Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1912, p. 9

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" Che i ily Brit KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1912. I ! i ¥ { ANTING HATS Ay A Pert Brim Roll and 'Craceful Feather Teimming i Wy 4 A The Small Fat 1s &: Dashing and Chic bi Old-Fashioned il Quiiling for Qld Fashioned Shapess JY I J st pe A 7) CA sumner, ng, a for motoring and travel- mall cockade of pleated rih- bon substituted for the standing feather ornament used iy in the season in order ta may be swathed be up= ear- the hat in a veil whon ates back to the sleil that have anid ig such the wondes ben eclipsed three-conered bicorne, could all this time by the tricone, and two-c both more or less far during the last twenty tridorne is becoming and is the hat of hats rel verging 'on "uncertain The bicorne is more extreme and bag a dash and daring which re- quire & young face and piquant ex- preston beneath its flattened el- ongated brim The bicorne illus- trated is a typiBal mode! by Reboux and is made #7 wine colored hemp the six short dstrich tips which tamble forward over the brim be- ing in mauve and burgundy shades. "Marquise" is another name for the Bicorne shape for a certain love. ¥ French Marquise was once firmly wédded to this particular shape and wote it with the powdered hair and patches of her time. The guat'corne as its name im- plies bas four cornes, pne at each side and one fore and aft. The enuares sides rige as high as the top of the crown and there is usually a little ribbon cockade or a short crisp alerette poised on the right pide. just over the right eye. Trip! mings on the right side, rather | than the left side of the hat, con- finvs to be fashionable. For vears all hat trimmings were perched at! the left--no one knows why, un. less for the reason that the wight tide of the fore is supposed to be the beauty half and it was deemed Mdvisahle not to mass all the charm on the same side, . i A very strikine fricorne shaph ie £allad the "gee of ¢lids™" The wide brim of this hat je divided into ihren sections' or huee strgw tabs which ro!l 'un from the fare a litle One fab vises straight in front ard the ather st the side pear the har: The hat. ie of biack hemp and realiv dees tessinble the card symbnl re presenting the coin ace WA cluster of black ostrich tine at the back in afinpassd 16 be the shart stem of Ae bee. Needless to add, this mm. ther bisare chapean is a French age." d this immed prouiises of reated nd designed by Vi , is tu . Very soft satin straw light silver-gay tone is draped ar: ound a high-crowned shape whiel has a narow brim, faced with eor- al-eolored velvet. turning bac from the face. Two thick, short plumes ane coral color and the other in shaded grays. are masse the back of the crown art jue accompanies a ant gown of black shot taffeta made with an upper bodice of black lace over white. The bodice is ent square to show the lace, and straps of pledted taffet and black velvet cross the shoulders. In the decol- d folds af coral-co 1 Cros ins s Blask satin boots with 1 butoas snd long ' white tipyes embroidarel gray coral «accomrary this dinner tame, Avother aliraptive trimmed dinner bat tagal with a rolling brim faced with Copenharen bire taffeta. brim fg caught fo the crown. over the jeft brow with s peas} buekls 2 blue feather matching the iaffeia facing, sweens backward over the erpwn.. Conld anything be more be coming to 8 woman with blue eves? Sametimes the di mof the hat slashod at ove side of the front and the slash ie filled with ostrich plnmes which raise straieht upward above the crown. Most of thes small midsummer - shapes have heimg sharply turned off the face in front, and 'the facile of the brim is an fwportant matter. While erowp: ¥ 11 be ac chic trie year with the miili- A hat Tittle if os The Lingerie Ma ff Accorapanies + the Lingerietiat * As spr roceeas inte summer there op a subtle change in Inilnes. iar bunas yields to face; voreel trigness to a certain artistic pleturesqueness; brims grow wider, crowns lower; trim- mings are | ¢ airy and informal and less stiff and conventional. By the time the dogdays have arrived the chic Mttle straw nat selected in March for wear with one's tailored suit, is 88 in ble &s 'would "he the veriest velvet and fur toque of midwinter type. . This millinery materials lend then admirably to pie turesque expression. Laces are used for brimy, erowns and trim- mings; "lt Change able taffetas in sh Pleat: with i the to be ol pic- in a . Many of the straw tam o' shapes run up to twenty j dollars untrimuned, and. this is' a price to turh one's hair gray. indeed, until one remembers that twenty- "five cents' worth of ribbon mare in- 0 a cockade will be all the rime ming required. Though the tendency is is flways toward wide-brimmed hats, = when mid-summer comes, the jaunty tam Etyles promise to be popular ail sea- fon' for taveling, driving and the like. These hats have a trick of making their wearers look youthful unless the face is definitely mid- die-aged---and they fit the head so snugly, for all their delightful soft- ness and lightness that they are ideal for wear in windy weather. Many women passed the tams by when shopping for the, spring bat, because of the unattractice appear- ance of these off the head. The tam must be donned to look like anything at all. "Of the head it is merely a big, flat placque of soft straw with an indeterminate ISRIRE crown that Regven -- Caves according to. way Dlacque is picked uv. Pull the shane on the head. however, and the ve bacomes a jeumty fam with 8 narrow, uptunaing © brim which presses snugly nst a big. soft crown that hogs the hair as flexibly as woulil a Rkaltted tam o' sholer of worstad. These bass Are So com fortable and supple that many Ww Men dre planning to ase them of n ngs ired effects are com- bined. An wonderfully ar- Maline and net are 3 is 0 for dimi- are Tittle ' ostrieh is of white are as supple as rns Imitaie the Bexibility, pretty price for gis, + muished The i { i i : i Disease of The sh Whig _ SECOND PART Kidneys Brought on By Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Made a Well Man of Me. | Cannot Speak Too Highly of It. Mr. George King, 453 Si. Deuis St Montreal, Canada, a well-known bus- iness man of that city, writes: "Peruna cured me from *vhat the doctors were afraid would turn into Bright's disease, and afie¥ you have gone through the. suffering that 1 have with catarrh of the bindder and kidaey trouble, and have 'eon cured you sre pretty upt to remember: the medicine that did the work. *"Peruna is a blessing to a stock man. Eight bottles made me well and were worth more than s thousand dollars to mé. [ cennot speak too highiy of it. It?s now four years since I was) troubled, and I have enjoyed perfect health since. Every spring snd fall 2 take a bottle of it and it keeps me well." \ C ATARRH of the kidnoys is a very much neglected disease. [~ Is is not until the disesse has a firm i | | l { | hold upon the kidneys that the patient begihs to realize that there is some de- rangement of these organs. The slight backaches, the feelings of lassitode, ana other warning symptoms of kidney disease are overlooked, They are not serious enough to detain the patient from his regular work, Even when he discovers that the kid- neysare affected, he does not ree- ognize the dif culty ss being INTERNAL CATARRHW REACHES THE KIDNEYS. eansed by catarrh. Catarrh is sometimes so very gradual | = ts ¥pproach and its earlier symptoms | | { SMBS reaches the very source of tire ve- | i Creators Arranjements "More Natural gnd LessFormal the dainty flowered almost Dolly pattern alway and the selected after fa dy of madame's ayes, complexion.' The amber On women. with the blue £ out the onl Rose tint awess of n ently taffeta color and effect table tabl eyes and ® skins ciea .» With YW Ness who avoids vr for even the and roses, o: *s and cream is likely to » nned, and the tanned wo man in a lilac or violet trimmed hat is an object for pity. : : Wide brims distinguish all the out of door hats for midsummer wear An "indoor hat" seems rather par- adoxieal; but restaurant hats eome under 8 head and so do bridge ard yn hats which are sup- posed fo be worn out of doors only under cover of a earriage or lim- ongine The wnicture Tats for after wear with lingerie frocks are things to dream on even if one cannot afford to buy them. Two hundred dollars is redlly very little 10 pay. nowadavs. for 4 gZar- den party hat trimmed with = reas! lace or handsome plumes. OBtrich becomes more and more pomiigr for { Summer use and the ostrich hats {are the most artietic and distin. of all the' midsummer hegutics. A. ravishing ostrich- trimmed garden bat hy Jeawis § wetnred, The 044 rel! of the brim off the fece, or thergh ibe tia w had heen twisted back between | i thumb and forafince~ gives a ane! Froation of vortness and. plAnaney fo | hn wracefn] shape of the hat. This i hat 's of very fine milan In ferise piel and the brim fa dnp is of hlack fgatin "he s¥iilfglle arrangpd | alums ars white i contar or. naments of lack heron gigretirs One vlymaé encircles the base of the | frown Wnd tow other vear aloft. {th the ends wired and twisted | ee in the quer. hroken-backed manner that Is considered the grand | chic just now i A model by Cartier no It i lav BUHL E of milk 1g ton noon shows the innedean, who refused i enuse such slight discomfort that is is ®ot noticed. However, when it is once firmly sested #8 the kidneys it becomes a difficult dis- ease to exterminate, Indeed, catarrh of the kidneys 1s more serious than catarrh affecting some of She other organs of the body. In the kidneys it is liable to terminate fm Bright's disease or diabetes, both of Which are recognized as very serious sflments, if not fatal, The thing to be done, when eatarrh of She kidneys is jiseovered, is to take some faternal, systemio catasrh remedy, one i of roses in a pleasantly natural | ent "Tallored' tower ef- still seen but the great seein be turning once to less and™more natural and several of the Paris hats mmer have nodding rose: & stems, or iuvnsias drooping acefully over the edge of the brim » Cartier bat referred of with an npper brim | In covered with Pompadony ink and mauve shades, the top of the crown being left Half dozen great with green leaves are againstt he side of the 3 though freshly picked and there Another Cartier the simple summery is made entirely of pale pink shin over the black gnilli ie to Lora stify to, is mo sam *U coras binding of old- 1 black with a ficot 4 mink the crown | and between black brim having a An fe of $ and he this immense black | under the brim | rests againestthe . and gives i 1 a fetching! the big tied Parisienne $f A TOW Toe is the placed which 3 of Cras roses feature of aver Dow 16 back of the ne the wear | ypirlish i ggostin bow rribbon over aited hair stops nothing | as a mull in mid muff is going to] add anything of chie to her costume This year summer muffs are quite] the thing the muff of courese matches the hat in material and col or. One of the illustrations shows & new '"'coolie'" lingerie muff which chic though. it at ang ia indubitably does make the beholder think of a baby's carriage pillow. Very fine Swiss embroidery is used to trim hat and muff, in combination with Calais lace. The black velvet streamers add decision and emphasis to the hat and pink roses arg tucked un der the hatbrim and against the lace frill on the muff, This lingerie hat | and muff set were shown with a lin gerie frock of mull and lace accom nanied by buttoned boots of white buckskin and white silk gloves em- bioidered on the wrists with tiny pink rosebuds, Lace and taffeta are used togeth- in charming combinations. For sxample a taffeta crowned hat will have a brim of lace pleatings: or a hat covered smoothly with taffeta will be veiled with lace and Epeaking of veiling, one must not forget the very last Paris ory, which .is the flesh colored shadow mesh vell. These veils are draped | over laree hats and the flesh tinter mesh falls as a delicate and becom- ire screen hetween & bhoabtfnl com. piexion and the hypercritical ob. gorver A thread design in black silk forms a large circle on the cen- | fre of the veil and within this cfr. | cular nattern the face is artistieaily | framed. Almost any woman with | er her face thus screened and framed, | te and shaded by a picture hat above, |$ might pass muster as a beauty Witnesaen in the (hehes econurts moat swear on ths Nibl all This waa the wdorwent J nstice to permit man to give evidence because tie or sot at of wl oth MR. GEORGE KING tarrh and removes the cause of (he difficulty. . Such a remedy has been found in Pee rans. It reaches catarrh, no maties where it may be located in the body-- whether in the more exposed mem branes of the nose and throat, of whether in the remotest part of the kidneys. That Peruna is at once the safest and most reliabie remedy for ca- tarrh of the kid- neysis proven by the many testimonials written by those who have experienced its benefits, The 1 stimonials given here are unly spec'mens of (he many testimonisis on our records, pertaining to the relief afforded by Peruna in sovere cases of kidney trouble. Kidney Disease of Long Standing. Mr. Samuel A, Paxton, 1118 Troost Ave. - Kansas City, Mo, members 1.0.0. F. and National Annuity Asses clation, writes: "1 am s well man to-day, thanks te | your splendid medicine, Poruna. | was | troubled with estarsb snd kidney diss | ease of long standing when I first bes i gan using Peruna. 1 soon found I wes | getting better and continned taking | for four months. It cleaned ont the | oyetem, leaving me well and strong snd feeling better thas 1 have Lo yeate® PE-RU-NA AN INTERNAL CATARRM REMEDY, paint that y apreads easiest, covers the most gurfece and stands.all 8 Lindsoiwesrand weather, ask the desler to give you (MAFLE LEAF) M- » PURE PAINTS Whatever it 1a that needs pamting, inside or outside the house, you'll find but surely with 1 (MAPLE LEAF) Vi-1 FlatWallCeclors siiy epplied, over woll- paper, or Lutiap, or on plaster. Washuthle, ¢ ble, eco BOmICA shades Made [9 imperial Varnish & Color Ca,, Lt4.. cal For Sale By W,-A. MITCHELL Dr. Martel's Female Pills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women's oib ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proves worth Whe result from thelr ose is quick snd sermasccut. For sels at oll drag stores. Thomas Copley - Telephone 987 oF a card to 18 Plas Street when a Bing done in the Cargen- ef "all prompt Breeet attention er day he said he was an agnostic and refosed to kize 'the Dible Cheese rales © Vankleek Hill, 13%e.; Mexhndeia, 1376 Brockyitle, Lie, y 1H

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