Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1912, p. 6

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wp PAGE SIX. > . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. YOUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY Lid on a sealed lead package o safeguard "SALADA" means BLACK, GREEN or MIXED ° guaran "SALADA" means freshness, purity, exquisite | aroma, delightful flavor. ! ; purity, healthfulness, satis- : lto do. , eylon Tea, is your U = Mt uses all the heat. It cooks evenly. It broils both sides af once. It doesn't smoke. Our New Perfection Broiler Is pleasing many women., Tt enables the housewife to broil as well on the New Perfection Stove as over a coal fire. And of course you ave familiar with the New Perfection il Cook-stove It is such a convenience all the year rousd, It will bake, broil, roast snd toast just cs well as a regular coal range, Atk to see the New Perl S dealers, It is handsomely in pickel, with Feb Sob, drop sheer, Suet saehs, ete. , enameled, turquoise. hl, 2er3 bureiars Free Cx The Latest Chicago Fad. Fur-lined and trimmed bathing suits are to be worn in Chicago this sum- mer. Dressmakers are busy with cos tumes made with skins, of seals, otter, muskrat, beaver and other aquatic animals, but it is not believed that fact will aid the owners to swim any better. Protection from the eold is the one idea. Time was when certain costumes ap- pearing on the lake shore beaches could not have been termed exactly chilly, but they did not keep the wearers as warm as might have heen supposed. This year the water is par- ticularly icy, and the new fur-lined affairs will maintain an even tempera ture in the water, allowing those most susceptible to cold to venture into the breakers.--Chicago Dispatch New York Herald. cat -- "Egg drinks," "Gibson's" fountain, { ---------- --r-- THE SPORT REVIEW CLC. TEAM WILL BE BROUGHT UF TO STRENGTH. St. James and Cooké's Will Not Play in Sunday School League--_St. John's Enters a Junior Team. The city baseball league executive was to meet tonight re the loss of the. five U.L.C. players, who left for Pittsburgh, Pa. The C.L.C. manage ment, however, does not seem to be "up a gum tree" about the matter, and when asked about it said they would have a team for the game on Saturday, and there was no cause for alarm. The meeting of the city league was accordingly "called off, as there seemed to be nothing ) S---- Sydenham Street Juniors. ~ Sydenham street baseball juniors have organized and will be out to have their first practice in a few days. All of last years players are ori hand again, besides a fgw new ones. ; : Two Teams Dron Out. "The Sunday. school baseball execu- tive is surpriged to see that St. James apd Cooke's are mot in the league this season: last' year both these teams kept each other hustling tor the honora but for unknown reasons they have dropped out. Now that they have withdrawn St. John's, Portsmouth, is the new 'emp. Speed of a Batted Ball. Ask any baseball enthusiast how fast an average grounder travels during its first "hundred feet from the bat and his answer will be anywherd from 20 to 200 miles an hour. Split second watches and eaveful timing of many grounded balls have established, says the Technical World, the fact that the average speed of grounded balls--that is, those strick by the bat of the bate. man; from --wfair pitched ball, which strikes the field before they land in a fielder's hands--is at the rate eof al most sixty miles an hour. Sixty miles an hour is eighty-eight feet per second Ihe bases are ninety feet. apart. A man who can rup 100 yards in eleven 'I seconds, which is fast running for any one, particularly so for a. man with baseball shoes and uniform on, can run ninety feet in 3.3 seconds. 1s il any wonder that. a ball which is field ed in its first 100 feet of travel usual ly reaches first just a fraction of n se cond before or alter the runner sets foot upon it ? Every fan knows thai the many close decisions at first base form one of the. fascinations of the game. The speed of the batted ball, the speed at which a fielder can travel from his position to the point where he can meet and field the batted ball, pick it up, set himself for the throw, the speed of the ball across the dis mond from his throw, and the speed of the travelling runner are ¥o nicely balanced that it is always a question of whether or not the runner will get there in time forthe crowd to see the nmpire's hand go down or whether he will face a thumb over a 'shoulder. Baseball Record. National lLeague--Boston, 4: nati, 3. Chicago, 2; Cincin- Philadelphia, 1. - EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES The tobacco used in MOGUL Egyptian Cigarettes gets as much attention as is given to a icate infant. leaf, no matter how has to be removed. Then the leaves are carefully watched until they acquire a yellowish tint and begin to droop." , When this takes place they are gathered. * These precautions are absolutely necessary, , acceptabl: for MOGUL Cigarettes. MOGULS are put up with cork tips in boxes of 10, for 156. (Try a box to-day. 8 ANARGYROS. slightly injured, otherwise the tobacco would not be Brooklyn, 9; St. Ti New York, 2. . American League--St. Louis, 4. Chi: cago, 3. Detront, % Cleveland, . 4 Washingt sh, 5; Philadelphia, 4. International League--Newark, 2-|. Buffalo, 0-3. Providence, 5-5; Montres'; 1-7. Toronto, 10-17; Jersey City, {- Baltimore, 5-2: Rochester, +6. Notes on Sports. ! "Davy Drohan has replaced Templin as manager of l'eterbaro baseusl: team. % . FE. W. Smith, of Chicago, has been] silected to referee the +ohason-Flyon hight at Las Vegas, N.M., July 4th. Manager Lee has released First ase man Schafer and has Signed Catcher Welsh, formerly of Berlin and last year with St. Thomas. Edward Killian, ex-big league pitch er, and Hemlock, an Indian catcher, have been released by' Guelph, 'ana Daniels, a catcher, has resigned inglish critics are doubtiul of the ances of the British Olympic teani because of the vast improvement in continental athletics' and. the lack of svsiematic draining on the part of the British men. The London officials deny that they are- trying to disrupt the Canadian Baseball League. On the (contrary, they are working in harmony with the other club-owners, and will sup- port President Fitzgerald in all his actions. N Fhe Brockville Football Club has re- ccived an invitation to join the inter- mediate series of the Quebec Rugby sider the proposition and talk over the prospects. for next season has been called. Through the generosity of Mayor Maclean thé Fulford 'athletic grounds are being greatly improved a~d, with good playgrounds in sight, lacrosse, football and baseball is ex pected to boom here. The leaders ir fc otball heartily entertain the Quebec invitation. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels in and Out of Harbor. The steambarge Cataract, was damaged by fire in the Bay, a year. ago, and which made into a barge, cleared from Brock vife for Montreal. The barge Hiawatha arrived at Richardson's elevator = with 5.000 bushels of grain, taken off the barg Winnipeg, which. met with a mishay in the Cornwall canal a few days ago. . Lhe steambarge John Randall was in port from the Rideau and cleared for Oswego to laad coal. M.T. Co.'s elevator : The tug erson arrived from Montreal with three light barges; the steamer FRosemount discharged 74,000 bushels of wheat from Fort William, and cleared for Belleville to load cement for Fort William, and is discharging grain and flax seed. The Gordon will clear for Belleville to load ce ment for Fort William. The steamer Tagona, grain-laden, from Fort William, passed down last night, on her way to Montreal. .The ; schooner Abbie IL. Andrew's elcared for Oswego. ~ Swift's wharf: Steamer Toronto down and up; Aletha, down and up; Rideau Queen from Ottawa; Buens Vista cleared for Smith's Falls: Belle ville. up, to-night. The schooner Keewatin cleared from Swift's for Oswego for coal Tuesda: night. The sieamyacht Vernon Junior, of Brockville, stopped at Swift's Tues day and stayed over night. A. E. Knapp, at Cataraqui bridge has launched and is completing a fin gasolene launch for TI. G. McMaster of Ottawa, who is expected in th ity Thursday, to take his new craft up the Rideau to the capital. Her length is twenty-six feet, with a five foot beam. The engine will develo; twelve miles an hour. The India, Ceylon and Cornwall, o' the Calvin fleet, were expected up or Wednesday. COMMITTEES APPOINTED which Tunnel Was Em- For the General Hospital Festival o the Empire. : A meeting of the general committe of the gemeral hospital "Festival the Empire," was held in the boar of trade rooms on luesday evening and the following sub-committees wer appointed, the first named in each t be chairman : Arranging building--W. Newlands, H W. Newman, H. W, Snelling, Lieut, Col. Massie, and G. A. Mctiowan. Pageant--J. M. Farrell, Profi. W, 1 Grant, Prof. J. L. Morison, Col Crowe, F. King, J. M. Strange, Maj or W. S. Hughes, Lieut.-Col. MeGili, A. hlugh. Demonstration--R. . Laidlaw, R. J. McKelvey, F. G. Loc kett, H, N. Robertson, John Mckay, W. Mitchell, D. Couper, James R Henderson, W. Anderson and James Redden. Farm Products--James A. Minnes H. D. Bibby, A. Glover, T. F. Harri son, A. F. Chown, D. A. Shaw, an W. OU'Shea, together with Messrs Simpson and Bolton, of the county. John Macdonald, Hugh Macpherson Robert Meek, and Miss Hunter were appointed joint secretaries. Miss Hun ter sct act as general secretary David Murray was appointed treasur er. 4 Tar LOOKING FOR MEN. The Securing of Help Still Quite a Proposition. The securing of men for various Kus of work, in the city, is still quite a proposition. Especially so is this the case, in regard to marine work. Uaptaine say that it is very hard to get men for the boats, and ip some "¢ases it has been quite a task to get men to unload vessels. : This morsing, while a man was on his rounds, endeavoring to get a cow ple of men to work, he spotted two husky-looking chaps, loating near one of, the wharves, but when he .mention- od work to them they replied in chorus, "Not for me," and turned away. They were not of the working sort, and the man who was looking for belo had to search elsewhere. Uglow, D. J Louis, 5 Pittsbergh, | ALB Sprinkle a little in tbe Lavatory and see bow quickly Stains and Odors Label tells of many other Tabop-sevi le=10cct.. Save the labels for fine SRC 'lof repairs and Football Union and a meeting to con-| THE: TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there~Nis no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. TORONTO 'OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON 1 IPs Best to Remember that every organ of the wonderful human body is dependent upon every other. If your liver goes wrong your blood will be impure; if your bowels are inactive your stomach and digestion will show it. And one trouble leads to another. Deechams Silly have become the most famous and the most approved family remedy in the world. They are known for their wonderful and unrivaled power to cause regular, natural action ef the liver and bowels. They are gentle, safe but sure. Beecham"s Pills benefit every organ of the body----brighten the eye, clear the brain, tone the nerves and increase vigor--because they Remove the First Cause of Trouble Special directions for women with every bot. Sold everywhere, JUST ARRIVED New White Felt Outing Hats in various shapes. $4.00 and $5.00 Important Reduction Sale of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats We are offering this week a Special Line of Girls' School Hats in Yuscan, Navy, Black and White. FORMERLY 82.50, REDUCED TO 85¢. 174 WELL'NGTON STREET NRE IN ID TR RL Summer cooking with comfort the hot weather. Gas is a much che ans N° need to stew your life out over a coz) range during r cocking fuel than coal, and far more convenient in the summer time. Why fatigue yourself and make the house uncom- fortable for the whole family when you can save money by cooking with gas. Any "McClary" Gas Range will pay for itself in a very short time by the actua! cash it saves, not to say anything about its handiness. The Model ir in the cut is a handsome' Gas Range -- "Me- Clary's" 1912 Model -- and concidered the biggest range value on the market. You will see at a glance that the convenience and comfort of the housekeeper has bec considered by the d-- signers and makers. The Ovens are clevat- ed -- just conveniently high--s0 that there is no "stooping or bend- ing" when cooking with this range. This Mode! like othex. McClary Ranges has . the bright black ena- mel finish--white enamelled broiler and drip pan--Ovens fust the right size with proper.flue construction. Also Anti-Rust linings and plain smooth nickelled finish. : - Better see the McClary dealer and ask him to tell you the reasons why you should buy a McClary gas range. ¥a will explain the ex- elusive features of the range suitable for your kitchen without placing you under any obligation to buy. . All we want you to do is to make perfectly certain that the Gas Rarge you buy will fo y self very 4 ] LONDON VANCOUVER j a HAMILTON WINNIPEG --- rvs CALOARY THE QUEEN MILLINERY ! White Nu-Buck ROBERT PAYNTER has take: Bo shines ot th late . Davis at the old stand, 28% RINCESS STREET All kinds of Shoe Repalring promptly done All work guaranteed. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when Wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter ine. Estimates given on all kinds Work: also Hardwood kinds All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop, 40 Queen Street > 4 COAL "Ye kind you are looking ter] fa the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Oval and we gaarantes prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREWT. n Floors of" all THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED. 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 5 Ibs. each $1.75. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 Ibs. each $2.75. Ticket books must be purchased at the office before ice delivery com- mences. Office: '14 MARKET STREET *Telephone 68. : F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices In Cut Flow- ers." See 'our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a specialty. Sweet Pea Seed in Bulk Named Varieties "Phones: Btore, 239. Conservatories. 236 Residence, 1212, { For Potatoes Land Plaster will start the plants in- to vigorous growth P. Walsh' B5-57 BARRACK STREET. FRESH ARRIVAL Ganong's Chocolates The Finest in the City. 60 cents per poun d A. J. REES 1%6 Princess St. Phone 58 JUST WHA YOU WANT | FOR THIS SEASON WHITE SHOES Beautiful, graceful, dainty | right up to the minute in | style. 7 ' Ladies' Buttoned Boots | ; White Nu Buck Pumps, | | White Canvas Pumps, | wl and 1.50, $2.00, 50 | : a $3 50 ' " White Canvas Buffon Boots $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 THE LT

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