimore, Md., June 21/-Oné of th greatest fights of the demoeratic con vention, to assemble here next week will be that of William Jennings Brym {to prevent Judge Parker being elected permanent chairman of the conven tion. Bryan is known to bé¢ taking » bigger hand at Bossing ' things thar THE TRADE OF CANADA May Exceed the Billion Dollar Mark This Year.' Ottawa, June 21.< At the rate of in- arease in the t e of Canada main tained since fhe heginnmg pre sent fiscal year, the total trade of the For S y or Slandering the Daughter, of the ominion for. the full year wiil con- ; f 8 SHE. Jiderably pass. the bilhon-dollar mark. Late Father Chiniquy--Justice for April, the imports increased by Grecushields "Said mo Church over $13,000,000 abd exports by near- | Could QPrer-ride Laws of the $3,000,000, The complete figures for ' Soy are not yet available, but the nerease for that month and for the resent month to date has been" 'about «he same: in proportion. This an 'increase 'of approx imately WLIO or the twelve months. The total trade of the dominion far AS SC ATHING DENUNCIATION OF CATHOLIC EDITOR of, the -------- For Inexpensive Summer Dresses We have a number of good materials that are right up to date and satisfactory for . Jane 2].- mages and ation of the anderous ments, were given, this mornid Justice Greenshields, against Joseph Begin, editor of the Rom: an Catholic Av ertlie t means $200, . UR Fifteen Dollar the last Suits stand right out from the crowd ! The values are extre- ordinary. These Suits are made many democrats like to admit, Hei: in long-distance conversation eyer: day from Chicago, where he is work ing as staff correspondent for severa papers at the republication conven tion. Bome delegates, already here freely predict that Bryan will squeez in for the fourth nomination for the presidency. . : Senator Newinnuds, of Nevada, wil urge at this convention a policy' dis franchising all negroes in the United States fiscal year was hitile over 3862,000,000., The eurrent year pro- nise2 Lo pass the billion'doilar mark As another indication of prosperity wd the rapid development of the ountry, the ' linance- department re- JOFLS an Increase in revenue for the irst two months of the fiscal year to- tallmg a little over $5,000,000, MAKING RAPID HEA ADWAY n Repairing the Damage to Lock Weekly La Uroix, in favor of Madame Rebecca Morin, - daughter of the late ex-priest, Father Chinguy, following the publication of an article in -La Croix, stating Father Chinguy's mar- riage was illey al, because he once took vows of celibacy and that his ofispring, therefore, were illegitimate. In giving Judgment in a crowded court room, Justice Greenshields re- marked that no church, however pow- erful, had the right to over-rule law of the land. He also called the Summer Dresses. English Galateas, I 5¢, 20c, 25¢. Percales, 15c. | Chambre 12 1-2, 1 5c, Oc. for the man who. in- sists upon having Hi : . s, and providing for their colon good looking, perfect Wd i izgtion in Arica or the Philippines. { fitting, stylish Suit at 3 NEW BRUNSWICK NSWICK "ELECTIONS. to th a moderate price -- | 5 The Government Was Sustained by | aster at lock twenty-two, and the ov appeal made for Men who "sm 2 J Sweeping Majority. : ork of repairing is going on' rapid- : 3 Already ne We lock gates are i : | St. John, N.B., June 21.--The Pro- I osition, but 'it will require condides appreciate a Zao : vincial elections yesterday resulted in . medium priced Suit. tio ' s of Fry 29, . tention to laws of rance 3 Welland Canal. { Quebec , which gave children the Catharines, June 921. Supe rin €o secure damages for slanders Ak ¥ en tending Engineer Sullivan, of the Wel- |, their parents: Editor Begin will land canal, is still on the scene of 'the Scotch Ginghams, many new and pretty designs # in Stripes and Checks. JP.K.'s, both in Fine Cord or Wider Cord. Linen Suitings, ; Repps in White and Colors Voiles in White, Pinks, Cream, Black, Greens, Biscuit, Blues. White Embroidered Skirting Many new patterns received during the past few days, 45 inches wide, suitable for Dresses. 75¢, $1, 1.25, 1.49, 1.69 and up FAVOR BAR ABOLITION. Good Templars Approve of Leader Rowell's Stand. St. Catharines, June 21.--The fifty- ninth annual meeting of the . grand lodge ot Good Templars of Ontario concluded in the Knights of St. John thle time to swing and mitre them 4 practically a clean sweep for the.gov ind navigation will not be resumed ernment, only two opposition men. | ill. to-mght or perhaps to-morrow Dugal and Pelletier, in Madawaska. | norning. So far, all efforts to recover being elected. In - Northumberland } the hodies of the three little boys, where three independent conservative | who were innocent victims of the mis- ran on the government ticket, two | nap, have been unavailing of Malta he all, Queen street, vester- of them were elected." In St. John ie day. There are thirty-six lodges in 'the city, York and Sunbury counties the provigee witha total membership ..of opposition candidates lost their de 1,382 most. of them represented. posits, A. DB. Copp, the opposition A resolution was passed and unani leader, was badly defeated in West mously approved of concurring moreland. Premier Flemming head the attitude of the leader of the ed the poll in Carleton. | position re abolition of bar-rooms and The result of the polling Qin ¢ » Lhe wovinciail premier mn . ested, and th apgements x pro Government, 40 seats; ie arrangemen Were his stand on the anti-treating ues 3 de. Any rishi oi > 2; opposition, 2. made Any wishing to join the | tion. At the afternoon : sal bunch" will communicate with the n a - Ihe ovposition had twelve " lemiamin Spence; er : - general secretary. The site will be | add dissolution. The .| rousing address } chosen by the vote of the majority, his untr 'akes place' Monday. : WY ° } ¥r lin this country. tithe at Cedar Island, or up the as next place of PREMIER BACK IN OTTAWA. Sidenu, and a good time is promised grand lodgy . uhilee The fabrics are new and stylish---the Suits are 'cut over the same patierns and models used for our higher priced Buits. We've several choice styles, and can fit any form Sa---------- The Y.M.C.A. Senior Camp. The Y.M.C.A. is to have g fi its senior members to might" in, commencing the first week | in July. A meeting was held Thurs. day evening of some of those camp "stop over with op- gives independents session, Rev, Foronto, gave " on drink consumption Ottawa was chosen meeting, when the will celeprate its diamond | If you do not care to invest more, than Fifteen Dollars in a Suit, -Sir--come and let us surprise you with the amount of Suit' goodness we can give you for-- sants at Gloucester. polling 1 No Sutcess to Chairman Mabee Til Bishop's Pupils S 4 ful a ---------------- s ¢ Successful. 3 September. 1 i Lee Late George Gibson, Inverary. L . At a meetihg of the sharcholders ----------------- -- - Ottawa, June 21.--Premier Border ishop's College School Associ Inverary, June 2.0 Sunday, ; returged to the city, today, fror | old 1n M niteal; it was anHounc seorge Gibso x vet a much rel Nova Scotia, looking much better fo hat all the boys entered from spected res f thi », sudden / despite the trouble: | chool at. Lennoxville (8ix In numbe l passed av about with job hunters i BROCK STREET CLOTHIERS his brief holiday, thre which he had from an and typhoid wad successfully passed the weeks he had been suffering Halifax. There are a whole lot © xamnations - for admission attack of plourie things to be decided hefore 'remie toyal Military College Kingston. | but was thought Borden leaves for London. There is ne {arold Greenwood, the head hoy of j In fact the indication that the appointment of a4 he schodt, wa fourth on the List. | leave for her home, when he suddenly successor to Chairman Mahee will br | jean Bidwell was formerly the head {collapsed apd passed: away before made until September. f this school. : medical help arrived. The funeral, which took place on Tuesday, was the largest seen in this section for vears, | the cortege reaching from the house to the Methodist churen, where the ser- vice was - conducted by Rev. Messrs Churchill and Hammond. ' The beauti ful casket was covered with floral of ferings, gifis of the deceased's many friends. Twenty-five vears ago . de ceased was married to Mary Hanley, who, with four children, is left to mourn. In Mr. Gibson's death the community loses a good citizen and his wife and family a kind, indulgent husband and father.' The trustees have been very fortu nate in securing Miss McKeever as teacher for another year, at a salary of #600, Rev. Mr. Shorten will have charge of the services next Sunday Miss Myrtle Freeman is home from Sydenham high school. Mr. apd Mis David Gamble and family spend the week-end here Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clow and daughter, Mollie, have gone on a trip to the west. They will he absent about three months Mrs John Gorden, of Wauppos;, spent a week at her father's, E. F. Dennee | The farmers are beginning to worry about their corn crops. Some have sown corn three times and still it has failed to grow. Mrs. W. J. Arthur is confined to her room fever, out of danger prepaving tee to nurse was Fine Black Stockings For Summer wear now here in all wanted makes and sizes. Women's Black Lisle Thread Stock- ings 35c pair and 39¢, 49c. Women's Fine Black Cotton Stockings 25¢c ; others at 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c. Women' s Black Silk Stockings, 75c¢; others at $1, 1.50, 2.00. Colors most wanted we have in Fine Lisle and Cotton Stockings. Tans, Greys, White, Navy. Children's Stockings Hundreds of Kingston women come to us for their Children's Stockings. If not a customer, Try us To-Morrow. Gl oc addressing Lord Mersey during the argument at the investigation. . 3 4 1: w-- rm m-- Notes From Barri iefie 1d Camp. The sighallers _in camp have to become proficient with the and were at the ranges Friday morn ing. This squad progressed excep tionally well, during the time allowed. I'he various bearer sections of the units in camp are instructed daily in their branch of the servi. Fri- day morning Sergi. H. Law, of th American Smelters P.AM.C., instructed a squad in first Brooklyn Rapid, Transit «wie aid in active service. Lehigh Valley as 4 ---- Missouri Pacific : 37 Reading United States Rubber United States Steel, com. . Union Facific STOCK MARKFTS. also . B. McCurily Co. Clarence Chamb ey ifle, ers--II. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Priced, June 21st. New York. Amalgamated Copper American Beet Sugar Anaconda . . Opening Game This Evening. The first game of the season of the Mercantile Baseball League will be vlayed on the diamond at the' cricket field, at tive o'clock, FEriday after- The opposing will be oltlice stafi of works and- the Wormwiths, noon. the nines Montreal. the Canadg Car ....... Mona Power ........ .c...i. Richi locomotive Sat---------- Home-Grown Cauliflower. Dominion Steel ......... 0... .... 6% Spanish River, com. .. cuts 6) Spanish River, pid. ..... "« 95 Toronto Rails ener . 1433 Rio Sao Paulo : And young cucambers, spinach, ete., at carrots, cabbage, beets, asparagus, Carnovsky's celory, cress, + 1161 Port Perry or Eldon ---------- : Butter is fine, Faints When Vaccinated. : -------- New York, June 2]1.--Vaccinators of Strawberries, 15¢., the department of health "scratched' Ralph Bishop, of 118 probationary "cops," yesterday had his forearm blown almost ; morning, and one of them--more than | shreds on Thursday by the explosion If, during courtship, a young six feet tall and built like a Hercules |*f a shot gua he was udng after tells a girl that' he's unworthy fainted when 1t came to his turn, hav ) 1 i i She do swt believe it any more a 0 8 , we iter, « rood grocers se ic means 1 . arumpling in a heap at the sight of it, on 'butter, all good g 3 5 A ten-million-dollar contract = for double-tracking was awarded by the C.P.R. Witch hazel cream at Sargent's Drug Store. Mayor London with the debentures. A man would rather stone his neigh bor's dog than rock a baby New potatoes, ripe tomatoes, R Tove. The silver goutput in tinues to grow. Eldon butter, "Cop" -------------- Carnovsky's, Watertown, 8.30 o'clock the abrasion of his skin. Many babies Owing to the cold, wet, backward wether we find our Ready- in their mothers' arms submitted to Great blouse sale, 50c. each; middy to-Wear Department gheatly overstocked, and are compelled to the ordeal with just a whimper, It is ' 75¢. Dutton's. ™ make big-#&erifice, which means a big loss of money to us. not unusual for grown-ups to display R. Moore, of Lion's Head, a pro The goods must be sold---no holding them over. more agitation than chidren when | minent resident of Bruce Peninsula, id : being vaccinated at the department | died suddenly may of her than for sunburn, ic. will go to treasurer to sell Geary, Toronto, Sale cotton night dresses, T5c.; city set covers, Dutton's. The six terms of the loan of the Chinese republic. J See our special suit case, $1.50. offices, but there has been only one other occasion when a policeman faint- ad. lhat was two years ago, and he wa# also a big man. cor- best check 25¢c.; black underskirts, bc, Print, 256 Doz. House Dresses and Wrappers, made from E and stripe Gingbam, French hambrays, good English Bought to sell up as high hs $3.00. SATURDAY etc. great powers agreed to the 300,000,000 to ee fH. . Re Clailm Both Were Responsible. London, Eng., June 21.--That Bruce Ismay, managing director, Captain Smith, commander of the ill-fated Titanic, were equaily respon- sible for the disaster, and that it was due directly to bad seamanship, was the opening statement fo-day of George P'. Scanlon, M.P., counsel for the seaman's and fireman's union in Untano con | Dut- ~~ ton's. Darius Noxel, of Wellond, was fatal ly 'injured while drilling a well Rockford melons, and i 10 Doz, New York Sunshades, all made on brass frames 80 all good grocers sell as water will not rust the goods. Bought to sell yp to $2.25, . SATURDAY it Carnovsky's. | "lee cream bricks." Gibson's. 20 Doz. White Muslin Blouses, away head of any Blouscs i} ever shown in Kingston before at $2.00 to $2.50. i SATURDAY. Vania 98¢ "afew PR EW EE So Se Ww e Have Comfortable! House Slippers FOR OLD AND YOUNG Death Penalty For Assault. Va., June 21.--For the first time in Gity years the death pen- alty was exacted this mofning for burglary and assault in the case of "Bird" Johnson, a negro. Another negro was also electrocuted for mur- . h 15 Doz. Ladies' Umbrellas, with new long handles, gold and gilvor mountings. Colors, Biack and Navy. The handles cost the * manufacturer more than the price we ask for them. | SATURDAY. Richmond . White Muslin SE Gowan and "Underskirts. Los of goods among this lot selfing now Ein stock at $2.25. { SATURDAY . Steamer Burns on Danube. Budapest, June 21.-A Hungarian river steamer has been burned off Car navoda, on the lower Danube. Twen- ty-three passengers are missing, and it is feared that they are dead. Two of the crew were burned to death while fifty-seven persons were rescued. 10 Dos. Black Gloria Taffeta Underskirts. This is the best | imitation of Black Taffeta Silk ever made in the world. Starting at 50c¢ for a Solid Leather Slipper || SATURDAY. -- seas for Ladies up to our Semi Common Sense Slipper at $2.00, we can show the finest assortment of comfortable Slippers ever shown in this City. We have a very nice soft Leather Slipper at $1.50 that looks very comfortable, -:- . " -se $1.65, Watertown and Return, $1. id Good going Saturday, 1.30 pm: i Sunday, 7.30 am, or 2 pam; return "ing Monday wmotning or afternoon. $1.65 return. Port Perry or Fldon Butter is fine. * Panama Hats. George Mills & Co, the big deplers. Sale of black aprons, with phd oe aS at Dutton's. . Buy taleum powders." Libson's. Made from sweel cream, Eldon bat. 0 will sell 25 doz. Wash Undetskirts, Mary SE Black : Ck Satee Pali ws In 10t Dogght is sell $06 and 'over, IN CHICAGO OX STAGE COACH. We would like to show you these Slippers _ The Californian delegation to the National Hepublican Cunvention ' - : made 'a novel entry into the Windy City. Detraining somewhere out. side, they hustled the old coach off their special train and made their appearance on Madison Avenue as above. The ladies are delegates in their own right, as California has woman suffrage in a measure, and is entitled to Rung from the primaries to the convention Their appearance caused uit mention, The whole outfit ok ox URC in wugtin enfiras- fon, which attracted a good of attention to the case, . A pep

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