Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1912, p. 9

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---- AX . WHAT WHIG OORRESPONDENTS TELL US, @& ---- The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. y Atkinson Notes! Atkinson, June 8.~The farmers in this locality have finished seeding and are preparing for planting. - Visitors: 'Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shortell and chil- dren, Montreal, are visiting friends here; Miss Laurence amd Miss Johns ton, at J. Spencer's; Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs. Marysville, at 1, Shortell's; Miss Van alstine, at G, McCormick's; Mrs. R. Whyte and children, at R. Jobnston's. We Reports From Zealand, Zealand, June 5.-The farmers have not finished seeding yet on account of the wet weather, Miss Mabel Garrett, who spent the winter in Toronto, ar- rived at her hqme, Silber Hill, on Sa- turday. Potatoes here were planted on the first of May. They were above the ground in thirteen days. Hay is growing fine. Several wish they had not ploughed up so much hay land, when they have so much trouble get- ting grain in the. low ground, The grain looks fine. 3 . ~ A church, has riturped from Torento. Howard Bertram is sulfering {rom lie effects of a sprained ankle. The public school scholars enjoyed an outing at Eagle Lake ou June 3rd. Thomas Bertram and Miss Bisuponeite were married ia Kingston on] Weduesdsy, June Sth. Mrs. W. D. Black, Sr, is recovering from a recent illdess. Con- eratulations to Me. and Mré. Thomas Howes on the arrival of a bilby boy, 'upe. 4th. Miss Mabel Howes and Ar thur Charlton Bave returned fxem Alngston General Hospital) much ime yvtoved., Visitors : OG. H. Goodielgw is home from Temagami; Mrs, M. Good fellow and Mrs. M. E. Howes at God: frey; Mrs. Thomad Adair, of Ganan oque, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Howes; Mrs, W. D. Black, Miss Lillian and Master Keith at Mrs. .C, N. Godfrey's, Godirey; E. A. Darr at J. N. Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. ' Koy Wagar, of Wagarville, at J. F. Charl- ton's; Miss IKduna Uerirai, of King- ston, spent Sunday at home; Mrs, Dr.) Coulter visited at her home in Aingsion. - Ip ---- x EDITOR RECEIVES WARNING, Archbishop of Montreal Banus One Paper--Mr. Langlois' Position. Montreal, June 11.--A mild sensa- tion was caused iw Roman Catholie and newspaper circles throughout the archdiocese of Montreal on Sunday, by the reading in all the churches of a mameyuent from Archbishop Dru: chesi, forbidding the faithful 10 read La Lumiere, an anti-Catholic monthly At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, June 10.--The fun- eral of the late Mrs. Cronk, on Wed- nesday, conducted by Rev. W. Hall, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hornby, was largely attended. Miss Isobel and lit- tla Gerald Cronk are now staying with thelr uncle, 1. J. Cronk, in the vil- lage. W, K. Somers visited his par- ents last week. Mr, Hall loft, on Wed- nesday, to attend conference at Co- bourg. The business meeting of North , Frontenpe Farmers' Institute was held in the hall here on Thursday, when the following officers were elected : J. E. Price, Mountain Grove; president; Walter. Barr, Mountain Grove; vice- president; R. Hamilton, Godfrey, se-' eretarn Prof. Deen spoke on cheese- | making, and strongly advocated adding! two per cent, to the butterfat test. N. M. Price has purchased a farm near Cataraqui. Wallace Bell met with a serious accident, having his finger cut so badly on the button saw in Mar shall Bros'. mill, that it was necessary to amputate the 'end of it. Mrs, Wil! linm Johostone is suffering from poi woffing, Miss Carrie Hall, Toronto, } arrived on Saturday to spend her holi- davs with her parents J. E. Price will attend court in Kingston. Migs Bessie Price 1eaves for Norwood. Parham News Budget. Parham, June 8.~The work on - the new branch of the CiP.R, line is pro- ressing favorably here. Dr. Topping Eat Eagle Lake, completing his sum- mer cottage. A number from here at tended the Montreal Methodist confer ence in Kingstou, The members il the Ladies' au ded i Wed~ ne \ ad an enjoyable time Bo ora rector of St. James' of little, prominenge. At the same time his grace a severe warning to le Pave, a issued THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1012. 0f Course You Know Sugar. The recognized superiority of Extra Granulated is now emphasized by the new and better way of marketing it -- in this Sealed Package. - Each package contains 5 full pounds of sugar, + Get it from your Grocer, CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO. LIMITED. 13 French weekly, which has achieved much popularity under the direction of Gonfroi Langlois, M.IP.V., for Si. G Louis division, formerly chief 'editor of Le Canada, who had to resign be cause of his views on religion und education. His grace, 'in the mande- ment, stated that unless the tons of Le Pays was completely changed he would not hesitate to take the strong.' est measures against it, Mr. Langlois has always taken ga i strong .interest in education, and has" not hesitated to criticize the present clerically administered wystem among Roman Catholics of this province, de elaring that it is responsible for the retrograde condition in most of the ovinee, He has in le Pays, as in the legislature, demanded more atten- tion by the government to primary education, and also demanded pulzory public education, distasteful to the terests, hence the Archbishop Bruchesi, Mr. Langlois has a large number of sympathizers, pragtically all the Fng- 4 hsh-speaking people of the province, } favoring his views, as well as many i French-Canadians. He is a man of | strong personality, who has refused in the past to accept clerical dictation as to his polities, and the present clash between himself and the archbishop has aroused great interest, especially in view of the recent widespread movement throughout the provinee in favor of a better educational system. ne at com- which is Roman Catholic in- ot action taken byl? w Some married couples can patch B up a quarrel until it looks as 200d 248 new, b More Dollars Jingles write. for Jingles In June, 1912, 256 persons will make $20.00 each writing short, Toasties Jingles most acceptable for a "Toasties" Jingle Book. This offer for June, 1912, is entirely separate from, and in addition to, the by us in M ay, 1912. Read instructions below, then see how good a Post Toasties Jingle you can It's pleasant amusement for Girls and Boys and older folks. added spectacle, "Joan of Are, he seen in Kingston next Friday, June 14th. derful attraction, trains, excursions and all the elabor ate preparations usual to the coming great surprise to those who attend, as fore, . expecied in the city final preparations for the five trains 'with their wonders. kets, the "'twenty-four-hour" tance of the city suthorities, rade will leave drug store. Those who wish to avoio } the crowds on this, served seats ticket waggons. financier until he tries to discount a sing is the acceptance LIRCES IN FEW DAYS, reat Event Awaited With Unusual Impatience. Ringling Bros' circus and the newly will The spectacle in itself is a won worthy of special a tented show. It will prove a sthing like it was ever seen here be The advance brigade of the circus is hourly to make the coming of burden of All provisions for the day's ay will be bought in" the local mar John Nevin and William Carr, men, will lay it the parade route with the assis. The pa the grounds at ten clock in the lorenoon. There are iree miles of it. Arrangements have also been made or a down-town ticket office in Best's "the grounds wil tind a convenient place to buy re and admissions, Price: | ill be the same as at the regula: | Many a man imagines he is a great ote. One of the unpardonable political of a smail ribe. snappy Post Early Servant Father A COMPLETE JINGLE, i (As an example only.) breakfast, sad 'tis to relate, to-day, getting awful late, nervous wants a bite to eat, Calls for his Post Toasties, goodness, that's a treat. they, Of healthy little k History hasn't told . Province . . Address and mail your Jingles ® Jingle Dept. 808, Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. ent FINISH THIS JINGLE. Old Mother Hubbard's family, a hanpy bunch were iddies playing all the day, us, but to me "would seem, Use of above form of answer is suggested, but not required. We will buy 25 Post Toasties J ingles, ac- ceptable for use in a Jingle Book, received during June, 1912, at $20.00 each. he Jingles we pay for will be used, n whether purchased or not. ut no « will be returned. The ns n @ "and addresses of the writers 25 purchased in June, 1912, and mailed to s a 1c. stamped and addressed s will be judged honest upon ; pov bo red a sman, Don't to "pet up "those whose Jin- Jingle printed not less than 4 ! contain "Post each enquirer | - gles are not accepted. Fill in the missing line of the incomplete INcLupe the name "Toasties" with cor- rect rhyme and metre. Or, write an original Post Toasties Jingle of above, making the last line lines, any one line of which must Toasties " or " Toasties. " | A IDC pr re A BORDERED VOILE Cream embroidered dainty frock for summer days skirt above 2 hand of Nattier blue are set down the skirt at back bodice. correspond with thos Oxfords »f white buckskin. CUB} ree Se ee pe Sr se ER ATA AE WE Ba EFTECTIVELY volle hal bes The velvet and front the hip serve to fit the skirt gracefu'ly. der runs around the edge of hel ribbon, and between narrow tucks over amd on the A Nattier blue sash ens | bordered material and finished with circles the waist and under the bluevelvet hem peep out dainty button- Conforms fo the High Standard o Gillefts goods. Usefull for five Hundred purposes. GILLET PERFUM FARM FOR SALE Situated near the Village of INVERARY, convenient t and Chureh. Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orchard. ' For particulars, apply to ! E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT, PY Vs * oN EL 7 SW 4 % | I 4 LIPTON'S TEA SOLD IN AIRTIGHT PACKAGES ONLY Schoo! clud USED. 3 most effectively for this fasertions of (Cluny Cluny insertions on the! Sebi sleeves of the | | ETIQUETTE IN SIAM. On Hands and Knees' Before (he King Was Long Custona. Perhaps the mq form carried out by Stam was the abolition of the trary rule of etiquette an inferior in rank above that of a with "it. The over an revolutionary re the late king of arbi hich forbade to raise hid head iperiox even level inferior miist not even pass bridge while a superior was underneath it, nor must he enter a room in an upper storey while a su perior was occupying a' room henegth it. Servants approached their mas- ters on hands and knee Uhis tom is by no means absolete to-day in spite of the royal edjct, for many of the powerful nobles who live ia: away from the court still enforee it In 1574 the-king held a large court, at which no one present presumed to appear otherwise than on hands and knees. It was at thi that the edict forbidding the custom read to the prostrate multitude there and then rose and stood men in the presence of their sovereign for the first time on record. fus- audience FOR AIRSHIPS. Colored Puffs From Exhaust Suggested. London, June 1l.--James Means, writing in Nature from Boston, urges that methods of visual arial signal ing be not neglected, as in the event of war the enemy may deliberately dis- turb or prevent communication by wireless telegraphy. Vor ing and other purposes, Mr. Means suggests "pufi" signalling as a simple and trustworthy method "By this method," he says; "color ing matter "is intermittently injected into the exhaust tube of the flying ma- chine motor from a pipe. This is emit- ted in large and small puffs resembl- ing very black smoke, whose durations correspond to the dashes and dots of the Morse code." Kitchenettes. To open a stubborn fruit jar, invert the top of the jar in | ing hot, but.not boilir that the water is not to touch the glass. to expand the "metal top. Then open as usual. A minute or two ig sufhei ent; should it remain in too long the glass would also be expanded. Do not throw away vinegar in which bome-mede eucninber pickles have been preserved. Reep it and use it in sal ad dressing, instead of the ordinary vinegar. The Havor and one that cannot be gained in any oth er way. . To use sour wilk fay griddle cakes never add baking powder, but instead an even teaspoonful of baking soda te each cup of milk. Potato balls which are salted in but ter alter being boiled are delivious. They should be served with a gener- ous sprinkling of minced parsley, Stale macaroons, which can be thought cheap at the baker's, make 3 the moit delicious addition to pudding and custards if pulverized and sprink led 'over the top. SIGNAI Pipe aerial scout wt water (boil taking care deep enough Ihe principle 1s is delicious Toronto Street Market. ingles may be submitted as n a oy ge : i No Jinglesubmitted in May, 1912, will be cons rson and RY, for we in this June, 1912, offer. | e acquainted with 'ODasties ~the delicious ready-to-serve, crisp bits of toasted Tidian Corn. with some milk or cream. and a sprinkle of sugar. Toronto, June 10.--Wheat, per j bush, 81.05; wheat, goose, per bush., j80e. to Yie.; oats, per bush. 52 + Ble.: rye, per bush, 55¢. to Yc; y, jer, bush. 8bc. to 9c. ! timothy, per tom, $22 to ¥25; ha No. 2, per ton, $1Y to $20; sicaw, pe Orne can make this a pleasant form of en- | (on; 31° to 81%; dressed hogs, 811.75 tertainment, may make some extra money, and in addition to #12; butter, dairy, per Ib. Me. to e.; eges, per. doz, He. to be; chickens, ger Ib, i8¢. to We. chick- ens, springy, Gb. to O0c.; turkeys, per ith, 1%. to Me appies;, per bhi, $3 to $1.50; potatoes, per bag, $1.95 {(o | $2.00 cabbage, per dou, We. to Be; | hoof, hindquarters, $13 to X15; beet, foreruarters, $Y to $10.50; beef, choice, {earcass, S11 to SI230; beel, medium, carcase, $9.50 10 S050; veal, prime, $11 to $13; mutton, prime, S10 to $12; lamb, $i6 to 317; spring lambs, $4.50 10 $10. EY Es 4 SRE HIGH standard for flavor, quality, cleanliness, tonic and digestive properties. That's REGAL LAGER: Best for the, home table, its perfect brewing and ripening makes this Canada's finest lager.' At all Good Dealers and Leading Hotels Hamilton Brewing Ass'n Limited, Hamilton JAS. McPARLAND, Agent. Regal Business 1s Scientifically | Managed" ttl} a pp psn HEI HEN you say that you mean, of course, that it is thoroughly sy stematized, brought abreast of modern business conditions, by the adoption of tried and proven time-and-labor-saving office methods. But can you truthfully say the same of your shipping departioent 7 "Has it kept' pace with the advancement of your other departments! Or, is the work still carried on in accordance with bewhiskered, traditional cus.' tom, without regard for the great. er facilities which Otis ~ Fensom Elevators place at your disposal? Tue waste that is caused, first, by the lack of thechan- ical equipment; and, second, by the unnessary and duplicated effort on the part of the worker himself ; the thousands of steps, the "false" motion, the constant and useless expenditure of energy necessi- tated day after day when goods have to be abericusly tran fer- every flat 3nd department made a4 readily accessible as the ground floor, Errors and delays in shipments are mtinimiz- down tothe wt notch. Your the use 'of an Otis-Fensom Ele. ELEVATORS shafting can be used if an Otis- department and an vator. Goods can be propeciy stored and classified tobe Fensom is put in." For those who do mot require a Power ed. Incoming goods are promptly, systematically 2nd ad- ; Otis-Fensom Elevator can do red from floor to floor by the the work in ome half the time reached and removed at a inoment's notice. Floor space Elevator we offer our Hand r Elevator. Write for is increased, the habit of order and neatiess induced, asd your copy of '* Freight Eievilors and Their Uses." vantageously distributed, and Oris FENsoM if EES iTeten REIGHT stairway ~~ all these wasteful and with ome thivd the labor labor leaks cut be ¢liminated by now required. Yourreguiar line imi TORONTO |

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