Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1912, p. 5

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TRANSFER WAS MABE OF MANUAL TRAINING TO DONALD SCHOOL, MAC- Board of Education Adopted He. commendagion of Management Committee--A. T. Hatch Appoint. ed Supervisor at Salary of $1,400. On the recommendation of the man- agement committee, the board of edu- cation, on Thursday night; decided 10 transier the manual training depart~ ment, now in thetollegiate Institute, to Macdonald wsehool, for the use of public school pupils, and appointed A. I. Hatch, superviser and teacher of the manual training of the public school pupils, at a salary of $1,400 per year, his duties Lo commence Sep- tember lst mext. The chairman, J, B., Walkem, pre- sided at the meeting, Sud the other members present were B. Chown, James Craig, J. G, Flliotr, J. M. Far- rell, James Henderson, Thomas Lam- bert, ¥. G. Lockett, W. II. Mucnee, Robert Meek, JI. F. Metealfe, A. W. McLean, William Peters, Dr. A. W, Richardson, W. J, Renton, Stephen Roughton and Robert Wallace. A wumber of communications received. Enoch Godwin wrote, complaining of the conduct of the children in attend- ance at Frontenac school. He stated that Mrs. Godwin was ill, as a re sult of the conduct of the children, and further stated, that if he was put to any expense, as a result, he would request the board to meet the same. rustec Meek pointed out that the trouble was caused by the pupils go- ing off the school property, and held that it was a matter that should be attended to hy the property commit- tea. The board expected the children ta keep on their own property. There wae plenty of room in the school grounds for « their play, and they should remain upon it, There was good resson for the complaint, and the principal of the school should see that the pupils kept in the school property. Trustee Richardson told of having made an investigation, and reported that of late, no complaints had been made, and that Mr. Godwin was now satisfied, were Communications Read. The following additional communica: "the tions were committec : From Gertrude Harold, Jessie Stew- art, Annie 'Macdonald apd Muriel Sprague, applviag' for position as public school teachers. Yrom F. €. Anderson and GG. Do! lan, of the Collegiate Institute stafi, applying for leave of absence from June 17th to 'the end of the term. a Fiva Greenlees, kindergarten director, asking for leave of absence on May Mth, 2Ist end 22nd, in order that she may assist at the*wedding of a friend Trustees Remon and Henderson moved. that the request of Miss Green- Joes" De refervedt Lo the management committee, with power to aet, but motion was lost, thus the matter the management Commit- received and yeferred to will go te for a report, . L. Chown, corresponding" secre- tary of the Y.W.C.A., wrote extending thanks to the hoard for the use of the gymnasium at the Colleglate In- stitute for the members of the asso- ciation, asking that the same privi- fege be extended next year. The department of 'education sub- mitted the schedule of grants to be given on teachers' certificates, the lo- cal grant to be the same as last year. Repairs to Schools. The refort of the property commit- tee, was presented by Chairman Mac- nee, and adopted. : The commitiee asked for power to expend the sum of 8150 for flowers for the Collegiate Institute and public schools, the same amount was spent last year. That repairs and improvements be made during the mid-summer vacation to a number of schools, and that the committee We given power to ask for tenders, where practicable, and report to the board. The cost will be about £500. Repairs are planned for the Colle- giate, Frontenac school, . Central swhool, Vietoria school, Sydenham school, and also alterations to the domestic soiepes kitchen and board rooms. RE FF The finance as committee's report as presented hy Chairman Henderson, was also adopted, It recommended the payment of a mimber of accounts. Management Report. Chairman MeLean submitted the re- port of the management committer, and after some discussion it was adopted, with one amendment, The report reads as fallows : "That, in response to the letter of -- Si Er SASKATOON, SASK. The Wonder City We are offering Lots in River Heights, Saskatoon, 1-6th cash, balance 6. month of May at $200.00 each, 24 months, at 7 per cent. River Helgits has ome mile frontage fer the 12, 18 and on . 11th, an accepted car<line street, and one mile of trackage on the: CiN/Rallway. River 'Heights Hes next to Cordage Park, proposed Industrial Centre for Saskatoon. near the city. the Lots in Cordage Park are offered at $275.00 each, in blocks of ten, The Saskatoon Transfer Railway will be completed in thirty days' time. This railway, which is three-quarters 6f a mile long, will haul cars from the C.P.R., C.N.R., and G.T.P. to the different manufacturers. The (citizens of Saskatoon in dollars th buy stock in the different Saskatoon. six days Subscribed one million manufgctories coming to River Heights will be the Residential section of the Industrial Centre. - Buy River Heights lots now before the price advavces again. Write for map and particulars of River Heights. servations collect. Wire re- SEXSMITH-WILSON & CO. 31 Willoughby Block 21st Street 'We Own and Offer $150,000 7 P. C. Cumulative Preferred Stock of the : 'NOVA SCOTIA CLAY WORKS LTD. CAPITALIZATION TPC Common Stock Par Value of Shares, $100. ed Stock due to 1st days of January, April, Cumulative Preferred Stock Quarterly div Authorized. Issued. cou $1,000,000 $300,000 «1,000,000 300,000 videndg on Prefert- "Jly, . DIRECTORS. " John R. Macleod. President, Director Nova Scotia Fire ins, Co. R. L. Macdonald, Vice-President and Manager. W. B. Ross, Director Halifax Electric Tramway, Halifax. 0. B. Smith, Director Eastérn Trust Co., Halifax. J. R. Douglas, Director Nova Scotia Car Works, Amherst. . M. Brown, Director Nova Scotia Car Works, Halifax. Frank Stanfield. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co, Truro, N.S. Applications addressed to F. B. MeCURDY & anadian 'received by the CO 00="wli¥ Te Bank of Commerce a any of the hae branches, or at the offices of .F. B. McCurdy & Co, Halifax, St. John. Kingston town, Sy Sydney, st. Johns, Nfld, ON $100 Par Value, 7 pe Cummlative Preferred Stock TERMS OF PAYMENT: 25 pe. on 23 pe, July Ish full June 1st." Sherbrooke, Charlotte- THE FOLLOWING Th TERMS: $100 5 pe Aug. dot, and 2 ru and wold on ® tasis of $25 per. A fui estimate of SS of the Common Stock. EE pi. i jon Empire day THE DAILY BRITISH WHA, the Canadian stating that the elub was pre B. Meek, secretary of Club, the observance of Empire day, that the club be asked to kindly provide far the Collegiate In Victoria, Frontenac, Rideau and the Depot schools, and speakers each; and for Sydenham, Rideau and the epot schools, and the Orphans' Home one speaker each. "That the pay for occasional teach: ers be as follows: For second class teachers and graduates with satisfac- tory experience, $2.50 per day up to a week's continuous teaching, and $2.25 per day thereafter; for third class teachers, $2 and $1.75 per day. "That the request of the Humane Society, to be pe rmitted to form Bands of Mercy in the schools be granted, the time to be given to in struction hy the society, to be one half hour in the afternoon' of 'the last Friday in each month; and that 'the teachers be requested to co-operats with the society in the work, "That the offer of B. W. Robertson, of 850 for prizes in a writing competi tion by public school pupils be Actept- ed with thanks. "That $25 be granted for prizes in a writing competition by Collegiate In stitute pupils. "That * the manual training depart nent now in the Collegiate Institute Ie transferred to Macdonald school for the use of public school pupils. This recommendation is made on the ad- vice of Principal Sliter and Inspector Stuart--the former to the effect that it would be better to drop manual traiping in the instilute than to give stitute, Central, the latter, that should be in regulations, and manual training public schools. Inspector Leake, who approves the plant. He stated that he would re commend the department to aceept the accommodation with certain improve ments which to the hoard in a letter. "That the board, having approved of the transfer of the manual train- ing classes to Magdonald school, that the question of preparivg the new quarters be referred to the property committee fo report later, on the cost with specifications for the calling of tenders. "That A. 'T. Hatch be appointed su- pervisor and teacher of the manual training of the public school pupils at a salary of $1,400, to commence his duties on Sept. lst next. "That the request of G. and F. C. Anderson, teaching stafi, from June 17th to the end of the term be granted, provided they supply sat R. Dolan ties for the remainder of the month." Manual Training Transfer, Trustees in regard to the transfer of the manu- ginte to Macdonald school. basement of the new school was be fitted 'out for this work. Trustee that the public schools should have the use of the manual training department as it would be of great value. In this department, he considered Kingston was somewhat behind times, public schools were fitiéd out for man- nal training. own equipment for the work,' Truster Farrell. 'Macdonald was sclected as the most central and heat adopted for the work. The ex- penditure involved will eventually bx returned ad the government will pay it back in grants." Tt was suggested by one of the mem- hers that perhaps the property com: mittee would have a surplus in the building of Macdonald school, that this amount could be used in fit ting out the manual training depart- ment. Trustee Macnee, however, pointed out that of the $40,000 granted for the building of the new school, the sum of £30,981 had already been expended leaving a surplus of $19, and that no money could be secured from . this source. Trustee Henderson said that he derstood that if the department was fitted out in the basement, that it would be regarded as the proper place by Inspector Leake, and that the gov- ernment grant would be curtailed. He ueggested going slow in the matter un- tl a definite statement was received from the inspector of the department. Trustee Elliott wanted to know why it was necessary to remove the de- partment from the collegiate. He could not gee why the work could not be allowed to continue at the colle wiate. He understood the equipment at the collegiate was superior to that which would Re put into service in the public schools, and his suggestion was that it be allowed to remain at the collegiate us at present, and that the public schools be provided with an equipment. The expenditure would be met in five years with government grants. Trustee Richardson thought that manual training should conducted in all the schools. He hat the work had been comm at the 'I'ne foundation fcr the un- Be he ty inead of ni ther hob. tom. At the Collegiate the boys poe taking the course who would! Messenger pared to co-operate with the board in | to the work the time demanded by the the of the transfer under the circumstances, visited Macdonald school and saw the room in which it is proposed to place would be communicated of the collegiate for leave of abeence isfagtory substitutes to take their du- Mclean and Farrell spoke ul training department from the colle- Trustee Mclean pointed out that the to Farrell was of the opinion that the as in many other places, the "In some places each school hi 18 ite added school and A FRIDAY, MAY 10, | men dor the proposed abana) oi 1 ling roem. Architect Ffl's has estimated the dost of the undertaking at about 337 foutside of a couple of propose ¢hanges. In addition there would tw the cost of the removal. . Reports on Schools. Tonspector Stuart presented a port for the month of Apgl. enrollment, 2,285, an increase of 60 owr April latt year During the month 42 pupils were withdrawn and 64 new pupils enrolled. The total average dfly attendance was 1,999 ( an increase of TH. The total' kinder garten enrollment was 205, an in crease of 7. The report of Principal the Collegiate Institute, pumber on roll for the Arr to be 363; sixieen below Ap ril a yefir ago; average atiendance. 340, which is six more than a year ago. The report of the school nurse, Miss | Jean McCallum, showed that 612 pu- | pils had been inspected; number of insiractions given, nn; copsiltations with parents, 37; home visits made, 39. re- Total ol the Sliter, showed month of Trastee Lockett referred to the proposed early closing of the schools | for the midsummer holidays and asked if any action had been taken along this line. Trustee Mclean, speaking for the management eormmitiee, stated that no dec sion had as yet been decided upon by his committee. THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Of the Death of Principal George M. Grant. | | THE LATE PRINCIPAL GRANT Ten years have slipped away since Queen's University lost Principal George Munro Grant, who departed this life on the 10th day of May, 1902. In his last public address in old Convocation hall, a few moriths before he passed away, Principal Grant. con cluded with these words : "May 1 speak of a vision whith has been given fo me of the future. 1 sec our university strong in your love, an gver-increasing power for good; our country purging itself of dross and pressing forward to be in the van of the world's battle; our empire, as ol old, dispenser of justice to all under | its flag, and champion of liberty, civil, religious, intellectual and com mercial everywhere; and our common humanity struggling up into the light, slowly but surely realizing its unity | and accomplishing its mission to es tablish the Kingdom of God upon earth. This is my hope, and one thing I ask of yon--never despair of the triumph of truth and goodness. To despair eny God." BEEF SCARCE AND DEAR. pieveral Local Stores Close Because of the Scarcity.* "The price of meat has not been as high in years as at the presént time," said one of the wholesale and retail dealers to the Whig Thursday after noon. "In fact, western beef is so scarce that six of the city retail stores have had to close their doors, within the past couple of weeks." The reason for the high prices, ap- parently is the limited supply of wes tern beef coming east, the rich man paying the price, and those of more limited circumstances, in most cases, having to do without the "cow." back the out 1912, GIR FITTER EW BUTTON BOOTS For Women Gun Metal, Patents, Kids, Cloth tops and Velvet tops on the New Narrow Toes. $3.50, $3.75, $4.00 and $5.00 . ABE RNETHY'S EE -- |BURGLAR IN A STORE MAYOR HOAG WAS CALLED our AT 3 AM. FRIDAY, The Burglar Entered His Store at the Rear, But Took Nothing--\ Policeman Saw Broken Glass and Notified the Owner. The slumbers of Mayor Hoag were disturbed, on Thursday night, when a policeman notified hm by telephone that his had been broken into at 3 am, The mayor went down im mediately and found that entrance {had been attempted at the back of the ice. cream parlor, and that another and more successful attempt had been made on the window facing on the street: which opens into the prescrip tion room at the back of the drug store. The would-be thief had suc ceeded in taking the glass out slick and clean, and had gained entrance, which was shown by an invoice file which he had 'knocked down and stepped on near 'the window, Either he had been scared at this stage ol the 'game, or apiter searching the em- pty cash register, had "become dis: couraged, for he made a quiet treat without any money and evident ly without disturbing anything. The work of the culprit looks like that of the theit which occurred there about two years ago, when entrance was gained through the back of the ice cream parlor by breaking the pane of glass near the door and pughing bolt in the door. This was also done last night, but the jam of boxes behind the door prevented its opening, so the sneak thief was oblig- od to take to the window on the streel, where he evidently in and undisturbed. At 3 am., when the policeman, on night dutv, passed 1 window and noticed the 'broken glass on the ground below it, he immediately notified Mr. Hoag. The most of the money locked up, but the thief overlooked £3 which was lying loose in the posiage stamp drawer, store re got wns Portsmouth Young Lady Dead, The death occurred at Portsmouth, early on Friday morning, of Eliza beth Mary Smith (Lilite), in her twen ty-third year. The deceased young lady had been ill for eight months, and during that time had been a pa tient sufferer. She was the eldest daughter of Thomas Smith, and had resided at Portsmouth all her life Gits.n's. not to this extent; so they say. customer they generally are forced to announ a figure tht will sweep them off thei feet. ~ Pork and veal are also 'tou ing the high spots" in price. A Reporter's Boat. One of the has invested in & motor boat, his friends have named the ark." The several trials, and has, with the exce tion-of being adrift in the harbor half a dozen ties. so far, been qui local newspaper scom "Sk He is fellow, and has already taken some for The engine has * up,' , Spins. equipment of his craft. Epworth League Address. Mics EE. Hall, visited street Methodist Epworth Leagre Thurslay evening and gave one her entertaining and instructive tal on young people's work. and has addressed almest » young people's society leaving wi.th each new ideas fresh inspiration to better things. Twins Were Born. Street, Ch ( Sangiutulstions. Tom the NY., The Buckley Hat And the Ruekley had in Bros Srawberies. Strawberries. All this week. R. H. Tove. "King's vy department at int im in 'the form. of a huge shell. The butchers expected a scarcity, but When asks the price of meat, which barque has been given up to tho young scribes expectations. an exceptionally good-henrted his friends, the fair sex preferred, out 'kicked ' to the disgust of the owner, who has now purchased oars to add to the Sydeaham on Miss Hall has been ke.t busy since coming here every in the city, and Twing, a Foy dud o girl, were bots Lio Mr. and Wes G Hoyt, of Sly Daily H a: Joye is Me known here, a a sepond cook at ang formerly 8 ee : only at Campbell at Camp! style centre for men's hats. Pinte Ra Powder. Weal the battleship She. is survived by her parents, two brothers, and three sisters, Agnes, Violet, Doris, Thomas and Joseph. The funeral will take place on Mon ce y » day afternoon to St. John's church ir h- How's This? On Saturday, at Best's, with each purchase wp to and including fifty cents, will be given a coupon for half the amount of the purchase. In other words a person making a De. pur chase will really pay 25c., as the cou- p- { pon for this amount will be a 25c. de a | nomination. No doubt hundreds will te | tale advantage of this most liberal loffer and do their drug shopping ot Best's Saturday and all days is y- ol 14th Regiment Drilling. The 14th P.W.0. Rifles is getting in to fine condition. Every evening of the week some of the companies are drill: ing. It is expected the first battalion parade will be a week from Friday night to the cricket field. The com: panies this season are about up tf the standard. Wecruits are still drift ing in, but it is not likely any more will be taken om after the first baita lion drill. No. 8 company had its first drill on Thursday evening. License Appeal Case, It may be another week before Hu apjeal of the hotelmen . against tu liquor license reduction bylaw will be beard the divisional court, Toronto. t was thirty-sixth on the fist. . The hotelmen are not (lasing any hope on being sucoesstul, bul think it worth while to make this jam effort to tey and ups. t the by aw. ol ks Hats With a Reputation. That's the kind you get when you buy at Campbell Bros.' the Incgen importers of men's bats in this per. of Ontario. 8. J. Chapleau, chief engineer of the ie works department, Uttawa, was hire on Thursday, inspecting the new wharf at the Roval Military College. He and Mrs, Chaplean were guests of Postmaster and Mra. James Stewart. Free lecture on Christian Selence to. night, City hall, 8 o'clock, by Frans 13. Fluno, MD, CSD. Everyone in- » Fama Davis, of Alexandria Bay, [ited caught ome' Ouiog to lack of a quorem, there notinds, atu veils, 50. Dutton's | ache ao meeting of the Portsmouth school board on Thursday night, $880800000s0000000ay 4 1 1000000000000000000008 A Pointer About ICE CREAM Means coming in to enjoy da- licious, creamy, properly flavored delight. health and refreshment, bettar pointer on earth. our lee Cream. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640, with No Try SR000000 000000000000 rELEPLEELIEEALELARIRESLLEEE0EEEE sesernteg BIG SPRING REDUCTIONS our big reductions but o < New Spring Suits Boy's Suits Youths' Suits « Spring Overcoats Raincoats ~~ - Also Big Reductions and SELLE ELRLLLLL00HMOLAEESLLE00L00L8000E088000000000000000 Up-Town Clothier. Al QU Ir TED OF THE FT CHARGE Kingston Youths Sentenced for Vag- rancy Charge. Bellevilie Omtario, William and lerbert Conway, ton, tried by Magistrate Masson on a charge of stealing brass from the Grand Trunk, were acquitted, but re ceived terms for vagrancy with which they were also charged. Both plead ed guilty vagrancy. William was given six month the Central pri son. conduct was bad, in Kingston vagraney and theft and drunkenness. There ix a warrant out against him in cvonoection with the robbery of a boot store in Kings ton. 'The. younger brother, Herbert, aged eighteen years, was given one month, be said it was his first ap earance in court, King to 5 in His previous » having served wi Napanee for terms Bank Transfers, J. JI. N. Morgan, accountant in the standard bank, has been transferred o the branch at Arihur, Ont, ome manager. C. A. Bryans, teller of the Standard bank, Lindsay, for the past vear, has received word to move to the Kings ton branch. to bn . An Immense Showing. See Campbell Bros." immense show ing of new derbics and soft hats at I. $150, $2, 50, 3, K50, 54. Offer to the Plumbers. One of the local boss plumbers sta: ted to the Whig on Friday morning that they had offernd the men #250 ior a day of mine hours, this rate to pay Yo last until the fst of January next, until the bosses were through with the jobs they had contracted for at the old rate of pay Hood's Br = : Pills ge ng = We are-trying to tell you through this paper about ¢ would like you to call and see that they are genuine bargains. from $10.00 to $20.00 from $4.00 to $10.00 form $2.00 to $6.50 from $8.00 to $20.00 from $4.00 to $18.00 in Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps. L. ABRAMSON 336 Princess St. FINITE IIIIII IIIT a - - wo 10% CASH Given to agents selling lots in NEW ROCH Beautifully located on South Shore of river opposite Montreal Electric Car connection with City. Clear titles, Extremely low prices Forty dollars and upwards perlot on easy terms of payment, Write or wire for full information, SOUTH SHORE LAND CO, 501 5t. Catherine 5t. West, Montreal Housecleaners' Attention Use Furniture Restorer, Curtain Stretchers and Pillow 8ham Holders, Rugs and Oilcloth. JAMES REID'S iparintism Te. 'Phone 147

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