TO HAVE CEDAR ISLAND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Deéputation Waited Upon Col. the Hon, Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia~--Estimate to be Secured of Cost of Wharf, As the result of the action taken by the Kingston Yacht Club, the board of trade and city councfl, it is likely that the government throw open of 'the public, as a picnic grounds. On Monday afternoon, a deputation waited upon Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes, minister of militi&, while the latter was at" ~ Bérfiefield camp, and asked that he use his influence to have the 'request granted. The "minister of militia sta that personally be had no objection to the scheme, and that he would do all in his power to have the request granted. The matter, it will be remembered, was first taken up, p few months ago, by the members of the Yacht Club, it being felt that it would be a good thing to have the island thrown open 0 the public, and that in addition, the government be asked to build 4 wharf so that boats could land at ile island. At the present time it is very difficult matter for to land, ; a small boals The island is at present under leass to W, J. Savage, of Kingston, but it is believed that the necessary arrange: ments ean be made to have the island made public property for the summer months, The minister of militia promised that he would have his engineer, Capt. Hughes, prepare an cost of the erection of a wharf st the] island. Dr. J. W: Edwards, M.P., accom- panied the deputation which appedid before the minister. It was reprosen- tative of the city council, board trade and Yacht Club, and was com posed of the following Mayor F¥, J. Hoag, Dr. E. Secretary Macnee, of the board trade, Charles © Kirkpatrick, C. Mae pherson, Neil Polson, Jr.. Dr. Winnett, A. Dalton and John McKay. -- i ------------ Jones' Falls and Return. Wednesday, June 12th, Queen leaves Swift's wharf at Fare for the round trip, 'Beeley's Bay, B0c. James Swift & Co, agents. Rideau 6 a.m. including 2 THE will decide to Cedar lsland to the use| estimate of the By duiey of Ryan, of IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Aessels Along the Harbor Front, The sicamer Fisher arrived at Rich- ardson's elevator, from Fort William, with a cargo of grain. The steambarge Jeska passed on her way from Oswego to Rideau canal points with coal : The steamers Dundee and Dupelm will pass up to-pight. } The steamburge Westport arrived in part from Cape Vincent on hex to Ridéau cabal ports. Ite: steamer Conger Coal, has been undergoing repairs dock - of company, cleared up the lake Monday night. ~The steamer Toler will soon be docked, 3 | at the The M.T, Co. barge, Winnipeg, grain-laden, which sprang aleak mn the Cornwall canal, will be takeh on to Montreal, where she will be un- loaded. The Calvin Wrecking eom- pany stcamer which went to her assistance, put 4 steam pump on board. Swift's wharf : Steamer Kingston, down and up; Aletha, down and up. w Co's elevator: The tug Thomson arrived from Montreal with three light barges; the steamer Ke- nora, grain-laden, from Fort William, is due to discharge, to-morrow morn- ing, the Turret Chief, grain-laden, the steamer on on Thursday morning; Turret Court, grain-laden, is way; steamer Glenmount, grain-laden, | irom Fort William, will pass Jown on her way to Montreal, on Wednesday morning, and after discharging ler cargo in Montreal, will clear for to load steel rails for rort illiam, Food for the Circus, The furnishing of a circus with food is like supplying a small town. The order for bread for Ringling ros.' circus, to be here on Friday, is 400 loaves. It is thought, howiwer, that they will use twice that quan: tity. They have also ordered (gallons of kee cream Death of Maple Lawn Resident. The remains of the late John Wil- died about two weeks ago, were inter red at UCataraqui cemetery on Mon day. Mrs: Williamson, who has been ill in the city, at Joseph Morton's Queen street, since her husbands death, is slowly con. alescing. I 1873 STANDARD BANK OF €ANADA TORONTO is an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to fumish par- ; t KINGSTON BRANCH, H. E. Richardson, Bon wld The steamer City of Hamilton pass" Time have to ed down Fast night. the leagu®» from clashing. from Fort William, is due to discharge the 150 ym liamson, Maple Lawn, Glenburuie, who THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912. THE SPORT "REVIEW |THE VARIOUS LEAGUE TEAMS ARE BUSY. | Sunday School Leagues Will Soon With the teams, the City Baseball S.5.A.A.A. and the S Mer- Way | cantile league = teams all either prac- ed, excepting the clause that tising or playing on the cricktt field which it will be a busy place every night oi eppoiat, subject to the veto of the ithe week. {the mercantile league and the Sun- day school schedule will likely drawn up this week. be be made to keep The eity league game this Saturday is causing a great deal of interest among the faps. Each team has defeated the other. team than last year, but as far fielding goes they are not quite ns good. The Victorias will be in fine shape for their clash with the loco- motive workers, as National league--RBoston, 11; Rt, Louis, 3. Philadelphia, 10; Cincinnati, 1. Brooklyn, 1; Pittsburgh, 0. Chi- cago, 9; New York, 8. American league--Boston, Louis, New York, 5; Chicago, 1. Philadel phia, 6; Cleveland, 3. International league--Newark, 12; Providence, 10. Baltimore, 11; Jersey {Lity, 3. Rochester, 7; Montreal, 4. Buffalo, 8; Toronto, 6. < 3: St ' i Canadian Baseball League. Things - stirring in lively fashion in thet Canadign Baseball League these days. While Ottawa is stringing ouf a long lead, and London is talking of dropping out, the other teams are strengthening up. Guelph has signed Killian, the for- mer Toronto pitcher, and Blanchard, Y., who two years ago was tried out with the Philadelphia Athletics. Hamilton has landed 'Scotty' Ca- meron, of Baltimore, who was with Berlin last season. Cameron is a shortstop. Road Records Broken. Two world's records and two Cana dian records were broken in the fif- teen-mile invitation race run- at the Toronto Island Stadium, Saturday night, and won by Longboat alter one of the steadiest andebrainest contesis of the Indian's career. The starters were Longboaf, Shrubb,- Wood and Queal. Shrubb led from the start to the five miles, for which he set a new Canadian mark of 25:19. Then a wea ligament in his ankle began to bother him, and he stopped after going six bunched in this order : Wood, Queal, Longboat, to eight and one-half miles where Wood and the Indian took a short lead on Queal, which they gra- {dually increased until at ten miles they led Queal by half a lap. The time for the ten miles was 51.42 3-5. a new Canadian record, and the re- cord distance for an hour of 11 miles, 1,136 yards, held by Shrubb, was beaten by sixty-four yards. For the last five miles, Wood led by a scant yard, and although he tried to shake .ongboat off 'the Indian clung dog- gedly, In the last lap the two rivals ran like fresh starters, the final quar- ter being run in 1.02, and at the end of a magnificent sprint, Longboat nos- ed Wood out by a foot in the last You'll Stand Inspection- even the most critical kind--that of the fair -sex---if you let us attend to the happy knack of putting individuality iatc the experienced Moreover our your attire, We have our suits; as all dressers will testify. fabrics are of the newest and best i: texture and in design. Durable, o course, and the shape-keeping kinds that ensure long life to the garments ~ made of them. THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor 157 PRINCESS STREET. ROLL . __(\AR FOR SALE LARGE vicinity of Alfred and bargain at $4,600.00, BRICK DWELLING on the M Mam or. REAL ESTATE - FRAME DWELLING, with verandah and good lot, for $2,100; also smaller Frame House at $1,550, Both of these are on Lower Bagot Street. A VERY DESIRABLE SOLID BRICK DWELLING in the alr' furnace, electric light and gas, b. & ¢., $2,750. Johnson Streets. This Is a upper part of Earl Street, hot VIHASNI OXAV XV LVOod 'PHONE 68. FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE. | PLATE-GLASS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. five yards in the new record time of L18.10. To Arrange for Conference. A joint meeting of the civie finance committee and the marine and rail way committee' of the board of trade has been called for this after- noon to arrange for a conferences with Ion. Frank Cochrane, minister of railways and canals, who wil = come down the Rideau on Fridav on a tour of inspection, accompanied by Sir William Mackenzie. of the C.N.R., and several others, Kingston has several requests to present to the minister, and the committees will formulate them. 3} f Send Out Envelope Stickers, The past president of the Old Boys' association of Toronto, H. Y. ton, has sent to a number of King- ston merchants stickers advertising the Old Boys' excurdon to Kingston on July 20th, and requested them to use them on their outgoing letters. This is a most effective wav of reach- ing nepple likely to attend the re union. Rather Odd Sight. A rather odd sight was witnessed in the harbor on Tuesday morning. The steamer St. Louis, on her way to Gananoque, had on board a cou- ple of cows, and early in the morn- ing one of the men could be seen milking the cow, on board the ves- sel. The members of the crew cer tainly had fresh milk for their breakfast. Dr. and Mrs. W. RB. Jones, Roches- ter, N.Y., and their daughter, were in the city on Tuesday. 1 1 i } i ! i BALL i Schedules of the Mercantile and {cordial appreciation 'of Queen's, Commence--Other News of Sport.! nied League {> Principal McKav was in hearty the Kingston Shipbuilding | A schedule has been drawn up for | polmtments or removals shall be re: Some arrange- | mission be appointed to frame a re- 'an ast of parliament in , { The The CLL." are a beiter batting? Baseball Results. 1 2. Washiggtom, 7; Detroit, 8' jambidextrous pitcher from Utiea, | and 'a half miles, The other three FADSfarng Clax- | - | : i : REPORTS OF QUEEN'S Presented to the General Assembly at Edmonton, 3 The report of Queen's. College, | whith was heard in part on Thurs: day, was taken up on Saturday by the general assetbly at Edmonton, and Rev. Prof. Welsh, in a speech of se the adoption of the report. a greemeni with all that Queen's wish- 2 allows the board of Queen's to remove. or generti assembly, to whom such ap- rted. He moved that this clause held in abeyance, and that a dom- £ solution covering all colleges in this | matier. coming | Principal Gordon pointed out that it was hard for the assembly to hold abeyance. clause in question is just a re- petition of a clause in Quien's char ter. Principal Gordon arg BL it would be unwise and unpfofitable to attempt to disturb the legislation NOW governi { Queen's. i S. Scott, D.D., could not see that the old charter of Queen's should now control the theological department of the ° university, He strongly opposed the. clause, and claimed that it oreated a chasm be {tween the assembly and Queen's. Rev. Dr. Ramsay gave a most dis- tinct and frank and emphatic denial to what Dr. Scott had just said. As 'chairman. of the special committee appointed to co-operate with the authorities. of Queen's to secure le- gislation to cover the new Atuation he spoke ss am expert. : ' Rev. W. G, MacKay saw diflicalty fn the assembly adopting the clause. | Rev. Dr. Bruce Taylor advised the 'assembly not to interfere with the legislation of Queen's as passed by parliament. The assembly voted down the amendment offered by Principal MacKay and adopted the ve- port of the board of trustees as sub- ,mitied. Dr. Druce Taylor submitted the re- report of 'the temporary board of man- agement of Queen's James Cum- mings, of Lyn, seconded the adoption ev. E. : i - of the report. WEDDED IN TORONTO. Cambridge, Formerly ol Yarker, Takes a Bride. A quiet) wedding was solemnized at the residence of Rev. Dr. Hazelwood, Toronto, on Wednesday, June 5th, when Martha Maybelle, youngest daughter of Mrs. Catherine Ensmin was married to Vernon Cam- bridge, of Yarker. The pretiy and ut- tractive bride was gowned in a dainty Swiss embroidered gown, with pearl and brilliant bandeau, She carried white roses, lilies of the valley, and The groom's gift to her was a heavy engraved gold bracelet. There were no attendants. Mrs. Ensminger, mother of the tride, wore, black silk with lace and sequins, and held a ve ception after the ceremony at lev home in Rosedale. After a recherche lunchcon, the happy couple, amid phowers of confetti, left qn the five o'clock train for Kingston and east- ern points. The bride travelled in a Copenhagen blue suit, with black satin and tipped with red whip cord, and wore a large black picture hat, trim- med with satin, French "dropping plumes, and Richmond 'roses. The pre- sents were very costly and numerous, including many good-sized cheques. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge will reside at 615 Church street, I ronto. { Vernon | | } FORMAL TAKING OVER | { | Of Steamboat Companies--Robert Crawford Retires as President: { At the annual meeting of the. St. {Lawrence River and Thousand Island Steamboat company, held Monday, afternoon, the former in this city, and the latter at Cape Vincent, the chief matter of business was the transferring of these companies to the steamboas merger. The R. & 0 compa. Wok over both these con rns. ! C. J. Smith, general manager; J. iV. O'Donoghue, assistant géneral { manager, both of Montreal; H. F. { Chafee, general freight and passenger | agent, of Toronto, und Percy Smith, were 0 | secretary-treasurer, of Montreal, | present, represerting the R./& company. | No change was made in the manag: ling staff locally, with the exception of | Rober? Crawford, who retires as pre isident The local situation will like ily stand for some little time as it 'ia. NEWS FROM THE Y.M.C.A. Swimming "Medals--Camp Volunteers Use Building. Additional medals have been award- ed to a number of the boys of the Y.M.C.A, for qualifying in the swim- ming competition. No. 1 (or begin ners' medal) was awarded to Andrew Painter, who has now learned to swim fifty feet since the classes started: No. 2 medals were awarded ta the follow- ing: D. Robinson, H. Searle, C. Baiden, C. Baker and 'J. Renton, who More + have dearned to swim fifty yards, fifty feet on their back and also to be able to take a neat dive. A large number of the men attend- ing i camp are taking ad- vantage of the privileges of the asso-! f Slaton, which are accorded them free, charge. A meeting of the board of directors was held in Monday evening, and soine important business was discuss: ed. Tt was decided to buy a safe for use in the office. ------ Bagle Band Excursion. The 14th P| W. O. R. bugle band held a successful moonlight éxcuf- sion 10 Clason on Monday evening. The mer America left at eight o'clock cariying five hundred pass. engers, who were given an hour at Clayton, aviving home at'1l am. The members of the band came out with a good surplus as the result of their undertaking. . z Cure, manufacturedby ¥F. J. Ch Ll A ---- N'S SHOES | FOR LITTLE MEN 4 YEARS 10 YEARS OF AGE. Shoes Just Like Daddy Wears. PAGE FIVE _-- - BRIGHTON IS EXCITED OVER A RESIDENT LEAVING WIS FAMILY Strange Fanatic--The "Convert" Refuses to Return to His Home. The village of Brighton was startled on Saturday when Clatence Vincent, a well-to-do farmer near there, leit his wife and three young children and set out bareheaded and barefooted to be come a convert to Holy Rollerism. His sullden departure was the result of a strange man's influence, one Syl vester Sabins, who some years age got his peculiar views from a seet somewhere in the United States. Since that time Sabins has lived in a tent wherever he is permitted to pitch it He lets his hair grow and wean neither hat nor shoes, in the place o which, he uses leather sandals bounc to his feet with rags. He goes abou ragged, dirty and sunburned. He ha a wife and six children and they i habit five tents which he has arrangec on wheels so that they can be movec ahout from place to place. This Sabins earns a scanty living by cutting lawns and assisting farmers u their fields. At first his wage syste: was to accept as pay whatever th Lord promoted his employers to give but finding some of them only ver, gently moved by the Divine fing: when handing him his wages, he on his labors a price of twenty-fiv cents an hour. He eats no meat and no vegefables, his diet being grain fish and nuts, He will not dine at the house of a farmer, but will go tc his tent if near enough, and if not will go hungry all day. this ragged-looking being with long black beard and bald, head, brown wit} the sun, has ceased to be a curiosity to the people of Brighton. On Saturday, however, when a good home was dismembered of its support by this fellow's teaching, the whol village was indignant. Mr. Vincent's two brothers went to Sabins' place where he had gone, and tried to bring him back without success. On Sun day afternoon, hundreds of the vil lagers were gathered to the place and the brothers had the constable get Vincent and bring him home. He will be examined as to his sanity. The village is much upset over the matter. A short time ago a Mise Oli ver, who lived near the village, was in fluenced-hy Sabins and she committed suicide by hanging. Ile never miss an opportunity of inculcating his pe culiar views. All the time the crows was there on Sunday aftermoon, he preached to them, but with little of fect, however, for there is a grim dg termination among the people to b rid of him, and it is whispersd that i the township does not look after it something may happen. £6 SIX ARE EMPLOYED. Where One Performed the Work in Years Fast. Addington conservatives are reap ing the benefit of the tory govern- ment at Toronto. On a reserve, in the northern part of the country, which covers about twenty square miles, six fire rangers are now en- gaged where one fire ranger -hither- to performed the work. This will mean an additional $1,000 for the 'work. A farmer from that section in the city to-day, said the govern- ment pay $1,000 for additional fire rangers, but only gave $500 for the improvement of roads. If the addi- tional $1,000 had been put on the roads it would have been of some benefit in permitting the residents to get to the front. Mrs. William Cruse, Sr., Torente, formerly 'of this city, left Tuesday to visit her son, William Cruse, of Win- nipeg, and her daughtef, Mes. N, G. Yan Uyke, of Lacombe, Alta. Misses Harriett and Mary Litton, Earl strest, left on Tuesday for Win ni and Regina to visit their sis- ter, Mrs. D. 8. Prosser, Swilt Cur rent, Alta. ! Only one contagious ease was res ported 16 the medical health officer JAst week. It was a case of diph theria. as mercury will surely destroy the serise of smell and completely derange he whole systm when entering it through the mucous surfaces. gch articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi. clans, as the damage they will do is ten fold the good you can pessibl them Hall's Cararr! A eney Co. Toledo, O. coptains nos mercury. and is taken Internally, acting direct. ly upon the ood and mocous sure faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catareh Cure be sure you et the oe. It taken internally and wade in Tou Ohta, by F. J. Cheney Testimonials 3 by Price, T5¢ per Hall's Family Pills for consti. Little Men's Patent Oxfords, * Little Men's Tan Oxfords, sizes 8 to 10} at $1.65. Sizes 11 to 2 at $225 Little Men's Gury Metal O%fords, sizes8 to 10} $1.65. "Sizes 11 to 2 at $25 1 And Taking up His Abode With a The sight of a] tions to raise to sizes R to 10} at $1.65. Sizes 11 to 2 at $2.25 Good wide Toe, sensible Heels, well made. "Just What Every Little Man Wants. " -- ------ Crystal Palace Ice Cream Parlor 180 Princess St. ¥ i Just Newly Opened Finest and best equipped Ice Cream and Confectionery Store in_Canada. Highest Quality Our Aim Phone: 367 fore placing your order for our very complete stock. 191 PRINCESS ST. FOR EXPLOSIVES MAY BE BUILT AT KINGSTON. Dominion Department of Mines Con- sidering the Matter--No Further Enquiry Into the Lake Opinicon Disaster. A special from Ottawa to the Whig says The plans for the proposed explo- sives testing station, which may be built op Division street, have arrived rom England and are at the miines lepartment. While this matter has wen discussed there has been no defin ite decision to go ahead with the building. ; Enquiry was made at the mines de partment as to whether 'the minister of mines or others had ordered an in vestigation into the explosion that oe- wrred at Lake Opinicon, twenty-five miles from Kingston, laiely, when ight lives were lost It is understood that both at nquest and from other quarters it vas léarned that all reasonable pre 'mutionary measures to guard against weident were taken in this case. This argely weighed with the authorities in taking no steps "to conduct an en quiry. At all events, from what can be learned at the department, none has been ordered. the THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Time Will Tell. Cttawa Journal, F. Green, the new conservative M.V, for Kootenay, was not so many years ago a cook in a lumber camp. He ought to be a good mixer Good Campaign Material, Lfdon Advertiser Ontario liberals will circulate Sir James Whitney's speech against the banish-the-bar policy. It is good eam paigh literature--for the liberals Iiit the Final Blow. Hemilton Times Government ownership and opera tion gets its deathblow--so far as the elevator business is concerned--irom the conservative government at Ot. tawa, Arn Irish Joke. Ottawa Citizen Dake of Connaught told the prisoners at the Guelph prison farm that he he would never have the » secing them there again. j¢ is not a bad specimen of an Irish joke. ' Debt No Hindrance. Seskatoon Phoenix conservative party has ohjee the $0 000 000 delat of the provine:, but it convementls omits to mention that its internal storage elevator policy means trebling that debt, mee Must Bide Awee. Hemitan Times A $H.000000 railway bridge con | Belleville, on -- ------ Are You Going to Cook with Gas If so, see our up-to-date line of Ranges and Iiol Plates be- equipment practical plumbers and gas fitters. and invite your inspection of We wili quote close prices cheerfully, and free of charge. BENNETT & HALLIGAN | Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Heating and Sani- tary Engineering. or resewals. We are sive you an estimate and Phone 1033. anc ans; A TESTING STATION] NW \ I 3 y NX 0 Launch or Boat Seat JAMES REID'S "Phone 147 7 mainland is the latest demand of B. C. people. When the Welland and Geof- gian Bay canals and NI R. and Hud- son Bay railways are completed, it will be time to give attention to this Pacific scheme. -------------- A large Mogul engine, hauling "wo cars of stone and two ears of clay, on Saturday, on the spur line between Belleville and the cement works, caus ed the tracks so sink down, and the ars to. tpset. No ofie was injured, Alfred G. Christie, depily postmabs . ter of Trenton, died very suddenly on Sunday meraing, aged thirty nine years. He is survived by his widow Elizabeth Scriven, passed awa; Saturday, aged four years. Her husband children mourn her Joss, The death oecurred, on Runday, at Pelle ile, of Eli Ainsworth, aged eighty-four years. He leaves a widow and two brothers, at gixty- and nine ! - Loss of Appetite 1s loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease, . It is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing of get behindhand. The best medicine to take for it Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriched the blood and bullds up the whole eyplem, necting Vancouver Jeland with the Get It today. Sold by all drageists everywhers, 109 Doses One'D hs. i 2