Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1912, p. 4

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Nh iM er {LIME FORSAE PAGE FOER. THE "BUCO" Hand Garden Cultivator is the greatest weed destroying and tion: It takes the weeds loosens the soll roughly to desired depth, leaving it fine and smonth, and saves immensely on labor PRICE CORBET 8 tool made for caltiva- out hy tho- ee ------ nol Ht A RAR AOS BEAVER BOARD As a Wall Board je fast growing into popular favor. As easy to work as soft Pine, leaves no dirt in the house, takes paint well, oc- cupies very little space, is warm and noise-proof. We are Sole agents Wellington Stroet North During houseclABIAE; "wishing to save time by having quick lunches, can be supplied with all kinds of Cooked Meats, Pickles and Relishes by just 'phoning or giving a call to H. J. MYERS 115 Brock St. "Phone 570. Dr. Martel Female Pills : Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for 'women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth , "The result from thoir use is quick and Jermancot. For sale at all driil stores. DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard "Phone 443, 235 Welllagton St. J FURNITURE WANTE Anyone having aD * Stoves, Clothes. Boots to Sell drop a card be- fore Slsposin T to H. SUGARM 5, 242 Omtario Street, Opposite Craig's Wholesale, FONG SING has [emoved eae Princess Ly First-ciass : ve some inventive al. a feasts SRRRLRY 4 & Ts wt er A oy cating "SINGER" Hand Sewing Machine Practically Ld Jot Sale. VE FURNIT it line Hig BE. city. Will buy, sell or exchange. SEHOLD GOODS ought and Sold. If you are giving up house, I will buy all your goods. . -l LESSES cn--- EN] Joeruised yield dnd \mprov. only pay for AILS yleld a hand- some return om your invest- ment of time and materials. || legislature. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tario, at $6 per year: Baitlons: at 2.39 WEEKLY BRITISH wHIG, 18 pages Thursday morning at §1 a yea be adel, making price of Daily 5 and TORONTO OFFICE~Buite 18 and Street, Toronto. H. EH. Binsliplecs, J. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices if /Canada; rapid, st: lise, and cheap work; nine improved presses. « THE BRITISH vee PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED ~ THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG,, SATURDAY, THE WHIG, SEVENT Y'NINTH' YEAR at 308- 318. King Street, Kingston, O03 and 4 p es, nbiorod ip parts on Monds {ted States charge for postage of Weekly $1.50 per year. and ad to J. G. Elliott, Presideat. " Leman A. Guild, See~Treas. & 20 Queen City Chambers, $3 Church Py, representative. Rentz are being raised in Kingston because the taxes have been raised The slight does not increase in the assessment warrant the increase in rental, and it is manifestly unfair for any one to justify his additian to the revenues from real Wtate--by saving that the city has forced it ' The correction of any misrepresenta- tion in this respect lies with the eoun- eil and the a They pgsment commissioner should Consider' the question RENTAL AND TAXATION. it | sideration of the | sulting the assessments according to the Among the commission to the What tases rents, enquiries put by ths tenants should be these: 1) reat do {vou pay ? (2) Are the paid in the rent? a right they The tenants have to expect and will have no grievance if the some protection, assessments of the consistent or pro rental. The ub made with the property is portionate joel is commended to the careful con council, of 'the given an P'res- unms The general church takeable evidenve of the magnanimous assembly byterian has spirit by which its members are dom- ingted, report on church union Tha of the committee was resented with eupdour and 'calmness. Its chairman, Rev. In flegroe Gordon, posspsses in a rare which There union. a vote fol: of the the grace a difficult situation required. had been a vole on organic lowing a hopeful presentation ase and of the advantages of i$ to | ¢ [the church, and there had been a ls summing up of the resultg, so far as » indicate them. vote was in favour of the pro- reflected the mind of per cent. of the Methodists had their tgtistics could "The position, and it ibout seventy mem bership. The passed upon the issue, and vate repre- sented about eighty per cent. of the figures showed of the two churches membership. These that the was sound for heart union. 'but was it ex- |{pected to force the consummation of their plans without a further consid. eration of the question ? The first impulse was to drop the subject until a more fitting or thought namely more propitious season. Second suggested something better, co-operation between the Presbyterian Mr. sowsll is doing the out, during the very rash thing of going sum mer months, when most nen desire rest and recreation, and educating the people on political subjects. The first meeting will be in London, where Hon, Mr. Beck resides, enemy's in the talk about good roads, and therefore camp. He power, enn cheap and and all the other subjects in which the people are intersted. Another will be held in Belleville, whichis part of West las tings, as it is wepresented in the le- gislature by Mr. Fhe his version of things, a supporter of the Whitney government he careful not to expose any of its weak- the revelation of Mr. Rowell will not be without result. The Whitney government has had a fair trial and it has had its Generally speaking much meeting Johnson. loeal member has been giving but as was most nesses, and defects, it is not given to legislation, constructive and would be given to less but for the leader of the opposition. The premier was inclined to at Mr. sneer Rowell's performance in the He was a new man politics, but he was a lawyer who had made his mark in his profession, and he was ro sooner elected to office than he gualilied for service, and dur- ding the last session lie made Sir James Whitney realize that a new force had entered public life and that it was not to be trifled with. At Toronto has unpaid taxes for last year to the extent of hall a million dollars. ' Kingston's clean up, with unpaid taxes of $300, ig 'scarcely ap preciated. The collector &s doing his work well, _ 5 At the instance of Hon. S. Blake, the Anglican synod of Toronto, has appointed a commitiee to see what is the matter with the church and how a real revival of religion may be brought about. It is to be hoped the enquiry mey lead to some prac tical results. Mr. Borden intimates that shone WISE LEADERSHIP DELIRED. MR. ROWELL MAKING TROUBLE. -- crit is | only way to stop some of the abuses EDITORIAL NOTES and Methodist churches, so far sible, and in field of enterprise AS POS every where united action could be promo ted. Organic union was to be dis cussed again and the preparations made for a eeccond and move deliber- ate vots Only for the admiration could be expressed stad taken by divines ip the Presbyterian noble Sone leading church in the dssembly at Fdmonton, and. especiglly for the coneiliatory lap guage of those who had not been ip isvour of union but vere willing that it should mature terest of the church. Theirs was a happy position compared with that leadér io the Methodist ~ church, one of its superintendents, who, at a conference in the gave ment a check by his. impetuous at tack upon what hié called a "phebald scheme." The Presbwterians regarded, the vote was taken, as the wreckers of the movement but .when the gémeral assembly put yet if in the in of a west, the move were when itself on récord in a diplomatic and «ot emphatio way, as 'eager for union, and desirous of eventually bringing it to pass; 't was unfortunate that a of the other church should drop a sort of bomb into the with! & most representative camp, disturbing effect. i once Mr. Rowell began to do things, and he is not disposed. to sit fown and rest between the ses There arg some big issues before the people, and men will enjoy Mr. Ro well's discussion of . Chief of of $5,000,000 for 810N8S. - them. them is the vote roads and improvements in tario. The money has to be ed. Only $350,000 1s and the New © On borrow wanted this year, government has pot yet defined in what manner it will he | applied. Mr. Rowell's idea, based on Rritish experience, is that the ment govern should submit its parliament and schemes to have them approved Sir James Whitney's idea 1s that he is the legiZlature, that lowed to do with the Rowell responsible and he he must be al- money as he Ay likes. Mr, will make it that trial, clear government is on may be able to eonvinee { the electors that he is right. | Then the liquor question is a great lone. Mrs Rowell has decided that the of the 'traflic is to abolish the bar, i Sir James Whitney | stop the treating. Ihe people are | switching over to Mr. Rowell's side, and the Mail that Sir James can change as quickly as pub lic opinion, and that he may take up Mr. Rowell's plan. Meanwhile the leader of the opposi- tion is going to do some talking in Ontario, at convenient pointy, and he is going, in consequence, to spoil Sir James Whitney's peace of mind, says the cure is to announces - '8 ease ahd prosperity. The World | announces that the visit of the pre nier to Montreal was made miserable 3y the demands of the patronage heelers. Government a diversion, eh * we taking on a new meaning. wher he will spend the money voted by the legislature <at the last ses: sion. But be will have no doubt about it after the liboral members have their tour in New Ontario. He will get the informa- tion and the" inspirn ou which. he needs, Mr. Foster says thera will sot be a sferendum on he navy question. Mr. Borden, during the election, and ad, drensing the French-Canadians, sailf there would be a referendum. © "Mr. Foster says terminal elevators will aot be built in the wost. Mr. Rogers Some words in the English languages] Sir James Whitney does not know | JUNE 13, THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Wilk Expect More. diately ca duties dn agricult on gther things, -- Calling Hard Nmnes, suaply a plan long on the farm belong on 'this w» Some Political Intimations, Ottawa Journa I'he elimination.o sibility on the may to antimate uo general election th 1 3 prior to next because Lheres must be redistribution first But probah® next wavely § country. compar year. : Ewe Exhibit in Divorces. Guelph Mercury Lhe record of United States last year the blush of shame ing element of the long their moral fabric can strain is a mater of rather doubt. JO 00 dive re public, Money Loaned in Canada, Toronts eekl : he a of th owings by an ada and investmentspin Ca ach ed last year more than three hundred millions, of at least as much as the total exports from Canada of domes tic" produce, which were two hundred and ninety millio: Ready tw Bolt, Toronto Globe "Though his (Mr. Rowell's) the-bar camy not political ambi his labor in tliat behall will not be lost. Should he suc ceed in developing point of demanding that the abolished, Sir James Whitne ernment alwys i public opinion and y SPOu SL to it, will effect reform.' abolish ------------------ Peace Centenary. Wisnipes Free Press This century of peace have been comp feted on the hundredth anni versary of the treaty of Ghent, which was concl » 1514, and ratified on it naturally po os est for Canadians. The Canada is immediately adjacent to the United States, and is the portion of the Britvsh Empire that witnessed the actual conflicts of the war of 1812 14. The bitterness engendered by those far-off "strifes has happily long since passed away, and it is fitting that we should participate in celebrating - the blessings of peade which for a period of one hundred years will have existed between us and our neighbors. Glorious G Tory. Belston, Mo, He d. Miss Morning Glory out Saturday circuit of the market lovelier than the flo was named. She wa made from bleached on the blu vard and draped inte ness by her own deft shod in immaculate which. resembled white over the sidewalk, and faint periume of wild tle summer breeze, will ong uded on Cl pevial inter older half of Starburk™ wag afternoon making a sly place, looking which she a gown *oourtains, in the back lovely ors Lor last ve mice ra there was rose, on the mnocked Down by Cab. A eabman, while Princess street. on ran down a boy, sell, who lives on knocking him down him. The little fellow was pic by Hugh C. Nakle and taken i automobile to Dr. A, FE. Ross' gery. His injuries were found to be not serious, although he was badly bruised and ver: much seared The hack driver, afler finding that he had run over the boy, back, but the driving down Friday evening, Tommy' gan Clarence sirect and running over came child had beén removed Time for a Straw liros' Dee nohoy Campbell styles. Blake 's Falls, being' confined to his home asthma and heart Wednesday, in the of his age. Mr. Blake came to Smith's Falls some fifteen yeass ago, from Frankville Deseronto baseball club has officers : President, ' James vice-president, R. J. S. Dewar; ager, Rev. A. H. Creeggan} P. A. Mcheownr:: treasurer, bain. Thomas Anthony Mary Ann O'Donnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Donnell, entered the sweet circle of matrimony at Lan- ark on Wednesday. The death of Mrs. A. curred * on June 10th, in Falls. She is survived by children of her first marriage to late John Lane, ; DR. SOPER James Smith died ox seventy-fourth year trouble, these Gaunlr; man- secretary, James Fair- Quinn and Miss Alexander oe five thy edicine furnished in ta wn nom um op aed 2 te says they will. AN of which shows ihe hartnouy Shas pravadly, at asa) ree { SOPER & WHITE, serve his | opinion to the | bar be | "1815. | after ! through da Smith's" 1012, r------------------------------. BIBB Y' Ss, Limited Kingston's One Price Clothing House Tooké Bros., and W.G.R. Shirts. Goods. styles and ste. Crescent, Star Brand, All new 1912 All sizes 14 to 18. Zephyrs, Chg Oxfords and Percall cloths Men's One piece in newest to 72 $7.00, Coat Our Price whilé they SATURDAY DOINGS Shirt Sale $1. 00 and $1.25 Shirts for Panama Hats $5.00 We are putting en Sale a range of Genyine Panama Hats. and of Native Bleach, 1912 shapes, Sizes 6} 4. These Hats are being sold in most places for $7.50, $8.00. last $5.00. Models. English Serge, Blue We are offering a pure wool Indigo Blue Serge. Suit, Designed by Canada's Best Tailors. in the Sizes 34 to 46. new $15.00 Tailored and and Bryson For $156.00. Gordon See Nobby Our Oxfords The 20th Century $4.00 Shoe Special a. See Our Nobby » The Kerker Hartt Shoe $4.50 Oxf 8 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS S IBBY"S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store STREET: SS SA BT A ---- WRECKED MANY TOMBSTONES. ] | \ Provincial Vetectives Wil Prints. { ly jt June 15. ~The vi Investi- gate Foot St. Thomas, Out lage of Delmer, twenty here, in South Oxford, into a state of discovered that wesday night ! the loeal miles east was thrown excitement when it was sometime during Wed vandals had descerated cemetery by overthrowing a hundred tomb tones and monuments felltale footprints have been in the ground, and these are carefully guarded until the arrival, of provincial detectives Suspicion is said to point strongls to one man, to whom circumstances seem to impuie's motive. What M.F's, Are For? Canadian Courier. Toronto There: are evidently other for the existence of the government member of 'parliament than that of finding "jobs" for bis loyal party eon stituents. One day, at {and smashing about found hing purposes an early hour, a man appeared at the residence of W. F Nickle, M.P. for Kingston. "Give me a quarter for he 'demanded "HM you give me a good reason why 1 should do so I will," was the quick response. 'Aren't you the member 1" "You. "Well, if 1 haven't a right to look to the member to help me, whom should T look to?" He got the quarter. breakfast," To o to Regina. J. B. Mitchell, manager of the Bank of Ottawa, 'einbroke, has been tran: ferred to Regina, Sask., ae manag + of the bank's large office there. Mr Mitchell and. family are in the eit) with Mr. and Mrs. J. ©, R. Dobbs They go west early next week. Miss Elida. Waddell, on the staff of the public school teachers, Smith's Peils, kas loft for Winnipeg, where she will be married to James Camp bell, a prosperous young farmer of Fim Creek, Man. and formerly of Elmsley. On June 10th the marriage of Mis {Mary Banville, daughter of Mrs. Ter- eme Banville, South Elmaley, to J M, Lamping. Kemptville, was solemu- ized in Smith's Falls. na vo DOCTOR'S INDORSE == NEWBRO'S iii FOR THE HAIR ys doctor endorses a than an opinion | prepara means more ordifiary nial His nlwasw the professional man devoted welfare of ths "people J, Boyd, ems write Covingtan, 'I feel it my duty to this for the benefit of those suffering from dandruff In the average case » few applications of Newbro's Herpi cide will remove all dandirufi It is advisable to eral weeks." The words of J. B ND. No. 2, Burrough lis street, Boston, Mass., are not less enthusiastic: | can only speak in praise of Newbro's Herpicide It is all that is claimed and perhaps more Herpicide not only cleanses the scaly but brightens the hair, gives it life ond makes it soft." br. T. A. Moore, Duncan, writes of hid experience : "My ontinue its use for seve Thompson, M Place, Cor. Hol Ariz He alp was in places covered by patches of Frederick Hall and Miss Chloe Pe terson, datghter of Joseph Peter son. both of Athens, were joined ia wedlock by Riv. W. W. Weegee, Metho dist minister at Addison, Wednesday afferncon The congregation "of St John'« hurch Lanark, have erected two very sandsome iron gates at the entrance of their cemetery, ' {almost at dry, ao wi material and the {was inCesyanu. teide all it ong using Her evida have d pte ol hair bs soft mooth nud Hair has thinly Mince t howe joand my growing before bug | Newbro's Hapicide is the to kill the dandruff top falling hair. The terrible which goes with dandruff i# allayed grown on west covered ofiginal wid itching remedy once Applications may be obtained at [the leading barber shops Be sure genuine Herpicide. Send 10, {in postage for sample and book to {The Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich Newbro's Herpicide in 60c. and $1 #izes is sold by all deslers who guar- jantew it to do all that is claimed in vou are not satisfied your money will be refunded. James B, McLeod picial agents {you gel and L. T. Best, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Eh: SL Fg: big Tin | | Ln SR lh in USE. ; RAWFORDS Coat. L113 STA ETE EET _ Have You?

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