Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1912, p. 6

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- ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 17 1913. : that is why it looks so spot. less, so soft and so delicate. OMO. is the ideal washer for all white things. {This famous bleacher, cleanser .and purifier, pre. serves the finest textures unharmed, fér no rubbing or hard work is required, just soaking. ) » Boil the wash in OMOQ and water for half-an-hour.- Let soak a further - half-hour, * rinse apd hang to dry-- everything spotiessly white, we 10, Pugsley, Dingman & Co.' Limited, Toronto 03 1 NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS "ROBERT PAYNTER haz take:z Gr the business of the late Jus, Davis at the old stand, 269 PRINCESS STREET. 1 Kinds f Bhoe Repalring npupkly done, All work guaranteed. Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S 841-8 PRINCESS ST. pt Delivery. F. J. JOHNSON | THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices In Cut Flow- era. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a fivecialty. Sweet Pea Seed .in Bulk Named Varieties. 'Phones: Store, 289. Conservatories. 235 Residence, 1212, ic Restorer for Meu restores every nerve in the Bade Phos honul to ils Proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decey and A sexual weakness averted xt once. Phosphonol wil) make you a new man. Price $3 a box, or two for ailed to any sddress. The Seobeil Drug a. irines, Ont. For sale 'oN Mahood's drag store. BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES At Cut BICYCLE MUNSON Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO Send for Cut Price Catalogue, Rroway's Reaoy Reuter FOR SORE MUSCLES, SPRAINS and STRAINS, RUB DOWN WITH RADWAY'S READY RELICF Apply the Relief, to the affected parts unmixed or diluted, according to the condition ol the surface and the nerve of the sufferer, ASK FOR RADWAY'S AND TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Thomas Copley Telephone 987 vanting anything done in the Carpen er line of repairs and new work: Hardwood Floors of all kinds orders will receive prompt attention shop, 40 Queen Street. 62 Banana Th: Great English Reme Toes and inviguratesthe whet ne. vous om, makes THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED. 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickges, 20 to 25 Ibs. each $1.75. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 lbs. each $2.75. Ticket books must be purchased at the office before ice delivery com- mences. Office: 14 MARKET STREET ' 'Telephone 68. Hood, ja out pois a wine nin Sper od. 58, Li hy Fa and Brit il pleases 6 0 filer oD BL a a Doane) plain gon rece t of price, mail ew Ramp The Formerly v Windsor) ot "You'll find it's 80." Labatt's| FRESH ARRIVAL Ganong's Chocolates The Finest in the City. 50 cents per pound. A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 London Lager Now Perfected -- Best Bupable TRY IT JOHN LABATT | LONDON, ONTARIO James MoParland, Agent, Ning Street Kast. Jai "For Potatoes Land Plaster will start the plants in- to vigorous growth 5 a REAL ESTATE SNAPS BRICK VENEER HOUSE: Montreal Street, bedraous and all modern pr aten * FRAME HOUSE, Chatham Street, good, large lot, $800.00 BRIUK VENEER HOUSE, Toronto Street, and two large sized lois oo $1,700.00 HOUSE TO RENT on Albert Street, furnace. ¢lectric ligar- ing, and all modern improve- ew ments, near car line $17.09 per menth, 5 GOOD FRAME Sous on Markland Street; 3 bedrooms: modern improvements; nearly few; cafi be purchased at a very moderate figure and by easy instalments. SA wa ott You Tales To Fire Insurance. may pay & Webb {a cargo of soit coal Drop a card to 19 Pine Street whe Estimates given on al! kinds also All old Veins. Cures Now nid Bre CHILDREN'S DAY IN GRACE! METHODIST CHURCH. Increases in the Salaries of High, and Public School Teachers-- Business Mén Windows, Gananoque, June 17.--Children's Day | was celebrated in Grace church yes- terday. Great barks of - potted | plangs and cut flowers were artistio ally "arranged - with ferns and pa'ms presentin, a very pretty Appearance. I'he Sunday school pupils attended in a body at the morning service and were addresses by Rev, F. J. McCle | ment. The unique part of the day's proceedings * were in the sHersoon, when the adult Bible class and ma- thers' departthent attended in a body. in the evening a fine musical pro- gramme was rendered by the choir, with an - address from Rev. F. J. Mo lement, it being his farewell ser- vice here. The on Saturday with a cargo of chest- out coal for Taylor & Green The schooner Briton arrived vesterday with for the D. F. | Jones Manufactuitng Co. The local banks, hotels and offices of the town are decorating with handsome gardens. The local police have received instructions to watch' | carefully for: any one plucking the flowers or mutilating them, and take actioh against any such person or persons. . tiinanoque lodge, No. 114, has postponed its annual day until next Sunday. ihe new, Harte cottage near No. government pavilion at Red Horse, completed, and now in the hands the puinters and decorators. The shoals in this section were marked with buoys during the past few days. The rural mail delivery among the! islands and summer resorts of this' section started, Saturday. George Funnell being agam in charge of the! delivery, which has been cofisiderably augmented for this season. H. Hawke purchased the Kettle pro- perty on John street. A picnic party went down to the island cottage of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Henne, a fow | miles east of the town, on Satards ay | afternoon. The property committee of the local board of education has arranged for | necessary repairs to the "various | schools, which will aggregate about ¥700 expenditure. The pupils of Miss Robertson's class! in the King street school had a pienie at the river front on Friday after- noon. Dr' and Mrs. C. D. oung, of Rochester, N.Y., have arrived and taken possession of their summer home on Hay Island, At its session last week, the local | board of education made the following increase in salaries for the coming vear : $100 to each of the staff of Gananoyue high school; their salaries now being, R. G. Graham, principal, $1,600; Miss R. Edwards, arts and English, 81,000; Miss A. A. Houson, moderns, $1,000; Miss A. MeAllister, science, $1,000; and to J, (., Linklat- er, principal of the public schools, an increase of ¥200, making his salary now $1,400. The clerk was also in- structed to call upon the town coun- cil for $11,500 for the current year, being the same as that asked for Igst year. busig again | window | force | ness 1.0.0.F, decor ation | 1 mw! of Ore Way to Keep a Woman Silent. A woman well-known for her talka. a few days ago and was instructed by the dootor to show her tongue. After n | waiting a few minutes she exclaimed : "Well, doctor, why in the world ont | don't 'you look at my tongue if you want to, instéad of writing away like a newspaper editor? How long do you eéxpect 1 am going to sit here with my mouth wide open 7" "Just one moment more, please," said the doctor. "1 only wanted you to keep still long enough for me to write this prescription.--hansas City Star. Recalling Chapleau's Kick. Hamilton Times According to La Presse, Chapleau of the Macdonald cabinet in 1885 rath- or than agree to the Louis Riel, but subsequently withdrew his resignation in order to avoid civil war, which + was threatened by John A. It is an interesting "bit of h'story, if true, and serves to add to Chapleau's Canadian. The Place of Lacrosse. Montreal Star. If it is true that lacrosse is 'taboo' at the Royal Military College at. Kingston, a great mistake has been made. - Not only is lacrosse our na- tirnal game, but it is the bést pre- ha winare training for war with which » police wid not interfere. by lacrosse players would make the effieminate troops of "'conseript Fur- ope" turn pale. By adaption, pure and dnd 1 may be eartying a To cessary trouble. Knowing our faults amounts te | | nothing if we do not make an effort to correct them. Chafed and eto fo ; How far can you walk without suf- ering in one way or anot f discomfort to our feet? ron Modern footwear is a prison hoite and the result is chafed, scalded, in flamed feet. le, you of | tinne- using Dr. W. Chase's Ointment her your feet give you trouble. This thully soothing ond ieding that is helps you as soon * insamilary powders which ¢ the De. Chase's Ointment hog Lh, Pn soft and smooth and prevents cofos ad basics. and TOWN OF GANANOQUE , Beautifying Their dent Henry 8S. schooner Horace Taber arrived | {snow white stalactites. iin 'height { limestone sides of the eanon, tiveness called upon her family doctor tendered his resignation as a member execution of Sir reputation as a patriotic A charoe! You can get a world of comfort by | SOME STRONG CRITICISM Of Medical Schools Carnegie Foundation President. i New York, June 17.--~Three-fourihs of the medical schools in America {would be driven out of existence if the {lowest terms upon which medical 1wchools can exiyt abroad were spplied in this country, Pritchett, of the Carne- {gie Foundation for the Advancement | of Teaching. This is one of the deductions made by br. Pritchett in his introduction {vo the foundation's report, on "Medi- {eal Edueation in Europe," by Dr. Ab- {raham Flexner, which is made publie. | The Carhiegie foundation publighed {in 1910 an elaborate report describing "the conditions of medical education in |the United States and Canada, The | present, a companion volume on "Me- dical Education in Europe," by the (same author, Abraham Flexner, with ! an introduction by Henry 8. Pritchett, president of the foundation, is based jon a personal stody in 1910- 191 of re- | presentdtive medical schools in Ger- many, Austria, France, England and [ Seotland. President Pritchett explains in his introduction that the foundation's study of medical education in Ameri- ca led to a demand of an extension of the investigation to the leading Euro- | pean nations. The bulletin, thergiore, describes conditions as they now exist in these countries, "and draws atten- tion to both their strong and their | weak points. Perfection is found no- where, 'but all European countries make a defile educational require- ment for entrance upon medical eduéa- tion, and permit no schbols to teach medicine 'without the essential labora- tory facilities and abundant clinical opportunities. A Week on the Dead Sea. The chug-chug of the twentieth cen- tury motor-boat now. reverberates from the shores of the Dead Sea. Members of the American colony in {Jerusalem, who recently explored the Dead" Sea, were greatly impressed by a mountain of rock salt 500 feet high. ealled Jebel Usdum, in which was found a large cave several hun- dred yards long, hung with great Clifls varying from 300 to 1,900 feet, form an dlmost unbroken wall on the west side of the That wall is of limestone; but the wall on the east side 'is of beautifully colored samnd- {xtona. The members af the party declare that the gorge of tho river Arnon contains the finest natural soen- ery in Palestine. The richly shaded which are only twenty feet apart, rise per- pendicularly about three hundred feet, and the variety and beauty of their veining and tracery is exhaust- less.~Youth's Compation Raising a Town. In order to raise the level of the | town eight feot, nearly all the build ings in Wilmington, near Los Angeles, in California, have. been placed on temporary. wooden supports. Wilming- ton stands on low ground. Not long ago, when engineers began the work came evident that here was a chance to get, at comparatively little cost, thousands of tons of sand with which to change the grade. A bulkhead was erected round the land to be filled, and the discharge pipes from the dredger carry the sand to all parts of an area about twenty blocks in size. It is estimated that 1,200,000 cubic vards of material will be taken from the harbor bottom. When the grading is done, the town will stand high and dry above the harbor, and the princi- pal streets will be on a level with the docks.~Youths' Companion. Contest in New Brunswick. Winnipeg Free Press The political contest in New Bruns. wick is, technically, not on party lines. The llazen government and its successor, the Flemming government, is nominally a coalition. It includes one liberal member, and had at least one liberal supporter in the legislature In his election appeal Premier --dlem- ming pleads for liberal support. The St. John Globe, a liberal journal, which supported John D. Hazen when he was leader of the opposition, is steadfast in its loyalty to the gqvern! ment. But, in the main, the di is on party lines, with particular re ference to the struggle of last Sep tember. The contest is developing great warmth, with the usual confi- dent predictions of victory by both sides. ision Modern Maid of Boston, A little Boston girl with exquisitely long golden curls and quite an angelic appearance in general. came in from an afternoon walk with her nurse and {said to her mother : "Oh, mamma, a 'strange woman on the street said to me, My but ain't you got beautiful hair ! The mother smiled. for the compli- ment was well merited, but she gasp- ed as the child innocently continued her account, "1 said to her, have you like sorry he; A Sudden Finale. At a mass meeting in a. small country town refreshments were dis- tributed to keep the audience in a good humor. The first speaker rose after the noise had ceased to some ex- tent and began hie speech by saying: "lhe old hall is full to-night," but here his voice was drowned by the Soufasion When it had subsided he angsagain. by saving © "The old hall is full to-night." He paused for a rhetorical effect and a thiek voice in the back of the hall said slowly and and deliberately : "So is old Bill Horn." - The meeting then broke up. '1 am very glad to my hair, but I am you use the word incott"s Magazine, Lacking in Something. Montreal Gazette. The management of a theatre in St. John, N.B., has requestel it€ patrons to remain seated until. the curtain falls and the band begins to play "God Save the King." Tt is an old fault of Canadian audiences that being complained of. What ails according to resi-| of dredging the adjacent harbor, it bLe- |} PRC JF. GREAVES CRITICIZES The Way Girls Attire Themselves and the Gossips. Professor. W. H. Greaves, when preaching in Sydenham street Metho ast church, spoke Very strongly the common practice of people tending to be what they Aying that Ef the average would mind his or her own business, he or she would not have the 'in clination or time 'to meddle in other people's affairs. Speaking of the styles that prevail, the professor said young ladies now-a-ddys do' not tire themselves according to purse and wmfort, but following, most cases, absurd fashions thal ar created, with no regard to either, the result of which is an wrray which parades our strects, and in only too many cases is hideous in the ex- treme. Young girls nowadays will not go- out to household service but wil] serve in factories for a much smaller wage, because they think it is higher employment. Such phrases are made use of as: "There is 'some class' to this or that person, or thére is some thing 'classy." "' regarding individusals who are pretending to be what they really are net. Oh, for the day when human: nature will not meddle with the petty differences of others, and a man will be hudged according to what he is; rathe® than what he pos- Sesses. on pre are not, gOossiper now that at their in AION ABLE FRENCH GIRL'S HAIR. attractive idea, fashionable school girls, i= shown in the illustration A soft band" tovers the forehead, and the only ornament worn is a wide ribbon bound about the head and tied in a smart bow at the SCHOOL The very with Paris side. The Evening Luxury . CEYLON TEA id with delight by all wis use it LEAD PACKETS ONLY. : BLACK, MIXFD OR GREEN, AT ALL GROCERS. WIGHEYE AWARD-ST. LOUIS. 1900. ; (110 ACRES), i : Situated near the Village of INVERARY, convenient to School and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, inclui ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orchard. For particulars, apply to _ nbs BLAKE THOMPSON, CROWN BANK. . MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. KINGSTON; ONT. Be on your guard against substitution._ Every bottle of O'Keefg's Pilsener r sealed Lupe crown stopper as shown here '=look for it whenever you The Light Beer in The Light Bottle E. BEAUPRE, LOCAL DISTRIBUR, "PHONE 313 BiG REDUCTION SALE » part of this stock Both by the market is opening a special inducement at present. extraordinary low OF BICYCLE TIRES One of the largest manufacturers of bicycle tires for the Canadian I have secured and for the next few days will offer them at prices. Remember these tires are | Absolutely Guaranteed manufacturers and by ourselves. Superb Overland Three Star FALCON BICYCLES. (Wired Coaster Brake, mud guards and full equipment : : ia Read the following prices for tires put on without extra charge : edge) per pair, put Regular $9.00 ralue on $7.75 $6.75 $4.75 , (Wired edge) per 2 ou put on Regular $8.00 value Wired edge) Regular r pair, pPyt on $5.00 value ACT QUICKLY--They won't last long at these prices. ' $30.00 each HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot Street. Phone 542

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