a - ; A © ' i be RA Bas i : > A391 ' 3 Pittubiirg end of the bri n EF k ir WHUMERE Fee oh = . -- fbn tavern t & } ¢ i i NL ---- G » : orante, Ont ay BSth, 15 gm. Ot. nal ia gd ; ; . j LL Roth wane als ! pan fad ly h PPR . 9 ip 1 Fowl : * Sno falr and warm to-day. and Wednesday, as --undergon ger | SPAHE CRICKET FIPLD ON MON. Kingston, Mag 97.-(To the. Edi. |AT THE HOUSE OF PROVIDENCE with Jocal tnupder storms ] \ WEDN y . k ORE TC DAY.EVENING. or): You ate-to. be praised for open. BAZAAR. ny DAY. : Be ing your columms to this question Noi Pas : te : a tan ation of | it We | ERNEST CTSNET PTSNESSESY) CISNEREES] He Was Bori on Point Frederick on Sod veietee thom. ming to the sity | There Was a Tummout of 300--pre-| 12 LCR! alsin ity. T Ero | Archbishop Spratt's Portrait Was May 2th, 1928--The Aged | taking the north Wd Jud tho Parations Being Made for the| beens sufierer from this ph Won by the Y.LC.B.A~The Pro- wi to Pittsburg the sou Regiment's Camp on J 6th practice, and bave followed the i fits of the Bazaar Were $3,112.69. ; LO Building of p on June i ioe, ari- Sitisen Tells ot the Fort. from runaways was thus a a { = pe fous letters im your paper on tie ol The loki f the H f Provi 'Ataraqui Bridge and the = There were no lights on the The first battalion march-out™ this 1500 Cop 5 FEIE Pape BEPtars. 10 | dence fete c= 'the oy he oni pror: ! Blog Wednesday, May 20th, Caps. [is those far-off Capt. McK of the Ith regiment, P.W.0, se aT Je vty hall on"Pridyy 0% {in Pe, me that' show unanswerable ar- was an exhibition of zeal' Robert H. McKay, who resides at the | 88s. Peopls travelling at ni Fiflos, was stiended on Monday even- i of ing | Yeung , 5. eH ee. of ari hnorsies. at ihe (1897. Props travel Renin, cis ing by over 300 officers and uien, when | Frumetued to oer rd daw being | und juterest on the part of tho loi To make the home artistic and attractive nse 1, m the tieth year of his being 'used. Hold-ups$ und. rob- {Liewt'-Col. 'A. B. Cunningham, alter i in chatge of the booths, when the : y : : ee HH ine the Jou 1828, in il on % the bridge were SOfde weeks absence in the west, re ' : y 5 Sawing of prizes, and the counting our Drapery Fabrics. We have a wide ran aie of the old military cottages that and it was dangerous to travel of ned ¢pmmand. The regiment wi i Lan ballots took place. Arch- for your choosing of . . . were razed on the west side of the | dark. al : i on the éricket" field, and show- y op Bpratt's portrait was won by RE i 1 ¥ Yor forty Ithe Y.1C B.A. and, the financial Boys) Military College grounds last | Tuppence each way al 'good form, fleet of Emather man's House or fence | suite, $175 ot. inAutin. Ie your, and the aged eaptain sincerely | foot passengers; six As usual the Tine of march was lined |ander any conditions whatever, ults, $190, gratified the earnest work- egtetiod the demolition of the place and cart and seven £ br fwith at ; Y. ers, namely, L. = Whalen, Daley; ART TICKINGS In Beautiful Floral Stripe Effects, thorough- ly dyed and reliable, DRAPERY BURLAPS. In plain shades, 54 inches wide, 73¢, the yard. of his berth. i a cart, , : thé sedhie of the acoustomed arade }seems to be that while hate | a; pson ha Now that old Cataraqui bridge is to charged half those amonis, . while 'the regiment was dedng, the rooster's crowing, 'they also hate Sips OC. Howi KK. Vananks bia- wear wid be replaced by 's mo-{ Capt. MeKay In' fraquent | Alter the return (0 + the armouries {to run the chance' of ness | Oldfin. M Gallien' B Kanak. K. geen steel and concrete strueture, the | Bpon hy those interested in 8 | the officer commanding, before dis. {with their neighbors by laioing { "Gannon, Mrs Beecher -- . hig thought. that some. information | matters for Anlormation.. as. to missing parade, expressed his satisfac: about it, but that they ly McDermott, H Hutler, A. Hanlon ro fiom Capt. McKay, who saw the build- | building of Il tion and pleasure at the work . that {welcome a by-law which the lian Wiskin, Mrs VW. Duffy, Misses K_ ing of the old bridge, would he inter: | when hat ; Found had been dote by Major C. A; Low, {nuisance. It is all honsense to talk Cla: p. Cook," BR NeGeatn x ing. When he was' fonr years of age] the fort, A932, af : spoond fh command, the 'officers and {about such & by-law: interfering with Bape: Martin, D, Roach. A Bra- house was razed, and the the N,C,0.'s this spring, as evidenced | the poor people, 4% & matter of fact | nette, G. Martin "fta Martin! and M the fort was started. It was by the evening's parade. the people complained of most are the | 1.41 : ' ' Sanfiact, and the builders were ;] (A parade was called for 10.15 o. [¥ith, of the presumably rich, who in-| Tne procseds were 1 Booths, enter Ned a Neddon. MeAdoc lock. next Sunday morning to sttend | #50 upon keeping fowl in the eon tainments, admissions and tea fooms, R ' the anniial divine service. gested and residental parts of the $820.22; sale of tickets and contribu. At a mesting of the officers after | ©tY) 20d who are not shove boasting | tions, $2376.47; total, 83.9489; ex. parade arrangements were furthered | th8%: in nite of the pnoyaved which | poses, $9; net' proceeds, $3,112.69. r the regiment going into camp on | Cause their neig Nase hey keep | "Prizes were. 'won by the following : Barriefield va the evening of Thurs ae ves in eggs and have some to Gold lect, Rev. J. b. Phalen, Holy. « " . e e, 3 i iha- Jover 100 years, of 'the [3%s Jane Sth #0 Hats Camas, "| But you have potted but ose thing | iow," Westport; beseds dition 10. Rev of the Ringe Jorma, | comp uniform will be ovided for | Thich your various correspondents | 4 Hanley; silver service, J. J: the King of eu¥tom em. in | Bove missed, This is the nuisance |r; ligher, Newboro: , Le contrac ome. | (he tactical work, which is the mukn | cused "by th chickens ogi as | Galigher, Newboro: clocks b. i : ison alse Mme. set forth. A meeting | + the pl d atohin Westport; sofs 'p » M. Mulligan, bad Rot: 7 Altos i hu held Wednesday ovening of the | Gens. 'Ihe esult, af you Voor: gi De Fontes silver pudding dish, Mrs. fe ba at Prescott, | offi We an Cing, inio camp | 1ikely to be police court cases, ~ and James Sowards; wis nit % rs. B. Nhe mrpared, Tehels _ were Sonfified in Lo be goon, | ie THE, too. Then there are the Momcrea] Sirver. sor ona birkwood, were Vi " 1 d ; » SeNgeants,, | thefts repor of fowl. : . i 2 W A the old court in Kingsten, = COMpAny messes, 88d | So far as 1 understand the matter, piuliy; 4 2 ee wail + The execution' of the Teader, h done 10 make the ohtig | the law Provides that a man is en fp yo d00 Rideau street; autduranh {Vdn Shultz, in 1838, is vividly remem- 0 aeabnneibie s |litled tothe peaceful enjoyment of his} Sak la Si Sage 1 bared. Capt, NsRey, Sho, follawed ae pt ox ash rhe Suarid houss, pnd he, ond i allowed to do hur uid] a pach; ate t ath procession to the . " ceamp with an - {anything whith really in with . A ay 0. ae OS a i So Se Bh 2b Wa | 8 CHINTZES AND TAPESTRIES fi a tHe cart , PE Weduesday. J i ne Hayate. Clearly a letters you bnrooory McKelvey & Birch) Non by! § ner were two ! " ished - by, Ro ig , A . 3 : i Tr can oral! a TT ing Uhilsad Shot rh Sraw Vary Jiov. Dean Mea, St. Marys of; Unusually attractive Block Printed Effects in TER pe aria ~ {di the rear was an unpainted coffin,| | ; 5 liope to see a by-law passed soon re ' ae Ts Marri-] } i v i AS80 | CAPT. ROBBRT WH MekAv. apn ah Wig sh uips Soff, pe. by-law p won; doll, Miss. Helen McAuley; aunt | HO serviceable colors and extensive assortments of BREE AT [to deal with this matter, and thank. |*" R jardini i i in' the year 1997, the eaptuin used § SNOrifl followed, and iu the vest were] Bh 4.3372} Q' [ine you for the interest you * have |v tuk Méllonald; brass jardiniere, Sateons and Silkolines, | : ! h t 2 Nrs. Lambert: bottle of perfume, Miss toiuit on the haiak of Point Weeddrick, § (He troops. All drove up to' the north- --- 3 7 taken in the qhestion.-- Yours truly, | Katie M he + ia alongside his home, . and' watch the | ¥Pst corner of the fort, wher the gal- f ii Bf | OBSERVER. Blanchard a Fo him Lon, This is altogether a most comprehensive show- fang of men putting the bridge vim {lows bad been erected, The captain a ef borne street; Bolton eloth centre piece i f Art M ial ke the h stn Aogethér. : *ecills the hanging 'of eight other § | BARS CANADA FROM PAM. | O° Thomas Keenan, Glenburnie. sic hE of Art Materials to make the home beau- ¢ i . ul. . aud Fark avenue was] The genetal opinion on the wubjeot Misses M. Tierney, TG ® A. hes: | B CRETONNES In a number of excellent qualities at different prices. ; CURTAIN MATERIALS In Naturalistic Floral and Modern "Arts and Crafts" designs, ART DENIMS In plain and printed effects, Ryan, "Thera was enough timber put into | tebels at the west end of the old' jail : i 1 i ins the old bridge to have built: eight fon Wellington street, which scene he |j I § | But Immigration Anthopities Win be|3 ilar aa Avia iy a--, good bridges," said the veteran eap- | views when fifteon years of age. Four|( (§% Near at Hand, ning, North Adams, Mass: tea sof INSPECTION INVITED iain, who remarked that the structure | were hung at one 'time, all standing 1B: C es | Ottawa, May 28.--Canada has been | Mrs. Beef, / Barridfield; berry Spoon, ! was erection by an {Avisrican firm, | on the Atform of th gallows, iw i ; po BR | barred from making an exhibit at the | Mrs. M. Telho: centre ido Mr Wich had the contract. Alter ith com: | ur; the captain says that the } : Visconsi iti i Sing ills; sola 'pillow. eich had ho 0 Mu Som, bg tion in' which the) ould i vy 4 Wisconsin state exhibition this year. Harrison; Kingston Mills; sola pillow, years to Samet Meagher, the father | have led ane to helime that ia fue : { . ny : Fhe ne og Eration pa Sahotitie Hes, James % amis, Dae on; Smbrold- .l ' THE STORE oF f Dr. Jame , nd Jeremiah | men were going to dance a reel. One 13 x 4 | ' ; aver, . h Meagher; now she who wee | of the 'rebels, ® raped Woodruff, died \ allowed. to make a showing on the | hrook; hand-painted cap, saucer ahd \ 4 SATISFACTION known to many of the present citizens | a hard and cruel' death. The hang ¥ 4 bd ground that Canadian rigration | ee aa le oN cCouvile: - tet Sons, ; of Kingston: Formerly an old i seow | man's knot, instead © of 'coming under EH bea Be ; ; . low, Mrs. Ja "Doyle Perth: a id had heen dised to carry people across | the ear, came under the eves, and, tho}] '¥EULN J bana he = is Ae. mh Davie. Perth; gold | the harbor, like the .oné between the | man's erigs were dreadful The hang: $4 TEI . gr yes be oY, 3 piece, ow hb S y Wisconsin to C 5 Perth! - tohaseo i main shore and Howe Island, At the | man sat downion the gallows, on. Wisconsin to Baten, hi of jar, LT i ) i "returfied poorer and wiser." "fene, Rev. J.T. RH i Perth: oki . ' rn \ } frsabicil (NGG |e ee TR pe en Btate of Oho. hiro Toledo," } pe Dan Me one the on aigh- ! nL. i li} that. thie is a Joundation for he Perth; dinner gong," Miss Dwyer. \ pi * N hy p , A { 181 vi ] arges against their Literature, but regen etter LE 4 ' "t0 senlor pariad of ng Gitmo ¥, | "opembled i te oeangmen. fH HR 2 § [say that the state of Wisconsin ob | MILLIONS LOST HY HOG USES. ah honey & Cor Hoth Business in the: grandlatfer an 8 i 4 jects fo losing good @Gitivens at the na RLY Se i ity of Toledt, County snd State afore § f4ther weré cotinected with the royal: 7 FEATS J | {rate they have been moving to Cag | Kansas Board Elnids Unskilled Tan. Yigg Xe gall, and the sn wil the I navy, Capt. 'MeKdy is an authori 4 for the pudt five years Ww 4 * Bom of ONE HU § DOLLANS to: a 8 i atithority f; | ada for padt five years. "Wiscon. : dling of Prodncts i each and every of Catarrh that n Bll that t 1 be navy § Sin is not the figst state to vofuse! .. . sigh Have installed In thelr Vault a nest of cannot be cured ¥ the ase of Hall's at Point ick du the] bh { Canada space in which te make a dis Topeka, Kas, May: 28. Thus un- tn Outarrh Lure. y Hy at \ b y part' of Inst contury, © 8 tithe}: 1 lay of its oducts Whenever exhibi- skilled handlin, of Roultry and ogy Sworn 16 bars bis ; RENEE 0 he read an saticledin Collier's Ry ree Have barred the do- | Costs the people of the United States n my presence this 6th day of Decem: | Waskly entitled "Echoes of 4812," and minion from the grounds Canada has $45,000, ammually 'fs the conclukion SAF ETY DEPOSIT BOXES or Al >. 1886. hw. gLEasaN. | found that it contained a Bumber 'of hired a building in .a more donspiv- of the state board of health; after #i% D Ary 6, vessels that recore's of # had BE Ri TT p-- PE eh. © TE a. AES SE - pe : insocuracies -eomoern 1 t iition; months' investigation, If you have any : fC SA 2 iene nee bie ber "1 bas ha" ; Rox pat fu a. rst lash display whey | 37°. Drie of eggs' is higher Shan : Cee of 'the system. Sen" fhe old Davy yard, sul jnd i y has attracted great. attemtion.t This] Ye": ®ay8 the report, and the com: WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE POLICIES Us or te non . p J. (TH 3 c ¥ A Rion: ix Keen, but the producer will be done at the Wisconsin fair | P* thai F OTHER VALUABLES this year. The jmniigration' authorities | #3i08 nothing, not because there is a x { : 1 combisation to keep down the agi they should be lodged In ome of these boxes i Jee that aes adiantigm ary ginal price to the wholesaler, but bo- i hibition, : tend cates of the manner in' which eggs THR ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THR and poultry wre handled. Beeause of COUNTRY PACIFICO STATES CROPY. the large Bfmbat of late who are 'careless in marketi their eggs, th 70/000,000| Careless farmer is Yoreud pi adipt he Is drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against i ary 000.000 came price sis" is paid his long Bud LOSS OF VALUAMLE DOCUMBNTS, WTO. BY FIRE OR THEFY. years is the wish of all his frignds. er Portland, Oregon, May Seventy [1 " Babor, Whe: sipatt suerte, For further particulars and Information, Apply te A MERE AU | million bushels of wheat, will be har: | -- STEVENSON, . ERE AUTOMATON, oo Fea vested in Ogegon, Washington, and Algonquin National Park. P.C ' Manager, Kingston, Ont. ac A POP! rine Of gr ta » 5 < by ; och, trim. | Idah , i A The Grand: Trunk railway; ia vi So Sage br. Ports Wha: Deplores amd i b ah teatnem. Sia Be ing lL Oe' of the very large ificreased' number of TIN cre" lions of Principles. EL eat Tea Grove been gathered from a at co Pe rate this" stot A High MUCH DAMAGE WAS DON MAY USE SQUARE BOTTLE. L n lon, M Y-¢ + Robert 3 i s oy (ff three vi tates, «This : ; > % QL " : h liam Perks, th ¢ 5 Mouptain Grove, M yf 27<On May will be about fifteen million bushels | Park, are making extensive improve | By Wind Storm at Philipsville on | Court Holds No One Firm Osan Mo who the ) od a wedd 3 i" hiznl at the aver Inst year's yield, sand will estab ll hn ne. Law inprive Friday. nopolize Shape. LBL. summer resort, G En new reeord. ' ments wi complet soon, 5 : . 3 ' ond | situnted. on the north shore of Stoney| This, favsent, af seuss) | bonsist of a 165 ft. extension to the | PHIIpsille, May ~ 95.<The rains New York, Muy 28. Sipteme Colrt 'Lake, in the township of Dumer, coun. favorable wether, but to | west wing, which will indlude some 50 for the past twg wheks have been a» | Justice Giegerich decided that a ; jity of Petborstgh, noted for its' beau: | date have been . Etest lojury to many farmers. Acres | square bottle was so practical snd of "Ul sathmer resorts. Robert Flynn, [past week, ohh wi continue; ha and acres of low lands that bad been |#uch general cugvenience for packing Je. Csom of the ex-warden of the coun- nl very beneficial. I | ore 30; ing seeded and --yovered . with water | sad handli [that atoms) of Lt} of Prontetiae, and Miss* Cora Hunt. ago also figures. in the on in out- '30x82. The will have to be'sown over again. The | had the right to enjoin any 3, 2, os Shug: of John Hunter, superin- | put. only wi x 1 i \ & i ing | meadows and PAE ise are fatting , a | company from bbe ix ang agine . : of " sinimer - résort, Glen Oak, | now have id the poesitiliby of exces' .% "camp equipment. big growth. There has ung | The owners of the Crystalleid Wa. ag 0 i 'united Je aniage of Bas 6. sively nat fant I hiicton iri to make ips planting done yet. Ay had. theie Bottling iad the Moai Spring y : . ¢ as aot rma aT itg ground i ) : : i " 'be dross of Pe tri: alone n oringe rob - trpp TT Jansing md [Carl H, Schultz, in ao of 9, came. : aed: uly to 'mate and "veil vo} 500,000 ols r soun'y, | i supp! . 4 On Friday, at 5pm..s terrific |®nd nated waters, fr 4 8a Feorres . The young couple were in Oregon; 0,000. bushels. Thr, i i : ant. und is | thunder - storm, with rain and wind, bottle, ae ' a by the groom's brother, Wil- | ant Idabe is. saturdted with oY sed, 1 from west to enst, over a space a- | U8 declared they had fovm : Juttant to the nation than ever B& | Jian ¥lghn, of Smith's falls, and the | moisture amd the outlook is bright. om: ing ; "1bout two mies ith width, carried ov. | used since 1008. . In addition, » because the givesiing power IS ibride's * dodsitl, Miss Estella Lentiox, epee Ni ote. ition erything before is. Telephone poles, | Cryitalleid company 0, ee. Tha, A ot | : b ; Snughtor Mg Proverve child willl timber, flag = poles and fences went | S8ages. for 2 & 00, Toleds, O | , information from his randfath- Na By ah I fats, 7 § Take Traine Panty Pits sor consts. | er and father. gs pation. There may be some in Ki or 2 i vicinity who are older than Capt. Me: Kay, but none are more active and ag since it was founded in ra 'That He may live to seo a full century of --_ LS ht down. like nine pins. Farmers in had so fax the line of the storm have hundreds of rods of fenced to put up. The storm only lasted seven minutes, The ity of the wind Must have been