Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1912, p. 1

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The Daily British Whig \ YEAR, 79 -NO. 121 : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912. LAST EDITION EE -------------- - % COLTMBUS WAS SPANIARD. RICHESON'S BRAIN NORMAL. ANARCHY IS RAMPANT According. to Former Official oi PLANS OFC p R This Was Shown by the Autopsy on IMPERIAL PREFERENCE Colonial Ministry. at ihe Tuesday, London, May: 22.-The Madrid cor -- Boston, May 22The body of Clar- ; respondent of the Daily Teleyraph . op {e8ce V. T. Richeson, who was electro AT THE PACIFIC COAST =: vit sere [10 Make Their Boats Spit 2s i 0 I nl MOST LIKELY SOLUTION : "According to a: provincial news. prison at Charlestown early Tuesday -- - ------ -- paper, the Coireo Gallega, which % able for War, for thy murder of Avis Linnell, lay quotes the eminent Galician historian, at the North Grove street morgue TT PRENDBRE A err fast Richt, ; PRENDERGAST CHOSEN. . . / |Semor Garcia de La Riega, who has Which Infested With the " devoted many years to studying data Earlier 4a the day Dr. George BB. : ig . of the Industrial is relating to the birthplace of the dis- PRESIDENT INTERVIEWS McGrath, medical examiner of Sui- Roosevelt Mlk Now Reid Camp, - Unrest in Germ of . coverer of America, , it now appears, folk county, performed the autopsy re- 2 Britain Destruction. > {that Columbus certainly did, not see : Wired by low in the ous of electro - a , the light im Genoa, as has always HIGH ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHO.|Wted murderers, and declared that Yeon allied, JH ADMI? AUTH : ] e si . : Richeson's brain was normal. | ; ' | k "Riega states that he possessed doe- RITIES IN LONDON. Douglas Richeson, of Chicago, bro- 3 y | uments proving that Columbus was . = ther of the dead man, was undecided § 3 | J : ' born: at Porto Santo, a small village The Armament Would Not Detract regapding the disposal of the remains «4 near here, From the Boats--Something May [and the maiter will be decided to-day | > ans ; y "Riega, is a person of considerable be Decided Upon in a Month or|it is expected, at a conference in the 2 ' : BETWEEN FORCES OF ANARCHY i} | authority, and formerly was in the Two. ; office of Attorney W, A. Morse. who ) + | |HE QUOTES HE EXAMPLE SET AND LAW. : colonial office." : = 4 was Richeson's counsel. . BY CANADA, a5] --- roa don, , May 22-Sir a homas It was the understanding, previous - F : M NG A M! 2. Shaughnessy 's resence j [4 . i 2 . | . . What Miss Agnes Lant, tha Weil SEERING A MATE and is tary Ws with, high! a = fs Sveowtion. Shut the body hd : r | Hon. Mr. White's Recent Address Is known Writer Says--Panama bit Age Puts No Barrier to Call of] trative authorities, give rise to many {taken to his boyhood home in Vie \ s | Commended--Now is the Time for Canal Will Accentuate the Situa-| J {7 ; Cupid. surmises. Ile made the following ginia for burial but circumstances a- ol 23 Imperial Federation, Says ' the tion, Macon, , Ga., May 22, --~Though statement rose which prevented the plan from A ; p i : ) ; "1 am not yet in a position to make ||: ; Montreal, May" 22.--A fearful dan- ; scarred by the fires of war, C. J, Wil- a definite announcement regarding the being carvied out . : s : bd liamson, * a confederate veter n ofl : *neifio' Sa: A esteeet-- ger to the we Hoeing of Canada is A a # a Canadian Pacific's plan for buildin . » brewing on the Pacific coast, gccord % Louisville he enty-thues _ years fant transatlantic liners. You or WILLIAM AIRD TO RETIRE, faa, in Glasgow, ing to Nfas Agnes Laut, the well J g ia 0 Or Lo marry a lseorgia | of our proposal to the government |. gested imperial preference as on writer, i. is in Mouvtreal al y : od if he can find" ond that will have that theese boats, which will have a From Locomotive Inspection Posi- most likely solution of the present is. ter an extended tour in the west. : a, speed of twenty-two and a half or tion on Account of Il-health. dustrial unrest. Quoting the example Mite: Laut declared thas anarchy is wm po " ? r-- a the twofold purse of sceking i William Aird, for the past ten years « WiLulam A of Canada he said « "he moment rampant along the Pacific const from " : is Georgia gitl and attending the re- locomotive inspector for the Grand MOTO wv she gave us preference British . San Diego to Prince Rupert, and that | BR JOHN CHARLES BIGHAM. LORD | union, ilhamson has walked 032 Trunk, Canadian Pacific, Intercolonial = had rt. : A SRSEY, iles. He is trip fr ie s x A RED Washington, May 22 William A. [Ports jumped to three times S.crisis is rapidly approaching between | who neads Einglimh court of inquiry ville, Februar San, hin Yip Jom louis and {oatadinn Sorthern Jailway, il} | Prendergast, 'comptroller of the city [quantity sent previously, We hai the forces of ana y and law and # Thal dissscer "Tum going to station my self right : Le a grep dg mach Ne of New York, has been picked by Col, | last year in the question of the Cans order. ; : POISON SENT 70 RICHESOX. in the principal part of town," he regret of his employers. and all with Roosevelt to make the speech placing adian-American Teutfgsiny a lesson i am nol Apainnt labor organiza- said, "and sce the girl 1 want. The whom he has been associated, during helo (pomination for the presidency | which { hope has sunk into she mindy i , +, 0 , a. Po coiih do s , . Mason x » 5 . cago eo 'enti Ci . i Homa, ed, Oo, Jontiry, Same Kind as He Gave Miss Ayis I'm going 10 find out if she wants his stay in the city. Before removing dolore. the Chicago convention next gd hurts of He Beople of this oun. there are so-called labor orgatdzations ! Linnell. me, atei--t a a ; 10 Kingsion he yas, Jot an rol Mr, Prendergast has been an active | would inevitably have bass, Po ant Boric in Brith Columbia, and in Somton. Mag. 2. Among many let INARTICULATE SOUNDS, a "Mr." Aird has been lately in ill. | B&Ure in Col. Racsevelt's' enmpaign, ¥ Somplets -- are on i: 3 ' . A "qe § health, and will, with Mrs. Aird, re 2 8 VIR "e LARTER > 3 Tah re nothing more than gon ie wate ed by, Worden Made Crazy Through Crief, Mother mire to Barrie, Ont., to take up re-| GAVE LIFE TO SAVE BIBLE. Shary of wanndian trade would have ' thy, object of which * os, y ? + . a >. 'Wi ive hile i : mom precisely si share is to overthrow capita) od law and | contain eyanide of potassium. It was «Locks t'p Children. FEIN © ieee with relatives, While in the Eight-year Lad Drowned in Attempt 'ip the Sen of the United Staten order mailed from Station N.; New York | [San Francisco, May 22.-A remark- : ir. Aird was a valued member of to Recover Book. M Churchill the Moro {hye May 19 oa "fable case of arrested development Chalmers church. He was one of the ; ak 30 : Ee da . Other I have a trunklond of the anarch- oy Fa th, iat . Pan, For coll: | came to light here when the insanity # best locomotive and engine inspectors a mplon, Ont May 22.--Archibald spoke of what the colonies ist literature that is being. dissemina. | fainc Bo clu fo the sender; the pow- i reoBi ¢ Re 7 in America. MeRechiney, eight years of age, the [do in dofenc Ii they (the British ted up and down the Pacific coast by [der being enclosed in a small sub-cn- Sommmision Hiscoverad a tunes Drm : mice IRR only son of Mrs. A. McKechney, a government) had thes - Canada rata organisations ae the In. | \slope marked "headache: powders. (2% ged twenty-one, -and his ho had Must Comply With Law, toeal widow, lost his life last evening | would have dropped out of Ake ternational Workers' of the World and [Analysis developed that it was poison | 4, aged seventeen years, who hac 4 : 4 ; . through trying to recover an old Bible pire and formed an alliance. 'with the Federation of Labor," she said, | of the samé mnafure as that which Pin imprisoned with their erazed 4 a Collector of Customs Lowe, of Cape which had fallen into the creek h : BE She Pesteru oe or . suid, killed Avis Linnell. ; mother in their home since birth. ; \ 3 3 Vingent, NY.. bas issued a circular Endeavoring to draw the big ' book Sa. aation oh the thet that the destruction of all property Attorney Morse said that he advised Théix father died S00n after the - calling the atiention of notor _boat out of the swollen stream, opposite hop ey belief boning brs for ights is the j i i Warden Bridges to make public the | Pith of the girl and the shock affect: 3 |< hors to section 3121 of the Unitedlg: p..i%s church by means of 4 pe : he / goal | i --d rs t object that is being fact of the reedipt of this powder. |? the mother's mind. +The children States revised statutes, which reads ; pole, the lad lost his balance m which wo should aim is a veal "1 iow you posters which | Richeson was entirely innocent of any hud been kept in e darkened room. The master of any vessel with oar" | tambled into the ' muddy water. A ation, the U ith ia) stato that the. sha. Of these. 36-colich kowledge of its having been sent, the| | hen ofiters o he Sanity com: 80, . Passengers or baggage from = any long 'pole' was extended to hin from ic Ja ui 3a v lahog organizations is a three-hour | Attorney declared. He added that he ision entey } he Suns Sue prison SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY. ra pos Soll Shute a petmult exe the shore as soon as he rose to the ed, Boge h be. \ : io, > y y > > y ex aw re dis i o - 1 i had every reason to believe the con- amp.) 1 " py, surface, but he had not sufficient { *%, Anadi j a a a Bei Silited a the damned man had no expectation of | Pounds. i mk twentyrthrée knots an hour, should be | PAr&ing or 1 Bg the same. strength to dling to it. His rubber Tn he oye uw White made : some Uf the tenders with whom 1 talk. | "BY Such wieans of death. A NEW CABLE 30 P.E.L fitted so as to snake them available ; - Mr. White, . RR se pani t boots and sweater also weighed him ; g . . : --------------------------" . a " MF " 3 flown, and, although he rose 4 se speech which may. have far-reaching ed, and they said their object was to i eee 88 armored cruisers in cosy of wak ? TAFT ADMITS DEFEAT : i Ho said Canada was C i "This would 'be ¢ tical o . cond time, ten yards down str i | *Onsequences, © said Ca | make inhor so wr that {he capital VOLUME OF CRANK MAIL To Replace the Line Broken Last tia us Yeo ir Ai iH HOME STATE OF OHIO struggled for a OR a ready to make such ab stra) - from the. ent holders and trans CONCERNING RICHESON j : ey ter. a gested. The armaments would not in aMsistance was near, and he sank | (Cheers.) Well, x Wisudge the ay fi ~ Prasel ir sol ih Halifax, N.S., May 22.--For three the slightest manner detract from the ------ Again in a few moments. The body of my country : Lo erred to them--that their sole object > | months or more telegraph messages | boats for passenger service, would not, 3 [mot ready: to make it, asd. 'mow, au 18 fEcrihrow. ea ial. te bite One Young Woman Wanted to Die between Nova Seotia and Prince Kd indeed, be visible in usual circum Roosevelt Garried Majaiiy of Prim- ' : " e situa: (Cheers.) . v ward Island have heen sent across the she. I" or iv off oe 1 "There are great diffoulties, Hon would be Jitanly jictentunted with Straits of 150 by wireless, the old Stave. The matter i» aii nde ds aries---Taft Goes to New Jersey ISMAY, WAS THF FIRST [roshing Weak, i 'over: ae roth of Bio sleimbons semen For the-Young Virginian | the winter | io OPE to De able to say some] , Buy 5 has not been recovered. ] ] c a kd There are t w-namely, the Malian ad broken and the ring the winter thing definite in another month or to Campaign. x To Realize That the Tithe ' Way difficulties fot grow less. Soatich owe in Ln ortigy sh dies el. sreventing its repair. The first Inten- | two, With thése three liners in the Washington, May 22.--Presidént Taft Sinking. will grow greater as time goes om. Spaninhn Wars i toll on the! Poston, May 22.--A woman of twen. | HON Was to effect re py but it | Atlantic and the two cighteen-kmot | has received complete retums from| London, E g- May 22.--Third Ofi-{In my belief, if some arrangement Panama and they intended to |ty-three, ina letter received: by Gov, ha lan deoicied Instead to by Mo | steamers now being built for us onfsixty of the eighty primaries in his {cer Pittman, before Lord Mersoy's Ti.lis not made soon it will never be grant steorage rates to the Pacific | Foss, asked the chief executive to tet 9 or this Pe Jinja the Pacific, the mail a to the far own state of Ohio, and this Morning | tanic commission, this afterncon, said |made." = const which would be oaly 85 higher { spare Clarence V. I. Richeson's, lif Joke to ay, with cable i hig ork | cast would be considerably reduced in {he was prepared to admit that Col. | that General Mavager lsmay, who he Toon i the 'Atlantic coat. [and allow her to take 'the of |! oh 4 ey etal i hock i . Nor time, and time is, of course, the great | Roosevelt hud carried the majofity af [did not knew then, was the first to ' The result would be that hundreds of | the murderer of Avis Linnell in the | fomp: Y the 'end of this | nsideration with the governments them. Far from being crestiallen over | realize that the Titanic was sinking, Made Year Round Office. thousands of South of Rurope immi- Slottrie chair. This Jette was only | Week: concerned and with all of ws." the result, however, President, Tait is ; "He told me there was ho time to Supe ¥ ot N-Y May Bh is i its one of many that tl overnor re- mata Cask - San preparing at once to go to New Jer-|lose," gai 'ittman. "We must et | repor at the sub-port of Thou Sri ould te Pumped into British ceived in ny to the on cade, MONTREAL WIDOW MURDERED. NO MISUNDERSTANDING. rd jo Shinpaign Shere. One of the |the women and the children into Ene sand Jalasd Pack, hat hae ads a ' . Some of the writers threatened ------ . distubing features of this morning's | boats at onée." Immediately after |year around office am at dors a alutaty ng Sngeally the governor's hie or the action he | Found in Boston Apartments Chok: The Rranco-Hussia Atfiance Stillfreports to independent r {pridge : ublicans is | this, Capt. Smith gave this order, | Collins is appointed chief depuly = at sands had already arrived in that | took in nqt referring the ease to his ed to Death, the fact that Governor Herman was|and Mr. Ismay helped the officers car-| that place at a compensation of " condition, and the $25 or 850 that | executive = coupcil for commutation. Boston, Mass, May 22.--Mys. Iillian | Paris, May 22.--An inspired de | very strong in the democratic primar- ry it out. per diem, Heretofore this position has they were supposed to have in their | Gov. Foss is considering calling on dewar, Montreal, was found murdered |SPateh ftom' St. Petersbutg io: the ies, and appears to be practically sure ------------ wen a five months" appointment at $3 possession were lent them by an agent | the state police te investigate it. |i her apartments in the South Kod, | Temps denies, in the most categorical {of carrying Ohio for the democrady Would Exclude Children, It fis also undersinod that the sem. and had to be returned when they got of the letters and prosecute the writ- Her nostrils: were stuffed | with | form the insinuation that there is a when the finals take place. Toronto, May 22.-A deputation | Mf Ports at Grenells and St. Law- ori shore, These men, destitute and {ets. The volume of "crank" mail string, her mouth choked with a ki- | divergence of views between France ne from oi Toronto Yiligatice pu in rence Park have been discontinued. friendless, were got rid of by the | which has been sent to the governor, mong, a towel was tightly tied a |8nd Russin. Russia, according to the Roosevelt Is Cocksure. 3 & : r By this arrangement the territory foy- 3 ) ' " . . : , tior wpearad before the board of po- | , " oy anarchist organizations, and taken to | concerning the Richeson case is = the hout her ncok, and there were bruises | 495pateh, is anxious to bring the Tur- Sagamore Hill, U.S.A, May 22.-- |," a yesterday, re merly known as Grenells will be under their saloons and places of amuse | greatest in Massachusetts history. on her head. She had been dead |¢0-Ithlian war to an end, as it 351 Yule before leaving for his usual urge the exclusion of children under | the Jurisdiction of the 'Thousand Iu. ment. Seething with discontent over | Some were threatening, others plead: sines Friday. causmg immense losses to Russian morning Rorseback ride, Colonel Winton years of age from ull theatres | 18nd Park office and that of St. Law- the evils of the countries from which | ing, while still more showed a deep 3 fe : shipping, Nevertheless, the Russian Roosevelt wis told of his undoubted 4 : . refice. Park will be added 'to that of they had come, these immigrants religious sense of conviction that the aie body acas Sisavered by 8 man joovernment: does not harbor the "ilccess 1° Obl. "That certainly unless accompanied by parents or Alexandria Bay. transplanted t resentment to this | condemned man Shoud hot be made _-- slightest design against Turkey, Loon eottles the mater," sald Mr. Roose- jgansdians. As the i i I tinent, iti vere | to pay with his life for his crime. b is it exercising pressure on Turkey, SE hs withi : So py doe 3 utterly di het th Souditions wate a -pny -- Viscount Haldane Leaves for Berlin. Russia is likewise anxious to preserve oh soon pnination Is. atsubed. within their jurisdiction they der iid Laud Cry of Suffragettes. tive adherents in the anarchist Sause NEW ZYEALAND CRUISER. London, May 22.-- Viscount Haldane, | the existing conditions of things in verhans. but victory is su urs to refer the matter to the city soli- ondon, May 2~ May God defend The leaders of 'this movement Miss : -------- secretary of state for war, left for the Balkand. for which purpose it has with it. oo lames citor for a ruling. us, AS our cause is just. This was the Laut, said were men who Nad = been | Vessel Offered to be Used Wherever | Germany, last night. It was surmised | reached understandings with Austria rp---- . ory of the convicted suffragettes this ; i ' that he would continue his mission d Italy. These understandin re 4 afternoon as they were taken away to yuietly cleared out of Kurope, after Admiralty Wishes. : ) 8 : io Cel jan tay, 'These u i SARNIA MAY BE HOME WITH 0B UNDER ison 1 'e nine mon Bos was shot, in Spain. London, Mdy 22--The British ad- un in the early spring, relative to not inimical to France, which Russia R R y | prison to serve months, d : t | international relations and the re- hopes will not be influenced by th . RIDE ANIC TRIC There was very little demonstry- : miralty recently has been in communi- | striction of armaments, But. it was Lf Aerts OF ation destroy the | Of the Standard Ofl Company in the B IS P -S KEN tion. Mrs. Pankhurst looked ill. The THE TITANIC OFFICIALS cation with the government of Now ficially stated to-night that Secretary | solid Franeo-Russian alliance. ° Future. iran evening papers suggest that this is a . ; % . Zealand upon the Question of the em: Haldane's visit to Germany was of a a -------------------- : Sarnia, May 22.--Is the Standard Bu very bad blow to woman's suffrage, MAY BF PROSECUTED ployment of the battleship cruiser, purely private nature and was under- Senator Crane Retires. Oil company, driven out of the United Husband and Hotel Clerk Get Sy ------ . which is now bullding for presenta. | taken for his health. It Was apnounc- Washington, May 22.-- Senator Win-| States by trust laws, to {ake refuge : : : "Soussa cigarettes," Gibson's. thon to the royal mavy. It had been | od further that the secretary is not throp Morray Cras. of Massachusetts [in this town ?, People here say so, But in the Confusion Thief intended that the vessel should be | going to Berlin, ne of the three acknowledged leaders | and of course, hope so, for it will " " DIED. stationed in the far east, but the A or the senate, the richest member of | boom things tremendously. These are Makes Get-away. HUDON---At Peterboro, on Msy 33nd, government of New Zealand, in re To Unveil Mercier Monument. that body, and the one living senator | the facts in connection with the ex-| pu, May 22.--A startling climax fenant Coronary Viren on or Has: sponse to admisalty. ities. and | = Quebec, May 22:--The unveillng of | who never made a speech in his life, | tension of the Imperial Oil plant, = to a honeymoon took place when Wil- CMG. and Mrs, Hudon. : suggestions, saptased wish that | the Mercier monument erected at the | announced, yesterday, that at the end subsidiary to the Standard Oil eom- | jiam A. Page, a clerk of the Fairmont jrivate, Further notice later. the admiralty employ this ves: | government's expense in front of the | of his present term he will retire from | puny, which seem to indicate above hotel in San Francisco, discovered « oft ~ Kingat sl wherever © hor services would be Wuebee parliament buildings will take| public life for all time, prospsets. J. H. Archibald has moved burglar in his room at the Riverside 2 Stephen Vingent Wilts Fo most useful. His majesty's govern- | place on June 2ist. - ere from New York and is superin- hotel. : Punctal 2 x : ment. has gratefully ascepted, and in- ---- ---- Galt will reduce its hydro-electric | tending the 'erection of a seventy-five Page was awakened by hearing the one. gt Mie) eon his Jats poe. timated that the aruiser will be em- | The ial Bank will erect power rates by an, additional fifteen | thousand dollar office building bere, clink of coin. He arose and lighting port, via ory = if ployed in home waters. branch ing in Ingersoll. per cent, discount, to accommodate asta of 130 office | 1" lociric light saw the feet of a SL aT a ; hands. Factories and warehouses are man under - the bed. Mis bride also ROBERT J ee em -- " w-- " ~ TU {10 be increased and to employ nearly saw the. legs and 'seb. up a ery of The Loading Duaiib: a . ems AD one th d 'peopl "murder, = police, fire," and alarmed|,p Lo, : BOY KILLED BY COMPANION, |Euesis of the hotel, who blocked the corridors of the building in their night ---- : Oliver Stevens Shot When Everett) the iP to Yates Used Rifle. tempt. on the part: of Page to Port Hope, May 22. Oliver Stevens, personally summoned the night clerk twelve old, was shot and they returned to the i \ where the man still conld be bed. They moved the g Efi: "gos FF o£ g So unlocked, but the intrader climbed' out of the window to the was robbed of in cash and watch.

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