\ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THERSDAY, MAY 0, 1912. FAGE SEVEN [THE DAY'S EPISODES (linmsEmENE) 3 | saon sesses . essere o on ---- ein y | Ladies' Banking Accounts LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN| (GRAND PERl HOUSE) |} Ji GENERAL, The People' F orum Lo € i Are invited at The Bank of Toronto. Occurrences in the City and Viclaity| ¥ RIDAY, MAY 10 3 ; - 1 ~<Other Brief Items of Interest * | The Manager will be pleased to give > bait SnhgpiteginiBocr HETURY OF MY HERO, TTT PHP Ir sr Pr IP FIV I Ee Pe OPI PITS UT Iv FVII RT EPSP PTI SPV ares dev aat | i ' . : g s CONDENSED ADVERTISING RAT Ks terri Fu a any assistance or information required pendh. Giibubn's CHOCOLATE SOLDIER x oy BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE. i] x anes. R150 buttons } First lssertion 1c a w Rach con ANRGN ANYWHER -- for opening and keeping the account. Ver ot it Nh ia ralire iheriiah CiSreati S| ANOVAS ANTWMERE, CAN START A Lyy vw TN i fn 1 |W hit perm Co. 198 People. one Insertion. B8e: three bt Sof canvassing: be Your own boss: Bours , ut THIR'S, Phas, : nn ns seen here Inst rin Shes wis, $13 vae month, 03, { Saud far dren booklet; telin Bow | ae ---- - -- | Sachel. Lavy, Lockuort. N.Y ALBION HOTEL (BRICK) HA HOW & Bony ¢ » = very x WANTED: -- --- S-- smith, Gat wi urnitu and Ki © | fu o Sate HELP AN ey _-- SM FINANCE AND INSURANCE. livery stand. Apply, I. Graves, ft : ww Peterboro } . APPLY, AT ONCE, Prupriat r i Sak infants' shoes apd sweaters, | r : s GENERAL INSURANCE. -- T. 8} a ta ank of 'Toronto jlo. + MAY 11 PN AER ah = | a stots = 1 Ra i Hock - SATUR : i i L Rawikion's bickates Fire, Life Accident an Health 4 . INCORPORATED 1855. jl Bowatiers ehorchit iets utd, - { } Interest Paid on Balances. Cireen Mowitain potatoes I. Craw wo Emmett Clark, DA AG, hus! Drehestra HOY WANTED TO Poilvies ERIN Rodel asl ness ' oR 8 { MATINER AY 230. id Q, Ran. . : ¢ | sATEMAN 'E 2 " Capt, John Corkey has retus mek} MONTE THOMPSON PRESENTS GIRL SSIST WITH HOUSE EAN soldi GARDINER STIR L PAIR OF SOLID BRICK CAPITAL . £3,000,000 { home from Toronto The Hest of ON Fomedien, works Apply. $38 Prock Street. tofad Broker: , flex) Estate and five bedrooms ™ ! tid Ve id Re-nu-all for ss oe ---- Money tu Loan: a share of your University nat be : Wier RESY =.= CER DS ee SR ER pbiquid: Veneer BAL eau for mle DINING-ROOM GIRL. APPLY, don] Bustusen seth Ta Aarau teaving city. Apply, J arroli, : {at Bargent's Drug Store. on Coustacau, Proprietor Brunswick! Btreet. Kiugston. 'Phone 308. 14 Market St . $ The board of eduentian will met Hotel | La gular session to-night a ------ m-- ". CARROLL, 14 MARKET | GROCERY 1 OF r There was po scesion of the police. oom Warod Meteath's Moat Popuine, x ppRiENCED BRIVER FOR "ann Btreet--Fire, Life, Aceflent and the best resid pertlons of the KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. hp q + gtrh > " co use) Production ware business, Apply, ab Gigw 0 Health Insurafice, Plate Class city; aor Aa¥on OF jeonnt on Thu sdny mormag. P ong Ton Hiei onl Whi office Employers' Liability and Motor Apply to J . Carrol N i GEORGE B. McEAY - Manager Now is your time to get trunks [Matinee af, Ho; 4 hy : Tue. oat Insurance, Security Bonds, Market Stresr. "Phone i ' | wid suite ses cheap at Patton's. [Evang 25, 50, 15, $1.00, TWO CARPENTERS, APPLY, HUNT- Teal Estate 10° WINHIDOE. ROEIUIA | -- cera sin pmmm--ipi------------ Shop at Best's Saturday and gel OL SS Senta now. un Sale. & Harokl, Nicest : Bulidieg Calgary, Moose Jaw, eto NEW FRAME HOUSE, Vie ToRIA ¥ : i St { . qi ween's College Street, fea regular values for half the price. 'Al i NEX i WEEK PHRONTENAD LOAN AND INVEST. gain ta Waterman's Inks at 25 per cent. dis L NURSEMAID FOR ONE ( LD, AT ment Socleiy;. estahlished 1363 4p. Motor count. College book store Evenings at Kan, Matinée Saturdns. Hea ply te Mrs. W, mw, president, Sir Richard Cartwright, bp . Frontenac Strect money {issued on city and farm suds -- ------------ properties. municipal and conn'~v! ; 3 GS AND PORCH CURTAINS al ers. Seeding is the order of the da ee 5 ge FIRSTCL rss PLUMBER; debentures; morigages purchased; Capt, Joseph Dix, Sallmaker. ©» Wi =a % ; Ord te oh: good wages, Address, depusiis ived sod luterest =i the best awiiing maker in the | a EW : am 3 mains : piano taver, ; viders M } A Brantford lowed, { MeQill, har efty If you want a weil mada one fe Nu loy i | These are busy days with the farm- | JOE MARKS PRESENTS wesived at &. Phone 564, o -- Director, i Clarence Street that will last the longest, drop a Two hundred people came in on fh Dramatic and Vaudeville Company, , TO ACT As - card to 211 Nelson wet morning train over the Kingston wi With Gracle Marks presentioe on ne ADPDIY LIVERPOOL, LONDUN, AND SLoRk tenement br at | mot nridd 1 : APD ise [peieance Company. Avaliable TEN OLD ENGLISH OAK DINING Pembroke railway. Monday, The Ragged Princess" olon nefe 450 Princes Soret TN 01s Tr ao ie 3 MK i rc Chairs and two arn ' | sale of wnbrellas. Dutton's : | "Change of Play and Specialties Nightly | * oe marr Ng which the' policyholders, have tor Beaty and ba Kh 8% Very oF " 4 4 i 2 ¢ a cu t 313 « able hrices ADs raer Prine | Palmer's fons tats .n 5 SPECIAL 10) | 156-25 NOTHING paid rac no Apply ali the stock-halders. Farm and cess and Chatt Sif ® The remains of the late Samuel Bow- pRICR HIGHER. Ben adit 1ligan, oe Princess city property insured at lowest 1045 erman were Sent to his home at Seats on Sule Saturday. § » possible rates. Before renewing old -- -- -- ew Na ari ett re sme - or giving new business ge! rates y . a {Cherry Valley for burial. FOREMAN gW TE D. -- WORKING trom Strange & Strange, Agents | MOTOR noAT, DURY MUDEL, 33.1} H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 FREE I E ( i U remun for hb olighing room 'Puaone 216. ea i j . : H Kin: s'roel, Lease orders at Mc ¢ = 4 » ' 10. "Foreman, apark of a {As less book store. O0K TO LNT. vod « tian. Apply, | ALSO TO The next concrete sidewalk to be eon- 'HRISTIAN SCIEXCE end 10 loos: refefences ret -- or : 16 Iki concrete sidgunath to be enn -- SCIENCE, "ihe evenkis| .ARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH| mm hea structed will he one in front of the by ster A aek. at- 141: King Stree y : near City Park. | BEST WESTERN INTE ESTM ENTS -- y Hotel Dien, o yvdenham street \ A : i Jag 2 i v re ! am agent for Gra ink Paelt | Special ant iseptic tooth ., two FRAXCIS J. FLUNO, M.D, CS8.D.,} peat ee ee | SN Jen 4 tube fe. Sargent's Drug Store i California, i Asan AND RR Ki. vain WANT. 3 JOHNSON STR HRN Ki Al and Wella O ply. 4 | Pidwell is in Montreal atte . | : pr Bullding. Roykl Oy ! i, AW IN reo Marke tFuet ihr a rer shice.of the Mortrecd Dio. Member of the Board of Lecture- | no 4 : / , .Bge_ an yard and. shed: | A wen, A boas a Thealopical College Alt wit i Ae. thip, First Church of Christ, Seient-| rd , : bo Fou R GROUERY STORE x, win sociation : : ist, Boston, Mass, | eft vs [STORAGE FOR PURNITURK, CLEANS, | A IDB . Hn dias > : ! JE-AGED wom AN Fon Le GIT { dry, alry rooms, aboslutely moth Analg In Thi "So | Sale 3ineh ribbon, l0e Jone hair { C 1 TY H A I I isekeeping and companion tof proof; your own lock and key | n 1 An thr Lage Fac y ) La . £ aR i : jaa a : 3 « pins, 6 for 5 Fancy Rel covers, te pers - in} Frost's {ity Storage, 199 Queen St $ Py re . Rhos Me Dutton' { 1 ! } t} references. | 'Phone 526d. | : 2 1am 8, © Breet Te . 4 a Hox 5 5 gr off bi is o-------- cy i i : g : . : ; ), & . OR © \1 pi IRATE net Wer Toc a fer dren riday, viay | KARE NAT, SUITABLE FOR | RD ARAN CRE will he the guest of the Misses i EW GIRLS AND BOYS TO WORK | rn 8. tint s order far dw . + and 3 : fr I salle a r - kato | At EIGHT o'clock. pioasant ow reets ¥ to DJL) 3 reliable, Bin hunt hs te { 1 good wages { pier pT tan Ll y a8 - Joseph Marks is in the city, avrane- | 4 gia) invitation is extended | Deg AAT at BER sioininion: Tex. | a ---- 1 ' 1 pr hy tes an ¢ for Marks' Bros, company, with' {, 411 to be present. Babar a | : FURNITL ne, 8Pi0 S1y ngstun race Marks, at the Grand opera . | 1 dry y i f 6 - ga _ ---- - Ul nest week AN INTELLIGENT PERSON was ef WW i shed: | Fl tus, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, pinsters' Convention," Friday barn $10% monthly cor asponding | O1eK, . MeCs . pig is ¥ hy © spapers n ? \ ! AT : wing, Portsmouth Orange hall -W '\ . ne nap 14. bh pFhRuAsARE FE Tne Ta Co.Lm. are, china tart of proceeds. MoT Ee hater Bn, in| SUS STi? SE idl ventrally lorated 3 b { Oo 5 surely gave sy 10 Sost «| itr the Sisters of the . bit 2 : 3 I 3 E You will surely save mone 1 8 ; at Le jon. COUNTRY DOMESTICS, CAP. : iL_Octaber, Apply at -- - on Saturday Shop early and oft | by na Shout v he S6on hile Scgtch English and bh 08 "Ring Bircet East, * 3 : ; { FIRST-CLASS BE | Ihe Harbor master will again be « . my oF maids 1 Danish girs; FIRST LA E a : b srefuliy # ter awrers of small bouts, who dda SMITT Arch t arriving weekly. Apply sow, © ATEREN. re : ) \ : : > 1 Gulid, 5 Lirommond Street, Mount. © not carry hghts on their crafts it : ' "4 ! van! nr 997 Hank Steael (iowa - . night. The law says that even a skifi } 4 . : ro PARTIES, Bal, LS {must show a light, : NOTICE. | | Nene deahiesi Bai THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION HID: 1: pte 8100 bat ins, 2a shatton | = SAVOY wavien. ne a EEE ali" 1 Crgig is leaving Ottawa | A M Asx wes FING f 1 ae . a. 8 ' a | Piao sve PON. GUICH Sang artlv for anit e ti hy im bin the LABOR HESPECT ABLE airl Wot Lh . a hs OF LONDON ' . v ENGLAND. shortly for Kingston, where she will { AY EVENING, MAY teh, a i Lo mind for aot} " rm" » Etanting i ¢ TOTAL ASSETS - *$10,000.000.00 Br Ea a | nck, se pte ; he nd oi ature HX UT HOLSTERER. ipend the 8 3 ak on marterieaf "interest to org " J. GAVINE UPHOSTERING, Ri Deposited with Dominion Government for security of policy Rr kM. C heat on ma A A Nr inte, Ae. 3 $ College 3 i; aa and cerpet work, hair ms holders EC GEOBDO00 1 a rare reraval wk , I Unfon men are requested (na WANTED-~GENERAL. Sek pL haTEUNG, Hop a card Bagot Siract W. Doran, of Toronto, formerly - Did A xe ENT a -------------- B U S1 N ESS T R ANSA C T E D Kingston, was in the city on ADS To EX¢ HANGE A G aon BUGEY Foul ANUHITEUDS, . . abr EE fo . EE » Uihwesday, on business for the Stan R ANY Jeat's. ¥ s: call after §& pm. | sae SA a -- wo $2,000 M0 NTE 0 STi ET, BRICK; TIRE RMPLOY ERS Lo ABILITY, ACCIDENT, SHR NERS, dard Life Insurance company, of which CATARAQUI B "3 COMP i nam.» ! ATH RK ARCHITECT, bo 200 AR > BONDS AND AUTO MOBILE INSUEANCE, i he een Hrook rei i , STONE AND {he "wm peneral agent i HOWARD S. FOLGER, Agent, Sle fg. Seoteh hat pins, 26¢. Dut Notice to Creditors. a tics Ta AM oe HEAR ¢ Supow, 1 3 Shami 5 a AND Goon ¥ Caun"s Estate Agency y A AN RENCE ¢ ing i i fwo carloads of steel eongtruction, -- Brock Stree a Tr ------------------------------------ i 44 Clarence St, Kington, Ontario, Phone No. 905 | wo caviosrs ride Work ction: 1 ALL PERSONS' HAVING CLAIMS rapt, WU NEWLANDS 8 SUN, ARCHL| BATS AY & . Office i i - ¥ 3 Coa against the Catraqui Bridge Company i eu-- w---- w---- ---------- { Canadian Northern railway, have nar} omc chy requested to render i Nic BE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPIva| -------- frived in the city and will be takén | statement of "their account to the machinery: wil 5 . . | 1 # I ner il pay good ( for ag ¥ TEA! TEA | TEA! Cook' |) Cotton 'Root Compound. | out to the scene of operations, undersigr at i ghd A LY ne same British Whig Phi ub x " X uN, k ARE 17 iS, MER HOTELS AND RESTA! RANTS. : wp ' aki' Aikan's Street, ov p + the day of Company ants A Hu KB, corner ° Tea Gardens The great Uterine Tories; und | "Palnur's soars i : June, 1912, after which date a division rock und Wellington Streets From th Finest Ti 2 jard ns of SE only safe eficotunl Monthly | (vu Thursday morning, the belt line { of the Assets or the Company Will be drop a card. : ney NSW hb Hori, UNTARIG sy Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest 4g. rgulator on which wom moan . skal up nn de the fende } | made to the Shareholders ; . vppos) ! flavor, Green and Black at 30c per 1 depend, Sold in three a CAF: piCiad Hp a GOF an the Jencer ahs ras TWO ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, oR EB iron pound, at A of strengtic-No, 1, vo. "gy carried it a short distance along Al By order ani elderly la suitable for. ligt DENTAL. bar or ANDREW MACLEAN, 10 desross stronger 3 fred street. The dog jumped off with THOMAS: MILLS, Sec,-Treas hous ANZ: rent Mult be Mode. | mses ---------------- RE ye Huu Ontario Street. 4 Sold by a out heing the worse of the ride. Kingston, May 6 1912 rate. A } Bene. AK, KNAPP, BA, LDS, DL.DS, RE- } re pale Typewriter ribbons and carl f Se oo Felilviouineh LL : fr i -- a ee pamphlet. Ho : hg oe Fe jong nl a Colle EXEC UTOR'S NOTICE TO i ; SPATLIKS A Wo SPARKS, DEN TISTS, Prue GRIM Asx HOTEY, Anotl I KS l { Ons Meoione Oa., Tone 0; 0n% oo oly book store CREDITORS . 20 TO 24 PB . ; ). 1.2 neess Steel, Kingst Prices rel i Anather Fresh supply o - rer bie eh nt : . : ; « rt » prod dp Motte : i p stat A 1 Striped blouses, 50¢., while they last ar -------------- Vatton's AL \REDITORS . AD ing ulars, ma if host | pg, NASI, DENTIST; DR. C. COLUMBIA Cueetaker John Ballantyne, of the! id ain ain he -e 3 4 : - g : pe Pring | R a : eTown ; 1 city hall, ia looking for the owner of 3 8 . ' reasonable Mu \ We have installed - "a small purse, which was picked up in| Frontenac, F ner : r or ar : i YKROYI RI . BATTERIES hr pe rs tHe 18th day of Ap 91% are| SHOR REPAIRING OF mveRy pe. U0 KROYD, DOA. LIK, DENT. PERSONALS. over Domini xpress Offic hall requ ested to « 21 their seription; first clase work be . ' -------------------- r----n = } . Gi i s . . . 3 Welllugton Sireet Phoy ae - - ps am------ - i . . musical event given in the city ; x leather oni od: 'he } 01 3 ) laims tos Jos AQ ) 3 : rial will 19 HAIR, MoL ' Just Received, to go at A Key Cutting Machine Green Mountain potatoes. J. Craw-|s t, Kingston, Insure gen a TY pe Four 1epairs ! -------------- pa marks a he WARTS, miRTA. " , ip . B Keo 3 Barrie Street, cor. of - - --- " and ally hin Pe S t . ford. : ad . me aa OR OF 1 ™ , LL SIMPs0y, | LDS, DI $2 DENT. } vin permanent r é FOR I'he city engineer expects that re-| date sald exeeutor will nroceed to di: : ee Banal t Street Bagot . pg g a ' 2 ribute » assets of the y nt Stre lea i pairs to the asphalt brick pavement | tribute the assets of ti NE CAKE NOTICE. 7 : he pers : le re y : 5. THAT WILL of Six will soon be started. Quite a number! to persons entitled theret y } Ral BUY ta | gard to those claims only "of hh eo a | kinds of second-hand furniture - of bricks are loose, and the contract- | shall, then have had notice and will} and stoves will p {ing company will make them tight. I not Be Hable for any part of sald as- as Te betas Fon LEDICAL. "Ronfre v sted." Uibson's sols to any person of whose elaim on Thompson 3 p88 Str 1 -- th -- : it Hibso shall not have had notice at the t | next St. Andrew °} AW WILLIAMSON Has mi DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, ~---- . . i Kevs ¢ 'hile v al Black underskirts, 50c. Dutton's. of such distribution, OVE fitter and evs cut while you wait. » 0c strfbution is 1 n ] I Sa hile I, The: funeral. of the lata. : Ulnrence v salicitor fo; GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEN Kin iatreetn Street, where . ° Hays took place from his late resi Kingston. Agri 25 1512 Ne n oth ey Rave it inode ih HEIR m sets TH : deaoe on Uolborne #triet om leuratiay pee to-date = § a i _-- a p ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR W } MOORE & SON afternoon, to CUataraqu Co ~The Jnanshin : t : ' v : AE . . idervice wag conducted by i vw. SALE BY TENDER the SHOT ot 116 BROCK STREET. . iSavary. : rls Thohe 1215, Agents for I Through the kindness of the mili- GARDINER, or, « LAN- Main Street maves » 258 Princess GAS. Cadiilae, Hudson & MeLaughite | tary authorities, the armouries have | COMMISSION MERCHANT RUSINESS | ------ v = CONNINGTAM TTT ats | " { oy p 3 x OF LATE J ¥Y, PARKNILL. | KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING co, and Bolicito f Motor Care, | been given over to the general hospi i i : 4 9 | ra law Oftlc 11 Ltal Woman's Aid Society, for ho Tenders will be received by thel 21 Montreal Street--leave al OSTEOPATHY. & rence Btrest. Kingstown | a undersigned up to Priday, May 10th, | orders. at Sargent"s Drug Store : 3 fevent they will put on there in Octo | 1512 a: = good window cleaning weather ix « i ; 2 . -- ) 912, at 3 pak. MT the thirshase of the A ing ath HEALTH SITHOUT DREGE | OCEAN STEAMSHIP oN | ber, { Stock. inuTrade. Gopd-will and hor boynd to come; don'l delay your Finch iP Ree = n. f AMSHIP AGE NOY. 10 per cent. discount on all framed Io s83l8, a8 & going concer af order until too late: place It at $ sist Offios Offi - : n 1 ! " sthess sarried or Lie 1 3 once and be sure of 4 capable man 10 ta ' F te : ser 3 TRANSATLANTIC 3 LINES, ALL CL . for unframed pictures. College Book |p arkiill at No 139 ale 8 to clean your windows; we also > and by ap-| L LASS No, 2 i Street y pi ment Consuitat jon tree Kirkpatrick Agent 0D " store Kingston, Ont teke off storm windows, i ' : ee 1 Clarence fireet, Kingston. * & Ral : » ' in ¢ : AY Be i i Sale 15¢c. hat pins, 5c. Dutton's, Further. par dealars, may be had oa : : ; avpl ihe Bare Dies ---------- A A F 0 R S A L. E { According to the report of the har- | App Rate ", ] he stgre pre niges. pin J J bor master, William McCammon, the | No bi ds ha Rei aceented, i ho ' 0 *STABLISHED 186¢ 1 : my JEWELRY At Attractive Prices wuter in the harbor has risen ten. jn- " Suidior for Esecitors mas pley Wi HOT WEATHER FUEL ches sifice navigation opened. It. is Kings oii 30 o (1) Several large. commodious now seventeen feet, three inches in ngs Apr w-- ns RT PHONE 987. WE PAY SPECIAL AT. Teetencen al Aden ona (ents. 1 F . a tant fo. 10. Pies Riseek wna Lie TENTION TO REMODELING (2) A number of moderate size Ht King's Plate Condition. Powder, Dr. Mattel's emale -- & "aiyihing dene in the A : ' OLD PIECES OF JEWELRY prick and stane retidenten, 2 |} =0. pactee. : Uilwows, | ne macs given ER j Hardwood, Softwood, Kindling el arr AN igen a Tony a) " li So far this year, thirty-three new n . 4 bi "" : t , Ve h ' INT NEW AND. ARTISTI a5 A number of frame houses dwelling houses are under construc- Nineteen Years the Standard ae in oe entio I 4 /? Chestnut Coal. Pea Coal, DESIGNS. ? at Bargain figures, tion in Kingston, and yet they say Prescribed and recommended for women's oil | Shop #8 Street. ar HT Charcoal and Grat iis Ea ph 8 «the best localed Hii the population is not inércasing ! All ments, 8 scientifically prepared remedy of proves 4 ae GET OUR PRICES FOR ik lots in the city, con- Mi the city's houses are filled and still isco The result from their use is oad ALR x Coal venient (oe oar ine SUCH WORK. 6 A nuber OF sitractive. mad: |) mere ure: noted. oat. For sale ut oll drag stores, - 4 ¢ Routes for rent, furnished Deli d i WH ARE MANEP.OTUR apd unfurnished : h : vere any Quantity. (RF Canadian . Pacific RaHway | ¥ : MOST POPU Farm TAnas in CASTER, Bas- | { THE MOST TULAR k kKatehewan and Manitoba! easy | 0 I I i E 1 : . payment plan, 18 per cent } ' { \ 1 . e dow, i P -------------------- AISA ay High-grade ; Banas . and | Being well settled In my a 556 PRINCESS STREET. acks n arge ros i ; 3 IONE SrieaE sarge ep, new store, 1 am prepared to fli : acture of all kin ME paar agen tn po Jark HL} subpir wy customers and an B E13 oc imerare saicroms p a - Pl > tors pb br rh yp ii many new ones with my Home $ who are ipteressed | § | = 3 - and = made from Cotton Felt, Cot- al geal ety pees Hf mae pork sausage ton Baits. Watr, Fibre. ete. THAT TOBACCO Han, | i |. also Mattresses made fo order . With the ant on it . LIME FOR SALE : : : of all kinds aud descriptions. jSkdst 4a he . goes Along Tmly 46s per pound. For chewing ans Mattresses from $2.00 up. .: DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard AT A. MACLEAN'S, Phone $45, 235 Welllaxton $i.