Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1912, p. 7

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on i The BANK. of TORONTO Is well prepared to furnish its' customers tha facili- ties and service which give the best of banking ac- commodation, together with promptnes sand accuracy in the handling of their banking business : : :@ : INCORPORATED 1855. CAPITAL .... .. .... ..... RESERVE ... ... KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McEAY, The leading styles are the flaring brim effects and mushroom §hapes for exclusive summer wear. 0 Clusters or wreaths of tiay wers ornate the Milan and Leghorn Straws. Ladies' Panama Hats Untrimmed.., ... ' Panama Hats, Trimmed .. MIDSUMMER HA oo +o. $3.75 to $12.00 7.50 to $13.00 TS FOR OUTING AND MOTORING, SUITABLE FOR MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE WEAR. Bnappy styles in Turkish, Crash, Ratine, Duck and Pique. $3.00 to $3.50. 174 WELLINGTON ST. 'We quote the lowest prices for engraved 'Wedding Announce- ments using 'Hurd's' finest stationery. We are the only copper plate engrav- Jers in Kingston. Samples on request. THAT TOBACCO : Whh the "Rooster" on It ¥s prowing louder as he goes along Only 48s per pound. For chewing and smoking.' AT A. MAOCLERAN'S, Ontarte Street, FOR SALE 8 Passenger Automobile In Good Condition. Fully Equipped. Tires New | hogany. ELECTRIC BELLS Do not have a common ont- of-date Bell on your front door when you can have an Electric Bell installed complete, in- cluding heavy Brass Push But- ton, for only ' $1.50. We place the Electric Beil where it can be Leard without disturbing invalids or Infants. J. N. SCOTT. Electrical Contractor 116 BROOK 'STREET. "Phone 1215, * THE DAILY | SURGEON SAVED * LIFE OF A YOUNG WOMAN SCHENECTADY, N.Y. OF After Her Heart Had Stopped Beat-! ing and, Respiration Ceased, Fol- lowing an Operation for. Gall. sy stores, Schenectady, N.Y., May 22. After her heat had stopped beating and respiration had ceased, follow- ing an operation for the removal of a Well-known young woman of this danger. Miss be owen her Hfe to the guick thought and action of the operating surgeon, Dr. Charles G. MeMullen. Dr. 'McMullen had successfully performed the operation at a local hospital and had just finished sut- uring the incision in the abdomen when attending nurses told him that the patient was pulseless. Hur- riedly he removed the stitches he had just taken and Inserting his hand, reached up to the stilled heart. Hé gently grasped the hu- man lite pump, his hand closing and opéning gently. The auricle and ventricle under the pressure began foreing the life fluid into the ar- teries to have it reutrmed an f{n- stant later. The physician continued the man- ipulation with nurses and internes bending over the patient. For more than two minutes this was kept up when suddenly a fait tinge was no- ticed in the patient's face. for perhaps. another minute and thel' withdrew hig hand. The heart of its own accord took up its work of pumping and in less than five minutes the patient was breathing properly. She was placed in bed and in an hour or two was pro- nounced out of danger. The shock of the operation to- gether with unconscious physical antipathy to anaesthetics is believ- ed to have caused the heart to stop. Instead of plain ether or chloroform, the doctors administer- ed to Miss Loebenstein, before the operation, a combination of nitros- oxide, oxygen and ether, as they feared the effects of the nausea were ether given alone. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Oulled From Al Over the World. Two sawmills at Byng Inlet, own- ed bv Graves, Bigwood & Co., were burned. - wf oo py | .ae British government authoriz- ed an inquiry into the dock strike, which 18 spreading. A Russian named Chessick from a handear at London, and was fatally injured. The Macdonald, Man., bye-elec- tion will not take place until the revision of lists is completed. The Welsh coal miners are dis- satisfied with the minimum wage scales fixed by the district boards. While Detective Solfi was arrest- ing an Anarchist named Severo Julia, he was stabbed to death by two 'other anarchists, A woman said to R u, of Helena, i fell Ont. be Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S Phone 76. 841-3 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery. 4 F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST ° 324 KING STREET. Special prices In Cut Flow. ers. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a specialty. Sweet Pea Seed In Bulk Named Varieties "Phones: . Store, 239. Conservatories 235 Residence, 1213. |HALL FURNITURE are showing a il Purniture. = © fine line of Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.50 to $16.50. ' Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.50 to $i All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma ER ' 4 the river at {aunt {hn 8 situation as mald of all aren "Now, whatever do you be mean- to $30.00, umped into N.Y., on The body has not Massena, Tuesday night. yet been found. Lightning struck the house of Tuesday, burned two holes in the roof, and knocked Mrs. Wagner down unconscious. G. A, Crandall, of Watertown, N. Y.. was struck by the iron handle of a machine he was cleaning on Tues- day, and as a result may lose the sight of one eye. The writ bas been issued for the bye-election in South Simcoe caus- ed by the appointment of Haughton Lennox to the bench. Polling will be on June 10th. The question of railway fares for students came before the rail- way commission and was left over pending a conference between uni- versity and railway representa- tives. An automobile with five passen- gers, two men and three women, skidded into a ditch and was over- turned, at Auburn, N.Y., on Tues- day afternoon. None of them were hurt, States and Canada have been searching for C. C. Dillon, who bratally murdered at Los Angeles, the woman who passed as his wife, the mangled remains of a man who threw himself in front of a moving train near Wilmetto, have been identified in Chitago as the fleeing murderer. Like Ome of the Family. Tibble had been placed 'by her work in a family of three. At the end of the week the aunt "stepped along in" to see how Tibble was get- ting on. "Do you like your work?" asked the aunt. © * "Ps fair," said the laconic Tib- -- they are and whiles they by that?" asked the 'annt, im- * sald Tibble. l gall stones, Miss Anna Loebenstein, | The | doctor continued the manipulation Maude | William Wagner, Albany, N.Y., on | While the police of the United, BRITISH WHIG, TO-NIGHT ARAH BERNHARDT MME. REJANE In MME. SANS GENE | Prices, 15-25-35-50 Seats now on Sale. city, 15 alive ahd practically out ot FRIDAY, MAY 24! Matinee of 21.50. Evening, 8.15, Viels Allen's Greatest Success, THE WHITE SISTE From F. Marien Crawfe Novel. Remarkable Company, including America's wost beautitud nud tional actress. 4 25, 73¢; Children, 235¢ Evening, 28 50, Ey $1.00; 4 rows, 81.50. Sents now on Sale. TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 7 pom, Thurs day, May 30th, for Fue! and for Tin. smithing and Painting for the Board of .Bduecation Specifications at the Board's Offices. JUHN MACDONALD, Sec. -Trear TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS ARE INVITED UP To 20th May, 1912, for the different trades work required in the erection of a new Chancel and Vestry to St. Patrick's Church, Napanee, Ont, Plans and specifications may be secy at the office of the Architect, Kings- ton, Ont, and at the residence of the TT.» Hev Connor, Nape* HP. SMITH, .hitect. SOMETHING NEW! . "CROSSED FISH" KIPPERED HERRING | 10 cents per can TRY ONE. AT THE BEST GROCERS { Will greatly oblige the. Whig by handing in' the. day previous all advertising copy intended for insertion ; on FRIDAY or SATURDAY. BIG BUILDINGS ON QUICKSANDS Under Certain Conditions Founda. tion Perfectly Stcure. Strand Magasine. Quicksand, to the popular mind. a lurking monster that swallows up the unwary, while often treach- erous, has been safely built upon, (and several of the second-class-- | outdohé--skyscrapers in New York | rest directly upon it. It is necessary at the outset to correct the popular idea' about quicksand. The engineer's defin- ition of quiek sand is any loose friable material saturated with wa- ter. Ther¢ are different kinds of Quicksand just as there are differ- ent kinds of wood, varying from iy as treacherous as the popu- i idéa of ft to n material that may be safely bullt upen. . The ground in the lower end of Manhattan Island' is a quicksand extending from the surface to a maximum depth of eighty feet be-' low Broadway. It Will bear three tons per sqdare foot, and the foun- dations of many tall buildings rest upon It. Filled-in ground is one of the poorest 'materials on which to build, as Tor years after it has heen deposited it will continue to settle, and obviously any structure it car- ries must settle with it. Ordinary ground will bear safely Irom two to four tons per square foot, dry clay from four *o six tons oot, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1012. HELP WANTED. DARMER WANTED: STEADY JOB. Apply, A. BE Hunt A HOUSE-FPARLOR MAID. APPLY, Mrs. Hunter Oglivie, 400 Princess Street. A SMART YOUNG MAN, Kingston Hosiery Co. Street West, APPLY AW lad, King DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED AT Brunswick Hotel, Apply to John Cousinean, Prop: TWO DINING-ROONM kitchen woman: month. Apply, 888 BILE wages, King Street. AND per A FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRER: wages, $2.00 a day; Sisady work. gael, duhm Green, 250 Princess reet, GOOD, STRONG BOY TO LEARN presswork, a chance to dcquire o ade. Apply, British Whig of- ce. FIRST-CLASS LATHE HANDS AND Toring mill hands: steady work Apply. Canadian General Electrin Co,. Peterborg. A YOUNG MAN FOR RETAIL HARD. ware department, experience of two or three years required Mc- Kelvey & Birch, 71 Brock Street AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly cor:esponding for newspapers; no ecanvassin Send for particulars, Byandi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y, CANADIAN. GOVERNMENT WANTS Pallway Mail Clerks: Mall Car- riers; excellent salaries; common education sufficient: particulars fora rn nte Him Ir~*ftute, Dept. 513 P, Rochester, N.Y. OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS, CAP. able scotch, Engll and Irish malds: also Danish girls; parties arriving weekly. Ap i Th rooa 1 TenmmonAd Rirdet, Mont- real, or 227 Bank Street, Ottawa POSITION WANTED. MOON SHAPED Siar in cenire, sst with . on Monday evening. Ma ; between Raglan Read 'and Grand Gpera House Finder kind. iy return to Whig office and re- celve reward GOLD BROOCH, with BUSINESS CHANCES. . ANYON A ma ANYWHERE, CAN STAR: order business at home: ne assing; your own boss: nd for free booklet: telis how Eni or 2.968, Lockport, N.Y. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL INSURANCE. « T. ', IOON, Agent, 159 Vellingten 8; ire, Jif Atcident and Health Hecles Ll MAN & GARDINER FIRE, fe, Accident, Insurance and Cur ms Broker: Real Estate and oney te Loan: a share of your Business solicited. 7 larence reet, Kingston. 'Phone 306 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; estahlished 1883 Bresident, Sir Richard Cartwright; ney issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and Sunny bentures; mortgages purchased: posits received and interest al- lowed, 8. C McGill, Managing Director, £7 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available Assets, $61,187,216. In addition ti which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stock-holders. Farm and city pgoperty insured at lowes possible rates. Befor® renewing old or giving new business gel rates from sirange & Strange, Agents Phone 226 10 LET. JARGE FURNISHED wim r without board, near City Park, 8 Wellilugton Sireet. ROOMS, PAGE SEVEN. A SQUARE PIANO, IN GOOD ORDER, cheap, on reasonabie terms Ap- My to 171 Uniog Street A LOT OF WARDROBES Foil 36 TO $10 a plece; also a few ~hesr up. boards. at Turk's, "Phone 70%. DINING backs very Leases SIX OLD ENGLISH Chairs, leather se alse leather oc g reasonahle prives L 'Phone 1046. MOTOR $§ hp Brockville engine; cedar hull! sherry finie n firsts class condition Apply ta J © MoKinley, Seeley's Bay -------------- AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS, Capt, Joseph Dix, dalimaker, i» the best awning maker in the y. If you want a well made one will last the longest, drop a card to 211 Nelson Street. LOADS OF EARTH; ALSO soup black mould, eight ACT motor (direct Rrrer DoW frame house etod, on Victaria Street Wathen 47 Mack Street 4 FOUR GROCERY STORES, dwellings attached; good tions in city: also general and dwelling ta thrivin vilage nearby. Apply to T, J mckhart, Ontario Chambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont wim loom. store TENTS AND AWNINGS LEAVE your order for awnings, tenis and small salls at F. X Hazeau's, the old rellable, who knows his busi. ness, will cater to your wants; do it right; no high prices, 163 On- tario Street, Kingston, FLAGS, AWNINGS, Saiping outfits, marine suppl haskets, English ral yvihing in canvas, kit 8, kK 1énts, spray hoods, motor wal suppliios, Frank W, Cooke, T 'Phone 881 or 23 TENTS, fishing tunch Ver CANOES, 1a STORAGE FOR NURNITURSE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, aboslutely moth roel: your own lock and ke rost's Cv Silorage, 299 Queen 'Phone 526b, LARGE YARD, SUITAWLE FOR COA wood or or storing purposes, corner of Princess and Ontario Btreets Apnly te D. J, Millan, on the premises. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry; alse Dwellings, furnish ed 'and unfurnished; Offices, Stoves, ata J 8 RR. McCann, b) Brock Street. DAILY WORK BY A YOUNG MAR. ried we mn. Apply, rs. EB. Wil- Hams, 232 King Street, City, WANTED-<GENERAL, FURNISHED HOTHEE TO WENT FROM About October lst. Apply to Mec- Cann's, Real Kstate Agency, §i Brock Street. NC machinery: win hay peed bie ho i eh inery; pay r or same, British Whig Pushing Company. Ee SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- scription; first class work; best loa only used; one trial will Bring your repairs t» LL rrie Street, cor. of ent, TAKE NOTICE, THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and. stoves: will pay highest rices; wee me before anyone else. . Tho pon, 383 Princess S.reet, next St. Andrew's Church. suffice. ~ Scott's, Clergy GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it madé up [nto up- to-date sus, Price and work- manship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo. way, 181 Brock Street, near Bibby's Livery. KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. 21 Montreal Street--Leave al orders at Sargent's Drug Store; 4 window cleaning weather is und to coms; ddn'l delxy your order until too late; place It at once and be sure of a pable man to clean your windows; we aiso teke off storm windows, LEGAL OF Mars sed Botisttry Law Othe Ei Clarenes Street Ingston , D.S, DDS, DENT- Princess a of Bagot Street. e BRICK HOUSE, 132 PRINCESS Street, Vaughn Terrace; 13 rooms; modern improvements A pply to Cunningham & Mudle, 79 Clarence Street, ON WOLFE summer nished; ISLAND, PLEASANT roums, comfortably fur. convenlent to post office and boat landing: good table board convenient at moderate rates. Ap- Diy: at 144 Barrie Street, Clty CATERER. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Breakfasts, Banquets, te. also Rent Dishes, abie dnens apd Sllverware teld & Hambrook, corner Union and Divi, son Streets. 'Phone 543 ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITRCT, 232 Brock. HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. 268 King Street. Phone Mb, WM NEWLANDS tects, etn 'Phone 608 & SON, ARCHI. Offices, 2568 Bagot ®t POWER ® SON, ARCHITROTS, MER- chants' Henk Bolldings, corner Brock and Wellington Brreets drop a card. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. G. Ashcroft, D.O, 138 Wellington St, Gpposite the Pest Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. Peintment Consultation free Phone 447, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. FIRST-CLASS EGGS FOR HATCHING, carefully selected, handled and bred: 85.0. Rhode Island Reds, Mares red Rocks, and Write Wyandotte: 15 cents for 13; cheaper for larger quantities; all bred from prize fowl and early lavers MO a wd, 106 Pine Btreet, Kingston, Ont, $2,000-MONTREAL BRICK, large lot; new plumbing $200--EARL STREET, STORE AND dwelling . LARGE LOTS AND GOOD drive house on Princess Street SS00-ISLAND, 41 ST, LAWRENCE River, 3 6-8 meres, off Ganapoqie BATEMAN & GARDINER, 67, CLAR- ence Street. STRERT, 12 miles FURNISHED HOTEL, rooms, a sure | from Ottawa, mercial trade; dining room; sample rooms extra, reason " selling, going to retire from busi. ness WITH 20 nse : doing ALSO TWO SUMMER COTTAGES AY Sharbot Lake, Ont. and tw. gaso. line launches at Yuyon FOR INFORMATION, APPLY TO M. Doyle, Quyon, Que -------------------------------- FOR SALE OR TO LET. THREE HOUSES ON WOOLY ISLAND, nicely situated and within five minutes' walk from ferry | Apply to 1b. J 144 1 Btrees Dawson HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE GRIMASON Princess Btreet with the best Wines, Liquors brands of Cigars or special rates by ihe and stable secommods reasonable Mulvilia of & PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, HIRTH. marks and all growths and. skin blemishes removea permanehtiy without scar. 27 yearn' experis ence, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eva, Zar, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 358 Bagot Street BUSINESS NOTICE, TRANSATLANTIC LAN ALL CLASS. 3 . 8, Kirkpatrick, igen 42 rence Street, Kingston. 'Fhoue DENTAL. A. B, KNAPP, LDS, D.D moved to - iy RB BA 58 Princess Breet. SPARKS AND 230 1.2 "Phone SPARKS, DENTISTS, oi ineenn Street, Kingston, H, DENTIST; DR. C. B. assistant, 133 Princess 'Phone 7386, DR. C. C. NAS Weicker, Street. W. J, GAVY UPHOSTEIING, R¥- g and carpet werk, mai Penovating, Drop a cad or 216 Bagot Street. New. York Attorney Receives $98. Mrs. Marsh thanked him for his. oughtfuiness 1 became ac- ted. She heard of 2 work KIND DEED YIELDS DIVIDEND. and | Sdioins the old Spanish church in the 8, A, AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DENT. ist. over Dominion Express Office Hn Wellington Btreet. "Phore | DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, GAS. fitter and Kleotrics! Supplies, has changed his address Lo 101 Queen Street, where he has extended his business, and will be pleased supply all sustomers at reason rites and workmanship guarans teed MEDICAL, IR, A. RB, B, WILIAAMSON HAS HD- moved his office and residence from 3255 Brock Btrest to corner King and William Streets DR FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPROJAT- ist, Nowe, Throat and Ear, 134 Wellington Breet, corner Johnson. Hours: § to 1, 2 to 5, 7 19 8. Bun- day, 2 to 4, and by appointment. 'Fhone $14, FUEL Earth Carried by Hand. Wide World Magazine. t is perhaps the most remark- able graveyard in the United Bidtes Indian of Acoma, N. took over forty years to con " Hinge air upon a huge, fiat-topped rock acres in extent entirely bars dit Wes Docessary to carry up the is situated high in the | Hardwood, Softwood, Kindling, : Chestnut Coal Pea Coal, Charcoal and Grate Coal ~Delivered any Quantity. earth from the plain three hundred feet below, a blanketful at as time, on the backs of Indians who had to climb with their heavy doads up a precipitucus trail cut in the face ol the offi. The gravéyard thus laborously eon- structed is held in place on three sides by high retaining walls of stone. Even at a society ball clothes 45 Bot make the man or the lack of them the woman. BOAT, 24 FT, 6 X 4 #1. 5 ak and wor wu wl dnew wees ew? Fo wis gre ey Even Feewow rE lve wow i 88 Von

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