Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1912, p. 8

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* THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 1912 OVER ALF A CENTURY [LOYD GEORGE ACTIVE AIDLAW'S_ » v N REV. CANON E. LOUCKS HAS|RESENTS AN INSULT FROM 1] SLY SERVED IN MINISTRY. DUKE, : : His Ordination Took Placeihin the | Who are the Robbers of God---XNot Cathedral at Quebec--He Enter-| the Government mor the Welsh: ed Upon His 55th Year in the] men--The Hands of Certain Per- , ¥ |' Work This Week. e : sons Dripping With the Fat of A service of over half a century in Sacrifice, : ; -- the ministry, is the record of Rev. | London Chrontdle A . : Canon E. Loucks, of Kingston, a re During Mr. Lloyd's speech he was record which anyone might well be subjected to a number of merrup- | proud of. On Thursday, of this week, | tions which finally culminated in the Canon Loucks entered upon the fifty- following : fifth year of his ministry, and al-| [ond Hugh Cgeil-What are the though now in his eighty third vear, | Welsh county councils going to do he is an active worker in the Angli-|ywith the tithe. Opposition cheers.) can church. Mr. Lloyd4ieorge said that the . Canon Loucks was born in' Canada, Welsh county councils would discharge and was qdained in May, 1858, by|ihe obligations of any trust imposed Rev. Jehoshapet Mountain, D.D., upon them more honestly than those LL.D.; lord bishop of Quebec, in the who had gone before them. (Minister J {hi 2 : 4 . ; {Ed cathedral, at Quebec. * He was 8P lial cheers.) He said the Duke of . T mT . > 1} J} | pointed to the charge of the parish of Dovon.kire had described the bul + 0 = . TO-NIGHT you will have a J CRE A Lennoxville, where Bishop's College is | o , ; ° 4e 1 robbery of God. (Opposition cheers.) | R ) chance to share in one of the | situated, in the diocese of Quebec. His Did he know--of course, he knew--that | next appointment was that of first! he foundations of his fortune lay \ > best Hosiery bargains of the curate of Christ church, Ottawa. Af-! ; : : n sacriloge ¥ (Ministerial cheers.) He ] 1 : season, t terwards he was appointed to the ree-|' ites ' jel : I . | torship of Williamsburgh, .connty of 72% enjoyed the property which was ! ! P. 7 % . 1 Zz 7 ue s rectorship of "tolen: from the church. (Renewed ' " EJ ; : 40 Pairs Women Black : | etn Jt, tn, ia sm an ANY 2 s & - i x latter charge, he served twenty-nine |1¢TTURt ons. . : : | 1 - . . . years and nine months, in active! Mr. Rupert Gwynne (( 0 East- ] | 8 Lisle Thread Stockings 1 f work. His work in the parish was hore ns an od an B i N 1 bly conducted. It is of interest to Who is no ere lo delend hams j s hl. » i ; Eh rh this | (Opposition cheers.) : These arenew Silk Finished Lisle * ; charge, he found sixty communicants, | ar Loyd George--Can othe hon, a and the most -eotnfortable of all | and when he left he had 279. gentieman deny a single siatemen x . ¥ . While in Picton, Canon Loucks of. have made ? (Ministerial cheeis.) i a Black Hose, being seamless and ficiated at the funeral. service of 537 Mr. R. Gwynoo~L wny the Sis of : Eo with properly shaped toes and peog le, pvonshire is not here to defen im- 3 . | Id November, 1908, he was taken ill self. . heels and give qnite double with boast strode, sad it Yas ju the} Mr. Lior George-. I. Shallenge i Ii the wear of the ordinary makes. autmrn of this year that he retired hon. member to poi 0 a single ob a. inch an. . from this charge. Canon Loucks ia|ptatement T have made whith is the [i Sizes 9, 94, 10 inch, and good value from 35¢ to 40c¢ | still rector of Picton, and occupies the {true. (Ministerial cheers.) i : i fli pair. It's the sort of a Suit you'll always see when position, of one of the canons of St.| Lord Hugh Cecil--The right hon. iit Pe WW George's cathedral, Kingston. * 'gentleman has been speaking for a ! . good drgssers get together, Since the early part of 1905, up till [very i6ng time, and during the last il Yours | o-Ni ht S the present time, he has taken charge | (loud ministerial cries of "order" and | g 2! Swell enough for a neat dresser and modest of no less than eight. different. par-lopposition cheers.) enough for business wear. ishes. . On Sunday morning , he will Mr. Lloyd--George--1 will give way | If vou are on time. 3 . eonduct a service in St. Paul's church, {if the noble lord wishes to correct | ol ° + It's right in harmony with what fashion - in this city. He is remarkably well, any statement 1 made, but it is im: : i lls for in frbric, what style demands in cut bance emctive for x man of his ad. possible to carry on the debate when ' ' Cc alr. Ccatis for roric, 1at 8 3 2 § vanced years, and it is the wish of | he gets up to make interjections and { and what quality insists upon in good tailoring. his many friends that he may be spar- {interruptions (Ministerial cheers.) 1 i 3] ed for many more years to serve 0 listened to his speech for an hour There are tw * three dozens his néble calling t without int ti cre are two or three dozéns : o without interruption. | v : The Suits come at $12.00, $15.00 to $18.00 § Canon Loucks resides at 251 Barrie| ord Hugh Cecilodt was not - - of a pretty grey shade in the lot. : street % He has a son, in the Anghi speech of this character (Opposition We can't startle you with these price§ but fan ministry, with a charge at Ot-| joo) : ' . yy ] ality tawa. Mr. Lloyd-George : I think he might - Wo can surprise you with the (qua ity. allow some one else to praise his ora- jtory. (Ministerial cheers and laugh ter, dod opposition cries of "Oh.") Ee Sree mace 2 : Bo : wd Sir A, Griffith, Boscawen, (C., Dud- i . . 9 Bh - ley) : Limehouse. i VI S - i Mr. Lloyd-George : 1 have been clec- Ver t ng ! 1 ( : ES 3 " ted to come here by people who re i \ 4 = : x jected the honorable gentleman. | was i THE OUTFITTERS BE em ml In Sto ckings ' who knew him best, (Ministerial cheers and laughter.) He has no right to ~ T Es ¢ make discourteous interruptions, Here fl g B R Oo C K S I R E E ¢ 8 a charge which js brought against it For the Children ready for To-Night's selling. 3 ? Tr) a nation, a charge of theft, of lar i cent. Am 1 not entitled to investi | gate. the charge? (Loud minister- i Fine Black Ribbed Stockings ial cheers.) Nay, more than that. iH | both in Cashmere or Cotton, in all sizes. Summer Weight Cashmere for Small Children fl in Tans, White, Blues, Pinks and i 4 = 4 ® ! 1 LE & : doing. (Renewed cheers.) And I say that charges of this kind brought { ' . en, ttention ! BR] [hucinat a whole: people whose Tamil | Children's Tan Hosiery L 3 il | When a charge of felony is brought « i against a criminal he is given the it right by law to challenge the panel | of the jury, and that is what I am l | trees: are laden with the fruits of sacrilege. (Loud ministerial cheers.) . 2 2 i ' I am not only complaining that their oh All sizes in Cashmere. All sizes in Cotton. ancestors did it, but they are still in enjoyment of "some of the property, = EE EE EE ® First oa DONALD. oT Ne and they are subscribing out of that Mexico. SEY property to leaflets which attack us a . a -------------- and call us thieves, (Cheers.) ution om : The Only Resource Left. What is their story? Look at 'the > i T.P.'s Week! whole story of the pillage at the re "We wives Qhink too much of our |formation. They robbed altars, they For Men and Boys, 3 husbands," said Mes. Pankhurst, in [robbed the almshouses, they robbed . ! Wa fun, to a friend recently. "It yeminds | the poor, ais 4 Fobed the tend. (Loud i 400 Fi . S . l me of Madame de Girarcn, the gifted | Ministerial cheers.) Then they come ii B 1b h d D French woman, who had an immenso | Pere; when we are seeking, at nny I Inela riggan rts an rawers ite . opinion of the political wisdom and |T8l¢) to recover some part of this i fl { | | i : . . » genius of her husband, the celebrated |Pillaged property for (OR poor, to Just the right weight for this weather, ql Emile de Girardin. One day, during whom it was originally given, and 1 a political crisis, two friends, both of they venture, with hands dripping + * . a b | the political world, ealled to visit her. with the fat of stickilege-{Loud and Special To-Night" i . They talked earnestly 'ang. rather [P'O.°8°0 ministerial cheers and op- { : il doomily of the. i 2 i position counter cheers and laughter) ! il gloomily of the situation, and at last |1 5, "XE COURS of robbery of God ! 85¢c Ea h : i ~~ 8 . f one of Jem remarked that nothing The chancellor was allowed to C { now could save France "but Him who finishy his speech in quiet. is above." wl " " "Then," she exclaimed, eagerly, Fr po Ge 'hadn't I better call him down » M-. [dame de Girardin assumed that the LAYING NINE SIDINGS allusion must be to her hushand, who , . . = EEE = : =F : . : was writing in his room on an u per | 5 . : Made of heavy quality Drills and Denims fioor."; PPer | vor THE NEW GRAND TRUNK { Men's Merino Underwear perfect 'dye. Colors plain navy and black. -- RAILWAY FREIGHT SHEDS. | ' : g : : YMCA. at Military Camp. Cpe veralls With and Without Bibs, | The YMCA, will, ue forgery, Two are Already Completed--How mocks Made to Perfect Size. a iy unt ature fi 04 uidings wu toe Grout | Men's Light Weight Wool 75¢ and 99. = CTE ITE TR IRE itor $i | \ 1 50c Each. |i general field secretary, will superirdend AN ai » 5 ns ow the affair, and J. A. Kneale, general The Grand Trunk company has a : All sizes in these goods. Regular values $1, secretary, of Orillia, will have charge |1age gang of men at wark near th 1.25, for . the first week, it ix expected, assisted | bay market, where nine sidings are be- by the local "Y" secretaries. Rev. A. |ing laid to where the new freight JOHN LAIDLA W ISON. ; {9c Each P. Mershon will lead the evening sheds will be built. Two are already g: . gospel megsings. The loeal institu. | Completed and the rest will be down : A AEE tion will 'extend its usual free privi- | about a week's time. The company * Er Ee leges to the boys under canvas. will begin building as soon as the ; -- § t $ y lace is cleared of the old buildings. N ; igg Sa 5 ildi ' EXAMINATION RESULTS A A Bal f an Rs The buildings, fences, ete, on the THE EXAMIN A RAMA ann LAA bri Underwear, Penitentiary Bonuses. property, bought by the G.I.R. for 4 : 3 Un Saturday morning W. 8. Hughes, the erection of the new freight sheds, At Rockwood Training School for * ° » 2 Dozen Shirts and Drawers penitentiary 'gecotntant, received rom | were sold bv then to Watts & Peters Nurses. | Sh Bar Regular values 0c, 60c,. on sale for ' Ottawa a largs number of cheques for | for $600. They included Angrove's old | # Cla | oe gains \ H The following are the resfite of the $100 each, which were made out in} foundry, built of brick, two double " Hon 33c Each favor of all officers and guards at the | houses, built of Bric Yoior, one CXaminations at the Rockwood Hos * and : in ka] Nurses; By penitentiary he receive under $1,000} single house. The Jureha had to pital Tiuising Sehool for Nurses, in i § a year in salary or wages. This $100 dispose of the ~buildings to clear the 7g 8 Mert - Yaak y ; 4 to 44 inches. : yin" the donus passed by the commons land. He dis ntled oh ) and | Senior--Misses Kate Murray, Helen S cen " S Kirkwood, Kate Jennings, : -- op. ion so Gon 'omens oe Ba, | All Tatiarson, Mand Seine + fe 1 an nance 4 e . : | : $ x { ermediate-- Misses Dollie Black, Vi 8 Umbrellas f g Carpenters Conferring. - - the one next to it for $75, toy ret Redmond, Hester MeGrath, ): 4 an } e § : The carpenters held a conference in| Yorman & Webb. They are moving Seeler, Elia MoGhirve, Lila Nich-§ Regular $1.25, 1.50, for Labor hall, on Saturday morning, tothe commer fiouse up to the vacant lot F 4 : with the bosses. The men say they lington, and on Friday night, it was Lydia LeClaire, 'Eva Marsh, dvelyn * will aceupt 33 a day for two years. © [eft in the Tiieet about half way up | 8 Misves Jonnie Njihol, Wore yirls' Fine Kid Strap Sli , Sizes 11 to 2--§125 | EE : - ees wid "for $150 "and it wih aise. be fue Coming, Hastie Seder. sarah | 4 Girls' Finé Kid Lace Shos do -- $125 | a ' od Jia » The garrison will lite up at Mac tak ; ark + Payrie, Christina ave, ve Less irked § --8150 | All Wool Flags, a donald Park to fire a roval salute and as Fa he Prag ie and lie, Margaret "Brien, Mary Wilkins, | Girls' Patent Ankle Strap Slippers, do $1.50 K ' Sr mir 1 i oY anlue 4 " ' AC. Gertrude » Marion Jennings,| ¢ Girls" Patent Pump Strap Slippers, do --$1.50 | 3 ish 1 5 he wn a feu-dejoie. at twelve o'ciock on twas found to be in suck a condition Gert Hughes | . } Best api makes, 1 yard to yards long ff [Monday. There will be a battery on |eat 5 Sanpot be moved. [1 will he Lilie Blogger, = Rosella Netrash,| 3 All these lines, 25¢ cheaper in small sizes. | 0h ere mrmeion | Fright. to the north-west of 2nd faci Prank Deéchaine, abopt forty-five | | : Inwor. i yours of age, poe Sound dead wn. hig* Miss Mary Gallagher, Ottawa, is vis | falo, shot bis . wife dead, dangerously | the body. Nothing is known of the The merchants will keep open for A t 4 Tray of Bargains at wounded his mother-in-law, Mrs. Filli- part of Monday. : : agree if gove Bl a rity visitor, "lew ero bricks." Gibson's, | on. Ex ¥ia West's for fine photos, 8 ne hy nox tojon Barrack street, just above Wel. ol#gs, Lizzie Ruiter, Frances Strong, Tren ff leach side of the tower, the infan-| torn dow the humsber it contains. athlon gS ucphy, Mae Melntyre, try in line, with RM.C. cadets on fe sa ; : Boys' Fine Kid Lace Boots or Oxfords, 1 to 5--8$1.50 | : Small Boys' Lace Boots at $1.25 and 1.50, : "lee ercam bricks." Gibson's. room at the Parker hotel, Montreal, iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erviest F. Staples, farmer, near Bal: on Friday $279 in cash was found on Gallagher, Queen street, Brown, and itted suicide. | H Canada Rev. W. H. Sparling, D.D more wi, and commit sui . "Canada will eo, ate the season v. W. H. Sparling, D.D., went to] ¢ 5 Ww. H Hevlin, a fraternal orgavizer, | on ghe great oad rho extended to Brockville to-day ¢ THE LOCKETT , is missing from Toronto. There ave Janaary 1st. The insurance + C,H. Vasluven, Watertown: N.Y. i ! many enguinng Persans, ters will eb 4 § w

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