Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1912, p. 7

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! a x be \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912. SOMETHING NEW! CROSSED FISH" " Easily Read and Remembered. Ie. . ' : : 2 Whitewenr at Mendels'. S 10 cents per can ' 1087. i. WOR SALR. tsa difficult matter. Many a one has lost all his money through oh cream Jwichs. Gikod's. : ' Each a : "ric ? » ; 0, B. Smit Oakland, i, W 2 "RY IF ; A A SJINCH ANEROID BARO) SR, IN| A OF WARDRO won unwise Investments or some get-rich-quick wchewes. A Saviags Lin 'the city oR Baturday - a TRY ONE. ; oh : f © field or woods, Serra 1 ee ploce | A cheap cup Accouat at the Bank of Torouto for your spars money will preve Sal #1 gotten Bightdresses The 5 a ieohuession roads, RoHS ; boards, at fTurk's, 'Phone Tus i NYay £ v " He ar ield camping grounds Li [| seems oe ieee rs erg safe, convenient and proficabie. ton's. . A THE BEST GROCER: 0s; six, $1; ome monih, $2, Ward offered. Appi¥"to Survey De-fagr a BARGAIN, A DESIRABLE "A 20 violet taldam," for 20¢ | sn - ent = | a-- partment. RM { building lot on Colborne Street Interest js added to balances half-yearly. t Gibson's. » - : tl rattle and Liergy trees? Willi im Swale, plana tuner. Orders - a HELP WANTED. FINANCE AND INS Apply, 1 Colborne Street Lu vecsir ed ab. MeAuley's. Phone 564. Shaw Memorial Edition -- : Ok _ | Sovon moar: Bank of Toronto || im dice ww. a rT | ui ck Fant ? dolph, went to Moptiwal on Friday. of Rev. Dr. Porter's highly EXPERIENCED BINNS BOON, Agent." 159 Wellington St cedar hull: cherry fimiab: in first 4 3 x girl Fire, Life, Aceldenmt Health class cundition, Apply to J. CQ CAPITAL ..° | Sate thresineh silk ribbon, 10. - eulogized work Policies issued oa) McKinley. Seeley's Bay. so - 2 fbi blouses. 80c.; black underskirts. Soc Ce ET WAITRESS; GOOD WAGES PAID. " RESERVE ... .. sun wndas tons. , he Reality of the Divine Cabin Hestaurant, Clarence Stree " one: Dewy Gaerne LAUNCH IN ; . BATEMAN GARDINER. --FIRT irst-class ponditien; 29 rect long, 3 CWO SMART GIRLS TO SEW. AP - Life, otld nt, Insurance and IRE 5 fh 8 In beam, Apply, Kingstoigs ¢ in Israel. ply at Livingston's Brock Street toms Broker: Real Estate and Foundry, or 313 University vie 21 eR inne oars don Por Sale a's Miniter" aiitiod "85° Sariosl | AN TPAODATE RETA. GROCERY treet, was nine y old on Fri : . solic 1 larence | AN . ATE . GROCER) KINGSTON BRANCH----107 PRINCESS 8T. ay June 7th. iy - yeas " On a Uglo k L GOON, SMART ROY, APPLY TO Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone 306. store, with dwelling attachad tor Bee 2 Oh ny good location in ity; a first clues Buy toilet waters." Gibson's. Store. refence on page 5 Kingston Hosiery Co. lid, Kin trade. Apply to Box F, Whig of. GEORGE B. McEAY, . Manager. } Ban your mind by baving yout Bratt Won FRONTENAC LOAN . AND INVEST fice. . 3 © r ment Boctety; : 1863 p---- -- property sufficiently insured Jn ong EXPERIENCED CLERK AND A BOY president, Sir Richard Cartwright ! of McCann's old live companies. to learn hardware busipess. W money, issued on city and farm | 0° Loa oF halls ALS Fany . { A. Cunningham, piano fuser, 2 A chor Brobartien, Punicioal aod conc | rent), Uo hew frame puse ust | King sirest.- Lea'® orders st Mo : Y A FEW SMART GIRLS, APPLY To deposits received and Interest al completed, on Vicioria Street. Ap Avlev's Look state. { Kingston Hosiery Co., Ltd, King lowed, SC. McGill, Managing RIE ie arathen, 41 Magk Brest 1 "Fresh MeConkey's sweets." (lib Street West. : Director, §7 Clarence Street 5 "or ie vicki AWSEE Sept UBER SHIN ' | There is very liftle sickness in camp, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; RE.|UVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE ap » maker, JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE | nicer siimenis only boing ies HERPICIDE| * 2°53 WES, Giver | mut ERE E adie ts | £1 Shp, ah 4 moll mage Sos care of the medical officers. a . hg i : . which the policyholders Rave fo. that wil t the longest, drop & Headquarters for Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes. 4 Ladies' suits apd drgsees" on sale There So. nothing 'just. as good! as - ssourity. the unlimited HabIIty of card To 315 Nelson Street : Newhro's Herpicide. Some dealers . ; . : . : ' 5 Oo maraip y FICE all the stock-holders, Pdarm and ALL KINDS OF SHOE DRESSING--N Simplex, Polo, |- Smiardas: at Mendels'. Hee window [will even go so ar as to tll you YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN OFFICE sity Property insures at iowest | FOUR (GROCERY STORES, WITH : ; ve ina " Pre > 5 8 rates. Beford renewing o welling? & ¢ good locas Suede, Two-in-One, Gun Metal, P 8, Johnston's French "McUonkey's high class sweets." they have somethinz better, graphy. preferred, Apoly. Box 66 or giving new business get on tons in cli¥; also neral 3 - » Lush ibmon's That desler has an axe to orind. from Strange & Strange, Agents ang dwelling thriv i Miss Ethel Prior; Bagot strect, has You ean't stop his grinding, but { oon, STRONG NOX TO. LIARS Phone 338. : Bearby, Aely to : Ey 70 BROCK STREET. retiined home, altar visiting friends you can prevent his grinding Ry, at pregawork, a chance to mequire Kingsion, Ont. . * JOUr expense, a Apply, British Whig of- CIVIL AND MILITARY SHOE MAKER | | «io; end sod st Brewers ite PROTO, ore itt wav wo do| Bob =" ~~ "| EUROPEAN CAPITAL |v "ans awaivos tmave : 2 ly BR . it ! rder for awnings, tents N SERVANT »OR ER ML SS yous o 3 A GOOD GENERAL ER T R [urnished for attractive "efite.- small salle at F. X, Breau the prise a ton's : { 4 : ; i "kodak supplish"" 'Gibson's. Go where you can get what vou ask family of two. Apply to Mrs. M } ) Sutherland, 161 Earl Street, Kings. s in all substantial lines of busi- Sid reliahia, Who Nuows his Sok | Staff Captain Walton, of Montreal, * a bli 7 ton. 2 t right; no high prices, 153 Oa : arrivad in the city 10 assist the You won't be obliged to do. this | Rallroads, Tractions, Water and tarlo Street, Kingston, BE 8 - ---------------- Salvation Army their weck-end {Very often. as fortunately the major Electric Powers, Irrigations Timber, lay ity of druggists are honest and con- Mining, Agricultural and Industrial. | pLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA CANOES, 1 yr : Soa . + _ Bond, Debentures and Stock Tisues camping outfits, fishin tackle, . {}] 1 "Puy taleum powders." Gibson's, [Scientious Loi aooD SHARY Boy 10 Underwritten, Purhased or Sold marine supplies, Tuneh baskets | You say vou cannot own a home ? Newbro's Herpigide has been 30 long learn the printing trade Properties purchased for European Bhglish raincoats, averything im 1 i Y : and favorably known the ok 1 exploitation and investment canvas, kit bags, silk tents, spray There are a few who cannot if they avorably ws origina th cany : dandrufi germ destroyer that we one in Job Department of the Financial Undertakings of all sorts pada, ater ML supplise, will. McCann ean help you, . handled. Frank W._ Cooks, 38 Clarence St. See our special suit case, 81:50, [should be deceived Whig Office. Applyat once Miscellaneous commissions and or- Phone $01 or 2% Dutton's When you need a hair remedy vou Bets ot aN Sharecters accepted fer ex- MOTOR CAR. A LP. B.PASKE R . » to : ecullon in ar Sur t OTOR C4 30 WLP. 8. ENG | A. Jenkins, the well-known horse {don't want one which merely pro- RL BRY pean Sountly, 1 . 4 f L . . re ene . ~ [a Dn $10 model; mohair top The Walker House--Toron- ra A teed rom Ewe, jmiscs to kill the dandrull gern and fora aE nL acne tale at Tir mriing aay. U0 4s shield, "speedometer. electro to's leading Hotel -- has land the imnorted hackney stallion, [Prevent the hair from falling out. required. Apply to Mrs. W. G | THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS xii Wheel 4nd thie 3 heatly . tal i Pe Wilton. which has 'sired several| You want oue that will do it Crais, is Barrie Street, corner of ETL Boy ian: rae Aas several pasmaneht Doel ons | | prize winners in England. Herpicide does it. tuart Street. ALLIANCE, asl a ae 8 i Apply, P.O. Box 125: for neat active gi to act "Kodak films developed." Gihson's.| The hair becomes soft and lustrous. | Coon GENERAL SERVANT; REFER- 14-10-18 Bloomabuey Street, Losdon, Kingston . 5 to the great boot sale [There is life, snap and beauty where ences required, Apply. iu even. tH ee - as waitresses. Excellent yg 8% a colt Oa formerly the hair was dead, dull and ing, to Mr 1. ¥ Lessile, 47 ACRES ENOUGH IN PALM accommodation A ppli $3.85. Dutton" brittle willtam Street pach County, Florida: healthful . " 1 85. u .. - BUSINESS CHANCES, climate, fertlie soli, hres robs 4 . i 1. inevitable development | Newbro's Herpicide is -sold and to Angrke) 'actlllies cants should apply at once The natural, | : PARENER. WIE A SEW IURORED id 'o monthly pay PRY of Kingston will make money for guaranteed by all druggists. NER, WITH A FEW HUNDRED | cBYONE, ANYWHERK. OAN START ¢ i " . manufactnring business. Apply, & mall order business at home: no now. . Why not act? See McCann. |phylactic may be obtsined at the Box 66, Whig office. canvassing: be your own boss: - "Kodak films developed." Gibson's. |best barber shops and hair de g Bend for fre bodkiet: telis how. | ooo Mi . IL L~MODERN 3 USE, TORONTO [[ I. muni of inesion Oramementpegion: anvo, awywmmme coax, wARK | 5, WiLlNODERE weLLus i : 1 D . 3 . 00 Leome copy ' regr ay TOPOS rn rule ' went out- to Glenvale, on Thursday | Send ten cents in postage or silver Ercole tor sam HOR See Y hE hrof sition, for guick sale in person. . the man who buys real estate here | Applications of this wonderful pro C r Pp 8 " \ . Me, EARL STRERT, | I night, to hold a district' meeting, at to the Herpidde Co, Dept. R., Pe togers, Dept. OG. R. Boston, Mass MEDICAL. dwelling. $y eats hws -- which preparations were made for the troit, Mich, for a mice sample of eat #1002 LARGE LOTS AND Good i i i . BR. B. WILL 3 TR y o Stree celebration, 10 be, held next mouth. |Harvicids and a booklet telling oll |, Goon eexmmat servant wor | 0 Bh WORIAMIDN Bo acnce SE00--IKLAND, 41 ST, LAWRENCE "Films developed." Gibsoy's. . |about ithe hair. family of threei. no washing or from 253. Behok Street 10 Corner River, 2 5-8 nercs, off Gananpque Prevost, Brock street, has received | Newbro's Herpicide in 50c. and §I ironing. Apply ta Mrs. Lo W King and William Streets, BATEMAN & GARDINER, 07, CLAR. 27 a " & all his spring and summer goods for |sizes is sdld shy alt dealers who ane Murphy, 27 Sydenham Street = reg ence Street WHEN iN NEED OF his order clothing department, 8nd lantee it to do all that is 'claimed. IMMEDIATELY A GIRL OR WOMAN int, Nose, Throat and Bar, 12} . ents' fur 'ou are not satisfied your money or general housework, by the Wellington Street, corner Johns ready-made A0¢hing and ell sesorts N you A dod. = ' week: one who understands cook, Mours: 8 to 1, 2 10.5, Tt0 8 Bun: For Sale By Tender. fring. dep , we B. Mo Teod end I. T. Best ing; references required. Appiy 10 day, 2 to 4, and by appolatmen A Hare Opportunity 0 Serure a ALREPAIRS wl with fey goods. oh Dutton" » ny - 0 a " . 163, L. Union Btreet, x1 Fhone 814, Beautiful Summer Home, "Joachim violin strings. n'a. {special agenta. i Tenders will be received until . "Buy foot powders." Gibson's. ge ; WANTED, AGENTS = Te SEL Tucedny. June. 14th, for the pur Chester Freneh, the elderly gentle ¥ pritele needed in every family thal LEGAL, chase. of shat bemtifut - Summer ' " ANTEDGEN ERA t 'will make you more money than Cottage and Grounds on Wolfe is. We have at present "PHONE 1215 man, who was brought to the- general w Le } on is Shining you ever anid. Excelsior * land, known (6 many as : Ari ., Logunsport, Ind, Bungalow Wi fo rly Oo : the Ian shook: of : hospital, Friday afternoon, after fall |e ol on™ wrmn a CUNNINGHAN & MUDIE. BANRING BY he anllernaned a pied e gest And your work will be prompt- ing twenty-five feet from: a ladder at machinery witl Ra good price for I and, Heltors, | » Office, Ea ey Et hd. hues Fine Bil suitable ¥y Westhraoke, a few hours before, was game. ritish hig Poblishing| on INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY oR large verandah, The MHving roomn ver ly attended to by courteous and still unconscious, Saturday morning, Company. earn $100 monthly corresponding (11 x 10) ha a large stones fire . ia i i terse -------------- OF DeWSPapers; no _canvassin lace The grounds are mont for Gift Purposes experienced workmen. and his comgition is precarious. FURNISHED HOU 10 RENT FRON Send for Particulars, Press Syndi- ARCHITECTS. picturesquely iocated and' have a + BN » i mau bout ober ist Pp 0 Ne- cate, 8, ckport, NX, splendid water frontage o mor ALL * WORK GUARANTEED. ( % : Agency, #1 than one hundred feet and a Aepll ever shown in King- IN MARINE CIRCLES. duis Real Batate " han one hundred foet and'a deni] HENRY PF. SMIT! ARO 3. There Is a good wharf, 58 ft. is ston, at competitive J N SCOTT Movements of Veuuels in antl Out of RY FiNITH, ARCHITECT, PTs] tength, and (he extent and forme. Ld . arbor, * prices. : | tion of the grounds are such ax 'o . SHOE REFAIRING OF EVERY DE- i pd te FOO X The schooner Julin B. Merrill arriv- scription: first class work; best WANTED WAN. NEWLANDS. &- SON, ARCHI-1] Sf trie oom ar ie frecting Electrical Contractor MN wi leather only used; one teal will -- tects, etc. Offices, 268 Bagot Wu.|f tive purchasers will b gg : . ed at the cotton mill, with coal, from, Su ite, Bring your repairs t) 'Phone B08, premises on appileation Shaw Hie 116 BROCK STREET. . Charlotte. Boutrs. 208 (Barrie Street, cor. off | A GOOD STENOGRAPHER, Bilin, © 126.128" Princess Bre 'Phone 1815. | The steamer Alexandria was at Fol- ASTQY ies iL. . POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, mR. || Kingston i t's whasf. last night, fr Mon { mas - . Apply Moore's Garage. chants' Baill Hulidings. "corner Re ad. ght, irom Hob IpANMR NOTICE, THAT | WILL BUY Brock and Wellington Streets treal and discharged freight. all kinds of second-hand furniture| | drop a card . 0 LE M. T. Co's elevator : The tug Hall, oe Pg bg oy a highest arrived from Montreal, with two light . Thompson, 333 Princess Street | CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS AUTO CAR TO H 1 barges; the steamer Rosemount, from next Bt PAndrew's Church. Railway all Clerks; Mall Car- OSTEOPATHY. op Ae, HIRE BY HOUR ON Fort William, is discharging a cargo riers; excellent salaries; common y. G » : ™ education sufficient; particulars - ---- ---- of wheat: the tugs Thomson, Hall and free. Franklin Institute, Dept |. A ' Ban . | GOOD PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND a g ENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR 3 NY HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS "--R. G. Vic Bartlett Tieared for Montreal, each Cioth and have it made up inte up- §13 P,, Rochester, N.Y. Ashcroft, D.O,, 136 Wellington St ' t t horses Apply to T. J. Reid 1 a, 2 foria Street 847 King Street. with two grain barges; the steamer ae Ee nd work. A------ goposite the Post Office. | Officé| i Saskatoon, grain-laden, from Fort Prssing and repairing done ui |OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS, CAP-| paintment Consultation free | + William, is due to arrive, Monday, to the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo- able Scotch, English and Irish Phone 447, ur without board, near City Park, ot * discharge. ! Fe way, 131 Brock Street, near maide: alse Daniih girls; parties 24 Wellington Btreet. Marriage Licenses Issued. Swift's wharl : Steamer Toronto, ju BIooXs Livery. ee Calg On, DENTAL IN| BLE. AND TWO SINGLE i down and up; steamer Aletha, down|KINGYTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. real, ar 227 Bank Stree, fu PEP vont rT ---- , and up; Rideau King and Buena Vista 2 Montrea) . LAYS on: " 20 Garrett 8 : down from Ottawa and Smith's Fall orders at FaTRent IE har a] AGEXTS--810 DAILY AND MORE LN et mearea------ -- By Hour, Day or WEEK. : 3 window cleaning weather ls} AEC, gy everybody under: | A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDA, D.D.S. eanin BA, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, (LE nd to come; don't delay your taking an easy agency as an extes; fuoved to' 288 Princess Stree. dry, A Ag Foome bent ly a At Davis' Drydock. order until too late; places I at expert knowledge unnecessary roof; your own lock and Kk i on LD once and be sure of a capable man White (preferably In German 1an-| SPAIKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, rost's Cit % HA LL FURNITURE Night or Day. The M: T. Co's barge Bella has been to cl your windows; we alse a) oo on Steanken, "Amsterdam 230, 1.2 Princess Street, Kingston. 'Phone 5260. Storage, 34 wien, % 4 in Davis' dry-dock undergoing repairs, teke storm windows. Holland Phone 246 ' We are shuwing & fine lina o. Phone 8156 She was floated again on Friday to , LARGE YARD, SUITABLE FOR COAL : y UPHOLNTERER. MONTHLY --1 WILL START VOU | DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. ©. B. wood or for stort ro Hall Furniture. make pom, for Md ht Hazhinget, 20 3 business: experience absolutely Weicker, assistant, 193 Princess corner of oe oy PD atarig owned by J. ite, o arlotte, § . 3 = ys : Street. "Phone 735, Streets. Apply to D J Ai ; : : J. GAVE UPHOSTERING, RE unnecessary; spare time at home pply to DJ, Millas, off i v . y wh 2 1 turnish everything. guarantee fhe vremises. MOORE'S: GARAGE hs om Bh afew vn he fg ad carpet Berke hls pe success; proofs and sworn state- Agents fer 2 J will be docked until Monday noon tress novating, nop a card or ¥ YY ooth fo Desk 81° S$. A. AYKROYD, D.D.S, LDS, DENT. |. 4 B 1, call 216 Bagot Hireet. ment frees ootrhies, es ; ist, over Dominion Express Office | ywyoRAG when the New Island Wanderer is and Omak, Nebr. 187 Wellington Street. 'Phone booked to enter the dry-dock. 510 Stores, otc. J 8B, R. McCann, 61 Cudiline, findsen & Melasghits The yacht Rosalie, of Charlotte is PERSONALS, REAL ESTATE SALESMAN IN ALL|g mu $iMpsoN, LDS, NDS, DENT- Bruck Meter © * J | expected at Davis' dock on Tuesday . parts of Ontario to sell the very ist, corner Princess and Degcl » to have her wheel replaced and re | HOROSCOPE OF YOUR LIFE AC highest class ot Florida: lang; hive Entrance on Bagot Street. Av i i y 1 sen en cents eads fu @ « v on , cE , \ . etive Some nUnOR repairs. The new of birth, tocddy for free trial expenses pald by company: liberal phone 636 NEW BUNGALOWS AT EBASTVIEW st ilen . Allan is about com- reading. Madam Mae, Box 33s commissions. The Palm Beach Park, on St. Lawrence, five miles ts a fine appear- Chesaning, 'Michigan * Farm Co, 438 Toronto Arcade, To. from Kingston, five or #ix romns is. ' daly or ronto. CATERER. and furhished: moderate rent uni 4 3 Ee - 0 rangportation. Apply, Rey Sveniente and. siiength, Wii aleq | NOROYCORE warDERFLL Kuve. 0. BOR Sieur = ¥ 3 § hs; 4 WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, neatness, Her new crew are expected olesr: send Mitiltdate nd a WANTED. * 7 Weddin Breakfasts, Banquets, Hal Som, usiden Oak, $4.5v 1} FOR Hl here on Tuesday or Wednesday. Srk® Montreat: Can. ete; also Rent Dishes, Table gal Bin 35.80 10 $18.00. ye ek FREE READING BY TRANCE E FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry: alse Dwellings, furnish. od and unfurnished: Officen : em * Linens and Sfiverware. Neild & HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. sn ------ H 0 'nlo v ECT || Eas In FACING IxCE = wmapive wy wince | TWO WOMENiPoR Kur. f| sid orsrt Ti, wed in An Golden, Mumed or Ma ({| AY Attractive Prices. Ji ia which fwe Motor Boats Figures {ingle "pirviigy Jenin, send n far Bil pitch Bee oy Se Rd hogaay. (1) Several ists. commodious Hf | - Friday Evening. Dept. 1b. Box $39, Baginaw, Mich. Apply Hotel Fron OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. WIth 'the. Dest of bes. © Bots LX ih the Dest of Ales, arers Saul A | [ 3 ) TRANS ATIC L ky Aguors ny cholrent HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. - " ATLA INES, ALL CLASS. brands of Cigars. Meals, 28¢ each (3) A oumber of size a Tl SrORIng: AnD lei es. C. 8 Kirkpatrick, Agent, 4) or wpecial rales by the weak. Yard ok and sto! all ' : Ci st s tene na 1H excitement Con ; Blamiintd Temivea pod arence Street, s is Kingston. 'Phone and stable acrommodation. TNateg A ea ire aT KINGSTON BOAR , ov reasonable. Mulvilie & Dffscoll g . & \ . geation. a male principal for a number of frame houses Be x rout and Skim| Pubile School: mimbmum . salary at n f he o ba TH ot Street. Axim, 31, " . : local : SRS Ble 30 ahead veulent to ear TLR IR foished und is expected in the "ity ERR TH HOT WEATHER FUEL Orn Roos Sor ents Params he Y calhediof thal of hgh h . $109 added for faruity | ; = Re - i "Tom" NeAuley will be plied XK " ) Kk ; is fick | ng x & : winning, vile Xi. Suthacasd ave Hardwood, Softwood, Kindling, nr mn Hi ea a wuepiae 12 of om -- -- | - Chestnut Coal Pea Coal, ee eter 5 Fhisorgh: 16s to commence Als * Charcoal and Grate And the Barkley gaeramtcr to be | Shaigiearionn wnt salir ixpeecsd | NGUATERS) Coal had in Kingston only at Campbell Yoveeving, one To : : g 2 : Bros.' T Delivered any Quantity. stockings. Pel py 2, at Dutton's John Brennan died in Belleville on PUTTING ; ' ' orn con- : i i ir, ind ; 7 at My ust ELH 4] Ji

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