Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1912, p. 1

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Vote Was 556, to 502 in His pr Pon AR ER AAT ' 1 __YEAR 79.NO. 143 SENATOR ROOT ELECTED ~~ AS CONVENTION CHAIR " rm -- (ARRANGE OWN BRILL AL IUITUAL. --- ' Longfellow's Grandson and English Girl Marry at Cambridge. Cambridge, - Mass, 19. <Mias i Jessie Holliday were' married according to a { which they arranged themselves. The | marriage YOws were read to the cou ------------------ {ple by Edmund M. Parker, a lawyer brought about hy Ahe party during its} yp Justice! of' the peace. Each ex long rule at Washington | pressed Lo the justice a desire to live LL ---- ° { with the other, an intention to help t Taft's: Chances Increase. j and consider the other and to bring Favor. Chicago, June 19.--When* the con-|ap any children to the best of his of : ) vention resumed its session, to-day, | her ability and\for the weMare of the the, Roosevelt forces were fightihg uw human race. ; - { the last ditch, Uut-generalled all mlong | PLEA FOR PEACE WOE: ES June and Fdmund i i l ritual the The two then exchanged vows, in session, terday, their leaders . faltering when revolution Ary mensiires were actually her choice, Roosevelt progressives, fail- | The bride said she hoped faced, the to be a true comrade and help meet ed to present the united front {The justice then prosounced them hus had counted on. Ihe nisth-hour | band and wife. . . eh from Borah Moliovern, lor Mr Dana is a grandson of Henry jchairman, proved a gross error. of | W, Longfellow, the poet. Mrs. Dana sent. Lhe Latdllette | jg (he daughter of Henry Holliday, of- Both Sides Are Confident--The | judgment, for it supporters over to Root. Independent | l1arrow-on-the-Hill, England. morning. gdmitted : Roosevelt Side Renews Battle Tos . . . | observers, this se day to Oust Substitute Delegat *$ | that Talt's chances of nomination had Given to Taft. | the-opening of the ses 'THE WIFE OF THAW while * Roosevelt had diminish | : - June 19.--Against $8 fod Nevertheless, -Hocosevelt dnd hiss 10 BE AGAINST HIM 'threats, chargés and bitter invecti i finrdy will the i this | of the Roosewelt forces, the Taft sup- : E haa R "» -- porters in the republican national " tT i Ry fag a 93 Josh iy, 4 | % 8 x 3 convention put thiough the first por- RO n ob direction Soosevet She Will Testify For the State n Fight Her Husband is ¥ tion 2 their programme, yesterday, ar tee ee Heuanid to avoid ni 4 by electing Senator Elihu Root, of | V.. era tin. dn abba New York, as temporary chairman {ure ste, hos tur a use all Jeg a Ins spite of the fact that Victor Rose | fre wilt i ih oi CATENIN aul Making. water, chairman of the national éom-1 git w/a : Be oe. | White Plains, NY. June 19.--Evelyn mittee, consistently ruled out of ander! Nesbitt Thaw will take the witness » motion made by the Roosevelt stand testify for the state, and it required © more than five Baby Sister agamst = her husband, who now hours to reach a vote on the chiir-' owning. fighting in ihe supreme court ic his manship. A | i Ont 19. W release from the hospital tor the The calling of the roll was beset | he Den a ; Reon hen Bo- Criminal JIlnsane at Mattewan The with difficulties from the first name ou] 2 bo or an, of Lucknow, aged. two, whereabouts of Mrs, Thaw. have noi the Tist of delegates, bul in the nd, fra shed: at-minnows and fel fito 5 heen disclosed. and William I when the tumult had died away, Sena- mill race ten "fest dep, her sister, Jerome, chief for the { would neither eorronorate to-day, the report that nearby to appear the state opens its case, they BY CHAIRMAN IN SPEECH TO DELEGATES. to increased since i sion, hicago, rid ad of | A BRAVE LITTLE GIRL to Rescued Her 1» From nr June counsel state, BOT she is deny, Governor walling Wisconsin, and witness when vole * hi assietance hove 2 mind ened hearing o on stand Lenk is stile is slaver Cost of Living Still Soars. Ottawa, June 19 to ascend the latest of labor, was The cost of living m Canada. Ae estimates of the the continued maintained during May, though not to stich a marked extent as during the preceding month. The department's index number, which went up more than a point during Ap ril, reached the highest point in - the record of the department during May & year ago. | continues | cording to | department rise in prices London, able 19. --Consider- displayed here of | republican I y year 'congtitutes a record in the tory of the department, and it | noticeable feature that during the last year the lowest point was during May and June, while ures for May this year show vance over those | month. Animals and All} to unprecedented levels during May, { an unusual feature of the market be ing that all low grades have advane- ed as steeply as the choice Graing and fodders showed his- | 18 a recorded the fig an ad previous advanced to PITH OF THE NEWS. of any | The Very Latest Culled From Heals Over the World. Canadian strawberries are arriving freely at Toronto The production of liquor and tobac- ©0.in Quebec is growing by leaps and | crease during the month, as also did ages of ms, it adopt an amend tor Root was found to have won by [asd Ty. aged ve pluckily ran along a vote of B58 to 502 for ye nuke ane rol rounmg Eber 3 tH ts { float ¥, grabbec + v e¢ hair, ¥ run avert, | of {fnally pulling lice out by this mean four not voting. id oi! rave d . m ight, M Yesterday's with Dr ast night both the Taft and Roose: | Le te ir Be ence. 0) Roy L. Leak, assistant superintendent velt forecs were claiming that this vote @ recognized by the town at Mattewan, the br indicates that their candidate ab E IRS OF § Al | said that while Thaw solutely sure to win. The advantage THE: PISHOP OF LONDON { "gamstitutional inferiority, h appenis Lo be with the president, how . { not think ihe of Stan ever. for while he in sures to Jose some | COMMENDS THE SCHE | White would be a menace to the of the votes that <were oast-for Henn-| Pamanityc al liberated, sr Root, it js. niin] that he will] -- a gain, if instrac®ons are lived up to, i 14 | some. of thé voles independently, enst Mf Bishep Worrell, of Nova Scotia, | or McGovers. 1 i i Those leaders who have been urging | to Raise Walifax Cathedral a compromise esndidate over since] Fund they arrived in Chicago, are pointing , to another angle in the figures and Eng... June claim that they show" that it is essen interest a Being tial to name a so-called "dark hore:"]® the elioris made by the bishop to mave the day for the 'Nava Scotin to. raise the . party; funds for the Halitax cathedral. ; lr ie biskap of Loudon, speaking at - a largely attended meoting al whit Bate Renewed Today. he Drawer att He orp his ie ¥. ROOL wal made chalrman, wits how olig y love and managed to deliver his "keynote" Pa ogi ovat weit speech, the fighting is to be renewed! nee in which tha people sang the na- at eleven o'clock to-day, when the mo {tional anthem. He strongly eommend- tion of the Roosvelt joists sub- &d the Habfax cathedral scheme. stitute a new list of delegates for those seated in some of the contested cases heard before the national eom- mittee, is to be taken up as the un finished business. y No committees were named; last night and none will be until this mo-! tion to '"'purge'" the convention of "Iraudulent delegates" is disposed of. b. was defented. on a point of order, | hounds { fruits and vegetables. Dec woe the Roosevelt forven declare that ~ The Bank of Montreal has inereased | the other hand, were recorded parliamentary praetice will not be per- 14 capital by $9,000,000. The capital- | case of dairy products and fish. mitted to stand in their way to-dav.|iatios is $95,000,000 a. The Roosevelt people and the Taft | The Mexican government plans to NEW: FRAN A people Satie Sut theie Programmes Sapture Juarez and .Chihauhau, the x C ISE BILL : « tL a ance almost 10} only important 'rebel points. the letter. The Roosevelt people say | Buffalo Hen a possession of | Jey. axe going to fight every inch of, {we townships in Northern Ontario ! ? Way. : 2 'for lumbering and settlement. i There were cries of "bolters" harled "a a Prop k at the Roosevelt delegates at times | wie: ithe, bf he 3th Regi. | osed Establishment of Manhood during the session. bul the contin | nppendicitis at the Niagara camp| SUMffage and the Abolition wendy of a bolt again seems to be far | hospital. nag upd distants The earnings statement of the Mexi- | of Plural Voting. -- co Tramways Co. for May shows | " 4 s 10 2 House i California Starts Row. {ihe largest gross and net any } ploudan, gd in he Hou oo on California, - under the leadership of month this year. & | passed a 'motion bringin in the tow Governor Hiram Johnson, assumed a, The "boy and girl" dances, as they | franchise bill, establishing manhood belligerent attitude almost with the [are called in the slang of ibe day, |sulirace and absolishing plural voting start of the roll call, when the twolbave gone out, as Queen Mary ox- !and university constituencies. : Roosevelt delegates from the fourth | resied her disapproval of them. { The bill, if enacted, will add 250 district, unseated by the natiomal com-! Common cement entering the pores [000 voters to the electorate, This mittee, were not allowed to vote. -of the skin by accident, and harden: | the hill which angered the snfirace But they confined their protest to ing there, caused a man named Ad- {by omitting women, thousands eloquence; the two votes from Root | of Connersville, Ind., serious | whom could be enfranchised be were the only encroachment in the |si-kness, parlialnent would state upon the vote cast: for Metiov- | L. W. Coleman, ' assistant superin- ment therefor. en, Later Pennsylvania fell into the ) tencent of the castern division of the avi Rains i em breach and made even a fiercer pro-| G.T.R. with headquarters at Belleville, | PRICES 10 GO UL. test against the vote of an alternate. has been appoinied superintendent of me There is prospect, however, of an-| the Ottawa division. There is Likely to be Serious Coal other even .more bitter struggle to-| Putting up his hand and touching Shortage. day, when. as 'unfinished business," ! the metal spool on an electric light Toronto, June 19.--~The coal famine the convention will take up a motion pole vhich is used in lowering the in Untario has become a Very real of Governor Hadley, of Missouri, to|glove for cleaning, Frawk Colligan, thing. The Conadian Retail Coal As- strike from the temporary roll of the Montreal, was electrocuted. sociation is holding its eighth annual convention as prepared by the nation: | Thomas Bakley, aged eighty-four convention at the King Fdward ho al committee the names of ninety-two |years, was struck by a street car in | tel, to-day, and overt retail dealer delegates seated by the national com-|Toronto, on Monday, and thrown to '!geen was full of gloomy forebodings mittee in contested election cases and the curly. His head was so badly cut Oye man said : "1 Bn no en substitute those of the Roosevelt con hey it ook seven stitches lo close | Ontario, and there is none coming in.' testants, me wound. . ri n factor The RodMevell men did the best thay | Jennie Weiss, an eighteen-year-old - his fee an re ne could, demanding the omission of the [German (trl, who wns to have bein | of active production have been lost name of evéry of> of the delegates married next week, was killed in New | and ihe season objected ta, om the ground that he York on Tuesday by the bursting enormous deficit, nearly ten millions had been ly seated hy the na: | of a seltzer bottle in her hands, a | of tons. In all it looks af thbugh tional tee, ms set forth in the piece of the glass cutting ber jugu- | My. Houscholder will have to pay = sidetracked. motion of Sovemor Had- Jax vein, % tite hing | do0ded increase in his coal Bill this v, caltwen mera Wdward Kennedy, aged twenty-nine year, lessly, sometimes amid deafening Leears, of Parkertown, Ohio, partially choruses. . blind for five , totally blind for seven months, who had been de clared bevond human aid, had his sight restored when he had two teeth extracted by a dentist. . Enforcing the Law. Cape Vincent, N.X., June 19---Sid. ney Marsh, in charge of a gasoline launch owned by E. G. Wyckofi, who has a summer home op Carleton Is + was fined $100 by Inspector Day, of Ogdensburg, because the craft was not properly equipped with life servers. This is the first fine that has been imposed here by the government officials for a vielalion of the marine law. 1t is stated those in suthor- ity. that the regulation in regard to equipment 18 to be rigidly enforced this season, + mm-------- "Nodak supplies." "Gibson's. The Whig asked several of the re- '. 'Root Asks for Harmony. In the key address to the con- tion, Senator Elihu © . ston stood with regard to the cdun- try-wide shortage of hard coal, and were assured, that they were at the t time somewhat pinched for their" supply. They are two months late in getting in their supplies, and even pow they are coming in very slowly. ( dealer, after applying io several shippers, received his first oar #0 last week. Of course, the price has advanced, made necessary hy the de mands of the strikers at the mines, and the advapecs in laborers' and earters 'wages. However, the fesling is prevalent that there will be lots of fuel betore the snow lies again. V At Trinidad, Col., thirteen miners ina Mine explosion. Sie KINGSTON, Dan#'| ! bridegroom expressed the hepe s6 tol" live .that his. wife might never regret This ay of nearly teg points in od IN BRITISH COMMONS 4 ; ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY; JUNE 19, 1912. DUKE ARRIVES For the-Miltary Callege Clos. |" - ing Exercises. WAS MET AT STATION o BY COL, J. H. ¥V. CROWE; €Ob+} London, Fag. June 19.- - . or lo 1-4 roe h 3 LEGE COMMANDANT. [oyu saarge, shaneelior o a | chequer, was set upon suliragette women, this the police had to come He sustained a smashed indignities. TRAVERS 1S ENJOYING "HS STAY IN TORONTO He Went to the Circus on Monday There May Be An in- vestigation. 19.-W. R 1 SIX years > niten the Farmers' hank, as a Witness the Beattie is enjovable WILL REIGN FOR PEOPLE. Grand Duchess Marie Takes Oath of Sovereignty. Luxembourg, June 19.--The Grand Mate, who her William, 'who died on February was swghieen 'on June 14th reached her majority, took the oth of soverelpniy as ng grand duchess, yesterday. in a speech from the throne promis- ed a for the people and with the people and would fight fot the honor of the grand need be, sucdeeds ore, she reign duchy i Women Attack Lloyd-George. Hon. Davi of the by a mob exe o afternoon, and to his rescue hat and other His Highness Proceeded to the Col- the Buke's Third Visit to Kingston. lege in Auntomobile--This is had Wednesday, the Duke of ily to attend at the Royal Kingston royajlts al k came ing exer College His highness, ed aver rafway gular ire another visit from on when his roy rhness Connaught the clos Military fo the 15¢8 his accompanied by stafi, arm the Pembroke hingston mormng aa train ain, » and wall, ha i lo al ran train mad; bot Lake and as on the two f his highness his spe detached from thé train | and vined June | Toronto, | ugder. senton | tiary, fox wrecking at presemt { Case Rharbot ravers, & good run in fror here br in Nesbitt, time for Slat s wont » and to big cigars and visits 3 were the against | having conviet', ry near a very Ihe Toronto to-day that Monda a publishes the treated roun house ther: a st Care he to s here on | his guards liberally pink lemonade. He travels freely on the street cars instead of in the iail vans, and gegs the best meals at the | government's expense while here. The treatment accorded Travers and that { given Rev. R. B. St Clair, who dared | eriticize police method £ and trasted wdigation the is there will being on sides, likely ny NOBODY CAN TELL What May Happen at the Re Conventi Jeme the | will bolt publican A hi serted that they follow any vention, igo, id by as that not toosevelt neithdr lead sanction frem the present con- R. Garfield announced al noon, immediately aiter the confis- ence with Col. Roosevelt at his hotel, that ly could. tell what might happen at this convention If the Roosevelt men are really termined not to bolt it means think they have enough votes right in the convention to make the col onel a candidate. It is pointed out that the election of Root, Tait's nominee, as temporary chairman, does not mean that the convention accepts laft Root - personally, is stronger than Tait and got many votes that will not go to Taft in the¢ final show down Mare rs ames nobot de- they empiAd E fea 10 talk but less excitement tured the convention proceedings {day Chairman Root thumped his {gravel with firm and unprejudiced hand His rulings were manifestly {acceptable on both sides The dis f contested {delegates and little actual progre j was mado. 'A FATAL COLLISION BETWEEN TWO BI-PLANES | |Crashed Together at Paris, and Fell | ussion was regarding the Hundreds of Feet---Both Fliers Killed. | France, June 19.--~The first {fatal head-on collision in the history {of aerial development occurred when {the biplanes of Captain Dubois and | Lieut. Meignan crashed together to 1dav, and fell hundreds of feet to ground. where bodies final iv recovered from a twisted machinery H.RH. THE 01 DURE NAUGHTY, CON- His | Forty = . m Forty-five years | Pars, Royal Highness the naught entered for service in the British army. Yesterday he marche ed two miles and helped the Foot Guards, of Ottawa, storm the enemy's position at Petawawa. To-| day he presents the graduating prizes and diplomas at the Royal! Military College, Kingston. Still in| active imperial service. i ago to-day Juke of Con- the were iv mass of SCHOOL PUPILS ARE BUSY for a couple of hours HE clock the cars Kingston & Pembroke station Col. J."H. V. Crowe, commanaant of the Royal Military College, his i } over to Matoin, in Members of to coll esslie, of tomahile This is the governor-general ston.s On De on Matriculation En. trance | Writing and Examinations. 11 were brought into the There dates are all about trying matriculation examina- | tions, which are now being conducted the ditection of lespeetor Stuart tin Grant hall. here ity candidates for junior matriculation, five for scholarship matriculation, one for entrance faculty of education, | eighteen a lower school examinations for entrance to normal Those in charge under Inspector are 2. FE. Greenlees, J. UG and Prof. Buchanan. The examinations for en- trance from the public schools, begin | on Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. About | ir andi met hight ane 1 two were driven by Pro, Joa iter automobile. i taker over Major 1.8. N H.A., in his an under are sey the a's hird visit Cana has paid to King: 1911, he eame to | purpose of visiting College, and "on accompanied oy seoond visit was ac Stuart, Fitinger collegiate the just i185 ahout + ago, when are jeompan i» starting with an joess Pat a ier Lady Grey tail coal denlors of the city how King. | candidates reported. They also writing in Grant hall and are under the supervision of KE. (). Sliter, princi pal of the collegiate; ¥. J, Quinn, principai of Regiopolis Uollege, and M. Hentig, principal of Wilhams- ville school. ichess and Prin. passed through on iver on the steam- a, he hic wav down the owing | F. ompany, Her highness was, however to her illness, unable to a¢ the duke on this last trip. - ------ Loses His Pastornte. SHIELD PID FRBLESFEIBIIR | Fredericton, NB, June 19-Rev. 1. 21D, Bell, Baptist minister, who has *| been in charge of the Lincoln and Na- { sonworlh * churches. Sunbury county, % has Jost his pastorate as the result. of 3 participating in polities too actively 1 At a meeting of the congregation re cently, a resolution was adopted ask- fing that Mr. Bell resign, and he has oo DEVOIRED BY BEAR. , dune 198 an American veteran of the » BRL .8 f , The gun ia the trap exploded. sending ballet through & body. He was able 0 Jdrag himself to his cabin, but before he eould bar hiz dodr 2 bear, smelling the blood, followed the trail, dragged the wounded. bunidr from his shack and partly devaured him. Okaming, B.C Lonch | Ing. { -- a 1 Aw Hayoock, son of Joseph Hay | dock, 18 in the ciiy én route to Eng. {land He has been visiting his parents wat Glencoe. He also went west us far jas Regina. : i Two officers of the railway commis sion sre going to Toromto to investi. i gate complaints of delay m handling PRetb eset rb bpataat PHP Ore | A i nips , {railway freight. Delivered anywhere in {he eity, eream bricks, from "Gibson's. > "Caneslled library books, "Gibson's." Phone ZW, Peer x oe. jee ¥ THIS HIGHNESS PLEASED the | { complied with the request of the meet- THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT INSPECTED R.N.C. GADETS On the College' Square "on J re: a muning oa per Wednesday Moming. months. The work wllch they do in for the most part entity new to thim. 1 am of opinion that every officer of the permanent force should undergo this course, and we shall probably be able to © take a similar number each year. . The long courses of three months leach, in the autumn and spring, were au nied by seven and five candidates respectively, all of whom qualified. The practical portion of the mili: tia stafl course was attonded by six- 4 $i A " st The Closing Exercises in the Aftee Ty in gun: tn A fourtemn the Command- We now have our full complement of ant, Who Made Several Very horses in the nding establishment, portant Recommendations. I'he result is that from the time of joining the college the cadet receives wstruetion in nding and horseman- ship. We shall not, however, delve full benefit until a covered . riding school is provided The regular instruction cannot he car ried during the winter months in the open and consequently much valuable time is lost. : = WITH ALL. HE SAW AT THE COLLEGE J noon--Report of Im- Thefroverpor-general ariived at parade square at the Roval Militar ge promptly' 10.30 a.m. Wed nesday, after passing through the his t part of the ety, andent Catacaqui through the college looking - at their best His highness, staff was composed Lowther, MV.O,-D.S.O; Capt D.S.0.. and Capt brigade His highness and entered ,the square where the and staff were drawn singie rank; The the at lower the toric and bridge grounds, roval of Col Walter Ritle ourse ol on Work of the Cadets. The number of cadets when the col loge opened last August was: 118, During the year two cadets have been withdrawn at the request of their parents, - 2 I'he conduct and discipline of the been very good. One @a- Long duller, royal his party cadets up in royal salute pre was given, after which was inspected 1 his roys i is inspected by his royal det has been rusticated for irregular highness, accompanied by | Y. Crowe ard stall conduct at an examination Seven the college stafi were 'cadets were rusticated for a month at IT RB Majors: J the commencement of the vear for 'F. R. Sedgwick. R. © " isheliaVioue on the night of the | ta 'p > ast year. Fo x He, : +N errs -, Bx ai The resufts of the examinations are Hummer y H. Heymann and w_ ; satisfactory on the whole. Of thirty, | Rhodes Thoss | cadets in the senior class twenty. composing. the su « 5 dt . x + ua hihied or OMAS, {bordinate staff were Sergt.-Major Bou ve' qualified for dip} In t second class, one cadet j illier W.0.; Sergt-Major Cutbush; Q failed, and in the third class : failed, anc M.8'sVokes, Johnson, Cutts, Harvey, Th ae I wil ineh Will' feed to Sergt.-Instructors Howvle, Sawyer be + es ur the vear's course 1-Nerg 'atone T 0 on Pateman, Trowbridge and Our rifle shooltng has continued to Fhe inspeotion, which, from the spe improve I'he miniature ranges, w ich tator's reminded one of the 1" have now had for two years, en- painting, "The Thin Red Line," was able us to carry on inatruetions iy followed by the march past and prattice during the cold weather wit most' satisfactory results ant drill of the fantiry drill of th : four Ro inasd on Page 8.) under' B.S M: F. C. Sweeney (8S. M.'s Rhodes, and Gwynne ried out cision dificult to equal. shook hands with the officers" of the etaff on the stems of the main build. ing. most of whom he had met be fore. . At eleven o'clock the duke enterad the main building and inspected the drawings, which he and his party the back {the bridge wonstracted by the cadets, to the riding square, where the first and second classes put on a riding exhibition under Licut. W. Rhodes, ciding At 12.15 o'clock the workshops visited and a gym {nastic exhibitipn performed before {his roval Niabass at 12.30, the i followed by artillery third seemed the A oadets has whole the Colonel The officers Lieut: -Col P. ~&hine, | Hammond, A, ing seven } has five. repeat View, mn companies, and the Taylor was oar KINGSTON 18 BOOMING. Cosgrove, The whole with an exactness and pre . Abraham Shaw, Customs Inspector, The duke Tells Ottawa Papor. - A despatch from Ottawa to the Whig * says : "Business is booming in Kin ton," said Abraham Shaw, a wi known customs official from there, He stated that he had just learned that the customs receipts at Kingston for the past three months were 350,000 in excess of what they were during the corresponding period of last year, Mr. Shaw is here copducting his an- nual inspection at the Ottawa custom house. He dwelt on the increase of business at Canadian centres. This he takes to be an indication of the great growth and development in all parts the dominioh. Tle will be here for several dave afer went by road, ove master were mn ol an | gymnasium, iil of the class I'he duke greatly as each feature passed and explained details and his comments latter |the afternoon The . royal as unfurled as the duke ie grounds | Among the farge number of | {and gentlemen, officers and ex-cadets { present were Major R. "W Leonard, {of St. Catharines, chafrman of the I'ranscontinental railway commission in" his special car and who is of most distinguished honors in 3 | Greenwood Toronto; !'liams, of Huron; Bishop Mill - Schmale, of D. Lafferty later stall ! Increase for Tinsmiths. { The tinsmiths of the city have heen jgiveu the same increase of pay ae the plumbers, who are receiving $2.75 for ! eight work. - The men asked the trsses the increase from $2.55 a | few weeks ago, and the | please Col will in on Crowe 1 2a likely make tandard entered hours for some fw th wdios | day, { bosses were agrocable The men will receive this from July 1st until May let next, when they will be give en 83 a day. soma -------- "Prompt delivery, cream bricks," *"iihbson's A large iron works {with a capitalization of to be established at Port Ont. rate luesday the col graduate Leut A {who came i | night, lege | taking we one corporation, $2,000,000, is Colborne, 18% ol Wil of On serlin, R.C.A adjutant of Yishop Jtario: Mayor land Major | and Commandant's Report. MARRIED CORRIGAN In igston, in ary"s Cathedral, on June 18th by Bev. Father Lipichie, Miss « iri to James MoKim, an ex-eadet, -: McKIM Ki § » At 2.30 o'clock the «losing exer ERs presentation of pla ¢ mn attended audience diplomas the gym by a large In pre with the tmnd prizes aod DIED. and were fashionable senting his annual report to his rov- al highness Col J. H. ¥ the commandant of the college, said : | Your Royal Highness : I. have the hovor following report on tary College for the vear 1911-12 The following changes have taken place on the staff of the college dur ing the past Major C. H Fusiliers, has sucieeded Captain A. Kaulbach, the King's Own, staff adjutant, taking over the kitry instruction at the college Captain K. Blais, RA, and E. F. Dawson, R.E., have been ceeded by Captain' M. V. Plummer, R. A., and Lieut, ¥. A. Heymann, RF, as instructors in military subpets. Major H. MW. Hopwood, rd Queen = Own Light ®valry, has been atta hed to the geveral staff branch of the college, in succession to Captain A r C. Wiltams, 31st "Duke of Com paught's Own Lancers, for instruction al work. um, stan, at K y Pemb 1912 and the family re- roke Street, on James Pester, only Mrs. Peter Bird, and { rowe Interment HUBBAND burgh, Wood Husband on, Ont her residence, New. 10th 1812, Lydia the late Absalom vears i1 months, . submit the the Royal Mili tor : reliet aged 60 'ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone B77. 230 Princess Street The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 and 236 PRINCESS STRERT. "Phone 147 for Ambulance. GO-CARTS. A couple dozen of them. Will them at = reasonable price. Must"De cas). Turk's 'Phone 705. VeAr Publin H as mis Perreau, Royal Lamy sa0- We Carry a Full Line of 9 Colgate's T i t S Cashmere Boguet. Lettuce, Sandal Wood. Monad Violet. Dactylis. Imperial Lilac, Cold Cream. Almond Cream. Bay Bum. Old Brown Windsor, Jas. Redden & Co ------ Officers' Courses. The staf college course consisting of four candidates, joined at the ginning of January, and their ex amination commences next week. The candidate prepared at the college last vear was successful and 1 Dow at Camberly. : The refresher course joined with the staff college course and remained here for three months. Six semior' officers of the permanent force at- tended. Having regard to the value of the potirse to these officers and the lamount of work there is to be done, i war" that they should if > "

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