Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1912, p. 9

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! » YEAR 79. NO. 134. Large Can 10g At Grocer's - Gomfogt Lays labels are worth | thres Soap wrappers toward valuable premiume. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card fo 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen-| ter line. Estimates given on all kinds) of repairs new work: also] Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt atiention. Bhop, 40 Queen Street. Tonje, und Monthly | WOIL 1 can . on ; Cagx Menioine Co otoira bur Qarmeriy inde THAT TOBACCO, With the "Rooster" pn It is crowing louder ar jie foes alung Only 46c. per pound. For chewing tnd smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, And that you may, profit by the health-restoring, strength- iving properties of the time- - 40 Fons family remedy HAMS Ee | PINEAFPLES $1.00 per dozen Pineapples at ' $1.30 per dozen Pineapples e) at ld eos per dozen A. J. REES 166 Princess St. Phone 058 RECORD OF A CREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs, Templeton -- Regained Health through Lydia E. . Pinkham's Compound. BEE boarders 'return. 1 would {ory can help, | n.ost Le nderving his -- - NINETY-TWO YEARS OLD] AND FIGHTS FOR HOME RULE 1¥ IRELANT. 3 Saniuel Young, » Member of the Bri tish Commons, Smokes, Drinks and Eats Quite Normally. description of himself "As You Like It," w Adam's Orlando in he says "Therefore my name is as a lusty win- ter, . Frosty, but kindly," {might well do for Samuel Young, the | wondurful nonagenasrian wha sus tor East Cayan m the British House, of di' Hiv, ninety-two years sit so fightly on him that you wonder what" elixir he has discovered to en- able him to «njoy life with a hesrti- | ness and a vigor which would put to [shame many a map of filty. This ref ble old man made a {vigorous specel in the house in the icause of home rile, an incident which lis quite unique as [sr as living wem- It is for parliamentary to ecomtrovert the state- ment that Mr. Young is the.only member to speak in the house for half an hour with his time glass ron: nin® toward ninety-three. When he had finished his stirring speech the houte readily paid the tribute due 1 years, and in doing so lived up to its ancient reputation as an. intensely human institution. 1 ever the old cus- toms and precedents of the House of Commons are swept aside it js hardly lkely to lose its humanity, its lov: for the veterans. Mr. Young has gripped the secret of youth py ignoring the formula for pre- serving vouth; he has attained the re nown of a nonagenarian by breaking of the rules of longevity. Ac- cording to the book and to the ordin- ary physical law, he should have been energy and reflecting when he arrived at the of three sepre he { statisticians on the past scriptural limitation and tem. Mr. Young fought hig parliamentary tlection as a non-Catholic in a Catho- lie constituency, and came to St. Stephen's a year belore Mr. Gladstone brought in his secédnd home rule bill, At ninety-two he has perbapk greater political enthusiasm and business en- terprise. Eight o'clock in the morn: ing, whether in London or dia Belfast. finds him busy with his papers and answering his own correspondence. Three or four hours' business, often involving miles of hard walking, fills up the mterval before lunch. An im- portant division in the house, and he is there Lo the last. The lamp is put out at 'midnight, if there is no excuse for burning it later, "The man himself is &s much a mut: ¥el as hie catlor. He movidd' his burly frame with the quick, light step" of mative vigor. But for the silver of his hair and beard you would chal lenge his relation to longevity, and when he commences to deliberate upon the subjects of his interest you grow more amazed at his exceedingly "Jive" persunality, He is a master of his memory. In a flash he brushes aside the impeding in- cidents of seventy-five years and takes you to a time when, as a youth of sixteen, he left his home at Vontafer- ty, county Down, to seek his fortune in the woollen trade of Beliast. Even to-day Mr. Young finds business and the transaction of a profitable deal the next best hobby to keeping abreast with the world's best litetature. Men- tion Carlyle, and he will roll of strings of quotations. After a lung day in London and at the louse of Commons he can still find enthusiasm for an hour with Newton, Spencer, ot Darwin, to the accompaniment of a "ight cap." While taking a morning "gonstitu- tional" on the Embankment Gardens, he said, in answer to a friend inquir- ing about his health : "I never was in better health in my' life, and. 1 enjoy the world as much as ever T did." "1 come from the common people," he went on, "and 1 have always been 'a believer of the absolute necessity that Ireland should govern herself. When Mr. Gladstofe threw himself into the fight I felt I ought to go and heln. 1 was seventv-two at the time. "Recipe for long 1ife ? T haven't got one. I have never thought about my health at all. I am not a teetotaler: I smoke and 1 sat what I enjoy. But I have alwavs been moderate and if von ask me the host way to live long, I should say, 'bring yourself into her- mony with your surroundings." * Don'ts For Girls. Minerva Don't. You are just a little girl, only in high school. Fou should be kept in simple girlish clothes: you should have vour head full of vour books. (You should be interested in. girlish things. So don't dress that way; if vour mother hasn't sense enough to you a little girl in simple 'frocks. the blessed Lord knows you ould have enough sense for the two vou. Do , "wow, child, vow are horri- bly overdrssed ? The iden of your wearing those o'abhes that bring out povery line and carve of your girlish figure for wen to leer at; Minerva, don't; don't put gp your hair like a woman al thirty; you are so. much mote beautiful and attractive as you | area Don't frowse yourself with those dowry aygtaly Don't vour hair with a all | stir wp kettle. Don't | KINGSTON, DON'TS FOR. WIVES. Chirage Pastor Gives Women Ten : Warnings. Put thede up in your wife's mirror, where she can see them every ag," sad Rev. W. W. Bustard, Rocke: felier's pastor' of the Euclin Avenue Baptist church, Chicago, is introdue- i "fen Don'ts for Wives." His ont" are as follows : L. Don't marry a man for a living, but for love. Manhood without ey is better than mone, hood. 2. Don't overdress common sense than style. 8. A wile with a hobble skirt and a husband with patched trousers make a poor pair. A woman can put more out of a kitchen window with a spoon than a mao can put into the cellar witha shovel, : 4. Don't think that the way to run a house is to run away from it. It is Wrong to go around lecturing other women on how to bring up children while you are peglecting your own, 5. Don't tell your troubles to vour neighbors. They have enough of their own. Fight it out with' your husband if it takes all. summer. 6. Don't gag. The saloonkeeper is al- ways glad to welcome vour huspand with a: smile, - * i. Don't try te get more out of a ing glass than you put into it. Nature's sunshine is better for wo- man's beauty than man's powder and paints. , . « 8. Don't make gamblers and drunk- ards out of your children b: running whist parties for prizes and serving punch with a stick in it. 9. Don't forget to tell the truth, es- pecially to the conductor about the age of your child; honesty is worth more to you and him than a nickel. A boy who i= eight years old at home and #ix on the cars will sdon learn other things that are nof eo. 10, Don't forget that home is wo- man's kingdom, where she reigns as queen. 3 ! morn mon- without man- nor underdress, is sometimes Detter : ' INDIGESTION RIGHTLY CURED By Toning Up the Stomach to do the Work Nature Intends it Should. Indigestion should not be neglected for a moment, but by depriving the body of its proper nourishment thabugh the food, the trouble grows steatlily worse. Neither should stimu- lating medicines, whic ruin the ready weak stomach by making it work "beyond ils strength, be used; nor pre-digested foods, which do not exéite a flow of the digestive fuids, and by disuse cause the stomach weaker, Nowhers is the tonid treatment by De. Williams' Piok Pills more clearly useful. The principal of this 'treatment i® to enable the stom- ach to'do #tx own work by building up the blood and giving tone to the nerves. When these are once restored to their normal health indigestion disappears and the cure is permanent. Here is an e jence with this treat- ment. My. John Brenenstal, Calgary, Alta., says: "For years I was an almost constant sufferer from indiges- tion, and naturally begause there was much nutritious food which I could not eat owing to the pain and dis comfort which followed, I was be- coming much run down. 1 tried many medicines but none of them helped me until I began the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, After taking a few boxes I was much better and in the course of a couple of months was quite well, and could cat any food set before me." If you are a sufferer from indiges- tion, ot any trouble due to bad blood or weak nerves you can begin to cure yourself to-day by taking Dr. Wil liams' Pigk Pills. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. al- & » COOKING VEGETABLES. Use Uncovered Utensils Except For Beans or Peas. Two mistakes, are commonly made in_ preparing vegetables for the fable: The first of these is the practice of keeping the vessel tightly covered dur- ing the entire process of cooking. This is done usually with an idea of pre- venting the dissemination of unplea- sant odors through the house. Dut the effect of it is directly the opposite. The odors confined within the vessel grow instead more rank with the chemical changes that take place, and when the vessel is opened oceasional- ly, ne it must be, these extremely dis- agreenhle odors escape. Besides this, the vegetabl® themselves are made less digestible when cooked in this way, with the exception of dried beans or dried peas. The second mistake pommonis. 1 made is. that of i vegetal too ; ead of made . Ins boss, prolonged cooking many are made unpalatable and ind i 'abbage, for instance, if odd the right length of time, isd og of flavor and for most per' ig digestible, but if Seusked long causes indigestion nn flavor.--Garden and Farm for te from table ph + damare es will LR good can possi them. Thane Catareh ured by F. J. Cheney & mercury, acting direct blood wd Hucons sur. system. by gs Hails re be sure you get the ne BYE, 3. Cheney " 8c per __ The Daily British TO 14. -------- ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912. - ! NATTY SWEATER F This long sweater is smart and are in open basket stitch. make the sweater very smart. The active exercise. ---- @errrsssssesacsarrened PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES sesecsseel "Charles Chetry is to star in 'Pass ers-by, ' next. fall. Miss Marie Lohr appears for the first time in America next fall in Chi- cago. Nazimova is to make a London de but as an English speaking actress in June in a new play by a well-known English dramatist. "The Hungry ' Heart' is the latest of the novels of the late Pavid Gra- ham Phillips to be dramatized. Frances Ring, sister of Blanche Ring, is to head' a summer stock gom pany at Dayton, Ohio. Once more is the rumor abroad that William Gillette will head an impor tant Frohman stock company in New York next season. Mary Maddern. amt of Mrs. and who came of one of the theatrical families in Ametica, last week in New York. Upon his arrival in London, Charles Frohman announced that he had the assurance of a new play by J, M. Barrie next season. In "The Rose Maid," which made its first appearance in New York this week, Werba and Luescher aré said to have found 'a worthy sticeessor of "The Spring Maid." Robert Brouet heads the caste of "The Martiage--Not,"" a sew play hy Cecil de Mille, which had ite premiere) in Syracuse this week, "The Avalanche," the mew play, which Robert Hiiliard will present for the first lime next week, is. by W. A. Tremayne, the Canadian dramatist, and® magazine writer. Thais Magrane is to be leading lady. "The. Pink" Lady" one of the biggest in London. Jobyna Stringer) ter's new an Fiske, oldest died 1 made known has just hits ever Howland (Mes. Arthur has been added to Paul Pot- play, "Halli: Way to Paris" Charles Hoyts "X Trip to China- town" is now being revived in New York as a musical offering, entitled "A Winsome Widow." | > Paris has beef. shocked by Pierre Berton's new play, "Miothe," in which Mile. Polaire portrays an opera ginger who dies of consumption on shipboard | while returning from India and is buried at sia. The manager wished to cut out the gruesome barial scene, but the author threat ~d injunction if this was done. F. Ziegfeld's latest production, Winsome Widow," is said to contain the biggest stage novelty in musical peomedy.. It is described as an ice skat- 1 ing carnival, and a refrigerating plant and ice skating rink, 26x30 feet, large enongh for thirty skaters, has been in- stalled on the stage. : ) W.ll%am MH. Crane's plans for next r embrace his present vehicls, "lhe Setintor Keeps Hous," und bis former supeesses, fucluding "The Fool of For- tune" and "The Henrietta." It is said that Hemy W. Savage has oblainyd tha right to produce in EFng- ish in America next season Wolf-Fee- mari's operas, "The Jewels of the Ma. donna" and "La Donge Curiose."" | "Divovee," in which William An- thony Mefiuire answers Patterson's "Rebe'lion" with all the fervor of a church man, had its premiers in Chi- cugo this week. In the east are Frank Loses, Edward Emery, Charlotte Gran- ville and Virginia Pearson. ' The cant of "The Govermor's A and is especially warm and comfortable for mofor boat or sailboat wear. It is trimmed with & collar, revers and stitch, the sweater being in a heavy, close stitch, Crocheted buttons matching cuffs and revers outing skirt of ®hite flannel with inverted the first Be Alice Bradley, eh Pes ahr. which | will be spring; - * bo -- OR THE ATHLETIC MAID, trim with short tennis and gon skirts cuffs in color and trimmings contrasting while the costume pictured pleats to includes a short allow yoom for Robert McWade, Jr., Milton Gladys Hanson and Emma Duna. Michale Morton and Leonard Murray have just completed a play called "lhe Impostor," a three-act comedy, with a serious interest, due for pro ductign in the Glasgow Reportory The atve in April. y iiliam Kaversham is organizing an all-star Combination which will begin its season in Canada next September, and tour that country until after the presidential election in the United States. In the organization, besides Faversham himself will be Tyrone Powr, IE. S. Willard, Frank Keenan and Fuller Mellish, The ceremony will appear in repertoire, produging at least one play each week wherein one of the quintette will be given stellat prominence, and in which the others may not participate at all. The full] complement of all-stars will, however, appear once each week in "Julius! Caesar," in which the Antony, Mr. Faversham; Power, Caesar, Mr. Sills, roles will be Brutus, M: Willard, and Cas Mr.: Keenan. "A Midsumme: Night's Dream" is another play al ready chosen for the repertoire. "Jack o' Jingles," a romantic play Leon M. Lyon and Malcolm Cher ry, is soon tobe produced hy Mathe- son' Land in Lomdon. It deals with by QUEEN OF ACTRESSES SECOND PART - os _PRAISES PE-RU-NA, { °0 Re. Sa eS MISS JULIA MARLOWE. | Heartily." | Yulia Marlow. $ ASX remedy that benefits digestion. strengthens the nerves, The nerve centers require nutritioh. 1 the Bigewtion is imgpaired, the nerve centess become anemic, and indigestion is the result, Peruna is not a nervine nor a stimulant. It benefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal eongestions and normal digestion is the result, In other words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J.0. Jamison, 61 Marchant street, Watsonvilie, Cal writes: "I was troubled with my stomach for six years. I tried many kinds of medi- eine, also was treated by three doctors, "They said that I had nervous dys pepsin. Iwas paton » liquid dies for three months. "1 improved under the treatmens, bul as soon as I stopped taking the medie cine, I got bad again. "I took the medicine for twe yours, then I got sick again and gave up all hopes of r+tting cared. "Isaw a testimonial of » man whose case was similar to mine being sured Peruna, so I thought I would give 4 a trial, . "I procured a bottle at onoe and som menced taking it. I have taken several bottles and am entirely cured, «J have gained ia i feel like a diffe pores 1 be lieve Perupa is i» for it." Nervines, such as coal tar prepares tions, are doing a great deal of hart, Sleep medicines and headache powders are all aliks d thonid nos bees he ond Poruss sortase the digestion! incidents following the abdication of James [1 in 168%, and its hero is an] English nobleman exiled after the bat i tle of* Sedgemoor, who returne in dis | guise, bearing 'a paper from William of | Orange, which must be signed by the | leading gentlemen of England biforel! William will consent to land in Britain | ad its prospective king i The committee of the Abbey Theatre, | which brought the Irish players to this country. consists of Lady ory, W. 'B. Yeats, Lennox and several of the actors, being Sara Allgood and clair. It is said that after réturning to Dublin, divided among its members about $27.000 This indicates a most prosperous tour for the company. Gabriel Reiane, says the New York Sun, never on a visit to this cenntry cleared so much, and both Jean Mounct Sully and Ermete Novelli would have heen delighted to | have earned half as much. Mme. Si mone. who has just returned to Paris, | would probably he quite satisfied to contemplate such a profit for pext vear. Greg | » | Robinson, | among them | Arthur Sin- | this committee, By Their Shape. Willie Hoppe, the billiard champion, was discussing the question of sum- mer vatCations. "I like summer vacations," he said, "in - the heart of the country. The| only trouble with the heart of the country is that you can't get a good game of billiards there. "Maybe you're heard about the two chaps on vaeation who complained thet they couldn't tell the twa white balls apart, as neither of thom had a soot. Pat the proprietor explained te thom that it would be easv after a! little practice to distinguish the halls! by thir shape. i "Another thap asked for a same of billiards, and when the balls were hrought gave a Joud, bitter laugh of diggust. " "Look here," he said, 'it's balls asked for--ro! dies" ' Make Your Will To-day. ¥ you have pot already malle vour will vou should Igae no time in doing #. The unexpected ssuslly bapneus The Trusts & Guarantee (o., limit- ed, 43 and 45 King street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor under all circumstances, and at = to os Appoint ¢ Dy FE fet them hald your will in their vity vault, free, 1 , of charge until required. THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE OF LONDON , TOTAL ASSETS holders - CORPORATION LIMITED ENGLAND. $10,000,000.00 Deposited with Dominion Government for .security of BUSINESS TRANSACTED : FIRE, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, GUARANTEE, BONDS AND AUTO MOBILE INSURANCE. HOWARD S. FOLGER, Agent, 85 Clarence St. Kington, Ontario, Phone No. 906 Time for that Summer Treat A toothsome, wholesome combination always brought health from the heavy that has with welcome release foods of winter The whole wheat steamed-cooked, shredded and baked a crisp, golden brown--all the goodness of the wheat (the most perfect food given to man) combined with the most luscious berry that comes from Canadian soil, No enoking or baking is Simply heat one or more a rr epars thi restore crispness Nothing so wholesome and satisfying and nothing so easy to piepare. dish. their and cover with strawberries or other berries asd serve with milk or cream, adding sugar to suit the taste, More digested than ordinary white

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